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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Clubland Xtreme Hardcore 8 - Verdict.

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
toml123 Cd1/Styles: Surprisingly good, Was actually shocked at how good this is

Cd2/Breeze: Being used as a coaster/ dart board/ fish tank ornament/ whatever other use i can find for the 'Top of the pops 1980' electronic ********

Cd3/Hixxy&Recon: Full of some fresh tunes, Uplifting, Bouncy, Amazing!

Overall verdict:

Only good for 2 cds/ and for collection purposes.
wong is there unmixed tracks like last year ?
toml123 Nope cd3 is a compilation mix like cd1 & 2...
wong not interested then
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
I didnt know we censored websites :P

Its to discourage piracy. Pretty sure Krafty is blocked as well
Shades didnt do much good, i took a partial of the link & still found it.

3 pages of a forum & rising, of tight arse twats not supporting the scene.

Wilky you should be banned for sharing that link imho!
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
I didnt know we censored websites :P

Its to discourage piracy. Pretty sure Krafty is blocked as well

krafty is blocked? they dont promote piracy im sure?
Originally posted by wong:
mate if people are gonna download it illegally all they need to do is a quick google search and they got it. wilkys link wont make much difference

EDIT. i dont condone it btw

yes i agree, but posting a link on a site that, in no way shape or form, consents to illegal file sharing is bang out of order

Originally posted by Shades:
Originally posted by wong:
mate if people are gonna download it illegally all they need to do is a quick google search and they got it. wilkys link wont make much difference

EDIT. i dont condone it btw

yes i agree, but posting a link on a site that, in no way shape or form, consents to illegal file sharing is bang out of order

I'm sure u won't lose much sleep
toml123 I believe the topic is 'clubland xtreme hardcore 8 - verdict' have your afternoon tea and promote pirated porn virus's elsewhere.
djDMS Agreed that people will unfortunately do it regardless but this isn't the place for it. Even if i thought the album wasn't worth buying i wouldn't download it.
Shades you're a waste of space & my time... /end
Originally posted by Shades:
you're a waste of space & my time... /end

That is no way to talk to an elderly gentleman like Dean! If it wasn't for men like him, we'd all be talking German!

Disclaimer: Dean may not actually be old enough to have served in WWII.
Shades ouch

was aimed at wilky, but you knew that
Karthy CD1: Not listened to it, didn't give it much of a chance after hearing the preview, may do now.
CD2: Still no interest in listening to it.
CD3: Had a quick flick through, some nice tracks on there, nothing completely fresh though and certainly doesn't give me incentive to buy it.

Overall: Not buying it, may have another listen to CD1 but I'm positive that won't encourage me to buy it. I doubt it'll be better than CD3 (which I'm not too impressed with anyway) and so I don't have much reason to buy it.
Originally posted by Shades:

was aimed at wilky, but you knew that

I know dude! I was just trying to add a bit of comic relief. Doesn't look like I was too successful :-(

Shades soz dude, my sense of humour is impaired tonight.

theres no need for wilkys shit
silver Wilky your a drunk moron for posting those links, I also had legal letters and artists emailing me left right and center.

You'll be banned from the site for a while I'm sorry.

Krafty or any other regular website is not blocked at all.... only certain swear words and words and websites that promote piracy.
warped_candykid There are still no samples up!!!
Originally posted by toml123:
I believe the topic is 'clubland xtreme hardcore 8 - verdict' have your afternoon tea and promote pirated porn virus's elsewhere.

I agree with this guy.
Bonkers4Life wow already a verdict thread? This think came out like 3 hours ago
Archefluxx Well it was a long time coming haha
Originally posted by Bonkers4Life:
wow already a verdict thread? This think came out like 3 hours ago

Considering 7 wasn't so great, I don't personally think 8 is worth getting.
Originally posted by silver:
Wilky your a drunk moron for posting those links, I also had legal letters and artists emailing me left right and center.

You'll be banned from the site for a while I'm sorry.

Krafty or any other regular website is not blocked at all.... only certain swear words and words and websites that promote piracy.

Krafty is an autokick word in chat
Originally posted by Dys7:
Krafty is an autokick word in chat

Different issue, that is to stop spammers during lives shows (and only kicks on a URL not the word "krafty"), there is nothing in the forums or the news that censors anything besides sites that are piracy.

This is nothing new the censors have been the same for the last 5 years or so...
Originally posted by silver:
Wilky your a drunk moron for posting those links, I also had legal letters and artists emailing me left right and center.

You'll be banned from the site for a while I'm sorry.

Krafty or any other regular website is not blocked at all.... only certain swear words and words and websites that promote piracy.

someone please keep an eye on wilky as i'm sure he should be on suicide watch, this site is all he's got going in his life lol
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by silver:
Wilky your a drunk moron for posting those links, I also had legal letters and artists emailing me left right and center.

You'll be banned from the site for a while I'm sorry.

Krafty or any other regular website is not blocked at all.... only certain swear words and words and websites that promote piracy.

someone please keep an eye on wilky as i'm sure he should be on suicide watch, this site is all he's got going in his life lol

I laughed at that for quite a I a bad person?
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by silver:
Wilky your a drunk moron for posting those links, I also had legal letters and artists emailing me left right and center.

You'll be banned from the site for a while I'm sorry.

Krafty or any other regular website is not blocked at all.... only certain swear words and words and websites that promote piracy.

someone please keep an eye on wilky as i'm sure he should be on suicide watch, this site is all he's got going in his life lol

I laughed at that for quite a I a bad person?

Nah, so did I.
Dys7 On another note, woo, I'm finally a senior member!
Samination so, when will we see the words http, ftp, irc, bbs, cd-r and anything else that can be used for illegal activity? seriously...

Anyways, as this wont be unmixed like the 7th entry (alot more tracks on 7th are longer than on 8th so, I'm taking the mixed part for granted here), I wont be buying it, and it's probably not worth illegally downloading it either
HighInDaSky Disappointed...I don't understand how anyone can like this dubstep/electro stuff >_<
Couldn't even find 1 track I like on this album....
Originally posted by Samination:
so, when will we see the words http, ftp, irc, bbs, cd-r and anything else that can be used for illegal activity? seriously...

yep... and I plan to shutdown the site next week to stop ALL ACTIVITY! ... use your brain dude :)

It was a censor on a known site... plus the t word is censored because 99.9% of it is illegal activity.. great tech but just overrun with piracy... sorry if you need to download your linux ISO's, you wont be able to here... but I don't think many people come here for linux questions.

it's like the old saying "guns don't kill people, people kill people..."

same deal "t's don't steal music... people steal music"...

In both cases, you can't stop stupid people :)
Samination "guns don't kill people, people kill people..." is a stupid analoge to use to begin with, but in this case, it holds very high simularities to Internet. No real service (except maybe Napster) started out as a piracy tool. But then, They wanted to ban VCR recorders :)
Lilley Pirate bay comes to mind. So do, for that matter, any private tor rent websites.
Samination private trackers wheren't made before the bt service came to be, and piraye was kinda late in the game
silver anyway.... piracy bad... technology good... we can all agree.
jenks I'm not sure. There's an argument to suggest that no data could possibly be 'owned' to begin with.
_Jay_ I've just been through every clip on trackitdown. I normally try and stay as diplomatic as possible, but this album is an absolute travesty. There are a handful - and that's being seriously generous - of promising sounding tracks that might be worth investigating on Hixxy's mix, but they alone come no where near to rescuing the first two mixes.

I'm absolutely gutted Hardcore is going this way. Not everyone in Hardcore is going this way, I know, but a lot of the most influential producers from the last ten-years-plus are. Totally, totally gutted.
B-Tek Project It's ironic that tons of people have moaned and complained over the last few years asking for a change in hardcore music. Now it's finally happening most people hate it. Be careful what you wish for folks
_Jay_ I couldn't give a shit what's ironic. I'm not part of a group that's been campaigning for a change. I absolutely loved the style of music from the day I got in to it. I've never complained about it. Clubland through to Hardcore Underground - I like(d)/love(d) all of it.

There are still a good number of people producing the - how shall we call it, 'traditional sound'? - which is obviously pleasing. I am just perplexed that this shit is allowed to be called 'Hardcore' and dominates one of the major Hardcore album releases of the year.

If people want to enjoy this style of music - that's great. But how people can really, consciously call it Hardcore is beyond me.

NekoShuffle What I think is really stupid about this is that Breeze says "if you don't like it, don't buy it" and then somewhere else said something like "they're only judging it on the samples when they haven't even heard the full CD"

Well...duh? I'm not buying (or downloading) this CD because I heard the samples, looked at the tracklist and decided I didn't want to buy it. If you don't like the fact people are judging the music based on the samples you provided then you should either put up better samples or not put any up at all.

Bit of an unrelated point there but I couldn't believe the contradiction in that statement.

As for the Clubland CDs...well, by CLXH6 I realised that the series wasn't going in a direction I liked. So yeah, heard the samples and avoided. And if anyone wants a constructive reason why I didn't like it - it's because of the filth and the 80s sounding electro deadmau5 sounding synths. I don't like those two sounds, one sounds dated and grates on me a bit and the other just sounds like a bunch of unmemorable noise that doesn't really add anything to the track.
djDMS Here's my verdict - it's horrible.

Never before have i seen such a massive waste of potential (well, not since the last time Real Madrid bought every good player in the world and still couldn't win the LaLiga).

It's hard to come up with a decent analogy so i won't bother, i'll just say that at least 50% of the tunes offer something really nice then deliver the musical equivalent of F*** ALL!
In all, there's about 6 tunes i'd seriously consider buying, about the same i'd happily listen to without, and the rest would force me to stick the nearest sharp object in my ears to make it go away.

So much promise, so little end product.

I can only hope that in a year or two when this stupid fad has passed, a lot of them will get remixed into proper tunes.
Originally posted by djDMS:
I can only hope that in a year or two when this stupid fad has passed, a lot of them will get remixed into proper tunes.

That's a really good point, actually. It's massively unlikely to happen, unfortunately, though. Such a huge number of the tunes start out so, so well. Urgh. No point reiterating it for the hundredth time.

I do vaguely remember someone doing a proper remix of You & I. Might have been Rhythmics? As it happens, You & I is one of the few Non-Hardcore-But-Hardcore tracks I do actually quite like.
Samination all the Dubstep lovers might like it, so they will earn their money anwyays, and then say it was "the ravers" that actualyl bought the album. Or after Wilky's stunt they will blame it all on piracy.
lurker Better than a few of the more recent editions. It's Clubland, though, so it was going to be bad. I think the reason why so many tracks were taken from Petruccio & Modulate's album is because neither Breeze nor Styles can produce anything decent.
And on that note, why do Breeze and Styles even get separate CDs anyway? The only difference between them now is that Styles sings. They could've easily done a Breeze & Styles CD, the same Hixxy & Recon CD, and then given the third CD to Al Storm and Technikore so they wouldn't be forced onto HU5 by the whole "every hardcore DJ with more than a tiny bit of popularity must have an album mix" nonsense.
Samination yea!!! Let Silver mix his own CD's again
NekoShuffle I'm staying neutral on this with regards to the album - I knew it wasn't going to be my thing so I'm not disappointed or anything.

I have to say though, I'm honestly SHOCKED by the negative feedback on Darren Styles' Official Facebook page in response to the link to the CD. I knew the 'new style' wasn't popular with many but I underestimated just how unpopular it is, check it out:

Thoughts? I see the usual arguments breaking out. Very good point about Raver Baby on the 4th of Feburary - I'll be at ILHB and another rave in Brighton that weekend but the lineup has a 50/50 split - 1 room has artists who normally play the happier uplifting stuff, and the other room is the more 'dubcore' electro stuff. It'll be interesting to see which room is bigger.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
I'm staying neutral on this with regards to the album - I knew it wasn't going to be my thing so I'm not disappointed or anything.

