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 Events: Australia / New Zealand
 Hyperspeed Gold Series

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
pacman Event name: Hyperspeed Gold Series
Starts: November 29th, 2002
Country: Australia
State/Territory: New South Wales

Hyperspeed Gold Series
Friday 29th November, 2002
The Final Chapter (The Last Hyperspeed Event)

The Whitlam Leisure Centre
Memorial Ave Liverpool

Tickets $44 Inc Gst Plus Booking Fee
Available From 3rd September
Strictly Limited To 3,500

Arena One:
9.00-10.00 Suae Vs Haze
10.00-11.00 Fenix Vs Rapid
11.00-12.30 Sharkey
12.30-2.00 Kevin Energy
2.00-3.30 Scott Brown
3.30-5.00 Brisk
5.00-6.00 Chester Vs Marcos
6.00-7.00 Paul Holden Vs Weaver
MC Losty

Arena Two:

manic I think its a great idea. Looks like a great event. Sign me up.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE Sounds good to me...

It will be weird tho putting a face to all you ppl's other than the avatar that u use.

Hyperspeed Gold sounds like lotsa fun, and Ive just finished my HSC so Im ready to party w00 w00 w00

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
Skeenip Count me in aswell. Meeting new people is always good just a suggestion can you make the meet up close to the venue (when known) i'm a bloody westy and travelling can get difficult.

"Well it just goes on and on and you don't stop, party people winding up and keep on going til you drop YEAH!"
scattered rat wen is it on?

count me in if i dont have exams!!

i need the date people

"We r the muzik makers, the dreamers of dreams" - Willy Wonka
scattered rat sorry i found the date :)
im bad!

"We r the muzik makers, the dreamers of dreams" - Willy Wonka
silver Please post all the event details.

you, me and hardcore forever.
strychnine count me in on this

ps ... i just realised that i haven't seen any info on the web for this party at all. i heard about it at logic from mikel (i assume pacman heard about it in a similar way) so i can't post any concrete details ... unless someone got their hands on a really early flier
Don't dream it's over
silver Hyperspeed Gold Series
Friday 29th November, 2002
The Final Chapter (The Last Hyperspeed Event)

The Whitlam Leisure Centre
Memorial Ave Liverpool

Tickets $44 Inc Gst Plus Booking Fee
Available From 3rd September
Strictly Limited To 3,500

Arena One:
9.00-10.00 Suae Vs Haze
10.00-11.00 Fenix Vs Rapid
11.00-12.30 Sharkey
12.30-2.00 Kevin Energy
2.00-3.30 Scott Brown
3.30-5.00 Brisk
5.00-6.00 Chester Vs Marcos
6.00-7.00 Paul Holden Vs Weaver
MC Losty

Arena Two:

you, me and hardcore forever.
pacman sorry silver i didn't know all the details yet i posted all that had been released. i figured we could have a meetup at the party, say 9:30 or 10:30??? what a shame it's at the whitlam!!!!! :( oh well, the djs will make up for it.

i will keep a rollcall in my original post of who says they'd like to take part.i just think it's cool to get to know some of the people you talk to on the forum. it also makes the forum funner if you party with those people, and it's nice to run into heaps of people at parties that you vaguely keep in contact with.

so what do you suggest? nametags? group photo? anything organised???

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
silver It's not posted anywhere else... you read it here first... I am elite haha ... not really... just asked Fenix for it :)

you, me and hardcore forever.
scattered rat yeah its uni exams and i just found out that they finish that day so all should be sweet im in!

besides if i dont go how does skeenip expect to get there?? walk?

...whitlam :( suppose its hyperspeed style n its not too far from home for me...

"We r the muzik makers, the dreamers of dreams" - Willy Wonka
spry I am there!

Originally posted by scattered rat:
yeah its uni exams and i just found out that they finish that day so all should be sweet im in!

besides if i dont go how does skeenip expect to get there?? walk?

...whitlam :( suppose its hyperspeed style n its not too far from home for me...

"We r the muzik makers, the dreamers of dreams" - Willy Wonka

bah it's only livo, it's not like i need rides everywhere. I did you to train and bus my travels.

"Well it just goes on and on and you don't stop, party people winding up and keep on going til you drop YEAH!"
djyogi hey all ive never beeen to thw whtilam centre b4 is it goood for an event ????

"My only regret in life is that i wasn't a DJ" Draz
weba_d yea yea! count me in...whos going to HPS revolution????

"what goes up must come down"... so keep popin!

strychnine djyogi: In terms of space, setup and facilities, Whitlam's actually a really good venue for a party ... it's just that Fenix has used it so many times for Hyperspeed (4 & 6), A51 (2) and Twilight Zone (1), as well as other promoters with Atmosfear (1) and Mystic (5 & 6), that u kinda get sick of it, especially if u went to all the previously mentioned parties like I did. (Off the top of my head, I believe most of these parties were held sometime in the last 12mths)

Oh and yeah I'm going to Hyperspeed Revolution just cuz I don't wanna go through all of August without raving (I missed Godspeed, and AFAIC the last Area 51 wasn't a rave :P)

Don't dream it's over
weba_d cool, i'm there.. whos going to brisbane systen 6?????
what goes up must come down.. so keep popin!

Fusion YEAH for sure count me in!!!!!
Can't wait, its gonna ago off

HardKandi hey im definently goin im not going 2 miss this party. hey were u all in attendance last week at hyperspeed at the gocart place arncliff??

the nation of domination
djyogi apparently theres 2 new dj;s comming in, Sotrm and Marc Smith.

This is going to be ****en a ****en fat ass party

"My only regret in life is that i wasn't a DJ" Draz
manic Already got my ticket, this is the earliest I have ever brought a ticket for a rave. Does anyone live in the Sutherland Shire or St George area, I might be able to give them a lift.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE w00p it just keeps getting better.
Yeah im going to get my ticket soon cause i tink this will sell out FAST!

