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T O P I C     R E V I E W
RaverBaby69 Whats the most enjoyable memory you have?

Mine was discovering (while night fishing with friends) that a rave was going on in the woods on the otherside of the lake. we thought it was a tape being blasted out of someones bedroom window or something because our town is really small and a rave is totally unusual in my area. Anyway we started to see flashing lights comming from the trees and decided to go and investigate and oddly enough it was a rave! We couldn't exactly join in coz well u shud hav seen the state of sum of us but now we know where an alright rave is held every year in our area and maybe next year we'll go!

Hey Smokey I know u don't smoke weed but i'm gonna make u high 2nite coz its friday, u ain't got no job and u aint got s*it to do!
toxic careful, the Blair Witch might get u next time

Crack another one !!!
weba_d Id have to say..walking into the sydney superdome for my first time eva at a Utopia event.. The ****in sound blast felt like a gail force wind! WOW!

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

Brian K so that's where josh ran off to =P

"Cuz I'm hardcore, heavyweight, magical man."
Simon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Yep He knew a rave would be more fun, than trying to find the car :)

fazza my mate staging a full on rave in his back garden of his house (well mansion virtually!) in the new forest and seeing his parents pilled up loving the hardcore!!!!!!! wot a night.

"I feel you, i want you, i know your touch is all i need, im waiting you're shining"
HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE A funny experience at a rave recently was:

Hyperspeed. We had to get of the train a station early because it was gona miss our stop. On the train line map it looked like 2 kilometres then wen we get off I can hear "Children" and I was like NOOO cause that is like my favourite song but then I was happy cause it was just around the corner. Then the police turn up and start questioning us, me with a pill in shoe, mate with an ounce on him we were like ar yeah well lets go.
Was a great night tho!

pretty boring actually ay oh well I thought it was an ok experience

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
number2301 Mine was coming up at Vibealite @ the Old Cornmill :) , just outside the Hardcore tent and I could hear Whizzkid MC'in and I had good friends around me :)

Number 2301 is godverdomme het HARDSTE!

'Living in my world is easy, there is only peace, love and ... ecstacy'
mc trev
Originally posted by RaverBaby69:
Whats the most enjoyable memory you have?

Mine was discovering (while night fishing with friends) that a rave was going on in the woods on the otherside of the lake. we thought it was a tape being blasted out of someones bedroom window or something because our town is really small and a rave is totally unusual in my area. Anyway we started to see flashing lights comming from the trees and decided to go and investigate and oddly enough it was a rave! We couldn't exactly join in coz well u shud hav seen the state of sum of us but now we know where an alright rave is held every year in our area and maybe next year we'll go!

Hey Smokey I know u don't smoke weed but i'm gonna make u high 2nite coz its friday, u ain't got no job and u aint got s*it to do!

this is ecsactly the same as the 1 near my house esept they were tapes but on a bloody loud sound system

so if u believe this u have to belive my story

mctrev est.raver 1998-2002
DJ STYLUS Whilst flying through the sky I seen a rainbow and flew towards it where 3 teddy bears were havin a tea party we all sang songs and had a jolly time.

Point made yet???

You Know Life, is all about expression.
You only live once, and your not coming back.
So express yourself!
Originally posted by DJ STYLUS:
Whilst flying through the sky I seen a rainbow and flew towards it where 3 teddy bears were havin a tea party we all sang songs and had a jolly time.

Point made yet???

You must have had some damn good pill that night :)

Originally posted by Simon:
You must have had some damn good pill that night :)


i dare say he had more than 1

Crack another one !!!
Originally posted by weba_d:
Id have to say..walking into the sydney superdome for my first time eva at a Utopia event.. The ****in sound blast felt like a gail force wind! WOW!

Awwww yeah ... the first time I stepped into the Superdome main arena I just had to pause for a sec and get my breath back. To see such a huge, filled-to-capacity dancefloor from above was just incredible.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
Awwww yeah ... the first time I stepped into the Superdome main arena I just had to pause for a sec and get my breath back. To see such a huge, filled-to-capacity dancefloor from above was just incredible.

that was an awesome feeling and one that ill never forget, but how Utopias have changed since then

Crack another one !!!
moo_moo id have to say, new years @ love nation 98/99 (homebush) .. i had just dumped an egg and jumped onto a ride they had there (octopus) .. when i got off my legs were like jelly and the egg had kicked in.. after the ride the count down was f*ckin awesome.. then dancing to 911's set ( fav dj ) :) lol and the best part was paying some dude to take a polaroid of a group of us .. (it was his second last photo) 5 bucks pretty cheap for one of the best memories i have..

good times ...

