T O P I C R E V I E W |
Do u think drugs are bad im in 2 minds about it some r and some arent i mean come on whats wronge with extacy i think it is totally safe unless u get a dodgy one what do u think hey     
DJ e-Klyps |
I think it all depends on what type of person you are, what frame of mind u r in and what u take.
If you take LSD for example and are feeling depressed it would have a very detrimental effect on you.
In general E seems to be ok as long as its not contaminated with other things. HOWEVER you never know what you are taking and how your body will react. There also seems to be some research that proves that as take more E your memory gets worse and could lead to brain disorders like altziemers disease.
At the end of the day it all comes down to a personal choice.
Respect |
Soren |
Get a testing kit from www.dancesafe.org and you will know what's in your E. Also those cases of alzheimers were casued by a bad batch heroin not ecsatcy. In the news a reporter said it was casued by E and it casued a big media frenzy, but no one checked the facts.
However there has been one study that has actually linked E use to memory loss. The ppl in the study had all taken in excess of 500 pills over a period of about 3-5 years.
There was another study that linked E to a decreased production of 5-Ht in the brain. But none of the ppl were depressed and no one has proven that 5-Ht is directly linked to mood or depression levels so it didn't prove much.
Umm... there are lots of other studies also, but most of them are animal studies where they gave rats anywhere from 10 doses (at 1.5-2mg per KG) to 100 doses per day for 1 week - 1 month and then said "Hey look the rats brain is damaged". These studies all are crap cause the levels are 50-1000 times higher than anyone takes in real life.
If you wanna find out more go to www.erowid.org they have links to pretty much all known Psychoactive chemical with further links to studies and more. Or try www.ecstasy.org www.dancesafe.org
GT |
Always been fairly wary of em meself. You never know what's been mixed up in them, so I just like to give them a miss.
'You picked me up, and swept me away....' |
silver |
Off topic and too Noisy: Last warning, don't use all caps please! |
ladd |
heheh. . . drugs. . rumors. . . kinda on the same topic? no. . guess not. oh yea and they're all bad! but so is too much of anything, so as long as ur not cracked out and a danger to others and im not paying for your rehab with my tax dollars i dont care. =o) hehe
odayakana mizu no nagare wa ****i. |
Skeenip |
Well I know a guy that popped everyday between 1-5 pills, went to the doctor for a checkup and guess what he's got brain damage....pretty screwed up....but then again he popped everyday.
"...Will there ever come a day, when I can turn around and say, It's alright now..." |
DJ Tempest |
in short, YES.
they bring unneeded and often unfair attention to our beautiful scene. they have no place in the scene. especially the hardcore scene. i forget who said this quote, but ive always loved it.
"if youre feeling the drugs and not the music or the love, then you dont belong here.."
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." |
kRaZiE kIdD |
i don't see a need for them...i mean there are tons of studies which show that they are bad for you...but that doesn't stop people...it is all a matter of personal perference....i don't...but some do..it is clearly bad for you but they don't care... |
Soren |
[quote]Originally posted by DJ Tempest:
in short, YES.
they bring unneeded and often unfair attention to our beautiful scene. they have no place in the scene. especially the hardcore scene. i forget who said this quote, but ive always loved it.
"if youre feeling the drugs and not the music or the love, then you dont belong here.."
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. Drugs do now and always have had a place at raves. When used responsibly drugs can be a very positive and "healthy" thing to do. I have heard a bunch of ppl say that there used to not be so many drugs at parties and that drugs ruined techno and this is all a load of schyte. The early techno parties were all fueled by E, just like most are today. If it wasn't for drugs raves would not have caught on like they did and exploded to all parts of the world, and like it or not you have E to thank for that. And now that you have the parties and maybe you burned yourself out on drugs and actually gained a real appreciation for the music you try and dismiss and condemn the drugs that got us here and that's just plain rude.
Drugs are a very natural thing in society and have been for tens of thousands of years. The reason they are now bringing negative attitudes and unwanted attention is because no one has time to think for themselves any more and 90% of the ppl let themselves be brainwashed by governments that don't give a fE about them. When people say stuff like
"i don't see a need for them...i mean there are tons of studies which show that they are bad for you...but that doesn't stop people...it is all a matter of personal perference....i don't...but some do..it is clearly bad for you but they don't care..."
it makes me sad cause you have allowed yourself to be tricked by the government. There are NOT a bunch of studies that prove that taking "normal" doses of any substance is that bad for you. Certainly when compaired to cigaretts and alcohol which kill 200 times more people than ALL illegal drugs combined you can't tell me they are that bad. Go read those studies and FREE YOUR MIND! Those government studies that the news papers quote are full of SH1T. As part of the harm reduction work I do I have to keep myself updated on all the new studies and I assure you 99% are completely crap.
Well I could just ramble on forever on how much it upsets me when ppl try to restrict what should be the personal decisions of other people and how people need to friggin wake up and overthrow the chains that they allow to be placed on their minds, but I am tired now. Nite Nite ^_^
2002patriot |
Drugs r cool,from harry potters to green playstations i love em all,mixed wid bass they rock,at a rave is the only place,otherwise they r pointless.oh and dont forget some hash for da come down.
quality |
Foxy |
It personal choice, purely & simply but yes drugs ARE bad, but then sugar is a drug & yes its bad for you! You have to read the reports, use your brain, think about what your doing to your body & most importantly, use in MODERATION, the more frequently you have any kind of drug the more you need to sustain the same high, this can lead to problems (trust me I know) I now only have an E every month or two & the high is better than ever.
Hardcore family never dies. |
Brian K |
wow, talk about diggin' up posts. as we all know from south park, drugs are bad mmmmmmmmmk.
that guy is totally tripping =P
"Cuz I'm hardcore, heavyweight, magical man." |
Syco |
I'm gonna quote of thee film Human Traffic,
You're More likely to die eating a cabbage leaf than you are dropping an E,
nuff' said.
Let's Fly Away, To A Land Where We'll Be Free. |
MC RizlaDizla |
and im goin to say that drugs (E) woz apart of this scene from day 1 so ya cant say they dont belong there. they bloody made the scene. do you really fink raves blah blah harcore would be around if E woz never in our scene in the first place.
Its up to the individual if they want to take them, if anyfing, your only harming ya self and only you should have a say in that no 1 else.
I mean i see bear and fags gettin taken all the time in raves but no 1 says hwo bad they are. how many ppl die bcoz of them. now look how many ppl die from XTC. hahaha not very hard to work out which is the worst.
"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc." |
Voltage |
This post would not exist if it wasnt for ecstasy, you guessed it.. nor would Hardcore, nor would the rave scene.
It was the combination of Acid House, Ecstasy and the recession that kicked off the Rave scene in London.
Hardcore's origin is from Acid House. This is a fact.
Forward to the New School. |
qconnects |
MDMA was once used by psychiatrists as a method of allowing their patients to open up and express their feelings. In itself, there are very few detrimental effects that are long lasting, one of the worst probably being damage to teeth and gums from gurning ;)
But seriously, MDMA in itself is not all /that/ bad, what is bad are the things cut into pills - meth, K etc etc. It all comes down to a few things, 1) Do you trust the person giving you the pill? 2) Are you in a safe environment should things take a turn for the worst 3) Is anone around able to help you should you need it and 4) Is your body prepared (eg: not tired, fed and watered etc)
If these things are all checked, the high should be fine and you'll have a great time. Use in moderation and rave safe! You don't need to be bombed each time you go out, you know!
lastly, only use drugs of any sort if /you/ want to, not cuz your freinds tell you too! :P Many people I know don't do drugs and I respect that, they have fun I have fun and no one gets hurt.
Funnnnky... |
MC RizlaDizla |
well said
"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc." |
Brian K |
it was also used by marriage counselors
"Cuz I'm hardcore, heavyweight, magical man." |
luckEanjel |
I think the choice to do drugs or not to do drugs is a personal decision and you shouldnt let your friends influence your decision... take the information you know about XTC, LSD, K, etc. and choose for your self wether the consequences are worth the high. I think Soren has some really good points.... far more deaths are caused directly by cigarettes and alcohol, then directly by XTC. I think if taken in moderation drugs can inhance your senses and make a situation more enjoyable. When I first started raving, which was about 2 yrs ago, the best part about a rave (to ma anyway) was the drugs, but I realized I was ****ing up my life b.c I ditched a lot of my responsibilities. Now dont get me wrong I didnt go and get completely hammered... I actually dont like getting completly hammered... I love hyper highs that make you want to dance! So, any who I decided to lay off the drugs and actually experience a rave w/o the drugs, and it was phenomenal. I had the best time of my life.... and the only substance I was under the influence of was a little red bull. I loved it...
not trying to influence your decision but you should try raving w/o the drugs, its awesome. And you dont feel like crap the next day.
Dont go through life being a pretty bitch... god will send you back nice and ugly! hehe |
weba_d |
well said by everyone but still up there... the elders are shaking there heads at us
juat have fun while you can RaveON!
"what goes up must come down"... so keep popin!
silver |
Are drugs bad = yes, very bad... they **** you up in more ways than you can think
you, me and hardcore forever. |
MC RizlaDizla |
but theres alot worse shit ya can take like tobaco and alcohole. well actually they are drugs too.
but they are legal.
"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc." |
scattered rat |
all drugs r poisons, medical, legal n illegal, natural n synthetic, but wen taken in small amounts n safely they can have extraordinary effects to a person. Remember dat they r a poison, so they have side effects, dat if ur not careful can cause permanent damage.
others have said dat its d stuff dat is put with xtc is wat is harmful, n make sure u trust them... how do u trust them?? "oh his the good drug dealer!..."
i respect dat some people r very against drugs, but i believe dat if d person doesnt hurt themselves or anyone else and is responsible 4 dere actions, knows wat they r doin to the extent dat they r not addicted. Why cant they enjoy it??
da only way to able to trust wat is put into the drugs is to make it legal! wats wrong with it being legal? it can b safer, more controled. it will lower crime. create legal bussiness, n the government can tax it like they do 2 everything else n make money!! Y not cigarettes n alcohol r legal.
a drunkin person can become violent and abuse.. have u seen any one on xtc violent?? da same with pot??
n cigarettes, i cant stand them, they smell n make me cough n sneeze, n do as much damage to the person smoking as they do 2 people around them.. n we have 2 put up with them... so wats up with a bit of xtc??
"We r the muzik makers, the dreamers of dreams" - Willy Wonka |
scattered rat |
if u think dat makin then legal will create more problems, such as overdose's, kids havin access, n bring them in as part of society.. think again..
they r already there, all these problems exist... stop ignoring them n try control them..
tellin everyone to stop n dont hav them isn't goin to work, as people have been takin drugs since the dawn of human society we have to stop pretending dat dere evil....
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,
and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" -H.P. Lovecraft
PSS sorry i got a bit carried away.. watch da american movie "Grass"...
"We r the muzik makers, the dreamers of dreams" - Willy Wonka |
2002patriot |
Thanks syco for backin me up a wee bit,i new that there ad to b other ravers out there who pop alot.just got to find them.
anyway,all drugs are is a little pressie from god to say thnk you to the work we do.its all good to ave a little of a bad thing,after all we only live once dont we, so live it to da MAX.
Were kickin wid my bass bass
kick wid my rhyme
were on a rollercoster ride
dont get left behind
quality |
MC RizlaDizla |
hehe its still makes me laff reading tempests post.
how clueless can 1 person be.
"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc." |
Strobe |
drugs are extreamly bad for you- have you ever noticed that you get sick if you take them 2 weekends in a row?? you putting some random chemical into you body that not that many people know much about apart from that it ****s you up and makes you feel happy. i love them but i know there bad for me- its like chocolet. i know its bad for me but i still eat it. its going to funny to watch us when we get old. were all going to take out little serotonin depleation taplets cause we used to take em. but seriously i really wouldnt care cause your only young once. and if you dont like it this time there no going back. so there bad but there good cause there fun
Jaide |
Drugs are bad.. they've always been bad.. and from my personal expierence... i've noticed the only people who still defend the use of them are the people who still actually use them...you can say what you want to make the damage *look and feel* like it's not there.. but it's there, you may not notice it just yet.. but it'll come back to kick you in the ass in about a year or two, or 5...whatever it is...it will show up in your future, and it probably won't be a fun expierence... just wait..you'll see.
Whew! Jaide's in a bitchy mood this morning!
*****The DJ Formerly Known as AcidBunE*****
Founder/Promoter of I-Jam Productions in St.Louis
*Fully representing the Underground*
Hit me up on AIM anytime: Jaide0123 |
MusicTech |
"""So you're a DJ. You have DJ heros. CHances are You're busy burning the hours up in your room practising to get as good as the guys you go out and see. Or maybe you just love clubbing, Love DJ's, Love what they can do for you. Ever stop to think why? Alternatively, ever been in one of thouse arguments where some rock-bore is telling you that DJ's are a waste of space; that all they do is play other peoples music: that theres no artistry to it; that any fool with a few records could make a bunch of E-heads dance? And what do you say?
As we leave the twentieth century, dance culture seems to have won. The DJ, at least in Europe, is the central figure in popular music, and america is catching up fast. Hip Hop is now the worlds biggest-selling genre; house and techno and all their offshoots provide the soundtrack for events on the global scale. DJ-created music is everywhere and the DJ has all but replaced the rock star as a hero to be worshiped and adored. But how did the Dj get such an exalted position? Why do DJ's earn so much money? What the hell is it that a big-name DJ actually does? Are they really worthy of such superstar status?
Amazingly, though we might know exactly what kinda madness Tall Paul threw down this year, Or who went to norman cooks(FAT BOY SLIM) wedding, or the percise list of records in Paul Oakenfolds set at home, We rarely spend much time considering the origins of the DJ, the source of his/her power, or even what a great DJ does that seperates them from a dull one. We dance to their music, We buy their compilations, We read magazines about them, and some of us dream of one day joining their glittering ranks, but some people are surprisingly ignorant about why DJs have become so special.
I found out that the 70's New York Disc Jocks who kickstarted modern DJing are mostly alive and well and lurking around in brooklyn, New York. And to my amazement, I found out that a certain ex-radio One DJ, almost the last person you would think of as a dancefloor pioneer, was probably the very first person to ever play records for a club full of people.....and that this same person was the first to hit on the idea of useing two turntables...and that he did all this way back in the 1940's.
My conclusion was that, yes, the Dj is a god. Or at the very least, He's some of our connection to another world. In times past some of us looked to religion to give us some kind of release from our dull working lives. Today we go out dancing. Of course, Long ago the two things were combined, and religion-of pagan variety-was all about eating sacred potions and dancing till you dropped. These days the closest most of us get to a church is a night club/Rave. In a club, Some of us worship life, Worship our bodies, our youth, our sexuality. And thouse sacred potion are definitely in evidence. Many of us would be happy to confess that dance music is our religion. It's only natural, then, that we worship the figure at the center of it all, our high priest-The DJ. You dont have to look far to find more examples of extreme worship. Most explanations of great DJing concentrate on the technical aspects of it. Incredibly smooth mixes, Fantastically fast changes, useing three decks, clever EQing, plugging some fancy sampling equipment...But this is not what makes a great DJ. There are so many kids out there who think its all about buying the latest records and practicing in a room. And just being able to mix well. But thats SO wrong. In my opinion i'd say 80% of the new Aspiring kids are in it for the money, in it for the glamour, and just go and buy all the big tunes. That isnt hard to do.
The truth about DJing, Is being able to communicate with the dance floor. A good DJ is someone who understands the crowd. Someone who can read a crowd. Its that connection with the crowd and that energy that your putting through the mix and the sounds you're playing and making thouse records work together. And on the right night when that energy combines, theres nothing like that at all; nothing comes near that high.
A great DJ should be able to move a crowd on the most primitive equipment, and some of the worlds best DJ's have been pretty ropey mixers. Great DJing is not just about big records and flash mixing, It's much more about finding amazing new songs and improvising your performance to exactly suit the moment. More than anything else; its how well a DJ can interact with a crowd. A good DJ is always looking at the crowd, seeing what they like, seeing whether its working; communicating with them, smiling at them. And a bad DJ is always looking down at what the're doing, and just doing what they practiced in their bedroom, regardless of whether the crowd is enjoying it or not.
Because Djing is not just about chooseing a few tunes. Its about generating shared moods; Its about understanding the feelings of a bunch of clubbers and taking them to a better place. Music is a hotline to peoples emotions, its a really powerful force, and what a DJ does is use this force to generate enjoyment. Obviously they play music, but that's just a means to an end. What they really play is emotion. The DJ plays feelings of a roomful of people. That's why they need to see them. Thats why it couldnt be on tape. That's why it's a live performance. That's why its a creative act. In the hands of a master, records are only the tools. The important thing is the ritual that happens between the DJ and the Dancers. For many people this can be the most powerful experience.
So what do you tell the rock bores?
You just tell them that a GREAT DJ is every bit as much a musician as a guitar-slinging rock god, no two ways about it. IT just happens that in a place of notes he has songs, in place of keys or strings he has records. And just like a musician, the DJ's musical skill lies in how these are chosen and put together. DJ's are the new pop stars.
Regardless of money, fame, or getting all the ladies at the end of a session, a true DJ will always want to play more music. Whether its through their urge to discover unknown tunes or their desire to give people pleasure, Most Dj's love Djing so much that they would do it for free if they had to. """"
Brian K |
and all that has what to do with the subject of drugs being bad for you?
"Cuz I'm hardcore, heavyweight, magical man." |
Midway_raver |
Well im 16 and i smoke 30 odd ciggies a day wivout a word of a lie, and having tried other drugs, bass, speed, smoke, etc ......Ciggies n beer r da worst, ive been bad off beer more times that i can care to remeber and ciggies proper **** up my health..i aint noticed no bad effects off other drugs ( other than cum downs) i personally dnt do E but dats my choice, if people wanna take em, thats up to them as long as im having a good time, they r and no one spissing each other off i cudnt care what there on. As long as people are getting on and in a safe enviroment etc then who cares.....if i were a doctor io wud say drugs r bad, but as a raver i'd safe keep it safe n there gud for the experience.
Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting |
DjMoNkEyBoY |
It's very true that it is sometimes the few that spoil it for the bunch.
I used to hate on people who take pills, and say that they just don't get it and blame them for all the bad stuff associated with raves.
Since my involovement with dancesafe however, www.dancesafe.com my views have changed.
It's less about people doing drugs, and more about if theydo, then helping them be safe and responsible.
I don't do drugs. I never have. I don't even smoke weed or drink. But I can still respect people that do. One of my best friends only goes to raves for the drugs (E and K). You see we all party for different reasons.
I had to ask myself, how I am serving my community the best I can if I hate on people?
That's when I changed my mindset. I don't care if people do drugs at raves or at my raves. All I ask is that they be safe and respnonsible. I want them to first be 18 or over. Second I want them to know what they are doing before they do it. Read up. Do the research and then (if you still want to) do the drugs -the right way. I know that drugs will always be apart of raves. So rather than agreeing with the govenment and their RAVE act that I'm fighting so hard against. I can serve my community by providing information, compassion, understanding, acceptance, and a fun, safe enviornment where anybody and everybody can party and be as one. And hopefully people will take what they got from the rave and apply it to their daily lives. The philosophy, not the drugs. When I was young I heard my grandma giving some advice to my Aunt who is a drug addict. She said to her "everything in moderation." I suppose that's the best way to go.
Dj MoNkEyBoY
Founder of Monkeyshine Inc.
Keep it Real!
Keep it Happy!
Keep it Hardcore! |
mcjutt |
there is a saying too much too young i can vouch for this staement cos when i was 17 i popped my first pill and everything was beautiful it was heaven and slowly the good feeling was still there but too be expected it got sh***er every time i took it but the last time i did pills was when i left it for 3 months and went clubbing and stayed till the end (cos ive e use my body doesnt let me do it any more im usally gone home or 4 a smoke by 3 instead of 6) but any i left it for 3 months and it was amazing so i know do it every 2 months have a wicked full night and large it!.
and another thing pills eat ur stomach i found out when i was in ibiza that i had a stomach ulcer due to excess chemicals around my stomach lining hence me cutting down! other than this if u lose the feeling just leave it for a while and it will come back!
its time for an education from the overnight sensation spitting in every direction i aim to keep lyrics up to perfection |
fazza |
same as me mate. used to do a few eddies every weekend and it did start to lose its magic, so i cut down and only do en every few months and now its lush!
"Hixxy is god!" |
zki |
la la la, anybody read: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/020927/12/dajqv.html came out today (friday) heh. More tongue in cheek than a lesbian orgy. |
number2301 |
quote: Originally posted by Strobe:
drugs are extreamly bad for you- have you ever noticed that you get sick if you take them 2 weekends in a row??
Not really no. But then I am only just starting out :)
The whole point is moderation! Do em once a month or whatever don't get too mashed and if you stop enjoying it stop the drugs! Also do a good few naturals, naturals are class for so many reasons! But drugs are cool as well :)
Also, drugs are bad for you simple as, but then so are most things. ****s sake breathing is what kills us. Fact.
Don't overdo it and have fun!
'Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law as long as you hurt noone'
Or somat like that :)
Number 2301 Is Getverdomme Het Hardste!
'Living in my world is easy, there is only peace, love and ... ecstacy' |
XxXbUnnYgAlXxX |
Of course drugs are bad, they wouldnt be illegal if they weren't. they make some people angry, agressive and paranoid and can kill, but for others it makes them happy, euphoric and peaceful. It's mostly about the way you do it. With pills, you're told to drink water. A girl in my school died from pills and it wasnt from de-hydration it was from drinking too much water when on them. It's all about who you're with, if you're with an experienced drug taker and among farmiliar faces who all know what to do in an emergency you should be ok. I admit to being a bit of a pill head but i know that if i wanted to i oculd still have a ****ing wicked night just sticking to alcohol or maybe even completely sober but i havnt tried that one yet hehe!
yOu'rE nOt aLoNE... |
MC RizlaDizla |
be nice to find out the silly ppl bitching about drugs being wether they smoke fags or drink beer.
