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 Music discussion - hardcore

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
michellehall does ne1 have morpheus. its like napsta if u do r there ne decent happy hardcore tunes on there. plz post the keywords i shud type in.

"Take me up up up and away"
DJ Mouse i'm sure it said don't request mp3 files or sites on here
morpheus is crap anyway,there's better ones but i ain't saying what coz it'll only get censored

DJ Mouse In Da House!!!

Edited by - DJ Mouse on 30 Dec 2001 11:51:51
silver michellehall: if you are looking for happy hardcore you can buy it cheap at , click on the CD albums and then Hardcore CD albums... or search Ebay.

you, me and hardcore forever.
aznwasian Mp3s are frowned upon in this croud. If you are into non-mainstream Mp3s then they'll brick your house. I think that it's okay to download the mainstream stuff, AKA things on big labels, because there going to sell a trillion alblums anyways.

-I can't stop raving...
michellehall well trust me i wud rather buy it but im only 15 and im not made of money so this is the only way i can get the tunes. plus i have no idea where i wud get hold of half of it

"Take me up up up and away"
DJ Mouse that's no excuse for getting mp3's really,it's stealing really as silver will tell you

DJ Mouse In Da House!!!
virus dont know where to get it?

he just said you could get cd's from!

davegage may I just point ou however that most 15 year old dont have credit cards, check books and a lot dont have nice mothers willing to hand over theres which puts online buying out of the window

Not necessarily the case here but it maybe :-)

"My DJ make your body movin, my DJ make your body groovin,
My DJ take u to the top, and the bad boy ravers we dont stop"
silver daveage: I don't care what the excuse is mate, people on this board and myself don't hate you or anything but get a job... Hardcore is so small at the moment and the more people producers can get for their work the more producers there will be and thus hardcore will live forever.... perhaps you would like me to steal something of your that you worked the last 2-3 years to get to make.

The only excuse I will listen to is that you wrote the song yourself and you are downloading your own work, or the artist has allowed downloads (like Storm and Herman).

you, me and hardcore forever.
davegage I wasnt making the excuse for me :-) I buy hardcore all the time.

"My DJ make your body movin, my DJ make your body groovin,
My DJ take u to the top, and the bad boy ravers we dont stop"
Midway_raver Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Not this thing again:( I have to say i'm torn this time coz being young myself money does have its problems and mp3's are a very cheap way out, and i would raver there b another raver out there than someone being tld they can't b a raver coz they can't afford it. I do buy alot of hardcore and vinyl especially vinl now i hav emy decks so it's not as if i don't support teh scene with money , infact most of my measly saturday job wages go on it, and i been shoveeling shit fopr a week so i can get rush hour, and a few others. But yet i still download mp3's of songs i can't afford at the time or don't know if i liek em or not. As i'm sure virtually everyone on thsi site does occasionally. Even u Silver ............. Or mayeb tempted to use mp3's if someone says a song name u've never herd of. Liek with that A tension angels £100 for a vinyl u expect me too go out n buy that withotu downloading it n hearing it? So my stance has change di think we should be alowed to suggest key words n stuff for each other coz we know the responsibvle ones among us will buy teh records anyway n if we support mp3 or not teh people who use em are still gonna download em! There not suddenly gonna feel guilty coz of sumfink we say n stop downloading.

Ant B
DJ Mouse if you do what nick from blaze said then it's not a problem.
download the mp3,if you like it,buy it. if you don't,then delete it
simple as

DJ Mouse In Da House!!! id='marquee'>
michellehall erm yeh i do have a job but still no credit card and my mum is much against the idea of buying things off the net plus no offence but i dont really see the point on u all picking on a 15 yr old girl just coz i download mp3s. in fact im quite offended

"Take me up up up and away"
Oli G Personaly.. i do download mp3s.. for one purpose.. the same purpose ive always downloaded mp3s for.. to see if i like it
if i like it
i buy it
if i cant find it
i keep ****ing trying till i do
me ever expanding vinyl collection and ever shrinking wallet will tell you that :D

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
Midway_raver i don't think no ones picking on u Michelle it's just a bit of a controversial subject on the site and Anyone could hacve mentioned mp3's n got exactly teh same responses...So i don't think no ones picking on u.....Definetly half the people on here cudn't hurt a fly ( no offense :P ) Especially that weakling silver If he annoys u just tell him I can't stop raving is by Dj Liquid

Ant B
silver that weakling silver? shesh mate... I am tring stating the facts, no I can't stop you from downloading MP3's but I can tell you if you download MP3's what happens... I'm not going to tell anyone what they can and can't do but it's a fact that hardcore producers need to get paid for their work otherwise there is no more hardcore simple.

you, me and hardcore forever.
Midway_raver yeah i know that mate thats why we all buy the records innit, just saying no matter what we do theres always gonna be people downloading them No matter what we say. Anyway big up to people l9ike urself for keeping teh hardcore scene going andf a big up to everyopne who buys the tape pack sthe vuinyls and cd's......