I have to say though, I'm honestly SHOCKED by the negative feedback on Darren Styles' Official Facebook page in response to the link to the CD. I knew the 'new style' wasn't popular with many but I underestimated just how unpopular it is, check it out:

Thoughts? I see the usual arguments breaking out. Very good point about Raver Baby on the 4th of Feburary - I'll be at ILHB and another rave in Brighton that weekend but the lineup has a 50/50 split - 1 room has artists who normally play the happier uplifting stuff, and the other room is the more 'dubcore' electro stuff. It'll be interesting to see which room is bigger.

dubcore one
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
I'm staying neutral on this with regards to the album - I knew it wasn't going to be my thing so I'm not disappointed or anything.

I have to say though, I'm honestly SHOCKED by the negative feedback on Darren Styles' Official Facebook page in response to the link to the CD. I knew the 'new style' wasn't popular with many but I underestimated just how unpopular it is, check it out:

Thoughts? I see the usual arguments breaking out. Very good point about Raver Baby on the 4th of Feburary - I'll be at ILHB and another rave in Brighton that weekend but the lineup has a 50/50 split - 1 room has artists who normally play the happier uplifting stuff, and the other room is the more 'dubcore' electro stuff. It'll be interesting to see which room is bigger.

The first few pages were positive feedback on how great and awesome he is, I didn't see any negative comments. I'm getting a little annoyed with how much people are smashing artists for making "new style" tracks. It's their music, they can do as they please with it. I don't like the newer style personally, but I don't comment on artists profiles telling them they suck. 'Nuff said.
As for the 'Which room is bigger' I'm interested in the results too, be sure to let us know :P
Originally posted by Lilark:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
I'm staying neutral on this with regards to the album - I knew it wasn't going to be my thing so I'm not disappointed or anything.

I have to say though, I'm honestly SHOCKED by the negative feedback on Darren Styles' Official Facebook page in response to the link to the CD. I knew the 'new style' wasn't popular with many but I underestimated just how unpopular it is, check it out:

Thoughts? I see the usual arguments breaking out. Very good point about Raver Baby on the 4th of Feburary - I'll be at ILHB and another rave in Brighton that weekend but the lineup has a 50/50 split - 1 room has artists who normally play the happier uplifting stuff, and the other room is the more 'dubcore' electro stuff. It'll be interesting to see which room is bigger.

The first few pages were positive feedback on how great and awesome he is, I didn't see any negative comments. I'm getting a little annoyed with how much people are smashing artists for making "new style" tracks. It's their music, they can do as they please with it. I don't like the newer style as much personally, but I don't comment on artists profiles telling them they suck. 'Nuff said.
As for the 'Which room is bigger' I'm interested in the results too, be sure to let us know :P

Breakbeat Jon
Originally posted by _Jay_:
I couldn't give a shit what's ironic. I'm not part of a group that's been campaigning for a change. I absolutely loved the style of music from the day I got in to it. I've never complained about it. Clubland through to Hardcore Underground - I like(d)/love(d) all of it.

There are still a good number of people producing the - how shall we call it, 'traditional sound'? - which is obviously pleasing. I am just perplexed that this shit is allowed to be called 'Hardcore' and dominates one of the major Hardcore album releases of the year.

If people want to enjoy this style of music - that's great. But how people can really, consciously call it Hardcore is beyond me.

exactly what the 91 people were saying in 96, and the 96 people were saying in 2002. I'm glad of the change of direction. Wouldn't touch any of the other clubland albums with a barge pole, quite tempted by this latest one though.
K6HLR To be honest i quite like it! i like it alot more than the last one! darren styles CD is my least favorite, Breeze actually has some decent tunes on his mix for once and at least hixxy had some new stuff and actual hardcore on his mix (compared to the other two mixes).
I dont mind the new style probably because ive been listening to alot of drumstep/dubstep at the moment and also because of CDs like HU5 etc giving me some proper hardcore goodness so this makes a nice change if I fancy something different : )
Originally posted by Lilark:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
I'm staying neutral on this with regards to the album - I knew it wasn't going to be my thing so I'm not disappointed or anything.

I have to say though, I'm honestly SHOCKED by the negative feedback on Darren Styles' Official Facebook page in response to the link to the CD. I knew the 'new style' wasn't popular with many but I underestimated just how unpopular it is, check it out:

Thoughts? I see the usual arguments breaking out. Very good point about Raver Baby on the 4th of Feburary - I'll be at ILHB and another rave in Brighton that weekend but the lineup has a 50/50 split - 1 room has artists who normally play the happier uplifting stuff, and the other room is the more 'dubcore' electro stuff. It'll be interesting to see which room is bigger.

The first few pages were positive feedback on how great and awesome he is, I didn't see any negative comments. I'm getting a little annoyed with how much people are smashing artists for making "new style" tracks. It's their music, they can do as they please with it. I don't like the newer style personally, but I don't comment on artists profiles telling them they suck. 'Nuff said.
As for the 'Which room is bigger' I'm interested in the results too, be sure to let us know :P

Pages? Look at the comments in the link to the clubland album, huge dissatisfaction there. Very fair as well IMO, nobody was bashing him when I last looked. I don't know how to link to statuses, you'll have to click there yourself.
DJ Lawlzy As with the recent CXH albums, I find there's a handful of really good tracks and you gotta pick em out. I'm liking some of the new Darren Styles stuff (the piano intro for You & I was nice), Re-Con (Calling) and Sora Blue by Hixxy (even though that's not new) but I think my favorite has to be Gammer's remix of Right By Your Side. Very pretty riff and the best remix I've heard of it.
lurker I'm gonna second the comment on Right By Your Side- anyone who says the Styles CD doesn't have any anthems on it clearly skipped that track.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
What I think is really stupid about this is that Breeze says "if you don't like it, don't buy it" and then somewhere else said something like "they're only judging it on the samples when they haven't even heard the full CD"

ROFL it's THEIR fault samples sucked! What else did they expect? If I didnt youtube the tracks, I'd fully dislike the album. But Im still not buying...
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:
exactly what the 91 people were saying in 96, and the 96 people were saying in 2002. I'm glad of the change of direction. Wouldn't touch any of the other clubland albums with a barge pole, quite tempted by this latest one though.

It hasn't escaped me that this is exactly how others have felt in the past mate. I have always sympathised with people who haven't enjoyed the, how shall we say - evolution?, of Hardcore. It must be horrible to see something you love change in a way that you can't stand. Well, it is horrible - it's pretty much happening now for myself, and others like me.
Originally posted by _Jay_:
It must be horrible to see something you love change in a way that you can't stand. Well, it is horrible - it's pretty much happening now for myself, and others like me.

Change? I simply call it cheap paced up copying. No change at all.
We need a revolution!
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Thoughts? I see the usual arguments breaking out. Very good point about Raver Baby on the 4th of Feburary - I'll be at ILHB and another rave in Brighton that weekend but the lineup has a 50/50 split - 1 room has artists who normally play the happier uplifting stuff, and the other room is the more 'dubcore' electro stuff. It'll be interesting to see which room is bigger.

Have to say that I'm very, very pleased with the way people are conducting themselves with comments on that status. I'm not someone that gets too excited about people needing to behave themselves and all that (topical) business, but feedback like that is the only chance there is of changing the minds of these top producers. Everyone's saying how much they respect him, but are disappointed. Good on them. I honestly didn't think that many people were against it.

Very interesting.
don_simon3000 heres my verdict: its okay overall. partially good, partially bad and the rest is okay. i havent bought any music for ages, so i might be a bit influenced here, but i think the price was a good one and it was worth the buy.
NekoShuffle Okay listening to some better samples on TID, I dunno what's on what CD here so here are the tracks I have something positive to say something about:

Open Your Eyes isn't so bad, I think the kick/bass sounds a bit too hard and thick but the vocals aren't so bad..sounds slightly 97ish almost, but I'm not moved really.

Sora Blue, might be a remake of an old trance track but it's nice. Could loose the start-stop electro bits IMO

Outside World: I don't actually like this track but I think I can see what Hixxy was trying to do with it and the effort is appreciated. I think he's trying to go a bit slightly Bonkers Vol 1 with this.

Right By Your Side: I like it because I liked the original clubland remix...if that makes sense. I don't think anything particularly special was done on the Gammer remix.

24/7 (Breeze & Styles 2011 Remix): Same story as Right By Your Side..I like it because it's 24/7 but I don't think the remix is an improvement by any means.

Satellite: Has some nice vocals but I'm not keen on the wet fart noise I'm hearing around it.

So...yeah. That's it pretty much. That's my thoughts on the album, as per the samples on Trackitdown. I was actually looking for some other stuff while I was there but I saw all the tracks and decided I'd do a quick rundown.
Bonkers4Life Well now, after having a listen to each mix:

CD 1: Crap
CD 2: Crap
CD 3: Not Bad

CD 3 getting that rating cuz there was ALOT less electrodubstephardcore stuff on it. So it wins the best of the worst.
Janster All 3 discs sound great to me, especially the 3rd one. I like the electro/dubstep influences a lot and I'm glad that many of those tracks now have uplifting melodies in them too, although I would prefer if they could work a harder kick into the style than the kind that most of the tracks have.
Originally posted by Bonkers4Life:
Well now, after having a listen to each mix:

CD 1: Crap
CD 2: Crap
CD 3: Not Bad

CD 3 getting that rating cuz there was ALOT less electrodubstephardcore stuff on it. So it wins the best of the worst.

I thought you were well into that stuff?

I have to say the response has been interesting, I'm hearing much more dislike for CLXH8 than I ever thought I would, I really did think the 'new style' would be more popular than it is. I don't think a single track on the album has even reached 4 stars on TID, some of the written comments are very revealing too and it doesn't seem to be the same old faces making the comments either.

Looks like the ravers have spoken...I'm glad HU is the CD compilation I let downs for me with HU5, the album absolutely blew me away.
Samination If you like it obvious this would be an album for you. But too bad most of us on this forum hates/dislikes it
Originally posted by Samination:
If you like it obvious this would be an album for you. But too bad most of us on this forum hates/dislikes it

lol I wasn't even talking about this forum either! Just a look on facebook says it all which did surprise me as I thought they were big filth fans...apparently not. I still see them taking the piss out of the people who don't like it which seems a bit silly as most of these people are actually ravers who pay to see them and not just the 'internet people' who normally slag off the CLXH series. I think guys like Hixxy, Re-con and Technikore will do especially well out of this, which is nice...I'm really hoping that Hixxy gets back into the swing of throwing out tunes, I'd love to hear more from him.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Bonkers4Life:
Well now, after having a listen to each mix:

CD 1: Crap
CD 2: Crap
CD 3: Not Bad

CD 3 getting that rating cuz there was ALOT less electrodubstephardcore stuff on it. So it wins the best of the worst.

I thought you were well into that stuff?

I did do a mix with the P&M Our Sound album tracks, but it was for the girlfriend. Shes into that kinda stuff, i say i like it for her :P
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:I don't think a single track on the album has even reached 4 stars on TID

I was the 2nd person to rate all the tracks. Suffice to say, it brought the average crashing down!

I rated a few 3 stars, maybe 1 or 2 higher, most much lower.
Originally posted by djDMS:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:I don't think a single track on the album has even reached 4 stars on TID

I was the 2nd person to rate all the tracks. Suffice to say, it brought the average crashing down!

