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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Fraud I'm hearing that if you take extasy more than once,
you will have flashbacks around 5 years later??


Hardcore Will Never Die.
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JesterDJ False. Depends on the person and what was in the pill. can happen. Sometimes does sometimes doesn't.

Always remember; you are unique, just like everyone else

chestah eat it once
and all is gonna be different

eat it once and go to the hardcore event
and you you'll gonna eat it twice ;-)

whispering Isnt That lsd?

Firefly "Still Flying"
chestah lol

Andrew184 In the second world war german soldiers were issued with speed pills apparently, to keep them alert and awake. You don't hear stories about pensioners getting flashbacks and they took them everyday!

I'm sure if you took it no more than 10 times, you'll be ok. I have heard the average e-user takes around 300 in their lifetime.

hyperdance jeebus, thats a lot!

its funny because its true!!
Originally posted by Andrew184:
In the second world war german soldiers were issued with speed pills apparently, to keep them alert and awake. You don't hear stories about pensioners getting flashbacks and they took them everyday!

I'm sure if you took it no more than 10 times, you'll be ok. I have heard the average e-user takes around 300 in their lifetime.

-holy wow that is a lot, that might be pushin it a little

-I'd believe it, something to do with speed or some kind of adderol
to keep them from falling asleep or being so exausted..

anyone know the scientific name for lsd?

Hardcore Will Never Die.
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mark shark
Originally posted by Andrew184:
In the second world war german soldiers were issued with speed pills apparently, to keep them alert and awake. You don't hear stories about pensioners getting flashbacks and they took them everyday!

I'm sure if you took it no more than 10 times, you'll be ok. I have heard the average e-user takes around 300 in their lifetime.

your right not sure what nationalliy but mdma was combined with speed to supress the apitite as well as keep them allert!!!!!! f**ked up

of all the things i've lost, I miss my mind the most
-- Ozzy Osbourne.
mark shark
Originally posted by Fraud:
Originally posted by Andrew184:
In the second world war german soldiers were issued with speed pills apparently, to keep them alert and awake. You don't hear stories about pensioners getting flashbacks and they took them everyday!

I'm sure if you took it no more than 10 times, you'll be ok. I have heard the average e-user takes around 300 in their lifetime.

-holy wow that is a lot, that might be pushin it a little

-I'd believe it, something to do with speed or some kind of adderol
to keep them from falling asleep or being so exausted..

anyone know the scientific name for lsd?

Hardcore Will Never Die.
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Liquidious Sillyhydrate Drugolio

of all the things i've lost, I miss my mind the most
-- Ozzy Osbourne.
Originally posted by Andrew184:

You don't hear stories about pensioners getting flashbacks and they took them everyday!

You what? you have never been on a bus my friend: "in 1944, i was trapped on the france - germany border blah blah blah blah" bollocks, old people talk about the war all the time, they have had nothing else as massive as war ever happen to them since.

Don't think its drug related though.

If it moves, eat it. If not wait until it does moves and then eat it.
Originally posted by Excessive:
[quote]Originally posted by Andrew184:

You don't hear stories about pensioners getting flashbacks and they took them everyday!

Flashbacks are something you might get the next day/week but
not in years 2 come

Drugs are bad mkay.... mkay...!!!
bulby_g Extasy does not give you flashbacks some pills contain lsd though which can though. Try and stay away from coloured and speckled pills esp. pink butterflies.

Originally posted by NeoPhyte101:
Originally posted by Excessive:
[quote]Originally posted by Andrew184:

You don't hear stories about pensioners getting flashbacks and they took them everyday!

Flashbacks are something you might get the next day/week but
not in years 2 come

It's not flashbacks you get, what happens is called different things by all different people. I do not know if there is a proper name for it, I personally call them 'headshocks' or 'aftershocks'. I used to get them at night a couple of days after I had 'dropped', just as I was drifting off to sleep i was awoken by what felt like being hit on the back of the head with a hammer. It was always as i was about to fall asleep and I used to be afraid to sleep when it was happening although I was soooo tired I could do nothing else. Not Nice

If it moves, eat it. If not wait until it does moves and then eat it.

Not Nice

If it moves, eat it. If not wait until it does moves and then eat it.

-wow very not nice, that must suck.
also some negative symptoms include axiety or depression.
That's not nice either..

Hardcore Will Never Die.
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Andrew184 [/quote]

It's not flashbacks you get, what happens is called different things by all different people. I do not know if there is a proper name for it, I personally call them 'headshocks' or 'aftershocks'. I used to get them at night a couple of days after I had 'dropped', just as I was drifting off to sleep i was awoken by what felt like being hit on the back of the head with a hammer. It was always as i was about to fall asleep and I used to be afraid to sleep when it was happening although I was soooo tired I could do nothing else. Not Nice


I used to get this too. Not very nice at all. I Basically remember waking up every couple of hours with a massive headrush and my heart beating like crazy. Thats what you get when you do too many Es. Thankfully though, I've stopped and am now tobacco, drug, and alchohol free and go to raves to enjoy the natural high of raving to hardcore.


