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 What is your biggest hardcore influence?

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
silver What is your biggest hardcore influence?
miss-mitzi kind ov a hard question to answer i put the dj's but now i aint so sure its kinda everythin mixed 2 gether!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
DJ Mouse DJ's even tho it was 1 dj who influenced me...hixxy

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
Simon I put the Dj's Coz of DJ Sy Really I just love his scratching :)

Xenochrome Nice one ...
I had to say the DJ's as well...if it wasn't for old tapes I found from Brisk, Force & Styles, and Sy, I would have never heard HHC to begin with!
Hearing the top guys also inspires me to keep pushing for matter what the haters say.

DJ Equinoxe I have being djing for 6 years in Scotland now, but my main djing influence would have to be DJ Marc Smith since I first saw him DJ at Technodrome in October 1991 in Scotland.

My influince in records would be Marc Smith, Scott Brown, Brisk & Ham, Hixxy, Seduction, Slipmatt, Sy & Unknown, Dougal, Vibes, Sharkey, Vinylgroover, Force & Styles, Triple J, Demo, Bang!, Robbie Long & Devistate, Fade, Kaos, Dair & Menis, Kevin Energy, K Komplex.

Big up to everyone who likes and plays Happy Hardcore!

Hardcore will NEVER die!

milo i gotta say friends and peers, music is expression for me so it's the vibe from things around me that is showing when i play

"Everybody... rock, rock on.. "
DJ Pathfinder i choose for friends but it are ,many thingss that influenses me radio , vriends , and to buy records from the internet.

but internet is the most imporent thing now for me to get inromd and such.

You can't see me,because i am the future.
mcjutt mcing= mc storm
producing = scott brown

thats who get me to do what i do and the feling the music gives u at 7.30 on the train to work! definite wake up call

get with my lyrics il make u sweat
im a bad boy mc youll never forget
the quickest mc u evr met
all my competion get set for a rough ride u cant even touch my vibe where all the raving crew tonight
Ropa DJ's

Sy got me interested in learning how to mix. i heard a tape of him and it blew me away.

the MC that has influenced me most is Techno T. most wont have heard of him i think. hes a class MC, hes been around since rave came to the north east

Makina is the FUTURE
Stevie c Voted for cd's but internet is starting to compete quite heavily. Djs also but given the new tunes circulate around creatively, Dj's inspire me but don't infulence my styles

Your into the sound of Rebellion
junglist_angel The DJ's and more importantly so... the producers that make it possible for the DJ's to mix happy hardcore

DJ Mouse but these days it's the producers spinning their tunes to the point where everyone hates it once it's released

"Did you know that eleven plus two is an anagram of twelve plus one?"

DJ Mouse
Simon Yeah Mouse....I can see what you mean...maybe not the fact that it's hated but, all the "Hype" surrounding the tune has dissapeared by it's release, and no-one wants to hear it that much anymore....Kinda like a really anyoying No.1 in the chart's type thing!!!!!


Everything is random, your probebly not meant to read this!!!!!!

You Turn & Face The Strange..............You Turn & Face Yourself!!!
DJ Mouse at least it hasn't got onto the radio yet,then they'll be played to death there !!

"Did you know that eleven plus two is an anagram of twelve plus one?"

DJ Mouse
fazza this is hard! i put the djs, but imho id put all of them down apart from clothes! everything influences me.

"I feel you, i want you, i know your touch is all i need, im waiting you're shining"
tommo The djs are at the bottom of it all,but kinda all of those apart from clothes and
fashion really.But the biggest influence is definately djs such as Sy,Brisk,Scott
Brown,DNA,Ham,Force and Styles,Breeze, get the idea.

Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.
Brian K i'd have to say my biggest hardcore influence would be the producers, but since most of the big djs are producers...i guess it's kind of the same thing =P

"we'll delete the weak"
djmaniac you should have a selection named: the rarety
ok, I must admit, the internet vas the source that inforemed me about this dam cool music, but dam.. the rarity and the heooy influence in this wicked techno music keep me comming backfor more, especialy in europe (Norway anyhow). Spelling mistakes? I'm drunk, ok? :P

Broken Well, I gotta say definitely the vinyl that's available. I've only recently seen the light and started getting into hhc, but I am forever in it's grasp :) Nothing else has this much RAW ENERGY and it all starts with that slab of wax that gets slapped down on the turntable. Sure, Dj's are a huge influence and get the music out to new ears, they would be nothing without all the great releases that get put out.