Hyperspeed Rev was lotsa fun only prob was i couldnt get there till 1

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
silver Get fenix to book me :)

you, me and hardcore forever.
strychnine LOL ... how much do you charge? i'll ask him while he's drunk and maybe, just maybe, he might do something a little silly :P

Don't dream it's over
silver I nearly always DJ for cheap as I love hardcore...

you, me and hardcore forever.

list of djs and flyer so far :)

pacman well obviously the dj timetable is going to change, so what do you guys think??? should we have a meetup or not bother???

i can't believe i'm going to be seeing all these djs for $35!!!!!!! THIS IS AWESOME! what a great end to my HSC year!!!!!!

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
pacman hey storm can you let me know if you REALLY made silk cuts #11??? coz i don't want to take it to you to sign if you didn't actually do it. thanks.

i also need to know who did hard harmony on blatant beats??? did it have anything to do with brisk???? and what a shame i slept on a a relatively cheap copy of dowhatyalike last week :(


drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
well obviously the dj timetable is going to change, so what do you guys think??? should we have a meetup or not bother???

hmmm ... it's kinda pointless to organise a meetup if the timetable changes and what was supposed to be a quiet period becomes a headline set. besides, meetups are boring and everyone forgets anyways. howzabout we all post an item of distinctive clothing that we'll be wearing on the night, and we can have hours of fun trying to find eachother. it'll be like 'where's wally', only real!

come to think of it, it's a pretty silly idea, considering that at a rave, there is *no* such thing as a 'distinctive' item of clothing ... ignore me people, carry on about your business

Don't dream it's over
manic Why not meet up? Its always good to meet more people in the scene, parte with people as a group and we can always keep in contact on the site. There are already a few people that have said they would meet up and the parte is still months away.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
Originally posted by pacman:
hey storm can you let me know if you REALLY made silk cuts #11??? coz i don't want to take it to you to sign if you didn't actually do it. thanks.

haha yeah that was me (the 12" version) :) come n see me when im out there and ill sign it for u dude


pacman wicked thanks man! i don't think i'll take my records to hyperspeed though cos i don't want to have to worry about them. but you'll no doubt be at one stop dj at one stage, or i could just give them to rob (weaver) to get you to sign them. whatever dude you're a champ keep up the good work!

btw i found out it was trixxy who did hard harmony so i answered my own question thanks hahaha.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
silver List of DJ Storm's releases

you, me and hardcore forever.
pacman nice one thanks silver. i can get ready or not signed too!

well i would appreciate more feedback from the sydney ravers whether they think we should meet up or not?? what's the verdict?

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
Skeenip A meet-up is still sounding good at this point, before or during the rave works fine (It's not like the whitlam is a huge complex).

"Well it just goes on and on and you don't stop, party people winding up and keep on going til you drop YEAH!"
strychnine Hmmm ... before the rave ... now there's an idea. Makes productive use of the time normally wasted waiting in line. I like it.

Don't dream it's over
pacman yeah sounds like a good idea, also because the main room is all internationals all night, so there won't be time unless we wanna miss a little of someones set. if that's the case i vouch for missing a bit of marc smith's set, no-one will mind will they?? hahaha sorry no offence to him

got my ticket today for $38!!!!!!!! 38 for 6 INTERNATIONALS!!!! i'm excited!(best big kev impersonation)

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
strychnine My ticket's bought as well ... and yeah, 6 INTERNATIONALS!


Hmph. I *really* should be more excited than I actually am. I dunno. Maybe cuz it's like over a month away. Maybe I'm subconsciously preparing for a shit night, so I can't help but be blown away when it finally comes around. Or maybe, just maybe, it's the sad state of financial affairs I'm in that means even a paltry $38 outlay has pushed me over to the not-so-sunny side of the line marked "Broke Motherf***er".


Don't dream it's over
HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE hopefully my mate got my ticket so i get it cheap cheap but if not oh well it is worth the money.

dont mind with the meet up but if guys want i can try to.

dont mind really

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
saintberry any idea of how many ticks are trying to drag the canberra massive up, but there is no point if there almost sold out.

oh and i dont know if anyone has been informed...but ILL BE COMING HELL OR HIGH WATER!

is there going to be a meet up or something????

god its going to be a manic week...hyperspeed, drive back to canberra for sasha the next day, then *gah* drive over to ****ing south australia for outback eclipse

god its going to be one MANIC comedown

strychnine saintberry, you, my friend, are INSANE! GO HARD!

... and on other matters, yeah, I think there're still tickets left, but this one's looking to become a genuine sell-out, so I suggest getting yours ASAP. As for the meetup, I think the Meetup Committee (Sydney Directorate) is still deliberating on the issue, so please feel free to pipe in with your suggestions :)

Don't dream it's over
pacman that is insane!!!! not to mention expensive!!!!!! good luck with it.

well a meetup is still in the deciding stages for this, but it looks like (at this stage) that none of my friends are gonna come along :(, so does anyone want a tag-along? i just want some people to hang out with is all hahaha i sound like such a loser but hey, i've been out of the raving scene for too long!! it's okay i'm not the annoying type, i'll keep you entertained!

anyways, there are still plenty of tickets, and there'll be 500 on the door if you get stuck (3000 are being sold in advance). if you get to one stop or dj marcos (in woolongong) in the next couple of days you can get your ticket for $38 instead of $53. but yeah best to get it early hey.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
saintberry ok sweet will do...and i would love to meet you people!

are any of you inthemixers by theway?

>is wickeddream off itm ;)

pacman i am step on inthemix but i've only posted twice (i use another forum (BL))

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
Originally posted by pacman
so does anyone want a tag-along? i just want some people to hang out with is all hahaha i sound like such a loser but hey, i've been out of the raving scene for too long!! it's okay i'm not the annoying type, i'll keep you entertained!

