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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Is Comercialisation really that bad?

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DJ CURLY i mean you can only become comercial when u have loads of fans so when u say u dont want comercialisation for happyhardcore u are saying u dont want many people to be fans of it. if happyhardcore had millions of fans theres no way it could remain underground could it.
your views on comercialisation please?

Lixx The bad thing about commercialization is that there quite possibly could be an influx of bad producers making really terrible pop-y music that is directed towards the mainstream not those of us who have already discovered hardcore and know better. This would be damaging to the credibility of our scene and would produce a whole range of new clueless hardcore newbies that just wanna to hear their latest pop song ripped into a frantic hardcore song. It would be nice if hardcore got more recognition so that the true artists in this genre had an easier time of making a living and so we could get more quality releases on a regular basis, but lets not sell our souls to the devil just yet. Hardcore will get there, it's inevitable, just give it time for the old stigmas of the genre to wear off and for people to realize how much hardcore kicks right now.

Annex LOL
the only issue i have there
is... in a world where hardcore IS mainstream...
and i need to change my pants due to a certain amount of err less than PG excitement...
would the fun of it not then wear off a bit?

i think a large attraction for MANY a person is that.. their listning to something that ISN'T mainstream, it's NOT that wide spread among most folk...

which is not to say i want it's expansion to be hindered its just interesting to think about....... long live the hardcore baby!!

Midway_raver Correct me if im wrong but aint hardcore ( well ravE) been commercial once? I think alot of da bad repitation its gfot has come from dat along time ago hardcore is betta underground with peopel who truely live4 hardcore lsitenin 2 it:)..Ok i wish 2 dat producers had an easier ride but sumtimes da NEED 4 a song to be excellent in a genre is good coz it means altho there aint so many releases all da tunes dta cum out r gud:)For example Will young "pop idol" he is SHIT, but coz hes been exposed hre gets fanmous, Hardcore is recognised as gr8 by a lot of people coz of its actual BRILLIANCE..not its exposer lets keep it like dat :)

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
Simon Hardcore was never really commercial it just had a bad time for a while but I think it will never become commercial anyway.


DJ-SK8 Ok it's bad for any part of the rave scene to go comercial, caus it's not supose to and thats what made it uniq, Caus it was never about making mony and becoming famious even thoe there are hundreds of hhc fans all over the world. Comershalism has no back ground to the music (unles you count how the band was made), were as hhc has a hole history with back stabings, rising and falling record labels ect. If it went comershal then everyone would forget about all of that, and it's already happend slitly becaus of twinkies, who listen to H2BH and think that it's top qulity hhc, and it just bug's me how some one can be so ignorant about there favorite music.
so all in all comershalization is bad, in any part of the rave scene.

My god how long have those mice been living your back fat?!?!?!
Annex *whipes a tear*

kg4 I could really care less if hardcore went commercial, the only thing I would care about, is if it started to become REALLY bad...

"We'll always be together, forever for it seems. We'll always be together in electric dreams. "
Dj Tripnosis booo to comercialisation, definatly boo. Hadcore was ment for the Underground and should stay that way, ?It should be left for people to find and learn about it rather than it to be introduced through media and such. definatly boo

4-Beat 4-Ever

-Hi, My name is Auto and i looove to get Blotto !! -
Nick of Blaze! Even if it went commercial... would that stop everyone here listening to it?

And yeah, there would be a serious influx of new producers and stuff cashing in on the trend, but then those artists that are "hardcore to the core", would be producing the REAL hardcore, the stuff we all like.

Yeah there'd be some crap copycats, but unless they're really into the scene, they couldn't produce/write/remix GOOD hardcore.

I reckon it would be a case of filtering out the crap and the people that really adore core would just stick with the artists that represent the scene as it is today.

I think the REAL issue, is our good hardcore name, being associated with this rubbish. That's the problem, cos everyone who doesn't know the scene would hear a crap tune and drag the whole genre down with it. I know this is a topic that's been done to death so I wont start a whole thread, but here's a very important question:

If you had to name ONE tune, ONE single track, that you could proudly play to the whole world and say "THIS is hardcore...this is THE track that we in the scene would like to represent our genre and like you all to hear, and when you think of hardcore, you think of this ONE track......"

Which track would that be??

