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T O P I C R E V I E W |
DJ Cruze |
Hoping you can help? I am having problems putting pics in my posts. I follow the usual procedure of using the url code etc.
but no picture, Am I missing something, never had this issue before?
thanks in advance
James |
Audio Warfare |
Need to highlight the url and hit the image button (between the hashtag and the envelope with the blue arrows). |
DJ Cruze |
Cheers mate. I am doing that, but when I preview it the image is still not there? |
oxis |
the url should be the direct link. for example, here you can see the image i uploaded in imgur: http://imgur.com/tNwImll however, http://imgur.com/tNwImll is not the link that you should paste when trying to embed an image. on the imgur page, you can copy the direct link:

(it shows you that if youre the one who uploaded it)
and that is the link that you should use
it should look like: (img)http://i.imgur.com/tNwImll.jpg(/img) with [ instead of ( of course most image hosting websites give you the direct link, although some require you to have an account to see it. i am not sure how it works in other websites, but thats how to do it with imgur. |
DJ Cruze |
thanks, I am trying to link Facebook pics, as mentioned, never had an issue before?
Just tested your image & it worked, can I not use pics directly from Fabebook? |
piumaki |
Not sure about that but I think it happens because the Facebook images links don't finish with the filetype extension (like .jpg, .gif etc) and so the bbcode can't identify them as a picture |
silver |
Facebook URLS are not direct images, they are a page that loads the pic, grab the direct URL of the image (right click and grab the filename and path of the .jpg itself) |
DJ Cruze |
thank you :) |