Hell, I've got a tag-along now that I *really* wanna get rid of but can't seem to - she's my ex-girlfriend LOL. I'm sure you can't be any worse.

Don't dream it's over
pacman hahahaha thanks ninja!!!! i don't know if i should take that as a compliment eh hahaha. what's she like? you could always dump her on me hahaha

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
strychnine she's the nicest person you could ever meet but she can be a little, ummm, *talkative* at times. i sometimes end up near the speakers just so i don't hear her voice

oh and you don't stand a chance btw ... i'm a VERY hard act to follow
*gives himself a pat on the back*
FIGJAM BABY!!!!! [@:P]


although if you wanna be the sacrificial pig for the nite, be my guest. just be warned: she'll talk your ears off given half a chance. no point spending $38 a rave when you can't hear the music :)

ps ... once again i realise i've just written a really nonsensical post. i apologise - i blame fatigue. i promise to edit it properly in the morning when i'm all bushy-eyed and bright-tailed after a good nites sleep

Don't dream it's over
saintberry ahahah, acid + me = loops

not just loops, loops in loops about loops, looping around loops in a loop looped over a loop.....sit me next to her, and she wont be able to get a word in =D

XxXbUnnYgAlXxX Its times like this that I really wish i was australian!! I'm so jealous of you guys!!!

yOu'rE nOt aLoNE...
toxic Im wif u speccedninja .... its gunna b 2 gud a nite to have ur ear talked off ... it happens all 2 often ... lets make a stand !!!

strychnine toxic my fellow crackajack, welcome to the forums!
and yeah as you can see i've been working finding some poor schmuck a lucky guy to dump my parasite of an ex-girlfriend upon introduce to our lovely and, last time i checked, available friend

Where's that goddamn drum machine?!
manic Everything seems to be coming together well. If we are going to meet , we should meet outside the venue or up the front right hand corner of the main room. Which is everyone's preference?

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE I say front right.

I got a problem though. I'm going to schoolies the next day. I might have to leave early so as I can get a train to QLD! That is gona be one fun train trip....

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
strychnine i figure front-right's gonna be pretty crowded and noisy. u think it's a good idea? i'm down with whateva everyone else decides though.

one thing: i *may* not be able to get out of working that nite (i finish at 9.15) so i may not be at the party till about 10-ish, maybe a bit after

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
saintberry ok well seeing as i have no idea where this venue is, it also means i have no idea if there are any IGA supermarkets around?

i may need to whip up some cream on the night ;)

strychnine ^^ ummm, i think you'll find a supermarket pretty easily in that area, but does it necessarily have to be an IGA? or is this some kind of twisted joke that i don't get?

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
saintberry coles and woolworths dont sell cream bulbs, so yeah IGA or anyother kind of independent grocer. and nope not a joke, its vital info needed if you want to lessen the harshness of very sketchy comedowns

strychnine ahhh i'm surprised i didn't get that one, me being an ex-whippetser myself. i work at an iga but we stopped selling them a while ago :( i don't know if there's one in liverpool though ...

and i'm not one for sketchy comedowns anyway - a bottle of powerade, a pack of smokes and some tissue to blow the ravey-gravy out is all i need in the morning. oh, and a nice, long shower

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic u'd better try and get that nite off work ... doesnt hyper start at 9?

Crack another one !!!
toxic powerade and smokes .... ahhhh, thats the s**t, nothing beats it, particularly in the park.

i swear speccedninja, if that kid is blowing that whistle, ill take it, turn it sideways, and stick straight up in candy ass ... enough is enough ... let me comedown peacefully

Crack another one !!!
strychnine hey toxic i'm trying to get the nite off work but the guy who filled in for me last time refuses to do it again ... it's still a long way away though so i mite be able to wrangle something. i really don't wanna miss any of this one.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
pacman front right is not really a good idea for two reasons:

1) you won't be able to hear a thing.
2) it's a very common meet-up spot.

if the meet-up's during the night, my reccomendation would be either the first aid tent or the rushn stall, cos there's usually only one of each and staff/security/other people can usually tell you where they are.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
strychnine yeah i think somewhere in the non-dancefloor areas would be good for an in-rave meetup ... although i still think a pre-rave (ie in line) meetup is a good idea

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by XxXbUnnYgAlXxX:
Its times like this that I really wish i was australian!! I'm so jealous of you guys!!!

yOu'rE nOt aLoNE...

You could always move here

So what's the plan for the meet-up? and please tell me there's still cheap tix around...i still haven't bought mine

"Well it just goes on and on and you don't stop, party people winding up and keep on going til you drop YEAH!"
toxic Skeenip, i believe that there are no more cheap tix available ... the cheap tix were only on sale until 28 Sept.

Crack another one !!!
saintberry yeah i still havent got mine either =O price isnt really that much of an issue, is there anywhere i can get them off the net?

toxic Ive never bought tix for a rave on the net (i didnt even know that u could, apart from ticketek)
but i know all the usual outlets sell them, $49 + b/f

Crack another one !!!
saintberry <lives in canberra, i wonder if itm is selling them *cheks*

Skeenip ahhh shazbot...*looks in wallet and finds only lint*

"Well it just goes on and on and you don't stop, party people winding up and keep on going til you drop YEAH!"
manic Maybe we should have two spots were we meet up. One inside and one outside. That way people who are there early can meet up before going in and then people who come later will be able to meet inside. As long as there is a time everything would be set. What time are people thinking of turing up to this parte? 9.00 is a very early start. I guess it just depends on the line up. Does anywone know whos playing when. You could also meet on the way to the parte if people are going by train and I'll be able to give people a lift if they come from the shire or if they want to meet me at a station like Hurstville.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
toxic Instead of saving the "meet up" until Hyperspeed (which is still 57 days away, not that im counting :P) why not meet up b4, say at a Logic (although this is restricted to those over the age of 18) or another party b4 Hyperspeed. Im sure there will be another all age party b4 Hyperspeed.
Meeting up at a party b4 Hyperspeed means u get 2 know everyone beforehand and it saves introducing urself to everyone on the nite and hence will make the nite more enjoyable because it eliminates any chance of missing a DJ's set.

