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 Music discussion - hardcore
 how to be a MC ??

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DJSHINE i am woundering how to be a MC
When i hear them they talk really quick and if i try i don't even no wot to say
How do u do it
Any 1 help ???????????????/
DJ shine

KinokoBoy Just repeat everything u say 2,3, or 4 times in a row like the MC's at HHC shows do all the time.

Bring Hardcore to Upstate New York!!!!
MC KK being an mc isnt just about rhyme/lyrics and chatting fast, an mc's job is to hype the croud and that can be done much better just through a few words, just be urself and enjoy urself whilst doing it, theres also freestyling and chatting lyrics you've already wrote, sit down and wrote some lyrics and then memorise them, then start onto freestyling, where you say things as they come to you at the time

little miss muffet
sat on her tuffet
chillin to the hardcore vibe,
its all she could manage
she played out some garage
and the poor little ****er died
TypeR you also have to say, and i quote, "massif" "inside" "come on" "are you ready" "whistle" "horn" "raise your hands" "respect" and your own name 15,000 times in and hour and a half

respect to the hardcore massif inside the rave tonight!!! are you ready, come on raise your hands, respect, wheres my whistle posse????

i can only stand a few mc's, if a dj can't hype a crowd with the records he's playing, then he is at the wrong party, most mc's i've heard crowd the songs and chant about being mashed up and high. or they just sound like bad dnb mc's. but thats just my opinion. but i do like mc storm, mc verbal, and mc wotsee

dj ritalin

don't stand and stare, just kick your legs in the air
Stevie c Personally being and actor, who did Drama at Uni for 3 years, I created a character, cos the 'real' steve is 1)white, 2)not a cockney 3) far to nice 4) wears glasses and 5) has a brummie acccent;
So being MC Boy Trippa, is not like being Stevie C or like Rebellion (my other Dj name).
Importantly know when to be quiet, if its a good tune let it play don't talk over it. Never talk over vocals. Practices repeats like 'your into the sound, your into the sound the sound of Dj (insert name). Get a couple of rhymes together;but don't repeat to often. Only call for whistle and Horn crew, max every 30 minutes. Be original with large words like 'Welcome to the hardcore seminar' or 'Blitzkreig!!' don't shout or scream but be force full in style, freindly in personality. Be sparing with material, silence can be cool. Never respect a mate, its just rude!! Unless you are Lively playing for Vibes, in which case 'Respect to my little brother Paul Sheperton' I feel like I know him, I have heard it so often!!! However do respect crews from around the country and world. Always your Dj, he is the important one, not the M.C.,
MC's are not rappers, it is an honour to be up there with the dj, don't abuse your position. Good MCs are few and far between so make sure you are a good one.
Finally, confidence!!! Hype the crowd or show your intelligence in styles and free styling. If things go wrong then shut up quick!!

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
KinokoBoy I'm with Dj Ritalin, Mc's suck!!!

Bring Hardcore to Upstate New York!!!!
KinokoBoy except for MC Gobstoppa.....he's good....

Bring Hardcore to Upstate New York!!!!
tommo Yeah,Gobstoppas good so was E-By-Gum he was a frickin class mc.

Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.
atomicb 'Yeah,Gobstoppas good so was E-By-Gum he was a frickin class mc.'

MC E-By-Gum! Listening to an old set with him in.. he was sooooo good, knows when to shut up as well :)

gobstoppa... hmmm I'm about 50/50 here, I like some of his stuff.. but I'd say he talks a little too much and does one or two things which make me turn down the volume . .

Originally posted by Stevie c:
Importantly know when to be quiet, if its a good tune let it play don't talk over it. Never talk over vocals.

So true, i hate when the MC does that, its like he has no respect to the vocalist... like its just another sound on the record...

