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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Hixxy Sharkey Scott Brown - not again!

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
hooverlover Don't know about you but I'm getting a bit bored of this line up for the Bonkers. The last 3 were the H-S-SB and now 12 too. there's gotta be some sort of change after 12 like there was a change after the Bonkers3 to 5 (Hixxy Sharkey Dougal)

I got a bad feeling B12 will be B11-Part Two! know what I mean.... I would want the old 3 back on! Hixxy Sharkey and Dougal... keep Hixxy and Sharkey coz they are the masters and owners of Bonkers...drop Scott for a bit (nothing wrong with him....just want a change) and bring back Dougal or even Sy!.......or some Bonkers virgin like Brisk who would be amazing on there.

kg4 i say...

brisk, luna c, sy

Oh man, I hope I didn't brain my damage...
Exhile Well i do think it would be nice to see a change in there. Though to be honest it does work well like this. If you are going to replace scott brown i guess Sy would be the obvious replacement. I think dougal wouldnt work too good now as hes playing the same trancey stuff as hixxy


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Seany Definetely not Dougal on now ,as Hoekzema said he plays pretty much the same as Hixxy (Same style) ,Like kg4 ,I would like to see Luna C or Sy or Ham :)...

"Its An Oral Show ,We have Oral fixations"
steve O i reckon brisk, sharkey n sy!

Hardcore Till I Die...
djtommyrenegade brisk defo
luna c defo
vinylgroover LOL kiddin

sy or slipmatt for the 3rd disk prolly
raverdave Hixxy - why cant he do a mix thats more like his live sets!?! harder with more variation, his last bonkers effort was just too trancey and plodding...

Swap Brisk for Scott Brown which would hopefully swap Gabba for a bit of bouncy techno!!! (I like gabba but don't really think it fits on a bonkers comp...)

Sy and Dougal have got their own CD comp things, so give brisk a go

HaRdCoRe HuStLeR!!! HaRdCoRe HuStLeR!!!
Originally posted by raverdave:
Hixxy - why cant he do a mix thats more like his live sets!?!

because he can't mix live.

Brisk shouldn't get involved in this bonkers cack - he's more of an underground guy who actually cares for the scene. hixxy and scott brown? pfft. i wipe my arse with their vinyl. sharkey should be kept, every mix of his has been f*cking blinding.

although theres no chance of react hiring the more underground artists - they've lost the love. man, hardcore does my head in. Bonkers started off as Hixxy and sharkey, doing quality mixes for the massif. Nowadays, hardcore's just not the same. Full of pricks basically. There are exceptions though. Sy and unknown, sharkey and energy, brisk and ham...i look up to these guys. people who actually do something good for the hardcore scene. Hixxy, scott brown...not good.

- Robbie Jay
Exhile Dont you all forget seduction, hes been true to the scene


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Simon Luna C



"In My Sleep I Grind My Teeth"

"Look can't you see I'm a busy monkey.........Just let me finish my phone call!!!"
Exhile You just want the breakbeat simon


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StrifeII [quote]Originally posted by DJ Hoekzema:
Dont you all forget seduction, hes been true to the scene


Yeah, walking out and coming back after a few years is REALLY true to the scene

- Robbie Jay
kg4 *cough*vinylgroover, dune*cough*

Oh man, I hope I didn't brain my damage...
hooverlover thing is... I want it to change for good... Hixxy Sharkey Scott Brown - they are all good DJs for the job but not if they are on the line for bonkers for TOO long. needs a change.

also why have they kept the name Bonkers.... Bonkers means insane, mad and crazy (i think anyway) so why do the recent ones aptempt to be so SERIOUS! look at the artwork for the new Bonkers - it looks serious, listen to hixxy's trance vynl on 45 (when i should be 33!) it's a serious (uplifting) sound..... bonkers means insanely happy/mad not trance stuff.

the artwork from Bonkers 1 to 7 (maybe not 8, they had serious faces) drawn by paul garner goes with the music, ok - the new artwork DOES go with the music but then WHY is it called Bonkers still

loved to hear your opinions on this!

StrifeII if anything, they'll change it to ultrabeat + flip n fill and whatnot...
and yes, the new artwork IS crap, it looks like they had their photos taken with hospital equipment on their face.

- Robbie Jay
Originally posted by Robbie Jay:
if anything, they'll change it to ultrabeat + flip n fill and whatnot...
and yes, the new artwork IS crap, it looks like they had their photos taken with hospital equipment on their face.

- Robbie Jay


would be good wouldnt it to see flip & fill mixing a bonkers cd


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warped_candykid Here is what i think:

(1) Hixxy needs to bring back his happy-go-lucky mixes.
(2) Sharkey needs to just leave
(3) Scott Brown does too
(4) DJ Dougal needs to come back, but only with his Bonkers 4 happy style
(5) DJ Vibes needs to come back too, he gets some happy tracks
(6) if SY will do like his Bonkers 6 mix, really happy & bouncey then he can come back

thats what i think

(4) DJ Dougal needs to come back, but only with his Bonkers 4 happy style

Dougal never left :)

warped_candykid what do you mean dougal never left?

atomicb Woah.. quite a backlash going on here... I do think you guys are being a bit harsh to Scott here!

