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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Gammers getting pretty pissed

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Dys7 Gammer just poster a status update saying the next person who compared hardcore to dubstep, hell hunt them down and punch them in the head. Sounds like you guys are getting to him.
wong id be more scared of my cat than gammer

NekoShuffle "by the way not kidding, if ANYONE else compares hardcore to dubstep I am literally going to find them and punch them in the head #1beerrage"

Wow what an immature idiot. Also there's no need to say 'you guys' as if we're the ones to blame for this. The dubstep/hardcore hate isn't just from this forum. It's all over Facebook, at raves, on twitter...everywhere.

Anyway, that's pretty much my respect for Gammer lost, anyone who honestly threatens violence against someone for their opinion needs to be locked up and kept away from normal society. Just proves he's no better than a violent chav, I hope he does punch someone and I hope they press charges and put him inside for assault.

What an absolute idiot, I honestly thought he was much better than that.
Wilky he's suffering from awards gone to head syndrome.. what a ****in tit..

I saw it but I'm banned from commenting as he doesn't like what I say...
djDMS Pity. Thought he'd be above all that. I'm sure he's not the only one getting sick of all the negative stuff that's flying around, but that's a bit much.

Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
"by the way not kidding, if ANYONE else compares hardcore to dubstep I am literally going to find them and punch them in the head #1beerrage"

Wow what an immature idiot. Also there's no need to say 'you guys' as if we're the ones to blame for this. The dubstep/hardcore hate isn't just from this forum. It's all over Facebook, at raves, on twitter...everywhere.

Anyway, that's pretty much my respect for Gammer lost, anyone who honestly threatens violence against someone for their opinion needs to be locked up and kept away from normal society. Just proves he's no better than a violent chav, I hope he does punch someone and I hope they press charges and put him inside for assault.

What an absolute idiot, I honestly thought he was much better than that.

Sorry, when I said you guys I was entailing the anti-electro guys, not the site.
toml123 just to rub it in i posted this: When djs bring dubstep onto the scene its kind of hard not to kid! ... no reply though ;)
Originally posted by djDMS:
Pity. Thought he'd be above all that. I'm sure he's not the only one getting sick of all the negative stuff that's flying around, but that's a bit much.

He was trying to pass it off as a joke on twitter and now has just tweeted to me and Wilky "Guys, Im a human, I have feelings, when people act like dicks I get annoyed" other words he was serious about punching people and was just lying? I'm not even interested in figuring it out anymore, if he wants to throw threats around that's up to him, I'm pretty much done with this nonsense.

Piss taking yes, passive-agressive status updates I can roll my eyes and ignore but, sorry. I honestly wish him all the best with his music because he is talented but threats are not something I wanna get involved in.
Archefluxx I think Gammers mental age of about 8 will be a drawback in a fight.

Does anyone else think Gammers music sounds a bit like dubstep??
wong bet all the fanboys were quick to jump on his cock as always
Wilky Oops - think I touched another nerve...
Originally posted by Wilky:
Oops - think I touched another nerve...

What'd you manage to do now, Wilky?
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Wilky:
Oops - think I touched another nerve...

What'd you manage to do now, Wilky?

ive just popped on facebook and it looks like all gammers fanboys are taking offence to wilky speaking the truth
NekoShuffle Also just now on twitter: Breeze is gonna report Wilky's IP for sharing the link to CLXH8 on the forums too.

Well Wilky, you brought that on yourself...I don't want this place to get shut down for filesharing, even if a lot of us don't like the CD there's no need for that here.

Aaaaand also on the Wilky front, shit is going down on Gammer's Facebook page...this is blowing up into a big full-scale shitstorm which is another reason I wasn't down with the whole threats thing, regardless of how serious they're meant to be.

I'm not even getting involved in this, threats (to me) = not cool, that's the only point I was making. I don't give a toss about who does or doesn't have a big ego. Just going to say that now to avoid any confusion.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Also just now on twitter: Breeze is gonna report Wilky's IP for sharing the link to CLXH8 on the forums too.

Well Wilky, you brought that on yourself...I don't want this place to get shut down for filesharing, even if a lot of us don't like the CD there's no need for that here.

Aaaaand also on the Wilky front, shit is going down on Gammer's Facebook page...this is blowing up into a big full-scale shitstorm which is another reason I wasn't down with the whole threats thing, regardless of how serious they're meant to be.

I'm not even getting involved in this, threats (to me) = not cool, that's the only point I was making. I don't give a toss about who does or doesn't have a big ego. Just going to say that now to avoid any confusion.

breeze can report all he wants..

you've seen how my comments cause uproar?? I can do the same with album sales

funny how quick this shit went up wow
Dys7 Tbh, breeze sounds a bit childish.
"You're reading this cuz you're that sad!" nyah nyah!
Originally posted by Wilky:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Also just now on twitter: Breeze is gonna report Wilky's IP for sharing the link to CLXH8 on the forums too.

Well Wilky, you brought that on yourself...I don't want this place to get shut down for filesharing, even if a lot of us don't like the CD there's no need for that here.

Aaaaand also on the Wilky front, shit is going down on Gammer's Facebook page...this is blowing up into a big full-scale shitstorm which is another reason I wasn't down with the whole threats thing, regardless of how serious they're meant to be.

I'm not even getting involved in this, threats (to me) = not cool, that's the only point I was making. I don't give a toss about who does or doesn't have a big ego. Just going to say that now to avoid any confusion.

breeze can report all he wants..

you've seen how my comments cause uproar?? I can do the same with album sales

funny how quick this shit went up wow

That's great, but do it somewhere that isn't please. Talk shit, spill your opinions, shout loud nasty things if you have to but don't do anything that can get this place shut down!
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Wilky:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Also just now on twitter: Breeze is gonna report Wilky's IP for sharing the link to CLXH8 on the forums too.

Well Wilky, you brought that on yourself...I don't want this place to get shut down for filesharing, even if a lot of us don't like the CD there's no need for that here.

Aaaaand also on the Wilky front, shit is going down on Gammer's Facebook page...this is blowing up into a big full-scale shitstorm which is another reason I wasn't down with the whole threats thing, regardless of how serious they're meant to be.

I'm not even getting involved in this, threats (to me) = not cool, that's the only point I was making. I don't give a toss about who does or doesn't have a big ego. Just going to say that now to avoid any confusion.

breeze can report all he wants..

you've seen how my comments cause uproar?? I can do the same with album sales

funny how quick this shit went up wow

That's great, but do it somewhere that isn't please. Talk shit, spill your opinions, shout loud nasty things if you have to but don't do anything that can get this place shut down!

Wait, is Breeze reading this topic? I had figured Willy tweeted the link
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Wilky:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Also just now on twitter: Breeze is gonna report Wilky's IP for sharing the link to CLXH8 on the forums too.

Well Wilky, you brought that on yourself...I don't want this place to get shut down for filesharing, even if a lot of us don't like the CD there's no need for that here.

Aaaaand also on the Wilky front, shit is going down on Gammer's Facebook page...this is blowing up into a big full-scale shitstorm which is another reason I wasn't down with the whole threats thing, regardless of how serious they're meant to be.

I'm not even getting involved in this, threats (to me) = not cool, that's the only point I was making. I don't give a toss about who does or doesn't have a big ego. Just going to say that now to avoid any confusion.

breeze can report all he wants..

you've seen how my comments cause uproar?? I can do the same with album sales

funny how quick this shit went up wow

That's great, but do it somewhere that isn't please. Talk shit, spill your opinions, shout loud nasty things if you have to but don't do anything that can get this place shut down!

Wait, is Breeze reading this topic? I had figured Willy tweeted the link

I didn't tweet it no I posted it Here and on his fb page
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Wilky:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Also just now on twitter: Breeze is gonna report Wilky's IP for sharing the link to CLXH8 on the forums too.

Well Wilky, you brought that on yourself...I don't want this place to get shut down for filesharing, even if a lot of us don't like the CD there's no need for that here.

Aaaaand also on the Wilky front, shit is going down on Gammer's Facebook page...this is blowing up into a big full-scale shitstorm which is another reason I wasn't down with the whole threats thing, regardless of how serious they're meant to be.

I'm not even getting involved in this, threats (to me) = not cool, that's the only point I was making. I don't give a toss about who does or doesn't have a big ego. Just going to say that now to avoid any confusion.

breeze can report all he wants..

you've seen how my comments cause uproar?? I can do the same with album sales

funny how quick this shit went up wow

That's great, but do it somewhere that isn't please. Talk shit, spill your opinions, shout loud nasty things if you have to but don't do anything that can get this place shut down!

Wait, is Breeze reading this topic? I had figured Willy tweeted the link

Yep, him and Gammer both are/were as Gammer randomly mentioned me on twitter regarding this topic and I hadn't tweeted it either so yeah, I would guess they're both reading/have read this. Which I think is good actually, hopefully that means they won't write us off as 'haters' and will actually look at our opinions a bit more. It's sad that opinion = hater nowadays, especially when you try and be a bit constructive or informative with your opinion.

I'm very overopinionated but I do my best to explain where my opinions come from rather than just spewing mindless hate. It honestly makes a bit sad that someone would write me off as a 'hater' when I put so much time and effort into giving my posts some substance rather than just being like "this is shit" or whatever like I see on Facebook.
Archefluxx Technically he linked a forum to a forum that has the links to the file, so hes done no wrong-doing lol

This is fun, I love it when its not about me
Dys7 Willy, that's gotta be the stupidest thing I've ever seen you do. You posted a link to a Breeze fileshare ON HIS PAGE?
SpiritWolf I'm gone for 2 hours and all this drama happens. Wow.
Karthy I saw it as nothing more than a joke. I'm no suck up to Gammer, I like the guy's music and I think he has a great personality, I'm 99.9% sure Gammer would not beat anyone up just because they hate dubcore and I find the fact that you actually believe he would quite silly.

Let's put it this way... Do you really think he'd go through the effort of finding out where a dubcore hater lives just to go beat them up, it wouldn't achieve that and any half-intelligent person would know that. I'm not trying to insult anyone here but come on?

I also find it kind of silly that these 2 halves are constantly trying to bring arguments and those neutral people laughing about it and egging it on.

My views on the actual idea of dubcore taking over - will it bollocks... There will always be the usual hardcore, there'll just be this new hardcore aswell, I don't personally like this new style and I definately wouldn't go out of my way to go to an event advertising itself as that. I'd be quite disappointed if I went to a HTID rave and heard 99% dubcore, but I'd just choose not to go to one of them again, and then they're the ones losing it.

There's no need for this mindless whingyness in my opinion, and there certainly isn't a need to PROVOKE these arguments. I understand people are just voicing their opinions, and I see it as Gammer's just doing the same. Sure he threatened people (noone specifically might I add) but he was clearly joking.

Everyone just needs to simmer down, it's all getting a bit too out of hand and both sides of the argument are in the wrong...
Hard2Get Gammer definately didn't mean it as seriously as you read it Neko. He's not like that.
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Gammer definately didn't mean it as seriously as you read it Neko. He's not like that.

Honestly if you take five seconds to look at Gammers Youtube videos its easy to see hes a very relaxed and fun guy. And you make such a big deal about it - if you say youve never done the same youre lying. It just happened that Gammer had a readily available outlet where it impacted a couple hundred people vs. when youd do it it'd be 1 or 2.
Wilky I was bored wanted some fun...
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Gammer definately didn't mean it as seriously as you read it Neko. He's not like that.

Honestly if you take five seconds to look at Gammers Youtube videos its easy to see hes a very relaxed and fun guy. And you make such a big deal about it - if you say youve never done the same youre lying. It just happened that Gammer had a readily available outlet where it impacted a couple hundred people vs. when youd do it it'd be 1 or 2.

I was going to add that it's something that just about anyone else would routinely say and because you know them you know there is no meaning to it, but i didn't. I was still thinking it though.
Originally posted by Wilky:
I was bored wanted some fun...

