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 if you hate pop, dont read this!

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Em Jay now, i really love this song! and want to know what you guys think!;2;-1;-1&sku=224983

This girl is amazing in my opinion her name is JoJo and heres a few details

JoJo is a talented singer/songwriter who hails from Boston, Massachusetts!

Jo Jo's Self-titled debut album reached # 4 in US!

Jo Jo is the youngest artist to ever have a video on rotation at MTV's TRL!

Jo Jo's debut single "Leave (Get Out)" is currently #1 CHR Pop charts in US!

Jo Jo is signed to Blackground Records - the home of Aaliyah, Timbaland & Magoo, Missy and Toni Braxton!

Jo Jo's Album has is heading for the 1 Million sales mark!

Jo Jo's Album tracks are produced by the people behind the likes of Aaliyah, Brandy, Destinys Child, and Toni Braxton!

Jo Jo has been widely tipped to dethrone the mighty Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera!

Jo Jo's single was produced by Soulshock and Karlin (Whitney Houston, Craig David, SWV, Destiny's Child, Monica)!

Jo Jo is currently supporting Usher on his European tour!

Jo just 13 years old!!

'Leave (Get Out)' is released on 30th September 2004

now *Emmy hides in Embarrassment for liking a pop song!*

:.Cheezy Quavers.:
Excessive That makes me at least the 8th person who has read this and doesn't like pop. Emmy you scare me by knowing far to much about this Jo jo.

Yeah, song is rubbish as well. She does have a good voice though, She should do Hardcore, and maybe sing some HHC lyrics!

One by one the penquins slowly steal my sanity...........
whispering TBH, i dont like the tune, not my style. She has a great voice though. Also, i hated the video, I mean shes 13!! Though ive only seen it once long time ago...

'Leave (Get Out)' is released on 30th September 2004

The single was released here in June and the album in July. Witch i find strange o_O
Firefly "Still Flying"
djDMS Not really a fan of this poppy, watered down RnB stuff but credit where it's due - she's doing rather well for a 13 year old.

I imagine she'll be around for a few years.


Arguably one of the best
alimcpill hopefully at least three...

Originally posted by alimcpill:
hopefully at least three...


Round of applause please!


Arguably one of the best
Comet It cracks me up that people this young are doing songs about relationships. It's sort of retarted.

Originally posted by Comet:
It cracks me up that people this young are doing songs about relationships. It's sort of retarted.

I know what the **** does she know about relationships! She's only 13 probably had about 2 boyfriends and is probably still a virgin! She should Sing about something round her age like barbies or some shit like that!

Es , Speed , Trips and Blow Here We ****ing Go!
SEEKY Oh and the song a piece of piss aswell!

Es , Speed , Trips and Blow Here We ****ing Go!
clarke101 watched her perfomance on TOTP when pissed and could sleep at 2am one night and i have to say shes 13 and she sings about love and she was made up to look old so it just thing its wrong.

Comet That's exactly what I'm saying. They're making such young people to be older. It's just wrong...

Knightmare crappy choice of musicstyle, good voice, just hope 4 her sake that age won't f*ck it up

pacman sorry emmy, but i don't like the song either... there's a whole heap of 13yr olds out there with amazing voices, it's just that only some of them get picked up by a record company and get made into a giant hype machine.

"widely tipped to dethrone the mighty Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera!"

give me a break, she's only thirteen! with that kind of pressure she'll never make it anyway.

don't worry though, i like a fair bit of pop music - no need to be embarrased.

If Yoda so Smart in Force Is, Why Words in Right Order he Put Not?
Em Jay hehehe!! its catchy thats all!! oh and i got that info off of google!!

:.Cheezy Quavers.:
Phil_G She is too young to sing songs about relationships or even to sing at all the songs crap she shud be killed and SHES TOO DAMN YOUNG.

Keepin The Scene Alive, Hardcore Will Never Die

Dj Devolution
Stony McTony music aint to my taste but id never say its rubbish, its just a matter of opinion, i saw the video before ne1 told me she was 13 n i was thinkin she was quite hot maybe 16 17 jus rite for me, like itd ever happen neway, n i was ****in disturbed wen i found out otherwise, its well nasty they make 13 year olds look like that cos blatantly other 13 year olds are going to go outta there way to make em look old n lotsa nasty boysll probly try n come on to them n shit! its all a bit weird for me and im still quite disturbed that i was likin a 13 year old, messed up stuff

Theres nothing wrong with the boat those big holes help keep our feet cool.
Originally posted by Emmy:

Jo Jo has been widely tipped to dethrone the mighty Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera!

Great that means over here in the states we have a 13 year old little hussy in the makings to look forward too. ive never seen/heard of this chick before does she at least have self respect and dress nicely..or is she dressin beyonce and britney-esqu already? good for her though if she doin that good at such a young age.....

<*>WHAT?! Im sorry, I can't hear you cuz my Hardcore's too loud, ur gonna have to shut up!"<*>
dezmond We've already got Britney and Christina so why do we need the next one?

I did cringe when I heard this on the radio but then again I cringe at drum and bass. It's all subjective. It's not like there's much wrong with the subject matter though. It's only things that you'll see in the average teen orientated tv show anyway. I'll just do the ostrich thang everytime it's on.

Pete is Everyone
Everyone is Pete
Pete is the One

Feel my Pain
Kyle_Buffrey When it comes to people mentioning how JoJo was made to look older read a book called "Branded". I'm sorry can't remember who the author was, but try to find it if you can.

