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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Frustrated with HU

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Dys7 Remember the production contest way back in May 2015? I won it! Yay!
It's now been a full year, and HU has still yet refused to send me what I won.

Within the original thread, this was promised to the winner:
- A signed Fracus & Darwin 'Filth & Dumb Hatred' Canvas.
- A signed Fracus & Darwin 'Filth & Dumb Hatred' CD Album.
- A choice of any 2 CD albums from the HU Store.
- A choice of 3 Scarred Digital MP3/WAV Tracks from their back catalogue.
- Professional track and vocal Mastering.
- Track featuring exclusively on the next free members album 'The Past. The Present. The Future 2015'.

I have thoroughly contacted HU more than five times at this point, across the entire year. I understand that they are running a company and are busy.
I have now personally talked to CDJay multiple times. Each time he has told me he will send it out on X date. He then does not do so, and refuses to respond to my follow-ups.

It takes five minutes to gather my stuff from the storage room and put it in a box. Apparently their fanbase is only worth their time when they are directly profiting from it - I ordered and paid for the F&D Diversions CD and had it in two weeks! Even left a little note for them saying it'd be great if they could slip in my stuff with the order, both on the order itself and on Facebook. Of course, they didn't.

I have been overly polite, overly patient, and tried to be absolutely and fully understanding. But at this point, my patience has run out. This is absolutely unacceptable from any respectable company and I've honestly lost almost all respect I've had for the label. The artists themselves are fantastic, of course - don't take that the wrong way.

I don't know what else to do now but complain publicly. Maybe a hundred people seeing their incompetence in the limelight will finally get one of them to get off their arse and spend five minutes giving me what they owe. I am not making this post with some gleeful hope that HU burns to the ground, nor do I want to stir up drama. I simply do not know what else is left to do to try and get their attention. This isn't even getting into the fact that it took them two months and multiple contacts for them to pay me the over $100 they owed to me.

Please, HU. Spend the five minutes and ship me my shit. Thank you.

tl;dr - HU promised me stuff a year ago and has refused to send it to this day, even after multiple contacts and followups by me. I don't know what else is left to do now but complain publicly.

Dys7 Knowing my luck, I am sure this post will backfire horribly and somehow cause the entire world to collectively hate my guts.
Like I said. I don't want drama. I just want my shit.
Elliott *popcorn gif*
Elipton There was a PPF2015?

Personally, I'd have taken the track elsewhere for a release or kept for your own projects and considered the prizes a bust.. Actually, that's a lie. I'd have done exactly this, but it's a pretty hopeless cause to try and disrupt the almost hallowed view that this site has of HU.

Regardless, this reeks of the Boaty McBoatface phenomena - to contribute to a contest that has no actual fair ending, or a get-out clause in the small print.

But people will jump in and say you sound spoiled and the post does seem a little that way. While we don't speak often these days, when I participated in the scene, it was very obvious you loved your music, what you did and especially aspired to work with HU in some regard. This competition was your dream realised, but in the year we haven't spoken until our chat the other night it sounds like you've gone from a keen and passionate producer to someone who had lost interest in something they loved. For you to put your reputation and music on the line is indicative of how much you've been affected by this.

The problem is, the scene is worse off without your creative talents - and you were far more talented than myself in the studio. So this post is about more than prizes, to an extent it's responsible for your falling out of love with Hardcore.
latininxtc Nothing is wrong with the label, just between you and Jon. Don't trash the whole label when you have an issue with just one, or maybe two people.
Elipton I agree with this to some extent, but it is poor professional practise and its with regard to HU as a label. No one can argue the music os great, but this is a matter of the operationship of the label and the way its treating a fan. I think its pretty relevant..
CDJay I'll happily throw my arms up and admit to being utterly useless for the past 6 months.

The only part of that I'd disagree with is that we've treated our paying customers any better, because, frankly, by and large we haven't.

Something happened to our Royal Mail account whilst we were over in Toronto; we can't actually put any shipments in, so we're scrambling to get whatever the issue is resolved for Tuesday when the latest releases (finally) ship.

I'll get it out then.

My sincerest apologies; as I said, I completely agree with the content and tone of the post. The voices in my head are considerably less forgiving


Nothing is wrong with the label, just between you and Jon. Don't trash the whole label when you have an issue with just one, or maybe two people.

Good thing I specifically said it was about CDJay and not the artists then!
Originally posted by CDJay:
I'll happily throw my arms up and admit to being utterly useless for the past 6 months.

The only part of that I'd disagree with is that we've treated our paying customers any better, because, frankly, by and large we haven't.