So instead of doing something normal, like reading a book, listening to music, watching a movie, you decided to post a link to where to get content for free illegally, insult hard working artists (yeah, it may not be what you freaking like, but it still requires work), and be a general idiot.
djDMS I'd agree it wasn't meant THAT seriously, still a bit unnecessary though. If he was on about filesharers on the other hand...
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Wilky:
I was bored wanted some fun...

So instead of doing something normal, like reading a book, listening to music, watching a movie, you decided to post a link to where to get content for free illegally, insult hard working artists (yeah, it may not be what you freaking like, but it still requires work), and be a general idiot.

Sorry im so aggresive, I'm just pissed about this stuff. Making music you dont like doesnt mean youre allowed to take the piss on them, its unfair and just a mean thing to do.
Originally posted by Karthy:
I saw it as nothing more than a joke. I'm no suck up to Gammer, I like the guy's music and I think he has a great personality, I'm 99.9% sure Gammer would not beat anyone up just because they hate dubcore and I find the fact that you actually believe he would quite silly.

Let's put it this way... Do you really think he'd go through the effort of finding out where a dubcore hater lives just to go beat them up, it wouldn't achieve that and any half-intelligent person would know that. I'm not trying to insult anyone here but come on?

I also find it kind of silly that these 2 halves are constantly trying to bring arguments (Wilky) and those neutral people laughing about it and egging it on (Archefluxx).

My views on the actual idea of dubcore taking over - will it bollocks... There will always be the usual hardcore, there'll just be this new hardcore aswell, I don't personally like this new style and I definately wouldn't go out of my way to go to an event advertising itself as that. I'd be quite disappointed if I went to a HTID rave and heard 99% dubcore, but I'd just choose not to go to one of them again, and then they're the ones losing it.

There's no need for this mindless whingyness in my opinion, and there certainly isn't a need to PROVOKE these arguments. I understand people are just voicing their opinions, and I see it as Gammer's just doing the same. Sure he threatened people (noone specifically might I add) but he was clearly joking.

Everyone just needs to simmer down, it's all getting a bit too out of hand and both sides of the argument are in the wrong...

Saying "literally going to punch someone in the head" and "not even kidding" is a strong indication to me that he wasn't joking, and this was before the "I'm human and sometimes I get annoyed" comment. That's a threat plain and simple, I don't really think Gammer would actually do it either, but saying something like that with that tone & choice of words just encourages that kind of behaviour and that's not something I condone nor want to get involved in, especially considering the numerous other threats that I've been seeing around lately.

This isn't something personal against Gammer, this is against ANYONE who makes a threat with that choice of words/defence - and no matter who that person is, I think it's immature and I don't want to be a part of that scene.

dannyboy uk haha! just read through gammers posts, its like a facebook hardcore revolt on dubcore

gammer didnt mean it seriously lol, its just banter gone out of control, its a sunday night, everyones bored and once again facebook provides entertainment lol, even kutski's stickin up for him lol

"Look a bit harder for producers that aren't making the sounds you don't like. It's not difficult..... Find the music you like rather than waiting for it to be spoon fed to you" best quote of the whole arguement
Hard2Get But people say 'I'm not even kidding' and 'literally' all the time knowing full well that it's not actually either lol. It's just one of those things that a lot of people say but never actually mean, even though what they are saying is that they do mean it lol. Although if it was it was someone i knew absolutely nothing about then i would probably feel the same way as you.
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Gammer definately didn't mean it as seriously as you read it Neko. He's not like that.

Honestly if you take five seconds to look at Gammers Youtube videos its easy to see hes a very relaxed and fun guy. And you make such a big deal about it - if you say youve never done the same youre lying.

I've probably talked to Gammer more than you guys have to be honest. He's a very nice person on twitter, but he was annoyed - he said too much and he deserves the drama he got for it. It's as simple as that. As I just said, this isn't personal against him - this is against anyone who gets a bit too annoyed and starts throwing threats around. I said it in the Livelee thread last week, I'm not having that shit go on. Especially as we all know how easy it is to incite hardcore ravers. I'm simply not having it.
Originally posted by Karthy:

I also find it kind of silly that these 2 halves are constantly trying to bring arguments (Wilky) and those neutral people laughing about it and egging it on (Archefluxx).

**** off am I egging it on...

I posted some serious comments on the threads on Gammers page, one or two less helpful ones, and Ive spoken to Breeze via Twitter suggesting that he ignore Wilky rather than fuel his fire..
DJ Lawlzy I wish there was a big button that I could press and BEEPBOOPBEEP all the Hardcore scene drama gets sucked into space. Really funny for a scene built on upbeat happy music.
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
I wish there was a big button that I could press and BEEPBOOPBEEP all the Hardcore scene drama gets sucked into space. Really funny for a scene built on upbeat happy music.

Nice sound effect.
DJ Lawlzy
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
I wish there was a big button that I could press and BEEPBOOPBEEP all the Hardcore scene drama gets sucked into space. Really funny for a scene built on upbeat happy music.

Nice sound effect.

It would sound like this
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
I wish there was a big button that I could press and BEEPBOOPBEEP all the Hardcore scene drama gets sucked into space. Really funny for a scene built on upbeat happy music.

Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
I wish there was a big button that I could press and BEEPBOOPBEEP all the Hardcore scene drama gets sucked into space. Really funny for a scene built on upbeat happy music.


^ this as well, if wilky followed.... & smoogie as a bonus

Archefluxx Nothing wrong with a shake up in Hardcore every now and again. This kind of thing is funny.

Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Nothing wrong with a shake up in Hardcore every now and again. This kind of thing is funny.

Drama is give and take really, I try my best to avoid it but this is more about the principle of threats to me. Especially with it kicking off last week with MCs threatening to beat people up and so on, I'm absolutely not having that go on. And I know people keep saying "Gammer wouldn't hurt anyone" and yeah, I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't, but thanks to his status we now have a bunch of chavs kicking off about how they're going to brick people and punch other people in the face for various reasons, and we ravers are the ones that have to put up with that.
Lilark Dubstep influenced hardcore and Dubstep are two entirely different things. I really don't know who took a piss in his cornflakes, but it's immature of him to say that. He's a great artist and I respect his music, but threatening people over something so stupid is irrelevant.
Dante Had to see what all the fuzz was about. So many chav fanboys who can't spell, I just can't take them seriously.

Hardcore = dubstep, I hope you're watching, guys!
Originally posted by Dante:
Had to see what all the fuzz was about. So many chav fanboys who can't spell, I just can't take them seriously.

Hardcore = dubstep, I hope you're watching, guys!

Probably more Scottish abbreviations tbh mate
Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
I'm gone for 2 hours and all this drama happens. Wow.

my thoughts exactly, what are we fcuking highschool
Originally posted by DJseaking:
Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
I'm gone for 2 hours and all this drama happens. Wow.

my thoughts exactly, what are we fcuking highschool

I heard Wilky got suspended
Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
Originally posted by DJseaking:
Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
I'm gone for 2 hours and all this drama happens. Wow.

my thoughts exactly, what are we fcuking highschool

I heard Wilky got suspended

he must have a big penis
Samination dubstep influenced hardcore? when a track/mix sounds 70% more like dubstep, then it's dubstep with hardcore influences... ****** HELL;,.:,.,._;:-,;:

Wilky's got a big boner now, finally got banned yet again ;)

But posting the links here would've been silly to start with, I presume people here knows how to use the webcrawler by now. And unless AATW takes to a japanese court, this site wont get removed for a silly link or 2.
Originally posted by Lilark:
I really don't know who took a piss in his cornflakes

LOL. What a brilliant saying. Love that.
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by Lilark:
I really don't know who took a piss in his cornflakes

LOL. What a brilliant saying. Love that.

It was you wasn't it?
Dys7 So, anyways, I've been listening to this new thing called dubstep hardcore, and BOY does it suck! Have any of you guys heard it yet?
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Originally posted by Karthy:

I also find it kind of silly that these 2 halves are constantly trying to bring arguments (Wilky) and those neutral people laughing about it and egging it on (Archefluxx).

**** off am I egging it on...

I posted some serious comments on the threads on Gammers page, one or two less helpful ones, and Ive spoken to Breeze via Twitter suggesting that he ignore Wilky rather than fuel his fire..

I was going from what I saw, and I believe I did only see those 2 comments, in which case I apologise. But either way, you were happily laughing about it, and I don't see this whole ordeal to be good in anyway.

Besides, it doesn't help that all this is on Gammer's facebook, lots of people read that, it's all open to alot of influence and stuff could REALLY get out of hand...

Anyway, I'm sorry for pointing the finger, but from where I was sat you were pretty much egging it all on, could've got that wrong though.
Lilley yes mum sorry mum
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
It was you wasn't it?

That pissed in the cornflakes?
djDMS Generally there are 3 types of contribution to this kind of discussion.

1. The arselicking fanboys who agree with everything the 'big name' producer says and does - the type who'd come in their pants over a 60 second soundclip of 2 hippo's farting to any old backing track just because it was produced by a 'legend'. Made worse by the fact that many of them haven't bought an album or tune in their life!

2. The type of knobhead who think it's hilarious to bait such producer (despite not giving two shits about what they do either way), just to get a kick out of being infamous.

3. The genuine, average consumer who wants to make their feelings known in a constructive way. The type who actually buy the music and are passionate and a lot more knowledgeable than they're given credit for.

If i was a producer, i know which of those i'd be listening to....
Originally posted by djDMS:
Generally there are 3 types of contribution to this kind of discussion.

1. The arselicking fanboys who agree with everything the 'big name' producer says and does - the type who'd come in their pants over a 60 second soundclip of 2 hippo's farting to any old backing track just because it was produced by a 'legend'. Made worse by the fact that many of them haven't bought an album or tune in their life!

2. The type of knobhead who think it's hilarious to bait such producer (despite not giving two shits about what they do either way), just to get a kick out of being infamous.

3. The genuine, average consumer who wants to make their feelings known in a constructive way. The type who actually buy the music and are passionate and a lot more knowledgeable than they're given credit for.

If i was a producer, i know which of those i'd be listening to....

1., definitly ;)
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
"by the way not kidding, if ANYONE else compares hardcore to dubstep I am literally going to find them and punch them in the head #1beerrage"

Wow what an immature idiot. Also there's no need to say 'you guys' as if we're the ones to blame for this. The dubstep/hardcore hate isn't just from this forum. It's all over Facebook, at raves, on twitter...everywhere.

Anyway, that's pretty much my respect for Gammer lost, anyone who honestly threatens violence against someone for their opinion needs to be locked up and kept away from normal society. Just proves he's no better than a violent chav, I hope he does punch someone and I hope they press charges and put him inside for assault.

What an absolute idiot, I honestly thought he was much better than that.

it's pretty obvious to anyone who isn't a ****ing pansy that he was just raging. What he said doesn't really constitute a threat... it wasn't directed at any person in particular.

Anyone with half a brain can see he was annoyed at an ideal and not actually at any specific people. Anyway, like someone said before, you spent two minutes learning anything about gammer and you'd find that you wouldn't take something like that very seriously coming from hiim.

And really? ALL your respect is lost for him because he made a generalization against a vague collective of an ideal? Man, you must not have had a lot of respect for him. And if you apparently did, then he's better off without fans like you anyway.

Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Gammer definately didn't mean it as seriously as you read it Neko. He's not like that.

Honestly if you take five seconds to look at Gammers Youtube videos its easy to see hes a very relaxed and fun guy. And you make such a big deal about it - if you say youve never done the same youre lying.

I've probably talked to Gammer more than you guys have to be honest. He's a very nice person on twitter, but he was annoyed - he said too much and he deserves the drama he got for it. It's as simple as that. As I just said, this isn't personal against him - this is against anyone who gets a bit too annoyed and starts throwing threats around. I said it in the Livelee thread last week, I'm not having that shit go on. Especially as we all know how easy it is to incite hardcore ravers. I'm simply not having it.