Ant B
Lixx Producers get no money from tape packs so they must be just as bad for the scene.

silver Producers no... DJ's yes... but in turn the producers get the money as the DJ's will go out and buy more vinyl. Except the slammin vinyl live tape packs and such...

you, me and hardcore forever.
Originally posted by Lixx:
Producers get no money from tape packs so they must be just as bad for the scene.

I was thinking the same thing stuff bought from auction which I know a lot of u ppl do, although someone bought it eventualy, u yourself are not giving money to the dj's producers.

"My DJ make your body movin, my DJ make your body groovin,
My DJ take u to the top, and the bad boy ravers we dont stop"
Midway_raver Correct me if im wrong but .....I buy a tape pack money goes to sdlammin vinyl, who then book dj's for next event with that money ( well some towards it ) tape packs are a part of "Slammin vinyls " or whoevers income opr else tehy wudnt release em, The event organisers ( teh people profitin from teh tape packs ) then pu ton an event and employ Dj's ....Dj's then have a job spinnin happy hradcore...who then coz there playing @ Slammin or whateve rbuy sopem new recoprds...........Supporting teh producers:P

Ant B
silver ok... it's a circle :)

you, me and hardcore forever.
domainraver I'll tell you what.. if you can tell me exactly where I can buy all of my happy hardcore mp3's on vinyl, I will go out and buy them and delete all the mp3's.

[email protected]
silver domainraver: physical challenge - start listing my friend

you, me and hardcore forever.
psychichigh Alot of ppl dl mp3s now-a-days...

I buy all sorts of hardcore on vinyl all the time, but if a tune I like (the original) isn't in print anymore, or I can't find it (ie. "Cloudy Dayz" - (Bang!), "Shooting Star" - Bang!, "5am" - Unique) I then just DL from the not on an mp3 till I find it...

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"
domainraver start listing? man I don't even know where to start! heheh

Well heres some mp3s I have simply because i CAN NOT FIND them on vinyl, and I doubt anyone would sell their copies if they're lucky enough to have them:

Charly lownoise - Stars
Tokyo Ghetto Pussy - i kiss your lips
99 Red balloons
Tiny Tots - Discoland
dj breeze(?) - jump a little higher

thats just a few off the top of my head.

Oh yeah and Silver I'm going to see you spin tomorrow here in Winnipeg.. you better not dissappoint!!! heheheh jk :) and just a tip, winnipeg raverz are craving cheeze right now.. seriously...


[email protected]
domainraver the word PU$$Y is cencored?? hahahahh!

[email protected]
Lixx Umm, are you sure you aren't confusing Silver with Silver1? Silver1 is Anabolic Frolic's crony for Happy Hour and is based in Canada while Silver is in Japan as far as I know. Silver if you are stateside right now hit up Sacramento CA! If not it's ok.. Scott Brown is gonna be here in two weeks! Score!

domainraver no i mean silver1 from toronto.. playing tonight in wpg..

[email protected]
silver Now as soon as I list them other people will probally buy them but I am proving a point that I searched and found them for sale.

Tiny Tots - Discoland - Selling it for $10.00 (email them)

Tokyo Ghetto Pussy - i kiss your lips - Orginal mix - Dune remix - Different mixes

99 Red balloons

dj breeze(?) - jump a little higher - Selling for $17.56 (email them)

Charly lownoise - Stars
could only find the CD sorry


Oh yeah and Silver I'm going to see you spin tomorrow here in Winnipeg.. you better not dissappoint!!! heheheh jk :) and just a tip, winnipeg raverz are craving cheeze right now.. seriously...

Yuo mean silver1 on that one :)

you, me and hardcore forever.
DJ_ME Hay giv th kid a chance, i hav SUM HH on MP3, but am not @ liberty 2 hand out th address, ill giv u a idea low kid , *edit*

Also go dwn 2 ur local HMV, They stok every ting
good luck m8

good mood or bad mood."
The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life
DJ STYLUS 2b honest if someone wants 2 dl mp3s its there choice dont palm them into buying records they dont want to spend their cash on. Also if u want to download some good mp3s dont use morpheus use *edit*

Everything is Hardcore
Hardcore is Music
Music is Life
Life is Meaningless??
ian Personally, I don't really have a problem with MP3s.

The public domain software industry for example, is thriving on a massive scale, with most of the internet's services being run on free software. The programmers are quite happy to have their software freely distributed and are quite proud when they see how far their software spreads. Also, most of the time, the software is miles ahead of it's commercial equivalent.

I know if I produced a track I'd want as much exposure as I could get. Typing my name into a program like Napster and seeing all those results appear would be a thrill!

It's all about exposure, what about radio silver? Is radio a bad thing? People could tape their favourite songs off radio - however most artist are thrilled when they get airplay. The same applies with MP3s.

I now buy between 1 and 3 cds a week. I always test the waters by listening to MP3s. Before MP3s I was lucky if I'd buy a cd a month, because I simply didn't know what I was buying.