"Step into the light and let the power take you higher
Let it creep inside dont fear it let it capture,
Ya souls and emotions its the key ya have within,
Adjust ya way of finking and let the journey begin" |
strychnine |
quote: Originally posted by XxXbUnnYgAlXxX:
have a ****ing wicked night just sticking to alcohol or maybe even completely sober but i havnt tried that one yet
i have, and i had a fkn blinder of a nite. its awesome, but in such a different way that it took me a while to figure out how to appreciate it. once i had it, though, there was no stopping me 
Don't dream it's over
mcjutt |
of course alchol gives u a good night theres something that will never lose its magic have a vodka redbulls and u feel like ur pilling anyway but i wouldnt go raving on vodka and red bull
get with my lyrics il make u sweat
im a bad boy mc youll never forget
the quickest mc u evr met
all my competion get set for a rough ride u cant even touch my vibe where all the raving crew tonight |
strychnine |
^^ i was talking about going to a rave straight, as in sober
although i have also gone to a rave tanked. was ok, but i kept on having to walk back to the bar for another (overpriced) drink to top up my batteries, and my hangover was something to behold.
Don't dream it's over
Charco |
i is a pioneer!! 
Dont do anything :P
Go to raves anyway.....NO STOPPIN ME!!!!
For me its the music that gets me going.....once it starts pumpin.....im up forever!!!!
....and if i feel like pushing the boat out....i might have a glass of coke :o)
Everyone has their own ways of enjoyin' raves.....im happy with that....as long as it doesnt burst into fighting...not good when ur tryin to BoUnCe!!!
happy 4ever!
freedom to all who believe!! |
strychnine |
I've met heaps of people who don't do anything at raves. What shits me about many (but not all) of them is the pretentious, elitist, snobby attitudes that they come with, they way they look down on drug users as if they're nothing but spineless junk-addicts who don't care about anything but the drugs. I'm glad that it doesn't affect everyone (mustapha you're living proof lol) because IMHO it does as much damage to the vibe as the whole e-tard-slumped-on-the-wall phenomenon.
Where's that god-damn drum machine?! |
zarlon |
My response would have to be, drugs are good but in moderated amounts and used responsibly. They can open your mind to new aspects of life, and give you a completely perspective that you would never before have considered.
Just don't do too many of them, or dose too often, and it's all good.
What made the 'rave scene' anyways? :)
peace :) |
miss-mitzi |
e testing kits r a total waste of time it doesnt actually tell u anything!!
If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music! |
strychnine |
most testing kits can only tell you the predominant make-up of a pill, so if it's mostly mdma it'll show up positive for mdma <=== this result will mask the presence of any other drugs like meth or pma. they are also limited to distinguishing between classes of drugs, ie they can't tell the difference between mda and mdma, which are both in the same class.
the advanced kits like ez-test extreme are more expensive, more complicated to use, and a lot harder to analyse. however, they *can* detect the presence of pma even under an mdma mask, and they can detect the presence of secondary amines, ie the difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine, or between mdma and mda.
I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving. |
miss-mitzi |
yeah it will tell u if there is mdma in it but not the% if u have bought an asperin (or somethin like that) the test will stay clear but it also stays clear for pma so that isnt much help
we tested my m8s on 2 tests an found it had speed on one test and pmx(think thats right) on the other1 so u work it out!!!!??????
If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music! |
miss-mitzi |
sorry not pmx..... it was bzp .... all verrrrry confusing ...
if u wanna find out more try
its a cracking site!!!!!
If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music! |
strychnine |
i've been on pillreports 
two-stage testers (first stage to find the primary compound, the second to detect secondary amines) are, like i said, a lot better but need more lab-skill to use. even the basic testers, which only have the first stage, need to be watched *very* carefully and closely if you're gonna get a correct analysis.
yeah i agree they're not perfect but dammit they're a lot more reliable (and safer) than what your dealer says.
I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving. |
toxic |
Drugs arent all that bad, but they arent also that good ... like with most things there are positive's and negative's
-that feeling, just as it begins to kick ... its just unbeatable
-drunk ppl tend to become violent and abusive ... have u seen any one on xtc become violent?
-after i nite out of xtc its *safer* to drive home, than to drive home if uve been drinking
-u can never be entirely sure in what ur taking ... theres always that element of risk
-comedowns are usually a bitch
-memory loss
if u want the upsides, be prepared for the downsides 
Crack another one !!! |
Dj Tripnosis |
quote: Originally posted by Syco:
I'm gonna quote of thee film Human Traffic,
You're More likely to die eating a cabbage leaf than you are dropping an E,
nuff' said.
It's actually " Your more likely to die from choking on a popsicle stick than you are from droppin an E". I just like to keep the sayings straight. as for Drugs, there good and bad. You can discover so much about yourself and other people by the use of it and then agian, loose so much of your self to them at the same time. It's all about moderation and takin responsability.
Sure they alter reality and screw your mind up but who's to say what reality really is, who's to say that the pills aren't tapping you into a whole different part of reality, opening a part of your subconscious that is otherwise unknown to you. it's difficult to say anything for nothing in science and or religion can give a definate explanation of what life really is. it's like asking to explain the feeling of what it's like not to be able to see behind you, and if you could , how you would be able to cope with all around vision....you just don't know......I think ive said more than whats on my mind and yer prolly gettin bored so i'll stop now.....[end]
4-Beat 4-Ever
-Hi, My name is Auto and i looove to get Blotto !! - |
strychnine |
Tripnosis, your reply gives some impression of how complex the whole drugs issue is, with its significance at the social, psychological, spiritual, philosophical etc. levels. With that in mind it's funny (and disturbing) to look at the disgustingly simplistic analyses that the authorities and institutions (eg religious groups) like to feed the general public.
I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving. |
toxic |
ahhh, pillreports, yes, great site
particularly when my mate couldnt decide what pills to buy ... went on pillreports and it made the decision easy 
Crack another one !!! |
jamie_crichton |
Some good advice in this forum.
Put away the drugs and enjoy the music!!!!!!!!!
dj_stey_iz_ere |
all i can say is ...
is any1 else on the same level |
aznwasian |
Anything that makes you feel good will make you feel twice as bad the next morning.
¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.aZnWaSiAn.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ |
dj_stey_iz_ere |
when you have an E' u feal fine the next mornin explain that? you cud do 20 if them the morinin after a pill
is any1 else on the same level |
toxic |
quote: Originally posted by aznwasian:
Anything that makes you feel good will make you feel twice as bad the next morning.
i find that usually for me the *bad* feeling continues for another few days
quote: Originally posted by dj_stey_iz_ere:
when you have an E' u feal fine the next mornin explain that? you cud do 20 if them the morinin after a pill
is any1 else on the same level
dont know what ur on ... but ur certainly on a *different* level to most ppl
Crack another one !!! |
strychnine |
quote: Originally posted by toxic:
i find that usually for me the *bad* feeling continues for another few days
yeah sometimes i'm not fully recovered until late wednesday, which means i spend the rest of the week in a futile attempt to catch up on stuff i didn't get to do. it's as if the whole week's a write-off.
compare that to alcohol - even the most lethal hangover won't last any more than a day or so.
quote: dont know what ur on ... but ur certainly on a *different* level to most ppl
how very odd to hear *you* say that, toxic - i always considered you to be on a 'plateau' all your own 
I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving. |
toxic |
quote: Originally posted by strychnine:
how very odd to hear *you* say that, toxic - i always considered you to be on a 'plateau' all your own 
uve been on the same *plateau* as me many times ... come to think of it, uve actually been on a higher *plateau* that even i havent reached 
Crack another one !!! |
strychnine |
I think another aspect that people don't consider is the fact that weekend recreational use comes with it the understanding that you're not gonna be doing it for the rest of the week. When you start taking drugs just to make everyday life "worthwhile", or to get through everyday challenges (like using speed to study), then I think there's something to be very worried about.
Me, I haven't taken recreationally for about a month now, but in that time I have dropped speed on more than one occassion to meet deadlines for essays and reports. Sure, where talking about a vastly smaller quantity here, but I realise now that I'm so accustomed to facing stress and pressure with the "help" of meth that I've just made it very difficult for myself to study without it - IMO this is a more lasting and damaging addiction than simply looking forward to Saturday night's weekly let-your-hair-down session.
I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving. |
weba_d |
its called "good use" and "abuse"
its not hard to distingish one's use of the drug
"what goes up must come down"...so keep popin!
strychnine |
It's one thing to know you have a problem, and difficult that is all on its own. Doing something about it is another kettle of worms entirely.
I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving. |
mr bishi |
really i dont give a poop aboot E im jus in it 4 da tunes
strychnine |
yeah it isn't just about the E ... it's also about K, M, Z, and all the other letters of the alphabet. i'm particularly fond of Q 
I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving. |
RaverBaby69 |
quote: Anything that makes you feel good will make you feel twice as bad the next morning.
Sex doesn't make you feel twice as bad the next morning !!!
I think the crap that the media come out with about XTC is funny I used 2 b a heavy drinker in my early teens and I found that drinking is alot more dangerous than poppin the odd pill !!!! its ironic isn't it that the legal drugs are alot more harmful than some of the illegal drugs. And why don't they ever put statistics on alcohol related deaths in the papers then ppl would actually wake up and realise that some drugs arn't as bad as they r made out 2 b.
And why does the law forbid you to do what you want to yourself so long as you arn't harming others?I don't see what the problem is. It's a waste of prison cells bangin ppl up 4 takin drugs they cud put real criminals in them then they'd actually be doing something useful.
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
toxic |
quote: Originally posted by RaverBaby69:
And why does the law forbid you to do what you want to yourself so long as you arn't harming others?I don't see what the problem is. It's a waste of prison cells bangin ppl up 4 takin drugs they cud put real criminals in them then they'd actually be doing something useful.
correct me if im wrong, but ive never heard of anyone being put in jail for *taking* drugs. isnt it more on possession of an illegal substance or something along those lines
Crack another one !!! |
strychnine |
quote: Originally posted by RaverBaby69:
Sex doesn't make you feel twice as bad the next morning !!!
It does when you roll over and discover who ... correction, what it was that you just spent a drunken night with. 
toxic: Yes, it is about possession, not use ... and let's face it, low-level (ie personal use) possession is not gonna land you in prison. IMO the problem is more about getting a smudge on your criminal record for what is, in many ways, a relatively harmless pastime.
However, I'm not a big fan of the legalisation idea. I'd prefer decriminalisation through selective non-enforcement.
Forty-two purple crayons |
RaverBaby69 |
Ok sorry I should have put possesion thats wot I meant. I don't understand tho why alcohol and ciggys r legal but less harmful stuff is illegal somebody please enlighten me 
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
toxic |
quote: Originally posted by strychnine:
toxic: Yes, it is about possession, not use ... and let's face it, low-level (ie personal use) possession is not gonna land you in prison. IMO the problem is more about getting a smudge on your criminal record for what is, in many ways, a relatively harmless pastime.
i know of some ppl whos personal use is not low-level ... how would u enforce against that?
eg: "i swear officer, all 15 pills are for me, its personal use"
Crack another one !!! |
strychnine |
quote: Originally posted by RaverBaby69:
Ok sorry I should have put possesion thats wot I meant. I don't understand tho why alcohol and ciggys r legal but less harmful stuff is illegal somebody please enlighten me 
(1) Tobacco and alcohol are, I think, the two oldest drugs to be used recreationally. They've had time to establish, maintain, expand their (legitimate) markets to the point that the criminalisation of their use would have massive ramifications on both national and global economies, with subsequent impact on revenue-raising for many developed nations.
(2) The effects of alcohol and tobacco are well-known and the public at large are accustomed to them. For instance, when they see a person walking wobbly and yelling obsenities, and they think, "Oh, they're drunk", and get on with their lives. To a great extent, these effects are considered socially acceptable within limits.
The effects of other drugs, however, are not so well known, and when people see someone peaking or whatever they see strangeness, something out of the ordinary - and that makes it "dangerous" and unsuitable for mainstream society.
Forty-two purple crayons |
noiz labs |
i think drugs r a beautiful thing if u have enuf respect for them and for yourself not to become dependant. ... but i thik . to find out how not to become dependant it is enevitable that u must experience addiction. and then u have to see that the problem lies not with the drug but the drug user.
i think if u r not willing to try drugs because of what u have heard or seen then i think u r being very narrow. there is much to be learnt.
all sivilizations b4 us existed in harmony with their natural intoxicants .. some like myans.. and azteks and american indians used natural halusonagens , not for recreation but as a spiritual tool, aidng their shamanic voyges. and thoses civilizations existed perfectly well ( i think they lived freeer than us ) for thousands of years.. with no air condisioning and stuff.
so the governments theory that drugs destroy ppl and scosietys is i think bs. ppl nowdays tend to destroy themselves and eachother.
however, withought respect, drugs can and probably will aid in your demise,
and its a descusting thing wen with eyes rolling bak and almost drooling the 13 year old says he is waiting for his 3rd pill to kik in so that he can go dance. ,,,,
yes .. so that asied. what is every bodies favorite drug? . . . .. .
terry6680 |
Anything that changes the way the body works is bad for you because it is un natural and plays havok with your bodily systems but if your talking about the moral and social views then the only drug i think is ok is canabis.
toxic |
quote: Originally posted by terry6680:
Anything that changes the way the body works is bad for you because it is un natural and plays havok with your bodily systems but if your talking about the moral and social views then the only drug i think is ok is canabis.

Crack another one !!! |
noiz labs |
terry . u know sleep changes your bodliy functions heaps. . i know we all hear like to rave all night but u must agree sleep is benificial.
hihi. seriously .. from a nerochemical\physical standpoint sleep is a huge change. less say than lsd which works in a similar way to sleep .. alowing a your normal everyday stream of conciousness to be interlaced with yur past memories. which in walking conchous ness results in a conflicting inner represeentation of the outside world... ( halusination) ( cant spell it)
but the nerological triggers r much the same as sleep\ dreaming /. so its not rilly un natural as such... it is however unusual, TRY IT all it dose is make u dream wen u r awake ... :)
n y is cannabis the moralists choice ?
toxic |
hallucination ... 
Crack another one !!! |
terry6680 |
yeah but sleep is natural and essential and we are not putting drugs into our bodys to do it, unless ur having problems sleeping or have a sleeping disorder. And cus i persoanlly think canabis is the safest drug available. and did u ever hear of the person who dropped dead from smoking a joint. well i havent but im sure someone will have some sort of story.
RaverBaby69 |
You might think cannabis is the safest drug and it probly iz but where is the full proof that ecstasy kills, sure u might overdose urself then it will and if there's other stuff mixed with it but hey any medical pills hav the chance 2 kill u if u take too many. I think that Heroin is the only really dangerous drug because it almost definatly will kill you eventually. I also think that if ecstasy was legal it wouldn't do harm to other people and its less harmful than drinkin or smokin.
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
toxic |
no illicit drug is *safe* ... drugs r bad ..... hmmmmm k
Crack another one !!! |
strychnine |
^^ a lot of "legitimate" drugs aren't as safe as they like to tell us, either ... come to think of it, many OTC preparations are a lot more fun than you'd think from reading the label 
Forty-two purple crayons |
toxic |
Crack another one !!! |
noiz labs |
hihi love that precription panadiene.. :)
i dont think because marawana is safer than say shooting heroin, that kanabis is moraly ok . and heroin not. i think they r both the same in terms of right or rong to take, they both achive a similar state of mind . ( or lak there of ;) its just that u need alot care wen shooting heroin . i think its imoral to take something which u r not prepaierd for . weather that b e... or cannabis or whatever. but on the same note i think tyhat if u r up to it any thing is morlay ok . u should reasurch b4 u use anything new n know your sorces. etc...
oh oh and there is this stuff called dextromethorphan u find it in some OTC coff syrups. :) halusionananagenic.
strychnine |
quote: Originally posted by noiz labs:
oh oh and there is this stuff called dextromethorphan u find it in some OTC coff syrups. :) halusionananagenic.
ROFLMFAO!!! OMFG that's exactly what I was talking about when I made that "OTC preparations" quip. 
^^ hey tox there's another Robotripper on the board!
Forty-two purple crayons |
toxic |
im speechless, im without speech !!
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!! |
Ultamate |
Its all about how and were you take it. If you no what your doing then your fine
noiz labs |
how do u do.
oh n unrelated... dose any one know who made that fox in sox song .. that was on acid breaks.com b4... . ? its such a good song.
happyhardcorenme4eva |
Are drugs a bad thing? My answer is YES. I held my friends hand while she died 2 months ago off popping 5 E's. Her life was already ****ed up tho and she was only 14 she was paranoid to **** and everyday she only got out of bed for the drugs she looked like death everytime i saw her. She was so addicted that no matter what you told her about the drugs her facial expression didn't change. If thats not anough proof to you that drugs **** you up beyond belief and that yes they are bad i dont know what is.
Hello everybody and how do ya do, we gonna rock shake yo body we are da Scarborough crew
Rock, rock to da bet ya'll, rock, rock to da beat ya'll. |
happyhardcorenme4eva |
Don't any of you know that smoking cannabis long term actualy causes permanent brain damage - no drugs are safe they all harm your body. They **** you up. E's can kill instantly whether its your first time or your 100th it doesn't matter how safe you think the envionment is drugs KILL full stop. Plus people say that alcahol kills more people a year than drugs do but that is simply because not as many people take drugs as people drink not because drugs are safer than alcahol.
Hello everybody and how do ya do, we gonna rock shake yo body we are da Scarborough crew
Rock, rock to da bet ya'll, rock, rock to da beat ya'll. |
whispering |
"Don't any of you know that smoking cannabis long term actualy causes permanent brain damage"
thats a bull**** research from the 70's...
RaverBaby69 |
No all that is absolute bollocks m8 the reason drugs r less safe than smoking and drinking in any way is because ppl mix shit with them which kill my friend nearly died from an e but she had taken loads b4 and was fine the only reason this 1 had a bad effect on her woz coz it woz coated in rat poison now if they were as popular as alcohol or tobacco then they would be safe because manufactures wouldn't add shit to them. If you know wot u r doing and r careful I recon u r safe unless of course u get a duff 1. I only go 2 ppl I trust 2 get my stuff I wouldn't try anyone who I didn't no well.
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
djtommyrenegade |
Why do people feel the need to take drugs even to drink to enjoy something else better?!? I was at a festival in September, hardcore for 13 hours, i had no drink and certainly no drugs, and i'll tell you, if i did i wouldn't have enjoyed it as much.
When the hardcore is playing, you get high on the music and isn't that what its all about?! the music?
OK drugs are associated with hardcore, acid house and jungle, but when will people realise that taking durgs at events and raves, gives our music a bad reputation, and its no wonder that we do not have as many raves and hardcore niteclubs any more,
Drugs are bad, not just to your health but also for your music. If anyone has any sense don't ruin hardcore for the rest of us
DJ Renegade aka Tommy C
thomas crossley |
RaverBaby69 |
who says we are talking about taking them at raves what people do is up to them and If you wanna take drugs go ahead, if you don't fine I don't take stuff to enjoy the music I enjoy the music without the drugs but I like the drugs too. And you can't say its spoiling it for everyone else, because the majority of ppl at raves will have taken something b4 they go or while they r there. Also, what about the festivils that other ppl go to at V2002 at weston park near me the amout of drugs they found afterwards was unbelievable so where ever you go there are drugs and its something you have to live with because they arn't just going to disappear.
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
Woodst8942 |
I think drugs are bad. Some worse than others, but I agree with others that it is definitely up to the individual. What I don't get is when a person will go to a club or rave and get so drugged up on multiple things that they can't even enjoy themselves and bother those around them.
RaverBaby69 |
hello did u not read wot I just put?
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
junglist_angel |
well... they are like everything else. If taken in moderation and with a positive vibe, they are allright. Depends which ones though. Some of them are just pure filth. Like speed, heroin, GHB, or PCP. But others are not too dangerous.
Did you know that acid was less damaging to your body than alcohol? 
RaverBaby69 |
I'll agree with you on that, except for speed I don't think that speed is that bad if you get it off someone you trust and when I do get it off others I watch them prepare it and I go by the smell to tell me wheather or not I think its good enough I hate it when its been gluced as well, euh!
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
strychnine |
^^ you ever met a meth-head? Speed addiction is a different kettle of fish to most other drugs - it's not so much what it does or how it feels, but what it lets you be for so long as you're under its spell. Imagine being *that* addicted to being stronger, faster, smarter etc ... and then running out of speed and having to endure being the exact opposite (in your mind). Life takes on a whole, depressing new meaning. Furthermore, many experts in the drug-rehabilitation field have called it the most difficult addiction to treat, because of its invisibility (you can't tell from looking at a person that they're going into meth withdrawal).
There are very serious risks involved with speed, just like with every other recreational drug. It's very dangerous to point at one drug and say "it's not as bad".
Forty-two purple crayons |
weba_d |
you will definitly notice at ne rave that 95% of the crowd are on drugs, some ppl go to get 'off their head' and have a good time, some ppl go to listen to the music, and majority love the music, i go to raves to enjoy the music i listen to everyday, i take drugs at raves and fall in love with that moment of my music that i listen to everyday, so that a rave will be a stand out in my memory as the best nights of my life surounded by my fave muzik
"what goes up must come down"...so keep popin!
junglist_angel |
quote: Originally posted by RaverBaby69:
I'll agree with you on that, except for speed I don't think that speed is that bad if you get it off someone you trust and when I do get it off others I watch them prepare it and I go by the smell to tell me wheather or not I think its good enough I hate it when its been gluced as well, euh!
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"
I know that it doesn't have that much effect and might not seem dangerous. But I have many many freinds who have gotten addicted to speed. They take it every day. Makes em very agressive and changes their personality. One friend in particular. He was taking at least a gram a day. Took him almost 4 months of jail after a bust for him to get off of that crap.
It's pure filth...