The first highlighted bit - what? That sentence reeks of arrogance. How do you know how much we talk to Gammer? You apparently don't know him too well considering how personally you're taking this when it wasn't even directed at you.

To the second highlighted bits - who the **** are you? You're not having it?..... What are you going to do about it? bitch on a forum?

I'm sorry but some people are taking this way too seriously. It's ****ing facebook. for real. Get a reality check and lighten the **** up. I took it as a joke.
Originally posted by Andy_Influx:
The first highlighted bit - what? That sentence reeks of arrogance. How do you know how much we talk to Gammer? You apparently don't know him too well considering how personally you're taking this when it wasn't even directed at you.

Agree with everything you just said except this. It smells more like he is trying to be honest, perhaps rather ignorant or innocent but still trying to be honest none the less. It was just written very badly and comes off remarkably tall poppy. I think that is a much more accurate gauge of it then how you read it andy.
Originally posted by Lilley:
Originally posted by Andy_Influx:
The first highlighted bit - what? That sentence reeks of arrogance. How do you know how much we talk to Gammer? You apparently don't know him too well considering how personally you're taking this when it wasn't even directed at you.

Agree with everything you just said except this. It smells more like he is trying to be honest, perhaps rather ignorant or innocent but still trying to be honest none the less. It was just written very badly and comes off remarkably tall poppy. I think that is a much more accurate gauge of it then how you read it andy.

The impression i got was of "look i talk to him more, i know what's going on, you guys don't". Which reeks of arrogance to me. I'll concede that i may have interpreted it wrongly - but as i said, that was the conclusion i came to. Varying mileage and all that.
Originally posted by Lilley:
Originally posted by Andy_Influx:
The first highlighted bit - what? That sentence reeks of arrogance. How do you know how much we talk to Gammer? You apparently don't know him too well considering how personally you're taking this when it wasn't even directed at you.

Agree with everything you just said except this. It smells more like he is trying to be honest, perhaps rather ignorant or innocent but still trying to be honest none the less. It was just written very badly and comes off remarkably tall poppy. I think that is a much more accurate gauge of it then how you read it andy.

I disagree. Neko definitely used it as a reason why he believes he knows Gammer better and why he, and sounds like he's convincing the rest of us to, believe that Gammer's threat is genuine. I'm with Andy on this one. You can't take anything serious from a guy who has pics on his facebook wearing a tube top, skirt and makeup so bad it looks like a parrot exploded on his face lol. I believe yes he was annoyed and just simply vented a little. Like someone said we all do it, and yes it seems rather unprofessional about it, but this isn't something he does routinely, so he's allowed one, or a couple, slip-ups. People are just making a big deal over nothing and saying that he incites violence at raves is ridiculous.

I'm not a "fanboy" as many ppl here are labeling those defending him. I can admit when he's made some great tunes, and when he just comes out with some worthless shit. His style of hardcore doesn't bother me in the least bit whether or not I hate it, because I can always find something out there that I like from a variety of producers.

Originally posted by MAtRiCks:


lol I saw on TMZ that he's going to be doing gay porn (that guy in the pic NOT Gammer lol)

i lmao'd when I heard that.
NekoShuffle The reason I said it is because everyone is acting like I have no idea what Gammer is like and must be taking it seriously because I don't know him. The truth of the matter is that I do know what he's like because there's a good chance I've talked to him more than the accusers have. That's not arrogant or name dropping or whatever label you want to put on it - it's fact.

I appreciate people trying to defend him, but this isn't about me misunderstanding his intent or his character, this is about the fact that he should know better than to throw threats around that sound serious, because regardless of whether or not he would follow them up, there's hands-down proof he's just encouraged a bunch of other people to be violent - which in hardcore we REALLY don't need.

He's responded with sarcasm, funny pictures and piss-taking before and that's fine - that hasn't encouraged people to punch each other or hit people with bricks, but this status update did and he should know better. End of.
wong hixxys (light hearted) view on this matter, off facebook

Whilst people are on the topic of
Gammer and his ego, let me tell the
truth about his real ego that he
manages to hide from most of you!!!
You may think he's a nice fellow who
can grow a supurb and spectacular
beard whilst mixing up them tunes like
a demoned but here is an example of
what and who thye real DJ gammer is.
Here is a tiny tiny small bit of gammers
rider for HTID in the sun this year (the
full copy is 18 pages long !!) Chauffer
driven limo
To take Gammer to the airports in UK
and also in Spain - however the driver
cannot have nor be able to grow a
better beard than Gammer.
Private Jet to and from Girona
The jet must be have a flight code/
name called Potato1 or
Gamgambeardo1, they must only serve
caviar, pink champagne and kumquats
on board. All the stewardesss and
pilots MUST have (if they dont already)
full detailed knowledge of Gammers
discography, his accolades and carry a
picture of Gammer at all times and
remind him how great he is. When
coming into Land they must play I
need a hero by Bonnie tyler.
Hotel must be a 7* hotel minimum and
Gammer must have the Presidental
suite (once Gammer checks out this
room must then be named Dj
gammers ritzy Glitz Gaff dj gammer
will not charge the hotel for this
honour of using his name.
The Hotel must also replace all photos
and pictures in the hotel to ones of
Gammer either Djin or ones of Gammer
stroking baby animals or playing
chess...... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... I
hope that gives you some insight to
this evil egotistical man !!!! Plus I see
you've threatened violence now if
people don't like you or your music,
well i'm not scared of you or you're
wobbley bass line tunes !! I'm un-liking
this page !

NekoShuffle Yeah don't get me caught up in the "Gammer has a big ego" stuff. I don't care if he does or doesn't have a big ego and personally I don't think he has an ego at all, he's quite a down to earth person. I separate my issues, just because I don't like one thing about a person doesn't mean I'll shit on every other aspect of them.
Samination funny. I can go around saying "I'm going to hit a jew soon" and get shit for it, but saying "I'm going to hit anyone who complains", and nothing happens?

A threat is a threat, no matter WHO it is aimed for. I'm with Neko here.

Unless Gammer has Tourette's or any other cronic sickness, he is not an exception from rules or laws.
Hard2Get Who gives a shit. It's just some meaningless comment on a meaningless website.
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Who gives a shit. It's just some meaningless comment on a meaningless website.

as much as i intend to buy gammer tracks again?
Breakbeat Jon Don't understand what everybody's moaning about. It's pretty obvious to me Gammers making a deliberatly over the top comment to make point. No difference to Jimmy Carr making a rape joke, it's quite obvious he's going not going to rape anyone, or encourage people to go out raping.
As for the whole dubstep influence thing, i'm sick of boring trance leads and wishy washy vocals. For the last 6 years i've hardly listened to like of Hixxy, Breeze, Styles etc as I found there music to be frank, a new low for hardcore. They seem to have finally got bored of the same old tired thing and made the music in my opinion a lot better, and more interesting, and probably more relevant to new kids getting into it. Just like they did around 2000/2001 when they brought the trance sound in.
Samination ofcourse hardcore needs to reinvent itself time to time, but do they need to take in something that's a fad?
Breakbeat Jon I don't really think you can call dub-step a fad, was trance a 'fad'? To be honest this debate would be null and void if DJs had the creativity to mix a bit of everything up in a set, Easygroove or Luna-C style, instead of playing the same style all the way through. As i've said, i'm not a fan of the trancy vocal cheese, but i'm not going to moan about the odd few tunes in a set.
jenks To be fair, Gammer hasn't exactly adopted the style the way Breeze has. Him and Dougal use sounds from all over the place. Their Summer Gathering CD is great.
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:
Don't understand what everybody's moaning about. It's pretty obvious to me Gammers making a deliberatly over the top comment to make point. No difference to Jimmy Carr making a rape joke, it's quite obvious he's going not going to rape anyone, or encourage people to go out raping.

Except if you looked at the status update comments you'll see that it DID encourage violence. That's the problem with saying that kind of thing in the hardcore scene, hardcore ravers are much more easily provoked than say, trance. It's bad enough having top deck vs bottom deck fights involving bottles being thrown, people getting punched and all sorts between the dnb and hardcore fans on the coach on the way to westfest, the last thing we need is more fighting between genres, it makes raves completely unsafe to attend and they're pretty dicey already.

Samination Jon: Well if you're ok with a few vocal trancecore tracks, I could be that with dubstep influenced hardcore too. But not a whole set, and then force it down people throats and say "here, **** off". If facebook existed in 2001 and internet is as big it is today, it would've happened back then too :P
Archefluxx Hixxy sounds like a total troll these days :P
Originally posted by MAtRiCks:


DJ Lawlzy It's not Gammer who is the mastermind behind OPERATION: INCITE HARDCORE VIOLENCE... Scott Brown actually gave out the orders
Archefluxx Scott Brown kept the 'violent' side of it very cheesy and happy in the same way "Happy Hardcore" has the words "Happy" juxtaposing with "Hardcore".

Clublands Hardcore actually tries to sound hostile. "Smack you like a bitch", "Killed The Rave" for instance.
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Scott Brown kept the 'violent' side of it very cheesy and happy in the same way "Happy Hardcore" has the words "Happy" juxtaposing with "Hardcore".

Clublands Hardcore actually tries to sound hostile. "Smack you like a bitch", "Killed The Rave" for instance.

It's almost like people do this to sound "cool". What a bunch of violent losers :P
NekoShuffle I don't want to verge too off-topic with the dubstep/electro argument because I'm not here for that, but here's a rebuttal against a point I hear a lot:

"Trance hardcore wasn't a fad, electro/dubstep hardcore won't be either"


Don't forget that between Happy Hardcore and "Trance Hardcore" there were a few years where Hardcore was VERY directionless. Some people were doing the old happy stuff still (much like people are doing vocal stuff nowadays), and others like UFO were bringing in a lot of Drum n Bass sounds and doing some weird experimental stuff that never really stuck around either, also Vinylgroover was moving away from cheese and doing Hard Dance, but those didn't become the future of hardcore either.


Trance synths are very different from dubstep/electro 'filthy bass'. Trance synths can be used to construct hooks and melodies, they can be used in many ways. Dubstep/Electro 'filth' is low end and not half as memorable. I'm not saying that makes it bad or inferior, but it doesn't have the same possibilities as a trance lead and you're not going to be humming a dubstep drop on the way to work. It's like comparing a 4 string Bass Guitar to a 6 string Electric guitar - one cannot replace the other.
Ken Masters The internet revived the love of the scene in 2000 but it looks like that love has been well & truly killed off.

All it seems to be now a days is bitter little boys & girls venting their anger & trying to give meaning to their pathetic existence.

Since when have guys like Wilky had a voice? The guy can't even mix two tunes together nevermind work a production program.

They can't give anything productive to the scene they "love" so much so in order to get their names recognised they destroy the very scene they supposedly support.

Ok, everyone is entitled to give their opinion but to be so twisted about how you go about it is disgusting. Slating these guys that have given every ounce of their being to get to where they are now.

I sincerely hope something does come of this & he does get whats coming to him & it might go out as a warning to other morons like him, however I seriously doubt anything will come of it.
Dys7 Alright, jesus guys, I posted this topic just saying Gammers a little mad. I didnt intend for you guys to go "Oh, no! What an absolute horrible puppy kicking bastard. I'm never buying another song by him, and Ive lost all respect for him"

Seriously? Grow some testicles. People say stuff like that ALL THE TIME, and if you can't learn to accept the fact it wasn't intended seriously you're going to sound like an absolute shit head.

If I was Gammer I'd be so stressed right now. He honestly seems like a nice guy and here Neko is raving how he caused 9/11 and the Holocaust.
Dys7 And dont even get me started on Wilky... he makes me embarrassed to like this scene.
Originally posted by Dys7:
If I was Gammer I'd be so stressed right now. He honestly seems like a nice guy and here Neko is raving how he caused 9/11 and the Holocaust.