I rated a few 3 stars, maybe 1 or 2 higher, most much lower.

Nature of the beast...that's what the ratings are there for. Reminded me of some guy in the comments section telling everyone to 'stop slating it if you don't like it' ...What do people like that think the comment section is for? It's the comment box not the 'praise' box lols
Quicksilver My first reaction was: "WTF, every tune has this same bass sound and patterns and bassy drops" when I had heard half of CD1... then starting CD2, it was: "WTF, did they accidentally make two copies of CD1 and labelled one CD2!?"...

CD3 is amazing, well many of the tracks are, and why only half Sora Blue!? That tune is the best Hixxy has made for years....... :|

Best tune on CD1 is without doubt "Am I On Your Mind", holy shit that's a nice tune! Also loving "3", that vocal stutter thingy is just mesmerizing and Bright Like The Sun is an excellent tune from Sy & Unknown and possibly the closest thing to UK Hardcore on that CD. :p

CD2... I always loved Tsunami, but Crack It Smack It is probably my fave after first listen. I love the 8bit influences, they sold me. For A Lifetime is bloody amazing too.

CD3! Many great tunes here, some bland ones. Except for Sora Blue, favourites are Feel Alive (amazing energy) and Crash The Party.
DJ-Hutchy I enjoyed all 3 disc's, my favourite disc has to be styles. But as everyone knows i love this new sound. The only thing i found a tad disappointing was tracks that had already been featured on other albums such as :-

You & I - (Hardcore Heaven Summer Madness)
3 - (P&M Our Sound)
Rock The Club - (P&M Our Sound)
2 Lift Me Up - (P&M Our Sound)
Missing - (P&M Our Sound)
Tsunami - (P&M Our Sound)
High On You - (P&M Our Sound)
Skank In The House - (P&M Our Sound)
Heart Bleeds - (Re-con & Demand - The Album)
Im Sorry - (Re-con & Demand - The Album)

And I think if any track off the P&M album would have been on CXH8 i would have put my life on it that Love Sick Crazy remix would have made it!!

kernowbeat ive not heard breezys disc yet but the other two i actually like.

really like the recon and demand tracks plus the darren styles colabs with prospect
Karthy After all this commotion, I'm interested in finding out what the top producers are gonna be putting out in 6 months time. I wonder if they'll change back due to all the negative feedback (obviously they'll carry on putting it out for a bit so to not waste unfinished tracks)

I REALLY hope they change their mind, maybe it'll give them all a more objective view on hardcore (as in they almost had a break) and hopefully we'll see some great tracks late this year.

But hey, I'm probably just being too optimistic :D
silver Sounds the same as 2001 when the raverbaby sound hit the scene, everyone was up in arms about that as well.
Originally posted by Karthy:
After all this commotion, I'm interested in finding out what the top producers are gonna be putting out in 6 months time. I wonder if they'll change back due to all the negative feedback (obviously they'll carry on putting it out for a bit so to not waste unfinished tracks)

I REALLY hope they change their mind, maybe it'll give them all a more objective view on hardcore (as in they almost had a break) and hopefully we'll see some great tracks late this year.

But hey, I'm probably just being too optimistic :D

"In desperate times, the good lord looks over the flock and chooses one man to inspire the multitude!" ~ Angry Fistings
Originally posted by silver:
Sounds the same as 2001 when the raverbaby sound hit the scene, everyone was up in arms about that as well.

NekoShuffle Really I make a mockery of the music because it's easy trolling but I don't even find myself caring anymore beyond correcting a few people on forums.

I unfollowed Breeze on twitter ages ago because all he did was retweet every single mention of the word 'Clubland' and when he wasn't doing that he was constantly whinging about 'haters' and how he doesn't like people on forums because they slate his music but fails to realise that discussion and debate is the nature of a forum.

Gammer was slightly better but kept asking the same question "why do they call it dubcore" in various forms, I personally can see exactly why people call it that, but really...who cares? I thought you were producing because you loved it? Surely it shouldn't matter what people compare it to or call it? Either way it was boring and facepalm-worthy and I felt it was somewhat dishonest as I never saw these comments posted on Facebook like his other tweets normally are.

I kept following their Facebook pages for the sake of the music...but at the end of the day I realised neither had really made anything I liked in years and it didn't really seem like that was going to change either. Their "production quality" might be top notch but I find the 'new style' songs to be boring and unimaginitive, so after asking a few questions that I'd always been meaning to ask I eventually stopped following those too.

Really...Hardcore Underground is far more interesting, Freeform is much more fresh, Japanese Hardcore seems to be produced to a much higher standard and watching all the other producers do all kinds of hardcore is exciting and doesn't have half the drama that I see revolving around the big names. People will say "I like filth" or "I like trancy riffs" but really music is music, and the music coming from these other guys is just much much better, regardless of what instruments or sounds it uses.

I know that being a forum user means I'm stereotyped as being a 'non-raver' and therefore I obviously cannot understand, but I was raving long before I joined this forum and the clubland stuff doesn't make me move at all, practically the entire SoCal hardcore scene drove up to see Breeze, Styles and Recon play at Kandieland in Arizona and they ALL said they were confused and disappointed when he played "dubstep" (their words, not mine). I heard at Westfest the "new style" got booed when MC Static asked if people liked it. I'm not trying to say "this music is bad and you shouldn't listen to it" but I think the "ravers love it" retort is definitely blown well out of proportion and you shouldn't have to fool people into listening to your music.

Anyway, take that as you wish - that's pretty much my views on this whole big thing summed up. There's plenty of constructive criticism in there, though no-doubt I'll still recieve a passive-aggressive tweet for not saying something positive...but hey. Cream rises to the top, and if dark, trancy vocal-less freeform can catch the ear of a strictly 90s cheesy Happy Hardcore obsessed candy kid like myself, then I think that speaks volumes.
latininxtc Honestly you can't really take the opinion of the ravers in the US too seriously as 95% of them are 3 yrs behind (at least) on their knowledge of hardcore. I bet they expected them to play stuff like Save Me instead of the new stuff. Most hardcore djs here play it safe and play what ppl are familiar with.

Even Kevin energy was asked to play it a little safe and he did. Me and my friends made a 12hr drive to see the guy and even though it was great to see him since it was his retirement tour, I wad a little bit disappointed that there was a small showcasing of freeform. But still an incredible two sets!

When Gammer was in my city he mixed it up some old some new and it worked great! Granted he didn't play his most experimental electro and dubish hardcore but he still played some and he just blew everyone's minds away. I do commend hixxy and DS for trying to play the new stuff, but at the same timd they should've known better. It wasn't their first time in ths US.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Honestly you can't really take the opinion of the ravers in the US too seriously as 95% of them are 3 yrs behind (at least) on their knowledge of hardcore. I bet they expected them to play stuff like Save Me instead of the new stuff. Most hardcore djs here play it safe and play what ppl are familiar with.

Even Kevin energy was asked to play it a little safe and he did. Me and my friends made a 12hr drive to see the guy and even though it was great to see him since it was his retirement tour, I wad a little bit disappointed that there was a small showcasing of freeform. But still an incredible two sets!

When Gammer was in my city he mixed it up some old some new and it worked great! Granted he didn't play his most experimental electro and dubish hardcore but he still played some and he just blew everyone's minds away. I do commend hixxy and DS for trying to play the new stuff, but at the same timd they should've known better. It wasn't their first time in ths US.

Yeah I've heard great things about Kevin Energy, he played a cheese set at **** it in LA which was pretty much what everyone wanted to hear. He knows his audience very well. Really as a DJ you need about 3 strategic different tracks if you don't know the audience to test the waters.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Honestly you can't really take the opinion of the ravers in the US too seriously as 95% of them are 3 yrs behind (at least) on their knowledge of hardcore. I bet they expected them to play stuff like Save Me instead of the new stuff. Most hardcore djs here play it safe and play what ppl are familiar with.

Even Kevin energy was asked to play it a little safe and he did. Me and my friends made a 12hr drive to see the guy and even though it was great to see him since it was his retirement tour, I wad a little bit disappointed that there was a small showcasing of freeform. But still an incredible two sets!

When Gammer was in my city he mixed it up some old some new and it worked great! Granted he didn't play his most experimental electro and dubish hardcore but he still played some and he just blew everyone's minds away. I do commend hixxy and DS for trying to play the new stuff, but at the same timd they should've known better. It wasn't their first time in ths US.

Yeah I've heard great things about Kevin Energy, he played a cheese set at **** it in LA which was pretty much what everyone wanted to hear. He knows his audience very well. Really as a DJ you need about 3 strategic different tracks if you don't know the audience to test the waters.

He posted a 2 min video of his last event in Toronto, and he played Hardcore Fever 2011, and it looked awesome and was received really well.
Really going to miss the guy's music, because he was the best at what he did, by a good mile (or kilometers for the metricists). Shame... I really wish I was involved in the mid 2000's, hearing AMS, Energy, Stormtrooper, Robbie Long all for the first time, it would have been amazing
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Honestly you can't really take the opinion of the ravers in the US too seriously as 95% of them are 3 yrs behind (at least) on their knowledge of hardcore. I bet they expected them to play stuff like Save Me instead of the new stuff. Most hardcore djs here play it safe and play what ppl are familiar with.

Even Kevin energy was asked to play it a little safe and he did. Me and my friends made a 12hr drive to see the guy and even though it was great to see him since it was his retirement tour, I wad a little bit disappointed that there was a small showcasing of freeform. But still an incredible two sets!

When Gammer was in my city he mixed it up some old some new and it worked great! Granted he didn't play his most experimental electro and dubish hardcore but he still played some and he just blew everyone's minds away. I do commend hixxy and DS for trying to play the new stuff, but at the same timd they should've known better. It wasn't their first time in ths US.

Yeah I've heard great things about Kevin Energy, he played a cheese set at **** it in LA which was pretty much what everyone wanted to hear. He knows his audience very well. Really as a DJ you need about 3 strategic different tracks if you don't know the audience to test the waters.

He posted a 2 min video of his last event in Toronto, and he played Hardcore Fever 2011, and it looked awesome and was received really well.
Really going to miss the guy's music, because he was the best at what he did, by a good mile (or kilometers for the metricists). Shame... I really wish I was involved in the mid 2000's, hearing AMS, Energy, Stormtrooper, Robbie Long all for the first time, it would have been amazing

He ended all of his American sets with hardcore fever as well and yea its a great way for him to have ended his sets.
dno221 the best clubland album i have heard in a while, nice to see the bignames pushing new styles
hope to hear more like this
Originally posted by dno221:
the best clubland album i have heard in a while, nice to see the bignames pushing new styles
hope to hear more like this

LoveThaCore Personally I think a lot of people just slate clubland because it's the in thing to do. I own copies of the latest Clubland Xtreme Hardcore and the latest Hardcore Underground. Both good Cds in their own right.
But to me Clubland sounds a lot more current. I know some people hate the new sound, but at the end of the day it's just another direction Hardcore is taking. And love it or hate it, it sounds current.
Not everyone is going to make music everyone likes. But for Clubland Xteme Hardcore to have reached NUMBER 1 on itunes. It must be doing something right. I don't think any other Hardcore compilation has done that.
And don't start saying yeah it's because it's commercial. There are some very commercial tunes on Hardcore Underground too. Like that cover of U2's with or with out you for a start.

Archefluxx Yeah it just a magical thing we have to do - to hate and slate Clubland.

Seriously mate the ****ing discussions we've had on this forum and you still haven't ****ing read a single post. Its been made clear WHY we dont like some of the producers or the style of music. Its not something we just do for no reason.