RaverBaby69 |
If u put it that way it is filth, my m8s boyfriend went all agressive on us when he started 2 become addicted to it but he cooled down when stafford became dry and they had 2 cope without it 4 a while. he was not a very nice person then at all. but he's just stupid! when the rest of us started doing it we managed 2 avoided going down that path coz none of us do at as frequently as he did :) but I do still think its pretty good stuff
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
dj_stey_iz_ere |
^ ^ true were on the same level arent we vic we both now wot we're talkin about
is any1 else on the same level |
DJ_Ravi |
sum drugs are bad and sum are good like w33d lol :) thats my 2 cents
StilL sMokiN' tHat sTicKy IcKy gReEN sHiT!!
strychnine |
^^ that's just a tad over-valued, methinks :P
The crayon is purple |
toxic |
quote: Originally posted by DJ_Ravi:
sum drugs are bad and sum are good like w33d lol :) thats my 2 cents
ill have to charge u GST on that
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!! |
Rika |
four words
rubber baby buggy bumbers
. yeah
LOvE iS GoD LoVE IS WaR LoVE IS WhAT YoUR LiFe iS For! Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. Please dont start WW3 Mr. Bush!! F*ck with me and i'll saw off your legs MWWUUAAAFUUAAK |
rezzna |
IMO speed is horrible if you cant control it, ive seen friends get addicted to the stuff an it does sum nasty things. as for E, i think it has good sides and bad sides. Everyone laughs at the blokes at raves who are so ****ed they cant move, and if they want to be like that then they can be as far as im concerned, i know id far rather keep goin sober (cant drink an dance, duz bad things to me tummy:() till i start feelin a bit weary then drop one, an maybe another jus to keep me goin. at the time being completely spannered is fantastic, but when u cant remember what the hell u did while spannered i think it ruins the raving experience. if i was fit enuff to go all night without anytthing but a cuppla lucozades i would.
but when else can you go and listen to the best music in the world, with the people u know and love, and share things ud neva share in a million years, and bring the lot of u closer to eachother with every event. many people say you dont need drugs t b honest and have the best time of your life with friends, but i wud say that that goes for a lucky few people with the natural gift of controlling who they are.
as for weed i think its a bad bad thing, i smoked moderately heavily, at least one good sess a week, and after a year strted tr git so paranoid off bein stoned i cud barely cope wit buying baccy from a co-op. i still smoke occasionally, cuz i do enjoy it, but excessive smoking has done bad things to many people i know, as with excessive pilling (which has turned many nice people into nasty people).
all drugs are bad, and anyone hu puts pressure on people t do them r not good people. drugs are a choice. except for heroin, which isnt a drug, more of a trap which people rarely get out from.
thats jus my two cents though...
IcePrincess |
I don't C wut people R sayin when they say drugs don't belong N the scene. The only time me & my friends roll is before, at, or after a party. So that we're okay during the week 4 school & work. And I hope it's not jus me, but if drugs didn't belong N the scene, there wouldn't B so many people doin them at parties, rite?
~*I went from Candy & Toys, to Candy & Boys*~
~*~*~*~*~PLUR~*~*~*~*~ |
Kaffine |
That's not very good reasoning ;P That's sorta like saying, "Well, if you're not supposed to kill people, then why do so many people do it?" It's not a matter of what's good and what's bad, it's a matter of decisions every person makes individually.
I, personally, am on the fence though, so I won't say anything else ;)
junglist_angel |
I suppose a safe advice would be to know exactly what you are taking. Know, the effects, the + and the - of the effect, know what it does to your body & what you can do if you abuse or fall in a bad trip. If you are going to take it, make sure you know what you're consuming. Make your own opinion.
strychnine |
quote: Originally posted by Kaffine:
I, personally, am on the fence though, so I won't say anything else ;)
I'm not on the fence ... but I'm on pretty much everythng else, though. 
Live like there's no tomorrow.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like there's nobody watching.
F*** like you're being filmed. |
toxic |
^^^ LOL
nice one
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!! |
pink champayne |
i think its up to you what you take and how you take it. i dont think people should dis drugs if they aint tried and tested themselves. i do disagree with mixing drugs but i do agree with mixing drinks
DJ_Solstice |
i disliked all the pilling that went on in front of me in raves since i got into the scene, but on new years eve, i CHOSE to take a pill, mainly i wanted to know what all the fuss was about, and yeh, it was unbelievable, i loved every minute of it, never felt like that in my life, but, i dont think ill be doing them again, i can keep going at all nighters without them, been doing it for a couple of years, and will continue to do so......i can now understand why people do them, to be honest, im not so much against it as i was in the past........just my opinion......
-=Truly Hardcore=- |
Chan |
I personnally think there is nothing wrong wit dropping a few, i dont but alot of my mates do. And they have taken them for years and its done them no harm, they just have a more wiicked time. If you know what your taking and drink plenty of water (but not to much) you will have a wicked time
chan |
toxic |
^^^ are u not interested in having a *wicked time* like ur mates? u said urself its done them no harm, how come u dont take any, or do u have something else? sorry, curiosity got the better of me.
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!! |
Tricky AB |
You can do what you want because its your body...who am I to tell you what to do???...I'm no ones parents...as for me I don't do drugs nor drink....
RaverBaby69 |
U do hav a wicked time on e, unless u stumble across a bad 1..... I don't drink much n e more because I feel horrible wen im drunk, i h8 the pissed feelin, whereas on e i feel fantastic. Anyway it is indeed a matter of personal choice but my point is that I don't think u should critisize sumthin u hav never experienced 4 urself.
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
TweekiN |
Drugs are bad umKay
The FORCE is strong with this one
Go hard or GO HOME!! |
dj_stey_iz_ere |
i think this is the longest lastin post it started at Posted - 2001/04/21 : 10:24:28 and 2day its still goin on the 19/01/2003 mad eh
Dont drink and drive,
smoke Weed and fly  |
Hydra |
Hmm, in my opinion there's nothing wrong with people using XTC on parties... as long as they don't take too much of it, and don't annoy other people with it (the same applies to very drunk people). As stated before, without XTC there probably wouldn't be any hardcore scene :)
I found a love but it didn't last...
Wonderfull days belong to the past! |
Stevie c |
Having done a bit of psycosis I wouldn't go back to hammering whizz (speed) not sure about e cos its so 'pick and mix' what will it be tonite? dexidrine, amphetamine, Kettamine MDMA a bit of coke or smack, I have had them all but not all of them I like!! Acid is kewl but can be scary, smoking is better than drinking and all legal highs are $hit; erbal e just makes me hot and itchy with what ever expression attached to my face when ever i came up; Coke is nice but really pricey (wish I was a good looking girl then i would get it for free!!) and as for H smack brown whatever you call it Heroin is a losers/moron's/$hitforbrains/nobheads drug. If you want to die there are quicker and a lot nicer ways. I hate smackheads not just for what they do to themselves and dragging others down but also because its all they talk about!!
Your into the sound of Rebellion |
strychnine |
^^ hey that looks like a rundown of last week's menu for me 
A different kind of poison. |
toxic |
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!! |
Chromium |
Well I've never done drugs myself, I don't smoke either but I can't blame others who do drugs, there are reasons to do them. As mentioned in this topic, drugs are a part of every society for thousands of years, and mammals have a biological tendancy to use them because of the chemical bursts they create in the brain. Ganja is nowadays used by almost anyone, it's a drug directly from nature so noone really bothers...
I used to date a girl who did drugs (E, coke) in a not so frequent basis but was something she was going to do for the rest of her life as she was saying, having all this aspect of life ("life is short, family has a cancer history so I'm gonna die young anyway, I know what I'm doing and how I'm doing it"). When we talked about it I though I could be ok with it, although I'm against them and believe I'll always be. When I saw her doing them, I felt a blood rush to my head, I really couldn't take it. I tried for some months to find a way to compromise but in the end I ended our relationship because of this.
I don't know if you have any similar experiences, but I believe that relationships can't work around drugs (meaning one doing them while the other doesn't)....ppl who do them tend to get together, have a different talk code, develop relations in another level. That's my experience on the subject.
After all it's a matter of personal decision...
TweekiN |
Drugs are Bad Umkay
The FORCE is strong with this one
Go hard or GO HOME!! |
toxic |
^^^ hey tweekin, we aint deaf, we heard u the 1st time
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!! |
djsuch |
there is nowt wrong wiv E. they are the best drug in the world when it comes to avina buzz. i reckon that you should all take them and then go to a sick ass rave, get mashed and then spend the next three to five days trying to get urself prepared for the next night out at a rave. PEACE LOVE N UNITY. RESPECT TO ALL THE HARDCORE RAVERS. p.s HARDCORE WILL NEVER DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raver_Davie |
Drugs and alchohol are methods of escaping reallity, reaching an alternative state of consciousness. Imagine if you were Djing at a local club and it was the first time you have ever done this infront of a crowd (I say this since the majority of us reading this can relate to it). All your friends were there either high as a kite or p*ssed as a fart, would you think "Am I that bad if they have to do that to have a good time"? Whenever I go to parties I never drink or do drugs simply out of respect for the person holding the party. You can usually tell with people that drink that they do it for an image. Ask them why they do it and if they say "cos it feels nice" offer them an E or something and watch them step back and mutter "mummy told me not to do that!" So they're not really doing it because it feels 'nice' are they?
Dave! |
tommo |
Ya man but ya gotta take into consideration that the person might not have taken E before and in a club like that ain't always the best place to try it.
The first time you wanna be in a relaxed,safe place.
Besides even if they fink alcohol feels nice they might not wanna do E.Like any drug there are side-effect and bad sides.
Its all about individuality mate,some people may like certain thing,others wont.And some ppl are too scared to do something illegal or something that might get them in trouble.
You see,the government portrays all drugs as evil addictive things that ruin peoples lives and kill people.Like wiv most drugs,you know dis aint true,its just de government lyin innit.
Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it. |
strychnine |
quote: Originally posted by tommo:
You see,the government portrays all drugs as evil addictive things that ruin peoples lives and kill people.Like wiv most drugs,you know dis aint true,its just de government lyin innit.
No, it's that the stigma associated with mind-altering substances is so ingrained in the wider collective memory of mankind that any government that speaks contrary to the "drugs are bad" paradigm will be committing political suicide by doing so.
SickParty.com - can you really afford to miss a party this sick? |
xxhappyxx |
well i guess ya just got 2 do em safely, ud probs b better off not doin em if ur gonna worry, cos then theres no risk at all. but apparently ur more likely 2 die horseridng than takin an E!
all comes down 2 personal opinion, i always hav fun w/out em!
'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!' |
TweekiN |
mmm can i HAVE SOME MORE :)
The FORCE is strong with this one
Go hard or GO HOME!! |
soverign |
theres nowt wrong with drugs unless u think ur a smart arse and you start triple dropping !mind u i think if ur of 2 a rave then u need sommat 2 sort u out!!! i mean there aint nowt wrong with a little T.L.T of ecstacy |
tommo |
I disagree,I think if you can't go to a rave sober and enjoy yourself then you
have a problem.
Some people may enjoy themselves more on E or whatever but you should
still be able to have a great time while sober as well.
Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it. |
lady envi |
quote: Originally posted by Chromium:
Well I've never done drugs myself, I don't smoke either but I can't blame others who do drugs, there are reasons to do them. As mentioned in this topic, drugs are a part of every society for thousands of years, and mammals have a biological tendancy to use them because of the chemical bursts they create in the brain. Ganja is nowadays used by almost anyone, it's a drug directly from nature so noone really bothers...
I used to date a girl who did drugs (E, coke) in a not so frequent basis but was something she was going to do for the rest of her life as she was saying, having all this aspect of life ("life is short, family has a cancer history so I'm gonna die young anyway, I know what I'm doing and how I'm doing it"). When we talked about it I though I could be ok with it, although I'm against
them and believe I'll always be. When I saw her doing them, I felt a blood rush to my head, I really couldn't take it. I tried for some months to find a way to compromise but in the end I ended our relationship because of this.
I don't know if you have any similar experiences, but I believe that relationships can't work around drugs (meaning one doing them while the other doesn't)....ppl who do them tend to get together, have a different talk code, develop relations in another level. That's my experience on the subject.
After all it's a matter of personal decision...
yeh wel i agree m8! well its okay with green! cos its not that bad pls the out come doent really hurt u! plus if u do big drugs and all of u at the same tim and u have noone that is actually stable to talk to 5 o if u get pulled over then ur f**ked really!lol
happy hardcore is da 1!! all u ravers ready!! |
stoner |
all chemical man made drugs are bad and only F**king stupid people take them, stick to natural drugs like cannabis and magic mushrooms, these **** up you up but wont kill you, Coke is for gangsters, crack is for t**ts, H is for idiots, E's are for d**kheads, alcohol is also stupid, it kills, it makes you sleep with ugly people, dope has never killed anybody, fact, why is it illegal???????
Exhile |
well it isnt in holland so you could come and live over here. I agree that drugs are bad but i admitt i have slipped into doing some oveer a period of 6 months. Been out of it for a year now. But i dont think you can slag people of for taking them.
Peace, love and unity
Dj Francus |
Tricky AB |
True...people can do what they want...I choose not to do drugs...that's my choice...I just don't see the reason for myself to do them...ever...
Exhile |
Thats excactly how i feel about it now. But i dont have a problem with other people taking them
Peace, love and unity
Dj Francus |
weba_d |
quote: Originally posted by stoner:
dope has never killed anybody, fact, why is it illegal???????
^^Because the Government is sick of seeing that almost all full time stoners are unemployed. And want people to be straight minded, not Bent.
Oh and about killing people, ever though of lung cancer?
Same street, Different house.
noiz labs |
thres been some things said in this topic which i strongly dissagree with:
1.drugs r bad for the music, and for the scene...
personaly i think the rave music was and is still inspierd by stimulents. also there are plenty of music styles which draw upon a drug expeirence for inspiration.. goa trance... ragge as well.
2. some one mentioned that drugs r bad coz a freind died after taking *5* pills.
hmmm.., death by drug or really poor jugment? i bet if i drank 5 letres of water ina few minutes i would flood my stomach then my lungs and die as well. YES WATTER IS BAD!!!
3. man made drugs r bad. and more dangerous than natural ones
no . thety r different. they r chemicals wich affect your body and mine either way. only thing is natural intoxicats have many other chemicals which go into your body not just the ones u need to have the expeireince. and potency varies greatly in natural drugs,. i think both types r ok . thre r plenty natural drugs wich can be dangerous if u r not careful opium . for
Exhile |
Thats some interesting points but the simple fact is that all drugs are bad for you. Trust me i have had the experience in pretty much everything and im glad im off it now.
Peace, love and unity
Dj Francus |
stoner |
not all drugs are bad for you, paracetamol is a drug, that cures your head ache,
Exhile |
still bad for ya mind
Peace, love and unity
Dj Francus |
strychnine |
quote: Originally posted by FrankHoekzema:
Thats some interesting points but the simple fact is that all drugs are bad for you ...
... just like eating too much fat (or not enough, or of the wrong kind), not exercising enough, sitting too close to the TV, playing your music too loud, getting the wrong amounts of sleep, not eating your veggies, breathing if you live in a polluted area, sitting on your chair the wrong way ...
It had to be done. |
weba_d |
Its the the ****ing little things isnt, grrr
Same street, Different house.
Exhile |
true true true
Peace, love and unity
Dj Francus |
stoner |
smoking cannabis is wicked in my opinion, others feel differently, let people do what they want to do, even if it aint legal!
Stevie c |
Have an open mind, choose very carefully and don't do to much. The smaller the better. I pride myself on being a cheap night out, plus I like to stay in control; I don't like the idea of other ppl thinking i am a moron, I hate Gurning, It really turns me of, Some other effect's i really hate too! Like violence, self-rightousness, attitude and belief in immortality.
That is not to say I don't believe in the spirit, I do, but inrelation to here and now, everyone can die, that in my opinion, in what ever way has got to be a downer.
I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion |
stoner |
just face it guys, drugs are bad full stop, they can ruin your life, i know this because they ruined mine, i left college, got fired from one of my jobs all within a couple of weeks, do yourself a favour, dont fall into my world, keep clean.
turn up the music,
turn up the music,
turn up the music. |
K-Hole |
its up to you if you want to take drugs, people say that marijuana is safe, but even i have had some resin that was laced with smack, which makes it pretty dangerous, be careful with drugs.
tommo |
Is there anyway of knowing when resin is laced with heroin,because I know some people who've had some dodgy gange.
Sorry to go off topic.
Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it. |
K-Hole |
if it is laced with anything it will be harder, darker in colour, and it will smell differently! sorry to go off topic aswell!
its not the gun that kills, its the drunk lunatic i sold it to! |
weba_d |
last time i checked the topic was about drugs..follow on
Same street, Different house.
rezzna |
hash is laced with so much shit a little bit of smack is a godsend. its far superior to smoking melted down tyres, duct tape and bin liners.
"don't worry about it, if i were you i wouldn't remember me either" |
Exhile |
quote: Originally posted by rezzna:
hash is laced with so much shit a little bit of smack is a godsend. its far superior to smoking melted down tyres, duct tape and bin liners.
"don't worry about it, if i were you i wouldn't remember me either"
Which is usually what you get when you buy in the uk. If your gonna smoke anything smoke Skunk / Weed. It wont kill you as fast
Peace, love and unity
Dj Frankus |
tommo |
quote: Originally posted by weba_d:
last time i checked the topic was about drugs..follow on
Same street, Different house.
Pot and Heroin are drugs aren't they?
Thought so.
Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it. |
tommo |
A lot more people are smoking weed now mainly skunk,some of the hash you get around here ain't too bad,but some of it is awful,depends who you get it from really.
Weed is so much better,even though its more expensive and you get more stoned off it than resin.The downfall is it ****ing stinks,in a room,on your breath clothes...etc.And resin you can hardly smell on people at all.
Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it. |
virus |

Well, Stan, the truth is marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and ...it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorism, but... Well son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored and... It's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or... being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you aren't good at anything.
Exhile |
That sounds about right to me.
Peace, love and unity
Dj Frankus |
K-Hole |
drugs are phat!
its not the gun that kills, its the drunk lunatic i sold it to! |
clair |
clair brennan |
Hardcorechick |
i think dat drugs r ok aslong as ya dont take to much and also taking drugs is always best wen ur wiv ur closest m8s.in case ya fcuk up! xtc r crap neway dey r a waste of money.
TeringGabber |
DRUGS ARE VERY VERY BAD...........................
TeringGabber |
quote: Originally posted by DJ Hoekzema:
That sounds about right to me.
Peace, love and unity
Dj Frankus
you've forgot drugs and hardcore and girls and sex;)
M3DU54 |
> in short, YES.
> they bring unneeded and often unfair attention to our beautiful scene.
> they have no place in the scene. especially the hardcore scene. i forget
> who said this quote, but ive always loved it.
> "if youre feeling the drugs and not the music or the love, then you
> dont belong here.."
I find it rather funny that there are so many people IN the scene denouncing drugs use (and drug users) on health/morality grounds. Recreational drug users DO have a place in the scene - hell, they CREATED the d@mn scene.
If you don't agree with me, and still think drugs use should not be tolerated, then think about this ...
If someone were to ask ... should smokers be allowed/tolerated in the scene we all would agree that its up to them provided that they don't allow it to spoil others enjoyment. XTC is WAAAY less dangerous than smoking (both for the taker AND those around him) and CONTRIBUTES rather than detracts from the overall experience of others.
Lets just stick to the FACTS - keep the scene INFORMED - be TOLERANT of each other - and leave all the sensationalist media garbage to the rats that get paid for spreading it.
Chrysostomou |
Drugs are bad hmm k, but we all still f**king take them....
so they can't be that bad
if video games affected us as children, then we would all be running around in dark rooms, munching magical pills and dancing to repetitive music! |
raverdave |
Are drug's bad.. err.. only when they give you a stomach ache and you have to stop dancin. Though sometimes i wish i didn't feel so monged, maybe dirty dirty speed's the answer?
I've never been out without being on somethin, but thats because i'm determined to have a good time whatever happens, take a pill and i know i will. Perhaps i'd still have an amazin time if i didn't, but i guess i'll never know.
'Couldn't take it no more, so i became hardcore'
ravinlil |
Well yes drugs are bad but for the right person at the right time and the right substance it can be like flyin No one can say that weed is a bad drug, in fact you cant call it a drug as smokin or eatin it (in very small or very large quantities) has not harmed any one EVER!
With ecstacy you cant just say its good if its a good batch, theres different types of X as you can tell with the lil pictures on them. My advice is always no what your takin (e.g. battery, blue shark, smileys, smileys with eyebrows e.t.c.) an if you see one of your mates fcuk up on one dont attempt to follow in there foot steps.
An coak, try it once, try it once a week but dont try it everyday! its highly addictive an very expensive not the best drug to get addicted to!
Any way its realy up to the individual if ya wanna take any kinda drug then go for it just make sure you dont OD. An if you dont wanna take drugs then dont bother but dont preach to thoes who do.
Remember everyone must choose their own path to go down.
hardcore can be the route to evil, if spun incorrectly! |
Inferno |
Just clearing some things up.
quote: you cant call it a drug as smokin or eatin it (in very small or very large quantities) has not harmed any one EVER!
Just because it hasn't harmed anyone doesn't mean it's not a drug- a drug is anything that alters your mind or attitude. Hell, tobacco's a drug- what else is the buzz you get? Not saying pot is bad or good, just saying it's a drug.
quote: theres different types of X as you can tell with the lil pictures on them. My advice is always no what your takin
Good advice, but while the little picture's a good guide, it's amazingly easy to make an imitation pill that looks just like it, but could contain anything.
Carry on
Hardcore feeling/Hardcore power
Every minute/Every hour |
Hard2Get |
quote: Hell, tobacco's a drug- what else is the buzz you get? Not saying pot is bad or good, just saying it's a drug.
As is coffee :) Or at least the caffiene you get in it.
Lixx |
After some thought into the matter I've decided it would be hypocritical for anyone from the US to bash drugs as a whole. Our country is basically run on caffeine and nicotine. If somehow you cut the country's supply tomorrow we'd have about 100-200 million invalids not knowing what to do with themselves. Unfortunately, it seems the pace of life in the 21st century requires either a lot of discipline, or a lot of dope - draw the line wherever you want.
the_hardcore_raver |
Inferno |
Perhaps that comment would carry more weight if it had been presented in an intelligent manner.
I find it amusing that most "pro-drugs" people express their views calmly and coherently, while many who are "anti-drugs" just try to be loud without any basis for their reasoning.
