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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TylerGRRR I just thought the song would go good with a random vocal. I did it for pure fun and entertainment. Didn't think you kids would get so butt hurt over it.
Samination now that's some AMS inspired freeform. I. LIKE. !. bring me that acid goa influenced beat!
cruelcore1 wow youre great!
_Jay_ Yeah, this is very nice mate. Great work.

Saw in the description on YouTube that you are thinking about giving it out as a free download. Let us know if you decided to do that - be well interested!
Warnman Sounds really freeformish - very psychedelic. Only the recorded voices are a bit odd tmo. Sounds more like like a live show radio moderator babbling during a good tune. It might work, if it's added more to the background with an echo effect.
Triquatra christ, first attempt? thats really good

though i'd drop the vocal samples
latininxtc umm, is this some sort of inside joke? b/c I'm hearing Subsystem by Fracus & Darwin vs Entity
NekoShuffle Good stuff! I like the fact more people are doing the psychedelic freeform sounds. I do agree the vocal sample sounds out of place. If you want to make it sound more like a psytrance sample then make it a bit shorter, try and find the exact quote you want for the breakdown, chop off the last few words and sample those near the beginning so you're kind of teasing the end of the sentence before you've sampled the whole thing so it's kind of nonsensical at first, then you can play around with this as much as you want throughout the song and then finally play the sentence(s) you've chosen in the final breakdown and maybe give the last few words (that you sampled at the beginning) an echo as it drops.

You can actually adapt this in writing lyrics too; using unrelated words or words that don't make any sense to the listener until the verse is over, it's really good at encapsulating the whole track or verse or whatever so it comes full circle on itself. Directors even use this in movies too, good example being the first Matrix movie with the green/black screen telephone conversation that doesn't make much sense until the end.

Love it though!! Freeform just keeps growing on me
Originally posted by latininxtc:
umm, is this some sort of inside joke? b/c I'm hearing Subsystem by Fracus & Darwin vs Entity

Yeah it is just that track with vocals on top...
Originally posted by latininxtc:
umm, is this some sort of inside joke? b/c I'm hearing Subsystem by Fracus & Darwin vs Entity

Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
Yeah it is just that track with vocals on top...

No wonder it sounds so good, it was produced by top tier producers
latininxtc ok good I thought that the link was re-directing me to another video.

can't believe that 6 ppl didn't even recognize that tune lol. looks like 6 ppl forgot to buy Balancing Act by Fracus & Darwin! Shame on all of you!
Audio Warfare Busted. :p I don't know how people can completely rip off a tune and expect people who listen to that genre of music to not notice! Especially one from two established producers.
cruelcore1 Hes implying tracks arent his in descriptions of other videos.

Dude you cant do tht crap without crediting the artists, or at least saying the track wasnt yours. Until latininxtc mentioned it, we all thought is was your original work.

Originally posted by Audio Warfare:
Busted. :p I don't know how people can completely rip off a tune and expect people who listen to that genre of music to not notice! Especially one from two established producers.

Tell me about it. One of my ex buddies took the exact copy of Darren Styles - Feel Love from Skydivin' album (mixed + split tracks) and called it his own track under a different name. Gosh, what kind of idiot does one have to be to steal from DS!
_Jay_ Cheeky, cheeky!!

Originally posted by latininxtc:l
ooks like 6 ppl forgot to buy Balancing Act by Fracus & Darwin! Shame on all of you!

LOL. I may buy it one day. Fracus & Darwin really don't do it for me. They're obviously very talented, but I find their tunes a smidge boring. They're half-way between happy and not happy. Doesn't grab me by the balls like other stuff. They are growing on me slightly, though.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
ok good I thought that the link was re-directing me to another video.

can't believe that 6 ppl didn't even recognize that tune lol. looks like 6 ppl forgot to buy Balancing Act by Fracus & Darwin! Shame on all of you!

