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 Music discussion - hardcore
 BLAZE on CD???

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Mc Joyrider Can anyone tell me if i can get Blaze till the day on CD? If not as a single, whether it is will be on the next Bonkers release? Any info would be much appreciated! I want to blast it from my mint car stero!

"Scream up to the lights,
turn my stero up,
chillin to the hardcore,
and i dont give a ****"

miss-mitzi a verry good question indeed.... well nick wots the answer?? plz!

I only smile cos i dont know wot the hell is goin on!!!
DJ CURLY i bloody well hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i luv that tune

" when ya dont know where to go and lifes kinda slow ya gotta hit the raves and let your body lose control release the tension the pressure is high roll with the flow get high on the ride"
EeYoReBoI Well Mc Joyrider if you can get your hands On Spree - anthems 2k2
Til the day is the last song in the mix. I BLARE IT ALL THE TIME.
You can msg Me on on AIM = HaRdKoReBoI
MSN = [email protected]

And i will Send you the file *GRIN*
Simon I really hope It does come on cd soon. Very soon.


Nick of Blaze! Heeeellllooooooooo!

My computer power supply caught fire today....just thought I'd share that first!

TTD, CD single.

This is definately in the pipeline. Our intention is to do a CD single, with a bonus hardcore mix, a special "unplugged" version of TTD (chill to it when the beatz get too much!), a live video of us PA'ing the track, and of course the original mixes....HOWEVER...

We were due to play at Elation to get the footage, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we were unable to do so. So, we're looking for a new event to perform at so we can get the live video footage. We have some footage ready and waiting, but just need this live performance as well.

We don't want to do a CD single without this because we really reckon a live PA on the CD would be great!

So... we need a venue again to perform at. Until we get that, the CD is on hold for a bit, but I'm DETERMINED to get it out.

As for the compilation questions, unfortunately not. We haven't been approached by any compilation people to license our tracks yet. So there wont be any Blaze! or Nimrod on Bonkers, Hardcore Heaven or the Slammin' CD up to today. Want to know why? Send them a mail and ask, and if they tell you tell me as well cos I'd love to know why Til The Day at least won't be on these compilations. Maybe it isnt good enough.

Don't for one minute let anyone tell you we wouldn't allow the license because it isnt true. I spoke with another hardcore label yesterday, and they wont be on them either! And this is a BIG label.

Never mind, we have a plan but I'll let Silver say the details later.

I'd be keen to see this "Spree - anthems 2k2" though... wheres that on the web?

Cheers everyone...


Simon Well for starters thats great news Nick I'll definatly buy one or two or three!!! (I'm very greedy)

I pretty certain also that the tune is good enough to go on one of the compilation albums maybe it won't appear because it's too good!!!
I think a live performance will also make the cd sell better and is a great idea. I am happy to wait untill you have the video.
great to see it being released on cd cheers


Jaide you can find "DJ Spree - Anthems 2k2" with "Til The Day" as the last track in the audio section at

PLUR - People.Look.Ugly.Rollin :)~
Ravers don't fall, they trip and roll

DJ AcidBunE
Founder/Promoter of I-Jam Productions
Mc Joyrider The only reason I can think of for TTD not being on one of the up coming compliations is the predicted Raver Baby domination. Anyone who went to SV (6th April) will have seen Hixxy and Co. seriously push to take Hardcore forward their way. I don't have a problem with this other than one of the reasons Bonkers 7 didnt sell so well seemed to be the Trance influence and Raverbaby seems to follow this path. It is just a thought, I love some of the Raverbaby tracks and original hardcore should be promoted, I just hope that those who compile the big compliations realise how big a name Bang/Blaze is and that people will specifically buy a compliation for the new Bang tune especailly if they don't have decks to play vinyl. This post is not meant to be a critism of raver baby it is just a thought as to why some other labels/artists/tracks may not be featured on up and coming compliations!!!I would love to hear most of styles set on a new CD!!!
I have to say I think it is interesting also that React are releasing a new Bonkers just now as they took the message board off their site after every other request was for a Bonkers track.

Any how Big up Nick, your tunes are fantastic and shooting star is the best hardcore song ever!!!(hopefully the royalties from the Flip n fill version will help you get over any bonkers snub etc!!!) Might I suggest the next Invasion at Bongalez in Guildfoird would make a great venue for the live Blaze PA!!!

