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 Music discussion - hardcore
 How did U discover/get into Hardcore Underground?

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
latininxtc As we celebrate 10 years of Hardcore Underground, I thought we could do a more specific take on an earlier topic created. How did you all discover or get into the glorious label/album series that is Hardcore Underground, and what was that first experience like?

For me I discovered it on here. I was reading a topic on the first ever Hardcore Underground volume series and it was something I have never heard of, nor did I recognize any of the DJs that were involved in the project. With discovering this site I started to find more info on new tracks and new albums that I have never heard of and it resurrected my currently deteriorating interest in the genre. My interest deteriorated mainly because it took a long time to find a place like this one to discover new music and new artists.

So when I read the topic on the 1st album I decided to take a chance buy the album. The tracklist resembled nothing like any albums currently out at that time so I thought this would be a great chance to discover a lot of new material in one purchase.

So I popped in the album into my computer to listen and for the first two albums during the first run they didn't stand out to me. I think I wasn't ready to hear anything with a more serious tone considering I was heavily into more uplifting tracks from labels like Raverbaby Next Generation at the time.

So I popped in the final CD and I was confused at first because I have never heard of hardcore breaks and was wondering if I had purchased the right album lol. Once the Panacea remix of Kill Belladonna came on, the whole mix made sense to me and I instantly fell in love with it as well as the rest of the album. And at the same time I became an instant fan of Darwin :)
Guest i did`nt
Samination Are we talking about the whole label here?

Well, other than the odd (artist) albums or digital singles, I can't say I was really into the HU. I to this day still don't own any Hardcore Underground combilation (I dont believe in buying mixed albums anymore), and I mostly support the HU gang because they where RFU :P
wong either this forum or ush
warped_candykid I heard about the upcoming HU vol.1 album on here. There were some familiar names on the project like Al Storm & Druid, Kurt, Fracus, & Darwin, so I was getting pretty excited. Being in college and living off financial aid with very little work profit coming in, I had a choice at the time to either buy Hardcore Underground or Hardcore Euphoria. I went with Hardcore Euphoria since I knew what to expect.

So how did I get HU? My roommate knew I wanted it, and had secretly ordered it for me as a Christmas present the year it came out. I remember putting CD 1 in the car stereo and was just blown away! The tempo was fast! The mastering was LOUD! The tracks weren't like anything going around on the more commercial CDs; they were hard and stompy. There was cheese! There was more serious noise! I put in CD 2, and was just as equally blown away, especially when that SMD#2 remix popped on! CD 3....was difficult for me. I just wasn't a fan of the Hardcore breaks sound, so the first part of CD 3 just didn't do it for me. But then the 4-beat came back in, and all was well.
Vladel In 2007 someone said on here hardcore underground was one of the best albums from 2006. It went on from there.
Elipton I bought HU3 cheap in a Zaavi or HMV. That was my first exposure. Same with HU4 and HU5, but HU6 hasn't appeared anywhere yet. Still keeping my eyes peeled!
Triquatra Jacket, you should at least own HU4! Oli G & Lost Soul win!
Captain Triceps It must have been on USH originally.
Originally posted by Elipton:
I bought HU3 cheap in a Zaavi or HMV. That was my first exposure. Same with HU4 and HU5, but HU6 hasn't appeared anywhere yet. Still keeping my eyes peeled!

Only place to buy hu6 is from the site

Originally posted by Vladel:
Originally posted by Elipton:
I bought HU3 cheap in a Zaavi or HMV. That was my first exposure. Same with HU4 and HU5, but HU6 hasn't appeared anywhere yet. Still keeping my eyes peeled!

Only place to buy hu6 is from the site

He's trolling. He knows exactly where he can find it and buy it. It's just his arsefudgy way of trying to get under CDJay's skin without doing it directly.
djDMS I have no idea.

Probably just followed on from my love of RFU.

I vaguely remember seeing Darwin play (maybe some kind of PA too which I need to look up to jof my memory) and meeting CDJay and Chwhynnywhynny at an event years ago.

