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 Stormtrooper quits...

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Mortis Timeout

I have decided to stop writing UK Hardcore for the foreseeable future. The whole scene is royally messed up and I am not prepared to be claimed as its latest bitter dj/producer victim. Mainly as I am not bitter, I have travelled the world and met some amazing people because of hardcore, who could be bitter about that? I am just not prepared to work hard for a scene that doesn't appreciate it.

There are some amazing people involved with UK Hardcore, people who work their asses off week in and week out for little or no reward. There are also way too many over the hill dinosaurs, riding on the coat tails of their previous success, bringing nothing new, just milking it for all they can whilst artists with far greater skill get left on the sidelines as they are not part of the "old boys club".

People don't normally name names when it comes to things like this, but I like a bit of juicy gossip so here is some of my own. The best example of "dinosaur" has to be DJ Supreme. This clown has wormed his way back into the scene, mixing various large compilations over the past few years and ripping off anyone and everyone he works with. The guy is a useless DJ and about as skilled at writing music as a blind & deaf retarded mute. He has zero technical and musical ability. I have lost count of the horror stories I have heard about this guy, even from people who have known him for 15+ years, no-one is safe from his underhand crook tactics. Why have I named him? He ripped me off, simple as that. He has also ripped so many other people off who I wont name, its not my place to, but the guy is a pimple on the arse of musical humanity. Jeff, there is nothing "supreme" about you.

So anyone who reads this blog, have 3 free tracks. Tracks that are listed as collaborations between Jeff & myself. But unless you count sitting in my studio and eating as "collaborating" are anything but. Enjoy them, re-upload them and feel free to do with them as you please.

I will make UK Hardcore again at some point and there are numerous releases of mine forthcoming, but for now I have other things to concentrate on.

Much love


Thanks to hashlygreen over at
redwingz Old Boys club???? I can think of about 6 people he is talking about.
Young producers with more skill????? I can think of another 6 or so.
People who put everything into hardcore for little or no reward???? Many, many people
Wow....wasnt expecting the naming and shaming.....but if he is pissed off then he has a write to tell people.

Big respect to Stormtrooper! A massively talented guy and I hope he does come back one day. Also, big respect to him for saying how he feels and not just saying 'Im quitting for personal reasons' He obviously cares about the scene enough to tell us these things that he is feeling.
Nice one Mortis for the info!
hardcore anorak
wow i totally agree with redwingz as much as i love the old boys club my heroes from my youth. The scene should deffo without doubt look past them or maybe when they all pack up every other fresh new talent would of gone so so shit respect to you stormtrooper
Revs Doesn't surprise me actually. Everyone is quitting Hardcore, lol. No wonder when it sounds so shit like in the past year.
Meathead Fair play to the guy, massive respect, hes a great producer and will be missed for sure. Bit unprofessional in the way he went about things? Perhaps, but sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire i guess, i dont blame him it does sound like hes been ripped off and Supreme does sound like a bit of a **** tbh. Hope he makes a return soon and if not atleast starts producing some other genre hes definitley talented enough to flourish in any scene.

Vitalism he has every right to feel resentful towards someone who ripped him off. i wish there were more honest and straightforward people in this world, it's too bad that nice people get walked all over like this. (not really sure what the situation was, but anyway)

and really, about all the old boys, he is right. all of these producers right now aren't coming up with anything good. they DID come up with good stuff at one point, but that was yesteryear.

many of them have passed their best before date for sure.
Meph751 well **** me, that sucks
Mad Max shit

hardcore has lost one of its best assests then

dont u love the politics the sun newspaper should have a hardcore section
Leto Hm. That sucks. I hope he'll be back. He's my favorite producer. :-(
SPOOX Thanks a lot for the info Mortis.
Not that surprised really that another top DJ / Producer has left the scene. The music's shit these days & i think it's only a matter of time before we see others deciding to leave too. I was shocked to hear about Supreme though as i have always been a fan but ripping people off just ain't on. Something has to change with the scene. I think it's worse now than when it went tits up before in 99-00. I'll be calling it a day with Hardcore before long if things continue the way they are.
Vitalism we should all just keep hardcore as a pleasant memory and move on.
acidfluxxbass dj supreme is renouned as a scummy little shit, absorbing credit for tracks that became hugely popular even though he had help from other people, who were quickely disregarded.
Brian K well that's a bit of sad news. doesn't really surprise me with the news of someone getting ripped off though...
acidfluxxbass Re: Shuttlepro.

passion's, such as hardcore, cost people allot. stormstrooper probably sacrificed girlfriends, family and good time to devote his time into his passion.

however, when more important things outweigh that passion, the he has every right to ignore you wankers, shuttlepro, and dictate where his own life goes.
kdf someone fancy uploading the tracks again download limit has been reached
Originally posted by shuttlepro:
Wow just wow. What a stupid pansy ass. Stormpooper isn't hardcore at all. If he actually liked hardcore he would support it, fight, not quit just because some fag hurt his poor little feelings! aww! poor little stormpooper! you can go **** yourself! for your information you're just fu.cking shit up even more quitting! thanks for hurting the scene even more!