I'm not necessarily saying an anthem, or some deep underground dub plate that no one's heard of, I'm saying a track that someone would hear who's not in the scene and say, "Yeah, well I can see the validity of that track. I can appreciate it as a choon. Not my cup of tea maybe, but that's cool".

To be honest, hardcore is already quite commercialised. OK, it doesn't hit the charts, but you hear a lot of hardcore here in the UK on TV, as soundtracks etc. But the general public, if you asked them wouldn't know a single hardcore track of today.

So as long as real hardcore fans sort the imposters from the real artists in the scene, then I can't see a problem.

I'll still be writing tracks for hardcore for as long as everyone here in the scene likes them.

There's my 2c



Annex cripes, you gotsta charge more dude, i'da paid well over 5c for that ;)

fantastic post
and in all honesty, off the top of my head, i'm really not sure what i'd say would be my one track of choice

i've had a few favorites over time, but it's always shifting *shrugs*
je ne sais pas

though i'm sure it'd be something good n cheesy.. hehe
like my pizza with extra sauce.. like my happycore with extra cheese ;)

Simon Nick what can I say I know a lot of people who have never heard hardcore but they've all heard of your tune "Shooting Star" and then they try telling me that its not HArdcore!!!!!!! I think Shooting Star is the hardcore song that so many people have heard out of all hardcore songs.

By the way Nick if I had to play One hardcore song to be proud of playing it would probebly be "Shooting Star" coz after one listen they'd love it!!!!


Don Giovanni Whenever someone I know gets curious about hardcore the first tracks I play for them are Eyopener, Shooting Star, and Break of Dawn. People seem to get a pretty good idea of the genre from that and usually want to hear more after.
DJ Mouse i'd say bass d and king matthew - like a dream
it's my fav tune and everyone else i know likes it

DJ Mouse - "Winning a war doesn't determine who's right.... winning determines who's left"
Oli G Comercalisation is bad

because look at garage now (in the uk)
its ****ing wank.. its dire.. and i bet the underground garage producers and Dj's although there cashing in.. ****ing hate everyone who will take the piss out of them.. because the so solid shiteheads are mincin around like big girly puffs on top of the pops

will be like that

ppl will say... "what you play.... hardcore?... ahh not that comercial shit? couldnt u play something underground"
you will tell em... ive been into hardcore since i can remember.. been thru it through all sorts of shit... and they will just reply bollocks

i will hate it if it does

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
Nick of Blaze! Cheers guys, it's great that you'd play some of my tracks to show someone hardcore.

Its a good point you raise OliGhalebi. I think that the difference with hardcore, is that it's not a genre driven by image.

The garage puffs (I like that), have to uphold this image, be it "bad boy" so solid crew, or "pretty boy next door" Craig David. (That's why I believe he hasnt won many major awards, he doesn't fit the image).

Hardcore artists will only succeed in the commercial arena if they have an image. Its a media world, and you have to be different. So, consequently, the only thing that will get hardcore in the public eye, is if the track is really really good. There are no hardcore artists/producers/DJ's that have a really strong image. (I'm talking eyecatching, wacky hats here)

The papers like to hear about drunken brawls, or womanising, but in our scene, it's the music that counts, not the hype. If I say my next tune is great, and it's sh*te, it won't be popular. You wont buy it because I'm a bit of a lad in the papers. You'll buy it cos you like it.

That's why our scene will always survive. It's music driven, not hype or image driven. Our artists are respected and survive because they create great music.

When we did Sesame's Treet, those media people were soooooo disappointed. We were...."ordinary". We made music, had a beer, went home. When me and Luna C get together for a chat, we talk about music, he plays me stuff, we put our heads together, talk about music music music. We never talk about clothes, cars, women, and we rarely talk about new music kit.

We still do that today. Our talents are what they should be in music....creating great music,..... not the ability to swear at a camera and kick a journo to death in order to lift our profile and sell more records...

Now, where's that "Shamen" top hat and curly toed slippers for Top Of The Pops next week... BOB THE BUILDER ....we need some more hardcore for this job...BOB THE BUILDER ....!!!!!



