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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Audio X I f*cking hate "Cha Cha Slide" and all of its incarnations. Why the hell is this tune so popular??! Every time I hear it I want to shoot the DJ!
CheekyHalf agreed!

Gary Ablett?!? Is Gary Ablett in the building?
kg4 i don't think i've ever heard it. maybe we should keep it like that

Oh man, I hope I didn't brain my damage...

The Future Of Hardcore!

Sounds of the Underground 1 & 2!

Audio X That guy needs to die. This just goes to show how ignorant people are when it comes to dance music. Seriously, this tune is that fecking awful. It's like some sort of ghetto-fied Hokey Pokey with a (bad) kick beat.
KID_PIRAHNA I think what made it popular was all the drunk dooshbags @ the clubs who were line-dancing to it. Kinda like with Cotton Eye Joe by the Rednex......equally as bad.

If you were touched by an angel....would you press charges?
xhannahx same ere its sum american crap

virus aatw has some lame tunes :P

Breakin' Eardrums While I'm Breakin' The Law
milo i used to work as a mobile dj, the amount of times i've heard those tracks *shudder*...

Audio X
Originally posted by milo:
i used to work as a mobile dj, the amount of times i've heard those tracks *shudder*...

I feel your pain mate.
Kyle_Buffrey Is it the new macarena?

I read the stuff on aatw's site, and it says that it was an aerobics routine track!

wait till you attend your next family wedding bash, and watch in horror as you see your parents pissed up dancing to it! that's when you realise how much it is like the macarena!

mr bishi Im just after rolling out of me local,where i heard it about 5 times its feckin muck.

"24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think

Homer Jay Simpson
DJ Superman music to scratch you're face off to...........

whizz-billy-the-kid's got you in his sights
quik334 Hey now not all of american stuff is crap. I'd have to agree tho this song does bite the big one

"It's time to break away and nothins gonna stop me now.."
SEEKY I have'nt heard it at any clubs I have been at but I have seen the video its one of the most annoying ****ing tunes around.

StrifeII you think YOU hate it?
when i was on holiday this year in turkey they played it in EVERY club/bar you went into and people were dancing to it. It was a really sh*t version then aswell, basically a crap drumbeat with that prat talking over it.

This post bought to you by Blasphemy

"Even though i've come to far, i know i've got so far to go"
raverdave I have not heard it myself so I will reserve judgement.

The bloke looks like a right tit though...

"Can I Use My Strong Hand!?!"

HaRdCoRe HuStLeR!!! HaRdCoRe HuStLeR!!!
Triquatra omg, i just heard it *hangs self*

Death By Stereo!!
KID_PIRAHNA Let's take a moment of silence for Triquatra.. ................................OK......I had completely repressed the days of the Macarena until I read the first page of this thread. UGH! Why did I read page 1

If you were touched by an angel....would you press charges?
StrifeII haha, on the way home from school my friend starting singing it to me - needless to say, he got pushed into more than one hedge.
its just gonna be one of those tunes you cant get away from innit :
This post bought to you by Blasphemy

"Even though i've come to far, i know i've got so far to go"
Lixx OMFG I just heard this today and it is indeed the worst piece of "music" ever created. Words simply cannot describe how empty and horrible it is. If anyone wishes to share our pain just follow the link


Muzik_House ThAt TuNe iS So ****iNg sHiTe!
I ThInK ThAt WaS JuSt a qUiCk wAy oF MaKiNg a bUcK Or 2.
KiLL tHe dJ's ThAt pLaY ThAt sOnG.


J. Menzies
silver Taken from CD Universe:
I love C the slide man. first heard his music at the rolling rink and the kids had a ball dancing and learning the steps to the music. Now for my Brownie Troop, and to earn a badge, I am having a dance teacher teach the steps to the fun music. I am Glad you carried his CD for I was looking all over for it in the music stores and no one could help me . I will order again from you. Oh, why no music by Enya? Love her.

This explain everything :) That track was the biggest peice of crap I ever heard, sounds like it was made in 2 mins... Heck some of the entries into TSR remix contests had more soul to it.

By the way, Enya can't sing, it's all effects on her voice, that is why she never tours because the studio can't come with her.

it's all hardcore.
clarke101 could be worse in the uk Peter Andre is no1 with mysterious girl

And the Cha Cha Slide sucks ass big time

Triquatra how the hell can mr andre be back at number assuming its a re-release?!..cause that song was in the charts abuot 5 years ago...

(move out of the UK august last year) im just shocked - im in america now...i cant belive he's back in the charts lol!

Death By Stereo!!
StrifeII i actually quite like mysterious girl, haha, school memories :P

This post bought to you by Blasphemy

"Even though i've come to far, i know i've got so far to go"
clarke101 Yeah re-release after his star turn (not) on im a prat get me out of here

U can thank Im a fat tit (chris Moyles) of radio 1 for the re-release.

DJ Superman what did chris moyles have to do with it? i always thought he tried to stop utter crap from hanging around in the charts? how disappointing

whizz-billy-the-kid's got you in his sights
kelz89 i hate the f***in cha cha slide! its the saddest most pathetic song ive heard apart form the f***in cheeky girls or ketchup song!! plannin a totally mashed up weekend this weekend! pills coke booze clubs pubs n blokes blokes blokes!! here i come!!!!

Xx*~pure raver~*xX
Fluorescent_Crayon I've never heard of it...Is there a site where you can listen to a sample?

Monkey Matt Don't ever listen to it take it from everyone that said it sucks
it really sucks don't try to listen to it seriously but if you do i feel sorry for you

capone13 Whats up with you boys, The Cha Cha Slide is F*ckin Bangin'. Only jokin (no worries) its one of the worst choonz iv'e heard in a long time and I can't stand it. As soon as it comes on I rush into my room and put on some of my Bangin' Hardcore to save me from the rubbish thats on the tv.

DJ J-me
Chicken And for some reason that was a big hit when I was in high school! I remember them playing it at a dance back to back with the macarena, and thanking god for the macarena! now THAT'S bad!

***Slippery When Wet***
clarke101 WTF its now no1 in the uk

Could have saved them saves a lot of pain and given their money away.

Audio X
Originally posted by clarke101:
WTF its now no1 in the uk

LMAO! It's a bitch, innit?
DJ Phoenix
Originally posted by Audio Ecstacy:
Originally posted by clarke101:
WTF its now no1 in the uk

LMAO! It's a bitch, innit?

WHEW! i forgot to listen to the top 40 this week... (i listen to the top 10 usually when i come back from my dads...) but i forgot. And i was saved from the disappointment of the "Cha Cha Slide" - what a gay name

'Coz we're all Ordinary People with a love for the music
With a love for the scene, and everything that it brings!
NeoPhyte101 Doesn't that song bring babk memories of mc hammer.
Its gotta be the worst song heard in ages, hell not surprising its number 1
and all

Drugs are bad mkay.... mkay...!!!
StrifeII maybe so
but you could listen to mc hammer without pulling a face like this...

This post bought to you by Blasphemy

"Even though i've come to far, i know i've got so far to go"
NeoPhyte101 hell mc hammers trousers look better than that ugly mug

Drugs are bad mkay.... mkay...!!!
clarke101 Hammer was cool especially his live performance. What a show!!!

hooverlover yeah - I heard this cha cha slide too... it's crap

JesterDJ By the sounds of things this is a tune that hasn't been doing to well...don't think its worth a listen then?

If pac-man really had an effect on us, we'd all be runnin' round in dark rooms, listening to repetitive music munching pills!!!

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