Clubland sits high and pretty at the top of the charts because it cbought its way there. It has the capital to put out a shitty advert and promote it everywhere HU5 cant. Remarkably HU5 is still on average 2 less expensive and it has 1 more CD. Go figure. Its not just the music on there that makes it commercial...

Ive said the same thing over and over again, so Im not going to say it again. Waste of my time. This genre is heading down a slippery slope, and I will watch it **** everything up from afar.
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Yeah it just a magical thing we have to do - to hate and slate Clubland.

Seriously mate the ****ing discussions we've had on this forum and you still haven't ****ing read a single post. Its been made clear WHY we dont like some of the producers or the style of music. Its not something we just do for no reason.

Clubland sits high and pretty at the top of the charts because it cbought its way there. It has the capital to put out a shitty advert and promote it everywhere HU5 cant. Remarkably HU5 is still on average 2 less expensive and it has 1 more CD. Go figure. Its not just the music on there that makes it commercial...

Ive said the same thing over and over again, so Im not going to say it again. Waste of my time. This genre is heading down a slippery slope, and I will watch it **** everything up from afar.

Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Yeah it just a magical thing we have to do - to hate and slate Clubland.

Seriously mate the ****ing discussions we've had on this forum and you still haven't ****ing read a single post. Its been made clear WHY we dont like some of the producers or the style of music. Its not something we just do for no reason.

Clubland sits high and pretty at the top of the charts because it cbought its way there. It has the capital to put out a shitty advert and promote it everywhere HU5 cant. Remarkably HU5 is still on average 2 less expensive and it has 1 more CD. Go figure. Its not just the music on there that makes it commercial...

Ive said the same thing over and over again, so Im not going to say it again. Waste of my time. This genre is heading down a slippery slope, and I will watch it **** everything up from afar.

hehe Well I'm sorry you just did waste your time with that paragraph.
The only thing it will **** up is the haters like you!! Hopefully they will leave the scene and take their negativity and jadedness somewhere else. And allow all the new generations of ravers to enjoy a genre that is taking the scene by storm and in a fresh direction instead of listening to the same rehashed stuff you like. Yes your jealousy is ****ed up as is your attitude and your welcome to watch from a far as things progress for the better.
Originally posted by silver:
Sounds the same as 2001 when the raverbaby sound hit the scene, everyone was up in arms about that as well.

Silver you hit the nail on the head man. That's what Ive been trying to say to these people. Everyone was up in arms when Hardcore changed in 1999/2000 to Trance influences. Then people started to love it as the next generation of ravers got into the scene.
This is history repeating, most of these people were too young to remember and have only known the Trance to sound in Hardcore.
Probably in 10 years Hardcore will change again and the next generation of ravers that grow up with electro/dubstep hardcore sound will be complaining. None of them believe me and say it's all short fad. They will find out the hard way I guess lol.

Anyways to all you haters, if music does'nt evolve it dies. If everyone thought like all you people and did'nt allow experimentation, we'd still be listening acid house like it's 1988 and have none of the other great electronic genres of today.
Originally posted by LoveThaCore:
Originally posted by silver:
Sounds the same as 2001 when the raverbaby sound hit the scene, everyone was up in arms about that as well.

Silver you hit the nail on the head man. That's what Ive been trying to say to these people. Everyone was up in arms when Hardcore changed in 1999/2000 to Trance influences. Then people started to love it as the next generation of ravers got into the scene.
This is history repeating, most of these people were too young to remember and have only known the Trance to sound in Hardcore.
Probably in 10 years Hardcore will change again and the next generation of ravers that grow up with electro/dubstep hardcore sound will be complaining. None of them believe me and say it's all short fad. They will find out the hard way I guess lol.

Anyways to all you haters, if music does'nt evolve it dies. If everyone thought like all you people and did'nt allow experimentation, we'd still be listening acid house like it's 1988 and have none of the other great electronic genres of today.

What you on about? electro/dub has been in hardcore since 2006, so it has been a slow transition
Originally posted by LoveThaCore:
Originally posted by silver:
Sounds the same as 2001 when the raverbaby sound hit the scene, everyone was up in arms about that as well.

Silver you hit the nail on the head man. That's what Ive been trying to say to these people. Everyone was up in arms when Hardcore changed in 1999/2000 to Trance influences. Then people started to love it as the next generation of ravers got into the scene.
This is history repeating, most of these people were too young to remember and have only known the Trance to sound in Hardcore.
Probably in 10 years Hardcore will change again and the next generation of ravers that grow up with electro/dubstep hardcore sound will be complaining. None of them believe me and say it's all short fad. They will find out the hard way I guess lol.

Anyways to all you haters, if music does'nt evolve it dies. If everyone thought like all you people and did'nt allow experimentation, we'd still be listening acid house like it's 1988 and have none of the other great electronic genres of today.

I've watched hardcore evolve since i started listening to it at 11 years old man, and i get excited everytime it takes a new direction. I dont have a favourite era, so i dont prefer 96 to 02 or 06 to 11 I just have my favourite bunch of tracks from those years. I've stated many times that hardcore changes & we have had massive debates on here. Heres a post about peoples opinions -

Might want to add your opinion to it??
Originally posted by Samination:
What you on about? electro/dub has been in hardcore since 2006, so it has been a slow transition

yeah, i don't think he's been around for that long if he actually thinks this is a new thing hehe
I loved the trance sound when it came in, and was bowled over when I bought Bonkers 7 when it came out, plus I was so happy that they made another one as there was what felt like an age between bonkers 6 and 7 - it hit my nail on the head! :)
Samination when did Bonkers 7 come out? i vaguely remember people talking about it on the pirate places I started out in, back in late 2001.
Triquatra Bonkers 7 was summer of 2000 I believe, I bought it in MVC in penzance! i remember that day well
GrahamC October 4th 99
Triquatra wierd, what was I doing on holiday in october!?

I guess its possible - this makes me sad, it was even longer ago..this means I'm older than i realise lol
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Yeah it just a magical thing we have to do - to hate and slate Clubland.

Seriously mate the ****ing discussions we've had on this forum and you still haven't ****ing read a single post. Its been made clear WHY we dont like some of the producers or the style of music. Its not something we just do for no reason.

Clubland sits high and pretty at the top of the charts because it cbought its way there. It has the capital to put out a shitty advert and promote it everywhere HU5 cant. Remarkably HU5 is still on average 2 less expensive and it has 1 more CD. Go figure. Its not just the music on there that makes it commercial...

Ive said the same thing over and over again, so Im not going to say it again. Waste of my time. This genre is heading down a slippery slope, and I will watch it **** everything up from afar.

lol exactly. I swear I've given this guy logical arguments so many times and he ignores it and comes out with the same old 'u guise are haterz' shit every time. He's absolutely not as old as he claims to be, he's far too stupid for that, he's probably just a 17 year old kid trying to put a point across by lying about his age.

And LOL @ U2 - With or Without You Remix being "commercial"? How exactly is that remix commercial? Commercial doesn't mean remixing a pop song. Otherwise the entire Silk Cuts label would have been "commercial".

Epic fail

Triquatra if he is ignoring all the points you're making then theres a small chance you are both being trolled?
Originally posted by Triquatra:
if he is ignoring all the points you're making then theres a small chance you are both being trolled?

Unfortunately I think this guy is genuinely retarded.
Triquatra LOL!
Vladel I hereby name this album Clubland xtreme electrodubstepcore!
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Originally posted by Samination:
What you on about? electro/dub has been in hardcore since 2006, so it has been a slow transition

yeah, i don't think he's been around for that long if he actually thinks this is a new thing hehe
I loved the trance sound when it came in, and was bowled over when I bought Bonkers 7 when it came out, plus I was so happy that they made another one as there was what felt like an age between bonkers 6 and 7 - it hit my nail on the head! :)

The problem with your "Generation of ravers" is that IM the next generation of ravers. Im 15- I'm not even old enough to enter 70% of venues. I didn't grow up with hardcore, I've been in it the past year or so. And honestly, I do prefer upfront hardcore. It doesn't have to be trancy, just upfront. I'd prefer trancy hardcore over electro, sure, but that's not all I listen to.

Dys7 Also, you're stating it as if everyone into today's hardcore will quit the scene to be replaced with dubstep fans. That sure didnt happen with the transfer from Happy to UK.
Originally posted by Vladel:
I hereby name this album Clubland xtreme electrodubstepcore!

Originally posted by Dys7:
Also, you're stating it as if everyone into today's hardcore will quit the scene to be replaced with dubstep fans. That sure didnt happen with the transfer from Happy to UK.

It did with a lot of producers...and fans actually. Anyone who was raving between those years will tell you the scene changed completely. Have you been to a rave?
Originally posted by Dys7:
Also, you're stating it as if everyone into today's hardcore will quit the scene to be replaced with dubstep fans. That sure didnt happen with the transfer from Happy to UK.

comments were aimed at "LoveThaCore" who whilst he's as old as us, must be fairly new to the scene if he thinks the electro-esq sound is a "new" thing, whereas like samination says, its been easily knocking around since 06.

personally the genre doesnt bother me either way, if I dont like something, I wont listen to it - just as I dont like Lady Gaga, you wont find me signing up to her forums to have a moan about her music.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Also, you're stating it as if everyone into today's hardcore will quit the scene to be replaced with dubstep fans. That sure didnt happen with the transfer from Happy to UK.

It did with a lot of producers...and fans actually. Anyone who was raving between those years will tell you the scene changed completely. Have you been to a rave?

Nope, so I am guessing on alot of things - although that's quite a depressing thought to imagine the hardcore I know changing completely and losing all the ravers/prpducers I know. I guess Its a taste of what happened with happy hardcore.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Triquatra:
if he is ignoring all the points you're making then theres a small chance you are both being trolled?

Unfortunately I think this guy is genuinely retarded.


It's actually distressing to read his posts. You're sat there going "No no no No No NO NO!! You simply aren't absorbing anything, you stupid penis".

LoveThaCore: If you want to listen to this new style - no worries. If you want to make topics about it on here, about new tunes etc - no worries. But you can go and fcuk yourself in the face if you think that those of us that don't like, don't like it because it sounds too "current". I don't like it because I think it sounds shit, and I don't think it resembles Hardcore, in any form, from any era.

It's the equivalent of everyone loving pizzas. Then, one year, someone invents a pizza with dog food on it. Some people are like "Oh My GOD - how good is this Dog Food Pizza?! Absolutely amazing! Can't wait for some stuffed crust remixes!!" Some people are like "Ahh man, this Dog Food Pizza tastes like Dog Food. Not cool. I'm just gonna order the Pepperoni with extra 2006 Scott Brown Sauce from now on, just like normal ". Then the Dog Food Pizza fans are all like "Oh My God, how can you not like this Dog Food Pizza? It's the most current kind of Pizza there is?! Pizza Hut needs to expand it's menu, otherwise it's gonna die. You hate Dog Food Pizza because you secretly like it and are afraid of it".

Dog Food Pizza tastes like shit.

Dys7 Hahahaha Jay, that was perfect.
Now watch as he posts something completely ignoring that.
Reminds me of high school
which I'm currently posting from btw :p
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Also, you're stating it as if everyone into today's hardcore will quit the scene to be replaced with dubstep fans. That sure didnt happen with the transfer from Happy to UK.

It did with a lot of producers...and fans actually. Anyone who was raving between those years will tell you the scene changed completely. Have you been to a rave?

Nope, so I am guessing on alot of things - although that's quite a depressing thought to imagine the hardcore I know changing completely and losing all the ravers/prpducers I know. I guess Its a taste of what happened with happy hardcore.

Triple J
Justin Time
JHAL (Fade & Bananaman)
Vibes & Wishdokta
Debatably you could say Bang! too as his tunes have only really been remixed since then save 1 or 2.