LOL I've actually got Balancing Act as well! I'm beginning to love freeform but I'm still such a noob at listening to it, the only freeform track I can identify is Reform your Freeform on HU5 and maybe a few Lost Soul tracks.

It does highlight the point though; this track could do with some extra psychedelic influences. Maybe we should get Lost Soul on the case.
Triquatra LOL!!!!!!!

i like how i said drop the vocal earlier...and the vocal isn't even supposed to be there.
kudos to Mr Entity and Darwin for this slammer minus the dodgy vocals!

sad that I didnt notice it wasn't TylerGRRR's track though...especially when i own two friggin copies of balancing act *slaps self in face*
_Jay_ lol, why have you got two? Do you want to send one to me, for free. And pay the postage as well.

serious face is serious about having two copies! I feel this picture shows my disapointment in myself not realising that the track was off this album.

anyway, one of them is my wifes copy, did she need one as well? not really, but we had money back then (last year to the day almost!) and the HU are more than worth supporting!
djDMS Wondered why this was so popular, what a robbing bastard!

Funny thing is, i was going to start a topic about killer tunes and Subsystem was going to be in there.

Anybody been to Youtube to tear him a new arsehole yet?
Samination I never liked Fracus, and i excepted that the darwin & fracus albumwould usck. guess i was wrong(ed)
Originally posted by Triquatra:

serious face is serious about having two copies! I feel this picture shows my disapointment in myself not realising that the track was off this album.

anyway, one of them is my wifes copy, did she need one as well? not really, but we had money back then (last year to the day almost!) and the HU are more than worth supporting!

how recent is that pic? you look nothing like your avatar. You actually look threatening in that pic lol

and I didn't know your wife liked uk hardcore. I just thought she tolerated it lol

Originally posted by latininxtc:
how recent is that pic? you look nothing like your avatar. You actually look threatening in that pic lol

Exactly what I thought. Formidable hunk. Terrifying stuff.
piumaki Good job TylerGRR! you have chosen a really good track to steal!
SpiritWolf To TylerGRRR:
You might get some hate from other people because of this track, but I'm a nice person so I'll give you some friendly advice. But first, don't ever call someone's track your own if you didn't produce all of it (or remix it). I'll admit that 5 years ago I "produced" my first album which was just me in audacity adding effects and speeding up or slowing down songs and slapping my name on them. I got tons of hate from that album, and I never wanted to do anything with music again. 2 years later, I decided I would give it another shot and learn how to produce like the pros. Now, I'm making my own tunes and having a blast doing it! My advice is to get yourself a copy of FL Studio (or any other DAW) and start looking up tutorials on youtube on how to start making music. It'll take a couple of years to learn but you'll love it. There's no better feeling than knowing that the song you worked on for hours is loved by many. :)
TylerGRRR Lol owned.
Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
To TylerGRRR:
You might get some hate from other people because of this track, but I'm a nice person so I'll give you some friendly advice. But first, don't ever call someone's track your own if you didn't produce all of it (or remix it). I'll admit that 5 years ago I "produced" my first album which was just me in audacity adding effects and speeding up or slowing down songs and slapping my name on them. I got tons of hate from that album, and I never wanted to do anything with music again. 2 years later, I decided I would give it another shot and learn how to produce like the pros. Now, I'm making my own tunes and having a blast doing it! My advice is to get yourself a copy of FL Studio (or any other DAW) and start looking up tutorials on youtube on how to start making music. It'll take a couple of years to learn but you'll love it. There's no better feeling than knowing that the song you worked on for hours is loved by many. :)

Don't tell're....Nightcore?!

Also I think we just got stitched up, either that or TylerGRRR has been caught in an embarassing situation and wants to make it look like he was 'testing us' or something.

Either way...make music! Even if you're a random troll you must have partly decent taste to cut out a DMT-related sample and slap it over some just need to work on the music part more!

Originally posted by NekoShuffle:

Don't tell're....Nightcore?!