DJ CURLY f**** me ive got nick of blaze replying to my topics and im only a beginner how good is that
luv your tunes mate in fact ive already order "til the day" from imo records
i was suprised its already out and only 4.99
now thats a deal

Annex Nick is the man, great post, and that's very true

i mean, imagine a music video for a hardcore song? how much of it is actually going to be OF the DJ... i mean... live it's fun to watch, and it COULD be done... but my guess is that a video would end up animated, or... showing some kinda story happening to the music... you don't have the image of a band, wearing certain clothes, or looking a certain way :)
that's one of the things i loved when i first came onto the scene, i realized most of the dj's i saw, looked just like any random person on the street (most! there are some flamboyant exceptions)
it's all about the music :))))

my only hope is happy hardcore (specifically heh, ok it's my true love) doesn't somehow GROW an image.... cuz if it ends up the candy kid, i'll be disapointed... EVERYONE should be able to enjoy it :)
and no one should feel that they shouldn't, because they don't have bracelets up to their elbows, and soothers, and things :)

hehe that is all

strychnine Annex: I agree. One of the great things about my local scene is that the hardcore fans average around 18-21, as witnessed by the awesome turnout we get to O18 parties (like Once Upon A Time two weeks ago) and hardcore clubnights. Candyravers are a distinct minority even at massives. (Come to think of it though, in small numbers they aren't all that annoying and they do wonderful things to the vibe.)

I would hate to lose that. I would hate for hardcore to go all mainstream and start pumping out mass-produced low-quality cheese [shudders at the memory of the mid-late 90's]. I would hate if hardcore's image went all 'candy' and all our parties became infested with brightly-coloured pixies squealing like so many constipated piglets, hugging everything in sight and PLURring everyone senseless.

In short, I would hate to be ashamed of hardcore, and I don't see any way that hardcore could commecialise itself without disenchanting people like me, people who don't have to spend two hours before every rave covering themselves with glitter, people who don't wear butterfly wings or pom-pom feelers or their own bodyweight in candy, because they don't need visual aids to show that they love hardcore.

*gets off his soapbox as the brass band erupts into a rousing rendition of 'Elysium'*

Don't dream it's over
Annex *whistles*
actually on a side note, i have a tendency to paint my nailz, and glitter muhself up a bit ;)

i'm happy to hear ya agree, and yer take on it, is precisely what i'm talking about :))

w00t elysium *purrs* hehe

DJ CURLY as far as im concerned happyhardcore is comercial as all the lads and some girls at my college class like hhc admittedly i brainwashed a few but ya need some girls to go to raves with ya else you look well sad! ne1 heard any of raverbaby's new tunes ive heard alternative and its quite good for a song with male vocal which i hate in hhc womens vocals sound better with our kind of music 4 some reason?

PUREFM Jus' Because kids At Your Skool Are Listenin To Hardcore Dont Mean It Is Commercial.. And You Havent Brainwashed Them.. These Are People Who Are Easily Lead, And Dont Really Appreciate The Music, They Jus' Want To Look Good Infront Of Everyone.
Im Sure I Sed' This In Another Post Tho.. LOL!

As For Commercialism, It Has Been A Hot Debate For Ages Now..
I Can remember When Dream Magazine Was Out Here In The Uk, In The Mid 90's.. There Was A Full Issue Devoted To Hardcore Dj's Oppinions About The Scene Goin Commercial And Making Mainstream Success..

At The Time It Was Dj's Such As Force And Styles And Triple J Who Were Tipped To Break The Charts.. It Never Happened Though, Why.. Because For Hardcore To Make It Commercially The Scene Would Have To Change Its Image A Hell Of A Lot.. Which Non Of Us Want.. If People Like Hardcore, They Should Like It For What It Is.. Not Because There Friend, Nieghbour, Cat, Dog Hamster Etc.. Like It..

And Lets Not Forget Hardcore Has Seen Commercial Success Already..

Slipmatt And Lime Have Been In The Charts With Ragga Tip, nd So Has Dj Seduction..

Going Back To The Scene Having To Change To Fit Into The Charts.. I Have To Say, It Isnt Always The Case.. But 9 Times Out Of 10 It Is True,
Look At That Shoddy Remix Of Heart Of Gold That Came Out A Few Years Ago.. Ok.. It Wasnt Gr8.. But, Why Water The Thing Down.. They Should Have Released The Original Version..

Anyhow.. I Could Go On Forever..

Blah Blah Blah...