Crack another one !!!
manic I'm off to Ultrasonic this week. Anyone want to meet up? Meeting up sooner is not a bad idea, if i can make it, I will meet up. It just that I know I am definitely going to Hyperspeed.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
strychnine I *briefly* considered going to see ultrasonic, but then my financial reality reared up its ugly head and gave me a swift kick in the ass for being so foolish :P

i'm with toxic on the pre-Hyper meetup though. I'm perfectly happy to meet up at another party or something ... although the advantage of hyper is that we know *everyone's* gonna be there

- strychnine (the artist formerly known as speccedninja)
"I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving."
I *briefly* considered going to see ultrasonic, but then my financial reality reared up its ugly head and gave me a swift kick in the ass for being so foolish :P

was it financial reality rearing up its ugly head or was it knowing that ur parasite of an ex-girlfriend our lovely friend will b there?

Crack another one !!!
djyogi anyone from the northern beaches going to hyperspeed?

I wanna go so badly but its a trek and plus i got schoolies on the next day. Someone help me out do u reckon its worth going to or not if i have to travel a distance???

"My only regret in life is that i wasn't a DJ" Draz
saintberry dude, im goming up for canberra, ive got sasha the next day and outback eclipse in SA later in the week...yes god damn its worth it!

just look @ the lineup ffs

I wanna go so badly but its a trek and plus i got schoolies on the next day. Someone help me out do u reckon its worth going to or not if i have to travel a distance???

i wouldnt miss it if my life depended on it

dude, im goming up for canberra, ive got sasha the next day and outback eclipse in SA later in the week...yes god damn its worth it!

now thats dedication
GO HARD saintberry!!!

Crack another one !!!
pacman yeah yogi dude you HAVE to come. there's never been a party like this!! take one look at the dj lineup, then one look at the price, and your mind should be made up from there. ****, it's worth going to schoolies a day late!

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
weba_d ok my proitry list with 700 bucks

"what goes up must come keep popin!

HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE I'm going to schoolies the next day aswell.
Have to get to Strathfield station by 7.10 so as I dont mi my train. Hopefully Im not to farked for the trip. I was contemplating going up a day late but no one to travel with.

We can all travel to station together even, have a personal rave on the train, just play with light switches and everyone humm. haha shall be fun

just have to get ticket now :(

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
manic With the biggest international rave line up since World Party, it's worth getting there.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
silver ^^^ It's not the biggest since, this party is going to rock but important to get your facts correct.... Apollo in 98 was bigger...

Scott Brown

you, me and hardcore forever.
manic Apollo was certainly a huge event,but, World party had some internationals. I think from memory there were at least four. Always keep your flyers.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
silver World party had

Scott Brown
Charlie Lownoise and Mental Theo
Paul Elstak
and I think Buzz fuzz

you, me and hardcore forever.
weba_d do u mean biggest internation dj ozzie event or biggest international dj world event?

"what goes up must come keep popin!

Originally posted by weba_d:
do u mean biggest internation dj ozzie event or biggest international dj world event?


you, me and hardcore forever.
one_scatterd_lil_monk_e hyperspeed is gunna be unreal... im coming up from down the coast, its going to be wikked to see sharkey and the rest of the crew, too all the peoples that are going to schoolies the next day i hope u arent driving lol..., im just staying in sydney for my schoolies cheap accommodation ( my sisters)

*i wish i had a cool qoute*

pacman whereabouts in sydney are you staying??? i'm not going to schoolies at all!!!

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
one_scatterd_lil_monk_e miranda... yeah this is just my excuse that i am going to schoolies lol... i couldnt be botherd to see a whole heap of knobs running around surfers anoying people.. haha so instead i let my g/f go lol.. owells

djyogi im aware of the line up anywayz its confirmed im comming so theres another punter to the list. I have a flight at 2:30 pm on saturday for schoolies. Anyone know if there r tickets left still ???
They said that the capacity is for only 3500 they shoulda made it for more ppl at least then the message would get across to everyone that happy hardcore/hardcore is goood.

BDW Silver The line up is Marc Smith, Storm, Sharkey, Scott Brown, Kevin Energy , Brisk - so thats 6 british Dj's. Preety goood, it says alot about the ties still between the British and the Australian. Kepp it up cause together we unite as one.

"My only regret in life is that i wasn't a DJ" Draz
gee ahhh all this talk of hyperspeed.. I just found this site the other day and have been listening to its radio while at work... last rave I went to was a little hardcore rave out at the liverpool show ground... oh fond memories.. now I'm in malaysia finishing off my degree and returning to australia around new years... i'm so disappointed i'm missing the last hyperspeed.. this event has its own character and you see so many familiar faces there... for all that are going party hard.. and report about it on here so I know how it goes!!!

Originally posted by djyogi:
Anyone know if there r tickets left still ???
They said that the capacity is for only 3500 they shoulda made it for more ppl at least then the message would get across to everyone that happy hardcore/hardcore is goood.

Yeh there are still tix available. they r $44 + b/f.

Crack another one !!!
weba_d where can all of us meet?