The cd's do need a change just to keep it fresh, but the guys doing it are certainly doing thier best - don't knock them for that :)

Originally posted by Hard2Get:
(4) DJ Dougal needs to come back, but only with his Bonkers 4 happy style

Dougal never left :)

I think he meant the bonkers series


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warped_candykid I wasnt putting them down, i really enjoyed SB's Bonkers 9 mix, but then he started to add all the cussing and stuff, i didnt really like him then. But i thought that HHC was suppose to make you feel good and happy, not all dark and stuff. Thats why i think they need to add a DJ on Bonkers who will get some of the happier stuff out there. Untill i had Bonkers 3, i only had Anabolic Frolic (imagine him on bonkers, lol) and he cant mix! but when i heard Hixxy and Sharkey and Dougal, i wa slike wow! and bonkers 1 was even better!

matst never ****ing dis scott brown

matt stewart
matst candykid, i dont know how you think scott brown should leave the scene, how can you even suggest that he should, he has made what hardcore is today

matt stewart
Seany Warped Candy Kid:You got to come with the times...Happy is old (Unfortunately) So, you got to stop going on about happy stuff back on Bonkers ,Because it wont happen (Sadly)... My point being stop going on about it ,Its ...Annoying Heh

"Its An Oral Show ,We have Oral fixations"
ryg0r Man, I hate the whining about whois going to do what next on the Bonkers whatever.

As far as I am concerned, bring in 3 Dj's of differen't styles, with stuff that is bangin and hardcore. Can you ask for more?

Let the people be the judges....

Dave Murray
Originally posted by atomicb:
Woah.. quite a backlash going on here... I do think you guys are being a bit harsh to Scott here!

Yep agreed, tbh Scott Browns CD is the only CD that i cained from Bonkers X1 all brilliant hardcore ( None of this pisshy sped up trance ), and what is better he chucks in some gabber to add a bit of variety. Now if you wanna get rid of someone it has to be Hixxy cause well he's a bit of a let down.

I Couldnt Take It No More ... So I Became Hardcore!

Dont Just Stand There ... Go Bizzerk!

mrc i just think a little rotation is in order, like not sayin f-off 2 Sb but just say let sy do a cd then some1 els the next time, ud get far more variation then

2be honest if the next cd is like 10 & 11 i probibily wont buy it cuz there all startin to sound a little 2 similar.

oh s*it man, what was i saying?
Leelo1 i agree scott brown has brought a lot 2tha hardcore scene happy hardcore is dead (the old cheese) the cheese was gud cos it makes u appreciate the gud stuff now but enough we should have have the normal mix
Dougal (4 tha trancey hardcore to begin)
Kev energy (4 tha Freeform style)
brisk (well nuff sed)

atomicb Bit of rotation, fine - but I just didn't like the SB Bashing ;)

The happy scene isn't dead totally.. there's still a few releases here and there that are happy... you can still find them if you want them :) But I think bonkers is trying to always show the freshest sounds of hardcore out there - and on that front they've pretty much succeeded. (only possible argument is no breakbeat, which I agree with!)

One thing... I'm pretty sure sharkey will always been on it if he wants to be - as he owns bonkers. But anyone that knows even the slightest bit about him (and that is all I know :P) know that he wouldn't keep putting a mix on just for the sake of it if he thought it wasn't worthwhile.

Clearly, you can't please all the people all the time, but yeah a bit of rotation would be nice. I'd love to have Sy on it again! It seems on some of his other CD releases he's being much more limited as to what he can play. The Masters of hardcore CD mixed by him and unknown was spectacular... a Disc like that in bonkers would make my day!

nrXic *edited*
it posted only some of my message, so I reposted it. sorry.
nrXic sorry double post, it cut off half my message.
nrXic What I love about Bonkers 9-XI is that it has something for everyone.

I love all forms of hardcore, and I like all 3 CDs on 9 and X (don't have XI yet :P).

I really don't like the trancey stuff on Hixxy's X mix, but I'm not going to slag him or tell him to leave for a few reasons. 1) It's still hardcore, even though I don't like it. 2) People dig it, people who usually don't like hardcore dig it. 3) Hixxy is awesome :)

Now a good question is...why is React going with this format...why are they not mixing it up? A possible answer is that firstly, these latest ones got some excellent fanfare. I remember reading a web review from a guy who listens to punk and metal, and he loved Hardcore Mutation, all 3 CDs. Why change it if it ain't broke?

Another answer is that there are those who are saying "Kick Hixxy off of Bonkers trance doesn't belong on it" and some say "Kick Sharkey off" and "kick Scott Brown off" and if you really need proof I can provide links to actual threads...but it just goes to show that everyone can't be happy. Everyone have different tastes. It honestly seems to me that there aren't many that like all 3.

I agree though, strictly speaking the definition of Bonkers...or the image I get is crazy bouncy techno, cheesy hardcore, carefree uplifting tracks, etc. Though I love 9 and X, I agree that the name doesn't fit...the names "Hardcore Mutation" and the like do suit the CDs though.

Also keep in mind that there are a lot of other mix CDs being released. I haven't checked out that Hardcore Heaven one...but as far as I know it has more of the bouncy techno cheesy stuff. If you dig that, buy it! More buys means that it will be more likely that me-too mix CDs will come out to satiate demand...well I guess that's not the case with H2BH which has sold pretty good yet is the only North American Hardcore mix CD that I know of...

Anyways back to the offers something for everyone, not everyone is going to be happy, there are other mix CDs with bouncy techno on it, and that React is just going along with something that is still working well for them (as in making $$$).

^^^Mah Chewnz
"From the mean streets of Calgary, Alberta, Canada!" - Jericho
Midway_raver Leave Hixxy Sharkey and Scott Brown on it, i'm sure ifsum people had there way it would be Hixxy, B+S and DNA and if others had there way it would be Scott Brown, Neopthye and Dj Paul or summat:)<<that wud b me;) The point is at the mo Bonkers reaches right from trancy hardcore thru freeform to gabber and imo that is a good thing, it reaches so many more people and sells better making the next bonkers more likely, so why break that formula and risk losing the bonkers series agen?!

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