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 Music discussion - hardcore
 clubland extreme hardcore 2! its out on Feb 13th

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The Doc See the othe thread by Dj_Jaxon for details! but its on their website!
The Doc Soz everyone! I got carried away it says soon after the 13th! Probably June then! But still check the website!
whittle1 Cheers for the notification.
Whats the website?

'It had to happen: so positive was the response to 1 that we’re doing it all over again.

Yes! Clubland Xtreme Hardcore 2 drops soon...

We’ve hooked up with the three best-loved hardcore DJs for this monster album. It’s a 3CD set with Darren Styles and Breeze each mixing a CD and Hixxy providing his best tracks and remixes on the bonus third disc, bless his heart.

Like last time, you’ll have the perfect package of classics, pumping remixes, ace exclusives and brand new 160bpm madness.

We’ll be bringing you the full-lowdown shortly but you’ll be blown away by hardcore versions of Sunblock’s ‘I’ll Be Ready’, Meck’s ‘Thunder In My Heart’, LMC’s ‘Don’t Let Go’ and U2’s ‘Beautiful Day’ (yes, really).

Also, kicking butt will be Ultrabeat’s ‘Elysium’, 05/06’s biggest hardcore moment.'

I'm really dissapointed with this, 160bpm, what are they thinking? If its true I might even have to side with Evel on this one...
The Doc I did say jenks!
Chris B
Originally posted by jenks:
Sunblock’s ‘I’ll Be Ready’

i can just picture this now and it's a knightmare, really not what i grew up thinking "hardcore" was.


I'm really dissapointed with this, 160bpm, what are they thinking?


wont be my thing i could have told you anyway but im sure a lotta people will enjoy it so cant really complain, moneys to be made someones gotta make it.

I really dont class music like that hardcore though, dunno what i class it as speedscouse or somethin. Is what people seem to want though and i bet it sells truckloads.

And i cant say a slice of the cash wouldnt be nice, they aint killing babies or anything so before anyone starts the "clubland are bastards" argument just remember we've been there before and i seriously dont think the people involved care what people on the internet think.

i'll listen to the clips for a laff when they come up but i can safely say this cd will never be played through a stereo of mine, but to those into that style will have a lot of anthems and will get a lotta new people into hardcore who'll get right into the scene and explore (well some of them anyway) so it aint all bad.
Loz_e where does it say anything about feb 13th????? i can see it written any where on their website!

Going by what clubland have written about the CLXH2, it looks pretty shit. All those remixes of clubland classics. But what do you expect. The thing is I WILL BUY THIS ALBUM!

i wont exactly enjoy it..but hidden amongst all the shit there will be a few gems. i.e Darren Styles - Save me...i need this tune and i will spend £14 to get it!!!
Taken from

It had to happen: so positive was the response to 1 that we’re doing it all over again.

Yes! Clubland Xtreme Hardcore 2 drops soon...

We’ve hooked up with the three best-loved hardcore DJs for this monster album. It’s a 3CD set with Darren Styles and Breeze each mixing a CD and Hixxy providing his best tracks and remixes on the bonus third disc, bless his heart.

Like last time, you’ll have the perfect package of classics, pumping remixes, ace exclusives and brand new 160bpm madness.

We’ll be bringing you the full-lowdown shortly but you’ll be blown away by hardcore versions of Sunblock’s ‘I’ll Be Ready’, Meck’s ‘Thunder In My Heart’, LMC’s ‘Don’t Let Go’ and U2’s ‘Beautiful Day’ (yes, really).

Also, kicking butt will be Ultrabeat’s ‘Elysium’, 05/06’s biggest hardcore moment.

For retro fans, you’ll have versions of ‘Let Me Be Your Fantasy’, ‘Pretty Green Eyes’, ‘Shooting Star’, ‘You’re Shining’ and that perennial fave ‘Set U Free’.


Sorry, but do we REALLY have to hear yet more mixes of 'Pretty Green Eyes', 'Shooting Star', 'You're Shining' and ESPECIALLY 'Set u free'?

Meh! I'll reserve judgement for now. I'll wait till I see the tracklisting.
bulby_g I must admit I am not impressed with there press release.

"Sorry, but do we REALLY have to hear yet more mixes of 'Pretty Green Eyes', 'Shooting Star', 'You're Shining' and ESPECIALLY 'Set u free'?"

I think I'll pull my ears off if I hear yet another version of set you free ; ). The others have been rinsed good and proper as well.

"Also, kicking butt will be Ultrabeat’s ‘Elysium’, 05/06’s biggest hardcore moment.'"

Ho hum they know what there talkin about don't they! hardcores biggest 05/06 moment
Originally posted by Entity:

Taken from

It had to happen: so positive was the response to 1 that we’re doing it all over again.

Yes! Clubland Xtreme Hardcore 2 drops soon...