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine yeah i think it's about time for this thread to get its second wind ... bleh more like its seventh :P

meetup ... i'm happy to meet people anywhere and anytime, except that i'm working til 9:15, which mean's i'm not gonna arrive til about 9:45 - 10pm. hell, if the rest of you guyz all wanna meet up earlier that's cool, i'll just join the party a bit later :)

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
meetup ... i'm happy to meet people anywhere and anytime, except that i'm working til 9:15, which mean's i'm not gonna arrive til about 9:45 - 10pm. hell, if the rest of you guyz all wanna meet up earlier that's cool, i'll just join the party a bit later :)

u seriously cant get the time off?
thats messed

as for the meet up it would be ideal to get it done *early* that way the nite will be more enjoyable ... id say in the chillout area ... maybe near the garage door

Crack another one !!!
toxic its getting closer i can feel it .... or maybe just because i havent been to a rave in aaaaaages ... well, in case uz dont already know ... heres the timetable of when ur fave DJs will be doing what they do best ...

Here we go -

9 Suae vs Haze
10 Fenix vs Task
11 DJ Storm
12 Marc Smith
1 MC/DJ Sharkey
2 Kevin Energy
3 Scott Brown
4 Brisk
5 Chester vs Marcos
6 Paul Holden vs Weaver

9 Velocidex vs Tom-e
10 Crystal vs Statik
11 Aladdin vs Jim Jams
12 Phase one vs Elroy
1 Ctrix vs Refresh
2 Rapid (Melb)
3 Panik vs Buggin
4 Team Rocket
5 Oky vs Exile

P.S sorry for the double post ... i felt this deserved its own post

Crack another one !!!
pacman dammit weaver told me that the internats were getting two hours each!!! oh well... what about if we meet at 8:00 or 8:30..... hey maybe we can even beat the sniffer dogs there!!!!

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
toxic Well, im going for a *few* drinks at Mounties (the guys from the west should know where that is) and then heading off to Whitlam ... i can be there anytime


what about a show of hands for the ppl who want to meet up ... just continue the list
1. toxic

Crack another one !!!
Originally posted by pacman:
dammit weaver told me that the internats were getting two hours each!!!

that would mean at least a 12hour rave ... wouldnt that be nice

Crack another one !!!
pacman just had to make the 100th post!!! yeah i'm all for meeting up -> like i said earlier, i have no-one to hang out with!

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
strychnine yeah pacman, no s*** you're all for the meetup - wasn't it your idea in the first place?

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic seems like no one is that interested, well apart from us 3 anyway

Crack another one !!!
pacman yeah i know i just wanted to make the hundreth post ;)

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
saintberry im interested!!! *puts hand up* however my efforts to making my hyperspeed, sasha, outback eclipese trilogy have now been handed a blow...ive got ****ing glandular fever.

so ive booted outback E and sasha in the ass and hope to recover for HSG!

weba_d my hands are up

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

toxic the more the merrier

Crack another one !!!
strychnine OK out of the original list for the meetup only 3 have put their hands up for this latest call ... where are all the rest?

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
saintberry what do you sydney siders do RE: Recovery?

toxic recovery is usually decided upon when the nite is coming to an end

as long as i have a powerade and cigarettes, i wont complain where i am ... but recovery is cut short due to work commitments

Crack another one !!!
strychnine amen for powerade and smoke ... but yeah i work saturdays so i never get to do a full-day recovery. i'm sure there's gonna be an organised recovery party somewhere though - there always is.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
saintberry nangs

toxic nangs?

Crack another one !!!
manic Count me in.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
weba_d ok the definates so far are
I dont think the meet up will be long as toxic and strychine stick together asking for the above names we are sure to meet up

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

saintberry ill make it easy for yall and ware a tshirt with a big strawberry on the front and the writing 'berry' on it.

and nangs....nitrous oxide, cream bulbs....what I need for a recovery..sif powerade :P

ahah toxic, your sig is quite fitting for nangs "Crack another one !!!" classic :D

Originally posted by weba_d:
ok the definates so far are
I dont think the meet up will be long as toxic and strychine stick together asking for the above names we are sure to meet up

If anyone's looking for me on the night, please note that I will only answer if you address me such:

"Oh Great Strychnine, He who strikes fear into the hearts of men, and wetness into the pants of women, please grace this poor, humble creature with the radiance of Your Heavenly Awesomeness"

saintberry: "nangs"? I've never heard them called that. I personally like the term "whippets".


BTW me and tox are *not* gonna be together for the opening hour or so of the night, but never fear, meet up with him and when I get there I'll just find him, then you ... and *then* you'll be in trouble :P

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
saintberry: "nangs"? I've never heard them called that.

the canberra massive calles them that cos of the sound they make as you come out of a trip "nang nang nang nang nang nang nang nangnang nangnang nang nangnang and so on "

sill anything will do, bulbs suits them just fine ;)

weba_d watch out strychine! u wait for weba_d to be on the seen
u can actually address me by 'weba d', or 'weba' cos thats my nickname
me and my mate will stand out

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

toxic the $64 million question still remains ... where r we gonna meet up, inside or outside the rave?

if theres any set that id prefer to miss it would be Suae VS Haze ... thats one hour if we decide to meet up inside (and when i say *prefer to miss a set, i mean it in the nicest possible way)

Crack another one !!!
Originally posted by weba_d:
watch out strychine! u wait for weba_d to be on the seen

u watch out weba, i may be strychnine now, but speccedninja is never far away

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
weba_d arrr okay..i will watch out now

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

toxic ahhh, another day closer to HGS
24 to go

what about everyones real name?
we're not gonna go around calling each other by our foum nicknames, r we?

Crack another one !!!
weba_d my name is daniel webber
you can call me
or weba d

my mates call me weba

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

toxic U any relation to the Formula 1 driver, Mark Webber?