Something happened to our Royal Mail account whilst we were over in Toronto; we can't actually put any shipments in, so we're scrambling to get whatever the issue is resolved for Tuesday when the latest releases (finally) ship.

I'll get it out then.

My sincerest apologies; as I said, I completely agree with the content and tone of the post. The voices in my head are considerably less forgiving


Thank you.
Originally posted by Dys7:

Nothing is wrong with the label, just between you and Jon. Don't trash the whole label when you have an issue with just one, or maybe two people.

Good thing I specifically said it was about CDJay and not the artists then!

Yea but your title post doesn't. Didn't say anything about CDJay and only mentioned HU and the company.

But hopefully everything gets resolved this time around.
Dys7 Fancy that, the only drama that came from this was your own post :)
Originally posted by Dys7:
Fancy that, the only drama that came from this was your own post :)

Imagine that!
arpz The gifs are so tiresome...
Captain Triceps
Originally posted by arpz:
The gifs are so tiresome...

Originally posted by Captain Triceps:
Originally posted by arpz:
The gifs are so tiresome...

Elipton The title of the thread called HU as a company; incompetent, Steve.

Where's the confusion?

And to be fair, you do go over the top with the gifs. 4 bigg'uns in one post?
Originally posted by Elipton:
The title of the thread called HU as a company; incompetent, Steve.

Where's the confusion?

And to be fair, you do go over the top with the gifs. 4 bigg'uns in one post?

Atleast he doesn't post 3000 pixel wide images like you ;)
Anyways, he's fishing for drama because the forum has been boring lately :P

But being serious, I do agree that the title, and the text does not mention HU as a label, but a company that is selling products, so he's definitly not putting the whole HU brand under the rug.
djDMS Those that want to read it as 'OMG, HU IZ SHIT'!!!! Will do just that, regardless of the content.
Others will read it properly.
The drunken scotsman OMG HU IZ SHIT!!!!
Vladel I'm still waiting for the "imminent" release of scott browns remixes of all my dreams and kickin hard.
CDJay I think they were planned for a forthcoming Al Storm album waylaid by reality.

In happier news, I am very much considering making the 10 Years Album my last hurrah. I'm masochistic, to a point, but the scar tissue is deep and increasingly present.

We've achieved the impossible, but it's hard not to feel like collateral damage that predicted the strikes.

dj switchback In happier news, I am very much considering making the 10 Years Album my last hurrah. I'm masochistic, to a point, but the scar tissue is deep and increasingly present.

Originally posted by CDJay:
I think they were planned for a forthcoming Al Storm album waylaid by reality.

In happier news, I am very much considering making the 10 Years Album my last hurrah. I'm masochistic, to a point, but the scar tissue is deep and increasingly present.

We've achieved the impossible, but it's hard not to feel like collateral damage that predicted the strikes.


So that's it, you get married and then want to move on??? Damnit Chwhynny just had to go and ruin everything!!!

In all seriousness though that would be sad if HU stopped producing albums. But I don't want you to continue if it takes too much of a toll on you. What would you do next though?
dj switchback If HU stopped then my interest in upfront Hardcore would reduce by about 95%.
CDJay It shouldn't have too much of an impact on HU by that point; as ineffective as I've been with some of the day to day stuff in 2016 there's still been some behind the scenes manoeuvring that should pay dividends in the long run and facilitate a more balanced and representative scene going forward.

With the Nu Foundation album done, and the Blu-Ray well underway, my internal "goal list" is fairly well checked off.

Two of my other, peripheral, interests are in resurgence so I'm guessing I'll do something related to high end home theatre consultancy or PC stuff

dj switchback I'd be sad to see you take a back step from HU and Hardcore, but you've done so much that a rest may just be what the doctor demanded. Hopefully you're still here to amuse and be agitated for some time to come ;)
arpz Well this went massively downhill...

Saw some post from Thumpa, bigging up styles & gammer for sharing about the KTRA podcast... I suppose Kutski isn't the 'opposition' though. Twats.
Originally posted by arpz:
Well this went massively downhill...

Saw some post from Thumpa, bigging up styles & gammer for sharing about the KTRA podcast... I suppose Kutski isn't the 'opposition' though. Twats.

I guess his first "clean uk hardcore" mix in 5 years has turned him around?
Dys7 Aren't you going to ask me for my address and what two albums I want? Don't see how you can claim that you'll send them otherwise. Unless you didn't plan to send them, of course..
Vladel perhaps they already have the address maybe?
Originally posted by Vladel:
perhaps they already have the address maybe?

Yes I would think that the amount of emails she's sent them they would know exactly who it is.
Originally posted by Dys7:
Aren't you going to ask me for my address and what two albums I want? Don't see how you can claim that you'll send them otherwise. Unless you didn't plan to send them, of course..