We’ve hooked up with the three best-loved hardcore DJs for this monster album. It’s a 3CD set with Darren Styles and Breeze each mixing a CD and Hixxy providing his best tracks and remixes on the bonus third disc, bless his heart.

Like last time, you’ll have the perfect package of classics, pumping remixes, ace exclusives and brand new 160bpm madness.

We’ll be bringing you the full-lowdown shortly but you’ll be blown away by hardcore versions of Sunblock’s ‘I’ll Be Ready’, Meck’s ‘Thunder In My Heart’, LMC’s ‘Don’t Let Go’ and U2’s ‘Beautiful Day’ (yes, really).

Also, kicking butt will be Ultrabeat’s ‘Elysium’, 05/06’s biggest hardcore moment.



Sorry, but do we REALLY have to hear yet more mixes of 'Pretty Green Eyes', 'Shooting Star', 'You're Shining' and ESPECIALLY 'Set u free'?

Meh! I'll reserve judgement for now. I'll wait till I see the tracklisting.

For retro fans, you’ll have versions of ‘Let Me Be Your Fantasy’, ‘Pretty Green Eyes’, ‘Shooting Star’, ‘You’re Shining’ and that perennial fave ‘Set U Free’

DJDURSTAN Who the F*ck are they tryin to kid 160BPM WTF
At least the first one was in the 175BPM area you know average hardcore speed and that but jeez they are havin a laugh. Hard House is usually between 150-160BPM GRRRRRRRRRRR

And WTF are they talkin about Ultrabeats Elysium - It's Scott Brown you Bast*rds and dont you forget it. It does my head in Hardcore tune turned Scouse House by someone else and then when someone remixes that back to hardcore It's a remix of the Chart Tune not the original

Probably still buy it tho i can pitch my CD player up
Entity Could be a typo - or written by someone that doesn't really have much of a clue. I'm sure if will be a similar speed to the first.

Originally posted by Entity:
someone that doesn't really have much of a clue.

I'd say, going by the rest of what's written.
SixFeet [sarcasm]
who would have thought AATW and RB would just be money hungry bastards!
Bidd You've got to realise that this album is not just targeted to fans of hardcore for many years now. There will be loads of people, not fully aware of the hardocre scene, that will go into a shop, or browse an internet shop or whatever, see the clubland brand and decide to look at it.

Tracks like the Baywatch theme, Set You Free and other remixes of famous dance songs will probably increase the demand for this because people may wanna listen to these "harder" versions.

If they decided to fill up with new tracks from hardcore specific artists then the average joe would just decide not to buy it because they haven't heard any one the songs.

As it has been discussed the people behind the Clubland series are after money like anyone else and by including these 'cheesy' tracks hey are bound to sell more copies
Chris B Anno i'm not the only one that thinks this way but does anyone else on here think last year was the year big raves became shit, but at the same time a lot of smaller ones opened up or took off really catering for the hardcore?

As the music became softer and more pop like atmosphere at big raves got less and less "hardcore". Someone on ush cracked me up saying raves have become filled with "plastic ravers" which i thought was spot on. Always meet nice people at any event but the atmospheres definitely changed and it doesnt feel like a rave should.

In a way i'm glad the scenes split this way cos it keeps everyone happy, i've got no interest in clubland's style of hardcore or any event where i have to hear more than one set of it. but at the same time loadsa people are having the time of there life there and meeting loadsa friends.

I started off listening to hardcore through pirate stations in glasgow and everything was ultracheese, and was all kids listenin in. It did really spoil the scene up there though because before that the generation before us were all right into bouncy techno and gabba, all of sudden kids got into the scene through the cheese and there was a big divide in what people wanted. certain dj comes on all the cheeseheads get up to dance, while the older ones are sitting down moaning and vice versa. All the big raves ended up shutting down and forra while was hardly any events, fair play to twisted though always stuck to there own style and kept up a loyal following.

but this time does seem different it's as if the scenes split in two with some promoters going for the anthems and big names to get people through the door, but theres also been more support for other nights giving people something new and different aswell. Gabba's defo on the up it's still not that big over here but theres been a lot more interesting lineups at events over the country in the last year.

Basically i cant really knock this cd cos at 13 it's exactly what i'dve wanted, as long as the raves i like keep going i'm happy to just leave people to enjoy what they want to hear.

Originally posted by jenks:
I'm really dissapointed with this, 160bpm, what are they thinking? If its true I might even have to side with Evel on this one...

haha you have been ranting and raving about that aint ya!? but cha know what, RIGHTLY SO GOOD SIR!

Entity I think that the approach that RBC and AATW are taking with this is that this album is setting out to appeal to a wider audience to make them more aware of hardcore.

Yeh, I've had a pop about including 'pretty green eyes', 'Set u free' etc. etc. but thinking about it, there are going to be lots of clubbers that haven't heard the hardcore mixes. It doesn't matter if they were hardcore tracks initially, as far as they are concerned they are regular club tracks that have just been ramped up for hardcore. It's all about luring them in and generating interest.

