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 Hip Hop anyone?

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Ellessdee Joined the forum looking for a track, while I'm here I thought see if there's any hip hop heads on here?

I know a few people who don't know much about it have a pre-conceived misconception of hip hop.
djDMS Welcome to the site.

Been a big Hip hop fan for many years.

Agred what you say about misconceptions - pretty much applies to any kind of music these days though.
Ellessdee Yeah I thought happy hardcore was a bunch of semi-homo pill heads.

Wait..... :D Joking ;)

Yeah, people think if you like hip hop you're automatically into 50 Cent, bling bling, top of the pops ish.
Chris Goldfinger I love hip hop

But i hate that 50 pence, imo the best new artist around is The Game!!

Have you heard the mans mix tapes? He just rips the piss right out of 50 and the rest of G-Unit

Also Dr Dre's new album should be out very soon "Detox" this has been put back and put back but it will hit the shops very soon!!!

And you all know when this hits this will be triple platinum in the first month, easy!!!
bulby_g Yeah I don't mind bits and pieces I guess but I don't have the time to fish through the crap. Last albums I bought were the Common one and a J5 one (a wee while ago now) and they were good. Hate 50 cent etc etc etc
Ellessdee J5 - Power In Numbers? That album is a classic, love it. Wasn't impressed with Commons - Be. Was over hyped.

Definatley looking forward to Detox, only been waiting 7 years though! Game's cool, saw him live, was good night.

Anyone into UK Hip Hop?
bulby_g It was quality control (like I say long time ago!) The common one was like water for chocolate or something like that. J5 is quality all the way through and yeah I didn't think all of Commons album was fantastic but there were some great stand out tracks on it for me.

Will check out the J5 album you mentioned :)
B.C I've listened to Hip Hop since I heard Still Dre, but have moved on to more varied stuff.

For instance, right now I'm listening to:

De La Soul - 3 Feet & Rising
Busta Rhymes - The Big Bang
Dead Prez - Let's Get Free
Triquatra i dont mind some hip hop, but theres so much of the shit on the radio no matter where i go im subjected to it and country/rock. so i find it hard to listen to them - makes me feel like a drone.
Ard2theCore I enjoy listening to Hip Hop, fall in2 the lyrics and feel the emotcion behind the words.
Cant stand all the Gangsta I'm gna shoot you then sleep wiv your mum who's a hoe shite though.
But yeh definatley prefer UK Hip Hop, is jst so much more relation to our culture, not very keeyed up on Good UK Hip hop artists, would u b able to list a few? And some 2step artists aswell...? Would be appreciated mate (or pm me)
Originally posted by B.C:
I've listened to Hip Hop since I heard Still Dre, but have moved on to more varied stuff.

For instance, right now I'm listening to:

De La Soul - 3 Feet & Rising
Busta Rhymes - The Big Bang
Dead Prez - Let's Get Free

De La Soul!
love em!
I have 3 feet high and rising and i used to own De La Soul is dead but god knows were its at now!
Love 'Daisy age'
Used to like Monie Love
Also the guys who sang 'wash ya face in my sink' was they called 'A tribe called quest' forgotten their name!

Also used to like a bit of NWA! (straight outta compton)
I think i was around 12/13 when my brother got me into all this kinda music!

wow! thats like 16 years ago
Originally posted by kathryn:
Also the guys who sang 'wash ya face in my sink' was they called 'A tribe called quest' forgotten their name!

Dream warriors

Brian K
Originally posted by kathryn:
Also used to like a bit of NWA! (straight outta compton)

just pulled that record out yesterday =P

I don't really listen to much after '96, I miss the good hip hop that told stories...not the stories about bitches and hoes and look at my bling, big ups to st. louis I look so cool rapping in the street talking on my cell phone followed by the whirl pool scene with big booty bitches in bikinis...yeah =P

kayaus22 mainstream sucks more than anything. Hip hop was all i listened to for a good 4 years, then i eventually got into happy hardcore.
I can still listen to it here and there but it's changed alot it seems
charlieee yeh im a bit of a hip hop person not so much as i was lyk a year or 2 ago
Ellessdee Aye, you gotta look through the shite to find the good stuff. And I agree with the guy who said they dont like it due to the bollocks they're subjected to on the radio. 90% of the hip hop that's on commercial radio is wank.