You need people like me so you can point your feckin fingers... and say "That's the bad guy."
Me? I don't have that guy. Me? I always tell the truth... even when I lie.
stoner my biggest hardcore influence is, dont know really

turn up the music,
turn up the music,
turn up the music.
tommo Hehe,what a div.

Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.
viv_mush the music from 96 hixxy's tape from helter skelter !! that influenced me,
thats what got me in to the whole happy hardcore thing :D
By the way does any1 know where i can buy hixxys set from 96 helter skelter
it had cloudy dayz which mixed to that song that the guy shout bu day bu day bu wanna na day sum shite like that THAT TAPES BANGIN it also had rainbow islands and all the other cool shit any of you have that tape? ill buy it off you!!

thanks cya xx

Im a raver not a crazy drug addict ..

K-Hole i got into hhc from listening to drum and bass

its not the gun that kills, its the drunk lunatic i sold it to!
BAD_WES Well i was going to vote, but i didnt. The option i wanted to choose was kinda there, but kinda not. I like it because of the community. The dj's, the people, the music, the atmosphere, i like all of it but the lack of quality dj's. Its all good. Besides a few twats.

"There is no spoon."
Splix that was hard i wanted to go Dj's and Friends but i picked Dj'z

Hardcore is life , Life is hardcore
djmyers I picked the DJ's. Because Im a DJ myself, the reason behind me being one is the influence I have from the Hardcore DJ's. Without them I wouldnt be a DJ and probably wouldnt even be listening to Hardcore now!

DJ's rule the world, Especially the Hardcore!
Comet Wow Splix.. you just renewed a 7 month old topic! Hehe!

I think the DJ's have influenced me most. When I listen to a certain DJ, it gives me huge inspiration to start DJing well.

__________ _ _ __________ _ _ __________ _ _ __________ _ _
Y Don't U get off your arse and get these tracks out instead...
Little miss raver I would have 2 say dj's

Get more ****ed n get rockin
fearlessdrop I wouold have to say hullabaloo, c'mon im in north america, and sharkey, the first mc/dj i had ever seen, beyond that in terms of cd;s/mixtapes-spree and cloudskipper , north america again

We are the music maker,
We are the dreamers of dreams,
We are the ones who turn fantasy in to reality.
When ever the beat comes into the fullest just close your eyes and let yourself go
DJSuperb I voted for internet. In the days when I got into hardcore the internet wasn't a big thing, so back then the answer would've been "DJs" alongside magazines like "Dream", "To the core" and "M8". But these days the internet is such a huge influence. Its where you can hear and find out who the newest tunes are by, buy the newest tunes, find out goss, events info etc etc... Its just so easy to find out so much in such a little space of time! If it wasn't for and i'd be lost!

12" of Love

Sakkara I would have to say the People/Events.

I think the best part of the whole Hardcore scene has to be getting mashed up in a room/hall of people you don't know & letting yourself go, safe in the knowledge that 90% of the people around you are in the same frame of mind.

It's superb.


TypeR if it werent' for dj's, we would have no hardcore to hear. so i chose that one

don't stand and stare, just kick your legs in the air
steve O I wud hav 2 say mc's n djs. I rememberin listenin 2 my first colosseum tape wiv Techno T and MC Jet and DJ Scott. That was old skool hardcore n happy hardcore. Then the north east sound progressed into mainly makina. But i suppose its thru listenin 2 those tapes that got me into UK hardcore...

'I got 99 problems but the 1st division ain't one!!!'
JesterDJ mainly the DJ's but also the people, the message and the point of hardcore that makes me wanna kep coming back for more.

massive thanks to the producers for that too obviously!

If pac-man really had an effect on us, we'd all be runnin' round in dark rooms, listening to repetitive music and munching pills!!!