Oh well. He should just join all the other hardcore quitters like impact and produce electro in fl studio to play at preteen girl's birthday parties. That's where he belongs.

^^^^ supreme in disguise ^^^^

Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
Re: Shuttlepro.

passion's, such as hardcore, cost people allot. stormstrooper probably sacrificed girlfriends, family and good time to devote his time into his passion.

however, when more important things outweigh that passion, the he has every right to ignore you wankers, shuttlepro, and dictate where his own life goes.

danjel This was really sad news. Hardcore is the music I love but it will go under it someone don´t stop "the old boys club".
For an example, I was at raver baby 12 some weeks ago and saw one of this old boys, Seduction. When he played it seem like ho not wanted to be there. No passion at all. When he had done the last "mix" he just sat back and let the tune play out. They just do it for the money.... money... money....
Originally posted by danjel:
This was really sad news. Hardcore is the music I love but it will go under it someone don�t stop "the old boys club".
For an example, I was at raver baby 12 some weeks ago and saw one of this old boys, Seduction. When he played it seem like ho not wanted to be there. No passion at all. When he had done the last "mix" he just sat back and let the tune play out. They just do it for the money.... money... money....

After the last mix what has he got left to do? **** all. Come on bluecore, even u shud know that haha... The problem with the OBC is they think hardcore and the ravers owe them a pension just because they where big in the 90s...
Originally posted by shuttlepro:
Originally posted by danjel:
This was really sad news. Hardcore is the music I love but it will go under it someone don�t stop "the old boys club".
For an example, I was at raver baby 12 some weeks ago and saw one of this old boys, Seduction. When he played it seem like ho not wanted to be there. No passion at all. When he had done the last "mix" he just sat back and let the tune play out. They just do it for the money.... money... money....

seduction is a ****ing looser, he can go kill himself that stupid worthless fu.cking wanker. he is someone who SHOULD quit the scene

Do you actually like Hardcore?
MAtRiCks I've never been a huge fan of Stormtrooper's, but I do like the odd track once in a while. It's too bad to hear he is quitting, but so many more Hardcore artists come and go without making dramatic announcements like this... Unlike other peoples reading this announcement as a prophecy, this really doesn't strike me as a sign that Hardcore is going down.

I always thought something was odd about Supreme & Sunset Regime's comeback to the scene, especially since their first re-appearance tracks were very unimpressive. I guess something really was fishy :P

EDIT: [sarcasm]YAY! brand new anoying and rude users! Welcome to the boards![/sarcasm]
Originally posted by Wilky:
Originally posted by danjel:
This was really sad news. Hardcore is the music I love but it will go under it someone don�t stop "the old boys club".
For an example, I was at raver baby 12 some weeks ago and saw one of this old boys, Seduction. When he played it seem like ho not wanted to be there. No passion at all. When he had done the last "mix" he just sat back and let the tune play out. They just do it for the money.... money... money....

After the last mix what has he got left to do? **** all. Come on bluecore, even u shud know that haha... The problem with the OBC is they think hardcore and the ravers owe them a pension just because they where big in the 90s...

The set is not done until the last tune has played out! He had stand still during his whole set, doing boring mixes. and then he just sits back, putting his face in his hands and look like he wants to disapear.
Ever seen one of the olther old boys, Hixxy, playing live? He is not much of an entertainer. But if you looks on a video with him for like 10-15 years ago he was full of energy. Why, why, why does they still play out when they dont feel it fun?
SPOOX Shuttlepro = Another twat with nothing to offer has joined the forum.
Originally posted by shuttlepro:

Originally posted by shuttlepro:

Someone wasn't hugged enough as a kid.
danjel shuttlepro=Supreme?
Originally posted by shuttlepro:

Say's the one who seems to relish in childish insults on an internet forum...good job.
wong like i said earlier, shuttlecok = supreme in disguise
Originally posted by shuttlepro:

yes, i do need to make it bigger, becuase people like you seem to think that hardcore revolves around the raver and the listener.

dj's and producer's arent our slaves, and similarly, they deserve a choice and an opinion on the scene.

you have no respect for anyone and you're throwing around abuse to myself, other people and stormtrooper.

he made music for us to enjoy. when he wants to call it a day, you call him a pansy ass and tell him to **** himself, even after all his contributions and tracks which you must've ignored.

show us some respect and pay your tributes.. he made hardcore and participated towards your liking of this genre.

here here.
95_was_the_time the problem with "hardcore" now is, the "old boys club" [a name, i wish i had used 5 years ago but no one was listening to me anyway (because you're all scared of the truth)] are all 30+age people, whom share all the little 30+ qualities, well i say 'qualities'.

