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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Woman attending Core Blimey dies after taking MDMA

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
latininxtc Saw Mob make a post about this, and found her name and articles about her. Steph Shevlin died earlier this morning at a nearby hospital due to a bad reaction from using MDMA. She fell unconscious at the Core Blimey event, with one person in the comment section of Mob's post saying she "smashed the bridge of her nose against the barrier surrounding the dance floor" when she went down.

Here are the articles I found about her

Because of this, Core Blimey is stating that all future events will now be canceled indefinitely.

Lots of people paying their respects on her facebook account, one person in particular decided to be nasty and make comments about her sexuality and drug use, on top of being glad she died. Sadly I did not get a chance to screen capture the comment in its original form. She has since changed it.

arpz 'The scene'
wong poor girl RIP
djDMS The usual stupid arguments doing the rounds after this, why do people talk so much shite?

Despite reports of so called unity, I haven't seen that much to fill me with optimism.
Arguments/meltdowns/attention seekers everywhere.
Loads of trouble at events lately too.

RIP the girl, Hardcore, and life in general.

Shove your scene up your arse, I want no part in it.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
one person in particular decided to be nasty and make co.... Sadly I did not get a chance to screen capture the comment in its original form. She has since changed it.

Good job highlighting the trolls.

So sorry to hear you didn't get a screenshot of the original comment, must have ruined your week.
DjZelous its a shame when shit like this goes down. Its even worse when people dont respect the people dont respect the lives of the ones that pass. i dont get how people say shit like that
Smoogie It is sad to hear what happened but it is also sad to see someone giving the usual hate speech as well and these days people don't even mind using their own accounts to make themselves look like a twat when disrespecting someone!
trippnface curious if it was clean MDMA or perhaps something nastier?
either way ; really sad. I always can't help but think the drug war; the law, and the stigma around it, prevents people from seeking the help they need while in danger; or being educated enough about substances in the first place to account for risks/potency/quality. Losing people to recreational drugs like this is ********; drug use is not a law enforcement issue and needs to stop being treated as such.
Guest its not sad, its just hardcore, and n00bz hitting the real world after being sold prozak for years going to drum & bass events and all the other gay scenes with MC Hammer

its not worth canceling events for
Originally posted by Guest:
its not sad, its just hardcore, and n00bz hitting the real world after being sold prozak for years going to drum & bass events and all the other gay scenes with MC Hammer

its not worth canceling events for

Wrong thread for your retarded antics.

RIP. :(

@trippnface: Most people I know who have been in severe acute trouble after drug use ended up that way because they weren't ingesting what they thought they were ingesting. Obviously some experienced users accidentally overdo it (myself included) and inexperienced users sometimes don't tolerate a substance well. But the former also happens in plenty of cases of legal recreational drug use (e.g. alcohol) and the latter happens in plenty of cases of pharmaceutical drug use. A huge amount of the blame can be placed on nonsensical legislation and the lack of accurate, impartial drug education. I don't know the details so I don't want to comment on this case specifically but Western society's relationship with recreational drugs is completely ****ed up. Alcohol is the most pertinent example. How many young people drink until they vomit every single weekend? A LOT. By the time you've thrown up, you've already reached the stage of alcohol poisoning. Your alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme system has reached full capacity (Vmax to use the technical term) and your body can't process more without allowing an overwhelming increase in systemic alcohol level, which is why you throw up in order to prevent further alcohol from reaching the metabolic system and any subsequent damage to your liver (and so on). But it's perfectly legal for millions of people to poison themselves with drugs in this way every week. Wtf? Anyway, I forgot where I was going with this but society blows. For the record, I don't even do recreational drugs anymore but it's still an issue I feel strongly about.
Thumpa It hasn't been confirmed as MDMA, could have been this dangerous PMA floating about.
robertybob I really feel for her parents. I hope the poor girl didn't mean to inject MDNA or whatever it was that lead to her death, no one wants to busy their children and I certainly wouldn't want to.

On a related note; I cannot for the life of me understand why people feel the need to take drugs (legal or not) at events of any genre, is the music not good enough? Can't people enjoy themselves unless they take a substance that makes them feel like someone/thing else?