~ if your going to whine, moan or lecture save it for someone who cares ~
toxic in mentioning love nation, 99/00 @ macquarie uni (i think), well, that was another awesome rave ... u agree strychnine?

Crack another one !!!
strychnine yeah it was, except for my little psychotic "episode". as far as nye goes, though, i think peewee f***ed the countdown big-time. mind you, fenix didn't do a perfect job at utopia nye 00-01, but at least the first track of the year was a winner

another enjoyable experience (not rave-related): summer of '89, sitting out the front of the block of flats i used to live in with the girl who lived in the unit upstairs - charmaine, her name was. she was the most adorable creature i had ever met. she turn around to me and she smiled the most radiant smile and said she liked me ... i was in heaven.

[ok everyone, at the count of three: 1, 2, 3 ... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww]

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
miss-mitzi i usually cant remember much after a rave but the photos sure look good!!!!!!!!!

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
strychnine i always have mad experiences at raves but they're not ones that pictures can capture, like being in the middle of the dancefloor just as the dj plays one of your all-time favourite tracks, and for a millisecond you're gutted cuz your friends aren't around ... but you look around and see all these people going OFF and decide to make the most of it, just before you feel a hand on your shoulder and look around and see the smiling faces of your best mates who've come to join you and share the moment.

*wipes a tear from his eye*

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
i always have mad experiences at raves but they're not ones that pictures can capture, like being in the middle of the dancefloor just as the dj plays one of your all-time favourite tracks, and for a millisecond you're gutted cuz your friends aren't around ... but you look around and see all these people going OFF and decide to make the most of it, just before you feel a hand on your shoulder and look around and see the smiling faces of your best mates who've come to join you and share the moment.

*wipes a tear from his eye*

when and where?

yes, but with photos it works both ways ... its good to have the memory, but there are also those moments captured which would rather be forgotten

Crack another one !!!
strychnine Yeah some of our photos really gotta be destroyed before they find a wider audience

But I agree that some photos are great, like this one of me at Utopia NYE 00-01 when we were riding the Demon roller-coaster, and everyone else had their arms in the air screaming, but I had my hands in front of me grooving to the beat - oh, how I regret not buying that pic

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
i always have mad experiences at raves but they're not ones that pictures can capture, like being in the middle of the dancefloor just as the dj plays one of your all-time favourite tracks, and for a millisecond you're gutted cuz your friends aren't around ... but you look around and see all these people going OFF and decide to make the most of it, just before you feel a hand on your shoulder and look around and see the smiling faces of your best mates who've come to join you and share the moment.

*wipes a tear from his eye*

_m8 u just said it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_____________________________________________________________
I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
StrifeII when i lost my virginity....oh wait that was a dream. shit!
i guess it was when i was with my girl (ex AHEM AHEM) an we saw fireworks *tingles* nearly cried hehehe.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Originally posted by Robbie Jay:
when i lost my virginity....oh wait that was a dream. shit!

you poor thing

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic another enjoyable, although not raving related, moment was when i won $1,360 on the pokies, and this all happened not even 5mins after asking ur mate if he'd like to go $20 each in the pokie. ahhh, the crowd that built up and look on all those ppl's faces when i went to double up
its just a shame that it hasnt happened recently *shrugs*

Crack another one !!!
strychnine ^^ shut up, tox ... that *friend* still hasn't forgiven you, or himself for that matter. you shouldn't give him a reason to lose it

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic hmmmm, not forgiving are we?
well, my friend should have no reason to be not be unforgiving ... he was given every opportunity ... well me was part of the festive celebrations that followed afterwards

mind u, there was also that period of 5-6 weeks when i couldnt lose

Crack another one !!!
strychnine geez tox you're always bragging about *something*. first it's the size of your genitals, now it's the amount you've won gambling. you're *such* an insecure fellow

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic jealous?

Crack another one !!!
strychnine vanity does not become you ... and besides, what am i gonna be jealous of?

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
geez tox you're always bragging about *something*. first it's the size of your genitals, now it's the amount you've won gambling. you're *such* an insecure fellow

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.

"INsecure" thats it

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

Originally posted by toxic:
Originally posted by strychnine:
Awwww yeah ... the first time I stepped into the Superdome main arena I just had to pause for a sec and get my breath back. To see such a huge, filled-to-capacity dancefloor from above was just incredible.

that was an awesome feeling and one that ill never forget, but how Utopias have changed since then

Crack another one !!!

how true, Utopia is no longer a rave for ravers, its for half of sydneys population and about 1000 true ravers...
Who went to ecythump racetrack? now that was a mad tight rave!

