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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Samination Y'all be my bitches..

Jokes asides, why do they bother voting if it's the electorial vote that counts. or did I missunderstand something?
latininxtc It's a winner-take-all type of style. Usually a candidate who wins the electoral college also wins the popular vote, but there have been two exceptions. One of them sadly being the race between Al Gore and George Bush. And we all know how that went.

But right now a few minutes until 10PM Central US time, President Obama is currently behind in the popular vote by about 1-2 million votes, but he is projected to win the electoral vote. Oh how the Republicans will be devastated if that happened lol

Josephson_Junction Electoral votes are representative of the majority of the voters for each state e.g. if the majority of voters in a state vote Democratic, then all of that state's electors (in the electoral college) must put forth a vote for the Democratic nominee (this is also why certain states have an extremely large impact compared to others, why one state can single-handedly sway an election towards the other direction, etc.) . So to answer your question, it is worth bothering to vote. EDIT: latininxtc beat me to it.

I personally voted for the Green Party (Jill Stein) after school today. I'm just going to boil my reasoning for that down to "the current situation is crap."
TheOneNOnly The electoral college system is complete shit, but it's supported by the two party system people continue to allow.

Originally posted by Josephson_Junction:
I personally voted for the Green Party (Jill Stein) after school today. I'm just going to boil my reasoning for that down to "the current situation is crap."

I thought I was going to be the only one on this site that did vote Green.
whispering I read an article on CNN that the people in Hawaii often go to vote when the winner is announced.
Dante Thankfully, the better candidate won (imo).

PS: Good on you guys voting green, not because I vote green myself, but because that two party system is a little ridiculous.
Smoogie Being British I couldnt give a damm...
The Dopeman it's all a load of shit if you ask me watched a little bit on sky news last night almost fell asleep
Samination Josephson: even if a candidate got 100% of the voter's votes, the electorial college could still dont give a damn and vote the other candidate(s). Like it happened with Al Gore vs GWB Jr, what good does votes do if the electorial college decides the winner. It should be a compination of both. Or is it really?
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
it's all a load of shit if you ask me watched a little bit on sky news last night almost fell asleep

Well of course you think it's shit you're not from the US so the decision doesn't affect you directly anyways. Hell I don't even keep up with your politics I thought tony blair was still your PM
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
it's all a load of shit if you ask me watched a little bit on sky news last night almost fell asleep

Well of course you think it's shit you're not from the US so the decision doesn't affect you directly anyways. Hell I don't even keep up with your politics I thought tony blair was still your PM

he's not?
Triquatra he is..isn't he?
Hard2Get I have no idea lol. I thought that Cameron bloke was the Prime Minister now. **** knows, i hate politics.
The Dopeman
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I have no idea lol. I thought that Cameron bloke was the Prime Minister now. **** knows, i hate politics.

you forgot about his lib dem sidekick lol you know the one who sits quietly in the background wishing people would take him seriously lmao
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I have no idea lol. I thought that Cameron bloke was the Prime Minister now. **** knows, i hate politics.

you forgot about his lib dem sidekick lol you know the one who sits quietly in the background wishing people would take him seriously lmao

You lost me at 'lib dem'.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
it's all a load of shit if you ask me watched a little bit on sky news last night almost fell asleep

Well of course you think it's shit you're not from the US so the decision doesn't affect you directly anyways. Hell I don't even keep up with your politics I thought tony blair was still your PM

I keep up with US politics, by watching Colbert Report :p
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
it's all a load of shit if you ask me watched a little bit on sky news last night almost fell asleep

Well of course you think it's shit you're not from the US so the decision doesn't affect you directly anyways. Hell I don't even keep up with your politics I thought tony blair was still your PM

I keep up with US politics, by watching Colbert Report :p

Well that's different, that's just good entertainment!
Triquatra I never got along with the Colbert Report, always found it way too scripted, not a fan of the actual guy as well
Originally posted by Triquatra:
I never got along with the Colbert Report, always found it way too scripted, not a fan of the actual guy as well

while i do dislike the audiance keep bombing him with love at the beginning of EVERY show, and he bashing it in like he's getting a tan, I do like the show.
Triquatra after The Day Today and Brass Eye all other satirical news shows just don't match up
Originally posted by Triquatra:
after The Day Today and Brass Eye all other satirical news shows just don't match up

I have no idea what that shit is nor care to know ;)

