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12,565 posts
Joined: Feb, 2001

894 hardcore releases
silver is verified hardcore artist silver is a site donation subscriber silver has attended 108 events
Posted - 2002/08/26 :  04:15:37  Show profile View artist profile Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage View the linked resource
Ok about 30% of the record section just launched, if you can't find it, goto the top menu bar for records and get the drop down menu, OR goto the top page and click any of the new additions boxes on the right side of the page, check it out, browse around.

If you are a registered member and logged in, you can goto "My Area" section from the Home menu (top bar), you will notice 5 new tabs, and a new "record stats" on the first page with a button. This is true personalization at it's best, you can now make your own custom DJ record list, of all the records you currently own and all the records you currently want (to buy). Only you can see this information when you are logged in, just the exact same way other people can't see your hotmail email when they login to hotmail. To add and remove records from your list you can only do this from the label view page at the moment, this will change in the future to other sections, but for launch I didn't want to much complexity.

What does the button do on the My Area page? Well exactly what the "star" system does in the forums and number of posts. It can make the number of records you own a public figure, to show everyone how many tunes you actually own, this is optional, and by pressing the button you can toggle between the different "public" and "private" stats mode. By default your stats are private.

You can see under my number of posts on anything I have posted my number of records that I own, at the moment I own more than 20 records but I am just testing so don't worry for anyone that plans to book me for a DJ gig :)

A the moment there is only about 150 hardcore releases in the database (mainly vinyl), this has to increase in the future of course, so please don't complain that there are record that you own that are not in the database yet (WE KNOW!)... if you wish to help in entering in data into the database, please contact us...

As the news write up says on the top page, there is nothing like this on the internet, and happy hardcore's and has got it FIRST... Please test as much as you can and report any problems by writing your comments in this thread.

you, me and hardcore forever.

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scattered rat
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Posted - 2002/08/26 :  04:47:20  Show profile  Send a private message
good idea n looks nice but its not workin just yet. from "my page" the taps dont work. all i get is

error '80020009'
Exception occurred.

/forums/inc_mytree.asp, line 117

keep at it.

"We r the muzik makers, the dreamers of dreams" - Willy Wonka

"We r the muzik makers, the dreamers of dreams" - Willy Wonka

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Posted - 2002/08/26 :  05:37:54  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Simon's homepage
it's good for only 30% :) next 70% must be special eh!!!!!!!


"...The Outsider"

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12,565 posts
Joined: Feb, 2001

894 hardcore releases
silver is verified hardcore artist silver is a site donation subscriber silver has attended 108 events
Posted - 2002/08/26 :  06:36:03  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Originally posted by scattered rat:
from "my page" the taps dont work. all i get is
error '80020009'
Exception occurred.
/forums/inc_mytree.asp, line 117

It was because you had 0 items, but I fixed it to check for zero first thanks.

you, me and hardcore forever.

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Posted - 2002/08/26 :  06:45:39  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit kg4's homepage
how can i add records? o_O

Oh man, I hope I didn't brain my damage...

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Posted - 2002/08/26 :  06:55:33  Show profile  Send a private message
i dunno :o

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12,565 posts
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894 hardcore releases
silver is verified hardcore artist silver is a site donation subscriber silver has attended 108 events
Posted - 2002/08/26 :  07:09:23  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage

"To add and remove records from your list you can only do this from the label view page at the moment, this will change in the future to other sections, but for launch I didn't want to much complexity."

Here are some screen shots (I added the arrows):

Press this little drop down button:

Then a menu like this will appear:

From here you can select your options:

you, me and hardcore forever.

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Average Member

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153 hardcore releases
Posted - 2002/08/26 :  08:20:00  Show profile  Send a private message
is it possible to view other peoples record lists yet?

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DFM Records
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Posted - 2002/08/26 :  08:56:07  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DFM Records's homepage
No sign of either of our releases on the database or any of our artists?

Are we included in the 70% which hasnt been uploaded yet?

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Oli G
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Posted - 2002/08/26 :  10:37:38  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage
it also misses off the 6th and 13th release (sequence of 6 init...)
asp is ghey u prob got a problem with a loop or summat

Garage Is where You Keep Your ****in Car
House Is where You Live
Hardcore Is HOW You Live

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_

Hardcore Underground 4 - Released October 19th

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Posted - 2002/08/26 :  11:05:23  Show profile  Send a private message
Can't wait till the rest is done.:)

Hardcore is forever

Hardcore is what we make of it.Hardcore is forever.

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Posted - 2002/08/26 :  13:34:26  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit atomicb's homepage
me too, seeing at 95% of the records I own arn't on it yet :D

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milo is verified hardcore artist milo has attended 89 events
Posted - 2002/08/26 :  14:13:36  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit milo's homepage
that thing is incredible =) there are a lotta records missing, like it'll jump from 2 to 4 then list a bunch then skip another. I can't wait till it's all done and shined up (spelling grammar repeats caps ect)

"Everybody... rock, rock on.. "

__________________________________ American Hardcore Movement/Totally Sweet Radio/Hardcore Street Team

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Posted - 2002/08/26 :  17:37:31  Show profile  Send a private message
i think by "mixing" you meant "missing"... guess we know whats on your mind ;)

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Posted - 2002/08/27 :  01:53:44  Show profile  Send a private message

I noticed that Sneaker Pimps is included in the database. What have they ever made that was Hardcore?

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik

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Posted - 2002/08/27 :  02:07:09  Show profile  Send a private message

Will there eventually be audio samples for all of the tracks?

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik

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