alot of people over 30, are sadly, (uk anyway) arrogant men and very judgemental, they got one thing right, the 13-18 age group are gullable as ****, it was no problemo brainwashing those kids to their bland watered down 'hardcore' they milk out every second. however, they forget the 20-30 agegroup of today know what they like. and, as a 23 year old I can speak for all of us. we like 90s hardcore only

so for hardcore to get more fans, we need to go back to the early raw sounds.
acidfluxxbass to an extent, 95, your right.

i like everything really. ill happily listen to hhc radio for a it of ravine or cotts, but also switch over to KFA tunes anyday.

but stormtrooper was undoubtedly talented and his mucic was well done and absolutely brilliant. he'll be missed.
Hi Breed Hi there Shuttle pro or whoever you are.
I'm actually registering because you are a wanker.

Stormtrooper, along with many other producers arent in this world to take s*** from people like you. They entered the scene for the heart of the music, they can choose when they leave. If your so much better than them at making music, lets see you keep the spirit of hardcore running through the years.

Hardcore was and is a movement of evolution and always has been, if it hadn't evolved it would still be Hard House. Hardcore will continue to change, if you dont like, go listen to anything from bonkers 1 - 7 (brilliant albums but none the less in the past now). UK Hardcore already takes various forms across the world and is forever influenced by other genres. Upcoming Artists will continue to be shunted by the 'dinosaurs' but they can and will be the world of hardcore eventually. Supreme isnt keeping hardcore alive, he's just killing its future by removing the rightful heirs from the scene.

To finish, FL Studio is no different from Cubase or Logic or any other. Skill of music is deppendant on the composer/producer, not the production value of the equipment. A fine example of this is Synthwulf.

SO 'Shuttlepro' your a bit of a nob end.
Supreme had his time, as did the others, but hardcore has moved on without them.

Stormtrooper your talent will forever influence the hardcore movement, I look forward to whatever you choose to move on to.
This reply goes out to all others as my opinion on the topic.
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
to an extent, 95, your right.

i like everything really. ill happily listen to hhc radio for a it of ravine or cotts, but also switch over to KFA tunes anyday.

but stormtrooper was undoubtedly talented and his mucic was well done and absolutely brilliant. he'll be missed.

He did make some tracks with hard kicks so I liked him! The 30 something group are those who where luck to be 20 somethings or late teens in the 90s! Today's teens & 20 somethings missed that!

Hardcore might go back to it's raw sounds, just the sounds that are coming out now are very dated although there are meant to be 'better' labels than Raverbaby (now dated) I havn't heard much of it as my local raves usually play popcore!
latininxtc Stormtrooper you will be missed

and SHUTTLEPRO if you think that stormtrooper and seduction are shit, then how about you tell us what you think is good hardcore nowadays?

i'd really like to know, as you have no logical reasoning to hate on stormtrooper or seduction, other than the fact that u really might be dj supreme in disguise
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
to an extent, 95, your right.

i like everything really. ill happily listen to hhc radio for a it of ravine or cotts, but also switch over to KFA tunes anyday.

but stormtrooper was undoubtedly talented and his mucic was well done and absolutely brilliant. he'll be missed.

He did make some tracks with hard kicks so I liked him! The 30 something group are those who where luck to be 20 somethings or late teens in the 90s! Today's teens & 20 somethings missed that!

Hardcore might go back to it's raw sounds, just the sounds that are coming out now are very dated although there are meant to be 'better' labels than Raverbaby (now dated) I havn't heard much of it as my local raves usually play popcore!

so your not prepared to travel the country for your love?
Originally posted by Hi Breed:
Hi there Shuttle pro or whoever you are.
I'm actually registering because you are a wanker.

Stormtrooper, along with many other producers arent in this world to take s*** from people like you. They entered the scene for the heart of the music, they can choose when they leave. If your so much better than them at making music, lets see you keep the spirit of hardcore running through the years.

Hardcore was and is a movement of evolution and always has been, if it hadn't evolved it would still be Hard House. Hardcore will continue to change, if you dont like, go listen to anything from bonkers 1 - 7 (brilliant albums but none the less in the past now). UK Hardcore already takes various forms across the world and is forever influenced by other genres. Upcoming Artists will continue to be shunted by the 'dinosaurs' but they can and will be the world of hardcore eventually. Supreme isnt keeping hardcore alive, he's just killing its future by removing the rightful heirs from the scene.

To finish, FL Studio is no different from Cubase or Logic or any other. Skill of music is deppendant on the composer/producer, not the production value of the equipment. A fine example of this is Synthwulf.

SO 'Shuttlepro' your a bit of a nob end.
Supreme had his time, as did the others, but hardcore has moved on without them.

Stormtrooper your talent will forever influence the hardcore movement, I look forward to whatever you choose to move on to.
This reply goes out to all others as my opinion on the topic.

