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Where are the Ladies?!!!!!!

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Posted - 2003/06/01 :  21:02:52  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Brian K:
in any sort of electronic music, men are in the majority as far as djing/producing. i think there are too many women that just settle for being dj hoes =P

arizona used to have a really good hardcore scene, but from what i've heard it's all pretty much gone =/

"we'll delete the weak"

AZ used to have one hell of a scene... theres still a couple djs around here, but no ones pushing anything out... im trying to get outta the state though, like i said, one booking coming up in so cal, and one up in the north east... but we had an amazing scene here.. could rival with the best... but it just fell apart....

i agree with you abuot the women settling to be DJ hoes.. *sigh* i was a 16 year old raver once too, but now i want to be behind the decks... ill have a mix up too in the next couple weeks.. seems im a bit of a dorktard abut computers and stuff, because i cant seem to make a goddamned cd for the life of me.. but hopefully soon...

and tehre aer some women gabber djs, were just very few and far between... same for every genre i suppose though... but im definatly proud to be a female dj...

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Brian K
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Posted - 2003/06/02 :  16:07:22  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
even rarer are hardcore djs that aren't lesbians

i think part of arizona and most places problems are shady and just all around crappy production companies

"we'll delete the weak"

"we'll delete the weak"

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Posted - 2003/06/02 :  18:56:25  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
^i think youre a man who knows what hes talking about ;)

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Posted - 2003/06/08 :  10:41:47  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Here is a female!
I was thinking the same about all the male DJ's gettin the credit and the females being pushed to the side.
What likeyou need a pair of balls to be a big DJ?

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Posted - 2003/06/08 :  21:27:05  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
HELLA CHILL!!!! you spin too girl????

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Posted - 2003/06/08 :  21:58:19  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit virus's homepage  Reply with quote
I was thinking the same about all the male DJ's gettin the credit and the females being pushed to the side. What like you need a pair of balls to be a big DJ?

I dont think that's the case at all.. I think female dj's get more credit then their male counterpart actually..

But the fact is, is that 99% of dj's are male.. It would only benefit to scene to have more females spinning

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Posted - 2003/06/08 :  23:24:28  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
9 times out of 10 i get booked because i have tits... and each of those times i am told that i will not recieve a timeslot unless i **** the promoter.

and we wonder why there arent more female DJs... I quit for a long time because of that. Girls get treated like shit, instead of being respected for being empowered and talented, we get told to suck someones dick for a timeslot...

the political ******** is crap... im not trying to whine and say "its not fair" but i think that we should at least be respected for our talent instead of our tits.

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Posted - 2003/06/12 :  10:10:55  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Maybe we should organize one big hardcore rave, with female dj's only.

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Dave Murray
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Posted - 2003/06/12 :  10:22:39  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Originally posted by mrsmataveli:
Maybe we should organize one big hardcore rave, with female dj's only.

I bet not alot of people would turn up though.

Hardcore We Will Stand.....Hardcore We Will Fall.

<3 Trance

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Posted - 2003/06/12 :  16:04:49  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
thats pretty ****ed up.

im as good as any guy spinnin hardcore right now, if not better.... but im not gettnig booked beacuse i wont **** promoters to get a timeslot...

how many men have that problem?

all girl parties are always successful, its not completely absurd to have a good female DJ, i just think men are intimidated by strong talented women...

i think youre right mrs matavali

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Posted - 2003/06/12 :  17:29:56  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Jaide's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by kande:
thats pretty ****ed up.

im as good as any guy spinnin hardcore right now, if not better.... but im not gettnig booked beacuse i wont **** promoters to get a timeslot...

that's a shitty situation..luckily here, that's not the case at all. myself, and other female DJs get respect where respect is due...the majority of promoters are very fair in their ways of booking, booking on talent and not on piece of ass...

if you have a demo, and you're as good as you say you are and if you're interested in playing in St. Louis, let me know..I might book you sometime, or atleast talk to other promoters around me to see if they'd book you :)

DJ Jaide
Founder of I-Jam Productions in St.Louis


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Posted - 2003/06/12 :  22:05:57  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
awesome- im gonna put a mix up online as soon as i get the necessary cables.. so should be in the next 1-2 weeks...

Im interested in playing out anywhere and everywhere i can- ill let you know when my demo is available...

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Posted - 2003/06/13 :  01:08:24  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage  Reply with quote
Submit a mix to radio, only talent required to get on our radio :)

it's all hardcore.

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Posted - 2003/06/13 :  12:27:58  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
well what can i say it's attitudes like daveo's that makes it unfair. At the moment im producing(trying anyway) and it's like whats the sense in making a Cd and sending it off like anyone will listen to it, they would see that im a female and chuck it. I might sound like im being bias but thats how it comes across. As soon as i can i will send a CD or somit and let you all judge.

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Dave Murray
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Posted - 2003/06/13 :  13:02:22  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
I would turn up though! But alot of people go to see BIG starts like, DJ SY & Scott Brown. Im just saying it as it is. Im all for female DJ's myself.

Hardcore We Will Stand.....Hardcore We Will Fall.

<3 Trance

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