Hardcore feeling/Hardcore power
Every minute/Every hour |
Exhile |
yeah funny that. I have done drugs and have been of them for 18 months now and im glad i am. The thing is you see it differently if you have done them and though i would never do them again i dont regret doing them. Its given me an experience that will make me a lot stronger in life. I dont have any problem with other people taking drugs and i think that alcohol is as bad a drug as any. Thats my oppinion
Frank |
pishposh |
drugs can do permanent to your bod, its not worth it   
DJ BoB |
Drugs is such a general word. As ppl have mentioned everything from sugar to herion is a drug and they are all bad for you. It is very much a personal choice and you should consider everything first. The main things are that you enjoy your night when you take them, that this enjoyment out weighs any come down the newxt day and that you are in control. Dont become addicted or start taking them just because you feel you need too. I used to club a lot and ended up taking more and more. Then a year ago I got my car and stopped. I just love driving too much to do it wasted. Then last weekend i was in the mood for some real ravin and so took a couple, I had one of the best nights and had no after effects the next day, it was like being back in the honeymoon period. I took them again on Friday and didnt get anywere near the same buzz. So personnaly i'm gonna do them every few months when i'm really in the mood for a proper night out. Better to have 6 great nights a year rather then 30 odd ok ones.
The main thing is to feel that you have taken an informed choice and that you are doing the right thing for you.
Happiness is what its all about.
tommo |
Too right mate,some people will do drugs,some wont.It's something which will never go away,there will always be people taking drugs,it's a fact of life.
So if people want to take drugs,let them and vice verca.Drugs can make you have a good time,and can be used in a postive way.
I reckon people should stop moaning about it because its never going to change.
I'm just nucking futs! [email protected] |
Charco |
people say "this is bad", "that is bad"....when you stand back an look----practically everything we enjoy is bad for you in one way or another....i'm not tryin to promote anything here--but i say, everyone for themselves, its their life....P*L*U*R!!!! :)
Sweetness is happy hardcore, which in return, is a way of life!
whispering |
quote: Originally posted by mustapha:
but i say, everyone for themselves, its their life....P*L*U*R!!!! :)
...and we pay the medical care
They've done it to me, their gonna do it to you! |
strychnine |
^^ yeah, the same way non-drivers subsidise medical care for motor accident victims, the same way non-smokers subsidise smokers, the same way young economically productive people subsidise the aged ... it's all just one big game of "Who's paying for who?"
My grand plan is to be a 90yo pensioner who spends all his time driving dangerously whilst drinking, smoking, and taking every illicit substance that he can get his hands on. That way, I figure I'll be the big winner of the welfare system.
Don't listen to the dirty, nasty sugar man. |
Truely Warped |
Personally i dont think drugs are bad it just matters how your body is and if you do it responsibly if your gonna go out and take every drug without knowing anything and completly ODing then your a ****in retard and yea there bad, but like....weed thats not bad i dont know ne1 whos had body harm from it...oh well
master |
Drugs are bad, unless you're on them!!!
Be safe, stay in control, always take them with a good friend. I know that my mates who don't touch drugs appreciate me telling them when I'm taking something.
Also try and stear clear of what's called riding "the quadchair" ie drink some alcohol, pop a pill, kick it in with a line of speed or coke and then finish off the night with a spliff or a few cones.
well........ party on groovers, it is now the silly season!!! whoo hoo I love warm weather. (obviously I'm in the southern hemisphere!!)
muff |
theres nuthin wrong with smokin da erb but i think pills, coke, skag eg are all a waste of time and money all they do is **** up your life and your mind.
D Gwillim |
dezmond |
quote: Originally posted by stoner:
all chemical man made drugs are bad and only F**king stupid people take them, stick to natural drugs like cannabis and magic mushrooms, these **** up you up but wont kill you, Coke is for gangsters, crack is for t**ts, H is for idiots, E's are for d**kheads, alcohol is also stupid, it kills, it makes you sleep with ugly people, dope has never killed anybody, fact, why is it illegal???????
Dope does kill people you 'tard. They're still debating as to whether it's more harful than tobbacco and how many people does that kill?
Look at ecstacy: It's not a killer drug. Yes it's bad for you but it's actually less likely to kill you than alcohol.
You'll find very many extremely intelligent people doing drugs. It doesn't mean they're stupid it just menas that the damage the drugs will do is what will be within their acceptable risks. You guys should really stop judging people on their lifestyle choices.
Pete is Everyone
Everyone is Pete
Pete is the One
Feel my Pain http://www.impactclub.com/dezmond.htm |
liquid_silver |
no, i don't think they're all bad. there are good aspects
but theres always a good and a bad side like everything.
some people can handle them some can't. u have to take
the good with the bad. u want to drink then u have to accept the possibility
of sleeping with some ugly thing. if u do smack u might steal your friends t.v. its ur choice
-drunk ppl tend to become violent and abusive ... have u seen any one on xtc become violent?
yep. my friend beat the crap out of some barstar that was selling crap cut with pma and dxm
your not hardcore, unless you live hardcore! |
JakieJay |
Drugz are bad, mmmmkay!!!!!!!
that will be all, you are dismissed....
<--sparks up.
Plan tomorrow like you will live forever... |
dezmond |
quote: Originally posted by JakieJay:
Drugz are bad, mmmmkay!!!!!!!
that will be all, you are dismissed....
<--sparks up.
Plan tomorrow like you will live forever...
That's got to be like the 1500th time that's been posted in this thread. Well done!
Pete is Everyone
Everyone is Pete
Pete is the One
Feel my Pain http://www.impactclub.com/dezmond.htm |
DJ BoB |
The evidence about dope being harmfull steams from 2 main trains of thought. The irst is a study done nearly 20 years ago which keeps getting dragged up in which an unknown scientist injected rats with enough thc (the active ingrediant) to knock out a person. The rats developed cancer and so he claimed dope caused cancer. This study has been condemed by every major scientist who's looked at it.
The other thing is the important one. Smoking ANY substance is bad for you. It realeases a lot of bad chemicals which bond wih air and cause cancer and other illnesses. So the only safe way is to eat dope. This IMO is a very underated thing to do. In amsterdam I had a space shake and it gave me a wonderfull clean feeling high. The same was true of a pasta and mince dish we made. You don't need much dope as too much will just knock your guests out.
As for other drugs as stated ecstasy isn't dangerous. Less people die every year from it then chokeing on cabbage! And if it was legal there would be less crap cut with it (only 1 in 3 pills nowadays actually contain MDMA). Acid is another one which is file for you physically. Even the govrnments own site (www.talktofrank.com) only lists the bad effects as short term. I do believe they are missing the possibility of mental issues which I have seen a friend go thourgh. Acid is a phat high but you can only do it every so oftern as otherwise your mind will have trouble working out whats real and whats not.
Coke is a drug which I know less about. It is mixed with a lot of stuff which aint good which is why you should always get it on the rock. There are ome issues with it health wise and I wouldn't even suggest you do it unless you have a strong personality as it is very easy to get adictive to and very expensive habbit to keep. i do it every so oftern, mainly when I want a night out talking to people at a party as it does give you a lot of confidence.
Other stuff like herion and crack isn't even worth touching. These are EXTREMLY adictive and do not lead to the kinda highs that you want if your a hardcore bunny.
Anyways thats then end of my essay on this subject.I hope you learned something and remeber only do what you want to do. Drugs don;t work unless your comfertable and willing, it just leads to a bad time. And if your gonna take anything for the first time take it slow andmake sure there are plenty of people arround who you known, trust and who will help you if you get into trouble.
Make love not war...
radiokate |
someone one told me that there was only one case of a death that was without a doubt definately caused by cannabis (whether this true or not im not sure, most likely a jackanory but if its true its a nice thought lololol) well yeh there was this guy in the back of a lorry full of crates shipping cannabis and he got proper smashed and fell asleep and the crates fell and crushed him - what a way to die!!!
as with everything it has its risks but well u have to be stupid to take the chances to get yrself in trouble in about 90% of situations (ie taking more than u can handle) if u look out for yourself u can have as much of a good time as most ppl wud have on alcohol (urghh i hate alcohol - yr not wrong about the ugly ppl thing) and yeah it is true u can be agressive on pills even thou it is irregular in comparrision ppl can be agressive, with extensive confidence in themselves on chemicals.
as for physical/mental effects of chemicals, to those long term users on here du reckon u have any after effects? cus for yrs i been defending it sayin hell no dont do u no harm but well, i will admit i got mega bad kindey problems and my bro and one of my best mates both got IBS after v heavy use so i guess its time for me to admit it can do u harm.... and well, as for acid i got one thing to say - scitsofrenia!!! lolololol.... weed - paranoia! but well yr only young once! buggar it dont over do it and have fun!
Spine Tingling Sensations To Leave Your Mind Numb...
Ka* |
K-Hole |
i dont even smoke dope any more, ive done pills, base, ketamine + a little bit of coke, but weed ****ed me up more, messed my head up everytime i smoked some, so just stick to the hard drugs now innit 8-)
Chris aka Ghost |
RaverBaby69 |
A few months ago I would have said no I don't think drugs are bad (except brown and crack) but now I disagree and honestly think that all drugs r a bad idea (inc weed) mainly because of the money that gets wasted my m8 throws away nearly £200 a week on it and owes all her wages out b4 she has even recieved her paypaket (and this is weed) it has also made her depressed over the last 4 years she has been taking it and I thought it was harmless. Also because of a few scary experiences I have had with LSD, XTC and Whizz I ve come to the conclusion that its not a gud idea bcoz it only takes 1 bad 1..... although saying that I havn't stopped taking stuff I just don't do it as often because Im a bit weary of them now. so I suppose I cant really be so hypocritical.
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
Gus |
Drugs are bad but so isnt the air we breath :P
Seriously though i only take weed and that is rare at that 
xhannahx |
canabis is bcomin legal ent it?
DJ BoB |
Canabis is about to be or i think has been dowgraded to a class C drug. Still illegal but possesion is generally gonna be punished with a small fine. The thing is even in Amsterdam it is illegal but all they can do is confiscate it and they don't exercise that power.
As for long term affects they do exist in some forms. Canabis isn't that bad apart from the whole smoking thing but that is the only physical affect. There are the iddues with kidneys and chemicals as your are poisioning yourself like you do with most things so it's mostly up to you again and try to give your body time to rest and take it gently.
The main affect to worry about is the phsycological one. These are called mind bending checmicals and this means that you will start thinking some wierd things. This can lead to you changing your opinions and the way you are which can be good and bad and is up to you to control. The problem's really come with long term use especially with acid in which paranoia and scitsofrenia. Some people i know have issues and one of them has completly lost it and keeps running away up north as he is afraid of hurting us.
It's all about freedom of choice, your responsibility to make reasoned jugements about what you do and how you can control yourself (fragile minds beware).
DJ Superman |
quote: It's all about freedom of choice, your responsibility to make reasoned jugements about what you do and how you can control yourself
spot on mate!
whizz-billy-the-kid's got you in his sights  |
jamimapuddleduck69 |
I think it totally depends on the person as to whether they can say drugs are bad. It depends how much you use them and for what reason. I think taking extacy or base at a rave is fine in moderation as long as your careful. You're using to enhance the raving experience, your taking the drug to go to the rave..not going to the rave to take the drugs. I personally think smoking dope is a head f*** but thats how it affects me personally, and everything affects evreyone differently, it totally depends on the person whether or not drugs are good or bad for them.
sexy_Rhi_Rhi |
well to be honest guys.u kno it sounds sad but i cnt go 2 a rave without takin n e thing..i just feel as if i dont fit in with n e 1 else if im not offit!b'cos face it!!!i'd say about 90% of ravers actually do take E's/ base/coke/speed/ u kno whatever goes around..sum jus take a lil 2 get em goin sum take alot..all depends on the atmosphere..like loads of u have said u cant sl*g off n e 1 4 taking "narcotics" because its everyones personal choice weather 2 do so or not..n i say..SOO HIGHHHH SOO HIGHHH!!!!!!rave on ravers n raveresses
~*RaVeReSs BaBeH*~ |
staypuft |
Drugs are just a matter of personal responsibility. You cannot be told something is bad for you by the goverment, there are many laws in place in many different countries that legistlate your own personal responsibility.
If you want to do any drug do some research on it, know who you are getting it from is a good dealer (they exist:)) and have as much fun as you can.
You cannot tell anybody what they can and connot do with their own body.
I have no idea how anyone can say that MDMA doesn't belong in the (candy)rave scene:
1) the scene got started partially because of the drug
2) it makes the awsome music that much better
3) pills ONLY belong at a rave (i have no idea where i could drop aside from parties)
Well, anyway, always question why people are telling you what to do and not to do with your life and never judge anyone's choices in life (it's their life).
Dean86 |
A up i think drugs can be bad and affect you in the long run if you have 2 many but you are only young once so theres no point worryin bout wot might happen to you i dont pop pills but i drink and smoke weed every week end and i only go raves cuz i love the music.
Superdonkey |
guess i'll add my opinion here.
In my eyes there is no Bad or Good. Only positive and negative, and nothing is completely positive or negative. You just need to decide if the positives out weigh the negatives. I fell there is nothing wrong with doing something in moderation. True each drug/thing you do has a different amount that can be considered moederate. I personally enjoy E. I only do it every so often, maybe 2 times a year to every few months. This is a personal choice because I over used LSD and ruined it for myself. I don't want to do the same thing with E. If you do use drugs please use them in moderation. I'm not going to tell you what amount moderation is because it is different for every person, and only you can decide what is best for you. You don't need to roll at every party, i personally found when i was going to parties, alot of times i had the best time when i was sober.
arrian_x |
Drugs are bad... but for me the happy medium is: only non-physiologically addictive drugs, like e and weed. no crack etc.
just one thing tho. i've only pilled at a rave once b4, but the music seemed so harsh and nasty! not sure hardcore is built for e. speed maybe. or was i just in the wrong mindset?
It's only FUN if it's HARD |
arrian_x |
Drugs are bad... but for me the happy medium is: only non-physiologically addictive drugs, like e and weed. no crack etc.
just one thing tho. i've only pilled at a rave once b4, but the music seemed so harsh and nasty! not sure hardcore is built for e. speed maybe. or was i just in the wrong mindset?
It's only FUN if it's HARD |
Seany |
quote: Originally posted by arrian_x:
not sure hardcore is built for e.
How do you think Happy Hardcore came about?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
DJ_Crazy_XTC |
MAn drugs arent bad mannn its a way of life mann, just gotta combine body and spirit and E's mann and your life is whole. When you raving it up man take you E's there good for you.
Splix |
quote: Originally posted by DJ_Crazy_XTC:
MAn drugs arent bad mannn its a way of life mann, just gotta combine body and spirit and E's mann and your life is whole. When you raving it up man take you E's there good for you.
omfg u dont even like "raves" for the start...( hes sitting next to me saying radom crap)
Hardcore is life , Life is hardcore
------------------------------------------------------------ |
DJ_Crazy_XTC |
its 'random' little dude learn to spell, take you E's there good for you.
Splix |
quote: Originally posted by DJ_Crazy_XTC:
its 'random' little dude learn to spell, take you E's there good for you.
Erm yes... E's are good for u now?? :S
Hardcore is life , Life is hardcore
------------------------------------------------------------ |
DJ_Crazy_XTC |
Yer i will give you a special deal, XTC god gives me permission to sell half price mannn!! thats crazy talk!!
Splix |
quote: Originally posted by DJ_Crazy_XTC:
Yer i will give you a special deal, XTC god gives me permission to sell half price mannn!! thats crazy talk!!
Is everyone getting this dude??? "XTC GOD" yeah i think uve takin a bit to much dude. erm maby u should lay off for a bit ! just a tip!
Hardcore is life , Life is hardcore
------------------------------------------------------------ |
DJ_Crazy_XTC |
Negative vibes coming from u mannn you need to swollow a few E's to calm ya self down drop by my place... hey mann use to be about the music and the drugs, now its just about the music you've changed mann!!
Splix |
lol simpsons... Man stop talking about me buying E's of you ffs! i dont do E's u drugy! goddamn... and i bet heaps of ppl dont do e's here but there is prolly alot of ppl who do so stop bloddy accuszin those ppl who dont mofo.
Hardcore is life , Life is hardcore
------------------------------------------------------------ |
DJ_Crazy_XTC |
Your spirit needs to mellow out with some E's mannn, i havent actually accused anyone mann my spirit and body are one and E's show you the way.
Splix |
U have accuzed me like heaps and i cant be stuffed arguing about it.
Stop spamming (FULL STOP)!
Hardcore is life , Life is hardcore
------------------------------------------------------------ |
Triquatra |
yeah, i dont do drugs - dont see the need for them - i have my music :) i dont have a problem with other people doing them - though it gets annoying when the people who do mess with them start chattin and braggin about it though - it does give the scene a bad name.
http://www.dj-triquatra.com Uhh, negative, I am a meat popsicle |
Splix |
Yeah it does give the scene a bad name...
Hardcore is life , Life is hardcore
------------------------------------------------------------ |
i_am_superman |
I am superman the drug queen... drugs are not bad they are people who have feelings a family's just like the people in my head
DJ_Crazy_XTC |
Your worse than curry spamming man thats crazyy talk like that day i was in like India and yer wicked Dj xtc style yeah!!.
XTC is life, life is XTC
-------------------------- |
Dean86 |
My older brothers mate used to take a lot of Es in his younger days and now he suffers from depression
Excessive |
Drugs are not bad, its people that are bad.
Shaker |
I've been doing pills for years now and went to a rave on saturday and done most of the rave natural and i gotta say the buzz i had off the music is much better than the buzz i get off pills. I think its bout time i gave em up! 
http://www.dj-shaker.ashst.com - For hardcore mixes by me and old technodrome 95 sets!! |
Splix |
quote: Originally posted by Shaker:
I've been doing pills for years now and went to a rave on saturday and done most of the rave natural and i gotta say the buzz i had off the music is much better than the buzz i get off pills. I think its bout time i gave em up! 
http://www.dj-shaker.ashst.com - For hardcore mixes by me and old technodrome 95 sets!!
Good (idea) ------------------------------------------------------------ Hardcore is life , Life is hardcore ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Dean86 |
DJ CRAZY XTC is living proof that drugs **** you up have you seen his posts
DJCrissy |
Drugs are fine when you know how to control em
and when to have enough!! I personally think there buzzin!!
!!stay buzzin!!

JesterDJ |
i've been takin various concuctions of drugs for years and they've never effected me, effected me, effected me, effected me 
If pac-man really had an effect on us, we'd all be runnin' round in dark rooms, listening to repetitive music and munching pills!!!
*.*Jester*.* |
smashedshaz |
well im a raver n been cainin pills for yrs, techno is great when ya buzzin n it gives u a real high.
p.s Love the quote about pac-man that was a philosphy 
Wild Irish Raver |
i cant talk bout this till im blue in the face but im afraid noone listens!! drugs are 4 wasters!!! feel de music my bolox ya jus wanna get off ur face! but aswell as drugs causing depression and brain damage..... (my ex used 2 take tem n is fukd in de head ohh and also half blind in his right eye) they also are very addictive!! so dont start!
Why o why cant you just accept it..im a raver not a crazy drug addict!! |
DJCrissy |
Ive been taking pills since i was 15 and im not addicted,
i could quit tomoz, but for ppl like me its good to have
that buzz every now an then especially at raves!!!
!!stay buzzin!!

staypuft |
drugs... some are good, some are better:)
but always remember: moderation!!!!!!!!!!!
number2301 |
quote: Originally posted by Wild Irish Raver:
i cant talk bout this till im blue in the face but im afraid noone listens!! drugs are 4 wasters!!! feel de music my bolox ya jus wanna get off ur face! but aswell as drugs causing depression and brain damage..... (my ex used 2 take tem n is fukd in de head ohh and also half blind in his right eye) they also are very addictive!! so dont start!
Why o why cant you just accept it..im a raver not a crazy drug addict!!
*lol* You're a tosser and also have no clue. I'd like to know how him being blind in one eye is related to drug use?
But you know I don't take drugs, go raving natural all night, dance all night, feel fine the next day and love the music. I have a job, I'm off to university this year and I'm doing pretty damn well actually.
And a year ago I took drugs, for about a year I took speed and pills pretty much every other weekend. I'm not addicted, I wasn't addicted and it didn't ruin my life. I had a ****ing lot of wicked nights out, made some amazing friends and have some memories that make me cry today cause they're just incomprehensibly GOOD! It wasn't all about the drugs, but they were really really good. So before you start spouting complete toss about how drugs are bad just stop and think why so many people do them.
Living on my planet is so easy, there is peace, there is love and there is Ecstacy :D
www.leeds-cruise.co.uk - Cruising is not a crime, owning a Nova should be.... |
JesterDJ |
you heard of the phrase, "guns don't kill people, people kill people"; think about that in relation to this. people take the drugs and risk the consequences that go with it so whatever happens its that person's own fault for a start second and more importantly however, is the fact that its people that can't control themselves.
u can have a gun a go out shooting, or do some psycho boy type shit and moe people down with it; with drugs, you can take it, watch how much you use it and just enjoy it without much threat, or you can go way over board and cause some severe problems for yourself.
so imo, drugs aren't bad, but its the people that abuse it to ridiculous amounts are. I do the odd bit when i go out but not much coz i know and appreciate the dangers. if you go overboard with drugs and problems occur, you've sorta brought it upon yourself.
If pac-man really had an effect on us, we'd all be runnin' round in dark rooms, listening to repetitive music and munching pills!!!
*.*Jester*.* |
jimnicricket |
http://www.priorywoods.middlesbrough.sch.uk/subject/pse/drugs/drugs.htm off topic a little ........but funny / good lord i am a bad person! ------------------------------ http://funshine.org/annika.htm |
shaun_2004 |
lolololol drugs r well good it makes pple fell good n wits rang wae dt
if sumthin makes pple fell good oviously pple r gonny do it
so **** it n take wit ye want coz wee aww do !!!
N no oen will stop us !!!
hyperdance |
quote: Originally posted by shaun_2004:
lolololol drugs r well good it makes pple fell good n wits rang wae dt
if sumthin makes pple fell good oviously pple r gonny do it
so **** it n take wit ye want coz wee aww do !!!