I was Nightcore before I was called Nightcore :P
Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:

Don't tell're....Nightcore?!

I was Nightcore before I was called Nightcore :P

Your tracks have been Nightcored by youtubers already? Lucky...Nightcorers are the new haters - you're nobody if you haven't had your tunes Nightcored.

Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:

Don't tell're....Nightcore?!

I was Nightcore before I was called Nightcore :P

Your tracks have been Nightcored by youtubers already? Lucky...Nightcorers are the new haters - you're nobody if you haven't had your tunes Nightcored.

I tried finding the video on youtube but it seemed they took it down :(
Triquatra hahathat picture was taken a few moments before i posted it yesterday :)

since my avatar photo was taken i've lost about 4 stone (56lb), shaved my head, stopped shaving and started "working out"

was fed up of being the fat guy on the dancefloor at raves! for the first time in my life i'm actually in the "healthy" range of the BMI chart! :o

_Jay_ Mate, that is a fcuking powerful turnaround. I knew you had been on a health kick for a long time, but having really seen a proper photo now - very, very impressed.
Audio Warfare *puts his gay hat on* Looking buff Rowan.

Seriously though, well done man. New look is definitely working for you. Need to get back in shape myself but just haven't had the drive lately and struggle to find the time (lame excuse I know).

As IF I didn't know that existed! Quality!
Triquatra I should do a before and after photo

in the nude
Audio Warfare Can I get a 2012 calendar with a different nude pic for each month? I'd order two, one for the kitchen for practical use and one in the bedroom just for "fun".

Originally posted by _Jay_:

As IF I didn't know that existed! Quality!

It's perfect for the vibe round here lately. ;)
Originally posted by Triquatra:
hahathat picture was taken a few moments before i posted it yesterday :)

since my avatar photo was taken i've lost about 4 stone (56lb), shaved my head, stopped shaving and started "working out"

was fed up of being the fat guy on the dancefloor at raves! for the first time in my life i'm actually in the "healthy" range of the BMI chart! :o

Christ it's actually you?! I thought it was your brother or something and everyone was just playing along! You look totally different from when I saw you at Freeformation, you look like you could proper mash someone up! Brilliant! Hahaha!!

Triquatra yeah its me :) I'm getting there - but christ, I dont know what it is about winter, its so bloody hard to eat "right" hopefully next time you see me I'll be nothing but skin and bone and be able to pull all those fancy rave moves the girls by the speakers do ;)

you can't see it in that, but i've managed to accuire a very manly scar under my left eyebrow too!

I'd like to say it happened in a fight...

but sadly its from mashing my face as hard as I could into the stage at Epidemik last month
a disastrous mixture of alcohol, wearing glasses and bending forward and down quickly to pick a pen off the floor (all in front of whizzkid, who was awesome! ..and was kind enough to get Vibesy to sign my Bonkers 6 sleeve!).
Originally posted by Audio Warfare:
It's perfect for the vibe round here lately. ;)

Ain't that the truth! Some questionable stuff flying about.

Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
you look like you could proper mash someone up! Brilliant! Hahaha!!

LOL! Properly!
Originally posted by Triquatra:
yeah its me :) I'm getting there - but christ, I dont know what it is about winter, its so bloody hard to eat "right" hopefully next time you see me I'll be nothing but skin and bone and be able to pull all those fancy rave moves the girls by the speakers do ;)

you can't see it in that, but i've managed to accuire a very manly scar under my left eyebrow too!

I'd like to say it happened in a fight...

but sadly its from mashing my face as hard as I could into the stage at Epidemik last month
a disastrous mixture of alcohol, wearing glasses and bending forward and down quickly to pick a pen off the floor (all in front of whizzkid, who was awesome! ..and was kind enough to get Vibesy to sign my Bonkers 6 sleeve!).

And that is why I wear contacts on my outings. The last times I wore glasses when going out, I would wake up and find them completely destroyed lol

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