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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Ant Johnson promoting HARDCORE TEEN ACT !

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
2bcool2 hey guys, Ant Johnson here, just wanted to let you guys im involved in a project to bring hardcore music to a new generation.
We are launching a new 14 year old singer called SkywalkR in Los Angeles singing hardcore.
There is no-one doing hardcore with a teen idol targeting the teen market.
We are doing this with a hope that a new generation of kids will get into hardcore and start checking out the harder hardcore and past compilations.

now i know alot of you guys will be throwing up at this video lol .. but its got a target market, .. if you just listen to the music .. it still stands up :-)

please support us. please support rebuilding hardcore. Email everyone on your friends list this link,
post on forums, make you tube videos telling everyone to support our aim.
please email [email protected] to put our video on clubland tv !!
only buy people showing they want it on clubland will it get on there and get millions of new teens into hardcore.

see the new SkywalkR music video here :

thanks for your continuing support, long live hardcore !!!

Ant Johnson.
Torpex I like the kid's vocal, not quite on par with your original performance but it's OK.

The video... Ugh. I find it hard not to cringe, even bearing in mind that I'm not in its intended target market. Plus, the presentation could use some polishing - the myspace is a bit of mess and the youtube title & description aren't too professional either.

Good luck with it though, it might indeed bring some fresh blood into the scene!
Wilky Coming from the most cheesiest person in hardcore id assume you have any problems... Rather than post matt@aatws email just pester hixxy or darren styles
Meathead Isn't this what we have AATW/Raverbaby for?


Just watched the video, he almost gets his voice as high as yours. Guess his balls haven't dropped yet either.
acidfluxxbass hmm, credit goes for the idea... i await more news on the 'wunderkid'
Dain-Ja good tune and his vocals are actually pretty decent

good engineering from Darwin (I presume, since he did the original)
warped_candykid Do we really want to tackle the teen scene here in America? I mean, look at our Reality tv shows...Do we REALLY want to tackle the American teen scene? Now if a teenager stops at a stoplight by me and hears my hardcore music, they are going to think I am jumping on the Hardcore bandwagon to "be cool", because to them, it would be something totally new, not a style of music that's existed for 15+ years. Why are we wanting to expose Hardcore to younger and younger peeps? The moment the American music industry gets a whiff of this, there will be "Kidz Bop: Hardcore!"
Jester MC we have to do something to get younger kids into the do you expect hardcore to survive? people are leaving the scene left right and centre. people will always get old and stop partying and buying the music. new blood is essential, case and point a massive percentage of the people posting here. im not sure this is the way though. maybe its because im a coach to 13 year olds as a profession, but i feel more of a responsibility to teach the new kids how things are and how they were and why things happened the way they did, and show them direction that things are heading, and then let them decide how to be the voice of their own generation, instead of a whole new starting point, designed to be what the next step is. designed to be liked and basically have commercial potential. I have to ask. Why does this kid deserve to be singing on hardcore tracks (famouse remakes at that) and start performing? i mean this as a serious question because i simply dont no, not to be retorical. Has he been been into hardcore since he was 7 because of and older brother, orrr did he get into dance music early on and found hardcore and likes to sing so he wants to be a hardcore singer, orr has he been to a party before, OR is he a 14 year old kinda good lookin kid that can sing ok and would be great as a "teen idol targeting the teen market."
id LOVE for hardcore to have more commercial potential worldwide, but id rather see it dead than have it be popular to young teens tbh. i really hate how most of the worlds commercial business is geared towards teens
i mean...whats this kid singing about? it makes no sense. how bad did this kid **** up at 14 to have to follow his heart and make some changes? what? wasnt doing quite enough homework skywalker? all your friends gone to the bunda system to get power converters and you feel like your life s going no where? sorry i jest sometimes lol

this kid wouldnt even get into the most all ages of all ager parties! how are you gonna get him in the club in LA of all places..this is kinda beyond sneeking in an underage performer through the back door.