One of the things I love about Stephen Colbert is he's supposed to play a conservative character, and he does a good job of it that some real Republicans/conservatives don't realize it and watch his show or like his Facebook page. They don't realize that he's pretty making a mockery of them and their beliefs. In real life is he is a progressive democrat.
Originally posted by Triquatra:
I never got along with the Colbert Report, always found it way too scripted, not a fan of the actual guy as well

I like how the jokes are really well played out. Always thought a big part of it is hes eduction in theater. Love the guy, watch every episode.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
They don't realize that he's pretty making a mockery of them and their beliefs. In real life is he is a progressive democrat.

whilst it might be funny to think that I'm pretty sure they all realise that he isn't for real.
Samination ya think? :D
Hard2Get I think you'd have to be pretty retarded to not realise it's a comedy. When it's intended to be a comedy. Especially if you're a politician!
Samination Even politicans have quoted Stephen in the Parliment, so I guess there are stupid people somewhere :P
Breakbeat Jon
Originally posted by Triquatra:
after The Day Today and Brass Eye all other satirical news shows just don't match up

This, Chris Morris is a genius. whilst not 'news'shows The Thick of It and Veep are pretty damn funny too.
Originally posted by Samination:
Even politicans have quoted Stephen in the Parliment, so I guess there are stupid people somewhere :P

Your damn ****ing picture keeps confusing me.
Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:
Originally posted by Samination:
Even politicans have quoted Stephen in the Parliment, so I guess there are stupid people somewhere :P

Your damn ****ing picture keeps confusing me.

Just trolling Matt a little :)
Craigavon raver How many people/partys actually run for president? i know theres more than 2 canidates but how many more, as all you ever here about is the republicans and democrats, and how/why are the other partys so little support that they can't even mount a challenge in 1 state, never mind have a say in actually becomes president?
Originally posted by Craigavon raver:
How many people/partys actually run for president? i know theres more than 2 canidates but how many more, as all you ever here about is the republicans and democrats, and how/why are the other partys so little support that they can't even mount a challenge in 1 state, never mind have a say in actually becomes president?

Because if you don't want a republican president, the only way is to vote for democrat. And if you don't want a democrat president, only way is to vote a republican. If you vote for someone else, your vote is more or less meaningless.
Originally posted by whispering:
If you vote for someone else, your vote is more or less meaningless.

It would help if less people thought like that.
Originally posted by Josephson_Junction:
Originally posted by whispering:
If you vote for someone else, your vote is more or less meaningless.

It would help if less people thought like that.

Its not about the thinking, its about your system. Here we have a majority vote, and if the winner gets less then 50% of all votes, there comes a second round with the 2 that got the most votes. This gives more room to vote whoever you think is the best. With 50 states, don't know what system would be best for you, but the current one isn't that, IMO.
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by Josephson_Junction:
Originally posted by whispering:
If you vote for someone else, your vote is more or less meaningless.

It would help if less people thought like that.

Its not about the thinking, its about your system. Here we have a majority vote, and if the winner gets less then 50% of all votes, there comes a second round with the 2 that got the most votes. This gives more room to vote whoever you think is the best. With 50 states, don't know what system would be best for you, but the current one isn't that, IMO.

We do have run-off elections for things like a mayoral vote, at least in my city. But yea that would be an ideal way of doing it.

We do actually have about 4 parties that are on the ballot this year: republican, democrat, independent and green party.

People keep saying that it's only a 2-party system. It's not a 2 party system, but it is a system that does favor two parties more. But that is not entirely the government's fault. The majority of people who say that we need a third party or we need to support a candidate from a less popular candidate don't do shit about it. Most of them won't go out and even vote. Also we are a nation that is really filled with more liberals, but there are a lot of them that don't ever vote for a damn thing.

Also voting for a third party is not always meaningless. Remember a vote for one candidate is also a vote against another one. Look at what Ross Perot did in 1992, and Ralph Nader being a big time spoiler in the 2000 election. Some view him as the reason why Gore lost that race.
Samination reviving this, because, well you know, I still have a trumping boner for Ivanka
Originally posted by Samination:
reviving this, because, well you know, I still have a trumping boner for Ivanka

So does her dad. No wonder why he's so popular with the inbred trash of the south.
Originally posted by trippnface:

do you mean in a good way or a crap way? :P

Anyway, if bernie does get it, i hope he doesnt take too much of the scandinavian politics, because they are screwing things up big time, with the racists and bigots taking over more and more (just check out denmark and norway, with sweden and finland not to far from getting racists parties into the government)
latininxtc Bernie Sanders won Michigan, which is a huge upset to Clinton's campaign because every voter predicted her as the winner. He won the popular vote there by about 1.5% more than Hillary, but he only picked up 7 more delegates than she did.

