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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DJSHINE i have borrowed some CD decks off my mate and i am finding them easyer than vinyl decks.Do u think they are easy or harder and should i stick with vinyl or Cd now ?????????/

Ur bonkers ...get in to hardcore now ! ! :D

Exhile Nah man stick with vinyl. Thats how it should be done. Cds are boring. You can do muc more with Vinyl

Peace, love and unity

Dj Frankus
tommo Definately stick with vinyl,you won't get far with cd decks.
1.Most dance tunes aren't released on cd.
2.Cds are gay.

Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.
Simon Stick with cd, for sooooooo many reasons, move to the future with cd's imo .

you can/will easily be able to do more with cd's soon.


Everything is random, your probebly not meant to read this!!!!!!

You Turn & Face The Strange..............You Turn & Face Yourself!!!

2.Cds are gay.

that pretty much sums it up

Peace, love and unity

Dj Frankus
whispering When hardcore records will be released as CD singles, then you should go for CD's...

Don Giovanni I like cd dex more myself, mostly because of cost and reliability issues.
1)On cd dex there are no needles that wear out and need to be replaced with time
2)Cds don't degrade as quickly as vinyl does, so each time u play it the sound is still perfect. People that say vinyl has a superior sound than cd...that’s a complete crock otherwise why the hell would people have Dolby digital setups etc. Digitally stored music is perfect, essentially. After playing a record ten times you already will begin to hear lil pops etc when playing your vinyl.
3)If you produce your own material and want to see how it fares on the dance floor you can easily burn a copy to cd and take it to one of your gigs. A CD costs less than a dollar. While with vinyl you have to get dub plates made etc which is expensive and time consuming.

But hey if you have a lot of money to throw around go for the vinyl turntables. I know are a lot of people that have both cd and vinyl dex…I wish I had that kind of money to spend on cool toys :(

'Together united as one indeed, WE ARE THE HARDCORE FAMILY!
Exhile So basicly use both till vinyl goes out of date and then switch to just ccd

Peace, love and unity

Dj Frankus
virus i think one of the main things holding cd's back, is that once cd singles are produced for spinning purposes, they will get mp3'd straight away and the dj masses will be buying considerably less music, cuz they'll just toss it on cd, and no one will know

We came here tonight to get started, to cold act ill or get retarded
No Left Turn i don't really prefer one over the other. unless you have the cdj800 or 1000 then cd's are the exact same as vinyl as far as handling goes. one advantage of cd's... NO SKIPPING! on friday night i played a party that had stanton skipmaster needles and they just weren't havinit (all the other dj's were having major skip problems) so i just played a whole set on cd.

-Donny / No Left Turn
DJSHINE i think i will keep my vinyl turntables and i will keep cd decks as well and use both.i will probaly end up using cd decks more because there are DJ shops with have specail cd's for DJ's to use and have gud tunes on.1 CD cost £3 from this shop as a vinyl cost alot more.

Ur bonkers ...get in to hardcore now ! ! :D

silver I find these days it doesn't really matter what you use... me I still love vinyl, CD's are okay but I still love the smell of fresh vinyl :)

you, me and hardcore forever.
Exhile Im actually thinking of getting a cd deck asweel . Whats a good one to get that dont cost a bomb

Peace, love and unity

Dj Frankus
Oli G CD's = phat

CAM001 Out MARCH2003
Distribution Through Nu Energy & Imo

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
Underloop Go with whatever your happiest with

Me personally I use vinyl decks and atm I prefer vinyl, but so many promos are pushed out on CD these days, so I think CD mixing is a very good thing to be able to do. Its also good for trying out your own tunes/remixes on . I can't really afford to invest in a CD deck right now, and so just hook up my laptop and use that as a makeshift CD deck, but once my DJing skills improve I'll definitely be investing in one to COMPLIMENT my turntables..... no way would I lose the turntables though.

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
Raver_Davie I'm looking into CD decks at the mo since with recent hardcore albums like the 6 CD 'Ultimate Hardcore Album' most of the CDs are un-mixed and most of the songs are really hard to find on vinyl now. Plus it's only about £10!

Broken I say support the scene: stick with vinyl.

...besides, it's a proven fact that chicks can't resist a guy who spins vinyl, whereas they despise CD jocks.
You need people like me so you can point your feckin fingers... and say "That's the bad guy."
Me? I don't have that guy. Me? I always tell the truth... even when I lie.
Tricky AB I say do what you like...I have a friend who has CD decks...he like them...I don't...but whatever floats your boat right....

virus this is the only turntable i play on..

check out my awesome coloured vinyl!

