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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Claxton This looks like huge news for hardcore and the UK scene. Here is a statement from 'Hardcore Til' I Die' tonight.

I nearly got turned off at the 'not tolerating constructive criticism' bit but them I read on and he said that he would be willing to listen to people who email or send their thoughts via email and he got my attention back again.

I have a massive soft spot for HTID and I really pleased about the prospect of them coming back with a bang. I think they've always had the best intentions for hardcore at heart (which maybe can't be said for all promoters) and I'm sure they will do a fantastic job in the future.

I don't know much about Ajay, but it will be interesting to see how he works.

Oh.. and Freeform baby!!!!

Here is the statement:

We are very pleased to announce our new front runner Ajay, he has a wealth of experience in both hardcore and multiple other genres in promoting, a former booking agent, DJ and has a slightly worrying obsession with all things Hardcore.... over to you.

"To get the opportunity to run one of the world's biggest hardcore events is a dream come true as cheesy or clich? as that may sound. I started off the same as a lot of you will have done listening to tape packs from Helter Skelter and Dreamscape in the early 90's. For me it was at the tender age of 7 (No, Really) and I've never looked back, my home is stacked full of hardcore vinyl's and event CD/tape packs so it's safe to say I'm a raver at heart and that HTID is in good hands.

For me hardcore is not a genre it's a way of life, we all know our acts, our tracks, we know each other but above all what separates us from the rest is we are a self sustained scene with little to no outside or mainstream help so for that reason alone our scene to us is the greatest around. I'm sure some will agree it has got lost along the way, we all have different opinions on why, but one thing is for sure I'm here to work ****ing hard to correct that along with YOUR help!
Now, this is the first and last time I will ever publicly address this matter so please read carefully. I do not tolerate politics, hate, negativity and attacking comments or any of the aforementioned disguised in "constructive criticism" it's no secret I listen to all of my clubbers, it's what helps shape us, keeps us at the forefront, without you we are nothing, but if you do feel so strongly about something that could be construed as anything other than constructive/positivity then get your point across the right way via inbox/email so we can address you directly. This is far from saying you cannot have a say or be "constructive" EG HTID should come to my home town, You should book this DJ, I don't really like this track and so on, that's why we have a public fan page after all but anyone causing problems to our unity will be removed IMMEDIATELY as ravers don't put up with negativity at all. We don't tolerate negative people in our life's so likewise we don't expect one or two small minded people to bring down a positive page/post!

So, if you do see acts constantly off our events and wonder why, it's not us being involved in politics, it will almost certainly be that said artist/s are actively fuelling politics so cannot work with our outlook.

We have changes coming, big changes, there is the HTID bootcamp to support new talent (Details out soon), we've been travelling Europe and attending meeting after meeting to bring you the best new "In the sun" the world has seen, we've been working with the biggest artists to bring you the music you WANT, euphoric, hands in the air hardcore that makes your senses come alive, here are selection of the tracks that you can expect to start hearing as the new sound of HTID going forward:

We're also bringing back acts pushed aside, forgotten genres such as Freeform and so much more that we can't reveal just yet so to say HTID HQ is buzzing with anticipation is an understatement.
Our ethos is simple "IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC" , no fuss, no drama, just getting high on the music we love and meeting friends you never knew you had.
As I've said, change is coming but it takes time so bear with us, one thing is sure I know we stand together on this because we are hardcore for life!

The Facebook link to the statement...
djDMS Beat me to it Ben!

Great news....HTID doing what they should have done ten years ago.

It's clear that the scene in general has 'allowed' the wrong people to have too much power, can it really be true that there WILL be positive changes in the last year or so before i lose what interest i have left.
Claxton I really think there will be a shift. I know HTID is a business and their main aim is to generate income but I have the feeling they're going to sacrifice this to an extent to really go back to their mid 00's philosophy.

I don't want this thread to descend into politics, but I know exactly what is going to happen; HTID are going to book SY and then Storm is going to begin MCing for HTID again after a small protest because he will realise it is far too bigger opportunity to pass up. Win, win all around.
djDMS Trouble is, i've seen so much shit over the past several years i can't help but be a bit cynical...Sort of like Stevo but nicer ;-)

Maybe the rise of GTYM has given them the kick up the arse that they so badly needed, meaning a few little steps to a more united Hardcore scene.
Thumpa I spent a while on the phone to Ajay and he is honestly a top bloke, he actually contacted me about who to get on freeform wise, I sent him some music and we spoke a few times on the phone, he is genuinely excited about getting freeform DJs on too, they want a mixture of stuff in the main arenas.
djDMS Very promising!
Captain Triceps That comment about Sy and "change is coming" is interesting.
Gazza1712 I think from the comment/statement ajay made about politics we can safely say sy will not be on any htid lineups,

If you do see acts constantly off our lineups and wonder why, it's not us being involved in politics, it will almost certainly be that said artists are actively fuelling politics so cannot work within our outlook

That basically says to me that certain artists still refuse to be on the same line up as sy therefore htid cannot book dj sy? That's what I make of that statement

Also off topic now but did anyone see the whole chris unknown statement a few months back in regards to the whole sy situation? And Ramos saying he will never play on the sy lineup as sy and will remove himself from any lineup he has been booked for that sy has also been booked at?
Well interestingly I've seen the next fantasia lineup and both sy and Ramos are on it!

Back on topic now and I hope htid do get there asses in gear, think hixxy having nothing to do with it anymore has certainly affected things but hopefully things will improve
skarr 'So, if you do see acts constantly off our events and wonder why, it's not us being involved in politics, it will almost certainly be that said artist/s are actively fuelling politics so cannot work with our outlook.'

Blatantly talking about Storm there.
The drunken scotsman Very interesting. HTID has needed a kick up the arse for years now and this seems to be it. Excited, always been my favourite rave since I started raving 10 years ago.
The fact that they're moving Htid in the sun away from the utter shitehole that is lloret de mar is enough to make me want to go next year.
Originally posted by Gazza1712:

That basically says to me that certain artists still refuse to be on the same line up as sy therefore htid cannot book dj sy? That's what I make of that statement

But it could also mean that if you try to dictate line ups by playing that game you might not get booked yourself.
Mickey Init I like HTID. I like GTYM. I like Sy. I like Freeform. I like F&D.

With that statement, we should all see the aforementioned and affiliated artists playing at future HTID events. Wrong?
Elliott I guess I can live with this "new sound of HTID". It's not the supersaw driven hardcore of old but at least it doesn't plumb the depths that the music has been to over the last few years.
ninja edit the ds clip isn't available, but if its the one I listened last week... meh
Samination as long as it gives hixxy more time (and maybe efftor) to get Raverbaby, Essential Platinum, Legendrary and maybe even UK dance out on digital, i'm all up for it :P
Originally posted by ninja edit:
the ds clip isn't available, but if its the one I listened last week... meh

If anyone else is interested, this is possibly the version that was posted on soundcloud. it starts about 12:20 into the mix

It's labeled a work in progress, but I imagine that he hasn't changed much to it. But if you don't want to wait for a hardcore remix of it, 3 already exist and are available totally free. My favorite of the 3 is Stu Infinity's remix. (not free yet, needs more a little more than 100 soundcloud followers to be free)

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