i just dont like the idea of 'filling a market' its probably open for a reason.
full marks for what your aim is, i understand why this is done, i just dont agree. i support re-building hardcore, as i said its essentail, but its essential its done properly and not to just get popular and make money. that flame will burn and die quickly. And its at the time in hardcore where our flame DOES die, after a very good run. Or we start building the fire into something that truly cannot be put out.

all immho of course :)
Originally posted by warped_candykid:
Do we really want to tackle the teen scene here in America? I mean, look at our Reality tv shows...Do we REALLY want to tackle the American teen scene? Now if a teenager stops at a stoplight by me and hears my hardcore music, they are going to think I am jumping on the Hardcore bandwagon to "be cool", because to them, it would be something totally new, not a style of music that's existed for 15+ years. Why are we wanting to expose Hardcore to younger and younger peeps? The moment the American music industry gets a whiff of this, there will be "Kidz Bop: Hardcore!"

Don't forget all of the bible thumpers who will cry about how the term "hardcore" is offensive.
Essi yeh nice one worth a try eh LA is a tough place to break the market in.... but good luck :)
damo.2008 no offense , but what a pile of shit.
Originally posted by damo.2008:
no offense , but what a pile of shit.

no offense taken lol .. the music and vocals are great and fit well in the scene,
the thing that will have people reacting like that is just the age/video/ target market

thats fine .. we knew that , but i hope the song/act opens a few doors to 'legit' hardcore acts..

just trying to raise the profile of hardcore in the mainstream ..
.. oh and to make a few million on the journey ... wink wink..

apparently americans have a heartattack when they hear the word hardcore or rave on tv lol !!

i wanna hear more hardcore on mainstream radio

cheers for your comments ...

Originally posted by Meathead:
Isn't this what we have AATW/Raverbaby for?


Just watched the video, he almost gets his voice as high as yours. Guess his balls haven't dropped yet either.

HA HA HA HAH AH AH AHAH !! ..... some major ball crunching is needed for dem high notes !!
.. he also gets those multi backflips from me (het - hem ..cough cough !!)
Originally posted by 2bcool2:
Originally posted by Meathead:
Isn't this what we have AATW/Raverbaby for?


Just watched the video, he almost gets his voice as high as yours. Guess his balls haven't dropped yet either.

HA HA HA HAH AH AH AHAH !! ..... some major ball crunching is needed for dem high notes !!
.. he also gets those multi backflips from me (het - hem ..cough cough !!)

Yous got skills man! lol Gotta admit i thought someone was taking the piss when i first read this topic but it would seem not. I think Torpex has a point about the proffesionalism of the whole affair, kinda threw me a bit. Anyway, good luck with it mate!
Triquatra well, best of luck with the venture!

out of interest
could you elaborate on

"please support rebuilding hardcore"
Wilky Im also up for more hardcore on the radio but not squeaky high pitched preteens. We have enough of your squawking **** anymore
Oli G Glad to see you are still working on this Ant!

Looks like you didnt scare the kids dad off too much taking him to that rave we played at last year! Heh!
JustIncredible I think the kid needs a new image if he's ever going to suceed, atleast here in the UK anyway. Most teens in the UK listen to hardcore, in Wales anyway.

Can't comment on America or how his image is there, but, I don't see him doing very well over here.
Entity This is actually a really good idea! Props.
Quicksilver Okay, that just sounds so wrong because I love that song, heard it a hundred times and your voice is a blessing to hardcore, AJ... This just sounds wrong, you should have made him sing something new instead.

I support the project, though.

And oh, now I finally heard the correct lyrics for the song... "I think that someday is now" and not "I think that serious now" as I thought.
DarrenJ Nice song :) not to keen on the vid
Project-Industrial well if ya wanna give hardcore a fresh start this is certainly the worst way to do it.. aiming for clubland crap? woopdifakingdoo m8! thats the whole thing thats helping least the uk scene down the faking drain. its more hard-dance imho.. i dont see why people still believe that clubland like music should be called hardcore.

btw @Rayovac:
bible thumpers think so? thats kinda new to me really :) if i look around in my area nd see those kinda people and their opinions towards hardcore. its not bad at all! hell... half the kids of religious families are going to hardcore gigs ere!

about bringing the scene back to life.. well its doing it itself already here in the netherlands. I see a shitload of new fresh teenies coming to visit the parties. the only lil problem that might be taking them out again is, is that they dunno when to stop taking frigging pills.. sigh... but least its kinda growing again :)
djDMS Fair points, but a breakbeat/freeform fusion is hardly going to get people to listen is it?