Well said mate. Welcome to the forum.
Kosmic Meow

Shame about Stormtrooper :(

Any chance in getting thos tunes reuploaded?
Wilky Do people not realise this tit is a member of this forum under a different name? Its 1st post was in this thread. Why? Cuz it had to let off steam like the trooper!
Hi Breed
or you're just registering because you think you are the king of the internet.

Me, no.
But you seem to be if you think you can tell the whole forum that their music is rubbish.
I voice my opinion just as you have voiced yours.
Just mine contradicts yours completely.

Originally posted by Hi Breed:
or you're just registering because you think you are the king of the internet.

Me, no.
But you seem to be if you think you can tell the whole forum that their music is rubbish.
I voice my opinion just as you have voiced yours.
Just mine contradicts yours completely.

YOU'RE A ****IN P R I C K!
acidfluxxbass wilky, who are you referring to?

and shuttle, why is it so hard to respect other people?

do your parents beat you?
Originally posted by shuttlepro:

"King of the internet"? You sound like a very mature and intelligent bloke.
Originally posted by Meathead:
Originally posted by shuttlepro:

"King of the internet"? You sound like a very mature and intelligent bloke.

Didn't 95_was_the_time say something like that once? "What's this, the three kings of the internet?"
Originally posted by shuttlepro:

Why should you have any say in the matter? Your just as much of a immature ******* as anyone else here on the forum. Have you produced tracks? Have you devoted the past probibly 10 years to doing it? No.

Stormtrooper has a right to leave when he wants, if i had a girlfriend/family. Even kids, I would devote my life to them. Not producing hardcore. I would not sit there and make tracks if the other guy thats supposed to be composing it with me sits on his ass and takes credit for doing nothing. So dont come on here abusing produces because you couldnt get laid last night. Grow up mate!

Originally posted by shuttlepro:

nice, I use fruity loops to produce all of my stuff. Nu Foundation uses fruity to produce all of his stuff. Kev Willow uses Fruity to Produce all of his stuff, Nomad uses Fruity for a lot of his stuff etc.. etc.. etc.. It's just a sequencer dude chill.

Anyway just a quick message to everyone on this thread, we need to stop feeding the troll and have it turn into another bash thread. Stormtrooper was a great producer, personally one of my favourites in the scene. It is a real shame but I totally understand where he is coming from. You will be missed dude, all the best.
Originally posted by Cotts:
Originally posted by shuttlepro:

nice, I use fruity loops to produce all of my stuff. Nu Foundation uses fruity to produce all of his stuff. Kev Willow uses Fruity to Produce all of his stuff, Nomad uses Fruity for a lot of his stuff etc.. etc.. etc.. It's just a sequencer dude chill.

Anyway just a quick message to everyone on this thread, we need to stop feeding the troll and have it turn into another bash thread. Stormtrooper was a great producer, personally one of my favourites in the scene. It is a real shame but I totally understand where he is coming from. You will be missed dude, all the best.

EFM-7 used to, then he saw the light and moved to Cubase ;)

I used to, then he forced me to see the light and I moved to Cubase...

Ph33rViper I consider Stromtrooper's abilty to be absolutely fantastic :D

One of my Favourite Producers now GONE! :(

BAN THE TROLL, Don't feed him :D

No wonder Hardcore is shit these days. I am sick of the shitty commercial crap that is coming out and I want to create music myself. Unfortunetly the Live sets are getting somewhat weak as well which I hate.

I dont mind the electro that Dougal and gammer are doing and I do quite like it. Seduction is doing it as well :)

I take my mind off hardcore for a sec and then I look at How Trance is done :D

Trance is nothing but top notch stuff that is nothing but awesome. Top notch producers and a great scene = Perple are passionate about the music and the scene.

With Hardcore, WTF are people thinking? Where is the passion? Where is the Respect for the Music? It's gone except only some people do have the passion for the music and the scene.

I want hardcore to become MORE VERSATILE!!! (spelling?)

thats why Next Generation, Blatant Beats, Evolution, TNC are MY favourite labels :D

Im done ranting!
acidfluxxbass amazing...
there i was thinking my ex was an arrogent little slime..
silver Please keep the person attacks down.... I deleted most of your other replies in other threads shuttlepro...

Soulja Boy Tell'em - Crank That (Soulja Boy) was made with a demo version of FL Studio it was number 1 in America and most countries... I know a major UK chart artist that uses tracker, I know a US billboard artist that uses FL studio and acid...

I personally think cubase's mixing engine sounds better but there are too many examples of major hits with free / cheap software to ignore.

Yes Stormtroopers departure is a blow IMO, to be honest I wasn't into his early stuff years ago but was really digging the new stuff on the TNC label, hope you all the best Alex.
shuttlepro ^still doesnt change the fact that stormtrooper is a wuss. he wont be missed.

also wow what a terrible example. soulja boy is an annoying talentless prick worse than basshunter. all you did is prove my point further that you can only make shite with fl studio. its a joke program.
Originally posted by shuttlepro:
^still doesnt change the fact that stormtrooper is a wuss. he wont be missed.

also wow what a terrible example. soulja boy is an annoying talentless prick worse than basshunter. all you did is prove my point further that you can only make shite with fl studio. its a joke program.