If you're not able to be happy, dance, socialise, or enjoy music without taking drugs then I think that's pretty sad tbh. I have little sympathy when bad things happen to people who intnetionally take drugs. This is a controversial opinion on this forum, I know, but I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who thinks this.
arpz @Elliot.. not sure why you aimed that at me? lol
Originally posted by robertybob:
I really feel for her parents. I hope the poor girl didn't mean to inject MDNA or whatever it was that lead to her death, no one wants to busy their children and I certainly wouldn't want to.

On a related note; I cannot for the life of me understand why people feel the need to take drugs (legal or not) at events of any genre, is the music not good enough? Can't people enjoy themselves unless they take a substance that makes them feel like someone/thing else?

If you're not able to be happy, dance, socialise, or enjoy music without taking drugs then I think that's pretty sad tbh. I have little sympathy when bad things happen to people who intnetionally take drugs. This is a controversial opinion on this forum, I know, but I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who thinks this.

bet you drink alcohol though?
Originally posted by wong:
Originally posted by robertybob:
I really feel for her parents. I hope the poor girl didn't mean to inject MDNA or whatever it was that lead to her death, no one wants to busy their children and I certainly wouldn't want to.

On a related note; I cannot for the life of me understand why people feel the need to take drugs (legal or not) at events of any genre, is the music not good enough? Can't people enjoy themselves unless they take a substance that makes them feel like someone/thing else?

If you're not able to be happy, dance, socialise, or enjoy music without taking drugs then I think that's pretty sad tbh. I have little sympathy when bad things happen to people who intnetionally take drugs. This is a controversial opinion on this forum, I know, but I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who thinks this.

bet you drink alcohol though?

I may have one 2% lager occasionally because I like the flavour, but I never drink so that it has any effect on me. If it wasn't so entrenched in our society I'd be all for banning alcohol too, due to the fact that people can't be trusted to drink responsibly, let alone the fact it's behind a hell of a lot of crimes and deaths.
Thumpa Well you sound like fun
Originally posted by arpz:
not sure why you aimed that at me? lol

Who is "Elliot"?

My bad, yeah. I meant trippnface. I looked at the wrong post.

Originally posted by Thumpa:
It hasn't been confirmed as MDMA, could have been this dangerous PMA floating about.

This was my first thought as well. It's my first thought whenever I heard about an "ecstasy" death these days. PMA has probably killed far more people in the last 5 years than real MDMA. A strong argument for legalisation and regulation.
Originally posted by Elliott:
Originally posted by arpz:
not sure why you aimed that at me? lol

Who is "Elliot"?

My bad, yeah. I meant trippnface. I looked at the wrong post.

Originally posted by Thumpa:
It hasn't been confirmed as MDMA, could have been this dangerous PMA floating about.

This was my first thought as well. It's my first thought whenever I heard about an "ecstasy" death these days. PMA has probably killed far more people in the last 5 years than real MDMA. A strong argument for legalisation and regulation.

typo'd...obviously :)
arpz They're putting on another event on September the 9th :)

I think this is a good thing but other people clearly think otherwise... Check out this absolute gem from 'the scene'

latininxtc He's probably a Brexit voter.

Had to look at his profile and shockingly for someone with almost 4k friends he keeps his timeline hidden! He's friends with Squad-E, that explains the butchering of the English language. And his list of likes reeks of douchebaggery.

I do think that Core Blimey handled the event poorly on their part by immediately announcing they're canceling all future events indefinitely, only to announce a couple of weeks later that they're going to have another event in September. Doesn't sound like they canceled anything at all. And they haven't come out with a statement following up with the incident and why they decided to start organizing events again.

While I don't blame the death entirely on them or the venue, it is something that happened during one of their events and their lack of releasing any further info on the incident, like an updated report on what exactly killed her or even further acknowledging the whole incident when announcing a new event coming up just irks me.
Originally posted by latininxtc:

I don't blame the death entirely on them or the venue

You shouldn't be blaming them at all, absolutely f*ck all they could do to prevent it

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