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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Styles & Breeze - I will be (POP MIX)

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
UKr4veR Hahahahahahahahaha

DJ Phoenix retard
Needforspeed it was chill ..i think this will be a classic
95_was_the_time oooog gooD ANOTHER chance for these losers to give hardcore even more of a chav-image >:o( when we all know real hardcore is cool and skater like.
Originally posted by 95_was_the_time:
oooog gooD ANOTHER chance for these losers to give hardcore even more of a chav-image >:o( when we all know real hardcore is cool and skater like.

edit: i can allready here chavmums singing this in their local Asda when it comes on their radio thingy. pffft. how shit is the UK right now haha!
and skater like.

huh why do you think that?
95_was_the_time because i know some skater friends who like happyhardcore and usually we assosiate them with rock shit.
whittle1 Who can blame them?
They're pricks but they're the ones with the big fat pay-cheques at the end of the day!
UKr4veR I hope this bollocks don't even make number 20 in the charts, seriously this is getting ****ed up man. We should start a petition so these morons can't produce anymore softcore and just let the real warriors do it. Then they can go entertain 14 year olds on Top of the Pops.
bulby_g I think it is unfair to have a go at them just for making a living.

As for hardcore being skater music... HA! Skaters mainly listen to punk and certain types of hip hop and I’m not just saying this because it's the known stereotype I used to skate and have a lot of friends that did/still do.
yaddam205 Ouch!, That is painful
HOTSHOT i think that song is absolutely C-R-A-P!!! sounds like something you would hear in a church or something....

what ever happened to classic hardcore?!?

COME ON!!!!!
Originally posted by HOTSHOT:
i think that song is absolutely C-R-A-P!!! sounds like something you would hear in a church or something....

what ever happened to classic hardcore?!?

COME ON!!!!!

It's not ment to be Hardcore and doesn't say anywhere that it is.
95_was_the_time styles should just release the 'funfair' tune he did 9 years ago into the charts! hell yeah!!!
swansea247 imo its pretty good. doesnt matter whether its hardcore or not, styles & breeze are actually making a living (which half of you lot probably dont have). if you dont like it then dont fcuking buy it, it as simple as
cooperjazzy55 its not about making a living, ok fair enough they can make a living but dont kill hardcore whilst your doing it!
Originally posted by cooperjazzy55:
its not about making a living, ok fair enough they can make a living but dont kill hardcore whilst your doing it!

who the fcuk said it was killing hardcore? and how the fcuk can it kill hardcore when the original artists are realeasing it (dickhead)
95_was_the_time when styles or any other dance act comes out with these hardcore-softcore ripoffs

there's 2 things we think about

1: do we like it? NO, so really (you are right swansea247) we shouldn't come here and comlain

2: but we do complain - why? because it's giving the hardcore scene a bad name. hardcore doesn't need to be comercialised, when teens get to 18 they'll hopfully refuse get spoonfed by chart music and explore, that's how us guys found out anyway!
Originally posted by 95_was_the_time:
when styles or any other dance act comes out with these hardcore-softcore ripoffs

there's 2 things we think about

1: do we like it? NO, so really (you are right swansea247) we shouldn't come here and comlain

2: but we do complain - why? because it's giving the hardcore scene a bad name. hardcore doesn't need to be comercialised, when teens get to 18 they'll hopfully refuse get spoonfed by chart music and explore, that's how us guys found out anyway!

If hardcore was not commercialised then most of the major players would disappear.

Vinly sales are poor, most labels make hardly any profit if at all on vinyl sales.
To keep releasing music most require money from other ventures and cd album royalties to keep going.

Why do you think nearly every big hardcore producer also releases other forms of music. To make a living from music. Where do draw the line for what is acceptable Hard dance, Garage etc.

At least Breeze and Styles are getting the credit they deserve for their music instead of people like flip and fill who mainly release covers.
Originally posted by 95_was_the_time:
when styles or any other dance act comes out with these hardcore-softcore ripoffs

there's 2 things we think about

1: do we like it? NO, so really (you are right swansea247) we shouldn't come here and comlain

2: but we do complain - why? because it's giving the hardcore scene a bad name. hardcore doesn't need to be comercialised, when teens get to 18 they'll hopfully refuse get spoonfed by chart music and explore, that's how us guys found out anyway!