He left, upto him init... music production software aside a tune doesn't have to be good to get to number 1, just has to be marketed correctly... look at that Womanizer track crap Britney made... Youngin's are more interested in cool and fashion than quality these days.... sorry now I'm going off subject.. :)
Ph33rViper I like to say best of luck to Alex myself.

FL Studio 8 is a nice easy program to use but I have difficulty in using cubase LOL. I woudnt mind trying to learn it and also why not Logic on the Mac.

I do agree with silver when it comes to the music engine in Cubase. I have heard that it is one of the best you can use for production.

Of course that doesnt mean Fl Studio is crap :D
Originally posted by shuttlepro:

you think?? don't be such a smart ass twat.

Anyone else got a sneaky feeling that this is DOCTOR_HARDCORE_HTID's even more annoying little brother?
Originally posted by 95_was_the_time:
alot of people over 30, are sadly, (uk anyway) arrogant men and very judgemental, they got one thing right, the 13-18 age group are gullable as ****, it was no problemo brainwashing those kids to their bland watered down 'hardcore' they milk out every second. however, they forget the 20-30 agegroup of today know what they like. and, as a 23 year old I can speak for all of us. we like 90s hardcore only

It's funny. Since you came back (as you always do), you've done nothing but complain. I thought I'd give myself a little research game. So here goes:

On the 30th of December 2006:'m,leaving&whichpage=1

Topic: right! that's it! I'm leaving

'i can't stand you lot anymore! every damn thread and post I put my heart into you just rip it out and all get your internet-mates in to gang up on me. I've had enough, no one ever agrees with what i say anyway, and you slated my music real nasty. ignorance is a bliss yah? well fukit. Im off


On the 3rd of December 2008:'m,leaving&whichpage=2

Topic: Darren Styles

'well im kinda annoyed a few people thought it was me, i can totally understand why, last month i edited DS page knowing it would get changed back the minute i posted it, that said im glad some one did put that up.

by the way. rather than doing a massive drama thread,. Im letting you all know this will be my last post. i'M leaving. and this time, it's for real. i simply cannot stand the love for modern hardcore here. goodbye.'

Samination Silver: why bother? People who obviously are here to troll should be banned...

Anyways, I prefered Storms earlier stuff, but then, he makes different stuff.

anyways, Cubeforce posted this on USH
Mole will be rejoiced to see the Supreme-slating.

Uploaded the tunes to the Kraftyradio server as well, for whenever the yousendit link dies:
Chunky Boys Feat MC Knight - Doctor Doctor (DJ Stormtrooper Remix)
DJ Stormtrooper - Bass3Hard
Sound Dezign - Happiness (DJ Stormtrooper Remix)

Sweet As It's terrible to think people ripp off others in hardcore. It's been going on for years. But I won't mention names.
Also what's with people slating Seduction, everyone has bad days.
Seems a lot of djs are leaving hardcore - AC Slater, Impact, AMS and now Stormtrooper. Might be a repeat of the l1999/2000. When hardcore died off...
You will be missed Stormtrooper!
Leeberman Just gotta say this site is a blessing, being, well pretty much the only Hardcore fan in Illinois makes discussion kinda hard, so thanks again
Anyways it really will be a shame to see Stormtrooper go, not much else to say, his decision so deal with it
Triquatra righteous9 is in chicago, IL..
and up until the end of 2007 i was in peoria, IL :) there are a few others in IL as well, i left a few friends behind round the peoria area that are into the 'core as well
Originally posted by 95_was_the_time:
and, as a 23 year old I can speak for all of us. we like 90s hardcore only

so for hardcore to get more fans, we need to go back to the early raw sounds.

nobody needs to do anything specific. and i am 26, got in2 the music by 90s hardcore, and you DO NOT speak for all of us

i like 90s hardcore and this decades hardcore. plz shut up your opinions are your own and no one elses. some of us may see eye2eye with u from time 2 time, but we r not a clusterfuk of ppl with the same mentality as you

and will u kindly leave, permanently????
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
righteous9 is in chicago, IL..
and up until the end of 2007 i was in peoria, IL :) there are a few others in IL as well, i left a few friends behind round the peoria area that are into the 'core as well

*lives in Chicago*
redwingz I absolutely love hardcore....I listen to it everyday, I go to events when I can, I enjoy coming on the forums and hearing other peoples opinions, I love listening to underground tracks, and I love running my label which makes me personally, no money. I started NSR because of the below reasons:

- People think hardcore is dieing......I wanted to do a label which keeps the underground going.
- Some of the most talented producers are not signed to labels, when some fairly talentless people are because of who their mates are.
- I love hardcore and wanted to meet more people in the scene.
- MP3s are stupidly expensive at £1.49 each, I wanted to run an affordable label.