We came here tonight to get started, to cold act ill or get retarded
strychnine ^^ I've heard of decks being direct-driven and belt-driven, but that thing looks like it's running on pedal power

BTW ... that record looks really familiar; I'm sure someone's asked for a track-ID for it at some point ...

"Setting a new standard in normal since 1981."
DJ Overdose I would say vinyl rules, but to be fair some of these new CD decks are pretty close to mixing with vinyl. CD mixing does take out some of the fun tho. Although you can skratch on some CD decks, you can ne do it like the they do on the DMC mix comps!

I have both, but the CD decks are gathering dust! 1210s rule.

Mostly harmless...
Chrysostomou vinyl has been and will be the only real proper hardcore djs format for a long time. Sound better and frankly just a hell of a lot more fun though, i heard something in the grapevine though about vinyls being discontinued in the future though, as sales have dropped so much since cds are becoming the favoured format due to ease and size....

if video games affected us children, then we would all be running around in dark rooms, munching magical pills and dancing to repeative music!
silver That image looks scary... like your damaging the record or something...

you, me and hardcore forever.
Don Giovanni quote]Originally posted by Chrysostomou:
Sound better and frankly just a hell of a lot more fun though

The fun part about vinyl I agree with ...but sound better? Don’t get my wrong I love vinyl too. But this statement seems unjustified

To me this really just seems like something people who have a lot of nostalgia for vinyl say just to justify their reasons for liking it. Really this sounds silly to me. It’s been proven that digitally stored media lasts longer than analog. Listen to your records a lot? Notice after a while u keep getting little pop and crackle type noises. You can cover that up to some degree but its still there.
My other problem with this way of thinking is this. The people producing the music use synthesizers and a lot of computer software now days. The music is originally saved in a digital format. So from going from a hard drive of a computer to a digital audio cd the sound should be perfect if done correctly.
Whereas with vinyl you are switching to an analog format which is not always perfect, and imperfections are added with use.

I've heard a lot of people say specifically that "the bass sounds better on vinyl" to me that just sounds like something in the peoples heads.
Anyway my question is for those that are more experienced on the boards, specifically those that have been djing for many years. Do you think you hear such differences in vinyl and cd? Is the bass better on vinyl?

'Together united as one indeed, WE ARE THE HARDCORE FAMILY!
Stevie c I have cd decks and I do think its the only real way forward and I don't think people will buy any less music for starters. Now I have had problems learning to beat match with them as even in a specific genre most cd's won't tell you what Bpm the track is at. I found I struggle less with Vinyl, but cd's give you tons of choice, I have nearly 700 cd's and I never get bored. With cd's you can afford to Dj pretty much anything and not break the bank. Without needles you can't scratch (unless you get a board) which is why I am buying a deck to go with my set up. These days most clubs have cd's and the purists are not as bad as they use to be. With Cd's I do suffer from not being able to get the latest stuff easily but then again that is true for vinyl in some area's of UK. I admit a Dj looks cooler playing records than being stuck in front of what looks like a computer but than again I would still support the accessiblity of cds. At the end of the day its your style of mixing that counts, and a bad workman blames his tools. So go for what helps you most and what you feel most comfortable with. I personal want both, but know the cd's will get more use. One final thing, on cd's you can slip in samples without needing a sampler, I know it can be done to a degree with decks but not in the variety you can get on cd, Film monologues, cartoons and tv stuff are all on cd, that is a gimmic I couldn't refuse.

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
CDJay LoL, I really shouldn't intervene but I will.

Not to comment on the vinyl "sounds better" thing ( hahaha, course it does, they're PRESSED from CD after all )

or the "CDs are ghey" thing ( coz u have to hold a 12" black piece of plastic to be hetro right? )

Just to say this: Do you already have a few hardcore records? Do you not have many connections in the scene and just want to start as a bedroom DJ and learn to mix? Better stick w/ vinyl then.

On the other hand, if you can get upfront tunes from a variety of labels, and want to stand ANY chance of playing an upfront set at all, get CDJs. U can't play upfront off vinyl.

CDJay ( and no, I don't DJ, I'm just stating the extremely obvious )

"Are Eph You?"
Broken I'm sick of this "debate." Here's why I love my vinyl and will NEVER give it up.

1. As far as playing upfront stuff, well, WHO CARES!?!? I'd rather watch a dj play tunes I know and mix them well than to see somebody let a machine mix a bunch of tracks that are selected simply because they are new. Besides, if music is made so easily available to everyone, every track will be beat to death before it's even realeased. I find it a challenge to track down songs I love on vinyl.

2. Then there's my biggest beef with CDs: "djs" who have an entire CD book filled with shit they basically stole. Everytime I see one of them I just want to punch them.

