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 Music discussion - hardcore
 hardcore goin trance ?

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
kg4 on ministry of sound's new cd "addicted to trance" it has 2 hardcore related songs...

1) flip n fill - shooting star (stimulant djs mix)
2) Darren Styles & Mark Breeze Present Infexious - Let Me Fly

now breeze and styles are in the trance thing? and isnt stimulant djs the Next Gen/BB crew?

"We'll always be together; however far it seems. We'll always be together; together in electric dreams. "
Brian K yeah, except usually ham & brisk put a fine line between their stimulant dj stuff and their next gen/bb stuff.

breeze has been playing trance for some time & i don't know what styles is doing...

what are you doing listening to that cd anyway? =P

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
sammypoohuk i thought stimulant djs were part of tidy trax or summin...hard house kinda stuff.........

sunrize Producers are allowed to do more than one style. :)

Breeze has been into trance for a bit.. when he played here a few months ago he played 1/4 of his set trance, the rest mostly raverbaby material.

You are right when saying Brisk & ham put a fine line in between their styles. They do have tracks that have hard house influence, yet they are still hardcore. I think a lot of the Breeze & Styles stuff takes trance to the extreme though. Influences are good.. but ya gotta stick with the original notion, and thats hardcore. Although most of the stuff I heard him play wasn't bad at all.

- barrett/sunrize
mc trev i have almost every trance tune u can think of uptill now!
i will still listen to the tunes ive got but i will not be supporting trance anymore because of whats happening to hardcore...bye bye trance!


[email protected]
kg4 why wont you be supporting trance? i love trance :) i spin trance and hardcore in my free time....

i just hope that hardcore wont loose some of its key producers, thats all im sayin

"We'll always be together; however far it seems. We'll always be together; together in electric dreams. "
Hecttech Records when he played here a few months ago he played 1/4 of his set trance, the rest mostly raverbaby material.

how did you tell the two apart ?????

Theres way too much trance in hardcore, if i wanna listen to trance i'll listen to mark.e.g (who i think is class)

Like i've said before, theres nothing wrong with trance elements in hardcore BUT when artists just basically speed up a trance tune and pass it off as hardcore, this is taking the piss.
If you're gonna use trance elements in tunes, the nu energy crew have got the right balance

sunrize Yes, Nu Energy has been doing it the right way for many years now.

- barrett/sunrize
BUT when artists just basically speed up a trance tune and pass it off as hardcore, this is taking the piss.

take the word "basically" out of the above quote, happy hardcash 3 anyone?


this babys got a temper
you'll never tame her!!
TechnoNut I thought this when Vinylgroover started producing Hard House stuff aswell. I suppose Hard House and Trance are Developed from the original hardcore scene, especially Hard House as its main influence is Hardcore.

I think its a good way to introduce the music to a crowd who think they are so called Hardcore Ravers, you know the ones, who listent o the House and the Trance. Some of them have never heard Of Hardcore.

=) 'ardcore!
DJ Pathfinder it would be not bad if there were an few producers that did trance influensis in there songs but not everybody must copy it then it would be an dull scene.

You can't see me,because i am the future.
MC RizlaDizla with the trancey side of hardcore sellin well esp over here in the uk i feel this will exspand alot of ravers mind and make way for some more diffrent hardcore ie breaks, happy, bouncy, etc.

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."
Heist I think its partialy good that hardcore has taken such a hard house/trance influence of late. Its bad in a way because trance/hardhouse tends to always use the same kind of emotion melodically and strucutraly in all the songs and hence this would be happening to the typically eclectic makeup of hardcore melodies, but then again on the good side: Hard House has top notch percussion that combined with hardcore's speed and structure could produce top results. One of the best examples of this equasions quality would be in Brisk & Fade's Stay here forever. Melodically its not too trancey but its got that nice hard house stomp to it without adopting the shit boring structure and aesthetics of hard house. So its like a double edged sword.

Btw: Anyone who says stimulant drugs hamper you're ability to create cohesive thoughts should read that above paragraph and note my trainspottyness and good grammar.
Midway_raver lol we have 21 put up wiv occasionally sped up trance maybe they shud drop a slowwed down hardcore trak to a trance crowd n see if they get pissed off liek i do when i here sped up trance:(.

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
Haeobogoblin I have to say that i do feel like the scene is going a bit trancy. for example on the nu bonkers album, Hixxy's CD and partly of Sharkey's is more of the trancy side of the scene if u know what i mean. On CD3, which is the "Sy's Old Skool Best of Bonkers 1 & 2 Mix" shows how the scene has really changed since the time of the first bonkers. Looking at the Bonkers collection is the best way to show how the scene has been changing, another example is bonkers 6 was more-or-less packed with true hardcore, where as on Bonkers 7, apart from Sy's CD it's all a bit trancy.

It seems to me like Sy is one of the few DJs who is acctuly trying to keep the scene truly hardcore (oh, and Vibes as he did a wicked set the other month @ Organised Chaos (it's in rugeley in staffordsire, if you are interested, because it is damn good and only £5 to get in - check out the posts if you are interested ;) )
I do understand that the Bonkers CDs have to put on the latest tunes, etc. because you just cant put on some old tracks no matter how good they are, but i just feel that the producers should move on to trancy hardcore, and give the ravers what they want - HAAAAAAARRRDCORRRRRE!

"Just because I have a head shaped like an amusing pile of mashed potato, doesn't mean I'm not sophisticated"
Originally posted by Hecttech Records:
when artists just basically speed up a trance tune and pass it off as hardcore, this is taking the piss.

umm wouldnt this be trancecore...

I am mean and everyone hates me
Hard2Get Nope, it would be sped up Trance :)
Trancecore is Trance style Hardcore :)

Foxy Of course, trance can be a good thing in Hardcore, as can using Hard House influences, 80's pop & 90's pop, even classical influences, but all this has to remain just an INFLUENCE, not the basis or outcome of the entire tune, this is when the hardcore loses its own identity & this if it continues (as I believe we've been heading for this for at least 2 years now) then this could tragically, be the demise of the hardcore scene as we know it, it must have its own identity & particular brand of sound to survive. I'm not afraid of change, just the destruction from within of the best music genre/scene ever in the very year that could prove the best in that scene's history.

Hardcore family never dies.

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