In Mississippi, the other state that had a Democratic primary yesterday, Hillary won over 82% of the popular vote. She picked up 29 delegates, whereas Bernie only picked up 4. So even though Hillary failed to win the biggest delegate prize, Michigan, she still won yesterday overall. March 15 is the next primary and Hillary is predicted to be the winner in all states which are Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio. I have a feeling she will lose Ohio, but will win Illinois and Florida. Missouri and NC are a tossup, but if she loses it won't be by a large margin.

If Bernie has any chance of winning, he'll have to win states by a large margin and that won't happen until much later. Considering that he is picking up little superdelegates, Hillary has 472 while Bernie has 23, he has to work mostly on the delegates from primary voting. Even without the superdelegates, Bernie is still over 200 behind Hillary.
trippnface watch him take all 3 today.

the south is done voting; time for the PNW and all the liberal pot smoking hippies to vote :) .
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by trippnface:

do you mean in a good way or a crap way? :P

Anyway, if bernie does get it, i hope he doesnt take too much of the scandinavian politics, because they are screwing things up big time, with the racists and bigots taking over more and more (just check out denmark and norway, with sweden and finland not to far from getting racists parties into the government)

i support immigration; but not the governments who support US warmongering that create the immigrants ;).

if i was a euro country i would tell USA to **** off; and we will be taking ZERO refugees until the pathetic USA stops bombing the middle east and creating them! unfortunately most countries besides Russia fail to stand up to the USA machine :(

nobody is more racist than these sociopath politicians sanctioning bombing of 3rd world nations..
not surprised the right wing parties are gaining; the so called "liberals" like merkel in germany are ****ing ruining the country! NATO and the EU are scum and trying to start a race war; i hope all counties speak out and begin taking their leave.

we will see how far sanders chooses to take socialist policies ( both economic & foreign relation )
latininxtc Damn what time did the polls close??? Here I thought they would close by 7PM local time.

Yea everyone knew that Bernie would win Alaska and Washington. He needs to win by a large margin in Washington to make a big dent today, and it looks like he might do that.

Just because the south is done voting doesn't mean Hillary is done for. She's still the likely winner in Kentuky, West Virginia, New York, New Mexico and California. The rest of New England looks to favor her for the win. It's going to be close and it may come down to the superdelegate votes, which Bernie will surely lose that way.
Captain Triceps Absolutely nothing is more interesting than foreign politics.
Originally posted by Captain Triceps:
Absolutely nothing is more interesting than foreign politics.

i will vote for trump over hillary :p

no way hillary has cali; easily as liberal as washington.

also; hillary is refusing to debate bernie is NY; and the election date is the day before 4/20 ( lets not forget hillarys staunch support of the war on drugs; and wall street. ny is home to occupy wall street. )

i expect a close race.

Impulse_Response How unfortunate to see a hardcore DJ supporting Bernie.
Originally posted by Advather:
How unfortunate to see a hardcore DJ supporting Bernie.

While I'm rooting for Hillary to get the democratic nomination and the presidency, I also think her and Bernie are a far better choice for a president than the inbred retarded candidates on the Republican side that you support. Trump is universally hated in congress on both the democrats and the republican side. If for some ungodly reason he wins the nomination, he won't get anything done in congress, especially since the house and the senate is poised to be taken back by the Democrats just like in 2008.

And Ted Cruz isn't any better. He's also alienated his fellow republicans in congress, especially after the one responsible for the government shutdown that should have never happened. And while Ted Cruz likes to claim he's "small government," he'll be using that small government to tell what women can and cannot do to their bodies, who people can marry, and what they can do in their own bedroom, like he spent doing here in Texas. You probably don't remember this, but Cruz waged a war on sex in the 2000s, making sure that both the sodomy law and the ban on dildos and vibrators remained. He lost both of those battles, as well as the appeal.

Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by Advather:
How unfortunate to see a hardcore DJ supporting Bernie.

While I'm rooting for Hillary to get the democratic nomination and the presidency, I also think her and Bernie are a far better choice for a president than the inbred retarded candidates on the Republican side that you support. Trump is universally hated in congress on both the democrats and the republican side. If for some ungodly reason he wins the nomination, he won't get anything done in congress, especially since the house and the senate is poised to be taken back by the Democrats just like in 2008.