3. This is a damn artform and I take it seriously. It's a mockery for people to think pushing a couple of buttons is the same thing as ACTUALLY MIXING THE RECORDS YOURSELF. People talk about being able to loop and sample and all that stuff... learn how to do it the old fashioned way! at the very least, buy a mixer that has a sampler or effects built in. You're not supposed to be able to become an overnight pro at djing, it's supposed to take practice and dedication. That's half the fun of it.

4. People say that anything you can do on a turntable can be done on a CDJ. This is bull. There is no way you can EVER account for the actual touching of the record. With vinyl you can do all kinds of things that involve a very minute pushing or dragging of the record.

5. The more computerized something is, the easier it is for something to go wrong. There was just a post about cd players getting screwed up from smoke from a smoke machine, and the way it sounds, they were practically new. Now think about it... how many parties/clubs/whatever have you been at that had smoke machines? I'm guessing just about every single one of them has. I myself don't really like idea of a set being ruined because of a little bit of smoke. Also, how well do cd players fare in a very humid environment? (you know, like a room where thousands of people are dancing up a sweat)

6. You could argue that "cd players don't have needles that skip."
My rebuttal: Refer to reason #3. Learn how to properly use a turntable and use decent needles and it won't be a problem. It may happen occasionally, but it's no worse than when you get a fingerprint or a tiny little scratch on a cd.

7. As for vinyl sounding better than cds: They most certainly do. The sound from vinyl is made by the groove vibrating the needle. Being that it is a vibration, you get a warmer sound because of the atmosphere. That's something you just can't duplicate with the cold precision of a laser.

8. "But CDs last longer." So what does that mean? Well, it means that the same Djs can play the same damn songs indefinitely because the media will never degrade. How bout this: If a record is very hard to find, a dj will be less likely to spin it EVERY DAMN TIME THEY PLAY. It keeps certain tracks special and you only bust them out at certain moments for the simple fact that you may not be able to find another one. That's part of what a dj does: they read the crowd and play the track that will really push the vibe over the limit, and what better way to do that than to drop that track that everyone loves but hasn't heard "in, like, forever"? If all the tracks are so easy to find, there won't be any that are special anymore.

9. Vinyl keeps a human element in this music that is basically computer dominated. Look at where techno came from: it was more than a form of music, it was man harnessing technology and bending it to his will in the form of snippets locked together and looped and only allowed to play out as far as the producer wanted them to. The dj was just a further extension of this concept. This argument may be somewhat abstract and a little bit subjective, but damn... it makes sense doesn't it?

and finally....

10. You know the chicks dig vinyl!

You need people like me so you can point your feckin fingers... and say "That's the bad guy."
Me? I don't have that guy. Me? I always tell the truth... even when I lie.
CDJay Do you also enjoy playing all the tracks that never get released on vinyl or get a really dodgy pressing?

"Then there's my biggest beef with CDs: "djs" who have an entire CD book filled with shit they basically stole. Everytime I see one of them I just want to punch them."

I don't know many "DJ"s who play out stuff they haven't got legit, altho the situation may be different in the States. Also can you explain to me how buying old vinyl 2nd hand in any way benefits the original artist or label?


edit: the thing about CDJs going wrong? I've heard my fair share of totally forked up skipping vinyl based sets in the past, but not one single CDJ related screw up recently. Here in the UK practically all big name DJs are nearly exclusively using CDJs with no problems at all.


"Are Eph You?"
ryg0r Just my 2c.

I think both formats have their advantages. And a lot of Dj use both.

But in essence, "everything" comes out on vinyl. And to use CD's you have to rip off the vinyl - so it all goes back to there.

I'd go vinyl cos its cooler, but CD's because its more convient, and you can squeeze more on it and doesn't warp....and here comes the arguements again!

Broken Actually, most of the CD jocks I have seen have many tracks that are burned. And they are, for most part, NOT tracks they made themselves. I have zero respect for someone who steals music and uses it to make money and stoke their ego.

I never said buying vinyl second hand benefitted the artist, in fact, I'll give you fifty dollars if you can show me where I said that. I will say that it is much more honest to buy a second hand vinyl than to steal the music from the internet or to copy it from somebody. If you purchase a vinyl or cd it is perfectly legal to sell said copy. However, it is not legal to make copies of it and sell those (obviously) or even give them away. At least a used vinyl has, at some point, put money in the artist's pocket*. Not very many MP3s do that. Just ask any of the producers that visit this board if they would rather have somebody buy a used vinyl of theirs or download the track off the internet. I'm pretty sure they would much rather have someone buy the used vinyl. I could be wrong, but in this case, I seriously doubt it.
Now, I'm sick of this. Everybody just get with the program and use vinyl like we're supposed to! The chicks love it!