Crack another one !!!
weba_d nah actally bred from the famous back ground of weba's
havn't u heard :)

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine you can all call me by my first name: "Sir"

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
saintberry berry, david berry.

but everyone just calls me shout that, and ill come a running

HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE You can all call me Ali G

thats my name :P

I want to meet inside cause I'm with to many others to meet b4 sorry :(

I am normally however at the front left about 10 metres back from DJ in main room so find me their.

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
toxic strychnine's Charlie Page AKA Carlo

Crack another one !!!
strychnine ... and toxic's Kevin aka Kev

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
silver You lot should all chip in a buy me a plane ticket to come :)

you, me and hardcore forever.
toxic i wouldve bought u a return ticket on my own silver, but, the TAB wont give me money back. Pugin ran like a donkey in the Melbourne Cup

Crack another one !!!
Originally posted by silver:
You lot should all chip in a buy me a plane ticket to come :)

Sorry dude, but my recent "flight" past a speed-trap means that I won't be able to finance yours to Sydney

*briefly considers a rant about cops their blatant revenue-raising, then decides against it*

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by saintberry:
berry, david berry.

berry nice to meet u

Crack another one !!!
strychnine ^^ that was so lame I was almost ashamed to LOL at it

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic forgive me, it was very late when i typed that post

Crack another one !!!
saintberry rofl, it was classic, dont listen to him ;)

toxic ahhh, lol
i take it uve never heard that one b4?

Crack another one !!!
Originally posted by silver:
You lot should all chip in a buy me a plane ticket to come :)

you, me and hardcore forever.

trust i would too..but I've been saving for the best week of my life for a while now...I've got schoolies from the 23rd and leaving friday morning(29th) from goldie to go by plane to sydney for the rave then back again on monday
schoolies room:$450
spending for schoolies:atleast $400-$500
return plane fair :$270
lollies and other essentials in sydney:$100-$300
and HGS ticket :$45
total around:over $1300
all in 7days!
sorry for expressing my exspence's, but im real stressed about it..thats alot of cash for a young fella:P

but o how much it will be worth it

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

saintberry silver, im sure we would all chip in if you and others were to come out and play lots of free partys :P

and corse ive heard it b4 toxic, gets better every time =)

so lame, but so good

Originally posted by saintberry:
and corse ive heard it b4 toxic, gets better every time =)

Oh please ... don't encourage him, berry. I've spent many an hour with toxic over many a beer and trust me, he can deliver with the best of 'em. You just gotta avoid congratulating his *poorer* efforts and give 'im a good ol' slap to the head when 'e needs one

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic ohh strychnine, shut up would ya

it wasnt that bad ... i admit, ive come out with worse comments in the past, and as a matter of fact so have u

Crack another one !!!
strychnine ^^ true, we've both come up with stinkers, but it's a rare occurrence indeed where one of us drops a bad line and the other lets it go without at least *some* effort at a put-down, so don't start bitching about it now. The system works. Run with it.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
weba_d ok guys i think its time to get a few things serious here, the meet up sounds a bit scetchy, I dont know the venue, i think when the event draws closer that we should pm each others mobile numbers and send msg's on the nite to pick a spot to meet up?

OH and we MUST make sure that darren gets a full group photo

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

toxic My good ol' mate Darren Hart ... that wont be hard to organise weba

weba, uve never been to a rave at the Whitlam Centre?
its like the most used venue for all *smaller* scale raves

Crack another one !!!
Originally posted by toxic:
My good ol' mate Darren Hart ... that wont be hard to organise weba

weba, uve never been to a rave at the Whitlam Centre?
its like the most used venue for all *smaller* scale raves

Give 'im a break, tox - he lives outside Sydney

Oh and getting Mr Hart to take the pic is the easy part - finding him is a different matter entirely.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic in all honesty, i was but no means having a go at him

Crack another one !!!
strychnine ^^ then I retract my statement and any reproachful sentiment that may have accompanied it.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic dont worry, for the Whitlam raves its easty to find Mr Hart ... that bench/seat outside the main arena in the chillout part

Crack another one !!!
weba_d nah havnt been there, i know its the most popular small rave desination, didnt it hold the mad back to basic events and about a million other raves
wot u think about the mobile msg idea?

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine Nah I don't think Whitlam hosted any of the B2B's since 2 (and I'm not even sure if it hosted B2B1), but it has been the venue for a couple of Mystics (including my all-time fave party, The 5th Miracle) and a bunch of Hyperspeeds .

And yeah the SMS idea is an option - sure as hell it'd guarantee a successful meetup.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic yeh, theres nothing worng with the sms idea ... we can exchange each others numbers closer to the event and ensure the meet up goes ahead

Crack another one !!!
weba_d so do u boys dress like your own or candy?

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine no candy for me ... hang on, does a funky hat count?

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
manic sms sounds like a good idea. I have to admit I've never been to the Witlam Centre before either . When I use to rave every week it used to be the graffiti hall of fame or the basketball stadium out at minto which were the reguarly used venues. The council went after the graffiti hall of fame and shut them down and I think the council stopped the partes out at minto as well.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
manic Where does everyone rave? Front right, middle, front left. Anyone have a preference? Mine's front right.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
strychnine When I started it was front-centre, but then it went front-side, then middle-centre, now it's just somewhere out the back where I have room to move. I don't really mind though - it's just wherever the crowd-flow takes me.

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic its used to be near the front right speaker, but now, like strychnine, wherever

Crack another one !!!
weba_d either front right or far back

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

saintberry i rave AWAY FROM THE GROUPIES! (so not RIGHT at the front)

they shit me to tears, just stand down the front with their crappy camera doing noting but staring and inturn annoying the shit out of the dj. it was ****ing pathetic last time i was up in sydney...for some dodge trance thing it was, with pov dancers.

i go where the ppl have fun, stompers unite and group =P

and yeah i have never been to the Witlam, but there is a first for everything :)

weba_d 2 rite

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

toxic the whitlam centre is a pretty cool venue. at 1st i didnt like it much, but now i like it.

the whitlam centre is a basketball court (for those who dont know) there is also a grandstand. hopefully this time the dj is directly opposite the grandstand so that when and if u decide to take a break, u can sit back and admire it. its like sitting at the back of the main arena for a utopia held at the superdome, only closer

the chillout area is between the main arena and the 2nd arena.

