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1,152 posts Joined: Jul, 2008
Posted - 1997/06/13 : 00:00:00
[0 members attended this event.]
Event name: The Final Breakfast Club
Starts: June 13th, 1997
Country: Australia 
State/Territory: New South Wales

When :::
13th of June, 1997
Info :::
One last time!!!
Hope to see all the old faces back to create the vibe that the Breaky Club is famous for!
Special thanx to all the DJ's that have played. All the regular crowd & everyone who has supported us from the beginning. Tailor's staff BLM, J&A Lazers, Lisa & Kate (door bitches), Security, Billy, Kosta, Ivan, Gaby & Anthony, Grant & Tony.
DJ's on tha Night :::
Spellbound vs. Tymez II vs. 911
Chester vs. Tribe
Gee Wiz vs. Shy
Shade vs. XS
Daydream vs. Herb
- Lazers supplied by J&A Lazers
- Sound & Lighting by Emjay
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