Yes, I was planning on PMing you tomorrow on here as I thought it would be the most direct and least confusable method of communication.

Don't get me wrong, I deserve everything thrown at me to some degree, but landing back from the most ****ed up wedding planning in the world (completely compromised by HU and the scene, I hasten to add) I was *thrilled* to enjoy/endure another lasting reminder of my own incompetence and reasons to flee my own self designed hell.

You can take from me whatever is due, which by the sounds of it is a f** load, but rest assured whatever ills you think I've caused it's a fraction of the horror of booking a wedding ceremony the day before it happens because literally no-one around you gives a flying F** about you after everything you've ever done.

I can't really underline just how far beyond disillusioned I am by comparison.

By all means, twist the knife. You're kicking a disabled person.

Vladel I do not belive for a moment that the intention was tghe twist the knife
CDJay Absolute horse shit; anyone paying any attention to the past few months would know what I've gone through (moving business premises/three Pcs blown up killing HU for three months/just got married). It's callous, it's cruel, and it's on his conscience.

This isn't a business failure, this is kicking someone who has tried at all points to do the right thing, rarely been rewarded, dropped the ball, apologised, and is being kicked to the point he's eyeing up the local canal as a resting place.

It's not cool.

dj switchback I've DM you Jon. Haven't spoken for ages; really sorry to hear all that's transpired.
Originally posted by CDJay:
Absolute horse shit; anyone paying any attention to the past few months would know what I've gone through (moving business premises/three Pcs blown up killing HU for three months/just got married). It's callous, it's cruel, and it's on his conscience.

This isn't a business failure, this is kicking someone who has tried at all points to do the right thing, rarely been rewarded, dropped the ball, apologised, and is being kicked to the point he's eyeing up the local canal as a resting place.

It's not cool.


I disagree as far as malice is concerned. Perhaps the headline could have been better worded as latininxtc suggested and the delivery perhaps better but i am not privvy to the pm's that may or not have happened.

Chwhynny Not read the thread, don't need to. My new husband is currently upstairs replying to ungrateful, abusive, or misunderstanding twats instead of eating his dinner (yes, at 1 AM because he works his ass off 24/7, as apparently is expected). Probably not going to make myself popular with this, again, don't care. Obviously none of you know what it entails to run a popular hardcore label with just a small number of people. Every CD we send out is hand-packed and posted by myself and CDJay, all emails are handled by us, we get ****ed up the ass repeatedly by Royal Mail and/or so-called "friends" who I shall not yet name, and I'm sick and tired of people whining.
Originally posted by Chwhynny:
Not read the thread, don't need to. My new husband is currently upstairs replying to ungrateful, abusive, or misunderstanding twats instead of eating his dinner (yes, at 1 AM because he works his ass off 24/7, as apparently is expected). Probably not going to make myself popular with this, again, don't care. Obviously none of you know what it entails to run a popular hardcore label with just a small number of people. Every CD we send out is hand-packed and posted by myself and CDJay, all emails are handled by us, we get ****ed up the ass repeatedly by Royal Mail and/or so-called "friends" who I shall not yet name, and I'm sick and tired of people whining.

I know who those friends and semi-friends are and it fucking sickens me how much you have done for them only to come back and screw y'all over.
djDMS Sounds like there's a fair few people who should be ashamed of themselves.

You ever considered getting some HU fans/followers to help out with some of the more trivial stuff?
Originally posted by djDMS:
Sounds like there's a fair few people who should be ashamed of themselves.

You ever considered getting some HU fans/followers to help out with some of the more trivial stuff?

We have considered taking on other staff, or outsourcing certain parts of various processes, but previous experience has taught us that we're usually far better off keeping things close to home in order to prevent problems or confusion. Obviously mistakes do happen, but at least things are more traceable if 90% is in-house.

Usually most of our problems and delays are the result of third-party issues, such as late delivery of assets by artist or labels, errors in those delivered assets, manufacturing or delivery issues, or Royal Mail messing up. And then there's the odd customer who kicks off / threatens to sue because they didn't receive their order because they got their own address wrong, or because their payment actually never went through. Or certain customers sending back CDs on multiple occasions (when the shrink-wrap has been removed and the discs have blatantly been ripped to their computer) because "they ordered the wrong one", demanding a refund. It's hard to keep track of things like that when there are too many links in the chain.

Of course we make mistakes too, that's bound to happen when processing this many orders, e-mails, and Facebook messages. But in that case we will always try our best to rectify, and keep the customer happy.
wong cdjay's a legend, will never forget his kindness shown to me a me a couple of years ago.
Elipton Run a company or don't run a company. You said there're people behind the scenes, are you saying your company can't operate without your supervision?