For the person asking about UK Hip Hop artists to check:

Chester P
Micall Parknsun
Doc Brown

Yeah hip hop can be deep, it can also be clever. Eg, check this lyric from the late Big L:
I'm far from broke I got enough bread
And mad hoes, ask Beavis I get nothing but head (Butthead)

Yeah some rap about guns and shit, and this gets boring and is generally wack but you gotta love the old skool gangsta rap, like NWA as someone mentioned. That's just keeping it real :D
Originally posted by djDMS:
Originally posted by kathryn:
Also the guys who sang 'wash ya face in my sink' was they called 'A tribe called quest' forgotten their name!

Dream warriors


Oh yeah 'A tribe called quest' did 'Can i kick it?'
Thanks Dean!
kathryn Hahahahahahahaha!
What the fook was 'Vanilla Ice's' genre?

Ice,ice baby to cold.........................
Ellessdee Vanilla Ice was hip hop.

It's just not something we like to talk about Unless it's to do with Suge Knight dangling him from a balcony by his ankles.
benyjamin i like UK hiphop, make a point of the UK. okay there is some good foreign hip hop but most of the american stuff is NOT, i repeat NOT hiphop. its just people rambling about how many times theyve been shot, how they grew up in the 'hood', how they were poor but now theyre rich and how people hate them but they dont care. like 50 cent. and all the otehrs that you might find on mtv and such. its ISNT hip hop. its trash. check out foreign beggars. theyre my fave hiphop artists atm. sick as ****.
Jay-Owen Got2 admit, I'm not a hiphop fan unless it's eminem, I like some o' his stuff,

The Real Slim Shady
Cleanin out my Closet
That track he used as the 8mile theme tune
Chris B
Originally posted by Ellessdee:
For the person asking about UK Hip Hop artists to check:

Chester P
Micall Parknsun
Doc Brown

Cheers for that only no a couple of them but are quality will check out the rest.

Aye i love hip hop, uk and us.

Like everything theres the same old bollocks but some of the stories and emotions can be put down on words is genius.
Originally posted by benyjamin:
i like UK hiphop, make a point of the UK. okay there is some good foreign hip hop but most of the american stuff is NOT, i repeat NOT hiphop. its just people rambling about how many times theyve been shot, how they grew up in the 'hood', how they were poor but now theyre rich and how people hate them but they dont care. like 50 cent. and all the otehrs that you might find on mtv and such. its ISNT hip hop. its trash. check out foreign beggars. theyre my fave hiphop artists atm. sick as ****.

Totally agree, all mainstream and popular US Hip Hop I can't stand, because they chat bollocks, and the beats are usually shit and unthoughtful too.
Braintax is a true legend for UK Hip Hop, I do like many other UK Hip Hop artists such as Jehst, Foreign Beggars, Asaviour .etc. They all speak sense, great music, though production isn't very good as most can't afford it.
SexyJona I saw people mention NWA who are good :) but i think you guys should check out some of tupacs stuff.. he was a legend, didn't rap about killing people, hoes, money, etc.. he just rapped about how it was :)

and i don't mean "changes" or "thugs mansion" try some more deeper tunes by him, not just the stuff you hear on mtv :p

tupac r.i.p. :p
Originally posted by Ellessdee:
Yeah hip hop can be deep, it can also be clever. Eg, check this lyric from the late Big L:
I'm far from broke I got enough bread
And mad hoes, ask Beavis I get nothing but head (Butthead)

Big L was a mediocre rapper at best, his death just propelled him to martyrdom. He realised one album before his death which was slated and struggled to go Silver, then he dies and everyone goes on about how he was one of the best.

