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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Return of NAHM! - (full details)

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
milo Nothing has been posted publicly regarding NAHM for quite a while now. As many are aware we went off air over the holidays in December and I can't even count the amount of times I've been asked what happened. We've taken the last few months to reorganize and redevelope something fresh and flexible to continue on with the work NAHM has been doing with the scene.

So for those of you who enjoyed the show - good news... we're coming back May 3rd!

The show is going to be in a new format though.

Firstly the bad news - we will no longer be live. Instead there will be a pre-recorded show with an arranged initial airing date before going into rotation... rotation? That brings up the start of the good news...

Episodes of NAHM will be able to be heard beyond the initial airing date on DI radio! So if you miss it, don't worry! The extended show will be aired a few times over the month at different time slots so no matter where you are there will be an opportunity to catch it.

Now you're asking ... extended show? You read it right. We're expanding NAHM from four hours, to upwards of 8! While the final length will vary from month to month we're going to need it with our newly expanded line up.

Not only will there be your usual suspects Milo & Virus, but AC Slater, Brak and Phosphor will also be back on board with us in addition to No Left Turn, Sunrize, Jimni Cricket, Ruffage, Starr & Sixxx, and more of the freshest talent North America has to offer.

I hope the changes we've undertaken with NAHM still appeal to the masses. I tried to reshape the show to fix operation issues as well as solve some of the most common complaints. We're still open to suggestions but I hope this answers a lot of questions and rumors floating around.

See you all May 3rd ;)

Much <3,
Orbit1 mmmm more NAHM goodness!!
Ionosphere Good, I wondered what had happened.
Cotts yay! ive been starving lately from a lack of nahm
Meph751 sounds nice... can see it being very hard to stay tuned for an entire 8 hour show though :/
milo hence why it'll be in rotation, so you can catch different parts of the show at different times. because as epic with the line ups will be, sitting down for 8 hours straight and listening will be a bit unreasonable.
Meph751 ah
yaddam205 yay!

'quality post'
DylanHicks Good thing your comming back, i was about to jump of a clif =).
Ionosphere ....I've only just realised,

no Sean Apollo?
Gaz Terror Ruffage... quality :)
Originally posted by Ionosphere:
....I've only just realised,

no Sean Apollo?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Apollo helping out DJ Comet now?

Good news though!
Sean Apollo I am not working and or helping dj comet at all. Not sure where you got that one.

This past year I have been very involved in the studio as well as getting other things in order with my musical career. NAHM was a very very awesome time in thst career and im greatfull for all that came out of it for me.

Its just time for me to get other things sorted.

Hopefully I'll pop on as a guest at some point to throw stuff up their and such.

take care all.

Jamq Woot, nahm!!
Ionosphere Aha....
Originally posted by 8:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Apollo helping out DJ Comet now?

Yeah, I'm curious where you got this information.

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