If a wedding renders your company unable to return an email for a whole year, there's clearly a problem. The change of tact to draw in pity because people have betrayed you or your wedding in a PITA is really quite absurd.. How are your consumers supposed to know what's happening in your personal life? and why would they care? I also don't think consumers should expect a service that's worse because you've bitten off more than you can chew. Quite simply. don't take on more work if you can't deliver a service as effective as though it was a single CD you've released..

That said, I hope you sort out the issues hindering HU as much as Dys gets his prizes. An issue like this really should be this complicated.. You receive a complaint, you respond and do everything to rectify it, not look for sympathetic support.
CDJay That would be a very reasonable way for a faceless well staffed corporate behemoth to operate, I agree.

I never said a wedding stopped emails for a year; I said it shut the store for a week.

When I saw this thread I quickly responded, publically, accepting all complaint without protest and similarly publically said I would resolve it.

It's a bank holiday weekend. It was after midnight in the UK. There was no need for snarky commentary or implication I wouldn't do precisely what I said I'd do as soon as it was feasible to do so. Again, it's a bank holiday Monday, so there's no post. I also noted that Royal Mail have done something to our account, which I can't do anything about until tomorrow.

What has essentially floored HU for the past 6 months is:
- both directors have had to move, unexpectedly
- our entire IT infrastructure took enough of a hit that we're only getting up and running again this week
- the above has had a significant knock on effect on both our ability to efficiently process orders *and* release new products

You can say that our customers shouldn't care but.. errm.. they probably should as I'm not sure who benefits from any of this excepting the well established players of industry who can coast off past glories.

HU, and I, have done a *lot* for the scene and up and coming talent in the past 10 years. I didn't ask for a free pass, merely understanding given the horrors strewn in our path. If you think our reaction is calculated solely for soliciting sympathy I'll say it again for the cheap seats: It's midnight on a bank holiday weekend and I've already hinted strongly that I have little reserves when it comes to dealing.



This was my competition. The only involvement the guys at HU had was kindly donating prizes. Thats it. Jon even contacted me chasing it up at one point.

Why any of this would be aimed at them I really dont know & I think this thread should be scrapped as its really not a fair representation of the exceptional work these guys actually put in on a daily basis.

Unfortunately I'd bitten off way more than I could chew at the time & along with some personal problems the completion of the comp fell by the wayside. This was incredibly unfair & slack on my part but I can assure you all it wasn't my intention for it to lose momentum the way it did.

Dys7, after getting things straight a few months ago I messaged you through fb to try & have this resolved asap but you should have messaged me again through there instead of making this thread.

It should never have gotten to this stage & for that I'm sorry. I'll message you through here & we can have this put to bed.

Please delete this thread, or at least remove HU from the title - they have no real involvement.
Ken Masters
Originally posted by Ken Masters:

This was my competition. The only involvement the guys at HU had was kindly donating prizes. Thats it. Jon even contacted me chasing it up at one point.

Why any of this would be aimed at them I really dont know & I think this thread should be scrapped as its really not a fair representation of the exceptional work these guys actually put in on a daily basis.

Unfortunately I'd bitten off way more than I could chew at the time & along with some personal problems the completion of the comp fell by the wayside. This was incredibly unfair & slack on my part but I can assure you all it wasn't my intention for it to lose momentum the way it did.

Dys7, after getting things straight a few months ago I messaged you through fb to try & have this resolved asap but you should have messaged me again through there instead of making this thread.

It should never have gotten to this stage & for that I'm sorry. I'll message you through here & we can have this put to bed.

Please delete this thread, or at least remove HU from the title - they have no real involvement. fact, please update the title to the "Ken Masters is a slack mofo who needs to get his finger out his ass & lets all throw rotten vegetables at him & make him cry like a little girl" thread.

Seems more appropriate!
Originally posted by Ken Masters:
Originally posted by Ken Masters:

This was my competition. The only involvement the guys at HU had was kindly donating prizes. Thats it. Jon even contacted me chasing it up at one point.

Why any of this would be aimed at them I really dont know & I think this thread should be scrapped as its really not a fair representation of the exceptional work these guys actually put in on a daily basis.

Unfortunately I'd bitten off way more than I could chew at the time & along with some personal problems the completion of the comp fell by the wayside. This was incredibly unfair & slack on my part but I can assure you all it wasn't my intention for it to lose momentum the way it did.

Dys7, after getting things straight a few months ago I messaged you through fb to try & have this resolved asap but you should have messaged me again through there instead of making this thread.

