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T O P I C     R E V I E W
silver I mainly view at?
TweekiN if i had a comp at home i would use it at home BUT
i bought decks and s**t so i cant afford 1 atm
o well

The FORCE is strong with this one

Go hard or GO HOME!!
fazza at home just b4 i go 2 bed!

"I feel you, i want you, i know your touch is all i need, im waiting you're shining"
DJ Mouse mostly at home or when i get the chance to go on the net elsewhere

"Did you know that eleven plus two is an anagram of twelve plus one?"

DJ Mouse
strychnine Fazza: gives you pleasant things to dream about, eh?

I usually browse it at home, but on the odd occasion when I don't have anything better to do at uni (and when there're computers free) I'll have a bit of a geez there until the uni staff kick me off.

________________________________________________________________________ - can you really afford to miss a party this sick?
toxic At first i used to mainly view at home, but now its mostly at work. Im at work right now posting this ...

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
weba_d home, always at home, im now officially a bum just finished hsc..trying to get into a sound engineering course nearby, but for now its just at home:)

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

Originally posted by strychnine:
Fazza: gives you pleasant things to dream about, eh?

________________________________________________________________________ - can you really afford to miss a party this sick?

haha na your posts just bore me so much that it makes me go to sleep! only jokin mate

"I feel you, i want you, i know your touch is all i need, im waiting you're shining"
toxic come one fazza, we all know that you only come on to look at strychnine's picture, thats why you go on before you go to bed.

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
Don Giovanni Pretty much wherever i am working on a computer I'll have in the browser...sort of half work half read stuff on the site

'Together united as one indeed, WE ARE THE HARDCORE FAMILY!
fazza lol@toxic!

"I feel you, i want you, i know your touch is all i need, im waiting you're shining"
DJ Affliction Whenever there's a computer free i'll log on & check out wotz happenin

Otherwise @ home so a can browse,eat,sleep & play on ma decks (sometimes all @ the same time)

Hardcore u know the score!!!!!!

DJ Affliction
invader Home!


Phase 4 Records
Midway_raver Home mainly, but since has been removed from the 'porn' filter because i said it was for research into my imaginary club in it then i seem to be on it alot in lessons aswell.

Also very occasionally at work but when ur area manager leaves a note saying shit like "please can office machines not be used for leisure activites or face diciplinary action" it kinda puts ya off.

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
Xenochrome Home.

Simon Home :-)

It's Filtered at Collage for some strange reason....hahaha :-)
Hard2Get I constantly have open in at least one window at home and college :)

psychichigh Whenever I'm at a computer, that's when I view I would do so if my brain was directly connected up to the internet, I would then as well, but that technology is illegal to use at the moment....
But... mainly, when I'm at home since I got laid off from my job recently since the company went bankrupt... at least it was me laying myself off though.... heh :)

"and then god said 'let there be light' and there was, as the druids turned on their flashlights and laughed"
Dave Murray i mainly view happy hardcore on the net (poor effort at a joke), at home in the hills of afghanistan!

(/Dance Mothe®Fu©ke® On 2Tu®ntables/)
tommo Mostly at home,but occaisionally at school too.
This is the first place I come when I'm on the internet though.

Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.
TheApollyon I mainly view h***** forums on a computer. The rest of you have weird ways of accessing the internet.

Stevie c 350 posts from work and going strong!!!

Your into the sound of Rebellion
Stevie c Will I be the first to become avdvanced purely from a work place?

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
strychnine ^^ I think Toxic's already done that.

"Setting a new standard in normal since 1981."
toxic Sure did

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
whispering At work, and after that at home...

Splix homes the best i mean i look at the site alot but when teachers are like WHATS THAT HARDCORE (!PORN IS IT!)its very very anyoing

ryg0r Home is first, and TAFE is a close second. A very close second.

xxhappyxx at home..if my boss saw '' on the computer he would be like...riite...whos looking at porn?!?!!?