Stop being so hysterical. I made a point and backed it up with evidence because it was relevant. If you actually read my posts properly you'd understand exactly what I meant rather than choosing to hear the worst and jumping to conclusions about me.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
If I was Gammer I'd be so stressed right now. He honestly seems like a nice guy and here Neko is raving how he caused 9/11 and the Holocaust.

Stop being so hysterical. I made a point and backed it up with evidence because it was relevant. If you actually read my posts properly you'd understand exactly what I meant rather than choosing to hear the worst and jumping to conclusions about me.

Wow what an immature idiot.
Anyway, that's pretty much my respect for Gammer lost
What an absolute idiot
I hope they press charges
I think it's immature and I don't want to be a part of that scene.
I'm not having that shit go on.

Over one comment. I really doubt that because someone read "Punch you in the face" they went out and actually did, otherwise theyd have a hell of a time watcing TV.

cruelcore1 And I guess now everybody fear Dubby HC.

What rlly sucks is tht people think Dubby Hardcore is necessarily bad. They don't understand they either simply dislike it or were convinced by other people into hating it (don't get me wrong, its completely normal). Dubby Hardcore can sound real badass if u know how 2 make it.

And how can anyone expect a positive reaction when everybody shits on his music!

And, minus for him, whats tht "if ANYONE else compares hardcore to dubstep"? Why is he suppose to be ashamed of influencing SOME of his tracks with Dubstep? Dubstep is some badass shit regardless of its commercialization!
Samination And Jimmy Carr is a comedian. I do not see the connection here? He is paid to slate people while Gammer is paid to make music.

The problem with hardcore today is that it doesn't try to use it's heritage enough, but instead copy way much of something that's a hit just now. OK so that might've happened with Happy Hardcore, and the tracnier UK Hardcore, but after a while they start to sound more like Hardcore again.

This is probably a phaze anyways. After a few more albums, these guys probably going to make their dubstep/electro sounds more hardcore again... or fail utterly with music that does not blend like trance does.
Originally posted by Dys7:
Alright, jesus guys, I posted this topic just saying Gammers a little mad

It's all your fault, YOU MONSTER!
Originally posted by djDMS:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Alright, jesus guys, I posted this topic just saying Gammers a little mad

It's all your fault, YOU MONSTER!

Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
If I was Gammer I'd be so stressed right now. He honestly seems like a nice guy and here Neko is raving how he caused 9/11 and the Holocaust.

Stop being so hysterical. I made a point and backed it up with evidence because it was relevant. If you actually read my posts properly you'd understand exactly what I meant rather than choosing to hear the worst and jumping to conclusions about me.

Wow what an immature idiot.
Anyway, that's pretty much my respect for Gammer lost
What an absolute idiot
I hope they press charges
I think it's immature and I don't want to be a part of that scene.
I'm not having that shit go on.

Over one comment. I really doubt that because someone read "Punch you in the face" they went out and actually did, otherwise theyd have a hell of a time watcing TV.

Why don't you look yourself? Threats of people hitting people with bricks for their opinion, other people egging it on. The evidence is right there in front of you and if you ever raved in the UK in this day and age you would understand why those words are worrying, we don't need encouragements for violence like that, which is exactly what it did.

There were many many other ways for Gammer to get his point across that wouldn't have caused a reaction like that. It is absolutely immature, just because you don't believe it could happen, refuse to look at evidence from which you posted yourself doesn't mean it isn't happening. And I think it's interesting you should call anyone who takes it seriously a 'shithead' and then completely take my points out of context in order to make me look worse - it speaks volumes about your character when you do this to someone who stands against personal threats in the interest of the personal safety of others.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
If I was Gammer I'd be so stressed right now. He honestly seems like a nice guy and here Neko is raving how he caused 9/11 and the Holocaust.

Stop being so hysterical. I made a point and backed it up with evidence because it was relevant. If you actually read my posts properly you'd understand exactly what I meant rather than choosing to hear the worst and jumping to conclusions about me.

Wow what an immature idiot.
Anyway, that's pretty much my respect for Gammer lost
What an absolute idiot
I hope they press charges
I think it's immature and I don't want to be a part of that scene.
I'm not having that shit go on.

Over one comment. I really doubt that because someone read "Punch you in the face" they went out and actually did, otherwise theyd have a hell of a time watcing TV.

Why don't you look yourself? Threats of people hitting people with bricks for their opinion, other people egging it on. The evidence is right there in front of you and if you ever raved in the UK in this day and age you would understand why those words are worrying, we don't need encouragements for violence like that, which is exactly what it did.

There were many many other ways for Gammer to get his point across that wouldn't have caused a reaction like that. It is absolutely immature, just because you don't believe it could happen, refuse to look at evidence from which you posted yourself doesn't mean it isn't happening. And I think it's interesting you should call anyone who takes it seriously a 'shithead' and then completely take my points out of context in order to make me look worse - it speaks volumes about your character when you do this to someone who stands against personal threats in the interest of the personal safety of others.

I had no intention of taking your points out of context - I thought I had pretty accurately taken enough from each quote to get some sort of context. I'll go take a look at Gammers original post, if you're right, you're right.
Archefluxx Im all for a little community drama, but I'm bored now - Really, really bored
Breakbeat Jon

Trance synths are very different from dubstep/electro 'filthy bass'. Trance synths can be used to construct hooks and melodies, they can be used in many ways. Dubstep/Electro 'filth' is low end and not half as memorable. I'm not saying that makes it bad or inferior, but it doesn't have the same possibilities as a trance lead and you're not going to be humming a dubstep drop on the way to work. It's like comparing a 4 string Bass Guitar to a 6 string Electric guitar - one cannot replace the other.

your right, but I will be dancing to it a rave, rather than falling asleep to another predictable drawn out trance breakdown. And from a personal perspective I like listening to stuff not necessary based round a big lead. That's just my opinion and my personal taste, as i've said it would be better if djs and compilations mixed up the styles a bit more. As for the Bass guitar comparrison, you ever seen Squarepusher live?

Originally posted by Dys7:
I had no intention of taking your points out of context - I thought I had pretty accurately taken enough from each quote to get some sort of context. I'll go take a look at Gammers original post, if you're right, you're right.

I had a look through the comments, 4 people said something violent, 1 sounded serious.
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:

Trance synths are very different from dubstep/electro 'filthy bass'. Trance synths can be used to construct hooks and melodies, they can be used in many ways. Dubstep/Electro 'filth' is low end and not half as memorable. I'm not saying that makes it bad or inferior, but it doesn't have the same possibilities as a trance lead and you're not going to be humming a dubstep drop on the way to work. It's like comparing a 4 string Bass Guitar to a 6 string Electric guitar - one cannot replace the other.

your right, but I will be dancing to it a rave, rather than falling asleep to another predictable drawn out trance breakdown. And from a personal perspective I like listening to stuff not necessary based round a big lead. That's just my opinion and my personal taste, as i've said it would be better if djs and compilations mixed up the styles a bit more. As for the Bass guitar comparrison, you ever seen Squarepusher live?

Seen videos yes, but honestly I find his music boring. I'm impressed with what he does with all that hardware though.

Honestly, I'm well over all the trancy stuff too - there are always a few standout tracks coming out but I'm actually bored of it in hardcore, I just don't think you can compare dubstep noise to trance leads so I defend it but really I think hardcore needs to change in a way that isn't just pursuing the latest popular sound, whether it's trance or dubstep or whatever. We need to be completely unique from other genres.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Trance synths are very different from dubstep/electro 'filthy bass'. Trance synths can be used to construct hooks and melodies, they can be used in many ways. Dubstep/Electro 'filth' is low end and not half as memorable. I'm not saying that makes it bad or inferior, but it doesn't have the same possibilities as a trance lead and you're not going to be humming a dubstep drop on the way to work. It's like comparing a 4 string Bass Guitar to a 6 string Electric guitar - one cannot replace the other.

Dubstep/Electro sounds and non-melodic stuff have plenty more options. They are usually based on distortion, ADSRs and automation. More exhausting work than creating a Supersaw and making the melody.

And don't worry about Dubstep. I believe House with minimal drops will hold on longer than its expected. ^^
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
It was you wasn't it?

That pissed in the cornflakes?

Breakbeat Jon your right, I can't see where the next unique thing is coming from. Not just in hardcore, but in dance music in general. Everything's been done to death. Apart the 303 acid sound in teh late 80s and maybe jungle / d'n'b in the 90s there's been nothing truly original for god knows how long. Genre's just morph into each other.
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:
your right, I can't see where the next unique thing is coming from. Not just in hardcore, but in dance music in general. Everything's been done to death. Apart the 303 acid sound in teh late 80s and maybe jungle / d'n'b in the 90s there's been nothing truly original for god knows how long. Genre's just morph into each other.

And in the end everything gets influenced by Pop (which is not a defined genre) making it commercial alternative. More genres invented the less new possibilities exist. But this isnt the dead end.
Originally posted by Dys7:
Originally posted by Dys7:
I had no intention of taking your points out of context - I thought I had pretty accurately taken enough from each quote to get some sort of context. I'll go take a look at Gammers original post, if you're right, you're right.

I had a look through the comments, 4 people said something violent, 1 sounded serious.

Let's take some quotes shall we?:

"to be fair anyone who even uses the word dubstep anywhere near hardcore NEEDS a punch"

"Chris is the same numpty who said that it was juniors time to die, tbh he's the one that needs to die!"

"Chris boyo your heading for a lynching you better drop it before peeps start getting really pissed with ya!!1"

"This chris wilkinson what a ****ing joke, the sort of person that can give it all the large! But will he ever be man enough to come to a HARDCORE HEAVEN! HTID, UPROAR, RAVERS REUNITED to face any of us n voice his opinion face to face man to man? NO cause he knows were true stompers and there's guaranteed 1000's of us that would like to show him how we stomp! On his head that's my beerrage over"

"on a serious note: chris is entitled to his own opinion. PLUR? my arse when there are ppl here threatening other ravers/hardcore listeners" <-- someone with a bit of sense

"matt - if i hear another person talk to me about dubstep, i will punch them on your behalf... Hardcore rules ..!"

"I'll Hold the ****ers down!!!"

I saw a bunch more, I can't even find the one about the brick so I'm guessing that's been deleted and I also saw one about stabbing someone with broken glass which I think has been deleted too.

This is the thing, if you were around to see the pontins drama kick off you would understand why this is worrying. The pontins incident had people threatening to burn the place down with everyone inside, killing the staff...really nasty shit. I won't tar the hardcore scene with the same brush - a lot of people agreed it was totally out of line. But in principle, this is exactly why I don't approve of threats that can at least be construed as serious, especially when me and my fellow ravers are the ones who will be on the recieving end of it if it does happen.
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:
your right, I can't see where the next unique thing is coming from. Not just in hardcore, but in dance music in general. Everything's been done to death. Apart the 303 acid sound in teh late 80s and maybe jungle / d'n'b in the 90s there's been nothing truly original for god knows how long. Genre's just morph into each other.

Absolutely EXACTLY. Sometimes I wonder if electronic music will really plummet in popularity as a result, I scratch my head considering the new ways electronic music can evolve and it never does, it just borrows from other genres. Maybe rock or punk or something will be the next big thing and a lot of people will forget about electronic music for a while...the future really isn't that bright to be honest.
Samination ROFL. I found the comment about Wilky going to a rave to voice his oppinion face to face. Does Gammer need his posse for security just for someone to voice his head off?
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:
your right, I can't see where the next unique thing is coming from. Not just in hardcore, but in dance music in general. Everything's been done to death. Apart the 303 acid sound in teh late 80s and maybe jungle / d'n'b in the 90s there's been nothing truly original for god knows how long. Genre's just morph into each other.

