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T O P I C     R E V I E W
djyogi Three arrested, 445 ticketed at rave
November 4, 2002 (Racine, Wis.) — Acting on a tip from U.S. Customs agents, police infiltrated a rave party, arresting three people and ticketing 445 others while confiscating more than 100 Ecstasy pills and other drugs.
"Rave parties are not going to be part of our community and are not going to be tolerated," Lt. Robert Purdy said of such underground gatherings of youths that feature techno music.

Undercover police paid for admittance to the party, and were able to contain others there by blocking off all building exits, Purdy said.

The vast majority of those attending were not from Racine, mostly because the rave had been promoted nationwide through fliers and the Internet, he said.

While some were from Milwaukee and Chicago, the rave attracted people from as far as Nevada, Maryland, Missouri and Arizona, Purdy said.

Police said the arrests were drug related and municipal tickets were issued against 445 on accusations of being "patrons of a disorderly house with controlled substances."

Officers said they confiscated marijuana and cocaine in addition to Ecstasy.

(We all got done over for listening to the wrong type of music)

"My only regret in life is that i wasn't a DJ" Draz
RaverBaby69 how sad

"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"
milo there was a party here on the 2nd that got raided by ATF and DEA, 27 arrests plus tickets. shut down the venue and it's now federally owned.

"Everybody... rock, rock on.. "
DJ_Solstice THAT IS A ****ING JOKE!!!!

it really pisses me off wen i hear this shit - instead of arresting us, the happy like minded ravers just after a good time - why dont they infiltrate all that hip hop and r'n'b crap where theres violence, probably drugs too, and worst of all, guns, lots of guns!

i might not be correct cos i dont live in the states but thats the impression i get.............

"Horns Crew Dont Stop! Whistle Posse Pump It Up!!"
Oli G the american goverment should be burned
if you dont mind me saying :)

Garage Is where You Keep Your ****in Car
House Is where You Live
Hardcore Is HOW You Live

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
number2301 Heh I said it before and I say it again, the land of the free?

Fukking Nazi's.

Lets hope we follow Europe and not America!

Number 2301 is godverdomme het HARDSTE!

'Living in my world is easy, there is only peace, love and ... ecstacy'
atomicb this country is famous for it's riots and standing up to authority - it would never stand in UK IMO

Originally posted by DJ_Solstice:
it really pisses me off wen i hear this shit - instead of arresting us, the happy like minded ravers just after a good time - why dont they infiltrate all that hip hop and r'n'b crap where theres violence, probably drugs too, and worst of all, guns, lots of guns!

So ... basically you want them to stop punishing us for listening to a particular type of music, and to start punishing someone else for exactly the same thing. Great idea.

See, thing is, these "happy like minded ravers" happen to consume drugs, and lots of them. As a matter of fact, it's the drug aspect that makes it into the media more than any ofher facet of the scene, so when they started waging a War On Drugs, the rave scene became one of the battlefronts.

The problem is that we can't convince them that we're not all junkies, reason being with pretty much every raid they do find drugs in the building. They release this to the media, and of course the media focuses on that. (As an example, this one time the media made a big deal about arresting 1/2 dozen people at an outdoor, multi-day event ... there were 10000+ people there).

The solution? Leave the drugs at home. Let 'em raid a couple of raves where no drugs are found, where there are no e-tards slumped over a railing, where all they find are, indeed, "happy like minded ravers" bouncing around, giddy with love for the music, the scene, and eachother.

Of course, that's not gonna happen. We're still gonna smuggle the drugs in with us, we're still gonna have our parties raided and our drugs confiscated and the public image of our scene smeared some more, and we're still gonna wonder why they can't just leave us alone, why they have to wage this War On Raves (as if there is one).

To every person who takes drugs at raves and hams it up for the cameras, to every person who smuggles drugs into raves, either to sell or to take, to every person who's ever hidden behind the excuse, "It's all about the music ... the drugs are just an enhancement", I say this:

We brought it upon ourselves. They think we're junkies because we are junkies, or at the very least act so close to the fact that you can't tell the difference. Think about it. We know about the laws, the rules, the guidelines. We know about the punishments, so when all is said and done what right do we have to claim innocence?

Forty-two purple crayons
DJ_Solstice [quote]Originally posted by strychnine:
So ... basically you want them to stop punishing us for listening to a particular type of music, and to start punishing someone else for exactly the same thing. Great idea.

ok so i worded it wrong - i didnt mean that! i meant why cant they just give us a break?

"We brought it upon ourselves. They think we're junkies because we are junkies, or at the very least act so close to the fact that you can't tell the difference. Think about it. We know about the laws, the rules, the guidelines. We know about the punishments, so when all is said and done what right do we have to claim innocence?

and im not a junkie - i dont do ****in drugs!! so not all of us are junkies!