When are people going to get their heads out of their arses and accept that commercial sells?

It's all very well moaning about the more purist forms of Hardcore not getting enough exposure but if they were popular enough they'd be selling many thousands and be top of all the charts!

The more commercial sound isn't my favourite either but we have to accept it's out there. People aren't so stupid that they listen to and buy stuff they don't want to! If they WANT to look for an alternative they will.
Jester MC the commercial stuff sells because its made to be as like stuff that already exsists as possible. the commercial stuff sells because thats what gets exposure. do we have an example of freeform or breakbeat being pushed as hard as clubland stuff that people already know will sell? (doesnt mean just one album obviously so put it outta your mind)
also i dont mind that the commercial sound is out there.
i mind that the commercial sound is being aimed at CHILDREN who then will miss out on all the other interpretations of hardcore, and loose the ability to decide themselves what they like.

commercial music sells because its designed to sell. not because its good (although some is).
if it doest sell, someone looses a job. therin lies the problem with commercial music as a whole.
CiALiN ahh i dunno imo i really hate the kid in hardcore tunes...and whats the crack with the white tracksuit???kinda gay tbh

goodluck with it though
D-tor Not a bad song. I'm actually heeding the other posts and not watching the video and just listening to the song.

I'll support the cause just to see a rise in American teens into Hardcore (omg!!) and possibly more artists.
Originally posted by Project-Industrial:
btw @Rayovac:
bible thumpers think so? thats kinda new to me really :) if i look around in my area nd see those kinda people and their opinions towards hardcore. its not bad at all! hell... half the kids of religious families are going to hardcore gigs ere!

'Twas a joke - unfortunately there is some truth to it in all honesty. If hardcore ever breaks the ice in the US, it will, without a doubt, be almost entirely on the coasts. :(
Originally posted by Rayovac:
Originally posted by Project-Industrial:
btw @Rayovac:
bible thumpers think so? thats kinda new to me really :) if i look around in my area nd see those kinda people and their opinions towards hardcore. its not bad at all! hell... half the kids of religious families are going to hardcore gigs ere!

'Twas a joke - unfortunately there is some truth to it in all honesty. If hardcore ever breaks the ice in the US, it will, without a doubt, be almost entirely on the coasts. :(

It is on the west coast somewhat. There's a few hardcore sets at most events I go to.
Jimouk He doesn't have the voice for a song like that.
Originally posted by Jester MC:
i mind that the commercial sound is being aimed at CHILDREN who then will miss out on all the other interpretations of hardcore, and loose the ability to decide themselves what they like.

The kids who are exposed to commercialized Hardcore probably wouldn't have been exposed to Hardcore in the first place if it weren't for the commercial side. You should be thankful for that, and understand that some of these kids will eventually make their own researches and discover the other facets of Hardcore. The other kids who won't just plain don't like Hardcore enough and probably only listen to it to follow the trend, so who cares if they only listen to the commercial stuff?

Regarding Ant Johnson's track, I'm not a fan of the kid's singing, but I think it's an honorable project.
Jester MC
Originally posted by MAtRiCks:
Originally posted by Jester MC:
i mind that the commercial sound is being aimed at CHILDREN who then will miss out on all the other interpretations of hardcore, and loose the ability to decide themselves what they like.

The kids who are exposed to commercialized Hardcore probably wouldn't have been exposed to Hardcore in the first place if it weren't for the commercial side. You should be thankful for that, and understand that some of these kids will eventually make their own researches and discover the other facets of Hardcore. The other kids who won't just plain don't like Hardcore enough and probably only listen to it to follow the trend, so who cares if they only listen to the commercial stuff?