Absolutely EXACTLY. Sometimes I wonder if electronic music will really plummet in popularity as a result, I scratch my head considering the new ways electronic music can evolve and it never does, it just borrows from other genres. Maybe rock or punk or something will be the next big thing and a lot of people will forget about electronic music for a while...the future really isn't that bright to be honest.

I think people have probably been having this conversation every year for the last 30 years. Things will evolve.
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:
your right, I can't see where the next unique thing is coming from. Not just in hardcore, but in dance music in general. Everything's been done to death. Apart the 303 acid sound in teh late 80s and maybe jungle / d'n'b in the 90s there's been nothing truly original for god knows how long. Genre's just morph into each other.

Absolutely EXACTLY. Sometimes I wonder if electronic music will really plummet in popularity as a result, I scratch my head considering the new ways electronic music can evolve and it never does, it just borrows from other genres. Maybe rock or punk or something will be the next big thing and a lot of people will forget about electronic music for a while...the future really isn't that bright to be honest.

I think people have probably been having this conversation every year for the last 30 years. Things will evolve.

Triquatra if you can predict the future, get off the forums and buy a lottery ticket :P
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:
your right, I can't see where the next unique thing is coming from. Not just in hardcore, but in dance music in general. Everything's been done to death. Apart the 303 acid sound in teh late 80s and maybe jungle / d'n'b in the 90s there's been nothing truly original for god knows how long. Genre's just morph into each other.

Absolutely EXACTLY. Sometimes I wonder if electronic music will really plummet in popularity as a result, I scratch my head considering the new ways electronic music can evolve and it never does, it just borrows from other genres. Maybe rock or punk or something will be the next big thing and a lot of people will forget about electronic music for a while...the future really isn't that bright to be honest.

I think people have probably been having this conversation every year for the last 30 years. Things will evolve.


How will things evolve?
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:
your right, I can't see where the next unique thing is coming from. Not just in hardcore, but in dance music in general. Everything's been done to death. Apart the 303 acid sound in teh late 80s and maybe jungle / d'n'b in the 90s there's been nothing truly original for god knows how long. Genre's just morph into each other.

Absolutely EXACTLY. Sometimes I wonder if electronic music will really plummet in popularity as a result, I scratch my head considering the new ways electronic music can evolve and it never does, it just borrows from other genres. Maybe rock or punk or something will be the next big thing and a lot of people will forget about electronic music for a while...the future really isn't that bright to be honest.

I think people have probably been having this conversation every year for the last 30 years. Things will evolve.


How will things evolve?

You tell me!
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Breakbeat Jon:
your right, I can't see where the next unique thing is coming from. Not just in hardcore, but in dance music in general. Everything's been done to death. Apart the 303 acid sound in teh late 80s and maybe jungle / d'n'b in the 90s there's been nothing truly original for god knows how long. Genre's just morph into each other.

Absolutely EXACTLY. Sometimes I wonder if electronic music will really plummet in popularity as a result, I scratch my head considering the new ways electronic music can evolve and it never does, it just borrows from other genres. Maybe rock or punk or something will be the next big thing and a lot of people will forget about electronic music for a while...the future really isn't that bright to be honest.

I think people have probably been having this conversation every year for the last 30 years. Things will evolve.


How will things evolve?

You tell me!

I was asking if that's what you were asking me lol. Music has evolved for as long as it's existed, why would it stop now? Technology is changing and with it will come a change in music; the way music is produced, everything really. This is already happening. It's only a matter of time til something happens again like it did in the 80's with the 303 and whatever.
Samination evolving? hearing how Jean Michel Jarre is making club music is not evolution, it's a bloody massacer, and that fella has been using technology ever since 1960's
Originally posted by Samination:
evolving? hearing how Jean Michel Jarre is making club music is not evolution, it's a bloody massacer, and that fella has been using technology ever since 1960's

I never mentioned him though, lol.
Ionosphere ....did I miss something?

Who's making the latest style of Hardcore by pissing on cornflakes?
Originally posted by Ionosphere:
....did I miss something?

Who's making the latest style of Hardcore by pissing on cornflakes?

lol! I do love that cornflakes saying. Got to start using it.
Smoogie Dubsetp is better than 'UK Hardcore' it is no wonder they are pissed off, they are loosing all their fans as their scene got stale.
wong smoogie ....... you still use this site ?

i may leave again
Originally posted by wong:
smoogie ....... you still use this site ?

i may leave again

EDIT: i really need to learn how to click "edit message " instead of "reply with quote"
Originally posted by wong:
smoogie ....... you still use this site ?

i may leave again

EDIT: read above
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Dubsetp is better than 'UK Hardcore' it is no wonder they are pissed off, they are loosing all their fans as their scene got stale.

Originally posted by wong:
Originally posted by wong:
smoogie ....... you still use this site ?

i may leave again

EDIT: read above

Originally posted by jenks:
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Dubsetp is better than 'UK Hardcore' it is no wonder they are pissed off, they are loosing all their fans as their scene got stale.


Never heard anything like that before. I don't like it particulaly and it's a million miles to from what i know Hardcore to be but it's very good all the same. Very solid production. This is something people outside of the scene could actually take seriously, although to me that's not neccesarily a good thing.
Luna-C Hardcore has sucked ever since the producers started following what was popular instead of making hardcore.

The problem with trancy hardcore was that there was already trance - and the trance producers were usually better at it.
The problem with electro hardcore is that there is already electro - and the electro producers are usually better at it.
The problem with dubstep hardcore is...well, you get the point.

Anyway, until people stop trying to chart and stop trying to do whatever the new sound is outside of hardcore, nothing will change. Not that its easy to do - the roots of hardcore are now so buried under the crap that its hard to even define the style at all.

Perhaps I am just old and bitter, ha ha. I just think hardcore should stop trying to be what its not, and what it never was. Of course, so much time has gone by that it would be hard to say what hardcore even is / was lol.

As for Gammer, sounds like he was having a laugh, but should have been more careful with his words because there are a lot of stupid people out there who listen to what he says. He shouldn't expect people to "get" him as nuance doesn't travel well online. I could say plenty of things about the scene that would make it sound like I was being an a-hole or attacking it, unless you actually knew me, and then you would know it wasn't meant like that. Like what I wrote above!

I just think hardcore should stop trying to be what its not, and what it never was

Of course. But that wouldn't sell :P
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I just think hardcore should stop trying to be what its not, and what it never was

Of course. But that wouldn't sell :P

I'm not sure that matters - it didn't matter when hardcore made money, why should it matter now when it doesn't? lolz.
Originally posted by Luna-C:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I just think hardcore should stop trying to be what its not, and what it never was

Of course. But that wouldn't sell :P

I'm not sure that matters - it didn't matter when hardcore made money, why should it matter now when it doesn't? lolz.

Well that's was my point. The people making this stuff must think it matters (not me), or think that a lot of people liking it a bit but not really (in contrast to proper music that people really like a lot) is a good thing, either that or they are genuinly completely unimaginative. I couldn't disagree more with it, I'm just saying.
m0nst3r So i read like the first two pages of this thread and all i can say is way to take a drunken status way out of ****ing proportion.

Just because he's who he is doesn't mean hes not entitled to an opinion or to say something a little out of line sometimes.

Hes apologized for what he said, He's just a person like the rest of us. He's a brilliant Dj, a great producer, friend to lots of people, a husband and a shouldn't fly off the deep end and judge him.

cause none of us are ****ing saintly either.
Archefluxx I think one of my most used quotes when playing multiplayer FIFA against mates is "I swear down if you score last minute I'll ****ing kill you"

Taking Gammers words literally is a dumb thing to do really..
Originally posted by Luna-C:
As for Gammer, sounds like he was having a laugh, but should have been more careful with his words because there are a lot of stupid people out there who listen to what he says. He shouldn't expect people to "get" him as nuance doesn't travel well online.

Originally posted by Archefluxx:
I think one of my most used quotes when playing multiplayer FIFA against mates is "I swear down if you score last minute I'll ****ing kill you"

Taking Gammers words literally is a dumb thing to do really..

You terrible person!
Originally posted by jenks:
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Dubsetp is better than 'UK Hardcore' it is no wonder they are pissed off, they are loosing all their fans as their scene got stale.


Good track even though I don't like it. Lots of energy, however I don't like the fact that the drop sounds so similar to Skrillex's Remix of Cinema by Benni Benassi. I'm not sure if that's parody or what, also the build up is reallly similar to this too:

I bet it works well on the dancefloor, but while I don't think it's 'stale' I don't think it's particularly fresh either. What with all the electro influence.
Originally posted by Samination:
ROFL. I found the comment about Wilky going to a rave to voice his oppinion face to face. Does Gammer need his posse for security just for someone to voice his head off?

lmao! that ain't happening, all his money goes to child support. that's if he even has any $$$ his dumbass is notorious for getting fired every other week.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
The reason I said it is because everyone is acting like I have no idea what Gammer is like and must be taking it seriously because I don't know him. The truth of the matter is that I do know what he's like because there's a good chance I've talked to him more than the accusers have. That's not arrogant or name dropping or whatever label you want to put on it - it's fact.

Wait wait wait.

It's FACT that there's a good chance you talk to gammer more than anyone else? That is the definition of name dropping and arrogance! You don't know how much ANY of us talk to gammer you only know how much you talk to him. Making an assumption based on no facts using his name is 100% name dropping. 100%. that's like the definition of it.

Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
I appreciate people trying to defend him, but this isn't about me misunderstanding his intent or his character, this is about the fact that he should know better than to throw threats around that sound serious, because regardless of whether or not he would follow them up, there's hands-down proof he's just encouraged a bunch of other people to be violent - which in hardcore we REALLY don't need.

This makes me think you have no experience with people or the internet. This happens ALL THE TIME. If someone posted a comment on a youtube video and said 'neko i'm going to hit you in the face" you'd be a moron to take that seriously. seriously. As a test, next time someone over the other side of the world makes a vague faux threat in your direction, report it to the police and tell me what happens. I would honestly feel embarrassed doing that and can imagine the laughing.

Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Except if you looked at the status update comments you'll see that it DID encourage violence. That's the problem with saying that kind of thing in the hardcore scene, hardcore ravers are much more easily provoked than say, trance. It's bad enough having top deck vs bottom deck fights involving bottles being thrown, people getting punched and all sorts between the dnb and hardcore fans on the coach on the way to westfest, the last thing we need is more fighting between genres, it makes raves completely unsafe to attend and they're pretty dicey already.

Come on man, it hasn't done ANYTHING yet. You understand the difference between the internet and real life right? You realise it would be impossible to measure any increase in violence at raves because of this unless you literally stopped people fighting and asked them why they're fighting. And they'd have to respond with because of this status update. Do you not understand how ridiculous and far-fetched that is?

Like... this isn't even believable. I'm starting to think you're just trolling.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Dys7:
If I was Gammer I'd be so stressed right now. He honestly seems like a nice guy and here Neko is raving how he caused 9/11 and the Holocaust.

Stop being so hysterical. I made a point and backed it up with evidence because it was relevant. If you actually read my posts properly you'd understand exactly what I meant rather than choosing to hear the worst and jumping to conclusions about me.

You are BY FAR, without a doubt, the most hysterical person i've seen on the topic. Because of one status update you've apparently already lost all the respect you had for him. That is ridiculous. Are you incapable of admitting when you're wrong? Because you are.

Pretty much everyone except you has come to the conclusion that he wasn't serious. I saw the status update and he even said anyone who has taken it seriosly needs to lighten up and being hit by him would be akin to getting hit with a wilted leaf. But surely the first status was genuine and the second wasn't, right? Because there's no drama in the second.

You are ridiculous - i legitimately liked you before all this stupidity.
Dys7 ^
Everything he's said.
He worded what I was trying to say to Neko much better.
Samination since andy and neko keep fighting, im just going to ignore him, as they both got 2 completly different experienceses.

anyways, We Killed The Rave is basicly the BEST dubstep influenced hardcore track I know. Even when the dubstep part kicks in for real, it doesnt take long for the melody to blend in an take over. I will definitly buy this track if it ever gets a proper singl release.