*I know, I know... unless it was a promo or something like that.

You need people like me so you can point your feckin fingers... and say "That's the bad guy."
Me? I don't have that guy. Me? I always tell the truth... even when I lie.
virus i'd say if it works for you, go for it..

i have heard of weekly club dj's using cd's of downloaded mp3's though, which is just LAME..

We came here tonight to get started, to cold act ill or get retarded
E.N.D I was at a wedding once and the dj was ****ing rocking the cdj's!

that's my 2 cents


enD///Go Crazy! You Know You Want to...SING IT LIKE A LADY!///GOODFELLAZ 2003
CDJay "Actually, most of the CD jocks I have seen have many tracks that are burned. And they are, for most part, NOT tracks they made themselves"

So? I have loads of tracks on CD, some I've paid for and some I've been given by labels or artists. I don't even DJ.

I suspect those DJs have got those tracks from the label or artist w/ permission for the most part, I don't doubt that commercial club DJs do otherwise but especially w/ upfront material I think it would be pretty cocky to play out material you shouldn't have in such a closed scene. Such things would be VERY potentially damaging to a DJs reputation and chances of getting any new material in the future.


"Are Eph You?"
Broken ^^^
Well, I don't need to sit here and argue with you cuz you're obviously not wanting to hear what I'm saying... which is basically that most of the cd jocks I've seen spin burned cds... as in stolen music. I'm not like lying or making it up or anything... it's what I've seen and it makes me sick.

You need people like me so you can point your feckin fingers... and say "That's the bad guy."
Me? I don't have that guy. Me? I always tell the truth... even when I lie.
ryg0r You have a point, but lets say that I want something from vinyl on CD - I have to rip it. That is perfectly legal if I own it.

No doubt illegal audio (being played etc) is not cool.

But you do say MOST, and not all. Cut the rest of the CDJ's some slack dude.

Exhile Just a quetion as im gonna be getting a cd deck soonish. Where can i get cd singles from online?

Peace, love and unity

Dj Frankus
Kaffine Just my personal opinion:

CDs will NEVER ever replace vinyl. Vinyl has a very personal feel about it - it's a very personal media. Everyone's records are different - they all have litle idiosyncracies about them and they're irreplacable - a CD can be copied, a CD can be burned - records are records - they're very hard to manufacture for personal use (unless you own a vinyl cutter) and they can gather much sentimental value (as well as monetary - ever seen a CD with two tracks go for $50?) and, as a whole, outlast CDs.

Furthermore, CD decks just can't replicate the LOOK of a true vinyl deck - something is so insanely cool about a picture of a guy standing behind his 1200s, party lighting reflecting off the shiny parts - and the turntables look MASSIVE - they take up SPACE. They have the industrial look to them that I feel defines raves.

That's my two cents. Sorry if I sound like a moron.

CDJay Doubt that CDs will ever totally replace vinyl. difference in my opinion tho is that I don't believe either format or method of DJing is immortal.

It's all very well talking about the benefits of vinyl mixing, but hey it's never going to change is it. Is anyone really short sighted enough to believe that vinyl will NEVER die? In 100 years time u think people will still be DJing off vinyl? That's not a Vinyl vs CD point, I suspect CDs will stop being used before vinyl simply because the average CD listener or DJ will actually embrace new technology rather than blindly ignoring all possibilities and screaming "vinyl 4evaah"

Also, for those who are convinced that CD releases destroy the universe, CLSM, Quosh & Camel ( as well as a few others ) do CD releases and they are selling fine on vinyl too. In fact some labels will actually be pushing CDs harder than vinyl in the near future, and those who insist on only buying and listening to vinyl will miss out on hearing and being able to play a not inconsiderable number of tunes.


"Are Eph You?"
Exhile Just another question right.

What about MD and MP3

Peace, love and unity

Dj Frankus
DJSHINE ok then. This arguement has gone abit off track to what i first posted , but people are arguing about DJ's playing copyed cd's which is ment to be stolen music.(yer its true its stolen music) but i live in england and i work for a DJ company around my area and its not allowed to play any sort of copyed cds. So were ever you have seen dj's playing copyed cd's is wrong because you can get bang up for it in england and none off the dj's at the company i work at use coped cds and other companys dj's don;t use copyed ones.
Dj Shine

Ur bonkers ...get in to hardcore now ! ! :D

CDJay "So were ever you have seen dj's playing copyed cd's is wrong because you can get bang up for it in england and none off the dj's at the company i work at use coped cds and other companys dj's don;t use copyed ones."