More than jus' Good Music - - Underground Radio !
Annex that sir, is a quality post!
*applauds pureFM*

it's all about being true to the hardcore
it's not terribly difficult to understand :)

and indeed, becoming relatively trendy, or well liked by bafoons does not equate to commercialization... though commercialization will mean more bafoons listening to the music...... oh it's a scary thing to think about


Cheers Annex..
Atlast Someone is On The Same Wavelenght As Me !!


ket I only read the first article so please forgive me if someone else has already has said this... Commercialisation isn't when you have lots of fans, it's when you start doing it solely to make easy money. If we could make it sell well and keep out the people who would become HHC DJ's just to make a quick buck then I would say go for it but that isn't going to happen, so maybe it is just better to leave it as it is, an underground art form with loads of admirers :)
DJ Mouse that's what i always say,if you have to adapt a style of music so it sells then it's commercial.

i don't know if hardcore as it is would sell in the high street or not,but whether it does or doesn't,i don't care,i like what i hear at the moment,what it's been like in the past and hopefully the future.

but what i don't want to hear is hardcore adapted so it sells in the charts,it won't be the same and it'll turn cheesy. so keep it as it is,how we all like it,underground and happy :)

DJ Mouse - "Winning a war doesn't determine who's right.... winning determines who's left"
Lusive I think Nick brought up a really good point before when he asked which track you'd play to the world to show them what hardcore was about.

There really isnt one track that defines hardcore entirely just by itself.. I dont know about anyone else but i think that hardcore is the only style of music (well possibly drum and bass but considering they both came from the same stuff...) where you can listen to a track from 1993 and a track from 2000 and although they vary in almost every way you still get that same awesome feeling.

I find listening to old hard house tracks about as fun as listening to fingernails on a chalkboard, its somewhere between embarrased and nauseous (yes, i went thru a hard house stage.. didnt we all?). Point being is that that was the bandwagon at that point in time and it changed, so the music did too.. er.. have i proved a point yet.. er.. s**t losing focus here

If i may just quote Luna C here for a moment:
"The sheer euphoria of the crowd made me feel that you couldn't find a better place on earth. That feeling is what I try to capture in all my tracks" -from

I believe thats what hardcore has been all about, the feeling and the fun factor.

As far as commercialism... its not a good thing if we start jumping on the newest ever changing fad (and start wearing obscure clothing and making music videos.. ever seent he dune ones.. bahah) i will always love hardcore. it will never be a phase for me and if it ever does commercialise then i'll make sure i remember the REAL (happy) hardcore ;)

ps. I got to meet luna c recently when he was in brisbane, he is a great guy and we should be honoured to have people like him still backing the scene

| A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby." -Jack Handy |
Underloop Hmm, well everything I was gonna say on the commercialisation side of things has already been said....yeah, it would change the scene, as has happened with UK Garage....not necessarily a good thing, but the good tunes will still continue to come out, they'll just have to be weeded out from the crappy ones.

As for the tune I would play out to represent the hardcore...well, I was well into my HHC back in the day, but (for reasons best known to myself) I left the scene round about 95.....during that time, two tunes filtered thru to me from the hardcore scene.....both of the Nick's...Shooting Star and Scott Brown's mix of Break of Dawn...these tunes made me realise just what I was missing out on, and that started to revive my interest in HHC, so the tune I would play out would have to be one of those 2.

"Its a Hardcore hit. This is the **** that kicks"
Hixxy_is_my_god2k2 Well Dont all go shouting at me if i have got this wrong, but i thought hardhouse came back in a while ago. Coz the Euphoria cd makers have released 2 hardhouse mixs in like he past 2 years, and they were both buzzing!Apart from the odd shite track!

If HHC was to commercialise tho, wudnt it be only the shity "Manufactured Hardcore Songs/Bands woteva u wanna call em that wud wear all the hats, n chains dwn to the floor?

Of course you are going to get ppl who like the shite "manufactured" hardcore, but the majority would like the proper stuff! If they didnt then they could jus go back to there ooooooh so exceedingly good Garage!! :P

No matter what happens Blaze and nimrod wont go following the trend of the "manufactured" (i like that word :P) Hardcore wud they? and i would always buy the orginal hardcore makers tunage!

If Bonkers is going to be released onto the shelves (nobodies replied to my post on that :( so im not sure if it is?????) then if that dus well, then you could try it cudnt you???