Regarding Ant Johnson's track, I'm not a fan of the kid's singing, but I think it's an honorable project.

i get what your saying, but this IS america where talking there even any commercial hardcore? so far everyone in the scene to date to my knowledge got into it by being shown the music by a friend and/or being dragged to a rave. in either case a) they're not being shown just, if any commercial hardcore and b) they're getting exposed to all other 'rave' music. i.e. jungle/dnb, hardstyle, gabber, hard dance/trance, trance. ect. (btw i wouldnt put that discription in the 'rave music' thread, its just what gets played at 'raves' so it gets the point across)
this means that lets even say a large majority of people get into hardcore the same time as 'raving' in general, and get a wide range of sounds and experiences at the same time. i just dont see that happening if someone watches a couple of cheese ass music video's of heavily quoted "hardcore" before getting information/exposure to hardcore or any sister genre e.g jungle or gabber. AND if they DO become interested because of stuff like sky walker then the momentum of hardcore will slip further down the commercial path as we all know and this website is a testiment to, what we hear first is usually what stays our favorites.

again i get your point matrics and Ant Johnson's motives/reasons for this project and they are galant. i just dont agree with the outcome.
MAtRiCks ^^^
Yeah, the idea of Commercial Hardcore is pretty much non-existant over here in america, and what can be considered commercial in the UK is quite underground over here. The point of view I expressed concerned the main UK musical scene only, since over here in America, people learn about Hardcore at raves, in a completely different context.
xMx This is a joke right?
Not that this kid will ever get popular, but you DO NOT want Hardcore to become an active part of the younger generation in America. Maybe in small groups, but across the board.. oh my god, OH MY GOD. If anybody here is dealing with "Jerking" - That new dance all the kids are doing, they know how bad this could be. Imagine all of the kids in America -shuffling- Oh my god. NO.
Originally posted by xMx:
Imagine all of the kids in America -shuffling-

it would be better than having girls dance like theyre skanks.
Originally posted by damo.2008:
no offense , but what a pile of shit.

Actually i take it back , the first track is quite good and hes not a bad vocalist , it's the second track i dont like the one thats in a different language i didn't listen to the skywalker one . Because i thought the other one was crap i assumed this one would , but this one is actually good .

So yeah i take it back lol and i shouldn't of said shit lol , boring is the word but the first one aint ...
damo.2008 im just thinking that its a good idea to get more teens liking hardcore because not many can produce and think about it , the producers you see now wont be here or wont be doing much hardcore producing in a few years time and all the teenagers will be older then so there will become less and less hardcore . So it is a good idea really because in a few years there wont be much hardcore produced , well most hardcore now is all that clubland shit and stuff like ultra beat and darren styles it's all commercial now , so yeah .

Great idea !!
Originally posted by MAtRiCks:
Originally posted by Jester MC:
i mind that the commercial sound is being aimed at CHILDREN who then will miss out on all the other interpretations of hardcore, and loose the ability to decide themselves what they like.

The kids who are exposed to commercialized Hardcore probably wouldn't have been exposed to Hardcore in the first place if it weren't for the commercial side. You should be thankful for that, and understand that some of these kids will eventually make their own researches and discover the other facets of Hardcore. The other kids who won't just plain don't like Hardcore enough and probably only listen to it to follow the trend, so who cares if they only listen to the commercial stuff?

Regarding Ant Johnson's track, I'm not a fan of the kid's singing, but I think it's an honorable project.

I was exposed to Hardcore by commercial stuffs.

My parents got XM radio and I fell in love with BPM on channel 81 for about a year...
I heard a Basshunter song that I loved (Now You're Gone)
Saw that Basshunter made a Dota song and bought the LOL <(^^,)> CD.
Was on Youtube and came across Pretty Rave Girl by S3RL with that similar tune to Dota...

and the rest was history. Now I like the Hardcore stuff on vinyl. ^^

Oh gawd. You're a Jerk is bad enough, but people are still having "dance-offs" at school. It's saddening. Whenever I hear that song I swear, any Hardcore producer can make that simple of a beat in his sleep. >.>

Originally posted by D-tor:
Originally posted by MAtRiCks:
Originally posted by Jester MC:
i mind that the commercial sound is being aimed at CHILDREN who then will miss out on all the other interpretations of hardcore, and loose the ability to decide themselves what they like.