All these guys had massive classics, and I'm not counting the DJs that quit too, and all the smaller names that weren't as big. The venues changed, the sound got clubbier and so on - the scene absolutely changed.

IMO the difference between then and now is that back then there wasn't such a massive internet culture for hardcore like there is now, that's why history won't repeat itself - trancey hardcore is still in massive demand and small bedroom-labels can keep it alive thanks to the power of the internet. The scene will split between "electro hardcore" and "trance hardcore", and looking at the quality of the music coming from either side (note: MUSIC, not 'production') I would say the "electro hardcore" side is going to have to pull something very, very special out of its arse if it wants to keep up. Split scene means less ravers, and when your career is balanced on a spin-off of a commercial CD series (Not saying this is a bad thing) you really do need those numbers and that demand or else AATW won't make enough money back to make a sequel worthwhile and will cut you off.

It's happening right as we speak; Some people are only following freeform, some people are only following HU, some people only following Kniteforce and the breakbeat stuff, some only follow J-Core, some only following Clubland...if the internet was like it is now in 2001, DNA would have had a dedicated following for his Breakbeat hardcore and wouldn't have quit the scene in the same way, it's exactly as Luna-C said; the internet has changed the game and if you don't keep up you will die a dinosaur.
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Triquatra:
if he is ignoring all the points you're making then theres a small chance you are both being trolled?

Unfortunately I think this guy is genuinely retarded.


It's actually distressing to read his posts. You're sat there going "No no no No No NO NO!! You simply aren't absorbing anything, you stupid penis".

LoveThaCore: If you want to listen to this new style - no worries. If you want to make topics about it on here, about new tunes etc - no worries. But you can go and fcuk yourself in the face if you think that those of us that don't like, don't like it because it sounds too "current". I don't like it because I think it sounds shit, and I don't think it resembles Hardcore, in any form, from any era.

It's the equivalent of everyone loving pizzas. Then, one year, someone invents a pizza with dog food on it. Some people are like "Oh My GOD - how good is this Dog Food Pizza?! Absolutely amazing! Can't wait for some stuffed crust remixes!!" Some people are like "Ahh man, this Dog Food Pizza tastes like Dog Food. Not cool. I'm just gonna order the Pepperoni with extra 2006 Scott Brown Sauce from now on, just like normal ". Then the Dog Food Pizza fans are all like "Oh My God, how can you not like this Dog Food Pizza? It's the most current kind of Pizza there is?! Pizza Hut needs to expand it's menu, otherwise it's gonna die. You hate Dog Food Pizza because you secretly like it and are afraid of it".

Dog Food Pizza tastes like shit.

Oh. My. Goodness. That was the best thing I've read in a long time.
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Triquatra:
if he is ignoring all the points you're making then theres a small chance you are both being trolled?

Unfortunately I think this guy is genuinely retarded.


It's actually distressing to read his posts. You're sat there going "No no no No No NO NO!! You simply aren't absorbing anything, you stupid penis".

LoveThaCore: If you want to listen to this new style - no worries. If you want to make topics about it on here, about new tunes etc - no worries. But you can go and fcuk yourself in the face if you think that those of us that don't like, don't like it because it sounds too "current". I don't like it because I think it sounds shit, and I don't think it resembles Hardcore, in any form, from any era.

It's the equivalent of everyone loving pizzas. Then, one year, someone invents a pizza with dog food on it. Some people are like "Oh My GOD - how good is this Dog Food Pizza?! Absolutely amazing! Can't wait for some stuffed crust remixes!!" Some people are like "Ahh man, this Dog Food Pizza tastes like Dog Food. Not cool. I'm just gonna order the Pepperoni with extra 2006 Scott Brown Sauce from now on, just like normal ". Then the Dog Food Pizza fans are all like "Oh My God, how can you not like this Dog Food Pizza? It's the most current kind of Pizza there is?! Pizza Hut needs to expand it's menu, otherwise it's gonna die. You hate Dog Food Pizza because you secretly like it and are afraid of it".

Dog Food Pizza tastes like shit.


Where did that come from? The mild mannered Mr nice guy of Hardcore can take no more!

I genuinely love you even more now Jay!
_Jay_ Ha ha!! I wasn't even drunk, but I bet I'll regret it in the morning.

LoveThaCore - no offence meant man.
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Ha ha!! I wasn't even drunk, but I bet I'll regret it in the morning.

LoveThaCore - no offence meant man.

regret what? that some arse doesn't care for other people's oppinion? =P

And LoveThaCore: How much have rock n roll music changed since 1980s? except for how they dress, not much. Not much compared to how Hardcore seems to evolve.

and hardcore can always exist as it is! You don't need to throw a big ****ing party together to have it work. Most of the newcomers don't have producing as a job (or are still in school) so they don't loose money on not producing.
Originally posted by LoveThaCore:
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Yeah it just a magical thing we have to do - to hate and slate Clubland.

Seriously mate the ****ing discussions we've had on this forum and you still haven't ****ing read a single post. Its been made clear WHY we dont like some of the producers or the style of music. Its not something we just do for no reason.

Clubland sits high and pretty at the top of the charts because it cbought its way there. It has the capital to put out a shitty advert and promote it everywhere HU5 cant. Remarkably HU5 is still on average 2 less expensive and it has 1 more CD. Go figure. Its not just the music on there that makes it commercial...

Ive said the same thing over and over again, so Im not going to say it again. Waste of my time. This genre is heading down a slippery slope, and I will watch it **** everything up from afar.

hehe Well I'm sorry you just did waste your time with that paragraph.
The only thing it will **** up is the haters like you!! Hopefully they will leave the scene and take their negativity and jadedness somewhere else. And allow all the new generations of ravers to enjoy a genre that is taking the scene by storm and in a fresh direction instead of listening to the same rehashed stuff you like. Yes your jealousy is ****ed up as is your attitude and your welcome to watch from a far as things progress for the better.

Im not a hater. A hater is someone who hates for the sake of it. I genuinely care about the style of music I listen to and produce, and only negative opinion changes the bearing of music. If we sit down and not care, it'll change without opposition. Its opinion. In my opinion dubcore is terrible. I hate it, but I have reason to hate it. A hater hates without reason, so would you can the 'hater' shit. Breeze does the same, disregards anyone with negative opinions as haters. This is a ****ed up type of music, and it seriously doesnt appeal to me to be a part of it anymore.
Warnman To summarise the opinion of LoveThaCore:
Does he really wants Hardcore music to follow every media forced quick fashion that is hot at the moment?
Like: if Fartcore is popular than make Hardcore switch to Fartcore sounds...?

In this case, I must say: I miss the times were a lot of genres looked up to Happy Hardcore and got influenced by it.
Copycore will loose all the time!

LoveThaCore: Listen to to the roots of Hardcore (either if it's the 4/4 Dutch/German or breakbeat british one) and you will understand why neither the Dubstep, nor the Electro influences will ever help Hardcore to develope to any good. It's good for only one thing: killing Hardcore. Its sounds is completely the opposite of what Hardcore has been standing for.
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
[quote]Originally posted by Triquatra:
if he is ignoring all the points you're making then theres a small chance you are both being trolled?

Unfortunately I think this guy is genuinely retarded.

Wow what big words behind the screen You sure do mention penis a lot. Is this because your dad does you with his while you eat the dogfoodpizza??? Come on, don't be shy JAY. It's your idea:)

Also I don't dismiss anyone, I'm just not afraid to say what I like. Why can't the two genres co exist trance core and electro dub core? Evertime I say I like this genre or anyone else does, Neko goes off his tree lol. Just check the posts which you say I don't read. Like seriously, do you seriously think Breeze, Recon, Gammer, Klubfiller, Styles are going to say. OH KNOW WE"D BETTER STOP MAKING ELECTRO AND DUBS IN OUR TRACKS BECAUSE SOME ANGRY INTERNET CHILD CALLED NECKO AND HIS FOLLOWERS ARE CONSTANTLY SLATING THIS SOUND AND GETTING VERY ANGRY. EVEN THOUGH THE LAST TWO HARDCORE TRACKS OF THE YEAR HAVE BEEN OF THIS GENRE AND CROWDS STILL DANCE TO THEM. Neko do you really think they will listen to you??

I've been spinning electrodubcore at hardcore events in my home city of Perth along with a lot of the trancey hardcore djs and seems to go down really well. So I'm really not concerned what people say. As long as crowds are into it. I'lll play it.

Also I want to thank you Jay for giving me inspiration for training tonight.. I've uploaded your pic, enlarged it and stuck it to my punching bag. Should be a good training session after AFL. Punching around a bag with your face on it lol BOOM:)
Samination UK and Aussie scene are completly different, and why did you make a new login? Ban evasion if your account gets banned or something?
Originally posted by LovesTheCore:

Wow what big words behind the screen You sure do mention penis a lot. Is this because your dad does you with his while you eat the dogfoodpizza??? Come on, don't be shy JAY. It's your idea:)

Also I don't dismiss anyone, I'm just not afraid to say what I like. Why can't the two genres co exist trance core and electro dub core? Evertime I say I like this genre or anyone else does, Neko goes off his tree lol. Just check the posts which you say I don't read. Like seriously, do you seriously think Breeze, Recon, Gammer, Klubfiller, Styles are going to say. OH KNOW WE"D BETTER STOP MAKING ELECTRO AND DUBS IN OUR TRACKS BECAUSE SOME ANGRY INTERNET CHILD CALLED NECKO AND HIS FOLLOWERS ARE CONSTANTLY SLATING THIS SOUND AND GETTING VERY ANGRY. EVEN THOUGH THE LAST TWO HARDCORE TRACKS OF THE YEAR HAVE BEEN OF THIS GENRE AND CROWDS STILL DANCE TO THEM. Neko do you really think they will listen to you??

I've been spinning electrodubcore at hardcore events in my home city of Perth along with a lot of the trancey hardcore djs and seems to go down really well. So I'm really not concerned what people say. As long as crowds are into it. I'lll play it.

Also I want to thank you Jay for giving me inspiration for training tonight.. I've uploaded your pic, enlarged it and stuck it to my punching bag. Should be a good training session after AFL. Punching around a bag with your face on it lol BOOM:)

Ha ha! Hardly big words. As people who know me will testify, the last thing I'll ever try and be is intimidating.

I've obviously pissed you off. That wasn't - at all - what I meant to do. I just wanted you to see that it's not an irrational hate. Or, hate for hate's sake. I don't actually hate it. I just don't think it's Hardcore. As for your co-exist question - I'm with you!! I can't remember what thread it was in, but recently that's exactly what I said/think should happen.

Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by LovesTheCore:

Wow what big words behind the screen You sure do mention penis a lot. Is this because your dad does you with his while you eat the dogfoodpizza??? Come on, don't be shy JAY. It's your idea:)

Also I don't dismiss anyone, I'm just not afraid to say what I like. Why can't the two genres co exist trance core and electro dub core? Evertime I say I like this genre or anyone else does, Neko goes off his tree lol. Just check the posts which you say I don't read. Like seriously, do you seriously think Breeze, Recon, Gammer, Klubfiller, Styles are going to say. OH KNOW WE"D BETTER STOP MAKING ELECTRO AND DUBS IN OUR TRACKS BECAUSE SOME ANGRY INTERNET CHILD CALLED NECKO AND HIS FOLLOWERS ARE CONSTANTLY SLATING THIS SOUND AND GETTING VERY ANGRY. EVEN THOUGH THE LAST TWO HARDCORE TRACKS OF THE YEAR HAVE BEEN OF THIS GENRE AND CROWDS STILL DANCE TO THEM. Neko do you really think they will listen to you??