The problem with music (not just hardcore) as I have said before is that the music does not dicatate does. For example, Britney Spears, not a good vocalist, mimes live, probably no technical music ability, probably doesnt write her own songs. Then you have Beyonce, a very good vocalist, can sing live, and from what I gather writes her own songs..........yet they will sell the same amount of records.

The girl who lives down the road from me could write an amazing pop song, make the backing track and have an excellent wouldnt sell anything........why????......because she has no label so therefore her song is not marketed. With the right marketing strategy you can sell a dead horse as a prize winning stallion! Artists dont run music, marketeers and labels do.

NuFoundation, I regard as many others do, as one of the best upcoming producers in the scene. The first time he got paid to DJ live in England was February 2009! Yet far less talented DJs/Producers get booked every week and either dissapoint or dont turn up at all. The same night that NuFoundation played, Squad-E and Chris Henry did not show up, NuFoundation came all the way from Ireland to play and Darwin travelled for 24 hours! There is clearly a difference in the love for the scene and DJing. To me a DJ should be willing to play not turning up, it does Squad-E and Chris Henry's reputations absolutley no harm at all, they know they will still sell records and be popular. NuFoundation and Darwin are proving a point, that they want to play and be given the chance and that they are talented enough.

I hope that NSR artists will one day start to get big bookings and if they are anywhere near me.........they can do as NuFoundation did in February......and stay at the guy who owns his labels house :)
sense_of_hardcore Such a shame, thought he made some great tunes especially with Robbie Long.

Hope the hardcore scene can sort itself out.
Big respect to Stormtrooper! A massively talented guy and I hope he does come back one day. Also, big respect to him for saying how he feels and not just saying 'Im quitting for personal reasons' He obviously cares about the scene enough to tell us these things that he is feeling.

All I can say is best of wishes to stormtrooper. Hopefully if the scene can get fixed he'll come back.

Also, with the comments redwingz made on the old boys club etc, and his latest post, he hit it all right on the nail.
acidfluxxbass wonder if it's anything to do with him being excluded from 'bonkers' and AATW having a greater influence?
Ken Masters WOW! how did I miss this thread!

This is really bad news as Stromtrooper along with many more producers & the TnC crew, were giving hardcore the kick up the arse it needed & now look whats happened!

IMO this shows that 'the old boys club' don't want hardcore to change cause they're afraid they'll get left behind so what they're doing is keeping the young guys down.

This is f**king shocking & i've got nothing but respect for Stormtrooper as he's exposed the truth & made me realise just how money hungry the scene has become! For a guy as talented as him to call it a day just as he was becoming a major player in the scene really does say it all.

He'll be back, he'll just wait for the dinosaurs to go extinct. Best of luck with whatever you do with your life Stormtrooper & thanx for your contribution to the scene!
näkkk Real shame to see him go, but massive respect.
Great producer, hope to see him back in not too long!
ChrisDale sad to see you go m8, big respect
itsfxckingjc the only thing 'Supreme' about you is your belly.

stop bitching about him. he was bad at all and hes always been one of my favourite so grow some balls and stop acting like a girl, bitching about his music. jesus..
Hi Breed
IMO this shows that 'the old boys club' don't want hardcore to change cause they're afraid they'll get left behind so what they're doing is keeping the young guys down.

Thank you for putting it into better words than i could.
Sorry for my initiated outbreak yesterday, but i wanted to say something.

Respect to the trooper.
To Redwingz I love your idea for a record label.
If you get round to starting it, i will quite happily use it.
There should also be more free download labels promoting new talent.
nrXic Each time a producer bows out of this scene, I feel partially responsible. As an avid listener, I only spend $60 or so a year on 2 CD compilations, and that's about it. But then I listen to hours upon hours of free HHC radio provided by and, I regularly download mixes to check out the latest tracks, etc.

That is to say, HHC is a part of my life, but I'm not spending a proportional amount of money on it. So I can't expect it to somehow sustain itself. I also love videogames and I spend $1000 a year on's an industry going strong.

This could turn out to a massive post, which may detract from this news and derail this topic, so I'll leave it at that and I might make a new topic about this in the future.

My point is, when a talented producer leaves in a situation like this...I feel partially responsible because I've liked StormTrooper's tracks over the years, but how much of my dollars have gone to him to support him? I can't expect talent like him to keep pumping out tracks if that's the case.
Triquatra nrXic singlehandedly is the downfall of the hardcore scene :P
FingazMc Shame, a great producer. Atleast hes gonna come back at some point though :)
K6HLR ah! For F**k Sake another great DJ leaves the scene if this keeps up we're gonna be left with styles breeze & hixxy and thats it!!! taking the piss this like!!
Meathead What gonna happen to TNC then? Doesnt he run it or have something to do with it? If that goes then we are ****ed!
djDMS Only really read the first page due to the majority of the rest being utter tripe so apologies if I repeat anything that's been covered already.