And Andy, so just because it's the Internet, you/we are allowed to act like dicks? Free Speech is one thing, but threats, no matter how real they are or not, is another.
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by jenks:
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Dubsetp is better than 'UK Hardcore' it is no wonder they are pissed off, they are loosing all their fans as their scene got stale.


Never heard anything like that before. I don't like it particulaly and it's a million miles to from what i know Hardcore to be but it's very good all the same. Very solid production. This is something people outside of the scene could actually take seriously, although to me that's not neccesarily a good thing.

I don't particularly love it (although it is growing on me), but if you take anything at all from Styles's mix on this compilation it's that the production quality is incredible. I've never heard anything like it before in hardcore.
djDMS If you don't stop arguing i'm going to hunt you all down and punch you in the head. SERIOUSLY!
Originally posted by djDMS:
If you don't stop arguing i'm going to hunt you all down and punch you in the head. SERIOUSLY!

wrongfully quoting Neko here: "This is a forum, and it's on the internet. It's made for arguing. Now GTFO and make me dinner bitch".
Originally posted by djDMS:
If you don't stop arguing i'm going to hunt you all down and punch you in the head. SERIOUSLY!


i talk to jay more than anybody else here.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Luna-C:
As for Gammer, sounds like he was having a laugh, but should have been more careful with his words because there are a lot of stupid people out there who listen to what he says. He shouldn't expect people to "get" him as nuance doesn't travel well online.


THIS. again. People will try tearing down every point I make and taking the piss but when Luna-C says something it gets swept under the carpet. Very telling.

1) People hang onto Gammer's words
2) Some people are stupid and will take those words seriously enough to carry out threats if he makes one.
3) As evidenced by the comments, some people were already taking it seriously. (And I wasn't the only one to notice.)
4) The hardcore scene can be very hostile and violent genre-fights often break out.
5) Thus, I don't think making threats is a good idea in the hardcore scene when you're an influential producer.

^ 1-4 is fact, 5 is my conclusion. You can get angry and choose to hate me if you want, but it really is that simple, I'm cutting away all the arguments about the nature of a threat here seeing as clearly we can go on about that forever. I'm not saying GAMMER CAUSED THE HOLOCAUST or GAMMER CAUSED 9/11 like some people seem to make out. I'm simply stating fact and I think I came to a very reasonable conclusion.
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Luna-C:
As for Gammer, sounds like he was having a laugh, but should have been more careful with his words because there are a lot of stupid people out there who listen to what he says. He shouldn't expect people to "get" him as nuance doesn't travel well online.


THIS. again. People will try tearing down every point I make and taking the piss but when Luna-C says something it gets swept under the carpet. Very telling.

1) People hang onto Gammer's words
2) Some people are stupid and will take those words seriously enough to carry out threats if he makes one.
3) As evidenced by the comments, some people were already taking it seriously. (And I wasn't the only one to notice.)
4) The hardcore scene can be very hostile and violent genre-fights often break out.
5) Thus, I don't think making threats is a good idea in the hardcore scene when you're an influential producer.

^ 1-4 is fact, 5 is my conclusion. You can get angry and choose to hate me if you want, but it really is that simple, I'm cutting away all the arguments about the nature of a threat here seeing as clearly we can go on about that forever. I'm not saying GAMMER CAUSED THE HOLOCAUST or GAMMER CAUSED 9/11 like some people seem to make out. I'm simply stating fact and I think I came to a very reasonable conclusion.

Yeah dude that's all reasonable and logical (and i agree) but you were a lot more emotional and hysterical about it initially. I mean, you said you lost all respect for him lol... Do you not think you were a little over the top?

I don't even know why we're talking about this i don't even like hardcore any more. I come here for dean and jay..........together, if possible.
Originally posted by Andy_Influx:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by Luna-C:
As for Gammer, sounds like he was having a laugh, but should have been more careful with his words because there are a lot of stupid people out there who listen to what he says. He shouldn't expect people to "get" him as nuance doesn't travel well online.


THIS. again. People will try tearing down every point I make and taking the piss but when Luna-C says something it gets swept under the carpet. Very telling.

1) People hang onto Gammer's words
2) Some people are stupid and will take those words seriously enough to carry out threats if he makes one.
3) As evidenced by the comments, some people were already taking it seriously. (And I wasn't the only one to notice.)
4) The hardcore scene can be very hostile and violent genre-fights often break out.
5) Thus, I don't think making threats is a good idea in the hardcore scene when you're an influential producer.

^ 1-4 is fact, 5 is my conclusion. You can get angry and choose to hate me if you want, but it really is that simple, I'm cutting away all the arguments about the nature of a threat here seeing as clearly we can go on about that forever. I'm not saying GAMMER CAUSED THE HOLOCAUST or GAMMER CAUSED 9/11 like some people seem to make out. I'm simply stating fact and I think I came to a very reasonable conclusion.

Yeah dude that's all reasonable and logical (and i agree) but you were a lot more emotional and hysterical about it initially. I mean, you said you lost all respect for him lol... Do you not think you were a little over the top?

I don't even know why we're talking about this i don't even like hardcore any more. I come here for dean and jay..........together, if possible.

Yeah at the start of the thread I'll admit I was, but it wasn't until I posted my first message that Gammer personally mentioned me on twitter and then told everyone he wasn't serious about it on Facebook. I'll admit now I haven't lost ALL respect for him now it's been cleared up a bit but I still think he was stupid for saying it. That was page 1, this is page 10, you could probably dig up a lot of old posts of mine from a year ago and have a go at me about them but you'd find my opinion may have changed on some of them so you'd be wasting your time.
Originally posted by Andy_Influx:
i talk to jay more than anybody else here.

I talk to myself more than anyone talks to me. It's happening so regularly now, it's getting worrying. Cooking is when it happens the most.

Originally posted by Andy_Influx:
I don't even know why we're talking about this i don't even like hardcore any more. I come here for dean and jay..........together, if possible.

Ha! Filthy!

Originally posted by Triquatra:
lost all respect for me

I could never lose all respect for you Rowan.

Do you want me to tell you why?
Hard2Get Fights don't break out because of something someone read on the internet, they break out because they are idiots. They would do it anyway.
djDMS Got to love this place. No matter what the topic, it always ends up all over the place
yet we still come out of the other side somewhat wiser!

Love you too Andy, please don't be gone for too long....

Triquatra hehe

Is it bad that I don't think that "We Killed The Rave" track is too bad?
Originally posted by Triquatra:

Is it bad that I don't think that "We Killed The Rave" track is too bad?

I've literally just been talking to someone on facebook about that very track. And yes, I like it as well.
djDMS Well in that case, you're both idiots
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by Triquatra:

Is it bad that I don't think that "We Killed The Rave" track is too bad?

I've literally just been talking to someone on facebook about that very track. And yes, I like it as well.

Its the best 'dubcore' I've heard yet because it's pretty melodic.
And DMS stop being a UK Hardcore smoogie :p
Originally posted by djDMS:
Well in that case, you're both idiots

Erm...says the man who had a couple of these tracks in his latest mix! Naughty hypocrite.
Triquatra ^ hehe this
Originally posted by Triquatra:

Is it bad that I don't think that "We Killed The Rave" track is too bad?

No i agree. It might borrow heavily from a genre or 2 but it's very well done.
Samination I think I need to listen to that track again, as even I would still class it as Hardcore o.O
Brian K does this not sound like a pendulum track to anyone else?
Originally posted by Brian K:
does this not sound like a pendulum track to anyone else?

Yep, among other things.


I like the piano.
I like the build up.
I almost like Whizzkid doing an Example impersonation.
I like the early promise of the riff
I like the strings.
I like the second drop

What i don't like.
There's 3 songs worth of content in 1. Less could be more!
The first drop (as is typical of this kind of track) goes nowhere.
It'd be a great dubstep/D&B tune but it just isn't enough of anything.

Potentially brilliant but falls short on a few things. On a positive note though, it sounds as if Gammer at least is already pushing the boundaries of what can be done with this new sound (as you'd expect him to).
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by djDMS:
Well in that case, you're both idiots

Erm...says the man who had a couple of these tracks in his latest mix! Naughty hypocrite.

I must take issue with this comment good sir, please explain!
Originally posted by Brian K:
does this not sound like a pendulum track to anyone else?

Yeah at one part it could be a Pendulum track.
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by Brian K:
does this not sound like a pendulum track to anyone else?

Yeah at one part it could be a Pendulum track.

Nightbreed - Pack of Wolves (Pendulum Remix)
Example - Kill The Crowd

Gammers not creative. This isnt original music. Lyrics and theme inspired by other tracks, production and style inspired by other genres!
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by Brian K:
does this not sound like a pendulum track to anyone else?

Yeah at one part it could be a Pendulum track.

Nightbreed - Pack of Wolves (Pendulum Remix)
Example - Kill The Crowd

Gammers not creative. This isnt original music. Lyrics and theme inspired by other tracks, production and style inspired by other genres!

fok of Arche. When was Hardcore ever original to start with?
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by Brian K:
does this not sound like a pendulum track to anyone else?

Yeah at one part it could be a Pendulum track.

Nightbreed - Pack of Wolves (Pendulum Remix)
Example - Kill The Crowd

Gammers not creative. This isnt original music. Lyrics and theme inspired by other tracks, production and style inspired by other genres!

fok of Arche. When was Hardcore ever original to start with?

I think that's why they call it "Inspiration".
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by Brian K:
does this not sound like a pendulum track to anyone else?

Yeah at one part it could be a Pendulum track.

Nightbreed - Pack of Wolves (Pendulum Remix)
Example - Kill The Crowd

Gammers not creative. This isnt original music. Lyrics and theme inspired by other tracks, production and style inspired by other genres!

fok of Arche. When was Hardcore ever original to start with?

Yeah! Stop trying to be original in hardcore!
Originally posted by Lilark:
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by Brian K:
does this not sound like a pendulum track to anyone else?

Yeah at one part it could be a Pendulum track.

Nightbreed - Pack of Wolves (Pendulum Remix)
Example - Kill The Crowd

Gammers not creative. This isnt original music. Lyrics and theme inspired by other tracks, production and style inspired by other genres!

fok of Arche. When was Hardcore ever original to start with?

I think that's why they call it "Inspiration".

Inspiration can couple well with creativity. If a track lacks creativity, its not an original idea and will sound like a lot of other stuff. Inspiration can be good, but Creativity is better. Think of it like a scale. 100% creative to 100% inspired. KTR is 100% inspired.
m0nst3r See when I say gammers tracks sound similar people go "oh you're just a girl you don't know about music..." grrr

Dougal and Gammer - Domination--Sounds like--->FTS - Showtek.
Originally posted by Triquatra:

Is it bad that I don't think that "We Killed The Rave" track is too bad?

It s not bad at all, i like it too :)
kernowbeat agreed about we killed the rave

its wicked





You could spend all day saying everything sounds like everything. As long as it's not directly ripping it off, I see no reason why you shouldnt just enjoy the music.
Karthy If it sounds good it is good, it's music ffs not politics! I can rant about the dubsteppy tracks that sound shite because they do sound shite! But Killed The Rave is a decent track imo, whether it's ripped off loads of other shit or not, it's a good track!

It's hard to be original in hardcore because everythings so defined, for it to be hardcore it has to be strictly certain things.