TypeR now don't get me wrong, mc's have their place in hardcore. but if you want to hear an mc that just goes on and on and on and just completely disregards mixes and vocals, check out mc adb. mc storm knows when to shut it, adb does not.

dj ritalin

don't stand and stare, just kick your legs in the air
Stevie c Good, someone else who knows what I mean!!
Two voices together is the most irritating sound unless in harmony
On to another point. I find it interesting how many ppl dis Mc's and say
they don't like them but then come up with a favorite. I understand that crap
Mcing is just crap but then they are not really MCs then are they, they just free loading w**kers who haven't got a clue. MCing is an integral part of the hardcore scene (for me at least) and so many nights have been made by the extra atmosphere they have created. It is a skill and art form, it cannot just be done by grabbing a mic and shouting lots. I think they should be judged like DJs, who if they messed up a mix would be slaughtered, like wise mc's should be tested and passed on style, delivery and content.
I think lots of ppl give MCs are rough ride cos there is so much toss out there.
But that's them not MCing, I am very passionate about this because I want to be an MC more than a DJ ( I am an actor afterall) and i hate the idea of purest House mentality taking over so we lose the rough, street, hardcore vibe.
Now I admit a lot of tapes have been ruined because of an MC wide boy larger type but some of my best tapes are because the MC is so good,
examples? Ramos and Marley, MC Techno, Robbie Dee, Storm, Digger, Lively (who is hilarious!!) Magika and MCMC.
Without MCs most Garage wouldn't exsist (maybe that's not so bad then!!) However now that Garage is so popular at least most of the PANTS idiot mc crew is over there and we can be left with the top class boys who are true to the Hardcore MC old skool. Come on guys cut us MCs some slack please!!
Not all of us are ego fuelled self centred toss pots!! Some of us do appreciate it should be hardcore first. Note I didn't say music because MCing is part of that sound. How you combine the two is the art and shows class above crap.
I do believe in a name and shame policy, if they are sh!t, we should know it and put pressure on ppl to get them off our stages and events, they should be normal ravers BECAUSE they are not good enough to MC. I can say this because I think I am that good because I have studied it for a long time and leanr't fromt he Masters of MCing. Anyone interested, send me an private message and I will send you a free tape. Then you can dis me as much as you like

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
TypeR i didn't mean to get you all fired up, i have no doubt that you will be a top mc. hell maybe you could move to usa and be my mc someday. dj ritalin and mc stevie onetime or what ever your mc name is, i just thought of onetime, it kind of rolls off the tounge stevie onetime. anyway much respect is due to anyone who has the courage to start out in the hardcore scene knowing what you are up against. stay true to yourself, and i'm sorry if i came across as a hater


don't stand and stare, just kick your legs in the air
Stevie c I did and do get fired up but that's very me, sorry didn't mean to come across
as angry more just enthusiastic and energetic
I didnt take it personal (sh!t if i did I would have given up Mcing years ago)
My MC name is Boy Trippa as in like the Boy Wonder (lets face it even I know the Dj is and should be the Batman of the outfit)

Rebellion is my hardcore Dj name, stevie C is my anything and everything alter-ego and Boy Trippa my mc name.
OH........yes I while I am at it, a couple more Gods of MCing.....Maxim of the Prodigy and Lip Master Mark of the Ratpack. I do actually like Mr C as well, both as a Dj and MC (Ok you can all really dis me now!!)

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
KinokoBoy I have to give Stevie C. a lot of props for writing such a long letter. Its nice to see somebody passionate towards something. I respect you a lot Dude! However, when I go to a rave, I wanna dance. I really dislike it when the Mc or the Dj ruins the flow by talking or scratching too much.

Bring Hardcore to Upstate New York!!!!
DJ Mouse just don't call for a rewind every 2 minutes like the garage scene,that pisses me off so much,2 rewinds is the absolute max for in a set

"speeed ios a good subvstitute for accueracy"

DJ Mouse
virus "DJ 3D also holds a stateside record with 13 rewinds in a 45 minute set!"


We came here tonight to get started, to cold act ill or get retarded
Stevie c Now that's just silly!!
I agree with you Mouse, me, one is only just acceptable, cos an Mc should dictate to a Dj, using a crowd as emotional blackmail and my point is an MC should not ruin the flow but be part of it. So Scratching is ok but again there are good and bad versions. To ALL MC's ask a mate if you can vocal scratch if not, like me, leave it OUT!! its embrassing. I will practice but only in my bedroom ,on my own, with the curtains drawn, door shut and music up very loud.

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
KinokoBoy How can u hear yerself vocal scratch with the music turned up really loud??....One more thing.....We don't have a garage scene in the states. What is it?? I hear a lot of u brits bashing it all the time, I'm just curious to know if its yer version of Hip HOp.