As for the tracks that i wud play to people, they wud have to be

For showing them bout:
HHC -i wud play eitha Shooting star or children of the night

MC's-i wud play Bass generators-let me see you dance!(if thats the rite name)

If it dont work out then ull probably end up wit more fans then u had b4 bcoz more ppl will of recognized the scene, near enuf everyone in ma year at skool dint know about it until i got sum of them to cum wit me to this under 18's nite at tall trees where they play stuff like Forever young and children of the night and shooting star etc.

Theres my post for the night,


(*)At first i prayed to god,
And then i realised that i was talking to myself!(*)
djmarinecorpse If HHC went commercial, I have no frickin idea WHAT I'd do... Probably beat my head on a sharp corner of a wall or jump in a swimming pool holding some bricks. ;)

Yes, if it went commercial, I'd be extremely pissed/sad/lost/lonely/pissed/mad/unhappy/pissed, etc. LOL.

M.C Menace Commertialisim is stuff like boy bands. Good looking guys and girls who are tought to sing a bit and perform on stage for young girls and boys. Hardcore is nothing like that. Its about ppl with talent doing wot they love.

M.C Menace - were raving from 7 till 11 were ravin in a hardcore heaven
Nick of Blaze! What a great debate, and praise indeed to everyone for raising some serious points on what is for some HH people a serious issue. ***applauds***

I do hear the people that have raised the point about hardcore being adapted to suit a current trend. This is a really good point, because it does explain a few things. I personally have never hought of this but when we did Sesame's treet, we created it with the current scene in mind. We put in stabs, a middle 8 part, brakbeats etc etc. However, the copycat people that followed with various tunes had no idea of the scene itself so cobbled together commercial tracks that they then released as hardcore, which of course it wasn't.

Even with our follow up single "Loo's Control" we stuck with the hardcore scene format. We could have made that much more commercially appealing, but to be honest, we were still on the scene, so even though it was a commercial release, it was still hardcore.

Consequently, I suppose if the phosphor remix of Til The Day went into the UK charts, then that would be cool, and lets face it, if it's that good, and gonna be a success then it cant be helped. However if Blaze! remixed a hardcore/commercialised remix that suited popular radio stations then that could be a case of like has already been said "adapting hardcore to suit a commercial audience". That wouldn't be good I suppose.

However, particularly with all my tracks like Break of Dawn, Shooting Star, Til The day etc etc, they are songs in their own right, so as with the forthcoming release of "Shooting Star" by Flip & Fill in a new genre, they will travel across easier, because they are songs and can be adapted in almost any style. But, as long as they go out under a different act name and not a hardcore act name then that shouldn't be a problem.

What about the reverse, a pop song being turned into a hardcore song? Such as "Jump" for instance, that in my view was agreat track!

Anyhoo...great debate... good points.



DJ Bunnyboi As long as I can continue to enjoy the tracks that are being produced, and I can still dance all night long, and I still know what DJ is up on the decks- I could care less about commercialization. If I could not do these things because of commercialization, then I would be pissed.

Hixxy_is_my_god2k2 y dont when you make a release put a hardcore mix of it and a commercial type mix of it, like maybe a slwer dance mix of it, thats if it sounds rite????

i thought that was one of my best ideas ive eva had :P

Check one, two were the bad boy krew, cream of the crop!
Nick of Blaze! I swear to god, if I wasn't so paranoid about being caned for putting anything on a hardcore release except hardcore, then you'd have the "unplugged" "Shooting Star" or "Til The Day" versions to hear.

Even our internal demo files on ourproduction company website have come in for some slating, and they're just demo's !!!

When Chris (also of Blaze!) and Jo do these tracks live, it send a shiver up me spine I swear to god. Just her fantastic voice and a piano or guitar, it's truly brilliant.

I'm hoping to do it when we play live, and just take the flack, because I know to a small minority of people, they'd enjoy it immensely.

However, this is that "frightened to experiment" point I just made in another post about old skool. As producers, you can't risk the flack of putting something like this on a record. The whole record could completely bomb, and get slated, so it aint worth the risk.

Maybe we'll do it as a demo on the site, see what the response is like. It is great to play that to someone and they go, "what a lovely song" then back to back it with the HH vesrion and crank it up... delight in watching thier ears bleed!

