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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Commercial happy core?

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dr smiley i wanna know what u think about the whole happy core goin commercial. personally i say HELL no i dont want no trendy happy core but i want them there dj's nice and rich to make lots o happy core without it dieing and without it being trendy its hard to say really so gimmy ur thoughts plz

Rza_2002 hell no, thought it was just me who liked it, found this site and realised theres loads of us ... and think about it, do you want the same people who listen to westlife / boyzone / s club 7 etc etc [UK] to be listening to yours & mine happycore ... the answers no ... but i do think they deserve some more £££ and recognition for the work they do

mc trev it can suck my dick! ........old skools gone commercial now its our tern we must stop it HOW DO U PROTEST?

Annex screw that action
*luvs the oldschool*

potatoe :)
keep on smiling
virus i wanna know what you guys are talking about... hardcore isnt commercial..

and the old skool you say "is commercial".. like what? tunes like baby d? or sl2? you mean the tunes that were in the charts when they were released? just because a cd comes out, doesnt mean your mom and dad are start listening to and producing old skool.

you guys are gettting paranoid about nothing

Midway_raver I haven't got a major problem wiv old skool "going commercial" coz it gives us all a chance 2 get all the trax we lost/didnt get chance to buy/hear. I mean ok hardcores a different story its alive and kicking and commerialism cud ruin it , much like the commercialism of old skool did to it back in the day. but old skool lets face it is "dead" no one is losing money or getting disrespected for the trax they made years ago, there just making sum extra money from trax they made years ago. Ok new skool breaks ( the old skool style ) is alive but thats not turning commercial, or if neway influenced by the influx of old skool cdz is just getting a bit more mild interest which it deserves , coz i know from listening to "back to the old skool" and digging out my rave generation cd's agen it got me listening to the new skool breaks and being interested in it and incouraged me to buy sum old skool vinyl...hardcore now from what ive seen will not go commercial coz in my opinion when hardcore went thru the "dark ages" as silver refers to it the sound was much more radio friendly n still didnt go commercial and now its going back to the fresh and pumping stuff its much better and alive without being ruined by poppy products......Wow take a break i thinx!! sorry 1 am n i've just got time to think!!!!

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
BaDBoY I Dont think You Have To Worry About Happy hardcore Goin Commercial..
I Honestly Cannot See It Happening, Unless the Music Is Radically Changed, Or A Remix Comes Out.. But Then it Wouldnt Be Hardcore, it Would Be A Shitty Watered Down Version. The Thing You See Is, Hardcore Does Not Conform to Mainstream Music Standards.. Its Way To fast, To Long, And It Still ( as far As The Media Is Concerned ) Is Associated With Drugs, Especially Exstacy.
So the Hardcore That We All Know And Love Will Not go Mainstream, unless the Whole Music Industry Changes Its Views On What It Regards "Commercial Dance" If Any Hardcore Song Makes it Into The Charts, Such As The Old SL2 / Prodigy / Altern8 Tracks, They Will Stay In The Charts For Only A Short Time And Be Forgotten Just As Quickly.

A Person On His Own Has An Oppinion Of His Own, But People Follow Trends And What Everyone Else Is Doing.. So Unless A Hell Of A Lot Of People Radically Change There Views On Our Scene, We Will Remain Underground.



bowzer ...not every word needs to be capitalized :P

StrifeII Commercialisation aint gonna happen, and if we protest, more people will join the prostest, then they'll like happycore, more'll know about it, and then BOLLOCKS you've made it commercial by accident

nah im kiddin...old skool aint really commercial, i know loads of kids who still dont know who the rat pack are, stupid kids
but i'm doing all i can to keep the scene alive, like buying the stuff instead of d/ling it and im trying to include it in my schoolwork im doing a whole r.e project on it (how ironic is that?!?!?!) (hardcore is my religion, muhahaha)

Hardcore Will Never Die
DJ Pathfinder i think the trance rips arre commercial.

and also the harddance stream.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

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