"Horns Crew Dont Stop! Whistle Posse Pump It Up!!"
Originally posted by DJ_Solstice:
and im not a junkie - i dont do ****in drugs!! so not all of us are junkies!

Do you think it matters? As far as the media and the authorities are concerned, you're bundled in with the rest of us, and all they see is a segment of society whose drug use is on a higher level than that of pretty much everyone else.

"why cant they just give us a break?"

When "us" includes the users, the pushers, the very people they want to stop from what they're doing? Good f***ing luck. You want a break? Clean up the scene. Convince everyone to not take drugs, or at the very least, take the drugs before the party so there're no illicit substances on the premises. While you're at it, get on the ball to the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, and organise a meeting ...

Look at it as a whole. We as a group brought it upon ourselves. The rave scene was built on drugs in the first place, and it's continued down that path even in the face of widespread public condemnation and the threat of legal sanction - we should congratulate ourselves for our determination, at least. At the end of the day, however, we are in absolutely no position to say that we're without fault in all of this. The hunter set the trap, but we, knowing exactly what and where it was, decided to walk into the damn thing anyways. Good on us.

Forty-two purple crayons
manic It would be great to think that the foundations of the rave scene here in Sydney was based on peace, love and unity. But, as strychnine has pointed out this is not the case. Unfortunately, it is just another market which is exploited by the dealers. A small, but, dependable market.

The issue is how do Government's legislate to cut out this market and other markets like it? ( which is the ultimate goal. Whether it can be acheived or not is another point). In the US they have attacked both sides of the market, going after users and pushers alike. The prisons are filled with narcotic offenders. In the Netherlands, however, they attack the supply side, but, offer users other options rather than the prision sell. Here in NSW is seems we are heading towards, although at a snails pace, a more understanding approach in regards to users. However, on ocassions the police here in NSW like to do raids on users and given that raves attrack many users and small time dealers , raiding a rave is a good use of resources as far as the police is concerned.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown

I was sent to outer space to find another happy place. Now i'm left here all alone, a million miles away from home.
weba_d its all about the general population
99%against drug
1% for drugs

1% = ravers and so on

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

number2301 Heh. Yeah drugs are evil it needs to be stopped. No it ****ing doesn't! I was pro drugs before I ever thought of taking them and I still am now! Its people's own choice for ****s sake.

Number 2301 is godverdomme het HARDSTE!

'Living in my world is easy, there is only peace, love and ... ecstacy'
Originally posted by number2301:
Heh. Yeah drugs are evil it needs to be stopped. No it ****ing doesn't! I was pro drugs before I ever thought of taking them and I still am now! Its people's own choice for ****s sake.

It's not about whether you have the right to take drugs or not. It's about knowing what mainstream society thinks of drugs and knowing the consequences of maintaining the high level of drug use in the scene - including, at worst, a scene so heavily downtrodden, so heavily repressed that everyone just gives up. Honestly, do the drugs mean that much to you?

Forty-two purple crayons
pacman i agree pretty much with what strychnine said....

is it true however that everyone issued with a "ticket" has to pay something like US$968???? that's what i heard??? these are not people who got arrested or caught with drugs, these are just people who were at the party.... how can this revenue to the police possibly be justified???? it's not targeting drugs, it's targeting a drug environment. that's like saying an effective way of cutting down crime is to carpet bomb the ghettos. sure as ****, it would no doubt cut down crime, but it's not the accepted or morally right way to go about it. if they're going to try and get rid of the drug aspect, fair enough, understandable (to an extent), but to destroy it's environment is very sad.

it's interesting to compare to America's "war on terror" shit, instead of targeting the terrorists they destroyed their whole surrounding environment in the hope that they would sweep them at the same time. same thing happening here.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
Originally posted by pacman:
that's like saying an effective way of cutting down crime is to carpet bomb the ghettos. sure as ****, it would no doubt cut down crime, but it's not the accepted or morally right way to go about it.

"Accepted"? "Morally right"? Yes, I agree that it's wrong to flatten the forest just to find the fox, but it's not my morals that these laws represent, nor yours. No-one outside of the rave scene gives a flying f*** about us. If the scene is destroyed in the process of fighting the war on drugs, then they'll shrug their shoulders and get on with their lives. Many would actually applaud it.

Forty-two purple crayons
number2301 No its about freedom for ****s sake.

Number 2301 is godverdomme het HARDSTE!

'Living in my world is easy, there is only peace, love and ... ecstacy'
strychnine ^^ you keep chanting that, mate, and see if it achieves anything.