Why do you assume everyone agrees with you? If you don't like Breeze & Style's tracks then don't listen to them, simple! If you want to listen to the old skool sound then only visit raves with a old skool arena, listen to old tape packs or make your own! 8-bit and rawwwwwww
UKr4veR Pfff they can't make that much from one Album, they get more just from getting booked at a Rave I should think. What happens when they all want money from it, do they all start getting softer and softer hoping to be on Top of the Pops. Then they start relasing any old shite don't care what the long time listeners think, just what makes them money. Then ticket prices go up at Raves and it will go on. And then it just comes one big business, just like Football.

Evel At least it's their own track, not a hardcore classic that is about to hit the charts. Now i am going to heard chav girls singing along to it coz it is 'well 'ardcore innit'
mark-ireland I cant understand how artists make hardcore tracks and then make utter shite like that, imo its for the money cant see how a artist making hardcore would like that.
Roberticus Come on...
...This isn't hardcore, and why would the hardcore scene suffer from one track? The artists get more money, so that they stay in the music business and keep making music.
And would you lot please stop defining what hardcore is, cause there are ALOT of different styles within Hardcore.
"This isn't real hardcore" <- STOP THAT!
As Silver's signatures says "It's all Hardcore".

And if the younger like it, then good, they'll be more drawn to the EDM scene.
And if you're longing for the old days of hardcore, well then you missed the train, cause it has envolved.
Originally posted by 95_was_the_time:
oooog gooD ANOTHER chance for these losers to give hardcore even more of a chav-image >:o( when we all know real hardcore is cool and skater like.

Skater like..? all I say is WTF?
As Silver's signatures says "It's all Hardcore".

What has that got to do with anything?
This tune isnt hardcore its named "pop" mix.
UKr4veR Definitely a money making scheme and a bit of 5 minute fame.
jenks ^^ Exactly, no-ones disputing that, I just can't understand why some people insist that it's damaging the scene...
NeXuS You guys are too bent up about your 'scene'.
Take a look at all the other music 'scenes'. If a
band came out with a rock song that sounded more
like a pop-rock song, I don't think I would be hearing
the same complaining about it ruining the 'scene'.

Truth is, artists make what they want. And if it
sells and pulls more people into the 'hardcore
scene', then let them. If someone become genuenly
interested in hardcore, then they will do the research
and find out there are alot of other sounds to hardcore.

Just embrace the fact that there are other sounds to
hardcore (not talking about this pop mix), and stop
complaining that its ruining a scene. It is only expanding

Now criticism about a track is all well and good, but plz
dont say its ruining an entire scene for you and go
and post another complaint thread for every damn track
you dont like....

Please keep in mind I really dont care when people
complain or criticise, saying its utter shit (i think so too),
but the only thing I dont like to see if when you say its
ruining hardcore. Thats all. ok.... now bash away....
clarke101 Its simple read my previous post. If they dont make other tunes then they wont be able to make a living making music.

Do you all moan about
Sy+Unknown making Garage, Hard House & scouse house stuff

Do you moan about Breeze and Styles having non hardcore releases on Nukleuz

NO its only because its charty
UKr4veR But they don't go on Top of the Pops, I've never played Heartbeatz since it hit Top of the Pops. Shooting Star was also destroyed from Top of the Pops, it's a mess sort it out **** sake.
Originally posted by 95_was_the_time:
when styles or any other dance act comes out with these hardcore-softcore ripoffs

there's 2 things we think about

1: do we like it? NO, so really (you are right swansea247) we shouldn't come here and comlain

2: but we do complain - why? because it's giving the hardcore scene a bad name. hardcore doesn't need to be comercialised, when teens get to 18 they'll hopfully refuse get spoonfed by chart music and explore, that's how us guys found out anyway!

ever heard of expirimentation by chance? so waht theyre producing softer stuff, if it really starts to turn crappy (and if it is, in your opinion) then voice it let them know. Because ahrdcore music is definatley all about the fans, and if they arent liking the music i have a feeling that the producers will cahnge to go with the flow, if ya know waht i means
Cotts everyones gotta chill, if you dont like it HAVE A CRY

and deal with the fact that they make mainstream releases, dosent mean that they are bad artists and should be bashed.
Jax the hardcore mix is better by a mile! if people hear the pop remix and like it, and manage to listen to the hardcore mix and realise how much better it is then it might actually bring more people into the scene, which is a good thing right?
ecstatic_manic_erocdrah If only darren would stop collaborating with breeze.
Originally posted by ecstatic_manic_erocdrah:
If only darren would stop collaborating with breeze.

