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 Music discussion - hardcore
 CLSM store closes

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The CLSM label will continue though in 2015- Just releasing everything through a distributor. Last chance to get all the back catalog that's on there!
Bad Corey Wow that's really dumb
lurker That's a shame. Went and got 20-something tracks from a few years ago. Who knows if those'll go up for sale again.
latininxtc Well that sucks. But will the music still be available at other outlets like TID or beatport???
lurker Most of the 2012 and 2013 releases are on TiD and Beatport, at least. Nothing from before or after.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Well that sucks. But will the music still be available at other outlets like TID or beatport???

No idea with the older stuff. I just know going forward with new releases; he's going to use a distributor.

& if anyone is wondering. The CLSM label returns in 2015 as a music label- not just a hardcore label ;)
djDMS Stupid
Elipton In other words, "I can't be arsed, and I don't care"
Samination To be honest, this has always been like this
Originally posted by Elipton:
In other words, "I can't be arsed, and I don't care"

Being VAT registered and implementing TAX varying by country for payments isn't easy. To summarise his comment like that is a little harsh.
Originally posted by Elipton:
In other words, "I can't be arsed, and I don't care"

Your comment is pretty rude Olly, and pretty unrespectful.
Originally posted by danielseven:
Originally posted by Elipton:
In other words, "I can't be arsed, and I don't care"

Your comment is pretty rude Olly, and pretty unrespectful.

In other words, classic Olly.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
In other words, classic Olly.


Dys7 Read about this legislation a few days ago. What a shame, so shortsighted.
CLSM is going to be one of thousands to close down.
AceofSpades_Lorenzo Apparently the CLSM could be back sometime.

Claxton Stamina Records store has also had to close. It seems like a massive pain in the arse tbh.
Cyrax I can't remember where I've read it but apparently Bandcamp are doing a U turn and now WILL do all the tax bits for people selling on there.
Elipton I fail to see how my perspective on this is 'unrespectful'. It sounds like he could do it, but doesn't want to.

But this is another example of people in positions of power through undemocratic means forcing rules on people who have no say on it. The EU is poison.
A.B I am working on making the Stamina store compliant but it's a huge & costly headache that small businesses really could do without. I am confident I'll have Stamina's store back up and running soon because thankfully the shop part is based on WooCommerce and there are plenty of third party developers out there who are right now working on solutions to this tax nightmare.

AFAIK Jon's store is bespoke so the amount of coding it would take for him to become compliant doesn't even warrant thinking about!

We can always hope the legislation might get amended/reversed. Perhaps wishful thinking but this petition helps:
Originally posted by A.B:


Captain Triceps
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by A.B:


Also signed, although it's hard to be optimistic about these things working.
Fuck paying for spreading the word, though...
Samination Yea, this crap would hit me hard if I can't find any stores that sells Hardcore outside UK (which leaves me with, the for me overpriced, Beatport).
Originally posted by A.B:

AFAIK Jon's store is bespoke so the amount of coding it would take for him to become compliant doesn't even warrant thinking about!

It's not too much coding, just store a currency or local address per user and vary tax by that, then send it to Paypal or Stripe (or whatever merchant your using). The trickier parts when you use something like adaptive payments or Stripe connect to let other users accept payments through your store.
JonDoeCLSM Hi there- the store would need some changes yes.

The accounting for VAT is time consuming and very dangerous. To cut a long story short, being \vat registered is a big step, it takes a good amount of time to keep up with.
I am currently short of time but rich with ideas. There are of course other stores to buy tunes from and sell to, I am currently going to wait this one out having given the petition a good push.

This year I have some ideas/ projects, they are actually contradictory.

One of the threads is releasing music on the clsm label. The other is to create things to give away on the clsm soundcloud. I dont think i can link to that but there is a track with a free download that is up now, the first of a series. The core of the idea is to re introduce hardcore to other genres again whilst having good original material. Behind the scenes I am still trying to arrange wider media coverage for hardcore and hard dance. This is all in quite good order on several fronts but in each case can fall apart at any moment. I have to say that the bigger names in the hardcore scene are being very helpful on this front and on a similar note I was taken aback by the effort some of the hardcore names had made and the risks they had personally taken to do their gig on nye eve in southampton- I had some house djs in the studio during the week from Southampton who new about that gig and how busy and well produced it was.

Again going off on a tangent, Leah Symons, who has previously sung vocals for clsm did excellent work on the voice tonight with all 4 chairs turning round.

Furthermore, I have read this site for the first time in ages, its nice to see people still passionate about hardcore.. use your time wisely to help hardcore, its only a matter about several good things happening within the scene with your support to get things going.

Have a great 2015.
Originally posted by JonDoeCLSM:
Furthermore, I have read this site for the first time in ages, its nice to see people still passionate about hardcore.. use your time wisely to help hardcore, its only a matter about several good things happening within the scene with your support to get things going.

Have a great 2015.

Agreed. As always though, it's a shame that many choose to be more forthcoming with negative views than with positive ones. A unified scene will always be stronger than a fragmented one.
Originally posted by ponder:
Originally posted by JonDoeCLSM:
Furthermore, I have read this site for the first time in ages, its nice to see people still passionate about hardcore.. use your time wisely to help hardcore, its only a matter about several good things happening within the scene with your support to get things going.

Have a great 2015.

Agreed. As always though, it's a shame that many choose to be more forthcoming with negative views than with positive ones. A unified scene will always be stronger than a fragmented one.

I'm pretty sure there are more positive than negative comments/views. We just notice the negative ones more
Guest paying EU Vat will probably be part of paypal next year so they dont loose any money

all the small shops and ebay carry on like normal, with the VAT paid server side through their databases and registry numbers

a few months work serverside is probably better then loosing 80 million 1 pennys and cents on digital downloads

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