N no oen will stop us !!!
thr |
i only smoke ganja pills are a bad area for me they seem so unsafe but lots of my mates say its the best buzz they have ever had and they think it makes ravin better but my veiw on that is if you need to be off your face to enjoy youself at a rave you shouldnt be there i get a natural buzz just listning to hardcore. well at the end of the day i guess its each to there own!!
howiegroove |
I personally believe that all drugs are ok if they are used in moderation. However dont touch the H or Crack.
farchid |
let me let you all in for secrets about stimulatns yes
i use them evry day since i was 12 i start with very fat bomb of bass yes, now i know what your thinking, 12 is very young to start taking class b but later that year i come across this love drug yes called DOVE, now i know what your thinking, i use drugs lots evry week but let me tell you little secret bout what to do with them since your mind is working so much you become very creative in art of conversetion no?
women love it they think its love and high i always get my cat meeeeeeooooooowwwwwwwww but serious CREATIVESOCIOPATHICLY class A, now i know what your thinking, heroin and crack are not social drugs. DRUGS DO THIS 
..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_... |
farchid |
i take that back today totaly i feel like shit......just for a day.i think ill do it all over again tomorrow [;-)]
..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_... |
DJ Affliction |
yes,terrible things lol 
Everything is random, your probably not ment to read this!!!!!!!!
DJ Affliction [email protected] [email protected] |
liam02 |
HELLO -if anyone still reading!!! -Just found this forum-couple of months too late i feel. The problem with that is theres to many posts i would like to chip in on and you have probly all gone. Still i would love to know if the blind friend of Irish raver used to put lsd in his eye for the quicker come-up.My mates used to and would be off their tits long before me.It just seemed a bit risky to me.Oddly enough im the one that ended up with a dodgy eye caused by Multiple Sclerosis!!! Has the friend in question had a medical diagnosis confirming the loss of vision being caused by drugs?
Does anyone remember a suspect batch of China Whites back in "92/3"-they were loaded with Ketamine and give everyone black-outs and nose-bleeds like on League of Gentlemen? I stopped doin pills wen they seemed to be .so weak compared to the first couple of years. anyone still doin pills who remember the pukka ones?
Blackcrow |
You see, i'm a bit mixed about this one......
This purple, Flying Elephant with a Jet Pack, once told me not to wory about theese things.
And that dangers of drugs were exagerated, then he took me and showed me his talking carrot freinds......
So i dont really know what to make of it really.
farchid |
if you dont mind the auld bit psychosis then no, No drugs arent bad
better to stay away if your stoopid or weak though
..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_...
chemically eeeevolved Class A citizen
laydeeraver |
Ok...i can c why people do them(only at raves tho)...but i think theyr pretty pointless...i mean who wants to go get absolutely hammered and end up missing the best half of the night being sick in the toilets?!if u liked...sorry loved...the music u wouldnt need em....to b honest if the events werent so long i reckon theyd lose theyr place a bit cos most peoples excuse is that it keeps them awake...but hey if thats how u enjoy urself then fair play to u,as i said to my friends,just dont expect me to look after you...
rave safe x |
NeoPhyte101 |
I reckon some drugs have there place ie raves but i don't see the point in
takina load a drugs and sittin in a pub. Last weekend there was a load a people i know tripin in the pub and all day long . Its just sumthin i wouldn't do
But if i was at a rave then i don't see the problem
Drugs are good 4 some people but some people should just stay away!!
Drugs are bad mkay.... mkay...!!! |
farchid |
yeah parrad ppl should think again.....as they do lol
..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_...
chemically eeeevolved Class A citizen
rejected_child |
are drugs bad...... are you stupid????? no.. not bad even though they can be potentially suicide.....but hey since the music sucks and you have a lack of freinds we'll all pretend its cool
...so many people are posing and are just nerd at home on computers
pauljanaway |
Just wanted to add my opinion on this subject.
Personally i think pills and speed are fine, as long as you don't do them like all the time, i think they are great for special occasions such as new years eve for example :P. And on those special occasions a max of 4 or 5 pills. i hardly ever do em, but i love it when i do.
Weed, block rocky, puff, whatever you wanna call it, i think it is perfectly safe, and is fine to do everyday, i myself stoped smoking it a couple years ago, mainly because it is a waste of money.
Blatently only take lsd when your super happy allready, otherwise you will go into a hellish nightmare which you can't escape.
I would never go near anything that involves needles. I wouldn't be seen dead near heroin.
Well, blah, i've had my say, :D
http://maddogsplace.co.uk ------------------------- Bonkers collection: 1, 2, 3, 13 Current mission: Working my way through getting the rest of the bonkers collection! ------------------------- 'Techno Wonderland' will never die! |
ilovesmarties |
i took piss about 3 times a week at the end of 2003 start of 2004 then after a night when i took 16 ten which were laced in lsd and i saw a 40ft xmas tree singing happy xmas to me i thought what ever is doing this to me cant be good of me
i never said that i wont take them again cause i like the buzz but only on special occasions like good gigs and shit not at 3in the afternoon on a monday like i used to
i seen a friend get ****ed up on them he cant even smoke a joint now ifhe does he satrts getting bad trips.
at the end of the day i i say do what u like (bar herion that shits just bad) you only live once
don't follow the purple goblins |
cotteincandy |
Yes and no. A lot of people are alive today because of drugs and our society/way of life/technology has advanced because of drugs(read the chapture "the effect of e on society" in the book Ecstacy the complet guild.)But for thoes who have little self controle drugs can be bad. But its not the drugs that are bad. Its the people who use them improperly or become dependent on them that make them bad. Talking about ecstacy- most of the deaths caused by just e were because of dehydration. I have done a lot of research on it and so far all the strudies "prooving" it causes brain damage were severly flawed. One doctor admitted he didnt even use mdma in his research. As long as people know what they are doing and how to take care of themselves while rolling there is not much danger. Moderation and self controle are the key to staying healthy and having a great time.
Hello. I love you. |
m_j |
quote: Originally posted by ilovesmarties:
i took piss about 3 times a week
really bobby? is piss any good? haha...
quote: Originally posted by ilovesmarties:
i seen a friend get ****ed up on them he cant even smoke a joint now ifhe does he satrts getting bad trips.
i was actually with him that night, we both had only 2 each which was very little for us as we usually took more than that, bought them together so we both had the same type (blue speckled coca-colas if my memory is right). we were grand that night, not too out of it at all just nicely buzzin. all was well until we had a few smokes, after only the 2nd joint i think it was, he said he felt a bit tired and wanted to head to bed so he went into my brothers room for the night. next morning when i got up he had gone home already so i called out to his house later that day and he was feeling a really crap but i was ok. then we had another joint and he started pumping sweat and his heart was racing. he was getting really dizzy and everything. then he started puking his guts up and sweating buckets and his heart started pumping REALLY fast. we were getting a bit worried this stage and then he got me to ring another one of our mates to bring him to the hospital. he was told he was suffering really bad anxiety attacks or something like that. he wasnt right for months afterwards. if he even had 1 drag of a joint he would get relapses. the doctors had him on medication for ages and he had to go to a psychiatrist and everything for months...... i always thought ecstacy was relatively harmless before this as we had taken it pretty much every weekend for about a year, but this has changed my outlook on it completely after witnessing this happening to someone. now i only take it very very rarely, maybe 3 times a year.
they are REALLY bad for your liver too. i never had spots in my whole life until i started taking pills. i started getting red lumps all over my face and then i read up properly about pills on some website and it said that if you develop a rash on your face resembling acne thats because of your liver failing which cant be a good thing. i took pills a few weeks ago and ive been drinking a lot of vodka and redbull since and ive started getting the spots again...time to stop drinking for a while i think. and look at people who you know take lots of pills regularly and see if you notice anything
ecstacy can also make you depressed, anyone who says this is ******** is talking ********. one of the girls who lives up the road from me used to burst into tears for no reason when coming down after taking them, and during the midweek she got VERY depressed and used to be crying all the time over really small things.
all in all i have to say there are major downsides to taking pills. ive seen them first hand. all i can do is advise people to take it easy and dont over do it
rhythm is your liberation! |
cotteincandy |
quote: Originally posted by m_j:
ecstacy can also make you depressed, anyone who says this is ******** is talking ********. one of the girls who lives up the road from me used to burst into tears for no reason when coming down after taking them, and during the midweek she got VERY depressed and used to be crying all the time over really small things.
all in all i have to say there are major downsides to taking pills. ive seen them first hand. all i can do is advise people to take it easy and dont over do it
rhythm is your liberation!
Agreed. If that happens to you, you should stop taking them. After a while it seems to start taking the revers effect on some people. I know a few people who stopped because it caused them to get really depressed the next day. Luckily that has not happened to me and i hope it never will.
Hello. I love you. |
Gummi |
whatever are you all on about raves wouldn`t take place without drugs its simple as that if you dont enjy dont do but if you enjoy it then carry on thaey are nowhere near as strong anymore anyway in mid 90`s therre was no way you could have swallowed ten pills in one night someone i know had 18 at slammin on new years eve between 9 people we took 100 pills not bragging but it happens accept it and just enjoy the hardcore 4 ever
shroom_bunny |
Don't wanna piss all over your discussion but me thinks maybe this isn't the place to b discussing such matters, if I woz a piece of pork (if ya get my drift) I could be reading this and it has been known for websites to be closed for drug discussions. Everyone knows theres good and bad sides to drugs so theres your answer! I think with all the closing down of ****in banging clubs that is going on and the licensings being reduced to shorter hours, we should really be trying to rid ourselves of the stigma that goes hand in hand with our music. Please be more careful, I for one don't want to see the rave scene to be reduced to house parties and illegal free parties only.
kiss kiss xxx LOVE YOU ALL xxxxxxxxxx |
farchid |
i have been a hardcore pot head, alcohallic, whizz head and pill head and coke head in the space of 4 years. im only 16 an my chain of thaught is minced so im seriously avoiding drugs right now. when i try to sleep at nights my head is just full of thaughts that i have no idea where they come from. my doctor has told me that i've been re-wiring my brain so much that ive blown a good few fuses...whatever that means.
..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_...
chemically eeeevolved Class A citizen
hodders |
Drugs are good and bad!There good at time u r takin them and bad the day after so is alchol!
The last rave I went to me n mates ad 10 shootin stars each it was gud but it was not celver!My m8 was on da bathroom floor whit as anythin sayin he has o.d then he came back up and it was all gud! People have there own views on drugs which is fair do's!I don't care wat any1 say's drug's will always b there and there is always a risk of takin them1
If you do be safe!!
KermytDJ |
The sooner ravers stop doing pills and powders the better. Maybe then everyone will appreciate the music even more. Never dropped or sniffed in my life and I love my hardcore. Follow suit lets drop the drug reputation.
Everytime I mention I go to hardcore raves the 1st question is always...."what do you take?" it infuriates me. Live Love Dance but stop the drugs.
PS: Hardcore returns home to Coventry in February.......HTID v Hardcore Heaven.....hands up if you remember the eclipse/edge......1st legal all nighter in the UK back in the early 90's.
Hardcore from the start, and they said it wouldn't last a decade. |
m0nKeY |
People don't seem to realise that pills generally just enhance the feeling, people who appreciate the music appreciate it even more when they have dropped pills. Those people who are commenting on drug use and it's effect who have never tried them have no right to say what they do and don't do, because you simply haven't had the experience.
I don't smoke but have occasionly smoked a joint and popped a toot, I started off on cocaine but very rarely do that anymore because it gives me a streaming nose, but that is a side effect I have, I do pills with friends but not very often and love every moment of it. I did learn that it is not a good idea to be doing it all the time after I did 15 in a 48 hour bender and became very easily pissed off when I was coming down, causing problems for no reason.
So in general if you can do it sensibly, like 3-4 pills (or whatever your body can reasonably take) in a night and then leave it for a while before you do it again you ain't doing yourself to much halm. For me it is a special occasion type of thing now.
Drugs are not bad when used sensibly by people who have a strong enough state of mind. They should never be legal because some people just wouldn't be able to handle them and they would be getting in the wrong hands. My sister tried a pill when she was just 14 and cried because she was scared when she was coming up, since then she rarely ever does it and when she does she only drops one.
I have seen what happens to friends when they have started abusing themselves and it is not nice. I have also seen what happens to someone when they triple bosched and it is not a nice sight.
In summary, it's all about common sense.
Charco |
You know, It is actually possible for people to get the same "highs" from the music without taking drugs....
"People react in different ways....It's like fingerprints...No-one has the same finger prints".
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Want to hear MY tunes???.....Thought not...but if you decide to.... http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?songs=230636&T=6205 Please, leave a review and rate the song if you listen...not a lot to ask..is it.. |
dj nlm |
tee hee take them every night !!
dont take them when youve been depressed...
take lots of ket,acid ,ghb,cocaine,speed,lsd,xtc.....
bun the weed
i'm sure you all know the vast majority of your fav djz,prods take them
but its often cool 2 rave with out its all a question of heealth and wealth....
kets the best
i love it so mutch because ive been pumped full of it as a little acident prone kid....
never leave me |
Cyberpunk |
Let's see are drugs bad? Well they're not good.
Dee_Xtreme |
Well every1 has different opinions and for me id say there bad. ive never popped a pill in my life and i can still go nuts when i hear the Hardcore beats.
Fraud |
rite on bro.
Hardcore Will Never Die.
And I approve of this message.
Free Fall Recordings
http://downloads.imorecords.com/label.asp?lid=86 http://www.drumandbasstv.com http://breakbeatscience.com/ http://ebaumsworld.com |
cotteincandy |
Lets be honest. Not all drugs are bad, but yes some are.(I'd say heroin is very very bad) Or they can become bad when they are in the wrong hands. I think the topic is a little brawd. Wich drugs are you talking about. Cause theres caffeen, laughingn gas dentists use, ect..... Specify!
Hello, I love you. |
Fraud |
well does it seem like when someone says "i'm going to pop a pill" at a party,, do stereotypical thoughts directly relate to what your talking about as taking extasy?
Hardcore Will Never Die.
And I approve of this message.
Free Fall Recordings
http://downloads.imorecords.com/label.asp?lid=86 http://www.drumandbasstv.com http://breakbeatscience.com/ http://ebaumsworld.com |
TypeR |
i say no to drugs, but i won't judge anyone else if they want to do them
don't stand and stare, just kick your legs in the air |
Nick_12 |
half the things we "know" or belive to be true about drugs are just government propaganda, how many people can tell you drugs are bad, but then the only reason that can come up with is that" they will **** up your life", pure mdma, speed, lsd are all completely safe. Infact 99%of lsd gets mataberlized within a hour, the rest you piss out. mdma, drops your serotonin levels by 5% , which then returns to normal after a few weeks. More people die from alcohol every year then any of the illicit marterial combined. Remember " this is your brain on drugs", that add, wheres the add saying that alcohol is a greater neurotoxin then E. -.-" Government legislation needs to change, and profits need to be put aside, and and people need to be properly be informed about " illicit materials"
The colour of a rainbow
The colour of infinity |
nateh |
Drugs? Bad? NNnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaahhhhh. I agree with cotteincandy on not all drugs are that bad.
Cyberpunk |
Qoute: "The sooner ravers stop doing pills and powders the better. Maybe then everyone will appreciate the music even more. Never dropped or sniffed in my life and I love my hardcore."
Like I said, drus are not good. Why would you want to mess up your head. The brain is a very important organ within the human body.
slik_stylez |
Ok, this is me letting out all my feeling of "Drugs".
All those people who have said drugs are bad, hands up. Have you drunk alcahol? Do you smoke? Do you take medicene when you are ill? The defenition of drugs is "A chemical that interferes with your body".
Personally, I think most drugs, if used in the right way, are great and amazing things. Apart from the big ones - Cocaine and Heroin, they'll just **** you up.
But really, what is so bad about a little bit of E, or some weed or LSD? What's wrong with feeling good about yourself once in a while?
Nothing, drugs are great.
Ok that's me done...
mc tefflon |
i think drugs are good for sum people and bad for others, and even wors for some others. drugs are fine if you can handle them. but if you cant then just dont do them. its that simple. there shouldnt be a problem with drugs unless the person doing them is not responsible, and therefore should not be doing them. Otherwise if you are responsible with them drugs can be great fun.
wooo signature |
yaddam205 |
Personaly im down with the E, nothing better. Espically with japanes hardcore hell yea
"when the plumbs are ripe there ready for pluckin' when a girls 18 shes ready for fu(king" |
SickPigRecords |
ya ok if you are
taking(REAL) mdma FACT aslong as you dont abuse it
it has no longterm effects except up to a 6% reduction in serotonin
levels in the brain the N.I.D.A pictures everyone saw years ago looking like it was showin holes in the brain of an xtc user was actualy showing were the serotonin was and nothing more
whats more you can combat the shortterm effects of serotonin reduction buy taking a multi vitamin tablet before u fly and when u come down also 5HTP u can buy it from boots also prozac works just as well
http://sick-pig-records.tripod.com/ http://www.soundclick.com/bands/7/chemistrysickpigrecords.htm |
jenks |
Drugs aren't bad, only people are bad...
lilmissminx |
quote: Originally posted by slik_stylez:
Ok, this is me letting out all my feeling of "Drugs".
All those people who have said drugs are bad, hands up. Have you drunk alcahol? Do you smoke? Do you take medicene when you are ill? The defenition of drugs is "A chemical that interferes with your body".
Personally, I think most drugs, if used in the right way, are great and amazing things. Apart from the big ones - Cocaine and Heroin, they'll just **** you up.
But really, what is so bad about a little bit of E, or some weed or LSD? What's wrong with feeling good about yourself once in a while?
Nothing, drugs are great.
Ok that's me done...
i totally agree sum ppl wanna take drugs 2 av a gud time nd fair enough sum ppl dont its all gud its ur life liv it howeva u want 2 !!
lilmissminx |
Xtc bitch 03 |
some love'it...
others don't... |
SickPigRecords |
quote: Originally posted by djritalin:
i say no to drugs, but i won't judge anyone else if they want to do them
don't stand and stare, just kick your legs in the air
With a name like that
all phsychoactive substances are drugs even nicotine or caffine they are only supposed to be ilegal if they have a risk of abuse and No medcial use however they All have medcial use and some are no addictive so they have been made ilegal ilegally on the grounds of unfounded govement funded recerch looking to find somthing wron if u look long enougth at anything u will find problems.
drugs have played a major (if not the defining spark) in evolution (not evo records lol but mabe ehh?)they should all be legal the real pros and cons revaled and people left to make an educated choise on wether it is somthing they wat to risk
Drugs in the hand of criminals are dangerous
Drugs in the hand of chemists and licenced persons carry a signifcantly reduced risk MDMA is Not dangerous when used responsably however the pills u buy off ya mates no matter how good they are -are dangerous
because they contain coktails of diffrent substances and diffrent drugs act diffrently when combined and they all have masively varying overdose limitsd
Know ya shit...
Rave safe
P.s My dj name is chemistry coz i study organic chemistry
psychoactive substances and ethnobotany are my thing
they amaze me as much on them as when i study them
http://sick-pig-records.tripod.com/ http://www.soundclick.com/bands/7/chemistrysickpigrecords.htm |
TypeR |
i chose dj ritalin because Hixxy was already taken. i don't use drugs anymore, i lost alot of friends from the times that i was too f*cked up to know what i was doing. luckily some have accepted my apologize. I no longer use drugs because, my daughter and wife mean alot more to me than a twenty dollar pill or a sixty dollar bag of coke. also, my freedom is pretty important to me too. my priorities have shifted over the past few years. i do not down on people who take drugs. yeah i felt great while mashed, and i'll help out the mashed people with my music, because i can remember the connection. but as it stands in my life, i have no time for drugs in my body.
give me pain till i die |
Jax |
In my opinion, drugs are a way of letting go of reality and enjoying yourself (this goes for any drug, (alcohol, pot, pills etc) If you dont use on a regular basis, (i.e. alcohol 2-3 weeks, pot 2-4 weeks, and pills 1-3 months) then i see no harm at all. any more use than that is an invitation for something to go wrong. A lot of people are lucky and get away with serious abuse, but IMO this only egg's other people on
kathryn |
Drugs mess your head up i should know my dad died of an overdose in 1998 and i wouldnt wish what he went thru on anyone. What would you do if your mate died in front of you after takin a lethal pill?
kmcginty |
Charco |
Agree with SickPigRecords, But the harsh reality is....Drugs can kill.
Like Kathryn said...what happens if your mate took a lethal pill? Would you still be convinced that they are harmless?? It's a case of pushing you're luck each time you 'drop'....All it takes is one and that's it. No second chance.
I find it intriguing that some people require drugs to have a good time??
I'm turning 21 in a week...and I have never tasted alcohol, smoked or taken any type of 'illegal' drugs. I disagree strongly with drugs (It's just my choice) and with those out there who pressure others into taking them...That is simply wrong!! I don't judge those who take them, It's their life and they live it how they please....
I DO mind when I'm judged for not taking drugs to just 'enhance the feeling' and when people try to push me into taking them!! That's ********!! I still go off my nut at raves...but can still some out of it at the end, after having a great time...and still have a decent conversation....not chewing my face off.
I've seen mates on MDMA, coke, Acid...the lot... and It's not exactly pleasent watchin them and the reactions drugs have on their body and mind.
People shouldn't praise drugs...I don't think it's anything to be proud of.
At the end of the day, people will always do what they want...not what their told (in most cases)...
If you do take drugs, fine. It's youre choice...no-one else's. Just don't go braggin it to everyone.
*If none of that makes sense...tough.  |
Jax |
people who take e's (what i know from friends) see it as no more of a risk than getting knocked over on the way home when ur drunk.
i still believe that the use of e's in youth will lead to a less enjoyable life when you are older which may not be at the forefront of people's mind now but it is something i have thought about
Entity |
Drugs may be bad, but they're too big a part of modern day society and they'll NEVER go away. I personally think that drink is worse than drugs - Surely alcohol has killed more people and caused more damage?
Charco |
True, You'll never get rid of drugs...
The reason Alcohol has caused more deaths than drugs is because it is a lot easier to get and "more sociable".
If drugs were as easy to get and taken as frequently...I think we'd see a change in figures...