they're both ugly too, sorry - but it's true. the coolest looking producer is sean apollo, shit that sounds gay of me! no! i'm not gay!
dragonboy you r not the only one who likes him. And personaly i quite like the music done from previous posts
dragonboy lol rock is not my thing. i mean i can listen to it. but its just not one of those genres of music i like. whereas heavy metal is just out of the question. heavy metal is sheer low class loonaticks screaming down a wire not making any cense at all.
silver Styles emailed me about the pop mix we posted yesterday, it is not the final version it is only a test demo version put together for a trial, it was actually not suppose to be heard by anyone. The final version I am told is much much better.
Originally posted by swansea247:
imo its pretty good. doesnt matter whether its hardcore or not, styles & breeze are actually making a living (which half of you lot probably dont have). if you dont like it then dont fcuking buy it, it as simple as

I agree 100% with u on that Swansea!
Originally posted by UKr4veR:
But they don't go on Top of the Pops, I've never played Heartbeatz since it hit Top of the Pops. Shooting Star was also destroyed from Top of the Pops, it's a mess sort it out **** sake.

ur getting really boring now and '95 was the time' stop moaning and get a life!
no ones gonna change for you just because you dont like a particular style of music!
Needforspeed i just read the news page and it says it was a demo from 3 years ago they need 3 years to make a track lol?
UKr4veR Will still sound shite though
kathryn well its not 'Hardcore' it's 'Pop' we all know the difference!
UKr4veR Kathryn would you just shut up, you're like a little midget in the crowd who is tapping on my leg shouting pointless drivel, and I'm just looking round wondering where the noise is coming from, take the hint please.

Moving on, people I'll moan about anything I like just because you tell me to stop moaning I wont, infact it will probably fuel me and make me moan even more. If you don't like what 95_was_the_time is saying or Evel and anyone else just ignore them and don't reply and carry on listening to your Trance. And leave this thread to the people who like to bash the POP money making shite. No one is dragging your mouse to this thread and clicking on it for you, now please let us get on with it.

dragonboy I dont want to say anything but ... arguing over different types of music genre's is absolutley pointless. eveyone has different perspectives of their music, Even me! but hey its your guys choice.

Bah dont mind me i just try to ease things now & then
dragonboy Oh and i totally 100% agree with 'UKr4veR' on this one for his comment. infact i would second it.
Originally posted by UKr4veR:
Kathryn would you just shut up, you're like a little midget in the crowd who is tapping on my leg shouting pointless drivel, and I'm just looking round wondering where the noise is coming from, take the hint please.

Oh don't go say to any forum member (especially Kathryn, who has been here a very long time) to shut up...
Everyone has their own opinions, and are entitled to say what they have to say.
And everyone has a music taste of their own, and like it or not, pop is a larger scene than Hardcore.
Stop moaning/complaining (tired of all this rubbish all the time)
UKr4veR I can't belive how old she is, she acts a complete and utter pompus twat. Yeah everyone can have an opinion and say on this, but she just blarts drivel, and Hi-Jacking threads. Doesn't matter how long shes been here she could have 140,000 posts and a crown picture for all I give a toss. Now if it was a Male acting like she does, he would be told to shut it by most members on here I bet.

There is too much pussy footing on here, where if a Female says somthing everyone takes their side and is stright off the mark to defend them.

95_was_the_time the thing i don't understand is why is pop news being n00b'd up on the happyhardcore news page when it's for HARDcore? keep pop and hardcore separate maybe?? good idea methinks
UKr4veR The only reason Hardcore got bigger is because it went Trancey I think.
Originally posted by UKr4veR:
The only reason Hardcore got bigger is because it went Trancey I think.

