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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Angel Eyez - Stay With Me (Orbit1 Remix)

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
_Jay_ Silver, I don't suppose you fancy getting this out on MP3, do you? It's absolutely bloody amazing. I know you said you'd release it on MP3 once the vinyl has sold out, but if that hasn't happened by now (five years plus), then it's never going to happen.

I know I'm not the only one that wants this phenomenal tune!

silver Yeah I have it loaded ready to ship from my digital distributor but they require more hoops to jump through before I can release it
wong Bloody hoops
_Jay_ Well that's much more promising than I was expecting - wicked mate! :-)
Captain Triceps Mon the hoops!
Kastoria Haven't heard that banger in ages.... Sick track. do want
nantk absolutely banger !!!

do want too
Brainchild Will the rest of the Infinity Recordings catalogue produced under your management be released digitally too?
Quicksilver Silver.............. Gammer & Mickey Skeedale - Into Darkness, digital MP3, PWETTY PWEASE!?!?!
silver Brainchild: Yes.

Quicksilver: Also lined up
Quicksilver I love you
Originally posted by Quicksilver:
I love you

i love him too
Originally posted by Quicksilver:
Silver.............. Gammer & Mickey Skeedale - Into Darkness, digital MP3, PWETTY PWEASE!?!?!

Pushed this, and most of the back cat live today, it might take 3-5 weeks to pop up in digital stores, but it should pop up in over 50 of them, beatport, i-tunes, TID, Juno, whatever you like.

The Infinity back cat is also slowly going up, alot of releases to input but will get there.

Also the hardcore addiction albums will be available digitally from all the same outlets.
Samination I presume some of the licensed stuff wont be digitally released, as you've mentioned it before?
Originally posted by Samination:
I presume some of the licensed stuff wont be digitally released, as you've mentioned it before?

The Blaze! stuff can be purchased from Nick from bang! directly already so I didn't want to re-license it. Misono's release "officially" would be impossible to release due to the fact she is a mega TV star now and I'm 99.999% sure the answer would be no. Lia's management requires too much red tape and "thinking time" for the release.

It was a mission to get any of them released in the first place and I would rather focus on new releases :)

If you are not sure what I am talking about MWX001 and MWX003 are Blaze, MWX002 is Misono, MWX005 is Lia. So MWX004, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 will be released.
Good work! Some desirable stuff on these labels.
Alexbturbo Great news this, as there are quite a few bits on Infinity i'll be after :) I'll finally be able to sack off the vinyl rips I did a few years back.
Samination If my vinyl of MXW005 was more playable I would've been less sad at the news of it not getting digitally released :( But then isn't Lia a bigger name?
Originally posted by Samination:
If my vinyl of MXW005 was more playable I would've been less sad at the news of it not getting digitally released :( But then isn't Lia a bigger name?

I'm under NDA not to say who the Misono on MWX002 is. The contract was made pre-google and a bunch of other sites. I can't confirm anything but there is alot of information out there.
Originally posted by silver:
Originally posted by Samination:
If my vinyl of MXW005 was more playable I would've been less sad at the news of it not getting digitally released :( But then isn't Lia a bigger name?

I'm under NDA not to say who the Misono on MWX002 is. The contract was made pre-google and a bunch of other sites. I can't confirm anything but there is alot of information out there.

I guess her agents must be pissed off at Discogs then :P
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by silver:
Originally posted by Samination:
If my vinyl of MXW005 was more playable I would've been less sad at the news of it not getting digitally released :( But then isn't Lia a bigger name?

I'm under NDA not to say who the Misono on MWX002 is. The contract was made pre-google and a bunch of other sites. I can't confirm anything but there is alot of information out there.

I guess her agents must be pissed off at Discogs then :P

I can't confirm or deny the discogs entry, I can say 100% I didn't put that information in there nor instruct anyone to do so, but I can confirm it was the first artist called Misono on the Discogs database so I guess other releases after that with an artist of the same name just credited the same Misono, correctly or incorrectly.
Originally posted by Quicksilver:
Silver.............. Gammer & Mickey Skeedale - Into Darkness, digital MP3, PWETTY PWEASE!?!?!