The kids who are exposed to commercialized Hardcore probably wouldn't have been exposed to Hardcore in the first place if it weren't for the commercial side. You should be thankful for that, and understand that some of these kids will eventually make their own researches and discover the other facets of Hardcore. The other kids who won't just plain don't like Hardcore enough and probably only listen to it to follow the trend, so who cares if they only listen to the commercial stuff?

Regarding Ant Johnson's track, I'm not a fan of the kid's singing, but I think it's an honorable project.

I was exposed to Hardcore by commercial stuffs.

My parents got XM radio and I fell in love with BPM on channel 81 for about a year...
I heard a Basshunter song that I loved (Now You're Gone)
Saw that Basshunter made a Dota song and bought the LOL <(^^,)> CD.
Was on Youtube and came across Pretty Rave Girl by S3RL with that similar tune to Dota...

and the rest was history. Now I like the Hardcore stuff on vinyl. ^^

Oh gawd. You're a Jerk is bad enough, but people are still having "dance-offs" at school. It's saddening. Whenever I hear that song I swear, any Hardcore producer can make that simple of a beat in his sleep. >.>

More like "Jerk-Offs" Hah hah haaaaa.

glitzandglowz Im going to call ******** on this whole thing.

I think the first post is a fake.

I think the myspace website is a crock.

I am 100% convinced that all of this is false.

And I think that this version is perfection from start to end:

No problems with someone supporting an up-and-comer, no problems with the age thing...
Originally posted by glitzandglowz:
Im going to call ******** on this whole thing.

I think the first post is a fake.

I think the myspace website is a crock.

I am 100% convinced that all of this is false.

And I think that this version is perfection from start to end:

No problems with someone supporting an up-and-comer, no problems with the age thing...

I was under the impression that since Ant Johnson wrote the lyrics, and since he's supporting Skywalkr, Skywalkr had permission to sing the lyrics.

Also, I don't think Skywalkr does anything production-wise, so how could he be ripping off Darwin?

If I'm wrong here, someone else shed some light on this.
Originally posted by D-tor:
Originally posted by glitzandglowz:
Im going to call ******** on this whole thing.

I think the first post is a fake.

I think the myspace website is a crock.

I am 100% convinced that all of this is false.

And I think that this version is perfection from start to end:

No problems with someone supporting an up-and-comer, no problems with the age thing...

I was under the impression that since Ant Johnson wrote the lyrics, and since he's supporting Skywalkr, Skywalkr had permission to sing the lyrics.

Also, I don't think Skywalkr does anything production-wise, so how could he be ripping off Darwin?

If I'm wrong here, someone else shed some light on this.

Yeah, I think the guy you're quoting is clueless

It's a pretty safe bet that Darwin engineered this track, that Ant Johnson wrote the lyrics and that this Skywalkr kid resung them.
Originally posted by Dain-Ja:
Originally posted by D-tor:
Originally posted by glitzandglowz:
Im going to call ******** on this whole thing.

I think the first post is a fake.

I think the myspace website is a crock.

I am 100% convinced that all of this is false.

And I think that this version is perfection from start to end:

No problems with someone supporting an up-and-comer, no problems with the age thing...

I was under the impression that since Ant Johnson wrote the lyrics, and since he's supporting Skywalkr, Skywalkr had permission to sing the lyrics.

Also, I don't think Skywalkr does anything production-wise, so how could he be ripping off Darwin?

If I'm wrong here, someone else shed some light on this.

Yeah, I think the guy you're quoting is clueless

It's a pretty safe bet that Darwin engineered this track, that Ant Johnson wrote the lyrics and that this Skywalkr kid resung them.

Yeah, that's for sure.

I actually checked the video on YouTube again, "New life was written by ant johnson & Darwin in our England studios."