*Edit* Think it was JAL related but still led me in the right direction
CDJay Hopefully it was the event in Birmingham with the flavoured air canisters.

robertybob I think I was on the hunt for new hardcore music while waiting for the next Clubland Hardcore album to be released, and as I liked Al Storm and Fracus I ended up buying HU2 from eBay. Didn't really appreciate it until a few years later, however at the time I liked it enough to want to get HU3 when it came out. Instantly liked HU3 and have been a fan ever since.
carldj90 Hm I can't recall. I kinda just found more albums by looking around on the webs.
kazukism92 Hard to tell, but in these instance (or when my sis has purchased the 2nd Fracus & Darwin album was... "oh shit, need every stuff") is now epic.

It was in 2009, I was looking stuff at internet to put me up in these depression days (insist hard to tell, but you know what? bullying!). So my friend from USA has recommend me download (sorry guys) these albums. I listened only the HU3, but some bits and I'd said... "shit, this thing is epic", so kept listening. But when HU4 was released (and pirated... days later) was like a "oh shit, need this album and I don't what to do". So I deleted these rips and started to spend money to get these beauties (new or second hand copy) and search a contact or store to receive it -were hard days until... 2012 lol-.

And now, I own HU1, HU3, HU4, HU5, the F&D albums (excluding Diversions because I didn't ordered), Marc Smith's album, HU Breaks *The Good Inside spam!*, The first 3 DJ Tools and a few of limited stuff, excluding the lastests 3 EPs. And curiously I remember when I received every album, but the HU3 was so special because was my autogift of my birthday of 2013. But the rest... ****, I hyped to much xD.
Originally posted by Elipton:
I bought HU3 cheap in a Zaavi or HMV. That was my first exposure. Same with HU4 and HU5, but HU6 hasn't appeared anywhere yet. Still keeping my eyes peeled!

Actually now that I think about it, I got HU5 new in Pompey, and the second F+D album new in Southend. Looking at the rack, I've got HU2010 too, which I imagine was new. I believe all from HMV for whatever alternative
Originally posted by CDJay:
October 30th, 2006, a day that will live in infamy
Torpex I think I pira... Bought HU1 soon after release. Much like latinxtc, CD1 and CD2 sort of went over my head - I liked some of it, but my brain was stuck firmly in Clubland and different stuff had yet to push through that. CD3 was plain weird to me, totally unexpected sounds, but since I already liked freeform a lot, it grabbed my attention. After a few listens I was hooked.

Then came subsequent albums, then I became online friends with Mikey (Nu Foundation), then I got in touch with Fracus because of web stuff, then I started booking the HU DJs for my hardcore club nights... Weird and intense times, surreal even, but full of priceless moments and experiences. And some of the best music I've ever heard and probably would ever hear.

10 years, god almighty. And HU7, not counting everything else they've released.

Originally posted by silver:
Originally posted by CDJay:
October 30th, 2006, a day that will live in infamy

So much good hardcore came out in 2006!

Also, whatever happened to Mozz?
Thumpa The first ever promo CD I got for DJ'ing was the RFU album in 2003, and I'd already known CDJay for maybe a year by that point. So...from there really. Always had a close eye on RFU/HU stuff since then!
Originally posted by robertybob:
Originally posted by silver:
Originally posted by CDJay:
October 30th, 2006, a day that will live in infamy

So much good hardcore came out in 2006!

Also, whatever happened to Mozz?

He kinda half gave up in 2008/9, he's got 3 kids and he's done his house up, getting a new production PC soon I think. He's one of my best mates and I still see him regularly, he still listens to new hardcore in his work van and loves powerstomp!

robertybob That's nice to hear! Hope he gets back into production one day.
danielseven Kinda like the same way I discovered hardcore in the 2009/2010. I was browsing through Hands Up releases, and found an UK Hardcore track that made me dig the genre, so, through Kraftyradio, I heard about this label, and I bought Hardcore Underground volume 4.
lurker It must've been late 2007 or early 2008, since RFU was still releasing stuff at that point. I had heard Enraptured Soulz through a rhythm game a couple years before, so I think I somehow got to it from searching for Invader or something. I managed to get HU1 and HU2 off of Amazon (apparently this is some kind of miracle but I didn't know it at the time), and I thought those were pretty good. I got to USH shortly before CDJay posted the clip for Let Me In, and that blew my mind.

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