Anyway, that's my rant for the evening... flame away!

silver Ian: I'm not going to get into a massive arguement here but did you know that everytime a song is played on the radio, TV anything the artist or the recording company is getting paid, this applies to anywhere in the world. On the internet if it get's played no one gets paid. In Australia for example if a song is played on the radio the recording company gets $4.00.

you, me and hardcore forever.
ian Silver: A valid point, but how much of that money would be passed on to the artist? Artists would be more happy about the exposure than the money in the case o radio play IMHO. MP3's generate revenue too, I'd have to say possibly more than an artist's song being played on the radio.

But enough about this, I respect your point of view. You really have to sympathise with both sides on this one I think.

Anyway, your last statement brings me to a question (non-mp3 related) which I've been curious about for some time now.

When I hear a tune played at a club or a rave, are the artists who write the songs being paid (just like with the radio) when their song is played? Afterall, this would be using a recording for commercial use?

So how does all this work?

Also, are DJs paying the respective record companies when they release a tape mix to a store locally? I know in Australia tape packs used to be sold at a few record stores, pretty small business it seems, this would lead me to think that the DJs aren't paying the record companies, and making revenue from other people's songs... Seems much worse than me downloading an MP3 to decide whether I like an artist (sorry... not the MP3 issue again! )

silver Ian: Actually because that is under publishing right the artist would get all of it. Unless they were stupid enough to sign their publishing rights away.

you, me and hardcore forever.
DJ STYLUS Mp3s Foreva and Foreva and Foreva. Nothings gonna stop us now.!

Lets Go Make Believe, Will I Love The Sky, On A Moonless Night, With A Magic Carpet Ride, If You Make Believe, Whatever You Dream, You Will Achieve If You Take A Chance In Make Believe.
DJ STYLUS You know what I thought we were like a special group, 'A hardcore family' but I think its ****in sad and outta orda how u lot think u can pik on a 15 yr old girl. Thats ****in bent!!!!

And as for aznwasian ****in thretenin to brick windows, Tsk, U r ****in dry, think b4 u ****in start flappin ya lips!! Loads a ppl download mp3z and I do aswell!!! And I think being young is a good excuse 4 downloadin mp3z as they do not have alota money and why should they buy records CAUSE u said so, ****off!¬!. Hounestly this is really disapointing!!! Shame on all u!!!!

Now u r gonna try and start cusin my ass down, (thats the way immature mindz click)!!!

Well someone had to say it!!!

Lets Go Make Believe, Will I Love The Sky, On A Moonless Night, With A Magic Carpet Ride, If You Make Believe, Whatever You Dream, You Will Achieve If You Take A Chance In Make Believe.
Goldie hi,i dont know what morpheus is so i dont have the information to discuss it,,i am writng this so i can get stars

If you want it , get it.
Goldie I GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!

If you want it , get it.
DJ STYLUS Hey your 1st star...u must feel proud of yaself!!

Lets Go Make Believe, Will I Love The Sky, On A Moonless Night, With A Magic Carpet Ride, If You Make Believe, Whatever You Dream, You Will Achieve If You Take A Chance In Make Believe.
ian Silver: I didn't really understand your answer sorry.

Does you mean that if a DJ plays, say, one of your tracks at a rave you're gonna get paid something for him using it, and the publisher won't be recieving anything?

I'm just interested in how this process all works.

silver ian: you know how most records say "not for public broadcasting" or something like that... everytime a song is played the artist "should" be getting paid publishing rights, so yes when a DJ plays a record at a rave he is "breaking the rules" and should pay the artist the publishing rights to broadcast the record to lots of people... BUT no one goes that anal with the rights because nothing would get played so they only really inforce it for videos, movies, TV and radio.

you, me and hardcore forever.
djmarinecorpse Well, my two cents on the matter is that if you can at ALL buy a track, if it's available to buy *SOMEWHERE* on the net, then you shouldn't be downloading the MP3 unless somebody's pimping it for like 300 quid. But, for the tracks which either are so old nobody's interested, or for the tracks which aren't going to be repressed that fall under my above mentioned rule, I don't really think the producers would mind, esp. if they have newer, better stuff which you would buy.

djmarinecorpse I kno I'm not doing any of this for money, but when I found one of my trax on AG, I couldn't believe it...

DJ Mouse it's not so bad if you put the tunes on there yourself,but to have a single released then see it there? must be heartbreaking. i know it would be for me.
i've seen a few tracks there that have been forbidden to download,why not try get yours forbidden?

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
djmarinecorpse Just reading - here's my number one impossible to find track:

DJ Tizer - Kikin' in the Beat

farchid Isn't Napster gonna start paying the artists now anyway?

They said something about paying for memberships but the money you pay goes directly to the producers and not to napster!

But why must we pay for this if we do not need to pay for the radio and since their is no ****in happy hardcore radio channels like stated before one the only ways people are going to ever hear of happy hardcore is from Mp3 i mean i had heard plenty of happy hardcore songs before but i didnt know that they were HHC i just thaught it was a good type of song but then one day i done a search for a song on napster typing in shooting star and guess what...yup i learned a new word and now i have gone snooping down shops for happy hardcore on C.D and this lead me to the world of viynl which I used to call old fasiond CDs so there is another thing learned

So I'm just saying if it wasn't for napster i would not be here!

Mp3's arent good or bad they both!

..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_...

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