But anyway, I await the day all the whinging stops, this threads 80% pure moaning from what I've seen. Saw the topic of Killed The Rave, just wanted to put in my two cents.
Archefluxx Oh you; Dys :D

The tracks not that bad, apart from its unoriginal and a little repetitive. For me the lyrics "Staying home tastes sour" ****ed up the whole song haha... Who the **** would use those lyrics in a track like this?
Triquatra ^you mean Adam Freeland right? :P
Originally posted by Triquatra:
^you mean Adam Freeland right? :P

Woops my bad haha
LoveThaCore One thing I've noticed in other scenes, people are proud of their top djs. Like look at ARMIN VAN BUUREN. Trance fans never slate him. Yet in the Hardcore scene. Breeze, Styles etc are always slated. Why the hardcore scene has so much bitching on their djs I'll never understand.

I don't blame Gammer for getting frustrated. The guy is an absolute master at producing and here we have morons slating him. There are people I'd like to punch the crap out of too the way they bag talented hardcore djs for trying something fresh. They come out with no constructive criticism. Just jadedness and hate.

But I find a punching bag and weights at the gym usually solves any off that anger:)
Maybe Gammer should do that, I heard Dougal is a gym addict these days lol

BEST TRACK - YOU AND I BY DARREN STYLES AND GAMMER my favourite track of 2011.
Originally posted by LoveThaCore:
Trance fans never slate him.

Oh dear. You couldn't be more wrong.
Originally posted by Torpex:
Originally posted by LoveThaCore:
Trance fans never slate him.

Oh dear. You couldn't be more wrong.

Isnt Buuren hated in his own country?
Triquatra as a trance fan, buuren isn't actually human, he's a walking ego!
anyone who has ever been to one of his gigs and seen the visuals that play in the background will know this hehe

love (most of) his music though
Originally posted by Triquatra:
as a trance fan, buuren isn't actually human, he's a walking ego!
anyone who has ever been to one of his gigs and seen the visuals that play in the background will know this hehe

love (most of) his music though

no one beats Jean Micheal Jarre when it comes to visuals :P
Originally posted by Torpex:
Originally posted by LoveThaCore:
Trance fans never slate him.

Oh dear. You couldn't be more wrong.

Really is he very much hated? I'm surprised. I just know that there was a whole lot of anger about David Guetta knocking him off the number 1 dj spot. They are all so uproared about it on Trance forms. Their precious Armin is'nt number one anymore and they are all being sore losers about it. Armin will probably drop to 3 next year lol. Apparently Calvin Harris is favoured to be up there next.
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Triquatra:
as a trance fan, buuren isn't actually human, he's a walking ego!
anyone who has ever been to one of his gigs and seen the visuals that play in the background will know this hehe

love (most of) his music though

no one beats Jean Micheal Jarre when it comes to visuals :P

what is this obession you have with him?!?! lol
Originally posted by LoveThaCore:
I don't blame Gammer for getting frustrated. The guy is an absolute master at producing and here we have morons slating him. There are people I'd like to punch the crap out of too the way they bag talented hardcore djs for trying something fresh. They come out with no constructive criticism. Just jadedness and hate.

BEST TRACK - YOU AND I BY DARREN STYLES AND GAMMER my favourite track of 2011.

If there was so much hate, they wouldn't have won those awards (unless they were fixed of course). I'd vote for Gammer as my no.1 DJ all day long, easily in my all time top 3.

Why that should mean i can't say i'm not a big fan of some of his (and others) recent stuff? This new style isn't for everybody, and i'd rather it wasn't around for years. If that remains the case i'll have to live with it.
Originally posted by LoveThaCore:
Originally posted by Torpex:
Originally posted by LoveThaCore:
Trance fans never slate him.

Oh dear. You couldn't be more wrong.

Really is he very much hated? I'm surprised. I just know that there was a whole lot of anger about David Guetta knocking him off the number 1 dj spot. They are all so uproared about it on Trance forms. Their precious Armin is'nt number one anymore and they are all being sore losers about it. Armin will probably drop to 3 next year lol. Apparently Calvin Harris is favoured to be up there next.

Nobody is ever happy about the top100 DJs award as it's been proven before that the results are fixed using auto-vote bots that mixmag (stupidly) publically asked for on a freelance programming agency website. David Guetta has a team of Ghost writers and producers and 'DJs' at his sets with the decks switched off - I think that's what most people are angry about.

Personally I don't really care, I think fix or not Guetta would have won because of his popularity at the moment.
Craigavon raver
Originally posted by Samination:
funny. I can go around saying "I'm going to hit a jew soon" and get shit for it, but saying "I'm going to hit anyone who complains", and nothing happens?

A threat is a threat, no matter WHO it is aimed for. I'm with Neko here.

Unless Gammer has Tourette's or any other cronic sickness, he is not an exception from rules or laws.

What rules and laws? what do you expect to happen here? be arrested ffs lmao

This thread is pure laughable, he could of said alot worse than he did, and alot worse does get said on facebook, who honestly cares, the way i look at it and any ordinary person looks at it as a joke or something with no meaning, anyway enuff said, 5 pages of this topic and i couldn't be bothered reading the rest lol
Originally posted by Craigavon raver:
Originally posted by Samination:
funny. I can go around saying "I'm going to hit a jew soon" and get shit for it, but saying "I'm going to hit anyone who complains", and nothing happens?

A threat is a threat, no matter WHO it is aimed for. I'm with Neko here.

Unless Gammer has Tourette's or any other cronic sickness, he is not an exception from rules or laws.

What rules and laws? what do you expect to happen here? be arrested ffs lmao

This thread is pure laughable, he could of said alot worse than he did, and alot worse does get said on facebook, who honestly cares, the way i look at it and any ordinary person looks at it as a joke or something with no meaning, anyway enuff said, 5 pages of this topic and i couldn't be bothered reading the rest lol

FINALLY. I completely agree, it's sad that people are getting so flustered over it. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to go around hitting people, all of you have said things you didn't mean at one point. Sh*t happens, and there is no reason to make it look like he's really going to go kill people.
Craigavon raver
Originally posted by Lilark:
Originally posted by Craigavon raver:
Originally posted by Samination:
funny. I can go around saying "I'm going to hit a jew soon" and get shit for it, but saying "I'm going to hit anyone who complains", and nothing happens?

A threat is a threat, no matter WHO it is aimed for. I'm with Neko here.

Unless Gammer has Tourette's or any other cronic sickness, he is not an exception from rules or laws.

You'll find you'll agree with me alot. i'm always right ;) lol
What rules and laws? what do you expect to happen here? be arrested ffs lmao

This thread is pure laughable, he could of said alot worse than he did, and alot worse does get said on facebook, who honestly cares, the way i look at it and any ordinary person looks at it as a joke or something with no meaning, anyway enuff said, 5 pages of this topic and i couldn't be bothered reading the rest lol

FINALLY. I completely agree, it's sad that people are getting so flustered over it. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to go around hitting people, all of you have said things you didn't mean at one point. Sh*t happens, and there is no reason to make it look like he's really going to go kill people.

Originally posted by Craigavon raver:
Originally posted by Lilark:
Originally posted by Craigavon raver:
Originally posted by Samination:
funny. I can go around saying "I'm going to hit a jew soon" and get shit for it, but saying "I'm going to hit anyone who complains", and nothing happens?

A threat is a threat, no matter WHO it is aimed for. I'm with Neko here.

Unless Gammer has Tourette's or any other cronic sickness, he is not an exception from rules or laws.

You'll find you'll agree with me alot. i'm always right ;) lol
What rules and laws? what do you expect to happen here? be arrested ffs lmao

This thread is pure laughable, he could of said alot worse than he did, and alot worse does get said on facebook, who honestly cares, the way i look at it and any ordinary person looks at it as a joke or something with no meaning, anyway enuff said, 5 pages of this topic and i couldn't be bothered reading the rest lol

FINALLY. I completely agree, it's sad that people are getting so flustered over it. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to go around hitting people, all of you have said things you didn't mean at one point. Sh*t happens, and there is no reason to make it look like he's really going to go kill people.

lets see how funny he thinks it is when he gets a ticket for it.
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Craigavon raver:
Originally posted by Lilark:
Originally posted by Craigavon raver:
Originally posted by Samination:
funny. I can go around saying "I'm going to hit a jew soon" and get shit for it, but saying "I'm going to hit anyone who complains", and nothing happens?

A threat is a threat, no matter WHO it is aimed for. I'm with Neko here.

Unless Gammer has Tourette's or any other cronic sickness, he is not an exception from rules or laws.

You'll find you'll agree with me alot. i'm always right ;) lol
What rules and laws? what do you expect to happen here? be arrested ffs lmao

This thread is pure laughable, he could of said alot worse than he did, and alot worse does get said on facebook, who honestly cares, the way i look at it and any ordinary person looks at it as a joke or something with no meaning, anyway enuff said, 5 pages of this topic and i couldn't be bothered reading the rest lol

FINALLY. I completely agree, it's sad that people are getting so flustered over it. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to go around hitting people, all of you have said things you didn't mean at one point. Sh*t happens, and there is no reason to make it look like he's really going to go kill people.

lets see how funny he thinks it is when he gets a ticket for it.

Ticket for what lol? Also Craigavon raver is completely right. He said what i said but did it much better lol.
Craigavon raver Cheers lol
Samination **** both of you. You're hidding behind the "It's on the internet man, it will never happen" facade.

What is the difference from Al-Qaida announcing a threat, to Gammer doing the same? To someone who doesn't know him, THERE IS NONE.
djDMS To be fair, i'd rather be punched in the head by all 8 stone of Gammer than beheaded on the internet.
m0nst3r the only thing scary about gammer is his teeth and if you're going to take a drunken threat personally over the internet then you need to move out of your mums basement and start living a life.

All this thread is, Is a bunch of "wah wah wah...someone said something naughty that wasn't really directed at anyone and I've taken it personally cause I have nothing better to do"

Originally posted by m0nst3r:
the only thing scary about gammer is his teeth and if you're going to take a drunken threat personally over the internet then you need to move out of your mums basement and start living a life.

All this thread is, Is a bunch of "wah wah wah...someone said something naughty that wasn't really directed at anyone and I've taken it personally cause I have nothing better to do"

I read hes married with a child, but I refuse to believe that of anyone who acts like a mentally broken child.
Dys7 Great, so now Gammer is Al-Qaeda
Im starting to think this topic would be better off locked
DJ Lawlzy Wow this thread is still going.
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
Wow this thread is still going.

Nobody can blame me for the second half of this, my shit was sorted out pages ago lol

It died, and LoveTheCore bumped it and then it turned into another 'new style' war I think and then trance got involved..and Guetta somehow.

He just trolls himself most of the time, I haven't seen a single post where he hasn't been angry at 'haters' or whatever and he makes some dumbshit point that everyone has to respond to because it's just so ridiculous or extreme. "There are people I'd like to punch the crap out of too the way they bag talented hardcore djs for trying something fresh." come on what kind of person says this really. You want to punch someone because they don't like something you like? These guys are musicians, not sports in the world of rave music we don't punch people who don't share our opinions or say something we disagree with. Take that attitude elsewhere like a club or a bar or something, that's not what raving is about.
Originally posted by m0nst3r:
the only thing scary about gammer is his teeth and if you're going to take a drunken threat personally over the internet then you need to move out of your mums basement and start living a life.

All this thread is, Is a bunch of "wah wah wah...someone said something naughty that wasn't really directed at anyone and I've taken it personally cause I have nothing better to do"

Lol he has some pretty messed up teeth alright. I thought he wad getting braces?

And yes he has a daughter and wife. He got married after she was conceived, but not sure if it wad before or after her birth
DJ Lawlzy
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
Wow this thread is still going.

Nobody can blame me for the second half of this, my shit was sorted out pages ago lol

It died, and LoveTheCore bumped it and then it turned into another 'new style' war I think and then trance got involved..and Guetta somehow.

He just trolls himself most of the time, I haven't seen a single post where he hasn't been angry at 'haters' or whatever and he makes some dumbshit point that everyone has to respond to because it's just so ridiculous or extreme. "There are people I'd like to punch the crap out of too the way they bag talented hardcore djs for trying something fresh." come on what kind of person says this really. You want to punch someone because they don't like something you like? These guys are musicians, not sports in the world of rave music we don't punch people who don't share our opinions or say something we disagree with. Take that attitude elsewhere like a club or a bar or something, that's not what raving is about.