Noticed this today, first store put live:

TID, juno, itunes, etc... basically 50+ other digital stores coming on in the next 5 weeks (however long it takes them to add)
Samination hadn't notice but those early Impact tracks sounds very Al Stormy (from the end of 1990)
Originally posted by Samination:
hadn't notice but those early Impact tracks sounds very Al Stormy (from the end of 1990)

They sound very DJ Impacty to me :) We have more of them to release, just making sure the back cat comes out all okay, most of the new ones featured on the Drift Trance album released in Japan from BMG.
Alexbturbo They appear to be live on Juno as well now :) (Definitely a couple of those being purchased this weekend)
silver Alex: Thanks for that, iTunes and TID appeared overnight as well.


iTunes (no label view so a list):





Elipton Cracking tune
Samination nice to see they are up on juno, because it's my prefered website to buy from, mostly because it's easier to browse, release-wise, and not the price.

Hm. some of the artist names are borked
Impact, Fade & Kelly is listed as Kelly only, and Gammer & Mickey Skeedale is listed as Mickey Skeedale only
Might have something to do with ALBUMARTIST tag aswell, since that one is correct. I dont know how you upload to juno so i cant say what options you have
Samination I've heard Elmo & Vapour. Their EP sounds more like DJ Impact than them (and I got enough tracks from before this release and after to know how they sound) :P

Also, what are the sources on these? The ones I bought have different levels and some even has (digital?) pops.
silver Infinity is starting to roll out, I have 25-38 loaded not sent out yet, need to load 1-24 first, it takes time :) I've set the first two releases live so the label pages can be created.

Originally posted by Samination:
Also, what are the sources on these? The ones I bought have different levels and some even has (digital?) pops.

All the tracks on all the releases are the master WAV's, the exactly same WAV's that were sent to the pressing plant in all cases.

Originally posted by Samination:
Elmo & Vapour. Their EP sounds more like DJ Impact.

Impact engineered for Elmo & Vapour around that time so it might sound a little impacty.
silver Update: The entire Infinity catalog has been published to release. You will start to see every track appear in stores within the next few weeks, post the links as soon as you find them :)

Before anyone asks. INFTY25 - 38 are the master WAV's, the exact same ones that went to the pressing plant. INFTY1-24 have been transferred / recorded digitally from the original DATs.
silver Ok itunes was the first (for once), the entire back cat is up for Infinity Recordings

Angel Eyez - Stay With Me (itunes):

Juno (entire label):

Beatport and trackitdown and others seem to be taking longer.
Mickey Init Amazing! "Fly Like A Bird" (Infinity 028) is the one I've been after! Got the vinyl but it's dead quiet!
****ing QUALITY.
Originally posted by Mickey Init:
Amazing! "Fly Like A Bird" (Infinity 028) is the one I've been after! Got the vinyl but it's dead quiet!

you've just ID'ed a tune for me. thank you :) been wondering what it is since i heard it in a mix a few years ago
silver Beatport finally!

Put Stay With Me (Orbit1 Remix) and Distant Dreams (Impact Remix) in a mix the other day. Both absolutely fcuking glorious tracks. Don't get stuff like that being made any more. Amazing.

Originally posted by _Jay_:

Put Stay With Me (Orbit1 Remix) and Distant Dreams (Impact Remix) in a mix the other day. Both absolutely fcuking glorious tracks. Don't get stuff like that being made any more. Amazing.

No, no there isn't.
Originally posted by Orbit1:
Originally posted by _Jay_:

Put Stay With Me (Orbit1 Remix) and Distant Dreams (Impact Remix) in a mix the other day. Both absolutely fcuking glorious tracks. Don't get stuff like that being made any more. Amazing.

No, no there isn't.

DjZelous orbit1 posted somthing. ORBIT1 JUST POSTED SOMETHING!!!!
silver Stalking former genre :)

Originally posted by Orbit1:
Originally posted by _Jay_:

Put Stay With Me (Orbit1 Remix) and Distant Dreams (Impact Remix) in a mix the other day. Both absolutely fcuking glorious tracks. Don't get stuff like that being made any more. Amazing.

No, no there isn't.

So many quality tracks and remixes, and sorely missed ... :(
skankineddie666 Orbit1 is the greatest thing to happen to hardcore!
Originally posted by skankineddie666:
Orbit1 is the greatest thing to happen to hardcore!

I don't say this much, because I hate the word over anything, but LOL? :P
silver Interesting:
Originally posted by silver:

Rofl. I don't know how I would take DJ Promo's comment. As sarcasm or an actual "do it"?
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by skankineddie666:
Orbit1 is the greatest thing to happen to hardcore!

I don't say this much, because I hate the word over anything, but LOL? :P

Hahaha im just being a fanboy.....

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