It should never have gotten to this stage & for that I'm sorry. I'll message you through here & we can have this put to bed.

Please delete this thread, or at least remove HU from the title - they have no real involvement. fact, please update the title to the "Ken Masters is a slack mofo who needs to get his finger out his ass & lets all throw rotten vegetables at him & make him cry like a little girl" thread.

Seems more appropriate!

Too many characters dude it needs to be shortened
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by Ken Masters:
Originally posted by Ken Masters:

This was my competition. The only involvement the guys at HU had was kindly donating prizes. Thats it. Jon even contacted me chasing it up at one point.

Why any of this would be aimed at them I really dont know & I think this thread should be scrapped as its really not a fair representation of the exceptional work these guys actually put in on a daily basis.

Unfortunately I'd bitten off way more than I could chew at the time & along with some personal problems the completion of the comp fell by the wayside. This was incredibly unfair & slack on my part but I can assure you all it wasn't my intention for it to lose momentum the way it did.

Dys7, after getting things straight a few months ago I messaged you through fb to try & have this resolved asap but you should have messaged me again through there instead of making this thread.

It should never have gotten to this stage & for that I'm sorry. I'll message you through here & we can have this put to bed.

Please delete this thread, or at least remove HU from the title - they have no real involvement. fact, please update the title to the "Ken Masters is a slack mofo who needs to get his finger out his ass & lets all throw rotten vegetables at him & make him cry like a little girl" thread.

Seems more appropriate!

Too many characters dude it needs to be shortened

Ken Masters is a wanker? ;) *Joking*
Torpex "Future State: Filth & Dumb Hatred"
Ken Masters I'm open to suggestions!
Dys7 I am not trying to 'twist the knife'. I tried to make that very clear in my post. All I said was that I didn't know any other way to get your attention after waiting a year.
I titled the post the way I did to get people to pay attention to it. It's clickbait.
Nobody here is changing their opinion on you from this, if anything, they just like you more and hate me more, which is no big surprise to me.

I'm sorry about the shit you've gone through, and it's not like I'm glad it happened or I'm reveling in it. I was just trying a new way of contacting you. That's all.

As expected, this is being taken to orders of magnitude further than I wanted, and is causing drama, making people hate me, etc etc. Meh.

Again, sorry you dealt with that mate, and I'm not glad it happened to you. I was trying a new way to contact you - anything further from that is an invention / corruption by the posters on this thread.
Dys7 Ugh. I just wanted to make a post with an attention-grabbing title asking CDJay where my stuff is.
Of course now it's turned into a huge thing. Of course.
Originally posted by Dys7:

I titled the post the way I did to get people to pay attention to it. It's clickbait.

As expected, this is being taken to orders of magnitude further than I wanted, and is causing drama, making people hate me, etc etc. Meh.

I was trying a new way to contact you - anything further from that is an invention / corruption by the posters on this thread.

Originally posted by Dys7:
I just wanted to make a post with an attention-grabbing title asking CDJay where my stuff is.
Of course now it's turned into a huge thing. Of course.

I find it hilarious how you want to blame the rest of us for "inventing" and "corrupting" this thread and almost surprised at how big it's gotten when you have just admitted to making this post purely about clickbait just to get as much attention out of it as you want and also used CDJay and HU in it even though it was just revealed that they weren't even the ones running this contest. You failed to even mention that in your original post so clearly if anything here is invented or corrupted it stems from you failing to acknowledge that fact. If Ken Master has in any way mentioned to you that they were the ones holding up your prize, then you should have specifically said that. But nope, you went for the bigger party involved because you knew it would gain more attention. Well congrats you got what you wanted! Hope it was worth it!
Triquatra Editing out hilarious gifs because they're so hilarious they're starting to kill load times.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
almost surprised at how big it's gotten

I'm not surprised at all. Particularly not by you. In fact, I had several people message me in various places and say you'd be the one to post annoying gifs and make it into a personal attack against HU. Seems like you really revel in jumping right into situations and stirring up as much shit as you can out of them.

Originally posted by latininxtc:
CDJay and HU in it even though it was just revealed that they weren't even the ones running this contest.

Ken ran the contest, HU sent the items. The contest is over, now it's about the items.

Originally posted by latininxtc:
If Ken Master has in any way mentioned to you that they were the ones holding up your prize, then you should have specifically said that.

He didn't. He wasn't involved at all. In fact, he just made a post saying he didn't talk to me about it, and that he should've. Reading comprehension! :3

CDJay The original post was 100% fair and I said that. The subsequent one wasn't. That's it; I will sort it out, I *am* genuinely sorry and whatever kind Mr Masters says I have no doubt I am largely responsible.