I don't think anyone is blaming you? He's also a human being who makes mistakes like everyone else and because he's a prominent figure, that gets out on a larger scale. Also because the scene in general likes to find trivial things to moan about, this thread is 14 pages long.
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
Wow this thread is still going.

Nobody can blame me for the second half of this, my shit was sorted out pages ago lol

It died, and LoveTheCore bumped it and then it turned into another 'new style' war I think and then trance got involved..and Guetta somehow.

He just trolls himself most of the time, I haven't seen a single post where he hasn't been angry at 'haters' or whatever and he makes some dumbshit point that everyone has to respond to because it's just so ridiculous or extreme. "There are people I'd like to punch the crap out of too the way they bag talented hardcore djs for trying something fresh." come on what kind of person says this really. You want to punch someone because they don't like something you like? These guys are musicians, not sports in the world of rave music we don't punch people who don't share our opinions or say something we disagree with. Take that attitude elsewhere like a club or a bar or something, that's not what raving is about.

I don't think anyone is blaming you? He's also a human being who makes mistakes like everyone else and because he's a prominent figure, that gets out on a larger scale. Also because the scene in general likes to find trivial things to moan about, this thread is 14 pages long. do realise I was talking about LoveThaCore and not DJ Gammer right? Unless you think LoveThaCore is a prominent figure in the scene.
Samination LoveThaCore is Gammer maybe? :o
DJ Lawlzy
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
Originally posted by NekoShuffle:
Originally posted by DJ Lawlzy:
Wow this thread is still going.

Nobody can blame me for the second half of this, my shit was sorted out pages ago lol

It died, and LoveTheCore bumped it and then it turned into another 'new style' war I think and then trance got involved..and Guetta somehow.

He just trolls himself most of the time, I haven't seen a single post where he hasn't been angry at 'haters' or whatever and he makes some dumbshit point that everyone has to respond to because it's just so ridiculous or extreme. "There are people I'd like to punch the crap out of too the way they bag talented hardcore djs for trying something fresh." come on what kind of person says this really. You want to punch someone because they don't like something you like? These guys are musicians, not sports in the world of rave music we don't punch people who don't share our opinions or say something we disagree with. Take that attitude elsewhere like a club or a bar or something, that's not what raving is about.

I don't think anyone is blaming you? He's also a human being who makes mistakes like everyone else and because he's a prominent figure, that gets out on a larger scale. Also because the scene in general likes to find trivial things to moan about, this thread is 14 pages long. do realise I was talking about LoveThaCore and not DJ Gammer right? Unless you think LoveThaCore is a prominent figure in the scene.

Oh didn't realize :S I don't know who that guy is. I was talking about Gammer and people's response to this silly thing in general.
Potts That was a hard read. I'm cringeing for a few of you guys.
Archefluxx Hi Potts, hows your bacon?

Say hello to Gavine for us!
Originally posted by Karthy:
If it sounds good it is good, it's music ffs not politics! I can rant about the dubsteppy tracks that sound shite because they do sound shite! But Killed The Rave is a decent track imo, whether it's ripped off loads of other shit or not, it's a good track!

It's hard to be original in hardcore because everythings so defined, for it to be hardcore it has to be strictly certain things.

But anyway, I await the day all the whinging stops, this threads 80% pure moaning from what I've seen. Saw the topic of Killed The Rave, just wanted to put in my two cents.

ha ha thats what i did..saw we killed the the track..then got a headache reading all the posts...bit like an episode of that old show ..grumpy old men :P

Dys7 Why do people keep reviving this?
MAtRiCks ...speaking of gammer, can I buy Porn Kings v DJ Supreme - Up To Da Wildstyle (Gammer & Andy Whitby Remix) anywhere online? that is one sick track!

Samination tried checking out nukleuz?
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Hi Potts, hows your bacon?

Say hello to Gavine for us!


Originally posted by MAtRiCks:
...speaking of gammer, can I buy Porn Kings v DJ Supreme - Up To Da Wildstyle (Gammer & Andy Whitby Remix) anywhere online? that is one sick track!

wow that is surprisingly good
Janster I'm really digging this new track that Gammer is working on:
MAtRiCks Now we're talking!! Beautiful piece of music right there!
Originally posted by Janster:
I'm really digging this new track that Gammer is working on:

I guess we pissed him off good :D
Originally posted by Janster:
I'm really digging this new track that Gammer is working on:

That's a good track actually. Quite Trancy with great breakdown.
ponder 2 things I'd like to add to this, presumably, incredibly long running discussion.

1. I don't think it's necessarily a case of one style of dance music borrowing from another, more that we're now in a situation where everybody has access to the same technology, in this case, a little VSTi called Massive. Exactly the same happened with Nexus, Vanguard etc. You get a big new synth that everyones using and every track you hear contains the same 'sound'. Essentially it comes down to creativity, or lack of, depending on you viewpoint.

In terms of 'dubcore' or whatever, I dont particularly mind it, nor am I overwhelmed by it, but I welcome change. If anything, it came about 4 years too late, which is when it was the dominant sound in Trance ;).

2. Regarding threats of violence, or violence at raves. I actually believe that this comes from segregation, which has come from the message cascaded down from various influencial figures within the scene. The message largely consisting of 'we're hardcore and proud, and everything else can **** off!'. Now I understand that it's supposed to come over as people taking pride in what they listen to and enjoy, but it creates a kind of island mentality, that if you're not 'hardcore' then you're the enemy, which is so, so wrong.
Of course, the irony in all of this is that it's by enforcing this 'hardcore and proud/hardcore til I die' attitude which has lead to the backlash when the very same people have tried to do something different.

But there you go.
Originally posted by ponder:
Now I understand that it's supposed to come over as people taking pride in what they listen to and enjoy, but it creates a kind of island mentality, that if you're not 'hardcore' then you're the enemy, which is so, so wrong.

This actually happens alot for some of the rockers I know/knew. They hated anything electronic/dance music. So it's not exactly just hardcore that has such people.
Dys7 Were digging this up again?
Originally posted by Samination:
This actually happens alot for some of the rockers I know/knew. They hated anything electronic/dance music. So it's not exactly just hardcore that has such people.

Very much so. Most people tend to get over it when they start to realise that there are other genres that actually sound pretty good.

Originally posted by Dys7:
Were digging this up again?

Is this some sort of trick question?
Let it go dys, if people want to talk, talk they will. And as a general rule, talk shouldn't be discouraged.
Originally posted by Samination:
This actually happens alot for some of the rockers I know/knew. They hated anything electronic/dance music.

Which is totaly ridiculous of them.

1) They use electronics sounds as well.

2) There is a reason, why Gabba is called the Metal of electronic music.

3) Over here a lot of people from the Metal scene switch to Techno at the moment just like they had done back in the 90's.
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by ponder:
Now I understand that it's supposed to come over as people taking pride in what they listen to and enjoy, but it creates a kind of island mentality, that if you're not 'hardcore' then you're the enemy, which is so, so wrong.

This actually happens alot for some of the rockers I know/knew. They hated anything electronic/dance music. So it's not exactly just hardcore that has such people.

You've kind of missed my point. Of course it's not something exclusive to Hardcore, the difference is that the message is being perpetrated by influential figures, which is then picked up on by the ravers. The problem is that because it's an attitude centred on a sense of identity, when the same influencees make efforts to move the music in a different direction, this sense of identity becomes warped, hence such fierce and vociferous oposition to change. Mind you, many people don't like change anyway, but that's a different discussion ;)
Originally posted by ponder:
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by ponder:
Now I understand that it's supposed to come over as people taking pride in what they listen to and enjoy, but it creates a kind of island mentality, that if you're not 'hardcore' then you're the enemy, which is so, so wrong.

This actually happens alot for some of the rockers I know/knew. They hated anything electronic/dance music. So it's not exactly just hardcore that has such people.

You've kind of missed my point. Of course it's not something exclusive to Hardcore, the difference is that the message is being perpetrated by influential figures, which is then picked up on by the ravers. The problem is that because it's an attitude centred on a sense of identity, when the same influencees make efforts to move the music in a different direction, this sense of identity becomes warped, hence such fierce and vociferous oposition to change. Mind you, many people don't like change anyway, but that's a different discussion ;)

isn't that the main reason behind the hate on this thread? =P

New track from Gammer and its a beauty!!!!
Originally posted by Claxton:

New track from Gammer and its a beauty!!!!

Well... It made me smile, but I think it's just OK. He has done way better tunes imo.
ozmium I hate how he contradicts himself tho hes definately regretting supersonik by now, even tho i thought it was a extraordinary tune :(
Originally posted by v-act:
Originally posted by Claxton:

New track from Gammer and its a beauty!!!!

Well... It made me smile, but I think it's just OK. He has done way better tunes imo.

I havn't even been able to smile. The only good parts in this track are the breaks with the piano. I simply havn't felt that special rave tickle.
Samination it's the breakdown to the piano I actually hate :P

The songs are nice an all, but I don't really like the chill-out:ish sound freeform has been spouting atm, and this track. It's almost as horrible as the electro/dubstep itself :P
Originally posted by Samination:
it's the breakdown to the piano I actually hate :P

The songs are nice an all, but I don't really like the chill-out:ish sound freeform has been spouting atm, and this track. It's almost as horrible as the electro/dubstep itself :P

Well I'm guessing it's not meant to be Hardcore, as there is nothing remotely Hardcore about it. Apart from maybe the tempo? Either way, given that he said he did it out of boredom, i really don't think there is any point discussing it.
Lilley I really loved it. I don't think it was terribly out of place with the standard clxh 1&2 sound, particularly the back section. I'd certainly enjoy hearing that somewhere.

That bass still pisses me off though.
Potts *sigh*
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Either way, given that he said he did it out of boredom, i really don't think there is any point discussing it.

True words have been spoken. I agree!
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Either way, given that he said he did it out of boredom, i really don't think there is any point discussing it.

this is the first thing on this forum to make any sense ever
Originally posted by Gammer:
this is the first thing on this forum to make any sense ever

You obviously haven't seen the Lady Boy thread. :-/
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by Gammer:
this is the first thing on this forum to make any sense ever

You obviously haven't seen the Lady Boy thread. :-/

What is it about ladyboys that makes more sense to you than anything else lol?
The Dopeman
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by Gammer:
this is the first thing on this forum to make any sense ever

You obviously haven't seen the Lady Boy thread. :-/

What is it about ladyboys that makes more sense to you than anything else lol?

maybe he wants to be one lol
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by Gammer:
this is the first thing on this forum to make any sense ever

You obviously haven't seen the Lady Boy thread. :-/

What is it about ladyboys that makes more sense to you than anything else lol?

maybe he wants to do one lol

djDMS What do you mean 'wants'?
Originally posted by djDMS:
What do you mean 'wants'?

His lack of denial says it all.
Samination what makes sense? I don't understand his gRammer.
_Jay_ Ha ha! It's hilarious that I get accused of actually liking Lady Boys - or even being one! All I do is play a long to a joke that's been kept going for almost a year by you lot - all because I spent nine weeks having sex with trannies in Bangkok, I mean spent nine weeks chilling-out in Bangkok.

Then again. I do quite like chicks with penises.

Who knows.
jenks The rumours will persist until you tell us what really happened on that fishing trip.
Originally posted by jenks:
The rumours will persist until you tell us what really happened on that fishing trip.

I read that as fisting trip.

Ok I'm done ;)
Warnman To be or not to be: that is the question...
djflammy hahaahah
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by jenks:
The rumours will persist until you tell us what really happened on that fishing trip.

I read that as fisting trip.

Ok I'm done ;)

That was part of the story.

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