Crack another one !!!
strychnine ^^ yah that's the Mystic 5 setup, with the little kiosk section as the minor arena - I'm pretty sure it's the most space-efficient way to configure the venue, so it's probably how HSG will be.

The only other way I can think of, with the main section split into two roughly equal arenas like HS-Trilogy, doesn't seem all that appropriate when you consider the ratio of people who'll want to be international arena ... that, you get some pretty bad sound leakage like this.

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic ^^^
if the main arena for HSG is set up like Mystic 5, do u think ull be able to hear sound from the 2nd arena, coz both will basically be parallel to each other?

Crack another one !!!
strychnine nah shouldn't be a problem - at M-5 the doorway between the 2 areas was left open and we still didn't have a problem with leakage.

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic well if there is leakage, this would be a common scenario:

*toxic's raving next to strychnine in the main arena*

*taps styrchnine on the shoulder and says, "can u hear it, jiieeehaaaa is coming"*

*strychnine, with a puzzled look on his face, replies "dude, what r u going on about, its break of dawn"*

*toxic, with a grin on his face, says "nah, i was referring to the other arena"*

leakage or no leakage, ill still hear it ... besides strychnine, u know how good my hearing can be

Crack another one !!!
strychnine ^^ you never let an opportunity pass to give yourself a rap, do you tox?

Forty-two purple crayons
drmdma hey ppl, im a tad late to join the forum, but u can count me in!

whos up for a good stomp!?


- Hardcore you know the scorE -
toxic of course not strychnine

drmdma, like i said once b4, the more the merrier


welcome to the forums

Crack another one !!!
strychnine drmdma: welcome to the board ... and yeah we'll count you in, once we've figured out who exactly it is who's keeping the official list ...

*looks under mouse-pad*

Nup, it's not here. One of the other guys must have it

Forty-two purple crayons
drmdma gee thanks guys :P
i get adrenalin rushes just THINKIN about this party

i think someone mentioned earlier about being on the northern beaches and not being able to get to the party...i might be able to help out with that as i think i will be driving...i live near manly

do u guys bring anything with you to parties to keep energy levels up (besides drugs!)
because im gonna go non stop and i was wondering what works for u guys

- I said it before and i'll say it again, dance while the record spins -
toxic drmdma, unlike the rest of us, u havent formerly introduced urself

about 2 packs of smokes is all i need

Crack another one !!!
drmdma ok lets see....
names mike, ive been in syd for almost 2 years, i grew up in vancouver canada ;)
im actualy more of a gabber fan but will always have a soft spot for could anyone resist!

- I said it before and i'll say it again, dance while the record spins -
do u guys bring anything with you to parties to keep energy levels up (besides drugs!)
because im gonna go non stop and i was wondering what works for u guys

Like what? Energy drinks are nice, but you can't take them in with you. Apart from that ... well, like tox said, for me it's just cigarettes and the occasional bottle of Powerade.

Forty-two purple crayons
one_scatterd_lil_monk_e where is everyone meeting??? sorry i could be botherd to read all 12 pages to see if it has already been said.., mmms also not sure if i can go anymore i have a great problem in the finance department :( i think ima gunna have to still some old ladies handbags or something...

* i wish i had a cool qoute*
strychnine there's a preliminary consensus at the moment that SMS is the way to go

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic a set meeting point hasnt been decided upon, we'll just sms each other as we arrive and meet up like that.

does everyone carry a fone with them inside?

Crack another one !!!
manic Talking about hearing both rooms at the same time, there are times when that can be quite fun. I was at A Perfect world and it was set up in a wharehouse with three rooms. The three rooms were seperated by those containers you see on ships, great idea. Anyways, there was a point where you could here all three rooms at the same time. A very unique prespective of the parte, but, I could only handle it for like a couple of minutes. By the way where are the wharehouse partes nowdays?

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
Originally posted by manic:
By the way where are the wharehouse partes nowdays?

Homebush, usually .... and they're not as "clean" or "sanitised" as you'd think they would be. Like the warehouses they used for Rush Hour and Godspeed 2 were absolutely filthy. I love it.

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic Thrillseeka and, to a lesser extent, Insane were both *warehouse style* raves

Crack another one !!!
manic Damn!! Miss those, although I have been out to Homebush for a B2B. Some of the best parte's are in wharehouses.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
strychnine ^^ if you concentrate real hard, you can *sorta* pretend that Whitlam's a warehouse from inside

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic ^^^
yeah ... really really hard ... just try to block out the grandstand
and the lines on the b'ball court (not that anyone really looks down when they r raving

Crack another one !!!
pacman who could forget the old mystics!!!!??

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
toxic How many Mystic's have been held at the Whitlam Centre?

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
strychnine ^^ Mystics 5 & 6 for sure, I didn't go to any of the rest except 2, which was in that gungy RSL at Silverwater :P

Forty-two purple crayons
Originally posted by strychnine:
^^ Mystics 5 & 6 for sure, I didn't go to any of the rest except 2, which was in that gungy RSL at Silverwater :P

yeah, i was on my way to Mystic 2, but that got cut short. long story, so nevamind

anyway .... only 9 more sleeps til HSG ... yaaay ... IM EXCITED!!!

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
djyogi u know at the end of the night u could pay nothing and listen to mp3's and still have a goood night , going to these events is just bout the music well it is for me.

