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Samination Advanced Member
13,190 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2012/01/21 : 16:37:14
NOTICE: Silver has updated the post/reply page by adding buttons for youtube , soundcloud and mixcloud .
This guide is for how to embed youtube videos to your posts. It's slightly out of date, but it still works as intended.
NOTICE 2: When it comes to Soundcloud and Mixcloud, you copy the whole URL (with https:// and all)
NOTICE 3: TinyPic has stopped working, and I have no interest in updating the images, so I removed them instead.
Step 1: Go to your youtube clip and copy the stuff after "v="
Step 2: Go the the thread you want to post the clip in (or create a new thread), and type [youtube][/youtube] and paste the code you recieved from Step 1 in between the first ] and second [, like this: [youtube]1YzorvpuxE8[/youtube]
when correct, you should get this result:
Q: I can't find the "V=". A: This should've been fixed with the latest Youtube design, but if you're viewing a video on the old design, the URL will look a bit different. The code you will have to copy will be after the last / in the URL, or if you want, you could always click on link below the video
Q: I get a white screen A: You might have copied to little, or too much code. Just saying copy everything after the v= isn't entirely correct, as some links (especially clicking related videos) will have much more code. Example: <- in this example, the code you need to copy is the orange part. You basicly copy everything between "V=" and the following Ampersand (&)
Other examples:
REMEMBER! The string you are copying is ALWAYS 11 tokens long. Not Less, Not More. If the text you're posting in between [youtube][/youtube] isn't 11 tokens long, it wont work
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
Alert moderator Edited by - Samination on 2020/04/19 16:18:30
Lilark Average Member
United States
211 posts Joined: Nov, 2011
Samination Advanced Member
13,190 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2016/01/24 : 07:17:58
Forgot to update this, but even with the quick button under Format, you still need to copy the 11 letters required.
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
Samination Advanced Member
13,190 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2020/04/19 : 16:20:40
It's always been like that. It wasn't until the inclusion of soundcloud and mixcloud that you needed to post the whole url.
Topic updated. TinyPic has seized their operation, and thus the images weren't working any longer.
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
Samination Advanced Member
13,190 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2020/04/20 : 05:34:17
quote:Originally posted by silver:
quote:Originally posted by Si Thompson:
The letter part of the YouTube link doesn't always work. It's hit and miss. Why doesn't it allow the full URL?
Can you give me an example?
most likely copied to much or too little of the youtube video ID.
Well, I can agree that this implementation isn't the easiest for people who prefer to use their mobile phone when browsing this website
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
quote:Originally posted by Si Thompson:
The letter part of the YouTube link doesn't always work. It's hit and miss. Why doesn't it allow the full URL?
Can you give me an example?
most likely copied to much or too little of the youtube video ID.
Well, I can agree that this implementation isn't the easiest for people who prefer to use their mobile phone when browsing this website
It was a way to future proof the site incase the URL structure ever changed (as an ID is unlikely to change)... also there are so many different youtube URL formats... I'll have to get to it