Originally posted by D-tor:
Originally posted by Dain-Ja:
Originally posted by D-tor:
Originally posted by glitzandglowz:
Im going to call ******** on this whole thing.

I think the first post is a fake.

I think the myspace website is a crock.

I am 100% convinced that all of this is false.

And I think that this version is perfection from start to end:

No problems with someone supporting an up-and-comer, no problems with the age thing...

I was under the impression that since Ant Johnson wrote the lyrics, and since he's supporting Skywalkr, Skywalkr had permission to sing the lyrics.

Also, I don't think Skywalkr does anything production-wise, so how could he be ripping off Darwin?

If I'm wrong here, someone else shed some light on this.

Yeah, I think the guy you're quoting is clueless

It's a pretty safe bet that Darwin engineered this track, that Ant Johnson wrote the lyrics and that this Skywalkr kid resung them.

Yeah, that's for sure.

I actually checked the video on YouTube again, "New life was written by ant johnson & Darwin in our England studios."

*sigh* ...

You know when people say "This song is being ruined by the hardcore remix!" and you reply: "No it's not, it's better than the orginal," ?

...I finally know how they feel.
Originally posted by glitzandglowz:
Originally posted by D-tor:
Originally posted by Dain-Ja:
Originally posted by D-tor:
Originally posted by glitzandglowz:
Im going to call ******** on this whole thing.

I think the first post is a fake.

I think the myspace website is a crock.

I am 100% convinced that all of this is false.

And I think that this version is perfection from start to end:

No problems with someone supporting an up-and-comer, no problems with the age thing...

I was under the impression that since Ant Johnson wrote the lyrics, and since he's supporting Skywalkr, Skywalkr had permission to sing the lyrics.

Also, I don't think Skywalkr does anything production-wise, so how could he be ripping off Darwin?

If I'm wrong here, someone else shed some light on this.

Yeah, I think the guy you're quoting is clueless

It's a pretty safe bet that Darwin engineered this track, that Ant Johnson wrote the lyrics and that this Skywalkr kid resung them.

Yeah, that's for sure.

I actually checked the video on YouTube again, "New life was written by ant johnson & Darwin in our England studios."

*sigh* ...

You know when people say "This song is being ruined by the hardcore remix!" and you reply: "No it's not, it's better than the orginal," ?

...I finally know how they feel.

gotta agree wif glitzandglow ere :) never been a big fan of the hardcore remixes of rnb songs anyway =]
Ukronic where is the video?
Originally posted by 2bcool2:
hey guys, Ant Johnson here, just wanted to let you guys im involved in a project to bring hardcore music to a new generation.
We are launching a new 14 year old singer called SkywalkR in Los Angeles singing hardcore.
There is no-one doing hardcore with a teen idol targeting the teen market.
We are doing this with a hope that a new generation of kids will get into hardcore and start checking out the harder hardcore and past compilations.

If you find any let me know
Originally posted by warped_candykid:
Do we really want to tackle the teen scene here in America? I mean, look at our Reality tv shows...Do we REALLY want to tackle the American teen scene? Now if a teenager stops at a stoplight by me and hears my hardcore music, they are going to think I am jumping on the Hardcore bandwagon to "be cool", because to them, it would be something totally new, not a style of music that's existed for 15+ years. Why are we wanting to expose Hardcore to younger and younger peeps? The moment the American music industry gets a whiff of this, there will be "Kidz Bop: Hardcore!"

I couldn't help myself
Originally posted by 8D:
Originally posted by warped_candykid:
Do we really want to tackle the teen scene here in America? I mean, look at our Reality tv shows...Do we REALLY want to tackle the American teen scene? Now if a teenager stops at a stoplight by me and hears my hardcore music, they are going to think I am jumping on the Hardcore bandwagon to "be cool", because to them, it would be something totally new, not a style of music that's existed for 15+ years. Why are we wanting to expose Hardcore to younger and younger peeps? The moment the American music industry gets a whiff of this, there will be "Kidz Bop: Hardcore!"

I couldn't help myself


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