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why is it that every1 insults other....

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Posted - 2002/11/10 :  16:35:34  Show profile  Send a private message
I only really listen to hhc and my group of m8s listen 2 it too. I think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. But I do also like a bit of Drum & Bass and for some unusual reason I like 'the streets' (the people who made don't mug yourself) but as yu can see on my scale hhc outweighs the other two

"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"

"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"

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Posted - 2002/11/29 :  08:10:33  Show profile  Send a private message

Finally someone that has an open spirit

I love happy hardcore & Drum and Bass above all other genres.
But I also listen to a lot of breakcore, goa, hard tech, acid, ...

There are many other genres that are really good. Even though I have to admit hating RnB and Rap, I don't wast my energy venting about it.

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Posted - 2002/12/07 :  08:35:18  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit CandyAss's homepage
I like a lot of different genres and respect other people who are committed to those scenes...

but it is and if you do wish to talk about other genres on here, there is a section of the board for that. :)

Which reminds me, why is this in the rumors section? Hehe



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Posted - 2002/12/07 :  11:10:06  Show profile  Send a private message
personally my favorite type of music is happy hardcore but other types eg: hardcore and gabba are all good aswell.

Were's the F***ing Hardcore

Insanity is in the eye of the beholder

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Stevie c
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Posted - 2002/12/16 :  06:47:50  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Stevie c's homepage
If some attacks I retaliate, I like house, techno, rap, Leftfield, 60s,70s,80s,90s, Jungle Hardstep, Drum and Bass, Ska, Punk and some Metal, but I LOVE Old skool and HAPPY HARDCORE, the most explosive vibe and fullest sound I have ever witnessed and been part of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your into the sound of Rebellion

me white gloves and neon sticks leave an endless trail

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Posted - 2003/02/23 :  20:56:54  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit TypeR's homepage
i heard a rumor that everyone liked happy hardcore, and happy hardcore ravers and dj's were treated with respect and not pissed on by junglists, also in this rumor they said that all the parties coming up had happy hardcore in the main room and everythinghouse in the tiny broom closet room!!!! also in this rumor you were able to buy happy hardcore records at any record store and you weren't looked at like you were a crackhead!!!

then i woke up from my space out and came to my senses to the fact that only a select few have love for something so pure, like the energy that a child exudes by running around ALL day and playing, and to me thats what happy hardcore sounds like, so yeah, rumors suck, but wouldn't it be super cool if that rumor was true?

then it would be a perfect world.


DJ RItalin

All Your Bass Are Belong To Us

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Brian K
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Posted - 2003/02/24 :  11:29:55  Show profile  Send a private message
i smell a topic digger...

"we'll delete the weak"

"we'll delete the weak"

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Dave Murray
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Posted - 2003/02/24 :  11:40:45  Show profile  Send a private message
i love hardcore and i dont give a shit wat ppl think i also like a few other choons but thats me, i mean if somebody liked shirley bassey or celine dion id have a laugh and a joke but fuk it if they like it then they like it!

(/Dance Mothe®Fu©ke® On 2Tu®ntables/)

<3 Trance

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Stevie c
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Posted - 2003/02/25 :  03:22:54  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Stevie c's homepage
Now I would listen to opera before Shirley bassey and i am a 1:4 welsh!!
And as for Celine dion come on that's going to far!!
Cack music by a complete linguist sellout!!

Your into the sound of Rebellion

me white gloves and neon sticks leave an endless trail

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Posted - 2003/02/26 :  01:00:20  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit tommo's homepage
I love Hardcore,Old-Skool,Dnb,some gabba,some pop,rap,hip-hop,a little
I try not to limit myself to one style of music,I try to open my mind to other
genres of music.I think sometimes people just listen to one style of music
and kind of get stuck in a rut and close their minds to other types of music.
(I'm not saying anyone here is like that,I was just making a point.)

Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.

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Posted - 2003/02/26 :  03:24:28  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit weba_d's homepage
all i have been listening to latley is hhc and hard trance, thats it

save your Brain


Same street, Different house.

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Posted - 2003/02/26 :  03:53:53  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit djDMS's homepage
People should be allowed to have an opinion on whatever they want - it's only when people talk about things they don't know enough about that the trouble starts. I usually keep my mouth shut if I haven't got a valid argument about something as it's all too easy to offend or upset people (although i don't mind winding 'em up)

Doesn't affect me anyway cos i'm right and everybody else is wrong!!

We're dancing wall to wall, all creatures great and small

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Oli G
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Posted - 2003/02/26 :  05:25:53  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage
why is it that every1 insults other....

cos its ****ing funny you peice of shit, take your ****in ugly ass back....

sorry :D

on another note, i listen to anything i like,
lots of random crap

Hardcore/freeform/dnb/nu skool breaks/trance/old clapton stuff/rhcp/random enya tunes/speedcore/gabber bleh etc

CAM001 Out MARCH2003
Distribution Through Nu Energy & Imo

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_

Hardcore Underground 4 - Released October 19th

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Brian K
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Posted - 2003/02/26 :  11:56:56  Show profile  Send a private message
Originally posted by OliGhalebi:
cos its ****ing funny you peice of shit, take your ****in ugly ass back....

i couldn't have said it better oli

"we'll delete the weak"

"we'll delete the weak"

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Posted - 2003/04/07 :  03:56:52  Show profile  Send a private message
i was just reading all the rplies2this! i think the main reason people who love hardcore slag off other music is cos of the amount of shit we get 4loving hardcore! i dont really listen2anything else cos i no its the best, i havnt got nething against other music, except the attitudes of some of the people associated with certain types of music, like garage for eg! and why is it ok 4them 2slag us off 4liking happy hardcore!
i think it was a big mistake4slammin vinyl 2have garage at hardcore events!!its like the worst combination ever! i think every1 should be left2listen 2wat they want, but definatley dont slag off hardcore cos ravers r the best and nicest kinda people!!!
jem x

be totally bonkers,happy2b hardcore and if u cant b good, be careful!

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