The only drama is coming from people who have actually witnessed the causal effects, and want to spare me trauma, and others trying to hold me to account after I've already confessed my sins and sworn to rectify.

Summary: Didn't need sarcasm last night, I reacted poorly, predictably, and it will all be fine.

Can't we just all get along?

Samination I dont know if latin tried to spare you from having more trauma, or looking like the biggest fanboy there is after the "leave britney alone" guy, who knows :P

And to be honest, no one really was going against you other than maybe, well Elipton, but that's who he is. Or own little grumpy cat.
Originally posted by CDJay:
The original post was 100% fair and I said that. The subsequent one wasn't.

Can't we just all get along?


You know what? Totally fair, mate. I apologize for that last one (about not asking for address).
I didn't think it all the way through before I posted it, and I'm sorry for that.
I didn't intend to do wrong by you at all. I have a lot of respect for you, regardless of shortcomings. You've done a lot to make this scene a better place and we all appreciate that.
wong group hug?
CDJay There's way too much oil and the inflatable pool is here. A hug seems distinctly tame.

Elipton Everyone's happy and even the gifs were deleted.
Alls well that ends well
djDMS All a bit pointless in the end then.

Damage potentially done to more than one party - rightly or wrongly, when it could and should have been handled differently.
Ken Masters
Originally posted by CDJay:
There's way too much oil and the inflatable pool is here. A hug seems distinctly tame.


Don't be so crude.
Captain Triceps
Originally posted by Ken Masters:
Originally posted by CDJay:
There's way too much oil and the inflatable pool is here. A hug seems distinctly tame.


Don't be so crude.

Ah, oil, crude, I see what you did there!
djDMS Top grade reply.

Very slick!
Originally posted by wong:
group hug?

I'm game :D
Elliott I suspect a few people on here quietly love the drama. It's usually the ones who get as intimately involved as they can at the first opportunity. Glad this shitshow has been resolved though.

Originally posted by Elipton:
The title of the thread called HU as a company; incompetent, Steve.

Where's the confusion?

And to be fair, you do go over the top with the gifs. 4 bigg'uns in one post?

I kept my gif in text form.

Helps to avoid the whingers.
Mansy If only the rest of the hardcore scene could resolve problems as easily and quickly as this ;)
trippnface My only regret (lol) is HU selling so many cds that have/had nothing to do with HU... too bad almost all other groups blow besides HU... (even if they do lag balls)

DJ_S48L3 Hey guys!
If you're interested in the harder styles the find me on:
Originally posted by DJ_S48L3:
Hey guys!
If you're interested in the harder styles the find me on:

No thanks. I make it a rule not to follow any dj/producer that thinks it's cute to put numbers in place of letters. Anymore.

Besides what you mix is probably not fast enough for most of us here to enjoy. Think 170BPM
djDMS ....Or people who rudely spam others topics to promote themselves. No thanks
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by DJ_S48L3:
Hey guys!
If you're interested in the harder styles the find me on:

No thanks. I make it a rule not to follow any dj/producer that thinks it's cute to put numbers in place of letters. Anymore.

Besides what you mix is probably not fast enough for most of us here to enjoy. Think 170BPM

What about S3rl?
Originally posted by Alabaster:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by DJ_S48L3:
Hey guys!
If you're interested in the harder styles the find me on:

No thanks. I make it a rule not to follow any dj/producer that thinks it's cute to put numbers in place of letters. Anymore.

Besides what you mix is probably not fast enough for most of us here to enjoy. Think 170BPM

What about S3rl?

Probably a good example of a
dj/producer that thinks it's cute to put numbers in place of letters
djDMS What a load of 5H1T3
Originally posted by djDMS:
What a load of 5H1T3

New DJ name?
Originally posted by Alabaster:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by DJ_S48L3:
Hey guys!
If you're interested in the harder styles the find me on:

No thanks. I make it a rule not to follow any dj/producer that thinks it's cute to put numbers in place of letters. Anymore.

Besides what you mix is probably not fast enough for most of us here to enjoy. Think 170BPM

What about S3rl?

Hence the word I just put in bold. His productions were fun at the beginning, but after Pika Girl all of his music really went to shit, more so than most people accused it of being. Then there was that phase that he's not producing hardcore anymore instead he'll produce something new that is hardcore at a much slower pace, only to go running back to hardcore again. Pathetic.
versia Lumin8 was pretty good though.
Mickey Init V1nylgroover was my favourite, though.
ViolonC I liked Orbit1.
Mickey Init
Originally posted by ViolonC:
I liked Orbit1.

Amazing shout. Favourite tune?
Originally posted by Mickey Init:
Originally posted by ViolonC:
I liked Orbit1.