Bring Hardcore to Upstate New York!!!!
Stevie c Believe me I have the music up loud So I don't have to listen to my shoddy attempts and nor does anyone else.
Anyhow, Garage started as an R&B kinda House music, lots of 'Shine on' stuff,
People would always say its a feeling and difficult to discribe but that's toss,
NOw the modern stuff is Hip hop type beats, but a bit breakbeaty and faster,chunky Old Skool/Housey melody, R&B over tones in the vocals, with a gangstar attitude from MC's saying how they 'Remember the day' or 'Bo' or 'Rewind' Craig David does a soft version of it in between his attempts at being a R&B nob (My wife will hate me for that) ,Miss Dynamite and the Artful Dodger are other examples, Now 'The Streets' has strands of it too, but 'The Streets' are class, probably the best in the genre cos they are more than garage; Their are sub-genres like Speed garage etc etc, but it all diviates from out of the house scene.
the main reason I think people diss it, is beacause of the attitude of a lot of Garage heads rather than the music; I remeber a similar vibe in the hardcore scene around late 92-93, to many wannabe Gangstars not enough ravers. Garage thankfully has taken them and their rubbish mc's with them (hurrah!!) , Garage mixes well with old skool, R&B and some Hip Hop and rap, It is to a large degree an English man's Rap and hip Hop, yes but mainly to fill the void cos those to scenes are so dominated by the US (that's not a complaint or rap is sh!t) So garage has become our version of that so we can say yeah we have something dnagerous hard and cool too! Even French rap batters our's into the ground so something had to be done. To garage you try to dance in a minimal way so you look like you are saying 'Yeah this tune is cool but not as cool as me!!' Back to the attitude it has a smug west coast LA attitude to it, which for London I think is really funny, watching angry agitated people trying to look chilled. Some people in the Garage scene are smug arrogant talentless tossers but some of the music is phat. Oh check out So Solid Crew, there is modern garage personified. These days you love it or hate it, like R&B , I lean towrds dis-liking it. I am not dissing all garage nor all garage heads but their scene will be better,probably when it is not so popular again. I use to like original stuff a lot (cos it got up Housers noses being played in their tents and dance floors) But now unless it is mixed well with Old Skool and no R&B in sight I am prone to not listening to it or considering it dance more like you said our Hip Hop; but has been moving that way for years and years from when people mixed in hip hop and jungle sounds into House. Does that help any? Shout out if you disagree with me guys, it is a little difficult to spesificd but hey I have tried. Garage has one major problem, it is popular and something popular always attracts w**kers and with w**kers comes violence and attitude

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
KinokoBoy Interesting!!!! So you were a raver back in 92 and 93!?!? And into Hardcore!! Wasn't hardcore back then clocked at a slower BPM? If I can remember straight, wasn't Moby once considered to produce Hardcore tunes? If he did, the sound of the early 90's hardcore is totally different from todays.

Bring Hardcore to Upstate New York!!!!
KinokoBoy Interesting!! I take it you were a raver and listened to hardcore back in the early 90's. Was the scene different from what it is now? Is it true that Hardcore back then was clocked at a slower BPM? Oh yeah.....didn't Moby produce Hardcore back in 92-93? I'm really interested in the whole evolution of the hardcore scene; it is nice to hear the history from somebody who's been there when it first started.

Bring Hardcore to Upstate New York!!!!
KinokoBoy Oh Crap the server listed me two times in a row. Don't I look stupid!!!!!!

Bring Hardcore to Upstate New York!!!!
Stevie c Yes Moby did do hardcore tunes then but no it wasn't totally different.
Other than Techno (now Gabba) it was the fastest thing out there and people
were still complaining!! (bloody crusties) You can tell thre difference now by looking back but it was just a progression, I still love hardcore in all forms.
Old skool, nu skool, UK hardcore makes no odds really. All of them were and are the best AND just to stay on topic had MC's, an integral part of the scene and vibe

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
Stevie c Oh and yes two replies in a row does look silly

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
Otori Ive tried to sing fast and come up with stuff as i go along but i keep trippin over my own words. So ik now MCing isnt for me


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