I used to get this too. Not very nice at all. I Basically remember waking up every couple of hours with a massive headrush and my heart beating like crazy. Thats what you get when you do too many Es. Thankfully though, I've stopped and am now tobacco, drug, and alchohol free and go to raves to enjoy the natural high of raving to hardcore.



Hardcore Will Never Die.
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Andrew184 Yeah it was. I feel ashamed of myself for doing drugs, wish i never even seen them. Thankfully though I don't get that stuff happening to me anymore.

Fraud I also enjoy attending events drug free.

I seem to get the best high just dancing and feeling the vibes with people.

It's one of the best natural highs possible.

Hardcore Will Never Die.
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Andrew184 Yeah your right. The best raves I have been too, have always been the ones i been to drug free.

dr0p_dead_fred why dont you pop and find out

Brian K why don't you drop dead? har har =P

"we'll delete the weak"
Originally posted by mark shark:
Originally posted by Andrew184:
In the second world war german soldiers were issued with speed pills apparently, to keep them alert and awake. You don't hear stories about pensioners getting flashbacks and they took them everyday!

I'm sure if you took it no more than 10 times, you'll be ok. I have heard the average e-user takes around 300 in their lifetime.

your right not sure what nationalliy but mdma was combined with speed to supress the apitite as well as keep them allert!!!!!! f**ked up

of all the things i've lost, I miss my mind the most
-- Ozzy Osbourne.

The story goes that Yaba was originally developed by the Nazis to keep their troops awake for days on end. Since then, it's become increasingly popular in the Far East and beyond. There are claims that Yaba is now bigger than heroin in Thailand.

Yaba is a derivative of synthetic amphetamines such as speed. But it can be manufactured far more quickly and easily using very simple ingredients and equipment.

ID: Crazy medicine, Yaba, Ice

Originally posted by Fraud:

anyone know the scientific name for lsd?

Hardcore Will Never Die.
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d-lysergic acid diethylamide

mark shark i used to love em!!!! you could make them stronger, your hole body goes numb, you can hear your blood thumping through you then it feels like lightening in your brain!! Thats when i was kaining it!! taking 20 plus a weekend every weekend for ages. realised that it may be quite bad so slowed down a tad i did like them though

of all the things i've lost, I miss my mind the most
-- Ozzy Osbourne.
Fraud Yea, might want to watch your intake there.

Hardcore Will Never Die.
And I approve of this message.
Originally posted by Fraud:

anyone know the scientific name for lsd?

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Always remember; you are unique, just like everyone else

clarke101 LSD=lysergic acid diethylamide=Acid

Fraud thank you.

Hardcore Will Never Die.
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dr0p_dead_fred dont be a pussy

pop the drugs and have a ****in wicked time

Originally posted by dr0p_dead_fred:
pop the drugs and have a ****in wicked time

Asking someone to commit a crime is illegal, and violates the forum rules.

Firefly "Still Flying"
dr0p_dead_fred ok

fine then

my advice to all you raverz is to take a good 2 pills and dance the night away

JesterDJ ^^^ I'm sorry, but this man is a ****ing idiot.

thank you for your time

Always remember; you are unique, just like everyone else

FireWire I had the "hammer hitting the head" thing happen to me before I even dropped for the first time.

I don't think E does anything relating to the hammer situation.

Wild Irish Raver ive taken speed b4 and if nething i cant remember a thing, i know i drank a litre of vodka with it....but **** not a chance of me havin flashbacks!!!

Why o why cant you just accept a raver not a crazy drug addict!!
Want2Spin you can look up ne drug on, its a way cool site, that helps whit these little questions

Want2Spin where did everyone go?

mark-ireland Stay away from the lot if you need drugs to enjoy the music theres something wrong imo.

We will not compromise quality for popularity amongst the minority.
Originally posted by Wild Irish Raver:
ive taken speed b4 and if nething i cant remember a thing, i know i drank a litre of vodka with it....but **** not a chance of me havin flashbacks!!!

Why o why cant you just accept a raver not a crazy drug addict!!

actual crystal meth?

Andrew184 I've had enough of pillheads at raves. Why can't I ever have a conversation with someone at a rave without being asked after 2 mins, what I'm on or if I've got any pills on me. I just wish they'd piss off, they're givin the scene a bad reputation.

dr0p_dead_fred and you think the scene would survive without them

next rave you goto it will be all dnb/breaks lol

Andrew184 I don't mean get rid of the ppl, just get rid of the drugs. And if they're still intent on taking drugs, then good ridance to them.