I'm sure some people do DJ tracks they shouldn't have off CD, but then again I'm sure some people play stolen vinyl as well.

There is only one solution to piracy, don't release anything, ever.

CDJs have done far more good than harm, if you don't believe that much you are woefully uninformed.

edit: To answer your original question DJShine, tbh I'd suggest getting a pair of decks for now, and a single CDJ. Later you can always add another CDJ if you want to play an entirely upfront set, and most clubs will have both options available


"Are Eph You?"
virus with the advent of turntablism, beat juggling, and scratching, i serioulsly doubt vinyl would ever go away permenatly.

We came here tonight to get started, to cold act ill or get retarded
DJSHINE i think i will use cd decks more because i have to use them at work , but i will keep my turntables because then i can use them in my spare time and inprove on them incase i ever need to use them in the furture.
Dj Shine

Ur bonkers ...get in to hardcore now ! ! :D

Dave Murray
Originally posted by virus:
with the advent of turntablism, beat juggling, and scratching, i serioulsly doubt vinyl would ever go away permenatly.

We came here tonight to get started, to cold act ill or get retarded

Yeah, exactly wat i think, and u cant beat the *Smell* of new Vinyl.

This is a place for crazy people......But im not crazy
DJSHINE i have heard that alot used on here about the fresh smell off new vinyl.
I carnt say i get this smell .
Dj Shine

Ur bonkers ...get in to hardcore now ! ! :D

DJ_Cosmic stick wi vynil, i started ma mixin on CDs and yea if it want for them then i wunt b dj'in now, but i have found they are so much easyer but vynil for sure

Cosmic-To Be The Best
virus one good thing about not having vinyl anymore would be people wouldnt be spelling it "VYNIL" or "VINUL" or "VINIL"

We came here tonight to get started, to cold act ill or get retarded
Kaffine Amen to that, virus. *Hacks up a lung*

Stevie c I love Vinyl but I bought cd's, The accessibility does not make everyone one a master dj, god do I know that. Beat matching is Beat matching, everyone has to learn and nothing will change that (yet) with Turtablism Vinyl will never die but cds will take a more dominant role. This arguement that chicks love it is a little to playground for me, but I have a wife so what do i care!! I do not hate someone for pushing a few buttons because it is the sounds that I am into what ever you play them on, and a cracking set is a cracking set. That makes the DJ. I got cd's for the choice they offered, where am i going to get over 600 albums on Vinyl with ruining my child's future? I would never find Ziggy Stardust on Vinyl now in any worth while condition or price. I would spend hours in second shops and i want to be a dJ or a raver not an anorak. I do like the smell of Vinyl but that is not enough of a reason to buy it as a singular thing. I Buy my cds over 500, only a minority is burnt and only because i could never get it in the shops, I also do not play it at public events. Cds are light and easy to transport, they do skip but so do dogdey needles espcially if that nob right by your table keeps leaping up and down. I want to add decks to my system but the two systems offer two very different draw backs and bonuses, Vinyl = You can learn to scratch properly and it sounds REAL!!! Cds = Quick cues,loops samples etc. I feel like sometimes cd jocks are put down due to a popular radio thang, that is unfair. The same type of thing comes up with MCs, their are good and crap ones. Though I do love the smell of Vinyl it is not enough for me to consider it being a singular option. I want to buy more Lights and lasers and bubbles machines and smoke machines. I have been able to do so because I do not import records all year. Plus some tunes you simply can not get even if you wanted to burn them, the only way I will ever get a version of Dj Seductions Black Beauty is by finding a way into his will (NOT LIKELY!) So the precious tunes will remain precious come what may. Old Dubplates and Vinyl will still be out there but it will become like penny black stamps, you know they exisit but you can never have one , the price will be to much. Cds mean't I could start into dance music straight away, with spending a ton Vinyl could never have done that. The Vinyl look is cooler but cds offer so much to so many, sadly some of them will be Pr!cks but some will be cool as .... besides I have met plenty of Vinyl Djs who want even let you turn their stuff, with the cds I have never become that kind of TW*T!!! Anyone can have a go on my gear and the more the better. Bustin of others Imagination is what I enjoy and cds allow that for me, so personal get both but if you have to choose the obvious choice is cds for any beginner.

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
Exhile well thats another lovely essay for us to read. I agree though that cds are cheaper and offer a bigger oppertunity. That is why i am getting a cd deck too. I still wanna get the tunes i really want on vinyl but i will try and get a lot on cd too. Just gives me a better chance to get somewhere without spending a bomb

Peace, love and unity

Dj Frankus

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