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Is Bananaman actually Hixxy?

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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  03:36:52  Show profile Send a private message  Visit Voltage's homepage
Did Bananaman Exist, or was he just a fictional cartoon super hero we all knew and loved? I personally think that Bananaman was Hixxy.

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mc trev
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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  04:03:52  Show profile  Send a private message
good question! i dont no because on some of hixxys tracks
eg. forever together it says bannaman and hixxy?

im a raver not a crazy drug addict!

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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  04:07:00  Show profile  Send a private message
i think voltage may be right, notice how alot of the bananaman tunes sound like older hixxy tunes....mmmmm i think your on to something here

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Edited by - plurrypaul on 2002/06/11 04:10:32
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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  04:51:34  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Hard2Get's homepage
Bananaman is not Hixxy, i can assure you of that. Hixxy's real name is Ian Hicks, Bananaman's real name is D. Heavey (i don't know what his rirst name is). And anyway Bananaman's style is nothing like Hixxy's.

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Edited by - Hard2Get on 2002/06/11 04:54:12
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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  04:53:19  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Voltage's homepage
I need more proof mate, im not convinced atm

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Forward to the New School.

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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  04:57:24  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Hard2Get's homepage
Just look on CD cases or vinyl labels and it will says the producers real name, in this case Bananaman. Also, as far as i know Bananaman is making Trance now. It's obvious that Bananaman and Hixxy are totally different people isn't it really :)

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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  05:57:44  Show profile  Send a private message
Why would it say Hixxy & Bananaman on forever together, that would b like saying force & Styles are one =D

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  07:03:02  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage
yes. i belive he is

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DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  07:35:29  Show profile  Send a private message
what makes you think they're the same person in the first place?

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  07:54:34  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage
ive never seen them both in the same place for 1

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."

Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!

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DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  08:36:55  Show profile  Send a private message
fair enough,but why would hixxy want to make an alias like that and have a different name too??? i just can't see it being true sorry.
i seen hixxy post on ush,ask him there

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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  09:12:42  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Voltage's homepage
Trust me.. Hixxy is a joker and like RizlaDizla MC has said, we have never seen them in the same place together!

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Forward to the New School.

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  09:14:15  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage
i really do fink he is tho

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."

Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!

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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  09:18:03  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Voltage's homepage
Im convinced

Forward to the New School.

Forward to the New School.

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2002/06/11 :  09:19:56  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage
so far i have no reason to belive they are 2 diffrent ppl

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."

Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!

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Posted - 2002/06/13 :  01:33:12  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit pacman's homepage
but what reason do you have to believe that they are the same person??? there's lots of dj's who've never been seen together by people on this board! does that mean you're suggesting that all the fade & bananaman stuff was done by fade and hixxy????

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