Trance aint the problem with it (much) its the beats that let it down. I know I say this evryday but bring back the 4/4 kickdrum and breakbeat which makes it sound hardcore. The beats ued in hardcore these days make it sound pants and weak. Styles and Breeze should also take note in this if they want any respect from me coz at the moment they have none...
Originally posted by Roberticus:
(especially Kathryn, who has been here a very long time)

UKr4veR Still the Trancey side attracts all the "Clubbers" they see the adverts go buy the album, then the producers think that the Trancey side is selling well, then they will make more of the shite for some extra wedge.
(especially Kathryn, who has been here a very long time)

Kath Joined in Apr, 2005

that isnt very long really is it
Roberticus hmmmm, then I am mistaking her for someone else... =/
Originally posted by Evel:
Originally posted by UKr4veR:
The only reason Hardcore got bigger is because it went Trancey I think.

Trance aint the problem with it (much) its the beats that let it down. I know I say this evryday but bring back the 4/4 kickdrum and breakbeat which makes it sound hardcore. The beats ued in hardcore these days make it sound pants and weak. Styles and Breeze should also take note in this if they want any respect from me coz at the moment they have none...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the scene almost dead when Hardcore had 4/4 kickdrum and breakbeat? (ages ago)
All these new stuff is atracting (not this pop version) more and more people, which would mean it is better for the public, and thus better for the artists.
If you are longing for music which do have sounds which you like, why don't you start producing yourself?

to '95_was_the_time':
What do you mean by HARDcore? Do you mean gabber?

Im no longer into this "fight"...
...of no use, just makes us less-friendly on this forum
gobbo23 =edited
Evel Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the scene almost dead when Hardcore had 4/4 kickdrum and breakbeat? (ages ago)
All these new stuff is atracting (not this pop version) more and more people, which would mean it is better for the public, and thus better for the artists.
If you are longing for music which do have sounds which you like, why don't you start producing yourself?

to '95_was_the_time':
What do you mean by HARDcore? Do you mean gabber?

Im no longer into this "fight"...
...of no use, just makes us less-friendly on this forum

Don't really have the time to produce, don't know how too but trust me I know hardcore from softcore. Softe is the beats and bass on Hardcore Nation 2 and Clubleand Extream Hardcore. Hardcore to me is 4/4 kickdrum and breaks

trust me evryone1 I know loves old skool and thinks it is far more hardcore than this new shit that comes out that sounds the same, thats club music on fast forward
UKr4veR Listening to Hixxy tape now from 1997, it's ****ing mint.
clarke101 I for one am sure hardcore still uses a 4/4 kick and or breakbeats.
Originally posted by Evel:

Don't really have the time to produce, don't know how too but trust me I know hardcore from softcore. Softe is the beats and bass on Hardcore Nation 2 and Clubleand Extream Hardcore. Hardcore to me is 4/4 kickdrum and breaks

If you can't find hardcore with a harder sound that you like then you're not looking hard enough, not sure what you're on about with the kick drum and breaks - the vast majority of hardcore tracks being made at the moment are kickdrum led and there is still a fair bit of breakbeat hardcore getting made aswell...
TypeR you guys complain too much.
Originally posted by BobbyRitalin:
you guys complain too much.

and your complaining about that?
Originally posted by UKr4veR:
I can't belive how old she is, she acts a complete and utter pompus twat. Yeah everyone can have an opinion and say on this, but she just blarts drivel, and Hi-Jacking threads. Doesn't matter how long shes been here she could have 140,000 posts and a crown picture for all I give a toss. Now if it was a Male acting like she does, he would be told to shut it by most members on here I bet.

There is too much pussy footing on here, where if a Female says somthing everyone takes their side and is stright off the mark to defend them.

So am 29! I have been in the hardcore scene for well over 15 years but dont feel as old as i am!
hijacking threads! u hypocrite ur like an annoying piece of shite stuck to my shoe! u post loads of drivel and i dont think anyones behavin cautiously towards me as not to say anythin to me its probably cos i am right and ur wrong LOSER!
How do u work out i joined a vey long time ago look at my profile it says i joined 1 month b4 u!
this aint no fight he dont like it cos am a girl giving him back what he dont like to hear and this is the last time i will respond to his pointless comments on me!
swansea247 ^^^ that fcuking told him

a change of subject for one minute, one question for UKr4veR why the hell do you keep changing your location? your in the uk then in afganistan then your in the heard & mcdonald islands NOW your in the french southren territories??? MAKE UP YOUR FCUKING MIND (and its not even funny)
UKr4veR Oh yes so told, first I'll have to decipher the thing so I can understand her pointless drivel. BabbleFish is even having trouble, 29 and can't even construct a readable sentance. Last time you respond because you have been beaten moron.