It speaks very much of how large corporations and their marketing department's aim of encouraging young girls to dress like older women, and of encouraging older women to dress as though, they are young girls. The purpose of this is to merge the interests and tastes of two seperate markets into one or something. I.e you end up with mother and daughter wearing the same clothing and listening to the same music. A simplified marketplace that can be easily monopolised. A scary thought isn't it?

But the whole thing about her speaking about subjects unknown to her. I'm sorry to say that 13 year old girls sleeping around loads is not uncommon in some deprived areas. Another scary fact. I just wish that leaders of the western world would do something, such as preventing advertising from encouraging dirty slag behaviour to an inappropiate audience. Or punish the Chavette slappers who get pregnant at 12 in order to scrounge a flat + benefit money. I don't know what punishment methods would work but I'm sure the fact they can't spell contraception never mind use it, is one of the causes of society's problems.

****, I'm getting too political and angry. And probably offensive too.
But it is true, that all of them at that age ave no true realisation of what a solid relationship. Or love actually is.

Teen manufacturered pop has little to do with music, it's an advert for clothes, drinks and other consumable products. Morals or profound thoughts have no relevance. The fans would probably hate her if she was fat and ugly yet had the best voice in the world. They don't understand that you listen to music you don't look at it.

Fairfield Human Traffic Says It All

"I'm All alone im on the phone im 16 years old with a broken heart"


Fishy piece of shit!! this music makes me angry!!

Originally posted by Phil_G:
She is too young to sing songs about relationships or even to sing at all the songs crap she shud be killed and SHES TOO DAMN YOUNG.

Keepin The Scene Alive, Hardcore Will Never Die

Dj Devolution

Killing her maybe a bit harsh. lol

Hardcore Till I Die!
Mattikake Like she wrote the song herself! lol

It was written by some peadophillic middle-aged producer who got turned on by the idea of other peado's and schoolboys getting turned on by a 13yo singing about relationships while thinking of the phat profit he was going to make.

Pop music insults every single hardcore raver (IMO of course!). In fact it insults every single person. It's designed to make money, not because the people who like the music like to write it/play it/DJ it. It was aimed at peados and pre-pubescent kids - the stupid, the desperate and the uneducated. This is the easiest way to sell this kinda sh!t. Money corrupts.

Emmy, I don't know you, but stop listening to this sh!t NOW! Save your soul, save your mind, save your money.

Old old old-skool
Andrew184 I found it disturbing when I found out she was only 13. On the video she looks about 16. I also don't think she should be singing about such things. The same problem is on TV soaps - Kids about 12 featuring in storylines about relationships. It's kinda disturbing really.

I really do just hate the pop music world - its geared around nothing more than making money from a load of sad, ignorant and un-educated fools. eg:

"Hey mate, I heard a piss take of that tune by Flip n Fill's, the Shooting Star one. Yeah they just sped it up loads" - being a classic example of ignorance which I've encountered.

Originally posted by Mattikake:
It was aimed at peados and pre-pubescent kids - the stupid, the desperate and the uneducated. This is the easiest way to sell this kinda sh!t. Money corrupts.

Sure, if you dont like it, we must all hate it too. Seriously, i dont like most of the pop artists (about 95%), but there ARE very good pop artists too. It's very narrow minded to say things like that from an artist, just cause you dont like it.

Originally posted by Andrew184:
"Hey mate, I heard a piss take of that tune by Flip n Fill's, the Shooting Star one. Yeah they just sped it up loads" - being a classic example of ignorance which I've encountered.

Next time, *start laughing hysterically* and say "good one", *Laugh a bit more* after that say "everybody knows its originally a hardcore tune"...
Basicly just make them look stupid :)

Serenity "In theaters April 22, 2005"
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by Mattikake:
It was aimed at peados and pre-pubescent kids - the stupid, the desperate and the uneducated. This is the easiest way to sell this kinda sh!t. Money corrupts.

Sure, if you dont like it, we must all hate it too. Seriously, i dont like most of the pop artists (about 95%), but there ARE very good pop artists too. It's very narrow minded to say things like that from an artist, just cause you dont like it.

Probably 5% are good. 95% is insultingly bad. I'm not cussing them all, but this latest example of sales-engineering is pathetic. I wasn't cussing the "artist" (lol) directly anyway, I was cussing the pop music industry as a whole.

If music was made for pure enjoyment by people who love music, with talent, imagination etc. instead of the sole reason of making money, the pop industry wouldn't exist or certainly nothing like the form we know. It's a moral crime that pop exists at all (preying on adolsecents' pocket money).

Anyway, is it ok for a 13yo to be advertising to other 13yo's that she has s£x and relationships and it's actually a rather cool thing to do, especially considering that the ONLY intention is to make £££? And whether cool or not, s£x under the age of 16 is still against the law...

Old old old-skool
Originally posted by Mattikake:
If music was made for pure enjoyment by people who love music, with talent, imagination etc. instead of the sole reason of making money, the pop industry wouldn't exist or certainly nothing like the form we know. It's a moral crime that pop exists at all (preying on adolsecents' pocket money).

Anyway, is it ok for a 13yo to be advertising to other 13yo's that she has s£x and relationships and it's actually a rather cool thing to do, especially considering that the ONLY intention is to make £££? And whether cool or not, s£x under the age of 16 is still against the law...

A lot of the top producers, that make the music for the Pop singers etc, are actually very talented people.

But yea, the pop music marketing sucks. But it is not the fault of the artists or producers. The big labels are multinational corporations, and they only care for money. They are the ones to blame IMO.

Serenity "In theaters April 22, 2005"
ickle_fairy i like tht song!
shes so talented 4 a 13 yr old cmon ow many 13 yr olds can sing like her?!!!

xxxx SiNeAd xxxx

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