And Ted Cruz isn't any better. He's also alienated his fellow republicans in congress, especially after the one responsible for the government shutdown that should have never happened. And while Ted Cruz likes to claim he's "small government," he'll be using that small government to tell what women can and cannot do to their bodies, who people can marry, and what they can do in their own bedroom, like he spent doing here in Texas. You probably don't remember this, but Cruz waged a war on sex in the 2000s, making sure that both the sodomy law and the ban on dildos and vibrators remained. He lost both of those battles, as well as the appeal.

You're just the nastiest person, aren't you, and I'm not the only one on here who has pointed it out. Always nasty insults, usually swearing, and there's just no point of view but yours. Typical liberal.

Originally posted by Advather:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by Advather:
How unfortunate to see a hardcore DJ supporting Bernie.

While I'm rooting for Hillary to get the democratic nomination and the presidency, I also think her and Bernie are a far better choice for a president than the inbred retarded candidates on the Republican side that you support. Trump is universally hated in congress on both the democrats and the republican side. If for some ungodly reason he wins the nomination, he won't get anything done in congress, especially since the house and the senate is poised to be taken back by the Democrats just like in 2008.

And Ted Cruz isn't any better. He's also alienated his fellow republicans in congress, especially after the one responsible for the government shutdown that should have never happened. And while Ted Cruz likes to claim he's "small government," he'll be using that small government to tell what women can and cannot do to their bodies, who people can marry, and what they can do in their own bedroom, like he spent doing here in Texas. You probably don't remember this, but Cruz waged a war on sex in the 2000s, making sure that both the sodomy law and the ban on dildos and vibrators remained. He lost both of those battles, as well as the appeal.

You're just the nastiest person, aren't you, and I'm not the only one on here who has pointed it out. Always nasty insults, usually swearing, and there's just no point of view but yours. Typical liberal.

Typical ill-informed uneducated Trump supporter. Unable to argue with any of the statements I made so he has to go for the character assassination.

If you want your point of view to be made, how about you come on here and post your views in more detail rather the ridiculous slogans that Trump uses to attract the "poorly educated" such as yourself. And if you didn't know, he did say he loved the poorly educated so I can see why you're on board with him!
Impulse_Response Regardless of my actual thoughts, not once did I say I support Trump (though he is preferred to a nut like Bernie).
Originally posted by Advather:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by Advather:
How unfortunate to see a hardcore DJ supporting Bernie.

While I'm rooting for Hillary to get the democratic nomination and the presidency, I also think her and Bernie are a far better choice for a president than the inbred retarded candidates on the Republican side that you support. Trump is universally hated in congress on both the democrats and the republican side. If for some ungodly reason he wins the nomination, he won't get anything done in congress, especially since the house and the senate is poised to be taken back by the Democrats just like in 2008.

And Ted Cruz isn't any better. He's also alienated his fellow republicans in congress, especially after the one responsible for the government shutdown that should have never happened. And while Ted Cruz likes to claim he's "small government," he'll be using that small government to tell what women can and cannot do to their bodies, who people can marry, and what they can do in their own bedroom, like he spent doing here in Texas. You probably don't remember this, but Cruz waged a war on sex in the 2000s, making sure that both the sodomy law and the ban on dildos and vibrators remained. He lost both of those battles, as well as the appeal.

You're just the nastiest person, aren't you, and I'm not the only one on here who has pointed it out. Always nasty insults, usually swearing, and there's just no point of view but yours. Typical liberal.

i did not know all ravers were not liberal!
conservatives sure as **** don't agree with illegal rave parties haha. ( or raves in general ) . i can't agree with people that deny me my freedoms; certainly. ( Let's not get started about voting for candidate that deny OTHERS their freedom ;) )
and i take offense to calling hillary or her supporters " liberal "! i think hillary clinton is as conservative as they come!
she has never been a liberal ; and never will be! her supporters are old fashioned democrats; that today are just closet republicans imo. the only true liberal in this race in Sanders; undoubtedly.

Trump and hillary are buddies as far as i am concerned ; just different methods of preferred control.
though this is why i love politics guys; looks how it brings Americans together!!


Impulse_Response I see no reason that ravers must be leftist (to use a perhaps more accurate term), though I don't know if I can really describe myself as a raver. It's just music and a party atmosphere. There's no reason this must have anything to do with politics.

I'm curious about the statement that the right wing opposes raves. I can easily see this view being truth by common knowledge, but I wonder if it really true in general. I'm curious if most people would really want to "take action" or if they would only be casual dissenters with no interest in banning them. I grew up in a right-wing suburb of Houston and I go to a right-wing university (Texas A&M) and I have seen my fair share of conservatives engaging in illegal partying.