Hello old chap, Ready for another one? Yes, ok.
http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?songs=230636&T=6205 |
moggy |
nearly everything ever created by man causes death., drugs are just one of them..me i have never touched them and never will just one wrong move and your dead no coming back....the music will live on ...as long as you believe in it...we dont need no stinking drugs......to have a good time i have listen to the scene for more than 12 years and still believe the drugs ruin it for people ...the scumbags use the drugs to entice silly people and take advantage of it too.....fithy b***tards
girls get raped.....guys get bashed you name it....it all happens ....if you think i lying you havent seen half of it . mixing booze with it is a no no ....asking for trouble there......i also believe after much observation that people dont give a toss what happens to themselves or others ....whats the old added motto of these people oh thats right " i only live once so i dont give a shit no cares anyway! "
bollocks .....people just wanna stand out from the crowd or be part of that crowd peer pressure is the evil they use , now where have i heard that before ....thats right mum and dad tought me .....thats why my will is stronger than any here ..... but like some have said its all about choice....i choose to live out my days learning from the world and its mistakes to get thru the perly white Gates we call heaven!
moggy off to get a bowl of milk! :) meow!
just 1 wrong move with drugs your dead clear and simple! |
Charco |
quote: Originally posted by moggy:
...thats why my will is stronger than any here .....
Tut tut,
Can't really say that when you don't know anyone (I think) here personally.
Bit of a harsh comment made on the basis of this topic and the respondants. imo.
There's a lot of wise and varied posts here ...Some poor quality posts too...

Hello old chap, Ready for another one? Yes, ok.
http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?songs=230636&T=6205 |
HTID_Hixxy |
Um....if you take drugs you obviously know what you're getting yourself into, you can't escape all the warnings these days so if you fcuk yourself up cuz of them it's no-ones fault but yours.....i know this and i take E's at raves and Hash occasionally, its the persons choice and to all the people who don't, well i respect them too!
Simple as 
Now It's Time To Make Some Noise....For HARDCORE! |
moggy |
the doctors are making bucket loads off them aswell as smokers and alcoholics!
just 1 wrong move with drugs your dead clear and simple! |
RaverBaby69 |
my view is this - if its what you want to do fair enough, at the end of the day most things can kill you if you dont no what you are doing...hell, we risk our lives stepping out of the house everyday so I don't see what the big deal is in all fairness!
"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music" |
kathryn |
Am just happy to be high on life! If i cud recreate creation i'd do it all for u!
kmcginty |
epiphan-e |
man, this topic is gonna roll forever! (lol)
I am a firm believer that its not the drugs as much as PEOPLE who are dangerous. This principal was said well in the song:
"Guns don't kill people, robbers do..."
Its down to some1's mentality: drugs are spiritual/life-enhancing/perspective-gaining channels for some, and addicting trashing and disrespected by others.
My first E opened up something in me; now I swear I can listen to music 'deeper', noticing what i didn't before...but maybe I am just tricking my brain into reacting like I'm on E, coz I imagine how it'd feel...so i feel it a bit. ya know?
No. of XTC-related deaths: some official-figures are bunk, some include people who took XTC 10 hours before, then got hit by a bus on their way to work. (figure fiddling!)
with XTC, just DO NOT MIX WITH SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors)-anti depressants & NOT COCAINE =dangerous!!!
& not too much water....water-toxicity kills.. have about 1pint/hour.
plus, do u want quality or quantity? If u manage to abstain from taking XTC for 1 month, your brain builds up its serotonin & then 1 E feels hits as hard as a double drop! trust!
As soon as u start NEEDING drugs is when u shouldnt have them.
Benji |
When I saw this topic I thought I should add my voice to those that say that drugs are bad, just in case someone is using this as a guide to help them decide whether to drop or not (or anything else).
Everything you need to react to drugs is already within you, so in theory you should not need drugs to get the reaction.
They can damage your body, your spirit and your mind, not to mention your relationships with other people.
More specifically they can, as advertised, blur the lines between reality and what goes on inside your head, therefore be careful lest those lines break and you may wonder forever lost inside your own head, also known as clinically insane.
I recommend the mixmag (uk music magazine) drugs survey: lots of useful information in easy to digest format.
A fast car or a motorbike or scooter can be used to produce the same rush as most drugs that make you go up (or better yet, some hardcore); a seven course meal, perhaps accompanied by a heavy red wine can produce the same effect as most drugs that make you go down and anyone who wants cause themselves brain damage should snif poppers for a direct debit style effect. (ie as soon as you've tried it, you'll regret it and it won't have cost you more than a pound, legally).
So sure, drugs can be fun (millions of people can't be wrong), but at what cost? They're not worth it.
(Biology BSc).
Stony McTony |
wow im really tempted to go with the bsc in biology here but im afraid imna stick to my own ideas, its all personal do what u want, i will, but if it ****s u up its definitely true u got no one to blame but ureself, so long as we all know what we're doing, learn ure limits dont trust hearsay and the rest of it well then its ure choice, but dont jump straight into nething cos ure bud tells u theres no danger cos there blatantly is, so yeah to end this aimless ambling ramble, no ure stuff n be responsible 
Theres nothing wrong with the boat those big holes help keep our feet cool. |
Dargan |
I like my pills, used to do them evey weekend for about two years then stopped and now i'll give them a bash every 2 months when there is a big event near me, I've tried most things at raves and when out and stuff but i don't think anything can be compared with E's mixed with some good hardcore, Hardbeats or trancy tunes there is just nothing like it. But yes it is true, i have also been told that they are bad for you. I love this radio station, keep up the good work. KEEP ON RAVIN.
Charco |
I completely agree with Benji.
**Shakes hand**
Great post to end the topic too...
Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember
The things that made you glad.
epiphan-e |
Benji Bsc Bio:
I agree with you. OK, my former self would 100% agree with you. I'm sorry to presume, plz correct me if I am wrong- basically, i'm not being arsey...
But u seem to talk 100% out of rationalisation & 0% of personal experience with drugs (and so u should, good for you) or u were being very non-literal.
You indirectly refer to adrenaline rushes as a natural 'high'... obtainable from say riding a motorbike (gives u high coz its somewhat hazardous, but anyway...). If u haven’t taken MDMA or amphetamines, then the euphoria/high induced surpasses your comprehension (like a blind person imagining colour…u imagine euphoria as an amplified excited earthly ‘happy’…but actually the feeling is so beyond ‘happy’ that its effectively another emotion.
(((Subtly & subconsciously your attempts to imagine euphoria can therefore only be a culmination of imagined reactions (deduced from physical observations), not feel. [sorry that’s a bit wishy-washy…its hard to convey in a forum in 200words!])))
…sorry, the point is that an adrenaline high (while more comparable to speed) is very different to a euphoric high.
Plus, I believe its v. important to be reliant on yourself [& not drugs] to tap into yourself to attain natural highs. But personally, I found my few well-respected experiences with MDMA have enlightened me (to what I’m not sure) & I appreciate depth of music better.
Worth it? MDMA’s potential damage can be minimised:
eg: antioxidants taken at instrumental times to reduce oxidative stress/ free radical damage and importantly god bless: 5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan) [benji I know u know that].. It is the serotonin-precursor that reduces stress of serotogenic –neurons/ knobs.
I live by my statement that if the maniac world-leaders were given MDMA (XTC) millions of lives would be saved globally (the ecstasy would appeal to their ounce of humanity that not even media images of child-fighters & starvation could touch) [p.s. that’s not ‘hippy crap’].
Who’s with me? = type PPPPP!
TypeR |
if you want a good site to check out that will give you the lowdown on pills and what is in them, pm me and i'll tell you the site address. It's informative and also gives alot of info on the safety of many other drugs and also the downfalls of them. I'm not sure if it is ok to post the name of the website, so if it is deemed not to be ok, then a moderator can edit my post or let me know to change it.
Representing Funshine Productions
All Hands On Deck-June 11th
Hardcore or Go Home-June 18th
*The Original South Hill Hardcore RudeBwoy*
TypeR |
quote: Originally posted by djritalin:
if you want a good site to check out that will give you the lowdown on pills and what is in them, pm me and i'll tell you the site address. It's informative and also gives alot of info on the safety of many other drugs and also the downfalls of them. I'm not sure if it is ok to post the name of the website, so if it is deemed not to be ok, then a moderator can edit my post or let me know to change it.
*EDIT* the link comes up with a 404 error, but if you type it into your browser it works.
Representing Funshine Productions
All Hands On Deck-June 11th
Hardcore or Go Home-June 18th
*The Original South Hill Hardcore RudeBwoy*
------------------------------ Representing Funshine Productions All Hands On Deck-June 11th Hardcore or Go Home-June 18th *The Original South Hill Hardcore RudeBwoy* http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?pid=556091&T=6235
Charco |
quote: Originally posted by djritalin:
[quote]Originally posted by djritalin:
if you want a good site to check out that will give you the lowdown on pills and what is in them, pm me and i'll tell you the site address. It's informative and also gives alot of info on the safety of many other drugs and also the downfalls of them. I'm not sure if it is ok to post the name of the website, so if it is deemed not to be ok, then a moderator can edit my post or let me know to change it.
http://www.dancesafe.org ------------------------------ Representing Funshine Productions All Hands On Deck-June 11th Hardcore or Go Home-June 18th *The Original South Hill Hardcore RudeBwoy* http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?pid=556091&T=6235
-------------------------------- The link should work fine now... ---------------------------- Always remember to forget The things that made you sad. But never forget to remember The things that made you glad.
TypeR |
quote: Originally posted by mustapha:
quote: Originally posted by djritalin:
[quote]Originally posted by djritalin:
if you want a good site to check out that will give you the lowdown on pills and what is in them, pm me and i'll tell you the site address. It's informative and also gives alot of info on the safety of many other drugs and also the downfalls of them. I'm not sure if it is ok to post the name of the website, so if it is deemed not to be ok, then a moderator can edit my post or let me know to change it.
http://www.dancesafe.org ------------------------------ Representing Funshine Productions All Hands On Deck-June 11th Hardcore or Go Home-June 18th *The Original South Hill Hardcore RudeBwoy* http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?pid=556091&T=6235
-------------------------------- The link should work fine now... ---------------------------- Always remember to forget The things that made you sad. But never forget to remember The things that made you glad.
thanks mate, big ups to you! ------------------------------ Representing Funshine Productions All Hands On Deck-June 11th Hardcore or Go Home-June 18th *The Original South Hill Hardcore RudeBwoy* http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?pid=556091&T=6235
tripmaster3000 |
so? conclusion is that drugs can be bad, can be good, raves were probably started by E, but the PLUR at raves was definitely started by people. and finally that to have fun, it isn't what you do or what you think about drugs it is what frame of mind you are in when you go raving. raving, to me is a backdoor escape from society's restricting shackles. There is more love, be it real or not, than i have seen anywhere else. and even if it is just a temporary drug 'love' ... who cares. enjoy the moment. live life to its fullest.
well dats wat i think. but yes drugs can be bad... but generally they are awesome...
...you are only limited by your own imagination... |
Triquatra |
no, there is no conclusion, only opinion.
May Explode Without Warning
My DJ Website
:::the only thing that helps me maintain my slender grip on reality is the friendship I share with my collection of singing potatoes::: |
marchhare |
Depends. |
torana989 |
anything is ok so long as in small doses. except for sex
that MUST be consumed in very large doses
stay safe guys
whilst the brave may not live forever, the timid may never live at all |
Maori_Messiah |
are drugs bad...BAD....BAADD!!!!!!!! this is the dumbest question i have ever heard on a rave website god damn, no drugs are not bad they make your body work to the fullest to its up most power if this is a bad thing then **** you its not a bad thing sum drugs make you love every1 is that bad some make you love life/music/sex/driving all of these things more it makes you feel good about yourself and because you feel good and look like a fool it brings i smile to the people around you who arnt off tap so **** ne1 who says drugs are bad, this will be my only post on this sight peace |
Seshomaru |
---> . <--- That is period. A full stop. Use them. Use them often, if you want people to take you seriously that is.
No one will want to wade through your pile of paragraph if they can't read it. |
kathryn |
quote: Originally posted by torana989:
anything is ok so long as in small doses. except for sex
that MUST be consumed in very large doses
stay safe guys
whilst the brave may not live forever, the timid may never live at all
'except for sex' Hey anyone got a dictionary i forgot what 'sex' means? |
Underloop |
quote: Originally posted by Maori_Messiah:
are drugs bad...BAD....BAADD!!!!!!!! this is the dumbest question i have ever heard on a rave website god damn, no drugs are not bad they make your body work to the fullest to its up most power if this is a bad thing then **** you its not a bad thing
Your body tells you to stop for a reason.
quote: Originally posted by Maori_Messiah:
sum drugs make you love every1 is that bad some make you love life/music/sex/driving all of these things more it makes you feel good about yourself and because you feel good and look like a fool it brings i smile to the people around you who arnt off tap so **** ne1 who says drugs are bad
Its an artificial love. Fake love isn't good. If you need a drug to make you love life then you need counselling. If you need drugs to make you love music you need a slap round the head. If you need drugs to make you love sex you need to just give up! and errrm driving. Dropping and driving is just DANGEROUS! I don't care if you kill yourself thats your call, but your endangering other people on the road |
HardCore Latina |
Ughhh, will this ridiculous topic ever end? C'mon people seriously....  |
SickPigRecords |
quote: Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
no, there is no conclusion, only opinion.
:::the only thing that helps me maintain my slender grip on reality is the friendship I share with my collection of singing potatoes:::
This is only the case with pills not MDMA
Contraindications and overdose information:
MDMA causes an increase in blood pressure and pulse rate, modest in most people, similar to moderate exercise. Because of this, and because a few people may have a more pronounced cardiac response to MDMA, people with a history of high blood pressure, heart trouble, or stroke are advised not to use MDMA, or at the very least are advised to start with a much lower than average dose. The same warning applies to people who are hypersensitive to drugs. Liver or kidney problems may also contraindicate MDMA use. It is, of course, desirable to hear from your physician that you're in good overall health before ingesting any powerful substance.
Deaths have been reported of some MDMA users who were also taking Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs are often prescribed as antidepressants). MDMA is *not* recommended to anyone taking any MAOI. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you're unsure whether a drug you are taking is an MAOI. Also be aware that some antidepressants (e.g. Prozac and Zoloft) may inhibit some of the effects of MDMA.
MDMA is thought by many to be a fairly safe drug, as long as you keep track of what your body is telling you (see Section III below for more discussion of safety). The euphoria that it induces can make it easy to ignore bodily distress signals, so be watchful for things like dehydration (drink lots of water or fruit juices!), muscle cramping, dizziness, exhaustion or overexertion. Several reports from England tell of dosed ravers dancing themselves into severe dehydration and heat exhaustion that required hospitalization and in a few cases resulted in death. An MDMA overdose is characterized by high pulse or blood pressure, faintness, muscle cramping, or panic attacks. If you experience any of these symptoms, sit down, rest, and drink some fruit juice, water, or a gatorade-type sports drink. In the unlikely event someone has a more severe reaction, e.g. loss of consciousness or seizures, get medical help as soon as possible.
The physical effects of usual doses of MDMA are subtle and variable: some users report dryness of mouth, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, nystagmus (eye wiggles), sweating, or nausea. Others report feelings of profound physical relaxation. At higher doses (overdoses), the physical effects of MDMA resemble those of amphetamines: fast or pounding heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, restlessness, etc.
The psychological effects are a bit more difficult to describe, since they are many and of widely varying effects. The major ones are:
Entactogenesis ("touching within")
This is a generalized feeling that all is right and good with the world. People on MDMA often describe feeling "at peace" or experiencing a generalized "happy" feeling. Also, common everyday things may seem to be abnormally beautiful or interesting. Alexander Shulgin reported that mountains that he had observed many times before appeared to be so beautiful that he could barely stand looking at them.
Empathogenesis is a feeling of emotional closeness to others (and to one's self) coupled with a breakdown of personal communication barriers. People on MDMA report feeling much more at ease talking to others and that any hangups that one may have with regard to "opening up" to others may be reduced or even eliminated. This effect is partially responsible for MDMA's being known as a "hug drug" - the increased emotional closeness makes personal contact quite rewarding.
Many people use MDMA primarily for this effect, reporting that it makes potentially awkward or uncomfortable social situations (singles bars, dance clubs, etc.) much more easily dealt with. "[Conversation] just flows like water" said one person. "It seems like you know exactly what to say and when to say it. It's like a filter between what you want to express and what comes out of your mouth that you didn't even know existed is stripped away." This same person also reported that they used to use alcohol for many of these same reasons, but found MDMA to be more effective.
An enhancement of the senses
MDMA can significantly enhance (sometimes distort) the senses - touch, proprioception, vision, taste, smell. MDMAers can sometimes be seen running their hands over differently textured objects repeatedly, tasting and smelling various foods/drinks. This effect also contributes to the "hug drug" effect because of the novel feeling of running one's hands over skin and having one's skin rubbed by someone else's hands.
Before it was made illegal, MDMA was gaining a reputation among the psychiatric community as a valuable therapeutic tool. People under its influence often report seeing their lives in a whole new light. "I was completely blown away the first time I did X" said the same person quoted above. "I saw some of my problems that I didn't even know I had! All of a sudden, It seemed like the source, nature and sometimes even the solution of all my personal difficulties were completely obvious." Surfacing of repressed memories has also been reported.
Despite the legal risks surrounding Schedule I drugs, some therapists are still using MDMA in their practices. For a report on the subjective experiences and psychological/behavioral sequelae of 20 psychiatrists who took MDMA, see "Phenomenology and Sequelae of 3,4 Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine Use" (Liester, Grob, Bravo, and Walsh) in J. Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol 180, No. 6, June 1992, Serial No. 1315.
Most people find the MDMA state so valuable by itself that it's not clear there's much to be gained from combining MDMA with most other substances (though the combination of of MDMA with LSD seems to have a strong following). Further, combining drugs ("polydrug use" and "polydrug abuse") complicates the medical and behavioral safety picture. For this reason, it is not a recommended practice in the absence of expert guidance. Here is a chart of commonly encountered drugs and some of their reactions when combined with MDMA:
Drug | Reaction Information
Marijuana | Not known for dangerous reactions. MJ is habit-forming for
| some users.
LSD | Not known for dangerous reactions.
Amphetamines | Amphetamine overdosage probability is dramatically increased.
| Strongly discouraged. Speed is addictive.
Cocaine | Same as Amphetamines. Cocaine is addictive.
Heroin or | No dangerous reaction, but the stimulant effect of MDMA may
other opiates | mask the opiate's sedative effect and increase the likelihood
| of overdose. The opiates are addictive.
Tobacco | Not known for dangerous reactions. Tobacco is highly
| addictive and carcinogenic.
Alcohol | Same danger as opiates, also can dangerously exacerbate the
| dehydration that MDMA normally causes. Not recommended.
| Alcohol is habit-forming for some users.
Note that this chart does not cover cross-reactions of mental effects. This will be covered in the next section.
Notes on having a rewarding time:
MDMA is used by different people for different things. Because the drug has such a wide range of effects, it can add to almost any activity. Here are some of the more common activities than people take MDMA and engage in.
Raves are common settings for taking MDMA. Raves are a type of dance party associated with particular sub-cultures, dance, and musical styles. Although many extensive descriptions of raves exist elsewhere, understanding raves is also key to understanding the recreational use of MDMA. Unlike most adult dance parties and commercial clubs, raves tend to disallow the use of alcohol and do not sell alcohol on site. Most raves are, instead, oriented around the use of MDMA and other psychoactive stimulants and psychedelics instead of alcohol. The 'Rave Culture' is also characterized by promoting non-violent, friendly, safe spaces for people to dance and express themselves. Many rave goers do not take MDMA, but simply enjoy the non-alcohol music venues, dance spaces, good DJs, and the more open, friendly 'vibe' of rave culture events and parties. MDMA's stimulant and analgesic (pain killing) effects and its enhancement of proprioception (deep body sense) make movement feel easier and more pleasant, so ravers on MDMA often dance for long periods of time (remember to drink water and eat to replace lost fluid and electrolytes!). The feeling of unity and shared ecstatic joy at a successful rave can be overwhelmingly wonderful. Some ravers regard this as spiritual or religious practice. Entire encyclopedia sets could now be devoted to the topic of raves: for more info, see google search, alt.rave FAQ, wikipedia, etc.
Since MDMA can catalyze a broad range of psychotherapeutic effects (surfacing of repressed memories, dealing with emotional issues, etc.), MDMAers sometimes will trip by themselves or with a trusted guide, and spend the experience thinking about their lives. It has been said that "one hit of X [MDMA] is worth 3 months of conventional psychotherapy". Whether that is an exaggeration or not, MDMA has been praised by many psychotherapists as a notably effective means of dealing with personal issues. People who have had an MDMA experience of this kind often will want to talk to some people they are close to in order to discuss what MDMA has made them more aware of.
A substitute for speed
MDMA is also sometimes used for some of the same things that amphetamines are used for, typically activities that require concentration, motivation, creativity, or energy. Doing homework, studying, writing, playing video games, and dieting are some of the many activities that MDMA may facilitate.
The sensorium
The sensory enhancement of MDMA can make sensual activities unusually enjoyable. Touching can become such an intensely pleasurable sensation that close personal contact (sexual or otherwise) can be quite fun, especially when coupled with MDMA's empathogenic effects. Hugging someone and running your hands over them are such a common thing to see people on MDMA doing that it is known to some as the 'Hug Drug'. Eating, drinking, smelling flowers and even the sensations of waste elimination can become special experiences on MDMA.
MDMA can also be mixed with other drugs for a different experience. The health hazards of each of these combinations were discussed in the section on contraindications. Here are the mental effects: (note that this is based on subjective information. Personal reactions may differ.)
Drug | Information
Marijuana | Fun, but can cloud the mental effects of the MDMA. Have to
| smoke more before you notice it.
LSD | Can go very well together. LSD and MDMA is commonly known as
| "XL" or "candyflipping". Most prefer quite low doses of LSD.
Amphetamines | You're already speeding. Why bother? Health risks noted in
| contraindications section.
Cocaine | Similar to Amphetamines.
Heroin or | In terminal cancer patients, MDMA has restored the lucidity
other opiates | that is often obscured by opiates given for pain.
Tobacco | Tastes good, if you're into it. Easy to smoke too much.
Alcohol | Can cloud the desired effects of MDMA. Dehydrating.