I've been spinning electrodubcore at hardcore events in my home city of Perth along with a lot of the trancey hardcore djs and seems to go down really well. So I'm really not concerned what people say. As long as crowds are into it. I'lll play it.

Also I want to thank you Jay for giving me inspiration for training tonight.. I've uploaded your pic, enlarged it and stuck it to my punching bag. Should be a good training session after AFL. Punching around a bag with your face on it lol BOOM:)

Ha ha! Hardly big words. As people who know me will testify, the last thing I'll ever try and be is intimidating.

I've obviously pissed you off. That wasn't - at all - what I meant to do. I just wanted you to see that it's not an irrational hate. Or, hate for hate's sake. I don't actually hate it. I just don't think it's Hardcore. As for your co-exist question - I'm with you!! I can't remember what thread it was in, but recently that's exactly what I said/think should happen.

Just leave him, he's the sort of retarded person who thinks fighting is the solution to every problem. And he won't even give us his DJ name so we can take a look at how much he sucks. Yawn.
djDMS Oh i see, he's one of THEM.
DaX sm00th didnt like it at 1st, but i'll freely admit i think i got carried up in the hate storm for this new sound, and after a few more listens its really starting to grow on me. It just might have been better to have maybe just breeze's mix full of this 'new-hard-electro-dubstep-whatever' sound, just for a bit more variety perhaps? and is there two different remixes of levels by avicii on hixxy & re-con's mix? But to be fair its allot better than i gave it credit for at 1st listen...
Originally posted by DaX sm00th:
didnt like it at 1st, but i'll freely admit i think i got carried up in the hate storm for this new sound, and after a few more listens its really starting to grow on me. It just might have been better to have maybe just breeze's mix full of this 'new-hard-electro-dubstep-whatever' sound, just for a bit more variety perhaps? and is there two different remixes of levels by avicii on hixxy & re-con's mix? But to be fair its allot better than i gave it credit for at 1st listen...

That's fine, there's nothing wrong with liking it and nobody will shit on you for doing so. Some of us just explain what we do and don't like about it and others write us off as 'haters' and make big annoying posts that get everybody angry...and then boom - 10 page thread.

No fuel - no fire, the non-fans of this sound are actually the most accepting of other people's tastes and opinions. Ironically it's a select few fans of the style that seem to want to flame people for not liking something they like.
Claxton Buying it now.. Pretty sure I will have heard a lot of the material already but feedback will follow.

But seriously.. this whole farse about the 'newstyle' hardcore is a joke. People need to realise theres a lot more out there and stop being so lazy and find it.

I actually prefer the stuff the 'top tier' are making now to what they were coming out with in 08-09. I lost interest in the 'top tier' then but I didnt sit on messageboards and facebook slating them for it, I just found hardcore I did enjoy; there's plenty of it out there.

With regards to the all this 'newstyle' hardcore, I actually don't mind it in moderation, but full sets of it bore me. Breeze's sets at the moment consist of nothing but, a bit of variety wouldn't go a miss.

Looking forward to hearing the Hixxy mix. Recently his production has become interesting again for me.
Originally posted by Claxton:
Buying it now.. Pretty sure I will have heard a lot of the material already but feedback will follow.

But seriously.. this whole farse about the 'newstyle' hardcore is a joke. People need to realise theres a lot more out there and stop being so lazy and find it.

I actually prefer the stuff the 'top tier' are making now to what they were coming out with in 08-09. I lost interest in the 'top tier' then but I didnt sit on messageboards and facebook slating them for it, I just found hardcore I did enjoy; there's plenty of it out there.

With regards to the all this 'newstyle' hardcore, I actually don't mind it in moderation, but full sets of it bore me. Breeze's sets at the moment consist of nothing but, a bit of variety wouldn't go a miss.

Looking forward to hearing the Hixxy mix. Recently his production has become interesting again for me.

We're not lazy finding it. We just don't like The Top Tier pushing the new style as a necesity.
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Claxton:
Buying it now.. Pretty sure I will have heard a lot of the material already but feedback will follow.

But seriously.. this whole farse about the 'newstyle' hardcore is a joke. People need to realise theres a lot more out there and stop being so lazy and find it.

I actually prefer the stuff the 'top tier' are making now to what they were coming out with in 08-09. I lost interest in the 'top tier' then but I didnt sit on messageboards and facebook slating them for it, I just found hardcore I did enjoy; there's plenty of it out there.

With regards to the all this 'newstyle' hardcore, I actually don't mind it in moderation, but full sets of it bore me. Breeze's sets at the moment consist of nothing but, a bit of variety wouldn't go a miss.

Looking forward to hearing the Hixxy mix. Recently his production has become interesting again for me.

We're not lazy finding it. We just don't like The Top Tier pushing the new style as a necesity.

Its their music, they can make what they want essentially. Don't like, don't listen.

In terms of the top tier there are only a relative few artists who play full sets of the stuff anyway. The only ones I can think of are Breeze, Petruccio and Modulate. Gammer, Styles and Re-Con play crossover stuff. Hixxy plays very little of it. It's not unavoidable by any stretch of the imagination.
Originally posted by Claxton:
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Claxton:
Buying it now.. Pretty sure I will have heard a lot of the material already but feedback will follow.

But seriously.. this whole farse about the 'newstyle' hardcore is a joke. People need to realise theres a lot more out there and stop being so lazy and find it.

I actually prefer the stuff the 'top tier' are making now to what they were coming out with in 08-09. I lost interest in the 'top tier' then but I didnt sit on messageboards and facebook slating them for it, I just found hardcore I did enjoy; there's plenty of it out there.

With regards to the all this 'newstyle' hardcore, I actually don't mind it in moderation, but full sets of it bore me. Breeze's sets at the moment consist of nothing but, a bit of variety wouldn't go a miss.

Looking forward to hearing the Hixxy mix. Recently his production has become interesting again for me.

We're not lazy finding it. We just don't like The Top Tier pushing the new style as a necesity.

Its their music, they can make what they want essentially. Don't like, don't listen.

In terms of the top tier there are only a relative few artists who play full sets of the stuff anyway. The only ones I can think of are Breeze, Petruccio and Modulate. Gammer, Styles and Re-Con play crossover stuff. Hixxy plays very little of it. It's not unavoidable by any stretch of the imagination.

I think what he means is there's a constant attitude of 'This is the new style' rather than 'Here's our interpretation of Hardcore'. I think if they stopped saying 'new style' they'd prob get less hate for it.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Claxton:
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Claxton:
Buying it now.. Pretty sure I will have heard a lot of the material already but feedback will follow.

But seriously.. this whole farse about the 'newstyle' hardcore is a joke. People need to realise theres a lot more out there and stop being so lazy and find it.

I actually prefer the stuff the 'top tier' are making now to what they were coming out with in 08-09. I lost interest in the 'top tier' then but I didnt sit on messageboards and facebook slating them for it, I just found hardcore I did enjoy; there's plenty of it out there.

With regards to the all this 'newstyle' hardcore, I actually don't mind it in moderation, but full sets of it bore me. Breeze's sets at the moment consist of nothing but, a bit of variety wouldn't go a miss.

Looking forward to hearing the Hixxy mix. Recently his production has become interesting again for me.

We're not lazy finding it. We just don't like The Top Tier pushing the new style as a necesity.

Its their music, they can make what they want essentially. Don't like, don't listen.

In terms of the top tier there are only a relative few artists who play full sets of the stuff anyway. The only ones I can think of are Breeze, Petruccio and Modulate. Gammer, Styles and Re-Con play crossover stuff. Hixxy plays very little of it. It's not unavoidable by any stretch of the imagination.

I think what he means is there's a constant attitude of 'This is the new style' rather than 'Here's our interpretation of Hardcore'. I think if they stopped saying 'new style' they'd prob get less hate for it.

Fair enough, I haven't seen anyone display this attitude and it take me into a whole new arguement.
Originally posted by Claxton:
Fair enough, I haven't seen anyone display this attitude and it take me into a whole new arguement.

Breeze is ALWAYS saying it. It's even on the flier for ILHB. By all means make a new style in hardcore but stop calling it "The new style of hardcore" it's not anyones place to dictate what the "new style" is. I hear really fresh breakbeat hardcore coming from Entity, Fracus and Darwin etc. plus loads of others, I could say that is the "new style" but I don't because it's an ignorant thing to say.

The absolute bottom line truth is that hardcore isn't changing from one style to another, it's splitting up. Just like I said it would. Trying to act like your style of hardcore is 'the new style' or something is just a feeble attempt to get the most people onto your bandwagon. That applies to Breeze or even Fracus and Darwin if they came out with the same shit.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Claxton:
Fair enough, I haven't seen anyone display this attitude and it take me into a whole new arguement.

Breeze is ALWAYS saying it. It's even on the flier for ILHB. By all means make a new style in hardcore but stop calling it "The new style of hardcore" it's not anyones place to dictate what the "new style" is. I hear really fresh breakbeat hardcore coming from Entity, Fracus and Darwin etc. plus loads of others, I could say that is the "new style" but I don't because it's an ignorant thing to say.

The absolute bottom line truth is that hardcore isn't changing from one style to another, it's splitting up. Just like I said it would. Trying to act like your style of hardcore is 'the new style' or something is just a feeble attempt to get the most people onto your bandwagon. That applies to Breeze or even Fracus and Darwin if they came out with the same shit.

It always comes across as though the 'top tier' artists have a very blinkered view of hardcore. I always get the impression that few of them listen to range of hardcore and know what is happening throughout the scene. If this is true I find it astounding, as a hardcore fan, I like to listen to and experience as much of the scene as I can whether I like it or not. Surely these artists are hardcore fans themselves?

A few comments lately have made me think this tbh. Kurt made a comment in a thread on before it closed where he basically said he had never heard of a number of artists. They were hardly unknowns as well.

Then Hixxy said this on his facebook the other day

Don't need anymore all sorted ta, One artist in particular that i wasn't fully aware of has come to our attention out of this so it's good times ! The others that i thought were smashing it are as well and it has confirmed a few bits for us.

The artist he was referring to could be someone completely unheard of, but I highly doubt it. I just get an impression of ignorance at the top. I would expect every hardcore artist to listen to Hardcore Underground 5 and be aware of's breakbeat revolution.

Or am I being far too demanding?
Bonkers4Life Soon enough you will be hearing "Hardcore" in Skrillexs' live sets!
Originally posted by Claxton:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Claxton:
Fair enough, I haven't seen anyone display this attitude and it take me into a whole new arguement.

Breeze is ALWAYS saying it. It's even on the flier for ILHB. By all means make a new style in hardcore but stop calling it "The new style of hardcore" it's not anyones place to dictate what the "new style" is. I hear really fresh breakbeat hardcore coming from Entity, Fracus and Darwin etc. plus loads of others, I could say that is the "new style" but I don't because it's an ignorant thing to say.

The absolute bottom line truth is that hardcore isn't changing from one style to another, it's splitting up. Just like I said it would. Trying to act like your style of hardcore is 'the new style' or something is just a feeble attempt to get the most people onto your bandwagon. That applies to Breeze or even Fracus and Darwin if they came out with the same shit.

It always comes across as though the 'top tier' artists have a very blinkered view of hardcore. I always get the impression that few of them listen to range of hardcore and know what is happening throughout the scene. If this is true I find it astounding, as a hardcore fan, I like to listen to and experience as much of the scene as I can whether I like it or not. Surely these artists are hardcore fans themselves?

A few comments lately have made me think this tbh. Kurt made a comment in a thread on before it closed where he basically said he had never heard of a number of artists. They were hardly unknowns as well.