On the issue of one side taking away a person's freedoms, my conclusion is that left or right is not about pro-freedom or anti-freedom, but that picking one side means choosing with freedoms you want acknowledged and what freedoms you want taken away.
Originally posted by Advather:
On the issue of one side taking away a person's freedoms, my conclusion is that left or right is not about pro-freedom or anti-freedom, but that picking one side means choosing with freedoms you want acknowledged and what freedoms you want taken away.

Very well said!

Freedom means so many different things to people in different parts of the world too, I moved to the states as I turned 18, one moment I was drinking legally at a rave in the UK...the next I wasn't allowed to drink for another 3 years!

I think it might be the "trendy" thing to do to assume that one side are more against illegal raves than the other - I think the difference in opinion is more to do with age rather than political persuasion.

older lefties/righty's are against it; there are uncontrolled drugs and it screws up the environment when the ravers don't clear up afterwards.

younger lefties/rightys don't give a shit; we're young.

well I was young, **** off!

seriously though.
Now that dance music has finally infiltrated the USA properly, albeit 400 years after the rest of us, you'll now have a generation who are growing up "getting" it and fresh blood into the system will start to 'move' things along on both sides of the political spectrum.

How did this get onto illegal raves?? All the options suck, best of luck finding the least suckiest one; same for us too.
djDMS If it's illegal, both sides should be against it (unless they have plans to change the law).
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Now that dance music has finally infiltrated the USA properly...

You might be giving more credit than is due. Most people I come across don't have any more exposure to electronic music than whatever gets put in Top 40. Then, as I learned through my DJ club, the remainder don't know much other than rap or all of this 128 house/electro stuff. It doesn't even matter for those who do know and like other styles such as trance or hardcore, because it isn't considered accessible enough and it is never played out at any of our events.
Originally posted by trippnface:

i did not know all ravers were not liberal!
conservatives sure as **** don't agree with illegal rave parties haha. ( or raves in general ) . i can't agree with people that deny me my freedoms; certainly. ( Let's not get started about voting for candidate that deny OTHERS their freedom ;) )

Most of the Americans who use this forum, or hell ravers in general, are far too young to remember the RAVE act, or the version that passed which is the Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act. It came about in the early 2000s because the drug issue at raves was becoming too widespread as raves were gaining more popularity. Parents demanded that the government do something, and they passed this after the 3rd time in 2003 as an additional provision to the PROTECT Act. The RAVE Act basically holds the people running the events responsible for the sale, use and distribution of drugs at their event. Here's the exact description

BTW, if you notice the name of the person that sponsored the bill, it's our vice president, a Democrat. The bill was also co-sponsored by various other politicians, mostly Democrats. So Democrats are mostly responsible for the bill that is loathed by so many US event organizers in the rave community. It's the reason why most events will not admit anyone with backpacks, excessive accessories like jewelry and whatnot, no opened packages of cigarettes, and you have to be patted down. It pretty much killed the rave scene in many areas of the US, and here in Houston it killed the after hours scene since so many places were raided, and for good reason.

The RAVE Act came into play again when raves and large music festivals, like EDC, were gaining popularity again, and of course the death of that girl at the last EDC in LA. There was even a rave in LA that had Darren Styles and S3RL playing that was shut down due to what happened at EDC. So as much as we would like to blame the Republicans on keeping raves strict, it's really the Democrats that were responsible for passing the RAVE Act.

And no don't assume every raver is a liberal, because they're not. It all comes down to your upbringing and where you grew up. Yes you'll more than likely have ravers here in Texas leaning more on the conservative side, since this is a mostly conservative state. When I was in Nashville to see Kevin Energy my friends and I met one of the most feminine male kandy kid ravers we've ever seen. We were shocked when we friended him on facebook on how uber conservative and straight he was lol

And let's be real, people in the US who consider themselves a raver (I'm not one I just attend a select few raves) aren't exactly the most politically informed bunch. They don't vote, and when they do they only vote during a presidential year and would never vote during mid-term or mayoral elections. And a lot of them are attracted to slogan candidates who say nothing but simplistic ideas that would appeal to them without any depth on how they're going to accomplish anything, Trump being the biggest one this election year.

Originally posted by trippnface:

and i take offense to calling hillary or her supporters " liberal "! i think hillary clinton is as conservative as they come!
she has never been a liberal ; and never will be! her supporters are old fashioned democrats; that today are just closet republicans imo. the only true liberal in this race in Sanders; undoubtedly.