'Stars for dreamz,
is not what it seems,
its all about her love for me,
and how her touch set me free!!!

Nick of Blaze! Cheers guys, and especially MC Joyrider for the compliments. That's much appreciated.

I've spoken to a couple of high profile people recently and it's a shame that there seems to be a division starting up. Hardcore seems to be being pulled into two seperate directions. Personally I'm going for the old skool sound, but then I would wouldn't I? lol

However, I'll stop right there, because that's bad vibe for the scene, and NO WAY is that ruining my fun !

So, I'm philosophical about the scene at the moment. I think that the proof of the pudding is in the listening, so I'll carry on doing what I do and hope I keep on creating what you guys want.

It will be a shame if the Bonkers CD doesn't sell because then React will shy away from producing any more. Anyone remember the Sony compilation a few years ago? Had lots of ads in mags etc, but bombed because the track listing wasnt varied enough.

However, don't just buy it to keep React happy, buy it because you like it. If I see a track listing that doesn't have what you want, then don't buy it.

BUT NEVER FEAR! There are plans afoot ! And don't worry about my stuff on CD, it will be eventually, and I'll make sure it'll be great. I'm working on a new album of mostly new material with just a spattering of my best stuff, so be ready for that.

As for Flip & Fill, yeah, I've been speaking to All Around The World, and they seem really confident and are a great bunch of people. Even done a video for it! and I havent heard that much enthusiasm for a track for ages. Even as a complete outsider, I would have to wish them all the best, simply because of that!

One day, I'll write down all about the last 10 years, just like Chris Howell did on his website. Quite a story.

Cheers everyone


DJ CURLY nick i wouldnt blame u if u retired now
youve done so much for hardcore
but im glad youre carrying on!
any ideas as to what shops the cd will be in mainstream or independant shops
or available only online.

" when ya dont know where to go and lifes kinda slow ya gotta hit the raves and let your body lose control release the tension the pressure is high roll with the flow get high on the ride"
Oli G Nick dude... keep it up
i aint a clue what youve got planned but im ready for it
i bought blaze cos i like it
some seem to be shying away from the cheese and going into the trancey stuff (the other cheese) some are going harder (nu style) some are goin backwards(ish) (the oldskool style)
ill rave to all
its all hardcore
its all good
[end of shite by me]

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
CDJay Well, the PA is too far away dammit, just release an "EP" ASAP.

I know the Shine a Light CD Single isn't planned anymore either, for the same reasons.

So.... how about putting the next Blaze track, together w/ 'Til the Day and Shine a Light, onto a CD.

Call it an "EP", put a new mix or two on there, and for the love of god have it well ( IE Digitally ) sourced.

Don't be afraid to let me have a "test" copy, u won't find a more demanding listener than I to do Q&A, I assure ya ;)


"Some people see things as they are... and say "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and say "Why Not?" "
Annex Nick, just wanted to say... any thoughts about til the day not being good enough are utter lunacy!

granted, first time i heard it, i was like.. 'eh'... but within say.. 3 listenings it's been elevated to one of my fav tracks, it's SO damn good!!
(i blame that first 'eh' response on being distracted and not listening properly, lol)

that does suck that hardcore is pullin in 2 directions!!!

though i am pleased to hear your focusing on the oldschool!!!
as i voted *holds his hand over his heart and whipes a tear* it's all about the oldschool baby! boo yeah!

(ok granted i wasn't in the scene when oldschool was new lol... but... looking back all the stuff i enjoy the most now, comes from then)

Nick of Blaze! LOL... oh man... retire? from hardcore? NEVER...NOOOOOOOOOO! You lot have got me here for life. Even if you stop buying my records, I'll still make them. Even if I have to buy them all meself! hehehehe

EP.. well that would be good, and we have thought of this, but the way the new tracks are coming on lately, it looks like it'll be a "Blaze! v Nimrod" type album and will be ready early next year. The next release is a bit of a change... we'll be promo'ing that from around mid April (ish) ready for release in June. Between you lot and us, we're trying to get Jo to do just a couple more tracks, fingers crossed, if we keep the studio time to a minimum, she'll agree. We worked on a project the other day, and we just "click" in the studio. She's just fantastic.

So, don't worry about releases. Lots to come.