Then Hixxy said this on his facebook the other day

Don't need anymore all sorted ta, One artist in particular that i wasn't fully aware of has come to our attention out of this so it's good times ! The others that i thought were smashing it are as well and it has confirmed a few bits for us.

The artist he was referring to could be someone completely unheard of, but I highly doubt it. I just get an impression of ignorance at the top. I would expect every hardcore artist to listen to Hardcore Underground 5 and be aware of's breakbeat revolution.

Or am I being far too demanding?

No they're definitely blinkered. Tbh pushing electro/dubstep influenced sounds as a 'new style' seems ridiculous to me. Both genres have been out for years and everyone was aware of them long before Hardcore took them up. We've heard Noisia, Deadmau5, Skrillex, SHW, etc. etc. then the big names come along and show us it as if they've come up with something really new and fascinating. I think once they become big names they totally lose touch with the rest of the scene.

Same happens in everything, when an employee works his way up through a company he often becomes out of touch with what the company is like to work in. Just like governments too, they're so high up they're completely out of touch with what's happening on ground level. We're seeing themes of this all over the world, the top people losing touch with reality - it will all come crashing down on them soon enough.
Claxton Some quick stats for you. Read into them what you wish

-------------------------------Hardcore Underground 5--------------Clubland X-treme Hardcore 8


Average tracks per disk-------------26.25--------------------------------------19.33


Average Artists per disk-------------16------------------------------------------8

Interesting (or not) facts.

- Slipmatt who mixed disc 3 on HU5 didnt have a track featured till track 12
- Douglas who mixed disc 4 on HU5 didnt have a track featured till track 9
- Al Storm does not have a single track on Clubland, Technikore has one credited as Technikal
- Dougal doesnt have a track on Clubland 8.
Originally posted by Bonkers4Life:
Soon enough you will be hearing "Hardcore" in Skrillexs' live sets!

as long as its 180bpm, **** yeah! What I've noticed about electronic music, is that people hate music that goes beyond 160BPM, unless it was Hard Trance from 1999

Claxton: 24? If you only count (re)production, there can't be more than 7.
Originally posted by Claxton:
Some quick stats for you. Read into them what you wish

Hardcore Underground 5 Clubland X-treme Hardcore 8

Tracks 105 58

Average tracks per disk 26.25 19.33

Artists 64 24

Average Artists per disk 16 8

Interesting (or not) facts.

- Slipmatt who mixed disc 3 on HU5 didnt have a track featured till track 12
- Douglas who mixed disc 4 on HU5 didnt have a track featured till track 9
- Al Storm does not have a single track on Clubland, Technikore has one credited as Technikal
- Dougal doesnt have a track on Clubland 8.

Yeah...well, I mean PERSONALLY I think the CLXH series is a bit of a circlejerk moneymaker where only 'obeying' artists get their tracks featured and the rest of the CD is just a self-important load of nonsense where the DJs and Producers put themselves on a pedestall. But that is STRICTLY my opinion and I try and keep that out of debates regarding the music because I won't judge their music based on how they run their business - not to mention I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge anyway, so there's no need to bring it up really.
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Bonkers4Life:
Soon enough you will be hearing "Hardcore" in Skrillexs' live sets!

as long as its 180bpm, **** yeah! What I've noticed about electronic music, is that people hate music that goes beyond 160BPM, unless it was Hard Trance from 1999

Claxton: 24? If you only count (re)production, there can't be more than 7.

I have far too much time as it is but it was just a quick add up.

I counted Sy & Unknown as two seperate artists and the same for any other combo. If it was a remix I discarded the original artists and they werent included in the numbers.

On the Hixxy disc there two tracks that featured about 4 artists, that bumped up the number + theres probably a few alias's who are the same people. Destiny for example?? I dont have a clue who that is?
Mad Max I would like to stress my partner purchased this cd so its in her collection not mine.

There are some really nice sounds in it and moments that make me cringe. I have a love hate relationship with HHC.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Yeah...well, I mean PERSONALLY I think the CLXH series is a bit of a circlejerk moneymaker where only 'obeying' artists get their tracks featured and the rest of the CD is just a self-important load of nonsense where the DJs and Producers put themselves on a pedestall. But that is STRICTLY my opinion and I try and keep that out of debates regarding the music because I won't judge their music based on how they run their business - not to mention I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge anyway, so there's no need to bring it up really.

You sure seem to say that alot
"Personally I think they're all money grabbing greedy pigs but I try to keep that out of discussions."
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
I try and keep that out of debates regarding the music

Then you're doing a very, very, bad job, as you just calmly posted it in the biggest debate for the new style on the internet.
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Yeah...well, I mean PERSONALLY I think the CLXH series is a bit of a circlejerk moneymaker where only 'obeying' artists get their tracks featured and the rest of the CD is just a self-important load of nonsense where the DJs and Producers put themselves on a pedestall. But that is STRICTLY my opinion and I try and keep that out of debates regarding the music because I won't judge their music based on how they run their business - not to mention I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge anyway, so there's no need to bring it up really.

You sure seem to say that alot
"Personally I think they're all money grabbing greedy pigs but I try to keep that out of discussions."

lol when have I ever said that? I couldn't care less if they're greedy pigs, I've always liked commercial hardcore. But that's just what I see, no offense but you were 10 years old when the first clubland came out and I loved it, don't think you can judge people you don't know shit all about, if I dislike clubland right now for good reason. Statistically speaking after 8 came out there were an equal number of volumes I like and didn't like. Not exactly a 'hater' track record IMO.

So stop trying to turn this debate about the music into a flame war between members, especially when you keep complaining about this topic coming up so much. Go make threads about something non-clubland related like I've been doing. You're no better than everyone else around here and you contribute to the reason there's so much of this around - stop adding flames to the fire.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Yeah...well, I mean PERSONALLY I think the CLXH series is a bit of a circlejerk moneymaker where only 'obeying' artists get their tracks featured and the rest of the CD is just a self-important load of nonsense where the DJs and Producers put themselves on a pedestall. But that is STRICTLY my opinion and I try and keep that out of debates regarding the music because I won't judge their music based on how they run their business - not to mention I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge anyway, so there's no need to bring it up really.

You sure seem to say that alot
"Personally I think they're all money grabbing greedy pigs but I try to keep that out of discussions."

lol when have I ever said that? I couldn't care less if they're greedy pigs, I've always liked commercial hardcore. But that's just what I see, no offense but you were 10 years old when the first clubland came out and I loved it, don't think you can judge people you don't know shit all about, if I dislike clubland right now for good reason. Statistically speaking after 8 came out there were an equal number of volumes I like and didn't like. Not exactly a 'hater' track record IMO.

So stop trying to turn this debate about the music into a flame war between members, especially when you keep complaining about this topic coming up so much. Go make threads about something non-clubland related like I've been doing. You're no better than everyone else around here and you contribute to the reason there's so much of this around - stop adding flames to the fire.

I'm not trying to take a hit against you because of what you believe, I'm just saying I don't understand why you say "I try not to say this in debates", then say it in a debate.
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Yeah...well, I mean PERSONALLY I think the CLXH series is a bit of a circlejerk moneymaker where only 'obeying' artists get their tracks featured and the rest of the CD is just a self-important load of nonsense where the DJs and Producers put themselves on a pedestall. But that is STRICTLY my opinion and I try and keep that out of debates regarding the music because I won't judge their music based on how they run their business - not to mention I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge anyway, so there's no need to bring it up really.

You sure seem to say that alot
"Personally I think they're all money grabbing greedy pigs but I try to keep that out of discussions."

lol when have I ever said that? I couldn't care less if they're greedy pigs, I've always liked commercial hardcore. But that's just what I see, no offense but you were 10 years old when the first clubland came out and I loved it, don't think you can judge people you don't know shit all about, if I dislike clubland right now for good reason. Statistically speaking after 8 came out there were an equal number of volumes I like and didn't like. Not exactly a 'hater' track record IMO.

So stop trying to turn this debate about the music into a flame war between members, especially when you keep complaining about this topic coming up so much. Go make threads about something non-clubland related like I've been doing. You're no better than everyone else around here and you contribute to the reason there's so much of this around - stop adding flames to the fire.

I'm not trying to take a hit against you because of what you believe, I'm just saying I don't understand why you say "I try not to say this in debates", then say it in a debate.

I tired to fly once, and it didn't work.
Originally posted by Lilark:
I tired to fly once, and it didn't work.

Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Lilark:
I tired to fly once, and it didn't work.


"I try not to say this in debates"
He tried, and failed. It happens.
Originally posted by Lilark:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Lilark:
I tired to fly once, and it didn't work.


"I try not to say this in debates"
He tried, and failed. It happens.

Theres a difference between growing wings and simply not saying something.

Originally posted by Lilark:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Lilark:
I tired to fly once, and it didn't work.


"I try not to say this in debates"
He tried, and failed. It happens.

Thank you for being so understanding.
Archefluxx Did I just see an American use sarcasm?

Wow, who knew!
Triquatra the stereotype is Irony, not Sarcasm
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Lilark:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Lilark:
I tired to fly once, and it didn't work.


"I try not to say this in debates"
He tried, and failed. It happens.

Thank you for being so understanding.

We all make mistakes man, no problem.
carldj90 I personally love that song called I'm sorry. Everything else sucks.

And about I'm Sorry...I dislike the vocals and think the track should be a dub!
PARTYSTORM Spent the full 13 on this, I thought I'd give it a go and see if I actually liked the tracks on there.
Pure disappointment.

I bought CLXH7 last year, and it was my first hardcore album I bought. I was literally blown away. The tunes on there were top quality!
Number 8 - nicer girl on the cover, but shite music.

~180bpm is too fast for mid range bass wobbles. It worked well on Gammer's 'Major Panic', but when you throw shedloads of these tunes in one mix? It doesn't work. Hardcore is kind of meant to be uplifting.

CD1: Pretty bad, about 4 fairly good songs on it. Even they weren't excellent.
CD2: Sorry Breezey, but it's utter shite. Go back to stuff like Rise Again!
CD3: Not too bad. I've gained respect for Hixxy and Re-Con, they're not pushing everything into the wobbly stuff. Unmixed though, disappointment :(

I wouldn't buy it personally. No Al Storm songs :(
Even Klubfiller is doing the wobbly tunes....
Originally posted by Triquatra:
the stereotype is Irony, not Sarcasm

I'd say more Americans don't know geography than irony. They did a survey here and I think 50% of people couldn't find France on a map.
Bonkers4Life Was listening to CD 2 with a friend to show him how bad Hardcore has become. And at one point he was like "OMG is that a new Skrillex song?". Point Proven?
Originally posted by PARTYSTORM:
Spent the full 13 on this, I thought I'd give it a go and see if I actually liked the tracks on there.
Pure disappointment.

I bought CLXH7 last year, and it was my first hardcore album I bought. I was literally blown away. The tunes on there were top quality!
Number 8 - nicer girl on the cover, but shite music.

~180bpm is too fast for mid range bass wobbles. It worked well on Gammer's 'Major Panic', but when you throw shedloads of these tunes in one mix? It doesn't work. Hardcore is kind of meant to be uplifting.

CD1: Pretty bad, about 4 fairly good songs on it. Even they weren't excellent.
CD2: Sorry Breezey, but it's utter shite. Go back to stuff like Rise Again!
CD3: Not too bad. I've gained respect for Hixxy and Re-Con, they're not pushing everything into the wobbly stuff. Unmixed though, disappointment :(

I wouldn't buy it personally. No Al Storm songs :(
Even Klubfiller is doing the wobbly tunes....

first you spend 13 pounds on it, and then you say you didn't (personally wouldn't) buy it?
And if Clubland XH 7 is your first hardcore combilation, you got alot of backtracking to do ;)
Craigavon raver
Originally posted by PARTYSTORM:
Spent the full 13 on this, I thought I'd give it a go and see if I actually liked the tracks on there.
Pure disappointment.