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine i went to the hyperspeed that was held at that same racetrack - mad vibe and everything but the thought that the "rain" falling on me was actually sweat condensation from the tent kinda put me off.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic yes, i tend to agree with u weba_d ... the smaller scale raves are much better.
i missed eckythump @ the racetrack, but i did go to hyper @ the racetrack (mind u i took a page out of Schumacher's driving manual just to get there)
great feeling just being there ... and as strychnine already said ... the sweat drops were a turn off ... that was about the only down side to the night

Crack another one !!!
Originally posted by toxic:
i missed eckythump @ the racetrack, but i did go to hyper @ the racetrack (mind u i took a page out of Schumacher's driving manual just to get there)

Your driving was more like Tommi Makinnen's ... and I was the poor schmuck in the navigator's seat trying to read pace-notes out of a UBD

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic my apologies for not mentioning u ... and we thought we werent gonna make Fenix's set

*gives himself and then strychnine a pat on the back*

Crack another one !!!
moo_moo oh memories ..

how long have u2 been raving?? it interests me as weve probably seen one another at a rave.. were u 2 around when the free love parties were on ?? happy valley?? F.O.D?

just wondering :|

~ if your going to whine, moan or lecture save it for someone who cares ~
weba_d well not being part of the two'o but i've been raving for about 2 years
is everyone gunna be at goldseris

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

Originally posted by weba_d:
well not being part of the two'o but i've been raving for about 2 years
is everyone gunna be at goldseris

ull definately run into the two'o, as u put it, at HSG ... besides i dont think many sydneyravers will miss HSG .... check out the HSG topic under hhc events ... that should give u sum indication

Crack another one !!!
toxicmusic I gotta admit my most enjoyable time was when I went for a cruise round with some friends and they decided to phone up as many people as possible and we all got parked in a car park in the middle of nowhere and have a big party using my little car's stereo for the tunes!

It's only a Micra!!

"I am what I am and nothing else" M.A.D
strychnine Here's another:

Sitting on a picnic table with *an unnamed friend* in a local park at 7am on Sunday morning after a rave, looking like scum and feeling about as good, sipping Powerade and sucking down a packet of cigarettes watching people go about their Sunday morning routines (walking the dogs, walking the wife, etc) and wondering what they'd be thinking if they knew what these two weirdos in colorful clothing were doing for the last 8hrs ...

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
Here's another:

Sitting on a picnic table with *an unnamed friend* in a local park at 7am on Sunday morning after a rave, looking like scum and feeling about as good, sipping Powerade and sucking down a packet of cigarettes watching people go about their Sunday morning routines (walking the dogs, walking the wife, etc) and wondering what they'd be thinking if they knew what these two weirdos in colorful clothing were doing for the last 8hrs ...

dont forget the kid blowing his whistle to wake everything within earshot just to buy the ****en newspaper

Crack another one !!!
weba_d hows this..i stayed a little longer at Ecdythump racetrack then my i caught the train at Arncliff to transfer to go to and a half hours later i wake up byself on the train who knows where with this granny having a good look for her money at the reck I was in..

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine Speaking of trains, I once took *several* Panadeine Forte and washed them down with Bailey's (I had a really bad migraine) before I left to catch a train to uni. I ended up in Hornsby - if I didn't wake up when I did, I would've ended up in Newcastle. Mind you, it was a great effort for me to actually get to uni from there, considering that I was stoned off my tits at the time.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
mc lyrical my first rave (uprising sometime in 1996) just that initial feeling as you walk in the building and the atmosphere is like no other yo have seen before!!

Last night and the night before... Tommyknockers knocking at my door
weba_d having ecy thats an experiance

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

Originally posted by weba_d:
having ecy thats an experiance

I kinda have troubles getting, umm, let's just say "getting my hardware on-line" while I'm under the influence. I've yet to try this "sextacy" combo but the possibility of never using my wang ever again sorta puts me off that idea.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
Originally posted by weba_d:
having ecy thats an experiance

I kinda have troubles getting, umm, let's just say "getting my hardware on-line" while I'm under the influence. I've yet to try this "sextacy" combo but the possibility of never using my wang ever again sorta puts me off that idea.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.

dont get me wrong aye, the thought of ecysex in the past while looking at my willie seemed impossible, but i tried it for the first time the other nite, I'll try not to go into detail but once..umm hes goin..its not going down if u know what i mean...prepare for a solid hour

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

Originally posted by weba_d:
dont get me wrong aye, the thought of ecysex in the past while looking at my willie seemed impossible, but i tried it for the first time the other nite, I'll try not to go into detail but once..umm hes goin..its not going down if u know what i mean...prepare for a solid hour

ummm ... I don't wanna get into too much detail either, but "a solid hour" is an regular thing for me ... well, it is when I'm getting regular sex (which I'm not right now).

ps ... I'm not just blowing my own trumpet (giggles). toxic once underestimated the time me and my then-girlfriend would need the hotel room to ourselves for and *nearly* copped an eyeful when he came back - good thing for him I heard him coming through the door and remembered to put my pants on before I walked out of the bedroom to kick him out a second time. Now *that* was an experience ...

