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 2020 Weight Loss & Fitness

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MusicILove .
LeVzi Props to you for wanting to do something about your own body. Not many people take control and actually do something. I wish you all the best in your quest for the magic mile.

My personal goals fitness wise are to shed 1 stone in bodyweight, i've been powerlifting for many years now, and seeing as my powerlifting goals were cut short in 2016 when I had a heart attack, I managed to achieve my initial goal, which was to lift the same weight I was in 2016 post heart and I did in 2018.

I've been building up various lifts over the last year, but I am riddled with injuries at the moment, so decided to give up the powerlifting and switch to more functional speed and explosive power training and bodybuilding. I want to increase cardiac output and be fitter overall. Started the training yesterday, and tbh it was harder than powerlifting training.
MusicILove .
LeVzi Yes mate I did, I had the heart attack in the end of June, had a stent fitted a week after the blocked artery was found, a week later I flew out to Bulgaria as I was on a 7 week holiday as I was getting married there. Went from breathless couldnt walk to running everywhere in 4 weeks rehab on my own, came back and they put me in Cardiac Rehab, I was running on a treadmill lol i've tried to keep that up, but I was 16 stone in rehab im now 18 after building up the lifts again. But now its time to come down in weight a bit and be more dynamic and explosive, thinking about taking up boxing again.
wong im 5 ft 4 and 16 stone, its all on my gut nowhere else really, i need to get that down badly, had enough now. 2 stone down from this time last year though so ive done something right
MusicILove .
MusicILove .
LeVzi Cardiac Rehab is awesome, and the people running it are very clued up, but it's badly funded here, and mainly done through charities, which has to change as cardiac problems are so common now.
silentinstinct Lev what are your lifting PRs? I also powerlift and competed in my first event this year
LeVzi Lifting was cut short tbh 250kg squat 250kg deadlift and a 160kg bench, I'd been training seriously for I'd started training for power for about 2 years before the heart gave out. Before that I wasnt really training for anything specific.

After the heart attack, lost all my strength n size, and had to build it back up, but got back to the 230kg squiat, 250kg dead and the bench never recovered as I changed to DB's cos I tore my biceps tendon and it killed to bench. I was working for a 300kg dead n squat and a 180-200 bench for Masters 1 level in powerlifting, but never happened, and never will now. But, that's life.

What comp are you going in for ? Raw or assisted ? Whats your bodyweight / Lifts ?
MusicILove .
LeVzi Every week completed is a week won. Keep it up.
MusicILove .
Impulse_Response I can't weight myself because my last girlfriend stole my scale.

Good job, though.

Is this what you're aiming for?
MusicILove .
MusicILove .
Originally posted by MusicILove:
Week 3

Weight 66.6 KG

I?m happy to say that despite being unwell I didn?t gain weight and managed to lose something. I haven?t done a lot of exercise this week. Feel very bad today so won?t be doing any today either. As soon as I?m well I will get back to work on this.

Good to see you are still going on with it, despite being ill.

I am in the middle of rehabing a serious shoulder impingement, trying to avoid heavy lifting. Weight is the same, 18stone dead. Decided to seek medical advice about stopping beta blockers for my heart as they are like having a limiter on the BPM it can go up to. Its like playing hardcore at house speeds lol I cannot fat burn properly on beta blockers, and I wanna stop them.

If I do stop them, means I am gonna have to be a good boy in regards alcohol and food, but I am converting to a different diet soon, going to incorperate vegan days into my diet.
MusicILove .
LeVzi Yeah going too extreme at it never ends well, I got a chest infection yesterday, and the old me would push through it and keep training, but this time , im taking time off, and just getting healthy and hitting the gym when I am better. I refuse to take anti biotics now, as they are less and less effective everytime.

I actually have been fending off this illness since the end of November when I first started feeling ill, by using essential oils. They are brilliant natural ways to boost immune function. But even they don't last forever before a real infection gets in. Everyone I know has gone down with the chest infection around me, most before Xmas, so I am one of the last. so the oils do work. :)

MusicILove .
MusicILove .
MusicILove .
Guest get some dumbells on ebay for £20-30, 15 kg or less, need to splash out more on 10 inch bars

if you have absolute no muscle, shit will soon be gushing from you, when your body takes 10 year old fat for energy
MusicILove .
Guest your just a baby, 48 anadin extra and some lucozade and your harder then die hard, anadin extra is the only drug off the shelf which can hold back the infected tooth, when your whole face is pulsing

you don't want anything which contains ibuprofen as that is american and does absolute nothing when it comes to anything wrong with your body
MusicILove .
Guest if your not allowed a mixture of aspirin and paracetamol, you shouldn't be paying any attention to your doctor to begin with
MusicILove .
Guest everything wrong with you the average man gets everyday, when you start to run low on vitamins the roast dinner fixes when you get home after work

anything else you need some balls, your suppose to feel pain, no pain, no gain, lucozade will boost your acids for 30 minutes
MusicILove .
Guest if your british, you need to eat british, been eating exactly the same lamb and chicken stew based foods for 40,000 years, its part of the genetic make up

lift some dumbbells for an hour, and your arms will be aching for the next few days, so you keep doing them anyway, its how you build muscle
LeVzi Dont listen to that ringnut , you stick to what you're doing cos you are moving in the right direction.
Guest just get some of these, you'll be as good as new after 20, and a day on the sofa

the best source of iron besides sprouts, is a big bowl of frosties

MusicILove .
LeVzi Weather is pissing me off tbh , I love the heat, can't wait for summer. Gonna get my fix of heat this year.
Originally posted by MusicILove:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Dont listen to that ringnut , you stick to what you're doing cos you are moving in the right direction.

I won't I'm really happy with my progress so far. I feel much more active. Just wish the weather would get a little better, but not too much I hate the heat. The ground it so wet I keep getting stuck.

you can listen to a wimpy doctor or a man they call the machine, when it comes to facility working and city, and contruction site cleaning and warehouse work
MusicILove .
MusicILove .
MusicILove .
LeVzi Weight still going down mate, good stuff.
MusicILove .
MusicILove .
LeVzi Sorry to hear that, hopefully it's just temporary.

MusicILove .
MusicILove .
MusicILove .
MusicILove .
kazukism92 I didn't read this topic, I'll take the time to read it.

Looking for a nice opinion between Loss & Fitness and stuff like that. Well, getting easy and clear, I have a weird combination mixed to Dance Dance Revolution, UK Hardcore music (OR keeping the beat) and Running.

Yeap, that's right I play Dance Dance Revolution, once per a week (before the COVID19 situation), def, was my right scape to the mainstream music and focus on these commisioners and in house artists (also, as we know that Fracus & Darwin, and a few of UKHC artists were known at there, trust me were bangers).

In that game, it does help me out to sweat, focus on timing and keep the beat on it and it does take to the running to other level. I mean, in the days that I don't go to play DDR, I go to run, taking care many details like, the way that I run, keep concentrated on the beat, I often listen some any 140 and beyond BPM music due beginner stuff or recover after days to not run continously and get back to 170 > 180, in the time, currently I listen all the whole album and see how many miles I reach, is fun and unexpected. In the only day that I go to the Arcade place, I play DDR focusing in the timing, way that I move, is other level. LOL.

BTW, I want to do more stuff to get my belly gone and get a sweet 6 pack abs (or close than be a thin). But hey, run is great.
MusicILove .
MusicILove .
Originally posted by mulockmic464:

Aw, spammer had to edit his post to get his URL to work
Samination You spammers never stop, do you?

It took 3 ninja's to process this page!


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