"My only regret in life is that i wasn't a DJ" Draz
strychnine If you stay at home then you miss out on the vibe generated by 3500 people who're hyped for this event (for whatever reason) :)

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic yogi, that idea has also crossed my mind, but i cant bring myself to do it and i never will ... its just not the same as being there

id rather listen to my mates DJ, even if it is hard trance and gabba

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
weba_d sorry guys, the 'forman' has been missing from the 'forum'
ne ways could we all pm our fone numbers now cos its gettin close and i miten be online again b4 the event...:)

You can keep yours strychine....jokes

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

manic Just think what will be doing at this time at 5:40. The main room all night? Its time for this orgainising committee to have its first meeting. I knew we could write it off somehow.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
toxic **** this week has started off slowly ... ahhhhhh ... i wish it would hurry up ... only 4 more days to go now

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
strychnine My exams = Finished, therefore I'm just killing time with work, drinking and other such mundane pastimes until then

Forty-two purple crayons
saintberry well well well, after a speedy recovery from glandular fever and a word on the street that i may have some back stage action @ this fine event has got me more pumped than ever!

cant wait!

the only bad thing is the sketchy drive back to cbr on sunday...god i hate that!

toxic ahhhh, the joys of never hardly ever having to drive to a rave.

Strychnine, lets try to avoid the trees this time when we leave the Whitlam Centre car park

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
pacman i'll be wearing a yellow rushn 'mellow ravers' shirt and black and blue pants.... if you see me make sure you introduce yourself!!!!

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
strychnine I'll be wearing either a white tank-top with a maroon "NO. 48" graphic on the back, or a black one with the LA Lakers symbol on the back.

Less than 24 hours to go ...

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic ill be wearin' a blue LA cap, grey shirt with red sleeves and 3/4 black cargos ... ohh and some form of footwear

22hrs 'til it all starts ...

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
strychnine Yeah I'll also be wearing footwear... and my pants if I feel like it

... and tox, why do you have to be so anal with the countdown? Really, you're such a beancounter sometimes

ps ... 200th post - YAY!!!

Forty-two purple crayons
manic I'll be wearing my empty wear green hat, polo shirt and shorts. See you there. Under 12 hrs to go now. Never stop the hardcore!

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
toxic Sorry strychnine ... wont happen again ...

*goes over to the corner of the room and sits and whispers to himself "only 7hrs 52mins and 40 sec to go"

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
weba_d this time 24 hours ago scott brown was warming up for his set, OMFG was Hyperspeed a ****in KILLA rave!
to my thinking scott brown played the best international set and Marcos vs chester killed it with the oldschool Anthems
I was also impressed with team rockets set..
Sharky was second best with the freeform..
The "warehouse" was set up the way we liked it..
I rocked up at 8:30pm and was 5th in the gate, i left at 7:10am still amped over weaver vs paul holden's set..

And problerly the best bit was meeting up with the forum crew,
hopefully we can get a photo up of me, strychnine, toxic, manic and pacman at the event.

the best night of my life

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

weba_d I wud also have to mention that seeing a producer play infront of you thier own song is something that shatterd everyone at hyperspeed with goosebumps, Eylisum by scott brown was the roar of the crowd and brisk had everyone screaming with some of his oldschool tunes
Marcos and Chester played atleast five of my alltime fave hhc tunes..

also like to mention that MC losty did a fine job and compared up with MC sharky,
it was also good to see suae and weaver amongts the ravers having the best time.

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine Aye, 'twas a mad party. Hard to pick a fave set cuz there were so many good ones, so I won't ... I'd like to say that I didn't like the Marcos/Chester set (quality of the mixing was a bit so-so) and the Holden/Weaver set was nowhere near as great as their Mystic 5 effort *shrugs*.

But yeah the venue set-up was good, but was it just me or did it seem a little, well, *spacious* to you? I dunno, people seemed to be leaving after Storm's set ... crazy if you ask me.

Yeah, MC Losty was having a fine night, his best performance ever IMO. Sharkey ... well, he sure as hell lived up to his reputation :)

All in all though it was a mad nite. Had a bitch of a time finding all the guys (must've asked like 50 people if they were Pacman just cuz they were wearing a 'Mellow Ravers' shirt :P) but it was well worth it

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic well, im still in receovery mode ...

easily the best rave ive been to

i agree with strychnine on the points about the marcos/chester set and also the weaver/holden set ... both couldve and shoudve been better

fenix and task played an awesome set, as did all the int'ls.

btw, where were the others who said they wanted to meet up and never bothered to show?

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
manic I had a good night, even though i had a few hassels getting in. It was good to meet the crew and we must do it again.

Well done to everyone who orgainised the event and played. Scott Brown and Kevin Energy played the sounds I liked to hear, Sharkey was suprising and interesting, Brisk kept it going with some classics and Marc Smith played a cool set. The usual suspects that played after the internationals played some tracks which I had forgotten and it is always good to hear those tracks again.

The line up was one of the best, but, I've seen better visual productions and the sound wasn't that loud, is that due to noise restrictions?

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
Ultamate Alright i would have met with you all except the events already passed and i already had the time of my life while i was their.

With out Harcore we are nothing
pacman yeah it was great to put a face to the names on here.... many people were not exactly what i was expecting. who would've known i'd meet toxic in the toilets??? ;) i got my photos back today, the photo of us is a bit grainy and sketchy, i'll try and get it up here so you can all see it! what was the deal with the end of sharkey's set when people kept bumping the ****ing decks???
crazy-arse security too!!!

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
TweekiN at this party..
EXCEPT for BRISK he f***ing ripped it up
good work brisk

The FORCE is strong with this one

Go hard or GO HOME!!
toxic ^^^ i think ull find most ppl will tend to disagree
but then again, i dunno how many ppl actually paid much attention to the local DJs considering the internationals took up 6hrs of the night

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

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