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
weba_d when i say a solid hour, i mean u last so much longer then normal, like 5 times longer, i dont mean i got for 10mins but just sayin lol[@:o]

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

Originally posted by weba_d:
when i say a solid hour, i mean u last so much longer then normal, like 5 times longer, i dont mean i got for 10mins but just sayin lol

Ahhh, such a foolish and, quite frankly, futile attempt to cover up your "short"-comings, MinuteMan. However, be not ashamed of your flaw, for you are not alone in your suffering. As a wise man once said: "How many of you are 18? [Pointing to all who respond] Y'all don't know how to f*** yet."

Young weba_d, make not excuses for your sexual prowess (or lack thereof), for we all know the truth: no man's "jade flute" is born obedient, and yours is as yet untrained. Your youth is your enemy. You must sow your oats over fields far and wide, and with experience over time your skills shall grow, so that one day, you shall control your organ's impulses enough that your endurance shall be the match of any woman's. Then, and only then, shall you have more than just an "average member"

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
Originally posted by weba_d:
when i say a solid hour, i mean u last so much longer then normal, like 5 times longer, i dont mean i got for 10mins but just sayin lol

Ahhh, such a foolish and, quite frankly, futile attempt to cover up your "short"-comings, MinuteMan. However, be not ashamed of your flaw, for you are not alone in your suffering. As a wise man once said: "How many of you are 18? [Pointing to all who respond] Y'all don't know how to f*** yet."

Young weba_d, make not excuses for your sexual prowess (or lack thereof), for we all know the truth: no man's "jade flute" is born obedient, and yours is as yet untrained. Your youth is your enemy. You must sow your oats over fields far and wide, and with experience over time your skills shall grow, so that one day, you shall control your organ's impulses enough that your endurance shall be the match of any woman's. Then, and only then, shall you have more than just an "average member"

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.

arrr such a facination and expertece u have with ummm... boys penis..yes boys penis's..well just to state a few facts here..i've been with my gf for nealy 3 yrs maybe those lil boys you used to meet that wernt up to "your standard", really didnt get the chance to get a gf cos u snaked em....let me asure you that 3 yrs experiance with a GIRL
is sure to stand up past "your standard"
*a little advice for my old lad Strychine*
next time u go looking for lil boy to "investigate"..try goin for boys who have gf's...and no ****ing way is that a hint!

*exuse me to appoligys of how strychines sexual preference was let out.. I have nothing to do with the forthcoming of his downfall

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

toxic not totally my fault dammit!!!!
pete just as much to blame as i am

besides i had a niggling *cough* ... i need the Robotussin

Crack another one !!!
strychnine Hey weba, *you're* the one who thinks that 1hr is a *long* time in the sack, not me. Don't blame *me* for your lack of endurance in the boudoir

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
weba_d hahaha sorry mate goin a bit far

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine It's all good, mate. I wasn't so much insulted by *what* you said than the fact that you actually said it - in all honesty, it *was* a pretty lame effort at a comeback. I expected better from you ...

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
weba_d no way! hahaha
attention everyone to *strychines coment*

Hey weba, *you're* the one who thinks that 1hr is a *long* time in the sack, not me. Don't blame *me* for your lack of endurance in the

arr **** thats a killa strychine!

*takes two steps back*

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine ^^ *that* wasn't a comeback. It was more of an admonition for not putting a bit more effort into *yours*.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
weba_d fair enough:) hey many tickets do u reckon there are left for hgs, cos my friend still hasnt got his

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine ^^ there should still be some left ... try emailing mikel or something

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
^^ there should still be some left ... try emailing mikel or something

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.


"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine ^^ mikel = mikel fenix ([email protected])

or you could just post a question on the overdrive forums and then try to find the answer in the midst of the 50-odd pages of waffle that your question would generate. your choice.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic i rekon theres still time

about 1500 already sold
total expectancy is 3500, u do the math ...
plenty available

if for sumthing like this, personally i i think it wontr *all* sell out, but it will coime close

Crack another one !!!

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