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'
DJ Mouse that's where the "clear history" button comes in handy luv ;) hehe

"I had 2 half-brothers and they both died, so Mummy took the chainsaw off me"

DJ Mouse
mason i always have open as soon as i get on tha net i love this site

Originally posted by DJ Mouse:
that's where the "clear history" button comes in handy luv ;) hehe

"I had 2 half-brothers and they both died, so Mummy took the chainsaw off me"

DJ Mouse

That dam button took me so bloody long to find!

for any young pron heads who havnt discoverd yet its in Tools-Internet options- then Clear history on the first page. Yay i feel like i've subed some helpful input for a change

Same street, Different house.
mcjutt I never could get how people waffle all day when theyre at work, how the fook can ya be online for 8 hours and

a do any work

b not get cuaght being on


Lucky ****'s

individual you know i come to rock it
ah yes cos i always love the music
so give me the mic and ill do my thing
its the mc Jutt and im gonna get you rocking
SEEKY at work i view happy beats working

DJDarkside yeah i'm kinda at work now work really suck i'm always on here .

DJ Darkside
Hardcore Rules!
Go Widda Flow & Don't Stop
liquid_silver mainly from work
my boss tolerates it cause at least im awake

your not hardcore, unless you live hardcore!

if u love someone set them free,if they come back set them on fire.
DarrenJ I work at a school but they have the word "hardcore" banned, so can only look at ush at there,
mostly at home
sometimes at the arcade if I have 20mins to waste

well I, I will, I will hardcore
JesterDJ i listen to it at work whenever theres a comp nearby, other wise its when i'm back at my college when i just leave it streaming all day

If pac-man really had an effect on us, we'd all be runnin' round in dark rooms, listening to repetitive music munching pills!!!
tunnelrush Mostly at work cuz my office is away from my other co-workers. Then on the weekends im listenin at home.

*If the bass is too loud, you are too weak*
kernel scurry at work, cause im 31337 :p

You are the future, dont let your past hold you back.
Phil_G Out school has a stupid block on songs n stuff and wont let us veiw websites with the words hardcore and violence games mobiles and stuff it sux.

Keepin The Scene Alive, Hardcore Will Never Die
Excessive I used to have it on all day at work but my boss started to pull people up on their internet time so i can only use it sparingly at work. All the time when i am at home though

You're not just wrong, you're stupid, and you're ugly just like your mum.
mark-ireland At home all the time.

We will not compromise quality for popularity amongst the minority.
Kx Hardcore At Home

Dont Forget The Cry Hardcore Will Never Die!!
DJ Affliction at college or work


Everything is random, your probably not ment to read this!!!!!!!!

DJ Affliction

[email protected]

[email protected]
ryg0r Home. Don't have time at work

phoebian always home

shift2 alot at work, mostly night shift. i get to listen to the free streams for 12 hours for 2 nights every week. i cant ask for a better job

dance as hard as you drive, and you will find peace!

nissan GTiR/Sunny, Shifting to the future from the past
hyperdance 4 me, i always view it at home. "theres no place like home, home sweet home"

its funny because its true!!
Dje2 got me a lovely lap top :)
visit whenever whereever

Cyberpunk I view this site at home during the afternoon or at night.

jenks anywhere i can, but mostly at home...

ChurcH I Tend To wake up in the morning turn it on and just leave it on the whole day

Sir Feli mostly at home

Da Cunney Bugz mostly at college i have like 3 1/2 hour gap which is a bit extreme n the site passes the time nicely! also at home though
whittle1 @ home and college
Jon O-T Always at home, would do at school some times if it wasn't filtered
T~ @ home cus its the only place i use a computer
kathryn In answer to Silvers question i view at the library but hopefully very soon i will have internet at home fingers crossed!
iluvhrdcor always at home
dee_licious Home. Always home. First place i look when i log on!
wong home. or at my mums. or at my brothers
jack5724 I go on it at home most of the time but i go on it at college sometimes aswell!
Bang-A-Rang I get on it at home so i can practice.
pray2win I watch at home now...
sometimes i watch at school
DJ-Intensity More likely at home.

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