Trump and hillary are buddies as far as i am concerned ; just different methods of preferred control.

If you think Hillary is a conservative, then you seriously need to take a political science course, or maybe even retake high school government. Just because Hillary doesn't abide by the exact same policies as Bernie Sanders doesn't mean she's not a liberal. There are different levels of liberalism, just like there are different levels of conservatism.

But one thing she is certainly that Bernie Sanders is not is a Democrat. She's been one for years, since 1968, which was the time a lot of people started switching parties due to the civil rights movement. Old southern democrats, nicknamed dixiecrats, switched to the republican party because they opposed the civil rights movement. Hillary switched from Republican to Democrat because she supported the civil rights movement and opposed the Vietnam war.

Bernie may support a lot of the ideals of a Democrat, but he's only been aligned with the party for about a year now, and it's only because he knows he can never win as an independent. If you go to his website you'll see various areas that still identify him as an Independent and not a Democrat. And Hillary is raising a hell of a lot more money that will not only benefit her, but the entire democratic party for this upcoming election year, whereas Bernie's campaign money will mostly benefit himself and not the party as a whole.

Originally posted by djDMS:
If it's illegal, both sides should be against it (unless they have plans to change the law).

Aye, but there is the third option - being the sex worker option, where we all look the other way! :D
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Originally posted by djDMS:
If it's illegal, both sides should be against it (unless they have plans to change the law).

Aye, but there is the third option - being the sex worker option, where we all look the other way! :D

That's not entirely illegal! It's all about how you phrase it. You say you're an escort and you're selling your time, it's legal. If you say you're a prostitute and offering sex for money, it's illegal.
Triquatra trust you to be well versed in the legalities around that ;)
Originally posted by Triquatra:
trust you to be well versed in the legalities around that ;)

Triquatra LOL!
ViolonC So, who of you guys is already packing your shit? Would be surprised if Clinton would make it against Trump.
Originally posted by ViolonC:
So, who of you guys is already packing your shit? Would be surprised if Clinton would make it against Trump.

I'm actually going to Canada in a few weeks lol but not to move. Going for the HU event in Toronto. But I would definitely not be opposed to moving somewhere else if he wins.

And don't listen to polls they mean absolutely shit. We're about 7 months away from the beginning of the actual presidential election and a lot can happen from here to there. For 2012 some polls had Obama losing to whatever Republican was up there, even a week before November's election day, and he came out on top.

In 2008 there were a ton of disgruntled Hillary supporters who vowed not to show up to the polls or vote for Obama for the 2008 election, but a lot of them changed their mind and still went in November to vote Democrat. The same exact thing can happen here. But we'll have to wait and see how this all unfolds.

I only wish there was a spousal debate. Wouldn't it be hilarious to see a debate between Bill Clinton and Melanie, Melanoma, or however you spell that Eurotrash's name?
Originally posted by ViolonC:
So, who of you guys is already packing your shit? Would be surprised if Clinton would make it against Trump.

You've probably been reading too much DW if you think Trump is a reason to pack up and leave. There are plenty of people, like me, who don't really like him but are perfectly content to stay here if he wins.

EDIT: I'll add that from my point of view Clinton or Sanders winning is far more reason to leave.
Originally posted by latininxtc:

I only wish there was a spousal debate. Wouldn't it be hilarious to see a debate between Bill Clinton and Melanie, Melanoma, or however you spell that Eurotrash's name?

I presume you're talking about the french unfriendly partyleader in France gaining support? Well we already have twats in Norway and Denmark that are strong. I think Poland is going back to their racist/catholic roots (not that they ever left, they still hate anyone who isn't religious AF).
Originally posted by Advather:
You've probably been reading too much DW if you think Trump is a reason to pack up and leave.
Probably should have added the smiley. ;)

Sure there is still time and crazy things will happen (e.g. the Koch Brothers possibly supporting Clinton) but looking at the Hands right now everything points to Trump. 8 years of Democrats incentivize a change, Trump is actually the anti-establishment Candidate against Clinton with people being fed up with the lame political figures and system. And he can fund his campaign himself.

But after George W. Bush i can't see what Trump could do worse.
Triquatra I hope he gets in

I just want to see latininxtc whine and complain. 😂
Samination or move to Fort McMurray
Originally posted by Triquatra:
I hope he gets in

I just want to see latininxtc whine and complain. 😂

Like he wouldn't anyway?

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