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 Props to Silver for the 404 page!

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ket Silver where'd you get the error 404 page? I read it all the way to the end, it so rocks... is it supposed to be like the robot off Hitch-hikers Guide To The Galaxy? It's so damn funny... anyways... Just thought I'd let you know I thought it was cool.
silver Yeah I find the smallest and simplest things have the biggest and coolest impact :)

have you found the hidden monkey on the site yet?

you, me and hardcore forever.
Brian K i just stumbled across this the other day as well, funny f*cking shit. nice one mate! =)

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
evangelion haha hell yea, i found the 404 today as well..
didnt read it till the end... it just keeeeeppppptttt gooooiiiinngggg
but i had a nice laugh

Simon I saw the 404 error screen & thought it was very good.

And Yes I can see the monkey, I can see the monkey hehe!
It took me a while to find though I won't spoil it for everyone else but you have to do something a little clever to find it!!!!


kg4 Abu :)

"We'll always be together, forever for it seems. We'll always be together in electric dreams. "
Oli G haha now ive seen thsi i just had to try it
errored for me :) obvisouly
esxcelent :D

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
Lixx I found the monkey! I found the monkey! My life is now complete

ket Noooooooo............ I'm missing out on the monkey!!!! Gimme a hint... come on... you know you want to!!! Where's my monkey! Where's my monkey! Where's my burrito! Ow! d'oh!
Lusive I.. am the monkey!

| A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby." -Jack Handy |
silver Hint: The monkey is on every page and is quite large, how could that be possible and you couldn't see it.

you, me and hardcore forever.
manic Is this monkey like Brad Pitt in Fightclub or something?

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
Oli G The monkey is your father

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
silver no... it's no a trick... just view the web page in a different way to you would normally and you will find it... (no don't take drugs)

you, me and hardcore forever.
Oli G hehe
get stoned
you will see more than just a monkey
a whole zoo in fact...
thats my advice anyway :D

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
Annex hehe man that's great
botht he 404 and the monkey!

ket I found the monkey!!!! It took me about three hours after I saw the 404 error.... :) I found the monkey I found the monkey I found the monkey yeah yeah yeah yeah
Heist I found it!! that really was a let down unfortunately
silver it's not something I promote just something interesting :)

you, me and hardcore forever.
miss-mitzi that could ov bn verry funny if i wasnt hidin b hind the sofa¬!!! scary!!

happy 2 b
DJ Mouse awwwww poor web server
just saw the 404 page today and yikes i haven't laughed that much in ages!! well done
still can't find any monkey tho

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
xxhappyxx yeah that 404 thing is well funny!

wat monkey...?!?!

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'
Dragalian *Text Bubble Over Head*

(hmm... I think Silver's favorite movie is Aladdin...
Maybe he's got a fetish with monkeys... I don't want
to know what he does with them... heck, I don't even
want to know what he does during that movie...eww...)

*Text Bubble Popped*


silver I have never seen the movie... I actually didn't know it was apu when I placed him on the pages.

you, me and hardcore forever.
Pandora I loved the 404 page....but I can't find the monkey!!! (I'm blonde!) Maybe I can get a hint?

It took 1.59 ninja's to process this page!


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