Drug Quality
To have a rewarding time on MDMA, you need to have good quality MDMA. The only way to maximize your chance of getting the real thing is to know & trust your supplier. Note that MDMA is not known for causing strong visual distortions. If you take some "MDMA" and notice that a predominant effect is trippy visuals, what you got was probably not pure MDMA, or MDMA at all.
Note on Using MDMA Many Times:
Most users of MDMA who have taken the drug many times report that after some number of sessions, varying by person from a few to a few dozen, the desirable effects of the drug are no longer as pronounced. Said one, "it loses its magic." Another person who used MDMA perhaps a dozen times (separated by weeks to months) noted the dropoff, waited three years (!), tried an ordinary dose of high-quality MDMA again, and found that the annoyance of the physical side effects outweighed the greatly diminished positive effects. He has sadly given up the drug. Others who have had fifty or more MDMA sessions still find them to be worthwhile on balance.
This MDMA effect dropoff might be explained by a psychological mechanism: loss of novelty. (On the other hand, people who have experienced MDMA effect dropoff generally report that there is not a similar dropoff in the effects of other psychedelics with which they are equally or more experienced, e.g. LSD and DMT.) Or the dropoff might be caused by lasting neurophysiological or neurological "changes" to the brain from exposure to MDMA, the prior state of the changed structures being necessary for ecstatic MDMA experiences. It is an as-yet-unanswered question whether such changes, if they happen, are best regarded as harmful, neutral, or beneficial.
If you choose to use MDMA, the lesson here may be to spend your first few sessions wisely and cherish them. Later sessions may never seem as ecstatic.
- (it has been estimated by police authorities that 500,000 Brits
> take the drug each weekend), there have only been 70 documented deaths.
- The statistics reveal the boom in ecstasy production and export from Europe. In 2000, 27.5 million ecstasy tablets were among 10,000 kilos of drugs produced in Europe and seized overseas. In Europe 17m tablets were seized in 2000, 50 per cent more than in 1999.
The ecstasy smuggled from Europe to the US is worth more than £3 billion. Some comes from Britain or is trafficked by gangs with connections in the UK, according to European police sources.
76 Reported Deaths in the usa 75% of them avoidable by knowin there body & there drug
Erowid.org all the REAL info All Drug users NEED to know
Uproar |
^^^^bloody 'ell! I haven't even thought about reading that^^^^ |
Stony McTony |
quote: Originally posted by SickPigRecords:
76 Reported Deaths in the usa 75% of them avoidable by knowin there body & there drug [/*][/list]
Erowid.org all the REAL info All Drug users NEED to know
Definitely the most important point IMO. If you do it, do it with people who know what they're doing and know your limits. Even if you dont die noone wants to pull the pale sweaty mess gurning in the corner, shivering like a freak.
arkangel19772000 |
well i say if it dont kill ya it makes u stronger!!!!
im entering the worlds strongest man this year |
Fishy |
"if it dont kill ya it makes u stronger!!!!" ehm not nessecerly:P |
glittergurl |
I believe that drug use in moderation is ok. The problem with drugs is that people love the effects so much that they abuse them. |
SickPigRecords |
so true
all drugs are drugs and all drugs are diffrent!
think about that one
DJBasehead |
drugs are good especially phet base and yes i think pills are safe but u have to take the risk of getting a ****ed up one but at the end of the day if your dealer knows for a fact his pills are safe (which is quite rare) your ok. |
Glen |
numpty head!  |
BlueYoshi |
NA says yes but i say no but only no until the point where your life becomes unmanagable then they are bad only marijuanna for me |
dj_excy |
Drugs are bad, i wouldnt do anything other than weed!! |
Hardcore4eva |
Drugs effect different people in different ways, just like alcohol, one person can take it, others just cant! |
dj_excy |
quote: Originally posted by Hardcore4eva:
Drugs effect different people in different ways, just like alcohol, one person can take it, others just cant!
i agree but still i dont agree with people taking hard drugs! but its theyre lives do wot ya want!! |
Phantom Eagle |
I wouldn't ever take any drugs, cause on the one hand I haven't got any money to pay for its, on the other hand with the right HappyHardcore stuff I get high like on XTC, or speed or something like this - so I don't even NEED them...  |
Hardcore4eva |
quote: Originally posted by dj_excy:
quote: Originally posted by Hardcore4eva:
Drugs effect different people in different ways, just like alcohol, one person can take it, others just cant!
i agree but still i dont agree with people taking hard drugs! but its theyre lives do wot ya want!!
naa i dont agree wiv hard drugs! but just saying they can effect in diff ways! i'll stick to a bit of green now and again! never hurt anyone!
djhixxy1 |
In the following post when I say "ecstasy" I mean MDMA, MDA, MDE or MDEA. Not any of the crap you get in pills from the black market.
Certain drugs, like ecstasy, when taken responsibly (you know the effects, you know how to counteract/avoid negative effects, you don't overdose, etc) don't really cause any serious short term health problems.
Ecstasy should never in this world be a class A drug. I searched the internet for hours and could not find a single death where ecstasy itself had killed someone (obviously it played a part (side effects), but the death could have been prevented if the user had known of its effects beforehand). Another thing is that it's not a physically addictive drug.
Most ecstasy related deaths are down to dehydration (dancing for hours without a drink) or overhydration (downing pints of fluids). There's also quite a few people with health problems that have died from the effects (eg: someone with a weak heart should not take the drug as it increases your heart rate).
In the long term any drug will have some kind of negative effect on your body. Even over the counter drugs, prescription drugs or things like caffeine. Fact.
So to answer your question: yes, drugs are bad, but if taken by a user that knows the effects and is responsible, certain drugs won't cause any long term damage. |
sam_r0ss |
I know so many ppo that do them some are really smart ppl and sum daft NEDs we all have our own opinions but me i dont :(... some ppl make me want to take them some make me want to destroy them.... either way i would say they are bad maybe long term but you are young y not make the most out of it. |
dragonboy |
aah. Drugs are bad. mmmk
there bad in every aspect. people say exctesey is not bad. uhh duhh. how about thinking of all the side effects. not just effecting peoples personality. Drugs effect their whole lifes.
Drugs=Death |
Dj Esi |
not all drugs are bad smoking could be classed as a drug because it can alter your state of mind anyting in class C is ok anything above is your own fault but hash is ok but stay of the needles im s*** scared of them smoking is relaxing and calms people down but hash totally nocks you out depending on how much you can take and alcohol is superp were would we be without our love ice cold beers and bottles of vodka MMMMMM i tink i have said to much for my age overall drugs are bad unless they are Class C or maybe B but definatly not A |
ukraver |
The thing with pills these days is tha you see Raves at Raves saying they have taken 10 + Pills that night. in truth they pills they have payed for are utter Crap.
back in the 90's when Pills were Proper Pills none of this mickymouse s**t that lots of people buy these days. you would struggle to take more than 3 let alone 10 of them.
bulby_g |
quote: Originally posted by ukraver:
The thing with pills these days is tha you see Raves at Raves saying they have taken 10 + Pills that night. in truth they pills they have payed for are utter Crap.
back in the 90's when Pills were Proper Pills none of this mickymouse s**t that lots of people buy these days. you would struggle to take more than 3 let alone 10 of them.
Spot on. People buy them off some dodgy git just cus he sells them at like a £1 each not realising that the reason he can afford to do this is because there cut to s**t. Do your self a favour people, only buy off people you know and trust and pay that little bit more you'll end up saving money as you will need less and you'll feed less crap into your body too :)
*edit* infact just get some good quality MDMA ;) |
katrinar50 |
quote: Originally posted by bulby_g:
*edit* infact just get some good quality MDMA ;)
I have bulby_g See you tomorrow!
Kat |
N.W raver |
mmmm drugs r reet as long as takin in rite atmosphere av a much better time pupil dilatin teeth grindin club hoppin bags ov fun i say |
DJBasehead |
i'll speak on behalve of whisper here don't post big hope he doe mind. |
giddygosh |
na their ****in great! i think?????????? i can't remember??? must have short term memory loss!!! where did i get that from?????? from where???? who's where????? gurn gurn gurn! |
Raver_Haz |
Correction Dj E.Klyps. (first poster)
Respect (wrong) R= responsibility
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------respect is alright thou , but responbility is more important. |
xtc all da way lol a bad trip can easyly b repaired but yeh i agree depends what kinda person u are and what mood ur in and the atmosphere means alot as well
the rave scene really wouldnt have being created without it as long as u look after urself and know how to control the drugs and not let then control you then its all good |
Mortemer |
I Personaly know to many people who screwed up their lives from drugs, therfor i have no interest in them what so ever.
And i agree with most in this post, they do bring bad attention to the scene, and make it almost a instant thought, that when people think of hardcore they think of E.
Our new generation should stop this. |
why would a true hardcore raver need drugs to get high real hardcore ravers dnt need drugs |
Spoone |
pots all good. but cannabis isn't a drug anyway ;) |
treetherealest |
Many people I knew who were into the RAVE scene a few years ago it was mainly for the drugs. Now, none of them even listen to the music. I believe a REAL fan of a type of music, ENJOYS that music sober (when they are who they really are) and they don't need enhancements to appreciate the music. I think the arguments regarding "if there was no XTC there would be NONE of this music we are listening to", I think that's crap. First off, you can't predict the future. Secondly, you don't personally know the people who started it all, and what they did or didn't do when they created the music.
The music itself should LIFT you up enough to where you don't need something like drugs, and if it doesn't, then I guess to you, the music isn't that powerful.
Drugs are bad and they **** up lives and to argue for them is ridiculous. Yeah, most of us have tried drugs, but when you feel the need to keep doing them, it shows you have some issues with yourself.
This would be a beautiful scene if it wasn't constantly associated with hard drugs.
stokeraver |
I can rave all night and enjoy the music without drugs, simple as. No need for me to risk taking drugs really. |
bulby_g |
quote: Originally posted by treetherealest:
I believe a REAL fan of a type of music, ENJOYS that music sober (when they are who they really are) and they don't need enhancements to appreciate the music. that powerful.
Who says that the people who do drugs when they're at raves don't enjoy the music sober too? I've been listening to it since before I started doing drugs, I listen to it 24/7, on drugs or not on drugs. You think your a "real fan" and I'm not because of it? I DJ, promote, am learning to produce and go raving all the time yet just because I do drugs every so often I'm not really into the music? You need to get off your high horse mate before I kneecap it.
If someone plays pool in the pub when they're pissed do they only enjoy pool when they drink?
Sure drugs are bad and I'm damaging my body and brain but why would you give two shits it isn't hurting you. |
treetherealest |
Okay, so you are saying you enjoy the music sober. So then according to that statement, I would say that you are a real fan and you enjoy the music.
The drugs are making you paranoid :-P
I'm not on a high horse. I'm sure I'll end up doing some sort of drug in the future. I do have a lot more respect for people who don't use drugs though. It shows they aren't dependent on a substance foreign to our bodies to have fun or get through a hard time. They can do it themeslves with no additives. |
Ejaw123 |
aye i reckon that it wouldnt b the same wivout the drugs..i love listnin to hardcore tunes even when im not on em, but the drugs make it feel bettr, the only thing that puts me off is the fact me mate nearly died off Es the utha day, thought he could neck 10 of em nd be areet, he was very wrong :p |
xer0 |
drugs ftL. honestly, if u need some substance to feel beter, somethings not right. im 14 and dont plan on ever taking drugs or any of that crap.
its stupid, and pointless |
bulby_g |
quote: Originally posted by treetherealest:
The drugs are making you paranoid :-P
Yeah one thing I'd never deny. Wasn't pills that done it though it was skunk.
I notice there's allot of words like "dependent" and "need" being thrown around, all the people I know (using pills!) don't have a drug problem they just use them once in a while recreationally. It's not like smoking, people who do pills don't have to drop 20 times a day just to get you through. I personally have never done drugs to get me through a hard time it's just something I choose to do once in a while to have a bit of fun... no different to any other recreational activity.
Fair play to you for not doing anything and all that but why think less of people who do? |
treetherealest |
quote: Originally posted by bulby_g:
quote: Originally posted by treetherealest:
The drugs are making you paranoid :-P
Yeah one thing I'd never deny. Wasn't pills that done it though it was skunk.
I notice there's allot of words like "dependent" and "need" being thrown around, all the people I know (using pills!) don't have a drug problem they just use them once in a while recreationally. It's not like smoking, people who do pills don't have to drop 20 times a day just to get you through. I personally have never done drugs to get me through a hard time it's just something I choose to do once in a while to have a bit of fun... no different to any other recreational activity.
Fair play to you for not doing anything and all that but why think less of people who do?
because drugs are a selfish act, and it ruins the lives of people and the people around them.
jenks |
quote: Originally posted by treetherealest:
quote: Originally posted by bulby_g:
quote: Originally posted by treetherealest:
The drugs are making you paranoid :-P
Yeah one thing I'd never deny. Wasn't pills that done it though it was skunk.
I notice there's allot of words like "dependent" and "need" being thrown around, all the people I know (using pills!) don't have a drug problem they just use them once in a while recreationally. It's not like smoking, people who do pills don't have to drop 20 times a day just to get you through. I personally have never done drugs to get me through a hard time it's just something I choose to do once in a while to have a bit of fun... no different to any other recreational activity.
Fair play to you for not doing anything and all that but why think less of people who do?
because drugs are a selfish act, and it ruins the lives of people and the people around them.
Bull-shit, drug taking is no more selfish than any other self-indulgent act... |
treetherealest |
Well, go into more detail, because I disagree.
I mean let's say a self-indulgent act like masturbation..that doesn't hurt anybody..not even yourself.
However, drugs are damaging your body and can potentially kill you or **** you up and you can end up doing things that can harm yourself or others. So that's what makes it selfish. You are hurting yourself and/or others for your own pleasure. Even if you are hurting yourself, that can also hurt others if you have anybody who cares or depends on you. |
Chris B |
quote: Originally posted by treetherealest:
However, drugs are damaging your body and can potentially kill you or **** you up and you can end up doing things that can harm yourself or others. So that's what makes it selfish. You are hurting yourself and/or others for your own pleasure. Even if you are hurting yourself, that can also hurt others if you have anybody who cares or depends on you.
I do agree with you to a certain level, where i'm living you just walk out the door and see people who's lifes are ruined by drink and drugs.
I've overdone things with both alcahol and substances at times of my life before and have felt the bad effects, loadsa the people i was best mates with growing up are now smackheads and have changed into totally different people.
Not everyones like that though as bulby says a lot of drug users especially with "rave" drugs, is a now and again thing for them. It doesnt effect the people that care about them cos they dont rub it in there face, and they keep on top of there life and support themselves by working.
One major question i want you to answer is do you see alcahol and tobacco in the category of "drugs" or do you think that there better or more acceptable than say coke and pills?
I do understand what your saying but your opinion will go down to zero credibility if you tell me that drink isnt as bad as a lot of class a drugs, for both what it does to people while there on it, addictions, and effects on other people around them. If you've ver been close to an alcaholic you'll no it's up with the worst of them, crack, smack and everything else included.
It may be a selfish pleasure but so's a lot of things, comparing drug abuse to wanking is stupid cos there not the same. A lot of other peoples pleasures may be seen as selfish in other ways, but people take risks its what we do.
Would you call someone who rides a motorbike selfish?
Someone who's hobby is boxing, rally driving or anything else with risks involved?
someone who eats a shit diet, always eating junk food?
back to the same point but someone who enjoys getting drunk and smoking fags?
Is our choice to do what we do at the end of the day, it is against the law and if we get caught we get the punishment. If i seriously thought my raving was gonna f*ck up my mum, dad, brother or whoevers life i'd stop it immediately. But there not stupid and would rather i get out and about and enjoy myself in raves, than go up the town where theres loads of pissed up nutters causing havoc every weekend.
Drug taking may be selfish and irresponsible, but thats what humans are. |
imean-comeon |
drugs are only bad if they are affecting you or those around you in a negative way. Anyone who has been to a rave will know that there is no bad vibe, just because many people take drugs at a rave doesnt mean that they are any less valid members of the scene or arnt as 'into it' as those who dont. Personally i could pick or choose whether or not i want to take an E at a rave, but sometimes i want my experience heightened a little because it is fun. |
Sydney Shuffler |
Anyone who raves knows that those who don't pill are just as down with the scene as those who do. In fact I personally have a lot of respect for those who don't pop at raves, shows that they aren't there for the drugs, which the scene is ever so closely associated with. A rave is an experience about soooo many things; the music (arises too many emotions to describe), the people (best people you'll ever meet), too many to list. My point is that "e" at a rave is only to enhance the experience. A lot of ravers strictly limit taking pills to raves, and in that case I can't see any real problem with it.
treetherealest |
For Baldo:
Just letting you know..I do think alcohol and cigarettes are just as bad and are included in "Drugs". I think alcohol and cigarettes are more dangerous than something like Marijuana are are about equal to other harder drugs.
Fishy |
quote: Originally posted by treetherealest:
However, drugs are damaging your body and can potentially kill you or **** you up and you can end up doing things that can harm yourself or others. So that's what makes it selfish. You are hurting yourself and/or others for your own pleasure. Even if you are hurting yourself, that can also hurt others if you have anybody who cares or depends on you.
Dependandt on the drug... Not all drugs damage ur body |
Chris B |
quote: Originally posted by treetherealest:
For Baldo:
Just letting you know..I do think alcohol and cigarettes are just as bad and are included in "Drugs". I think alcohol and cigarettes are more dangerous than something like Marijuana are are about equal to other harder drugs.
agree with you totally then mate, i've done too much too young of a lot of things and it's slowly been effecting me badly. Been thinking quite a lot about it recently and its time i call it a day, atleast for a few months to get my head back on track.
Had some good advice from my best mate thats helped me make the desicion, he's from my original raving lot who all gave it up a few years back as they got bad effects from excessing too much. I still felt alright and have carried it on and they always told me it would catch up on me someday, i didnt listen but i think it's been slowly rotting my mind for years.
I'm gonna miss going out to see my mates but its more important i get sorted first, my best mates from the raves i'll still be in touch with and go see them anyway. Just one of those things my time has come, really not keen on the way most hardcores changed either and ravings began to feel more like a chure than a pleasure. |
bulby_g |
quote: Originally posted by treetherealest:
For Baldo:
Just letting you know..I do think alcohol and cigarettes are just as bad and are included in "Drugs". I think alcohol and cigarettes are more dangerous than something like Marijuana are are about equal to other harder drugs.
I have taken pills/MDMA, smoked skunk & fags and drunk for significant periods in my life (I've given up smoking entirely 2 years ago and do not drink or drop on a "problem" level anymore) and I have to say the one that done me (by far!) the most notable damage was skunk... So sorry to anyone that smokes it but I would say it's up there with the rest TBH. It left me with chronic depression, paranoia and memory loss, it also drove me to steal from family! God knows what filling my lungs with smoke from bongs and buckets done to my insides as well! This was of course on a bad level 1/8 to a 1/4 of skunk a day but still... Anyone who tries to say it isn't addictive is very wrong.
I completely agree that fags and alcohol are just as bad by the way im not trying to disprove that point :).
Ps. Taking drugs to a level that effects your friends and family is selfish and wrong yes (like my ganja problem!) but they can be used without effect to people around you. |
Chris B |
quote: Originally posted by bulby_g:
Ps. Taking drugs to a level that effects your friends and family is selfish and wrong yes (like my ganja problem!) but they can be used without effect to people around you.
aye its about moderation tbh, i dunno its just time i have a break.
your right about skunk aswell, is a lotta shit i just want to get it all out my system for a few months.
I think the age you are when you start will matter a lot in the damage drugs do to your mind, i was getting wrecked at 14/15 and i've never really stopped. As i said i've been warned many times it would catch up on me and it has been just recently.
I've had many laughs aswell and not saying i'll never want to do it or rave again, just it might be a while as i'm not gonna ignore my brain telling me it's time to leave it alone. |
bulby_g |
Yeah is what happened to me mate it all caught up with me. I've just basically winded it all down as much as possible just drop at big parties and take relevant supplements to lower damage to the body & mind, gave up smoking, don't drink as much at the weekends and not at all in the week and it's done the world of good for me.
Don't regret any of my misspent youth though and would do it all again I should think :) Way I see it I may as well enjoy my time best I can. |
dark_high |
kills on pills (hey that rymes) - 4 a year
gange -0
promblem - none
alcohol - f**king millions
and thats a police report
someone dies from a pil overdose and its on the news someone dies from a alcohol binge and no one gives a shit (apart from famile and friends)
BUT the actual affects of x t c on the mind can cause paranoia which is very bad trust me but alcohol will make you violent which will affect more than one person |
hardcorehopkins |
Well some people have had bad trips just from weed, some people take the effects. Personally i dont thinks its worth taking the risk. From all these studies and views it just goes to show how we still don't know all the effects of the drug so thats another reason why you shouldn't. But if you have tried it enjoyed it then it's your life so you choose how to live it. So it's all a matter of opinion and how you reacts to it. |
hardcorehopkins |
lol still have a little left to say... a bad trip is scarier than you think and when you're in it you feel like just coming out of it, but you are stuck in it which makes it scarier and you get bad thoughts its the worst thing most people will go through. But I am not REALLY for or against drugs, as I don't promote them, but I dont deny that a good high is a bad thing it would be wonderful, but you can have a bad trip. I also know that our scene may not have come about with the use of drugs (LSD, XTC) it's part of the history of hardcore and the whole rave scene if you do your research. Though they not neccessary I love the music and the scene without th drugs. |
Caliga |
In my personal oppinion, i think it really depends on the person and the intensity of the drug in which you are taking. For example, despite being a regular weed smoker in the past (a good 5 years from the age of 12 >_<) i think that this certain drug has its upsides aswell as many downsides. I found that there was nothing better for enhancing my creativity than a good joint before i starting sketching/making a song/doing my GCSE's (dear god what was i thinking) its a great relaxant but it does come with its bad point. I.E Paranoia (i experienced it at times, not everyoine does) Memory Loss, Mood Swings. I think what i learned from this, which i think should apply to all drugs, its f**king awesome - but in moderation. Now when/if i do a drug, it will be very occasional at a party or rave and in a small amount.