Amazing shout. Favourite tune?

What letter did the 1 replace?
Orbit1 would still be a decent name today

I've noticed a trend of swapping name capitals around. Mord Fustang and Com Truise are two examples. Drives me a little bit crazy.
Originally posted by Elipton:
Originally posted by Mickey Init:
Originally posted by ViolonC:
I liked Orbit1.

Amazing shout. Favourite tune?

What letter did the 1 replace?
Orbit1 would still be a decent name today

I've noticed a trend of swapping name capitals around. Mord Fustang and Com Truise are two examples. Drives me a little bit crazy.

Jeez that's ****ing awful lol. It's as bad or worse than number replacements.

And you're correct Orbit1's number doesn't replace any letter so doesn't count.
Captain Triceps What about randomly placing CapiTAl leTteRs in the artist name and track titles?

(Although these are mostly Japanese, so there could be a reason.)
arpz And those ****ing logos....

Captain Triceps
Originally posted by arpz:
And those ****ing logos....


Some of them are proper cringy, but then if you don't have one you're in danger of being pushed to the bottom of the flyer in a tiny font.
arpz It makes all the flyers look the same!
Triquatra 1 usually replaces L

so it could be OrbitL


Captain Triceps
Originally posted by Triquatra:
1 usually replaces L

so it could be OrbitL


'1' always replaces 'I', ya mook!
Mickey Init So, would Tyl3r & Reynolds count?
Elipton Orbit1 was pronounced Orbital? Well shank my sheep's tail I did not know that.
Originally posted by Elipton:
Orbit1 was pronounced Orbital? Well shank my sheep's tail I did not know that.

Wait I don't believe Rowan said it's pronounced that way he said it could be pronounced that way. I think majority of people believe it's pronounced orbit-one. I think I've even heard it on podcasts as Orbit-one. But hey someone should ask him on facebook, and I volunteer Rowan!
Triquatra For once Latin is correct, I did indeed say "could".

on the very few times I've ever referred to Orbit1, I've said Orbit-one.

though looking at it it makes more sense as a name as Orbital, rather than Orbit one.

illuminati confirmed.
Samination no, it's orbiton, he's a friggin transformer :P
Captain Triceps Or perhaps its Zero-bit-One?
versia tbh i don't give a shit if an artist has a number in their name or not I just want my nu foundation cd lol.
Originally posted by versia:
tbh i don't give a shit if an artist has a number in their name or not I just want my nu foundation cd lol.

Bitch, you live in Australia! You won't see that album for probably another week. If it takes about 2 weeks for it to get to a US address, it's bound to take just as long if not longer for it to hit y'all.
Originally posted by versia:
tbh i don't give a shit if an artist has a number in their name or not I just want my nu foundation cd lol.

They're on their way! We're nearly caught up

Originally posted by Mickey Init:
So, would Tyl3r & Reynolds count?

Taking the 3 out of his name wouldn't make him a better producer
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by Alabaster:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by DJ_S48L3:
Hey guys!
If you're interested in the harder styles the find me on:

No thanks. I make it a rule not to follow any dj/producer that thinks it's cute to put numbers in place of letters. Anymore.

Besides what you mix is probably not fast enough for most of us here to enjoy. Think 170BPM

What about S3rl?

Hence the word I just put in bold. His productions were fun at the beginning, but after Pika Girl all of his music really went to shit, more so than most people accused it of being. Then there was that phase that he's not producing hardcore anymore instead he'll produce something new that is hardcore at a much slower pace, only to go running back to hardcore again. Pathetic.

Okay, fair enough, I like Hentai though (and the track wasn't bad).
danielseven Sometimes people still call me Daniel7, when "Seven" in my handle isn't really a number xD
Originally posted by danielseven:
Sometimes people still call me Daniel7, when "Seven" in my handle isn't really a number xD

I'mma call you Danielsju now (sju is swedish/scandinavian for 7)
Mickey Init I am NOT frustrated with HU whatsoever but please can we have all the hi-res artwork uploaded on the site? 173x173 is the best I could get for the latest items and it looks turd.
wong deffo mickey, init mate?
Mickey Init
Originally posted by wong:
deffo mickey, init mate?

It is

Originally posted by Mickey Init:
I am NOT frustrated with HU whatsoever but please can we have all the hi-res artwork uploaded on the site? 173x173 is the best I could get for the latest items and it looks turd.

I second this request. Hi-res artwork would be highly appreciated. One idea I suggested some time ago was a repository for master-quality artwork.
Originally posted by Vladel:
I'm still waiting for the "imminent" release of scott browns remixes of all my dreams and kickin hard.

