Q: Who are you, where you from, what do you do? A: dj uraken, tokyo, dj and producer.
Q: How did you choose your DJ / artist name? A: My real name is kentaroh uramachi and i was called uraken from childhood.
Q: Got into hardcore when and why? A: In 94, I started to buy hardcore records but there was no hardcore events in Tokyo. I went to England in 96 and i went to united dance and was moved. After i came back to Japan I started a party called "Hardcore Kitchen" as the first hardcore event in Tokyo.
Q: How many track releases you have under your belt A: About 10 tracks.
Q: What is your future plans for hardcore for the year ahead? A: Make good tracks and release them.
Q: What are your current involments or projects you are working on? A: Some new original material and new monthly event called "HK."
Q: What do you think the future hardcore styles will be or evolve into? A: Diversity.