Its safer, you feel it more without the need to take more, and the most important thing for me it doesnt become an everday habit and saves money=] Hey im probably wrong on all this but meh! |
chronicleavez |
quote: Originally posted by NOISY:
Do u think drugs are bad im in 2 minds about it some r and some arent i mean come on whats wronge with extacy i think it is totally safe unless u get a dodgy one what do u think hey     
youre a dickhead for even asking that question on a hardcore forum..hardcore is practially designed for listening to when youre off your face on little ones! |
NeXuS |
quote: Originally posted by chronicleavez:
youre a dickhead for even asking that question on a hardcore forum..hardcore is practially designed for listening to when youre off your face on little ones!
Your an idiot. Dont stereotype hardcore. There are plenty of people in it for the music. When I got into hardcore I never even knew about rolling. |
Righteous9 |
Drugs are not that bad if you do them in moderation... But, definitely, make sure it doesn't turn into a necessity! I don't really do anything illegal, just booze and cigarettes... I used to but I'm just scared now or something. Really I go mostly to club events, beer is nice buzz! |
SlimeShady |
For me it all depends on which drug you're doing and what quantity.
A few pills at a rave and the odd weed at home is my usual preference yet I had my time of going out to the clubs doing lines.
Saw too many people just f*** up their lives all for the next gram.
Besides, what the f*** has drugs got to do with Hardcore. Drugs are as common in all walks of society today. The media still attach the stigma to our scene because they're all still living in the summer of 1989. |
motivated |
if you missuse the drugs then sure they will have bad effects on you, but if you dont over do it, then htey are a bit fun, personally im not into them, and i have just as much fun as if i were!!
by the way hey everyone...long time no see, whats going on these days?? |
spazmunkee |
misuse drugs?
like sticking it in ur eer? |
DigitalForces |
Theres a difference between drug use and drug abuse. Drugs and harddance have and always will be directly linked as long as people keep taking them at raves. The drug/rave scene isnt as bad as it was a decade or so ago (the acid era etc) but it will always be there.
Its the lightweight scroat bag wankers who think theyr hard and take cocktails of drugs that they cant handle and make a dick out of themselves or cause harm and trouble to others are the people you can thank for giving the scene a bad name, not drugs themselves! |
jessie |
smokin crack
youll be back
think im joking
keep on smokin |
M.A.D |
Chris B, how old are you mate?
IMO you can use any drugs in moderation, i've been to about 8 raves now and i've popped 6 times one time i was drunk and the other i was completly sober.
For me taking a few pills increases my enjoyment and gives me more energy - i can dance for hours while on E, the downside is talking utter shit to people =). I've had one bad trip where i mixed two different batches of pills, i learned my mistake and i will never do it again - the experience was really ****ing bad!!
As far as being drunk - we've all been there i fell asleep by 2:30 on a sofa with a speaker right by my head lol
While i was sober i was able to concentrate on the music some more and i enjoyed myself to a certain extent, i got too tired by 3 and i had to leave which lowered my enjoyment of the whole night sadly =( but it was good overall!
Also it you take drugs and start acting like a tit then dont bother taking them, same as drink, if you cant handle it dont bother drinking it.
Thankfully i can take both without causing any harm to anyone and still keep my job mon - fri.
DigitalForces |
quote: Originally posted by M.A.D:
Also it you take drugs and start acting like a tit then dont bother taking them, same as drink, if you cant handle it dont bother drinking it.
Thankfully i can take both without causing any harm to anyone and still keep my job mon - fri.
Exactly, tottaly agree |
M.A.D |
One of the best quotes about drugs from Bill Hicks:
"No, I don't do drugs anymore, either. But I'll tell you something about drugs. I used to do drugs, but I'll tell you something honestly about drugs, honestly, and I know it's not a very popular idea, you don't hear it very often anymore, but it is the truth: I had a great time doing drugs. Sorry. Never murdered anyone, never robbed anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never lost a job, a car, a house, a wife or kids, laughed my ass off, and went about my day."
~~ |
Jay-Owen |
I believe certain drugs like heroin and cocain are not worth it. You **** yourself up die young and get done if you're caught. Heroin isn't that dangerous unless it's impure. I don't see why canabis is illegal and I believe that smoking and drinking don't hurt anyone but yourself so who cares? |
jenks |
quote: Originally posted by Renegade V:
I believe certain drugs like heroin and cocain are not worth it. You **** yourself up die young and get done if you're caught. Heroin isn't that dangerous unless it's impure. I don't see why canabis is illegal and I believe that smoking and drinking don't hurt anyone but yourself so who cares?
It does have an affect on other poeple though, where do you think the money comes from to treat people who drink or smoke too much?
Chris B |
quote: Originally posted by M.A.D:
Chris B, how old are you mate?
21 mate
Last post i mad on this topic was a few months ago when things were pissin me off.
Took a long break from everything and feel a lot better, go out to odd night out at the raves to see mates, and a few nights just chill in with a smoke at the flat but takin it easy most the time.
Like bulby was saying i dont regret anything i had a lotta good times, just doesnt appeal to me gettin on it every weekend anymore.
And also like he said the constantly smokin skunks a bad one, you dont realise cos the effects arent that extreme but it made me right antisocial |
NeXuS |
you really dont realize how much it changes your personality until it hits you. It took my family and friends to tell me how much I changed for me to even start thinking about it. After a break from weed I finally realized.
so to the few of you who know me, I've quit doing drugs about 2 months ago. I never really did much besides smoke... but I smoked alot. At least 3-4 times a day. Smoked when I woke up & took a shower, on the way to work, breaks, lunches, driving back from work, at home, before I went to sleep....
Drugs do need much moderation and dicipline to keep under control, I think what helped me alot was I grew up alot before I got into it, and I do think drugs warp your mind if you are still maturing. So to everyone, my opinion is you should be at least 17-18 before you alter your mind. |
UAKRAINEHardcore |
All hello!!!!! I think if music to be liked that the drugs not are needed!!! |
NeXuS |
My advice is not to make it a habbit to only listen to music while on drugs cuz once the drugs are gone it wont be the same.
btw welcome to the board UAKRAINEHardcore, great topic to make your first post on :P |
UAKRAINEHardcore |
Thank you!!! |
bent_bananna |
When its 4 quid for a can of warm beer at a rave and i can take in 3 pills for that much and get absolutely ****ed i know what i'm gonna do!!! |
Triquatra |
good god this threads old! |
farchid |
Ov course drugs are bad they feck your liver...Uness u have an Iron liver like me!
Lay on the liver!!!!! |
hardcore-gabber-nl |
i guess some are and some arnt
i'm possitive hasj and weed are harmless, else my government (whitch protects its people on a crazy level) wouldnt allow it.
i think xtc (or coke) is harmless when you dont do it to much
i'm sure stuff like ghb and heroine are realy bad for you
though i dont use xtc a lot and coke almoast never, and i have never tried ghb and heroine myself, i had a friend who almoast died, but then again he did more shit than i know the name of |
hardcore-gabber-nl |
the trick is not to get addicted :D |
DJ-Pure |
'whats wronge with extacy' Quoted from NOISY
Ok for a start my friend 'Ecstasy is one of the most dangerous drugs threatening young people today. Called MDMA (3-4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) by scientists, it is a synthetic chemical that can be derived from an essential oil of the sassafras tree. MDMA is also one of the easiest illegal drugs to obtain. Its effects are similar to those of amphetamines and hallucinogens. Distributed almost anywhere, it has become very popular at social events like raves, hip hop parties, concerts, etc. frequented by both adults and youth. While not all “event” attendees use Ecstasy, the drug often makes the circuit of these parties and can set up dangerous circumstances that can affect everyone there'
Quoted from a 'Basic facts about drugs web site'
'i think it is totally safe unless' Yet another Quote from Noisy.
'How much of a moron are you' A Quote from me.
Untill you share a Life Threatening Experiance or loss some one close to you i suggest you keep your narrow minded view on it and see how safe you find them when it does happen.
Righteous9 |
quote: you really dont realize how much it changes your personality until it hits you. It took my family and friends to tell me how much I changed for me to even start thinking about it. After a break from weed I finally realized.
so to the few of you who know me, I've quit doing drugs about 2 months ago. I never really did much besides smoke... but I smoked alot. At least 3-4 times a day. Smoked when I woke up & took a shower, on the way to work, breaks, lunches, driving back from work, at home, before I went to sleep....
Drugs do need much moderation and dicipline to keep under control, I think what helped me alot was I grew up alot before I got into it, and I do think drugs warp your mind if you are still maturing. So to everyone, my opinion is you should be at least 17-18 before you alter your mind.
- as posted by Nexus
I used to be pot head, too. Back when I was in High school and College... I quit school just so I could smoke weed all day. Not all drugs but especially weed make you complacent, like you don't want to do anything, just straight lazy! But just experience it, you'll grow out of it! I smoke cigarettes most of the time because I'm a non-illegal user, but yeah, don't let your life, which it probably won't, get sucked away by drugz... Just do em' at parties, I mean how often do you go!
tommy.c. |
theres nothing wrong with taking xtc as long as u do it right.E.is a massive part of the rave scene and should only be taking at a rave to feel the full effect of it.its a dance drug and you can feel the music even more when your on a pill.yeah it can be dangerous but so can crossing the street.it the sort of drug that wil take u up to a much higher level of understanding music.. ............HARDERCORE............. |
Charco |
quote: Originally posted by tommy.c.:
theres nothing wrong with taking xtc as long as u do it right.E.is a massive part of the rave scene and should only be taking at a rave to feel the full effect of it.its a dance drug and you can feel the music even more when your on a pill.yeah it can be dangerous but so can crossing the street.it the sort of drug that wil take u up to a much higher level of understanding music.. ............HARDERCORE.............
Bullsh8. Been to many raves...stood in the middle of the floor with arms raised...just standing, grining, listening to and feeling the music. Then go absolutely mental...loving every beat, every melody that flows through the speakers.
I've seen people on drugs... gurning and boping on the one spot with their eyes in the back of their head.
If you need the drugs to get to 'understand music' better...why go in the first place? Does it sound shit when you haven't taken anything?
To say that you need drugs to feel the music (No-matter what reason you may have behind your statement)...is just wrong.
You don't need drugs to 'enhance' the feeling of a rave, just good music.
Drugs kill. (And that sh1t of 'so does crossing the road'...) F8ck off...muppets!! If your coming up with reasons like that to validate your drug use....have you considered you may have a problem?
I despise drugs....but never despise those who take them....each to their own. But when it comes to people saying you 'need' to take drugs and 'drugs are safe'....really gets to me....I've known people shot for the same thing.
There was once, there was a young girl who was on some form of drug...saw a teddy or something of that effect...ran across the room screming, climed up the curtains, fell and died.
Drugs kill.
A quote from a hardcore LP:
"Drugs are killing the Hardcore Scene in two ways. People are dying from overdoses and house parties are being banned by local governmants. Please, If your going to use drugs- Be carful. Stop hurting yourselves and the hardcore scene." |
Da Cunney Bugz |
quote: Originally posted by Charco:
quote: Originally posted by tommy.c.:
theres nothing wrong with taking xtc as long as u do it right.E.is a massive part of the rave scene and should only be taking at a rave to feel the full effect of it.its a dance drug and you can feel the music even more when your on a pill.yeah it can be dangerous but so can crossing the street.it the sort of drug that wil take u up to a much higher level of understanding music.. ............HARDERCORE.............
Bullsh8. Been to many raves...stood in the middle of the floor with arms raised...just standing, grining, listening to and feeling the music. Then go absolutely mental...loving every beat, every melody that flows through the speakers.
I've seen people on drugs... gurning and boping on the one spot with their eyes in the back of their head.
If you need the drugs to get to 'understand music' better...why go in the first place? Does it sound shit when you haven't taken anything?
To say that you need drugs to feel the music (No-matter what reason you may have behind your statement)...is just wrong.
You don't need drugs to 'enhance' the feeling of a rave, just good music.Drugs kill. (And that sh1t of 'so does crossing the road'...) F8ck off...muppets!! If your coming up with reasons like that to validate your drug use....have you considered you may have a problem?
I despise drugs....but never despise those who take them....each to their own. But when it comes to people saying you 'need' to take drugs and 'drugs are safe'....really gets to me....I've known people shot for the same thing.
There was once, there was a young girl who was on some form of drug...saw a teddy or something of that effect...ran across the room screming, climed up the curtains, fell and died.
Drugs kill.
A quote from a hardcore LP:
"Drugs are killing the Hardcore Scene in two ways. People are dying from overdoses and house parties are being banned by local governmants. Please, If your going to use drugs- Be carful. Stop hurting yourselves and the hardcore scene."
yup spot on |
grafik_bionix |
druuugs are bad hmmmmmmkay!?
treetherealest |
quote: Originally posted by Charco:
quote: Originally posted by tommy.c.:
theres nothing wrong with taking xtc as long as u do it right.E.is a massive part of the rave scene and should only be taking at a rave to feel the full effect of it.its a dance drug and you can feel the music even more when your on a pill.yeah it can be dangerous but so can crossing the street.it the sort of drug that wil take u up to a much higher level of understanding music.. ............HARDERCORE.............
Bullsh8. Been to many raves...stood in the middle of the floor with arms raised...just standing, grining, listening to and feeling the music. Then go absolutely mental...loving every beat, every melody that flows through the speakers.
I've seen people on drugs... gurning and boping on the one spot with their eyes in the back of their head.
If you need the drugs to get to 'understand music' better...why go in the first place? Does it sound shit when you haven't taken anything?
To say that you need drugs to feel the music (No-matter what reason you may have behind your statement)...is just wrong.
You don't need drugs to 'enhance' the feeling of a rave, just good music.
Drugs kill. (And that sh1t of 'so does crossing the road'...) F8ck off...muppets!! If your coming up with reasons like that to validate your drug use....have you considered you may have a problem?
I despise drugs....but never despise those who take them....each to their own. But when it comes to people saying you 'need' to take drugs and 'drugs are safe'....really gets to me....I've known people shot for the same thing.
There was once, there was a young girl who was on some form of drug...saw a teddy or something of that effect...ran across the room screming, climed up the curtains, fell and died.
Drugs kill.
A quote from a hardcore LP:
"Drugs are killing the Hardcore Scene in two ways. People are dying from overdoses and house parties are being banned by local governmants. Please, If your going to use drugs- Be carful. Stop hurting yourselves and the hardcore scene."
Exactly what he said. |
Has anyone suggested Locking the shit out of this topic?
Drugs=Unhelpful......Fun, but unhelpful.
Why do something unbeneficial? |
jenks |
I'd say having fun is pretty beneficial. |
jack5724 |
I dont fink that theyre bad, i dont know why every1 makes such a big fuss bout them!! |
jimbob squarepants |
i dont see the problem.
you either do or you dont
things are put on this earth to try
its up to yourselves how big you wanna dig the hole |
Stony McTony |
it's as simple as this, drugs are fun thats why people do them. don't have a go just because you don't. yeah they cause problems but then so does drinking, smoking or talking loud in public places. basically do drugs if you want to, don't if you don't. but for christs sake, do stop whinging about it |
jimbob squarepants |
somebody please lock this topic!!!!!!!!! |
Lilley |
quote: Originally posted by jimbob squarepants:
somebody please lock this topic!!!!!!!!!
you were the one that made it active again... |
jimbob squarepants |
yeah well i had to get my word in
but its not the first time this topics been talked to death about........
...............during the war |
XelleXcoreX |
hardcore>>> DRUGZ>>>Raves!!
it fits.
its fine.
just be careful nd keep your water balance.
calm nd be happy, be in an atmosphere where you feel comfortable. |
trueraverbaby |
no drugs arnt bad as long as you know what you are looking for and dont go over the top yh ok live ur life u nli live once but dnt shorten it by too many drugs |
Fishy |
http://www.tripzine.com/listing.php?id=cool |
treetherealest |
My personal opinion is that some people like the music....some people just like the party atmosphere and whatever comes with it.
I had some friends who got into raves and I'm sure they enjoyed the music, but not anymore. The second they stopped going to raves and doing drugs, they stopped caring about the music. To me, it's about the music. If you take away the raves and drugs and the whole scene aspect of it all...and just left the person with ONLY the music, I'm sure many people wouldn't be here. |
Mindwinder |
they are only bad if you let them be bad.
in the wise words of scotty b
"be wary what you pop, get clued up and know when to stop"
bowieluva |
nothing better than happy hardcore and good drugs....isnt that what rave music is based on anyway... DRUGS |
MeatBeatManifesto |
i took some drugs once. it was quite good, though it didnt half make my bumhole sting after |
ketaman |
nothing that makes you feel as good as pills do can be bad for you..apart from smack, maybe.. |
MeatBeatManifesto |
yeah, or ham. both seriosuly **** u up |
Hard2Get |
I can't beleive this topic is still going! We have come to the same obvious conclusion several times in a row :P |
MeatBeatManifesto |
what, that touching ham is unhealthy? |
Future_Shock |
I am so ****ing over this topic.
I dont actually care anymore. |
georgeisabamf |
_Jay_ |
quote: Originally posted by MeatBeatManifesto:
i took some drugs once. it was quite good, though it didnt half make my bumhole sting after
quote: Originally posted by georgeisabamf:
cruelcore1 |
quote: Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I can't beleive this topic is still going! We have come to the same obvious conclusion several times in a row :P
And we will repeat that same obvious conclusion another several times  |
Hard2Get |
quote: Originally posted by _Jay_:
quote: Originally posted by georgeisabamf:
I never even noticed this reply i don't think. Though not looked at the topic for years lol (though it doesn't feel that long at all). |
scottyd2k9 |
quote: Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I can't beleive this topic is still going! We have come to the same obvious conclusion several times in a row :P
The never ending story, la la la la la la la la laah, the never ending story. |
raindancerob |
drugs are good in moderation. at the end of the day anyone should be free to do whatever they want to their own bodies, aslongs as they aint hurting anyone else what has it got to do with anyone if they do drugs or not ? |
Josephson_Junction |
Drugs, drugs, drugs! Ask your mom or ask your dad! |
Hard2Get |
quote: Originally posted by raindancerob:
drugs are good in moderation. at the end of the day anyone should be free to do whatever they want to their own bodies, aslongs as they aint hurting anyone else what has it got to do with anyone if they do drugs or not ?
True story. |
_Jay_ |
I tried Shroomz in Amsterdam in October. Absolutely magnificent experience. |
raindancerob |
good aint they :o) |
_Jay_ |
Pretty bloody special mate. Pretty. Bloody. Special. |
Skidzorz |
Shrooms in Amsterdam really are some good quality shit. The only time I've ever tripped harder on shrooms was when I had 4-AcO-DMT (pure psylocin (the other psychoactive, and actually more psychoactive drug in mushrooms than the more commonly known analogue, psilocybin)) powder, but that shit could take you to a totally higher level than shrooms. If you took 20mg it'd be like the best quarter of shrooms you ever ate, going 30+ pushed you into this DMT world with some sort of special awareness unlike that in a breakthrough DMT experience. The most I ever took at once was 35 mg (intense enough), but my friend did 50 once, and almost two hours of his experience was a full on, 4th plateau, breakthrough, entity-seeing DMT trip. I've smoked DMT before (nn-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT) and the thought of being in the DMT void for two hours (which could never feel like anything less than a lifetime), but it just shows the power of these new novel substances. The greatest thing about 4-AcO-DMT is that the effects of the drug are well known and compared to tobacco, alcohol and even weed, the two drugs inside psychoactive mushrooms are relatively safe. The overdose potential is so high over even a heroically high dose that anyone dieing from it are either suicidal or did absolutely no research into the chemical before doing it, which is a dangerous act no matter which drug you do it with. If anyone who likes psychedelics, or even just mushrooms can get there hands on 4-AcO, 4-Po, and 4-Ho-DMT I'd strongly urge you to grab up a few doses. It's one of the few research chemicals that exactly mirrors the drug it's trying to emulate (seeing as it occurs naturally), and I'd strongly recommend it to anyone from freshmen trippers to experienced paychonauts who just have to try everything that's out there. 2C-E is another amazing psychedelic but that's on a completely different level than 4AcODMT. |
_Jay_ |
Mate, WELL interesting read. Cheers for that. Some of that stuff sounds MAD. Salvia is about the most intense I've really been, trip wise. Magical stuff. |
Hard2Get |
Those research chemicals are a lot harder to get hold of in the UK i think. Unlike in Canada. |
don_simon3000 |
there are still some very reliable rc sellers in the world wide web and shipping in europe is no problem. however legal situation got worse, they all moving more to the east and south nowadays.
anyway, wrong thread here! been clean and sober since 1/1/13.  |
kotu |
quote: Originally posted by NOISY:
what do u think hey     
trippnface |
i think ketamine ****ED my bladder up and don't ****ing do it.
Stick to herb and booze. |
kotu |
i say booze sux |
ArdcorePower |
If it wasn't for ecstasy I never, ever would have got into this dance music PERIOD! it was very underground I had no idea what a rave even was, I thought "techno" music was like "pop", I didn't know what ecstasy was, I was into hip hop and dancehall music hahaha after my first rave it changed my life completely and my way of it, it made me a better, more open minded person then I was before.
Now with that being said do you have to be a drug addict to be a raver... no. I know there is 100% sober people who never taken ecstasy and go to raves, I also know it was cool to tell everyone how you don't do anything while grinding your jaw and your eyes being the size of saucers telling me how you're stone cold sober hahaha Okaaay lol, for the ones who had bad drug issues and choose to still go to parties and can handle being in that atmosphere, I respect it 100 % and think it's great they can do that.
I don't dose like I used to, I'm getting old haha, all im going to say is if you are going to dose, always check the pills you're getting, I myself prefer MDMA,MMDA,or MDA uncutt with no ******** like PMA or those other toxic drugs killing people, also be smart dont take 10 pills thinking nothing bad is going to happen, I used to take LSD and MDMA together aka candy flipping.. I can say I never had a bad experience on pure ecstasy, it's the pressed tablets that come cut with all kinds of junk you have to worry about, so make sure you check it before you drop, if you decide to.
I only drink some beer on the weekend now, if i run into pure mdma, and I'm in the mood for it then i will do it but it's not something I do often anymore...
Whatever floats your boat I guess ;) just be safe! |