I think you'll find that dnd and break beat raves are just the same - lots of drugged up ppl at those too.

dr0p_dead_fred not here

so you wanna get rid of the e but not the etards


then theres less interest

less interest means less partiers

less partiers mean less parties peroid

Andrew184 Well, I don't think the scene would be losing anything without these people. The emphasis should be on the music, not the drug taking.

bulby_g People take drugs. Allways have allways will there not doing anyone who doesn't do them any harm and it should be that persons choice what they wan't to put through there body.

Also just because someone goes to a rave and does drugs it doesn't mean thay need them to enjoy the music say for example someone likes going for walks and they take there walkman with them does it mean they need to listen to music to enjoy going for a walk?

-Im not saying drugs our good just that if people want to do them thats up to them I personally prefer being around a bunch of pilled up people than a bunch of piss heads who can't handle there drink!
dr0p_dead_fred true that

and raves and drugs dont go hand in hand

why would people spend more money and go to a huge dark place to dance on drugs when they can listen to rave music at home


because they like the parties

farchid well said mate

i prsonally think E's are fine because they enhance just about anything and if it's dieing your afraid of people can die after they take a pill their doctor gives them!

i've been using E since i was 15

..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_...
chemically eeeevolved Class A citizen
Andrew184 Taking Es is a laugh until its ****s your head up and you start getting paranoid trips. Like a number of people i know. One lad thought we were out to get him him, didn't go outside for ages, and I haven't seen him for over a year. Apparently he's getting better now tho.

I know at least 4 people who have changed since caning Es every weekend. They used to be reasonably intelligent people but now they look and sound all dopey.

Its not dying from Es i'm afraid of, it's the paranoia, and the general ****ing up of your stomach and brain.

dr0p_dead_fred ok

are you sure that guy wasnt into crystal meth as well?

Fraud yea, isn't crystal meth like the worst drug out there?

Worse as in, the least good for you physically and mentally.

Hardcore Will Never Die.
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dr0p_dead_fred yes thats why i was saying

iv met people paranoid and spun on jib but not etards

Originally posted by Fraud:
yea, isn't crystal meth like the worst drug out there?

Yeah I'd say so....My good freind had a great job and was a manager and after doin too much crystal his older brother fired him and it forced my freind to go back home some states away....he really really messed up a good thing by gettin caught up in that shit...

<*>WHAT?! Im sorry, I can't hear you cuz my Hardcore's too loud, ur gonna have to shut up!"<*>
B.C Ive had a few friends who hav got worse and worse (physically and mentally) due to taking pills constantly. I don't see whats wrong with it tho if it's taken in moderation.

I go out about once a week 2 a club but i won't take a pill, I'll just hav a few drinks and relax-kick back after a hard weeks learning/working. But, if there is a big night out planned like to Glasgow or Edinburgh to a big club like Archaos or Room at the Top then I'll take a couple of pills with me. I don't get hammerhead but I do get rapid heartbeatz the day after.

Point: Moderation is safe with (nearly) every drug.

"Let's All Get Down!!"
XDanceHardX I agree, most drugs, when taken in moderation, are safe. However, it must be stressed that one must be very careful to make sure their intake is moderated well. As to the flashbacks on E, I am not sure of that. However, anyflashbacks due to the use of LSD is not due to any chemical reasons. Flashbacks occur due to extremely memorable or life-changing experiences, such as a really good or bad trip. Actually, LSD is less poisonous to the human body than both aspirin and Vitamin C.

<*||Dance 'till Dawn||*>

Originally posted by Andrew184:
I'm sure if you took it no more than 10 times, you'll be ok. I have heard the average e-user takes around 300 in their lifetime.

holy crap thats a lot
yes ive been doing e for 4 years,
just recently stopped
i get nothing

i think ur talking about pills not pure MDMA
MDMA isnt gunna do anyhting
its the other crap that its cut with
like Heroin, coke, glass, 2-ci, etc

word of advice:
moderate your use, know your dealer

Andrew184 One thing I've always wondered is that on TV, people always say there could be coke, LSD, heroin etc in a pill. But why would dealers wanna put these in when you can/do get away with putting toilet cleaner, brick dust etc in em.

Why waste money putting more expensive drugs in a £2.50 pill????

Originally posted by Andrew184:
One thing I've always wondered is that on TV, people always say there could be coke, LSD, heroin etc in a pill. But why would dealers wanna put these in when you can/do get away with putting toilet cleaner, brick dust etc in em.

Why waste money putting more expensive drugs in a £2.50 pill????

cuz they can put in 50p coke 50p acid & 50p of MDMA and cuz it's all mixed together the person would get propper mashed and probably not notice whats in it making the dealer an extra pound profit per pill.

As for putting toilet cleaner or something like that in not many people are likely to do it as chances are it will make people violently ill so no one would come back to them in the future.

You should never buy pills without a testing kit.

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