I bought CLXH7 last year, and it was my first hardcore album I bought. I was literally blown away. The tunes on there were top quality!
Number 8 - nicer girl on the cover, but shite music.

~180bpm is too fast for mid range bass wobbles. It worked well on Gammer's 'Major Panic', but when you throw shedloads of these tunes in one mix? It doesn't work. Hardcore is kind of meant to be uplifting.

CD1: Pretty bad, about 4 fairly good songs on it. Even they weren't excellent.
CD2: Sorry Breezey, but it's utter shite. Go back to stuff like Rise Again!
CD3: Not too bad. I've gained respect for Hixxy and Re-Con, they're not pushing everything into the wobbly stuff. Unmixed though, disappointment :(

I wouldn't buy it personally. No Al Storm songs :(
Even Klubfiller is doing the wobbly tunes....

Wats wobble tunes? the bassline and dub-step influenced tracks
Phobz Yeah, they seem to call it wobble bass. Lol at the op: breeze cd... coaster / dartboard :)
Craigavon raver
Originally posted by Phobz:
Yeah, they seem to call it wobble bass. Lol at the op: breeze cd... coaster / dartboard :)

I take it that its different to the minimal stuff that was geting done about 2 years, heard abit of that stuff and didn't really like it, havn't heard any of this other stuff i don't think, so feel free to put a few examples up of ceh 8 so i can hear for myself lol
Originally posted by Bonkers4Life:
Was listening to CD 2 with a friend to show him how bad Hardcore has become. And at one point he was like "OMG is that a new Skrillex song?". Point Proven?

Originally posted by Phobz:
Originally posted by Bonkers4Life:
Was listening to CD 2 with a friend to show him how bad Hardcore has become. And at one point he was like "OMG is that a new Skrillex song?". Point Proven?


Anyone know how hell Breeze's set on ILHB went? cause that should say somethinh...
djDMS I could only bring myself to listen to about ten minutes of it. Sounded as i expected it to, looked like the dancefloor was pretty full though.
rafferty Sounds very similar to something I read on wikipeadia a while back. How the Breakbeat Hardcore scene of the South oh the UK hated the Bouncy Techno scene of the North during the early days and vice versa. And they would'nt book each other. Kinda stupid really, it's just music.
I'm not crazy about the whole Electro thing, but seems like it will end up being just another genre in the Hardcore scene. Won't take over, but won't die either. Will be just another type of Hardcore that is played by djs at raves. Means more variety so can't be all bad. Nothing more boring than hearing the same shit all night.
It's like woman, I like black woman, Asian women, Hispanic woman, White woman, Tall woman, Short, woman, Fat woman, Skinny women lol. Would get boring if they all looked the same.
Originally posted by rafferty:

It's like woman, I like black woman, Asian women, Hispanic woman, White woman, Tall woman, Short, woman, Fat woman, Skinny women lol. Would get boring if they all looked the same.

erm... really?
cruelcore1 Starting Rock times it's always repeating.

Time of Rock: "Nowadays music is so bad. That rock is just noise and nothing more. Nobody listens to good casual music anymore."
Early times of EDM: "This Electronic is not even music. Nobody listens to those good Rock stuff."
2012: "Electronic genres are colliding. I hate commercial House minimal drops. I miss those old Electronic times."
10 years later: "I hate this modern popular 'artist1' style. It's so commercial and indifferent. I miss those old days of House minimal drops from 2012."
Hirschi CD1 - 5/10
CD2 - 2/10 (what's with the disturbing sound effects?! it's like screaming in the library...)
CD3 - 6/10
Originally posted by cruelcore1:
Starting Rock times it's always repeating.

Time of Rock: "Nowadays music is so bad. That rock is just noise and nothing more. Nobody listens to good casual music anymore."
Early times of EDM: "This Electronic is not even music. Nobody listens to those good Rock stuff."
2012: "Electronic genres are colliding. I hate commercial House minimal drops. I miss those old Electronic times."
10 years later: "I hate this modern popular 'artist1' style. It's so commercial and indifferent. I miss those old days of House minimal drops from 2012."

If you call jazz casual, lol
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by cruelcore1:
Starting Rock times it's always repeating.

Time of Rock: "Nowadays music is so bad. That rock is just noise and nothing more. Nobody listens to good casual music anymore."
Early times of EDM: "This Electronic is not even music. Nobody listens to those good Rock stuff."
2012: "Electronic genres are colliding. I hate commercial House minimal drops. I miss those old Electronic times."
10 years later: "I hate this modern popular 'artist1' style. It's so commercial and indifferent. I miss those old days of House minimal drops from 2012."

If you call jazz casual, lol

Well... You know what I mean =) "not-rock"
Originally posted by cruelcore1:
Starting Rock times it's always repeating.

Time of Rock: "Nowadays music is so bad. That rock is just noise and nothing more. Nobody listens to good casual music anymore."
Early times of EDM: "This Electronic is not even music. Nobody listens to those good Rock stuff."
2012: "Electronic genres are colliding. I hate commercial House minimal drops. I miss those old Electronic times."
10 years later: "I hate this modern popular 'artist1' style. It's so commercial and indifferent. I miss those old days of House minimal drops from 2012."

Your very right, people don't like change, as much as I love oldskool dutch hardcore and wish it would come back, times change. It does'nt really bother me the duby minimal stuff in hardcore. As long as the crowds keep going sick to it, which they seem to be. Should'nt really matter.
MAtRiCks It's a bit sad to see less and less tracks on CXH being written in higher keys, with blatantly uplifting melodies. That used to be their forte, and part of what got them such mixed reviews on geek forums. There are still some like Satellite, Bright Like The Sun, Im Sorry and Open Your Eyes (the one from CD3), but they're rather few and far between!
rafferty You go on any download sites though and the realise the scene is still saturated with fast trance cheesers from new names which all sound the same and most of them never really sell well because they are all so similar.
I thought there were still a lot of good tracks on disc 3.
RECON AND DEMAND - HEART BLEEDS is like newer type uplifting hardcore sound also REMAND - SOMETHING GOTTA HOLD ON. It's new and still keeps the traditional happy vibe that everyone loves.
Yeah BRIGHT LIKE THE SUN - SY & UNKNOWN is great. Very few trance cheesers sound that good these days though.
Originally posted by rafferty:
You go on any download sites though and the realise the scene is still saturated with fast trance cheesers from new names which all sound the same and most of them never really sell well because they are all so similar.
I thought there were still a lot of good tracks on disc 3.
RECON AND DEMAND - HEART BLEEDS is like newer type uplifting hardcore sound also REMAND - SOMETHING GOTTA HOLD ON. It's new and still keeps the traditional happy vibe that everyone loves.
Yeah BRIGHT LIKE THE SUN - SY & UNKNOWN is great. Very few trance cheesers sound that good these days though.

if you into the more melodic stuff, it's obvious CD1 and 2 aren't for us
trippnface interesting discussion. i love the input from everybody. this is why a site like this exists!! its a given fact with so much branching out we cant all agree... saying that, i really do love some of this "newer sounding" stuff. but not all of it. and i certainly don't come close to reaching the euphoric heights that real hardcore gives me. i like how some of the dj's are branching out. i have faith in their ability to keep the fans content. if they continue to take it in this direction too far, people will sure as hell let them know we don't like it, and they might listen... or not give a damn.

evolution of music is absolutely fascinating, and seeing it occur to my favorite genre of music is quite interesting. i'm not an oldschool fan by any means, but hardcore is most definitely my passion. for over a couple years now ive been avidly addicted. my first show was etd love in frisco with scott brown and hixxy. after that it was (and is) my mission to continue supporting the scene, seeing the people i love, with the music i love. i personally dont enjoy the older bonkers, but LOVE the harder uk hardocre sound. too each their own. we have a very diverse genre, with many different aspects that please many different people. reading all this and listening to the different opinions has shown me depth of this evolution. and i love it.

i would definitely say some hardcore ravers in the us are behind :p i saw darren styles for my first time this year in arizona, and hearing " save me" and "your my angel" was what ive been craving all these years.!!! i also heard "you and i" and some of the newer style and i loved it as well. of course its a different feel, and i didnt enjoy it quite as much.. i certainly wish i could of been on the scene like 10 years earlier haha. i wish we had the amount of hardcore the uk gets. it also took me awhile to find the good stuff here..its alot more underground. i recently saw dougal & gammer for my first time and i was a bit disappointed to be honest. i heard a few of the classics..but it wasnt what i expected from the hardcore legends sadly. im sad i maybe got here too late :/

those classics will always be there..and we can always play them..and we can always have that feeling..and resurrect it!! im going to keep buying tickets to these guys because i love hardcore to death... and it might be changing. but its still the best fkn vibes there are. even if these big names start to abandon us, i have faith in the hardcore fans to revive hardcore infinitely, rising from the ashes anew each time, like a glorious phoenix ;D i love the diversity. and i love us. sorry for the rant. just my 2 cents guys.. you know how it goes...

HARRIBO so just got round to listening to this (really dont know what took me so long)

tbh its the biggest load of anal seepage i have ever heard. 90% of it isnt what i would class as hardcore at all. only tune i even remotely liked was bright like the sun and after listening i had to listen to gammers nostalgia tune to remind me that he can make a decent tune!

as of now ive just offered it on twitter to anyone for free (except for postage) as my collection may miss it but my conscience wont:)
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Triquatra:
the stereotype is Irony, not Sarcasm

I'd say more Americans don't know geography than irony. They did a survey here and I think 50% of people couldn't find France on a map.

Lilley So I just read through this thread. And was mildly amused at the similarities and differences between this thread a recent one about gammer. People amuse me.
Originally posted by trippnface:i have faith in their ability to keep the fans content. if they continue to take it in this direction too far, people will sure as hell let them know we don't like it, and they might listen... or not give a damn.

that's what we are doing, but they are just brushing us off as haters

Lilley: This was the thread that started it all :P
cruelcore1 Oh God, not again...
Originally posted by Samination:
Lilley: This was the thread that started it all :P

The continuity was not lost on me.
Originally posted by Lilley:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Triquatra:
the stereotype is Irony, not Sarcasm

I'd say more Americans don't know geography than irony. They did a survey here and I think 50% of people couldn't find France on a map.

That's embarrassing.
They must have edited out people who got right answers, because that's simply unbelievable.
Triquatra yes, chasers war, whilst very very funny, is not to be taken seriously.
Lilley That was about 3 years before the War, a show called CNNNN. Chaser Nonstop News Network. No one really knows what the last N stood for.
cruelcore1 ROFL at map part! They see holes on Australia part thinking all the right answers are there XDDD
Arhiwall I like this sound. Anyway, like "Open your e-aaaaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaa-yes", "Missing" and "Louder" by Petruccio and Modulate, "Mercy" by Styles. Earlier CXH Cd`s I dislike - there are plain pop music, sometimes bad. New sound is not quite speed-up electro. I hear it as the fusion of earlier happycore (all generations) and modern dnb - in the new fashion electro cover.

But directly speed-up house tracks, sometimes played in dj-sets, i dislike.
Originally posted by Arhiwall:
Anyway, like "Open your e-aaaaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaa-yes",

Yeah same. I've really come to love that Open Your Eyes remix. That and Crack It Smack It and the second half of Rock The Club.

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