Knuckles yeh djs

DJ Phoenix DJ's should be changed to "DJ's & MC's" lol

definately the DJ's though... I thank thee Sharkey! If it wasnt for copied Hardcore tapes from Sharkey, and then a UFO tape from 2002(that came from my 40 year old ICT teacher of all people lol!) then i would still be in the Trance scene only and not had the chance to see this amazing scene & Genre... along with the DJ's, MC's, producers, the raverz, you guys (cheerz Silver for making this site dude!), and best of all, the music!

You're Lost in a Place of Sun, and Driftin' Away
On the Waves of your Dreams, to Another Day
Get into the Flow, and Start to Cry
For the Pain Beats, B-B Beats-Beats-Beats
Hold Your Hands Up High!
Originally posted by djritalin:
if it werent' for dj's, we would have no hardcore to hear. so i chose that one

but with ppl going to the raves there will allways be new djs coming from that stock of ravers

but at the end of the day ne sceen is more then just one component and none are realy more important than the other

Splix Dj's gota say

Hardcore is life , Life is hardcore
smashedshaz dj's speacially sy @ jay prescot

Tuna Friends for shure, for showing me hardcore and for always pointing out good Songs and CD's.

tunnelrush The DJ's. If you like one dj enough youd go to any show to see him regardless of what type of people went.

*If the bass is too loud, you are too weak*
BoomBoomKittyFuk DELTA9


We don't need no drugs, no xtc, just hardkore lovin' endlessly!
B.C it's a toss-up between internet, dj's and cd's available 4 me

"Let's All Get Down!!"
Samination actually, just the music got me in, and that option is not on the poll ;(

*insert a line here... WTBH?*
Grind me Hardcore!
Cyberpunk The internet (believe it or not) kinda influenceed my interest in hardcore as well as the music itself.

Carnutz my best mate influenced me and im just so happy he introduced me to it because its now the only type of music i really listen to
mnmcandiez The DJ's make the music but without the internet I would of never of known gabber/hardcore/ect. So I voted the internet.
TripleDuntBabe I would have to say DJ are my biggest influence first DJ i ever seen was Yoji Biomehanika and that was me hooked on Hardstyle/Hardcore
dee_licious didn't know which to vote for here, the dj's or friends and peers, i chose the latter cos thats the REAL reason!
Originally posted by silver:
What is your biggest hardcore influence?

it,s the dj,s wat mak a nite u pay 4 the best dj so u can rock ya sox,s of all nite long. u now if u see some 1 like dj sy u r in 4 a good nite
Underpants heh my biggest influence is alll about the time, place, and peepls. Its the fans and the event is what its all about
GeeWizz definently people and events
novaboy internet, djs (daydream, spree), labels (burn out, red rocket). people like sharkey and dj fundabounce aswell.
DJ Immenze I voted for the DJs as they inspire me but I wud have voted for 'simply the music' as I love hardcore music soo much! HTID
Samination Too me it's about the music tbh. If the music isn't good, I wouldn't care much for who spins it or who listens to it
dj dee lees dj xray and tizer and an up and coming irish dj cliona devenney there my insperation and xray and tizer are the 2 ultimate happyhardcore djs bring bck exit circus circus and bring bck all the old school error keep er lit to the tit !!!
lukewatheydj i put DJs but would rather say the music more than anything.....
Gaz mace-E 1988 I guess my influences where for one my uncle, who used to listen to hard house, oldschool house and happy hardcore when I was around, and mainly got influenced with the likes of dougal and gammer, especially gammer with his "that's how I roll" on maximum impact record label, sy and Chris unknown, stu Allen especially when he played on key 103. Even scooter with back in the uk tune. Slip mat, Billy Daniel bunter, grooverider and so many others! Who doesn't love Steve smeetit - techno wonderland! Anything Quash records, maximum impact, loved expression and GBH - nighttime when that came out!
DJPagoda I think my biggest influence was probably the thought of raving at abandoned places, cool lights and DJ'ing around the world living life at 175bpm.
Originally posted by Gaz mace-E 1988:Steve smeetit - techno wonderland!

Hahaha. Did everyone go around stealing ZOEE's Tekkno Wonderland and call it their own. That's the ravenyl mix of ZOEE's track.

Edit: I have to correct myself. It's an edited version of the ravenyl mix
Edit 2: OH screw that. It's just a different name for the Raver's Choice rip off

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