Cheers guys, feedback would be good.


DJ CURLY yeah start with a demo on your site thats probably the safest way.

" when ya dont know where to go and lifes kinda slow ya gotta hit the raves and let your body lose control release the tension the pressure is high roll with the flow get high on the ride"
Hixxy_is_my_god2k2 so are u seyin my idea was
really good/good/alrite/not so good/ crap???


Check one, two were the bad boy krew, cream of the crop!
Nick of Blaze! Its a great idea mate, but I don't reckon it would go down too well on a hardcore CD.

Personally, I like to have a CD with four or five completely different mixes on so that I hear different takes of the same song. It's good to see if a song travels across different genres.

Unfortunately, I reckon a CD with the hardcore mixes on followed by a H*rd H**se mix, an Ep*c Tr*nce mix, a E*ro p*p mix, then finally an unplugged vocal/piano mix wouldnt go down too well. But from my point of view (because I've heard some demo's for these mixes) the actual CD would be phenominal, but that's not how it works unfortunately.

Technically speaking, an act (like Blaze!, Nimrod, Bang! etc etc) must have a "sound", and once that's established, then you shouldn't divert too far, otherwise that act doesn't belong inside a genre of fans. It's now trying to spread across too many genres, and that confuses people....

However... my idea was to have the CD of the actual song itself, then have four or five different acts representing the song, each in their own genre. That way, if you like the melody/lyric, you can hear all the different takes on the song.

I'll probably put the unplugged TTD on the website to see if it works, and if people like the MP3, I'll see if we can squeeeeeeeeeze it on the CD.

Cheers bud!

Simon Yeah the act has to stay with what it does. I can't think of any cd though that has loads of different kinds of music on. If it was made it might be a first!!!
I think the best you can get is a cd with different mixes of the same genre of music like there is more than one style of Happy Hardcore.


Hixxy_is_my_god2k2 yer u cud like join up wit a big dance record label like Positiva or Nulife or nukleuz etc and produce a dance, and do the same for other genres, u cud even make hear say's careers go up! lol

Check one, two were the bad boy krew, cream of the crop!
Annex I like the multi-genre cd idea :))
i'm eager to hear that demo nick :)

and... *looks at yer post*... based on that idea...
i'd like to encourage you to be Bang, Blaze!, Nimrod, Dormin, !Ezalb, Gnab, Snap, Boom, Zing and any other sound from an old batman show
if it means innovative, quality cd/vinyl is gonna come of it ;)

ps... you rule! lol
sorry.. couldn't help it

Midway_raver i think it wud sell amazingly becoz say radio one wud cane the hard house version of til the day then ur underground stationz wud cane the hardcore versions, Kiss FM etc wud cane a grage version n evry wud go out looking for the cd wiv there respected style on it i.e garage heads going to buy it for that hardcore heads going to buy it for that etc etc etc.....but ur definetly rite nick when u say u shud stik to ur respective sounds becoz a: people respect u in the hardcore scene and no its quality assured b: if u get sum1 from Nuklues to remix teh hard house version its gonna be respected for the artist and ( no offense but sum1 in that scene more wud probably make a betta job) and same wiv the other versions...thats not ment to b offensive its just a way 2 get a cd wiv all around gud trax in each genre.

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
Nick of Blaze! It's weird, but when we place material as producers/artists we send out CD samplers to various record companies/publishing houses etc and because they all do different music, we probably have several different mix styles for one song.

This is essential, because you may get record company "a" that do trance, and they would obviously only be interested in the trance mix, and "b" that do garage, so they would weant the garage mix.

That way you maximise your potential.

Even different mixes may have different act names to suit that genre. Otherwise we'd have to do several different sets of artwork etc and that's not practical.

So, this way of working is pertfectly acceptable inside the industry. A lot of people do it. However, to release a single like that could be risky, because you're not clear on who it's aimed at. The garage headz, wouldn't buy a CD with a HH mix on it probably because it "aint cool". Although carrying a gun around and getting 18 months is (duh!).

But, we might do a website page one day to see what you gfuys reckon of maybe a few different mixes of one tune, out of pure interest more than intent to release.



DJ CURLY carrying a gun about how pathetic thats whats his name from so solid crew innit have u heard all them saying they come from the ghetto oooooooooohhh scary when we know for a fact that ther all from west london
thats about as ghetto as my arse.