They would indeed be aside for my personal album project .. so that and any other moans relating to my stuff can be freely directed at me, Im not really feeling writing Hardcore at the moment so its all on the back burner until i find the time to remember how to mix down and write music again ;) .. could be some time or could be a few weeks, i can't control my brain or musical thoughts or my mouth like i used to :D
CDJay It's all part of the digital pairing stuff planned, so we've not worried about the existing site. That said, like everything else this year, we were promised completion by end Jan....and it's June. I'd panic if I had enough emotional energy. It'll happen.

Mickey Init
Originally posted by CDJay:
It's all part of the digital pairing stuff planned, so we've not worried about the existing site. That said, like everything else this year, we were promised completion by end Jan....and it's June. I'd panic if I had enough emotional energy. It'll happen.


Lovely jubbly! Just need the Bonkers 1-4 artwork and the HTID albums' (1 & 2) and then I'm almost done.
Originally posted by alstorm:
Originally posted by Vladel:
I'm still waiting for the "imminent" release of scott browns remixes of all my dreams and kickin hard.

They would indeed be aside for my personal album project .. so that and any other moans relating to my stuff can be freely directed at me, Im not really feeling writing Hardcore at the moment so its all on the back burner until i find the time to remember how to mix down and write music again ;) .. could be some time or could be a few weeks, i can't control my brain or musical thoughts or my mouth like i used to :D

I think the stuff you have made the last couple of years on the whole, has been quite brilliant
Originally posted by Vladel:
Originally posted by alstorm:
Originally posted by Vladel:
I'm still waiting for the "imminent" release of scott browns remixes of all my dreams and kickin hard.

They would indeed be aside for my personal album project .. so that and any other moans relating to my stuff can be freely directed at me, Im not really feeling writing Hardcore at the moment so its all on the back burner until i find the time to remember how to mix down and write music again ;) .. could be some time or could be a few weeks, i can't control my brain or musical thoughts or my mouth like i used to :D

I think the stuff you have made the last couple of years on the whole, has been quite brilliant

Thanks :) .. just not quite enough to make it the album i really want it to be, and there is a few good unheard tracks that need to be finished properly, not bodged for a quick fix and i wouldn't say my stuff has ever really fitted in as 'current' as its pretty distinctive so another few months on a track release doesn't make as much difference (to me anyway haha).. sorry!

but yeah any HU related stuff that involves me, direct it to me .. they can only go as fast as i let them or feed them with my stuff ;)
Originally posted by alstorm:
Originally posted by Vladel:
Originally posted by alstorm:
Originally posted by Vladel:
I'm still waiting for the "imminent" release of scott browns remixes of all my dreams and kickin hard.

They would indeed be aside for my personal album project .. so that and any other moans relating to my stuff can be freely directed at me, Im not really feeling writing Hardcore at the moment so its all on the back burner until i find the time to remember how to mix down and write music again ;) .. could be some time or could be a few weeks, i can't control my brain or musical thoughts or my mouth like i used to :D

I think the stuff you have made the last couple of years on the whole, has been quite brilliant

Thanks :) .. just not quite enough to make it the album i really want it to be, and there is a few good unheard tracks that need to be finished properly, not bodged for a quick fix and i wouldn't say my stuff has ever really fitted in as 'current' as its pretty distinctive so another few months on a track release doesn't make as much difference (to me anyway haha).. sorry!

but yeah any HU related stuff that involves me, direct it to me .. they can only go as fast as i let them or feed them with my stuff ;)

The thing is we have a lot of folk who just fit the "current" sound and formula. It's the people who are a bit different and stand out that makes this scene great.
Originally posted by alstorm:
Originally posted by Vladel:
Originally posted by alstorm:
Originally posted by Vladel:
I'm still waiting for the "imminent" release of scott browns remixes of all my dreams and kickin hard.

They would indeed be aside for my personal album project .. so that and any other moans relating to my stuff can be freely directed at me, Im not really feeling writing Hardcore at the moment so its all on the back burner until i find the time to remember how to mix down and write music again ;) .. could be some time or could be a few weeks, i can't control my brain or musical thoughts or my mouth like i used to :D

I think the stuff you have made the last couple of years on the whole, has been quite brilliant

Thanks :) .. just not quite enough to make it the album i really want it to be, and there is a few good unheard tracks that need to be finished properly, not bodged for a quick fix and i wouldn't say my stuff has ever really fitted in as 'current' as its pretty distinctive so another few months on a track release doesn't make as much difference (to me anyway haha).. sorry!

but yeah any HU related stuff that involves me, direct it to me .. they can only go as fast as i let them or feed them with my stuff ;)

eternally killing it <3

i will wait patiently ;p

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