The first one broke sales records for a hardcore album, so that approach worked and basically if it ain't broke then they ain't gonna fix it. If you don't like it then don't buy it!

Sure, it's not going to appeal to all the current hardcore heads but it will certainly generate more awareness - don't forget that Hardcore Classics did VERY well for itself, so who knows what will happen?
Originally posted by Baldo:
Anno i'm not the only one that thinks this way but does anyone else on here think last year was the year big raves became shit, but at the same time a lot of smaller ones opened up or took off really catering for the hardcore?

I don't think there shit still enjoy them myself but are def. not as good as they used to be! Although the people are generally still friendly there seems to be more judgemental people there (or im gettin more paranoid ;)) and people who seem less into it than there used to be. Still enjoy them but smaller parties do tend to be better.

jenks If it's at a decent speed I'm pretty sure I will enjoy it. Aslong as 'I Will Be' and 'Save Me' are on it I'll be happy...
mr bishi I quite enjoyed the first one, but this looks shite tbh.
U2 and the baywatch theme ffs.
Chris B
Originally posted by bulby_g:
the people are generally still friendly there seems to be more judgemental people there (or im gettin more paranoid ;)) and people who seem less into it than there used to be.

Thats the way i see it mate it's still an alrite night, but i think i've just been spoiled for events the last while dont want to waste my money on things i just think are alrite. Raves should be nights you wont forget, it's the less up for it people that piss me off the most dunno just doesnt feel right in a rave.

So aye i'll rephrase that there not shit just not worth the money it costs to go for me anymore.
Uproar Is should be called Clubland X-Treme 3, not Clubland X-Treme Hardcore 2.

Hardcore is officially is the shitter.

(The artwork is good though)
Bidd I can see your point with the Clubland X-Treme 3 and not Hardcore, but have you heard the tunes on the first two X-tremes. Extreme is hardly the word I would use, I prefer "chav-ed up"

The genre's are completely different hence the change in name. It would have been more sensible to call it Clubland Hardcore to avoid confusion maybe
clarke101 <---- Remebers a time when 160 bpm was fast
Da Cunney Bugz bah clubland! i poo on it
Evel Do we get a free poster with it? One with the woman on the cover and Styles, Breeze and Hixxy dancing with her

And 160BPM isn't as hardcore as Happy 2 B Hardcore Chapter 1, and I bet the beats arn't that hard...
MaD-MAx Pretty Green Eyes hasn't lots its magic to me yet, if this is anything like the first one i will buy 2 copies.
Hardwired Raver lol ive just finished listening to Bonkers 15 and Hardcore classics It just gets better and better YAY
silver Hixxy has personally contacted me regarding the 160BPM comment on the album, he said that is it NOT 160bpm (as my news post reports as well).
Originally posted by silver:
Hixxy has personally contacted me regarding the 160BPM comment on the album, he said that is it NOT 160bpm (as my news post reports as well).

Phew! Lifesaver
Chris B
Originally posted by whittle1:
Phew! Lifesaver

someones looking forward to baywatch
Originally posted by Baldo:
Originally posted by whittle1:
Phew! Lifesaver

someones looking forward to baywatch

i think that's the shortest post i've ever seen from you, you are usually writing huge essays arguing you points of view!
On the actual subject itself, i don't think the release date for it will be on the 13th of February (2 weeks away at time of writing) because there has been no tracklist as of yet. But we will have to wait and see.
Chris B
Originally posted by whittle1:

i think that's the shortest post i've ever seen from you, you are usually writing huge essays arguing you points of view!

aye tell me about it mate, i get a bit carried away sometimes

i like to think of it as passionate about my views, but everyone else just thinks i talk a lotta shit lol

whenever this album does get released i predict it being the best seller this year unless they bring out another one, these boys no what there doing and will be wkd for anyone into the happy/trancy side of things
Originally posted by silver:
Hixxy has personally contacted me regarding the 160BPM comment on the album, he said that is it NOT 160bpm (as my news post reports as well).

Originally posted by jenks:
Originally posted by silver:
Hixxy has personally contacted me regarding the 160BPM comment on the album, he said that is it NOT 160bpm (as my news post reports as well).

160BPM was considered too EXTREME so they had to slow it down a bit
SixFeet it is infact 160.01 BPM, S&B and hixxy just added the extra 01 to each track and labelled it their remix
djpeggy I'm quite looking forward to it but i'm too sure about it being at 160bpm!
Originally posted by silver:
Hixxy has personally contacted me regarding the 160BPM comment on the album, he said that is it NOT 160bpm (as my news post reports as well).

Thank God for that! Phew!
mrs_hicks_xxx its out on my birthday WAAAAHOOOOO!! born on fri the 13th yea that explains alot! lol!! xxx
Wayne Inzane I really enjoyed the first 1, some great stuff and great re-mixes of well known tunes, yeh I see what people are saying about tunes that get remixed over and over again but I still think they'll be a lot of good stuff on it.

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