Tupac was just anti-establishment and like a fair few rappers always blaming white people for suppression and how poverty and stuff causes them to do the things they did. The rest was just the regular booty shakin' "I've got more money and women than you" stuff. Ice Cube's earlier stuff was alot better by miles, try out AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted and Death Certificate. 2 off the best albums of all time along with Nas - Illmatic. For funkier stuff try out GangStarr's early stuff like Step In The Arena. Really funky and just fantastic sound they had going.
Jax ill usually give anything a listen but 99% of hip hop ive ever heard i found unbearable to listen to, the videos are alright though!
lucificifus I'll add my fav's to the list:
Dead Prez -- Hip Hop
Aesop Rock -- THe Greatest Game of Pacman Ever Played in History (Or watev its called )
Andre Nikatina -- Ayo fo Yayo
Most J5, and most Tribe Called Quest
SixFeet J5 were good, not a fan of any of there new stuff.

Gang Starr songs, definately worth a listen of their 'Jazzmatazz' genre that they pioneered: - Lovesick Remix

Rap/Hip Hop was good when rhymes meant shit and not showmanship and when people battled with words not with ludicrously idle threats.
dragonboy hip hop has infested my friend, he thinks he goes around hustleing
thinkin hes tought, cause he listenst to hip hop.

not my genre, theres a few good tunes with killa bass in it tho.

throw it up - lil jon
why we thugs - ice cube

nice for my subwoofer
Righteous9 Okay, bullish aside, I like WuTang, NY I know, but who can battle Rza/Gza Listen to two tracks, if you don't have the respect for these lyrics then I don't know, emphasis is "9 Milla Bros." (Gza on Ghostface's Album) and "Duck Season" (Rza on Wu Tang Forever), who the f can battle those rhymes, I know crunk and shit and maybe I'm out of style but I listen to the originals... I'm just evil,,, for listening to any rap but some lyrics do inspire sometimes... I'm like Hip Hop from 1990 but I know electronica... If the sample is dope I'll buy the DnB version...
HardCore Latina There was an era when hip hop was worth listening to. Now all you hear is garbage. Anything after 98' is awful. I know have hatred towards it, it's really bad. lol
Sk8SiM Hip Hop Is Dead!

Died along time ago!

Righteous9 check this website if you like hip-hop
(mostly underground even new artists that are totally in to lyrical skill)
I think it's NY based but coast to coast!
Originally posted by HardCore Latina:
There was an era when hip hop was worth listening to. Now all you hear is garbage. Anything after 98' is awful. I know have hatred towards it, it's really bad. lol

So fecking true!
Originally posted by SixFeet:
Originally posted by HardCore Latina:
There was an era when hip hop was worth listening to. Now all you hear is garbage. Anything after 98' is awful. I know have hatred towards it, it's really bad. lol

So fecking true!

When someone says hiphop to me... i think of the 80's... the times when rather then promoting gang crime, slags, drugs and bad attuides (like today)... it was giving the kids of the streets something to do, getting them out of drunks (rather then in them)... the music was all about "having a good time" and a form of expression... it was an art for teenagers with nothing better to do... and BOY WAS IT GOOD!

Hip hop used to have rules of its own... 20mintines STRAIGHT raping (Sugarhill Gang - Rappers Delight - the original) - now come on - THATS TALENTED!

However... soon as the music spreaded and began to evole with "east coast rap" and "west coast rap" (both diffrent styles of music)...
Things started to change...

Then in the mid 90's came "Gantsa Rap"
^^^ it was here where it all went downhill

As for hiphop these days... most of it is just "hip house"
Rnb has came about to promote SLAGS! (Its evan classed as EDM these days - "whatttt!!! F*CK OFF!!!")
How much sampling do you think is in modon hiphop?
How much of the original "amen break" do you think is used in todays hiphop (almost never)
and WHERES THE SCREATHING!!! in modon day hiphop!

I think its safe to say... its dead!

one more thing... When someone says "gansta" to me... i think Suits, Clubs, familry guys and if anyone lays a hand on there famirly then there in torbble... I'm talking "mafia!"
Not... little shitwits pretending to be black walking around in a coat that looks like th've just killed a ****ing pola bear! jesus!

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