Firstly, big respect and thanks to Stormtrooper for what he's been able achieve in such a restricted scene - definitely one of the best 'new' talents i've heard in recent years. Totally understand how he's become so disillusioned with everything.

I agree how hard it has been for massive new talent to break through. There are many immensely talented DJ's and artists who have been around for years and have got almost nowhere. The big thing though, is why they haven't.

It's all very well harping on about the 'big new talent' on here, but it's people like us (the paying public/ravers who ultimately decide who gets the work and recognition they deserve.

When i was going to events, probably 1 in 3 was one of the bigger ones, most of my energy and money went into the smaller events where i made extra effort to see the lesser known and up & coming DJ's who i enjoyed seeing. How many people are saying 'poor DJ so and so' then in a different topic looking forward to the next HTID event where they'll see the same DJ's on a regular basis.

The old guard are no more to blame than we are - we buy the records, attend the events and show support for whover we choose, it's no surprise that the established get the lions share - as would happen elsewhere in life.

I didn't stop supporting Man United when Hull made such a good start to the Premier league season.
I didn't give up my job when my work employed new staff.
I didn't leave my wife when the young lady down the road started giving me the eye.

Bit simplistic but you know what i mean.

You can't expect somebody who has a good career to give it up to help somebody else but it would be nice if they could put a bit more into helping the newcomers to get recognition a bit more often. The only way change can realistically happen is if people put their money where their mouths are and do something instead of just talking about it (and then sneaking off to buy tickets for the same old unimaginative events).

The main reason i barely bother with Hardcore anymore is because it does nothing for me now. 7 or so years ago it was back and i was genuinely excited (saddo). Now, despite so many warnings from so many people it's gone where we all feared it was heading.

So get behind your local events, DJ's and producers instead of taking the easy way out and blaming the obvious culprits.

Originally posted by Meathead:
What gonna happen to TNC then? Doesnt he run it or have something to do with it? If that goes then we are ****ed!

a lot of his tracks are released on it... robbie long owns it
Originally posted by itsfxckingjc:
the only thing 'Supreme' about you is your belly.

stop bitching about him. he was bad at all and hes always been one of my favourite so grow some balls and stop acting like a girl, bitching about his music. jesus..

so you were banned/extremely censored and now u've created another account shuttlepro? how sad
TheOneNOnly Sad news, indeed.

I hope he does start producing again, Hardcore or not. I know he will make a huge success in other scene's, but does hope he comes back.
Avid ughhh. true shame, he has some serious tallent. i wonder how his trance would sound?
itsfxckingjc Lol im not shuttlepro haha

im not even a dude damnit. I like stormtrooper so why would i be him anyway....

acidfluxxbass unsure if this has been posted but alex posted an update.

I’d like to clarify a few things with regards to my blog yesterday. People seem to have misinterpreted what I said, or more precisely what I didn’t say. I’m not going to pretend that the main purpose for yesterday’s blog was to highlight my break, I'm not that self absorbed. It was to highlight some of the negative aspects of this scene and how some of the people involved with it operate, namely Jeff Supreme. I don’t regret telling people what happened. And Jeff, keep making the threats, your about as gangster as Lenny Henry.

Thanks for all the messages and support! I know my music is appreciated by the people who buy it and the DJ's who play it and I have never doubted this. What I am talking about is the lack of support not only for myself, but for countless other talented DJ’s, producers and engineers out there by the large scale organisations who see fit to put the same line-up on every event and the same remixed 10 year old track on every compilation. People don’t realise that this is not just a hobby for a lot of us. This is my career / sole income and I have had enough of how things operate, I have tried playing ball. If you worked hard for 5+ years doing a job you were good at and didn’t see a return on your time or financial investment, how would you feel?

With regards to my musical integrity, I think that the music I have been writing over the past 2 years is the best I have ever written. It’s not as experimental as some of my earlier work but I have never really been about experimenting. 90% of what I write has the dance floor as its top priority. I don’t write music to get higher sales or to get on compilations. I write what I like and the fact that other people enjoy it, be it other artists or DJ’s or people who buy my records is a bonus. If you saw the car I drive you would know that I have never done this for the money! I just love the music I write.

I never said I was "quitting teh scene!!!" I'm just taking a step back and seeing what other avenues I can explore. There are lots of new releases coming out in the near future on TNC and Robbie and the TNC crew feel that this is some of my best work to date so keep em peeled.


Fair play to him.
Originally posted by applegathic:

do the world a favor and kill urself first.
Originally posted by applegathic:

[email protected]
acidfluxxbass i can't understand how this thread has drafted in so many haters...
Triquatra indeed...bizzare how many people signed up just to post in this thread
silver Personal attacks on members will get you warned then accounts banned, please keep the 1on1 personal attacks off the site. People are entitled to their own opinion whether they like or hate someone's music, just don't personally attack a site member.
EMPHESIS Its a lesson tho, Copyright your shit straight away! seen loadza people properly burned! Let it drive u tho Stormtrooper, everyones moanin about the scene but no1s pullin their finger out an doin sumthin 4 it. U cant moan an quit, produce sum BANGERS an take the lead innit. People can only live on names for so long.