Second I change location to piss people off and you have just prooved it works(Nice to see you take interest in my locations), typical Welsh boy now back to your farm and rot in your silly little land you call a country. The retarded brothers of the UK = )

Any other morons having a go then please do so.

Originally posted by UKr4veR:
typical Welsh boy now back to your farm and rot in your silly little land you call a country. The retarded brothers of the UK = )

the welsh aint retarded and i can say for one thing we're not as fcuking arogant as you, dickhead
dragonboy UKr4veR. i realy think you need to calm down and stop pissing people off. because it just leaves you with a bad reputation.
i might of agreed earlier, but its all poinless to babble on about pointless jiberish.

it's not just their music that's gay....

and breeze's head, do you dip chips in the top? ugly
95_was_the_time ....and it's hard to beleive the one on the left wrote one of my fave happycore tunes... funfair

pfffft, and the stuff he does now.... it's a tragic shame y'know. must be age
ecstatic_manic_erocdrah darren is awesome but I really don't like breeze's producing. Never was into B&S (just the "s")
Gammer you love it all really
Phantom Eagle Omg, it's the same like these german acts, e.g. Groove Coverage, making a Pop RMX or as they call it "Album Version" of EACH Track.
But this, hardcore I mean is at least one sphere higher because it is less commercial - so Breeze & Styles fall at least two steps while making POP RMXes now.
They should stop producing those highcommercial-shit RMXes and do what they did all the years ago and this is happyhardcore. I would not say that I'm a big fan of their music however every single track they made was about miles better than such Pop RMXes usually are.

Phantom Eagle
Roberticus Wow, Gammer posted here! =)

As of the moment, 'UKr4veR' and '95_was_the_time' are the most annoying people on this forum (Even drop_dead_fred is less annoying, he has calmed down alot). Seems like they think they own this forum and can talk how much shit about others they want, and have NO respect for other members at all...

Well if you don't like the todays stuff, then don't listen to it. Noone is forcing you to listen to it.

and to UKr4veR:
You enjoy annoying people?
silver 95_was_the_time: You really complain way too much, we can understand you don't like the music but you don't have to personally attack the artists. Bear in mind that the artists personally read this site (including Breeze & Styles) so you might as well have said that straight to their faces.
Originally posted by swansea247:
Originally posted by UKr4veR:
typical Welsh boy now back to your farm and rot in your silly little land you call a country. The retarded brothers of the UK = )

the welsh aint retarded and i can say for one thing we're not as fcuking arogant as you, dickhead

exactly!! ukraver you really do need to get a life m8 coz all you seem to do is dis people on here!
Originally posted by silver:
95_was_the_time: You really complain way too much, we can understand you don't like the music but you don't have to personally attack the artists. Bear in mind that the artists personally read this site (including Breeze & Styles) so you might as well have said that straight to their faces.

hey, first of all your english is good for a japanese! ohyeah and sorry, i went a bit OTT... it's just i can't get it into my head people actually like the new stuff when to me it's just 'club' music... i can't even begin to think how people like it but i guess i just got to except some how ppl do like it
Originally posted by 95_was_the_time:
Originally posted by silver:
95_was_the_time: You really complain way too much, we can understand you don't like the music but you don't have to personally attack the artists. Bear in mind that the artists personally read this site (including Breeze & Styles) so you might as well have said that straight to their faces.

hey, first of all your english is good for a japanese! ohyeah and sorry, i went a bit OTT... it's just i can't get it into my head people actually like the new stuff when to me it's just 'club' music... i can't even begin to think how people like it but i guess i just got to except some how ppl do like it

His english is good for an Aussie you mean
Evel [quote]Originally posted by Roberticus:
Wow, Gammer posted here! =)

As of the moment, 'UKr4veR' and '95_was_the_time' are the most annoying people on this forum (Even drop_dead_fred is less annoying, he has calmed down alot). Seems like they think they own this forum and can talk how much shit about others they want, and have NO respect for other members at all...

Well if you don't like the todays stuff, then don't listen to it. Noone is forcing you to listen to it.