" when ya dont know where to go and lifes kinda slow ya gotta hit the raves and let your body lose control release the tension the pressure is high roll with the flow get high on the ride"
Hixxy_is_my_god2k2 you spelt guys wrong, its guys not gfuys!


Check one, two were the bad boy krew, cream of the crop!
deejay_rogue commercialisation brings shit tunes! and dj will tell u this!!!

take dance for example, not respected dj plays the commercial tunes coz they are bunk, nah, they play the b side remixs and the better versions,

"Welcome to the new RAVEolution"
Hixxy_is_my_god2k2 Do they, well loadsa respested DJ's play the A sides of records!!!

Check one, two were the bad boy krew, cream of the crop!
Annex i just wanted to comment on a note made by nick a while ago that i for some reason never saw in one of his posts ;)

about... pop songs going hardcore

it's somewhat hypocritical of me i'm sure... but frankly, i have NO problem with any song (be it pop, be it country, be it most any type of music) converted to hardcore! :)
cuz.... it will no doubt still enjoy the same fantastic hardcore sound.. but bring a bit of a differant element into it

to bring hardcore to pop.....
well... i guess my problem is.. i'd rather see MORE hardcore! so... convert INTO hardcore, don't convert away hehe ;)

though i do agree.. if you have someone with another name releasing it as a differant act, that's not a prob.. i just wish people would realize that it'd be the hardcore scene putting out the really quality tunes, not some icky boy band writer dude *shiver*

potatoe :)
keep on smiling
Weird Fish I wouldn't care if HHC goes commercial, that is as long they don't sell crap.
But let me say that if the mid 90's is what you called commercialisation then I would be thankful it happened then. 'Cause I used to live on an island in the carribean sea and there would be no hardcore there, the scene didn't even exist, and a lot of ppl don't even know it does. On a german tv programme which nobody watched, did I hear my first HHC song and since that day seemed like that I was wondering alone in a world, no clubs were playing any of them. Let me say that was hell.....And cause of commercialisation did I got to know HHC and ever since that day I've been in search of tunes, and it were those times I wished it was commercial so as to make my search easier, but now I see why it can't....
But now I asked myself is it all that bad if it was, cause that's how I got to know HHC and that now I'm all about HHC....'cause if someone really loves HHC like me and you just go for the real stuff, no matter what commercialistion does.
And to my opinion the ppl hearing and liking the com. songs get to hear with time the real HHC stuff and see then that it's all better and was then that com. song went puff....and most of the ppl became all HHC and didn't pay more attention to the com. stuff anymore, as why it became "unpopular", when it just went underground along with everybody else so it could be kept real.....Now that's what I like to think

I like the Bass to go BOOM!!!
Annex that's a good point... the more commercial stuff does drawn in more new ppl :)

like... i can't send anyone just any happycore song if they're not into it yet, and i wanna show them what it's like...
i'll usually show them eyeopener before anything else... cuz... it's fairly easy to get into...
i imagine some more commercial tracks would be an even easier place to start... start with that.. work up to eyeopener.. try children of the night (nakatomi *shrugs*) and then just let em go :)

i'm always careful bout what i show ppl....
if it's ppl new to happycore in my car for instance... the only tape i have in there is one of the HTBH... cuz... it's all pretty anthem like, and easy to get into :)

potatoe :)
keep on smiling
Weird Fish Gotta agree with you there Annex...cause I do the same...
You gotta look at of my some friends now....they just can't stop raving and
neither can I...neither can I...

God I'm gladdddd!!!!

I like the Bass to go BOOM!!!
Hixxy_is_my_god2k2 i made exactly the same point as you further up i think on this topic, but did any1 agree wit me, ohhhh no! lol

Check one, two were the bad boy krew, cream of the crop!
Annex lol sometimes people miss things dudemar, no worries ;)

potatoe :)
keep on smiling
dr smiley happy core should stay little with just enough fans to keep dem der dj's happy we need to keep happy core alive but if it becomes commercial it will be trendy and crappy

Hixxy_is_my_god2k2 course it shudnt stey small if it goes big then ud get better djs in and better music, of course there will be the quite a lot of shite but if u r stupid enuf to buy that then its ure own fault! innit!!

Check one, two were the bad boy krew, cream of the crop!

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