As for TTD being good enough, you do have your doubts sometimes, but going by the thread, and the visits to the homepages, everyone still likes the stuff. I will be surprised if there isn't all different material on Bonkers. It will be a real shame as well. Someone pointed out the other day to me, that compilations are all about tapping into fans from different bands/producers/acts at the same time. Someone may absolutely detest Blaze!, but love KFA. Therefore, they buy the album because KFA's on there, andnot just because they like hardcore.

I understand that HH isn't just HH and anything HH is liked by everyone. Some people don't like vocal hardcore that we do, and that's cool, but others do, and I've seen posts where thats the only sort of hardcore they like, so take it away, and the fans disappear. Therefore, to have an album sounding very similar throughout, and you're not tapping into all the different sets of fans wouldn't be good for HH.

However, I'm sure react know what they're doing, all the others have been very successful. So time will tell.

Cheers everyone!


PS... the next release is an absolute stonker, I just heard the other remix... can't wait. Stay to cos you'll get it here first!

miss-mitzi it wouldnt b hardcore witout you nick!!!....... ill let u retire when i find my dream man ok!!!!!

If computer games effected us kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
Hecttech Records Don'y worry Nick aint gonna retire. Me and nick have to many plans for the future for that to be an option..... lol

Nimrod - Shine a light will be released within the month. The test presses are all done and they sound awesome. Touching Down mix is one of the finest remixes i've ever heard (nice 1 dave lol)

Nimrod 2nd release is going to plan with mixes by Touching Down (DEVASTATE) & In Effect, who's mix will be something completely new (will it be the 1st (bang) tune with a gabba breakdown??????????

CDJay LoL @ ur obsession with the sickeningly hard and gabba-like hecttech m8 ;)


"Some people see things as they are... and say "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and say "Why Not?" "
Hecttech Records You're right mate, i am obsessed with sickening hard & gabba-like tunes, thats the way imo hardcore should be, you wont find any cheese or trancey hardcore on hecttech.

While ppl want it hard, they'll get it...... if ppl think Scuzzlebutt is hard wait till you get "Blindside" on vinyl, this tune is gonna rip speakers to pieces. lol

There seems to be a definate split within hardcore atm between hard and trancey hardcore, so hecttech is gonna have to change its music policy.....

.......Hecttech is gonna get HARDER

Mc Joyrider Division in the scene?!?

I think the problem withion the Hradcore scene is the division between seperate styles. Hardcore has different styles-Trancey, cheesy, original e.g. Bang and unique (brilliant), hard n fast, break beat etc! I think this should be a positive a collective of various styles and not regarded as many seem to within the scene as divisive!!!Just a thought but I have always loved the way Brisk's sets are hard and fast, vibes are full of vocals etc! If Hardcore could get back some of the unity it had in 1991 (listen to Fantazia the big bang if you are into differnet styles under the hardcore banner) then hardcore can grow!Splits in the scene will not help anyone, especailly from a commercial point of view!

keep rockin n a rollin say EVERYBODY have a goodtime!!!

(PS its my 23rd birthday today!!!)

"I wake in the morning when the sun goes up, I drink a little coffee from my hardcore cup, I eat my hardcore breakfast now me bellys full up!!!"

CDJay Happy birthday, and I completely agree w/ ya m8

Diversity is why I think 2002 shows every sign of being the best year hardcore has ever seen from a tune standpoint.


"Some people see things as they are... and say "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and say "Why Not?" "
DJ Mouse i'm glad hardcore has it's divisions,it gives it variety and that way it doesn't all sound the same like hard house

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
Simon Yeah The Division does give it variety but we do also have to be careful One style doesn't either go commercial or turn into something such as hardhouse.


Mc Joyrider I wasnt suggesting the diversity of styles in Hardcore is a bad thing!My problem is if the scene splits and becomes divided into hundreds of subgenres!!!Hardcore needs to grow and this can only happen if those producing, promoting and Djing can pull together and put on this biggest and the best (diverse) Hardcore product. Ravers Unite!!!

"Infinity is what we know, what is out there that we don't know? Now is the time to question, to push the horizons of your conciousness further!Now is the time to join the Hardcore dimension where we have Stars for Dreams"

miss-mitzi a "bang" tune an a gabba tune...? hmm! sounds interestin!!!!!!

If computer games effected us kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
CDJay Mitzi, have a listen to the "Shine a Light ( Touching down mix )" at

U'll need realplayer

Direct link is


"Some people see things as they are... and say "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and say "Why Not?" "
miss-mitzi i am havin a blonde moment..... wots a realplayer..?

If computer games effected us kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!

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