What I'm not annoying too? Im in on the 'Bring abck old skool stuff as well you know...
95_was_the_time you know i thought the 'hardcore' mix was the POP mix LOL!
UKr4veR Loving the Welsh defence!
Originally posted by clarke101:

His english is good for an Aussie you mean

Whats that supposed to mean???
Brian K he's an aussy living in japan
-T-N-R- lol i thought he was saying aussies cant spell
Originally posted by -T-N-R-:
lol i thought he was saying aussies cant spell

Any hidden messages in my post, will remain hidden.


Originally posted by 95_was_the_time:
you know i thought the 'hardcore' mix was the POP mix LOL!

I thought their mix on Bonkers 12 was slower than my 2 Unlimited album and Ibiza, History of Hard Dance album, and Clubland Extream Hardcore is no harder than clubland 5 and 6 which i also own and are both slow dance tracks
Audio X
Originally posted by NeXuS:
You guys are too bent up about your 'scene'.
Take a look at all the other music 'scenes'. If a
band came out with a rock song that sounded more
like a pop-rock song, I don't think I would be hearing
the same complaining about it ruining the 'scene'.

Truth is, artists make what they want. And if it
sells and pulls more people into the 'hardcore
scene', then let them. If someone become genuenly
interested in hardcore, then they will do the research
and find out there are alot of other sounds to hardcore.

Just embrace the fact that there are other sounds to
hardcore (not talking about this pop mix), and stop
complaining that its ruining a scene. It is only expanding

Now criticism about a track is all well and good, but plz
dont say its ruining an entire scene for you and go
and post another complaint thread for every damn track
you dont like....

Please keep in mind I really dont care when people
complain or criticise, saying its utter shit (i think so too),
but the only thing I dont like to see if when you say its
ruining hardcore. Thats all. ok.... now bash away....

While your heart is in the right place with this reply, I beg to differ. There is all kinds of infighting within the hardcore(punk)/emo/screamo scene. People are accused of "selling out" and becoming "posers" all the time. In fact it seems sometimes that most of the scene is dedicated to hating the rest of the scene.
Originally posted by Audio Ecstacy:
While your heart is in the right place with this reply, I beg to differ. There is all kinds of infighting within the hardcore(punk)/emo/screamo scene. People are accused of "selling out" and becoming "posers" all the time. In fact it seems sometimes that most of the scene is dedicated to hating the rest of the scene.

I actually know exactly what you mean.
Before hardcore i used to be into hardcore screamo metal
with bands like Unearth, Bleading through (sellout), and Avenged Seven Fold (another SELLOUT).
Now you'll NEVER see a harder crowd than the hardcore metal crowd.
Constantly bashing on other bands trying to be
"hardcore" and I was all into it too.

After a while i got tired of that shit, too much hate and not
enough music. So thats why i really think its all so UNNECESSARY!

But I wasnt talking about those scenes in my last post,
I was more referring to the pop scene. Wonder why its so
big? Maybe cuz all types of pop are still accepted by the pop
Originally posted by silver:
95_was_the_time: You really complain way too much, we can understand you don't like the music but you don't have to personally attack the artists. Bear in mind that the artists personally read this site (including Breeze & Styles) so you might as well have said that straight to their faces.

If any producer reads this... anyone, this goes to all the producers big or small. DONT EVER ***** STOP DOING WHAT YOU LOVE!
I cant express that enough...............

A true artist getting discouraged from lame critisizm is the greatest crime of all. I dont give a shit what genre.
Righteous9 UK Raver, why do you care if it sounds like club music? Ravers spin in Clubs all the time where I'm from. I guess I don't understand cuz I'm not from the UK?
Originally posted by NeXuS:
Originally posted by Audio Ecstacy:
While your heart is in the right place with this reply, I beg to differ. There is all kinds of infighting within the hardcore(punk)/emo/screamo scene. People are accused of "selling out" and becoming "posers" all the time. In fact it seems sometimes that most of the scene is dedicated to hating the rest of the scene.

I actually know exactly what you mean.
Before hardcore i used to be into hardcore screamo metal
with bands like Unearth, Bleading through (sellout), and Avenged Seven Fold (another SELLOUT).
Now you'll see a harder crowd than the hardcore metal crowd.
Constantly bashing on other bands trying to be
"hardcore" and I was all into it too.

After a while i got tired of that shit, too much hate and not
enough music. So thats why i really think its all so UNNECESSARY!

But I wasnt talking about those scenes in my last post,
I was more referring to the pop scene. Wonder why its so
big? Maybe cuz all types of pop are still accepted by the pop

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