Chek my mix

DJ Notna Heil Stormtrooper, will miss you
Originally posted by itsfxckingjc:
Lol im not shuttlepro haha

im not even a dude damnit. I like stormtrooper so why would i be him anyway....


ok cool. i wasn't sure who ur comment was referring to. my apologies!
Cubeforce Quick update, supreme has posted a comment on the whole thing over on Ush. Which now includes a reply by Stormtrooper himself. It's not too hard to figure out who's lying and who's saying the truth

It's a bit too much text to copypaste > go see for yourself
Supreme wrote on USH:
This business about ‘the old boys club', are you ****ing kidding me?!?! What, you think the likes of Hixxy, Styles, Storm, Whizzkid, Sy, Breeze and all of the big Promoters sit around a table every night and decide who to let in next?

You probably see most of them more than I do! The only time I speak with the other guys is when I’m working at the same venue as they are, you must be tripping or something! The fact is, the scene needs new talent and if you were good enough then you would have broke the doors down like Gammer, Re-con, Squad-E, Enemy, Static and co.

I find this to be a very interesting point brought to this current debate on the Hardcore scene.

Originally posted by Cubeforce:
Quick update, supreme has posted a comment on the whole thing over on Ush. Which now includes a reply by Stormtrooper himself. It's not too hard to figure out who's lying and who's saying the truth

It's a bit too much text to copypaste > go see for yourself

Someone pass the popcorn. This will be good.

Funny how supreme is being a lying asshat about the whole thing and everyone else is keeping their cool.
tru bass i support supreme!
D-Shark could someone upload the tracks, link is down
Originally posted by tru bass:
i support supreme!

tru bass
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
Originally posted by tru bass:
i support supreme!


what ufo said

and the fact stormtrooper cried about it online

i wrote bout it in the other topic..
Originally posted by tru bass:
i support supreme!

I support neither lol. This whole thing is crazy when you think about it.
Originally posted by tru bass:
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
Originally posted by tru bass:
i support supreme!


what ufo said

and the fact stormtrooper cried about it online

i wrote bout it in the other topic..

well, jeff must have been a pretty big loser to earn being named and shamed..
Originally posted by Mortis:

I have decided to stop writing UK Hardcore for the foreseeable future. The whole scene is royally messed up and I am not prepared to be claimed as its latest bitter dj/producer victim. Mainly as I am not bitter, I have travelled the world and met some amazing people because of hardcore, who could be bitter about that? I am just not prepared to work hard for a scene that doesn't appreciate it.

There are some amazing people involved with UK Hardcore, people who work their asses off week in and week out for little or no reward. There are also way too many over the hill dinosaurs, riding on the coat tails of their previous success, bringing nothing new, just milking it for all they can whilst artists with far greater skill get left on the sidelines as they are not part of the "old boys club".

People don't normally name names when it comes to things like this, but I like a bit of juicy gossip so here is some of my own. The best example of "dinosaur" has to be DJ Supreme. This clown has wormed his way back into the scene, mixing various large compilations over the past few years and ripping off anyone and everyone he works with. The guy is a useless DJ and about as skilled at writing music as a blind & deaf retarded mute. He has zero technical and musical ability. I have lost count of the horror stories I have heard about this guy, even from people who have known him for 15+ years, no-one is safe from his underhand crook tactics. Why have I named him? He ripped me off, simple as that. He has also ripped so many other people off who I wont name, its not my place to, but the guy is a pimple on the arse of musical humanity. Jeff, there is nothing "supreme" about you.

So anyone who reads this blog, have 3 free tracks. Tracks that are listed as collaborations between Jeff & myself. But unless you count sitting in my studio and eating as "collaborating" are anything but. Enjoy them, re-upload them and feel free to do with them as you please.

I will make UK Hardcore again at some point and there are numerous releases of mine forthcoming, but for now I have other things to concentrate on.

Much love


Thanks to hashlygreen over at

This is a ****ing joke right??

Alex started producing shitty tracks from TNC014... how can he blame DJ Supreme for his problems?

He also was trying to tell me about ****ed up business decisions Hixxy made and that Brisk is a great business man.

LOL right.

Way to call out someone when you quit hardcore. Very respectable.

Thumbs down.
eddiewould Stormtrooper - "Universal Family" makes it into my top 5 hardcore tunes EVER.

Very sorry to see you leave dude!
Samination Eddiewouldn't leave right? ;)
DJ Notna I miss stormtrooper ! :(

"God is a DJ"
Physx meh.
allmenarepirates download expired

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