Forty-two purple crayons
If the scene is destroyed in the process of fighting the war on drugs, then they'll shrug their shoulders and get on with their lives. Many would actually applaud it.

More like MOST would applaud it. I agree with most of what's been said, ravers are killing the scene themselves. Every time you see a raver on TV they are all ***** up and saying some non-sensical garbage and then they puke in a trash can. Yay, way to make the scene look good. And what about all the people that take extreme downers like K and G and then pass out and become another anti-rave statistic. Most people I see leaving a party all "OD'd" are kids on K. Use common sense and don't take a bunch of downers at a party.

And then there's pills. Kids should really get organized and start dealing/taking pills outside of parties if they wanna roll. Then when cops are in the party trying to bust people and buy pills they can't. You don't have to get rid of drugs, you just have to make it so everyone and their mom can't walk into a party and buy 50 pills within 2 minutes of asking around. We are an easy target, that's why we get targeted. You think cops wanna spend a lot of time and effort setting up a drug bust months in advance when they can just walk into a rave, ask a few people for drugs, and then bust the same amount of people and collect the same amount of drugs with 1/100th the effort? I went to a party this weekend and got asked if I wanted pills at least 3 times in the first hour by total strangers and I could have been a cop (short "normal" hair, normal build, older than 25).

If you wanna "win" the game you have to start playing by the rules and stop being so damn blatent about your drug use. The rave scene needs a representative and some financial backing. We are so disorganized it's silly. EX: Remember that post about the Pro-Rave protest in Washington DC about 2 weeks ago? Well we were trying to appeal to congress, but unfortunately congress was in NYC doing some 9/11 thing that day. So you have 200 candy kids on the lawn with glowsticks shouting to people that are out of state. It sponsored great articles like "Ravers: The Lights Are On But Nobody's Home"... good one.

If you wanna win the war for raves you need lawyers, sad but true. 99% of ravers will shout up and down all day long about how fecked up the government is, but there's no way in hell they'd go donate $5 to $40 for a party? Sure. $20-$60 for pills a nite? Sure. $5 to actually support the music (It's all about the music right?)? Hell no.

Or who writes letters their state reps and congressmen? I used to pre-print letters against all the crap anti-rave/anti-techno bills with the statement "Wanna save the scene?" on the front. And all people would have to do is sign them and mail them to the enclosed address. I'd take them to raves and to the local vinyl store and they'd just sit there, no one gave a crap. People would read them and then just leave them so I gave up. Stop acting like you care and start taking action.

Someone (that's honest and charismatic) should start a Rave Defense group and everyone that went to a rave (everytime) should be forced to donate $1 to the fund. You'd collect hundreds of millions of dollars per year at basically no cost to the individuals and then when crap like the Racine Wisconsin incident happens you could just crush the local courts with dozens of high priced lawyers and laugh in their face and win. If ravers could show that their not just a bunch disorganized drugged up "candy kids" and we could put up a serious, organized, financial fight the government would move onto easier targets.

/end rant

Sorry, when I get going.... And of course this is all just my opinion and as I've stated many times before I am an idiot and you should feel free to correct me or ignore me as you please. OK, back to work for me.

EDIT: PS: Why is it that everytime I take a while posting a message only the first 20 words or so come out when I post it and I have to go back and re-post. Oh well, at least I didn't lose the post this time :D

EDIT2: Here's a excerpt from the article about that Racine Wisconsin incident:

"Daniel Thomas, 26, of Kansasville said Monday that based on other rave parties he attended, he expected there would be drug activity at this one."

Yeah, nice dude! Thanks! :/
strychnine ^^ agreed on every count.

It's sad to see that ravers seem pathologically incapable of presenting a united front on anything, even on the well-being of their scene - maybe it's an unwanted by-product of the diversity that we're all so proud of. It sorta throws a wet-blanket on the validity of the "rave as a social movement/culture" conception.

Forty-two purple crayons
Soren Heh, I'm surprised somone read all the way thru that. Even more surprised somone replied. Ravers seem to avoid serious topics like the plague, not that I can blame them or think that's bad. Thinking about serious stuff sucks! :D

"I'm more hardcore; on the floor; dance s'more. Real ravin'; get busy; now you know the score!"

"I don't care if it rains or freezes, Long as I have my plastic Jesus Riding on the dashboard of my car.

Going 90, it ain't scary cause I've got the virgin Mary; sitting on the dashboard of my car."
Originally posted by strychnine:
^^ you keep chanting that, mate, and see if it achieves anything.

Forty-two purple crayons

Heh. Fair enough let the government trample all over us.

America land of the free!!!!


Number 2301 is godverdomme het HARDSTE!

'Living in my world is easy, there is only peace, love and ... ecstacy'

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