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 kill all the greebows (moshers).

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DJWOOWOO69 moshers need killed. there trying 2 take over the charts with there shit ****ed up rock music. we do have ppl fighting back like scooter, & hard core is coming back. but we need more. thay all shud die

toxic great idea ... what do u suppose we do ... LMAO

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
dj_stey_iz_ere i think we shud tell them all ther is a big rock feast and its free 2 get it thn wen ther all in set a bomb off ther kill um all

*gets drawing board out*

is any1 else on the same level
Soren Yas, lets get rid of all that crappy hard rock/moshing garbage and only have HHC. That way all the angry, drunk, pissed off blokes with huge chips on their shoulders can come to raves and beat the hell out of all the candy kids. That'd be cool! Oh wait, no that'd suck... :D

I don't care if it rains or freezes, Long as I have my plastic Jesus Riding on the dashboard of my car; Going 90, it ain't scary cause I've got the virgin Mary; sitting on the dashboard of my car.
Oli G Topic Status: Lame
Topic Age Limit: 12

Garage Is where You Keep Your ****in Car
House Is where You Live
Hardcore Is HOW You Live

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
toxic this thread seems to be taken from a page in hartpool hottie's book on "how to start an irrelevant thread"

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
Originally posted by Soren:
Yas, lets get rid of all that crappy hard rock/moshing garbage and only have HHC. That way all the angry, drunk, pissed off blokes with huge chips on their shoulders can come to raves and beat the hell out of all the candy kids. That'd be cool! Oh wait, no that'd suck... :D

You obviously didn't read the suggestion closely enough: "moshers need killed ... thay all shud die" - if we mobilise the International Raver Army and massacre the moshers before they know to fight back, then they can't come to raves and bother us, can they?

Forty-two purple crayons
Haeobogoblin Contory to what this topic is aboot, around me most of the moshers are ok, whilst the "Trendies" are the arse-holes.

-=truly hardcore=-
fazza na **** off mate. before i was into hardcore i was proper int punk music. u may think they look wierd but they are alright people! unlike the ****in beerboys that strut about everywhere thinking they r it. get to know people b4 u judge them

"I feel you, i want you, i know your touch is all i need, im waiting you're shining"
Oli G
na **** off mate. before i was into hardcore i was proper int punk music. u may think they look wierd but they are alright people! unlike the ****in beerboys that strut about everywhere thinking they r it. get to know people b4 u judge them

Agreed, im not into so much of the rock stuff, or any of it in fact (i like a couple of tracks) but i work in a "rock pub" where they mainly play rock + metal music, and although most of em have poor hygine heh, they are sound as ****, and cause far less trouble than ur average cheese club tossers

and also
i deemed this topic lame
because saying all moshers should die is crap, people have every right to listen to what they like <isnert over said words here>

Garage Is where You Keep Your ****in Car
House Is where You Live
Hardcore Is HOW You Live

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
silver Who cares about rock, if you don't like it don't listen to it, the people that like rock are entitled to listen to it without crap from us... likewise they shouldn't slag us for listening to hardcore... well in a perfect world at least.

you, me and hardcore forever.
RaverBaby69 I agree with silver I don't like any of the music but I have friends who r greebos who changed from being like every1 else and just because of the change doesn't mean the person changes inside. What happened to PLUR people? I know must of you consider it as being used only with fellow ravers other people deserve to be treated like that too.And anyway I know greebos who like happy hardcore too and go 2 raves.

"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"
Haeobogoblin I think that my town is just ****ed.
Majority of the un-rock types are all ass-holes, and only a handfull of these are safe, where as most of the moshers are all safe.

In summary - Rugeley = ****ed.

I think that most of them accept that everyone has different tastes in music and acctuly accept/dont give a **** or say anything about what other people listen to (possibly due to people taking the piss out of what they listen to themselvs ?) Where as the people who just listen to what ever is popular at the time take the piss out of people who listen to anything else that isnt on radio 1 24/7.

-=truly hardcore=-
Underloop errrr hello, attitudes like that are not needed! I've always listened to every sort of music going (apart from country and western that is hehehe) but back when I was growing up I started steering clear of "rave" music coz of the attitudes being given out against "moshers" at the time. I wasn't the only one who stayed away either. Attitudes like that do absolutely bugger all for the scene!!!

And yes, I still listen to alot of rock and metal, what does it matter?

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
DJWOOWOO69 strychnine
You obviously didn't read the suggestion closely enough: "moshers need killed ... thay all shud die" - if we mobilise the International Raver Army and massacre the moshers before they know to fight back, then they can't come to raves and bother us, can they?

this is wot we shud do. a rever army 2 massacre all the moshers. i no moshers coz a lot of my friends now r them. my g/f 4 1 but there cuming back. coz hard core is coming back. we call theas ppl trendys. i wanner kill all hard rock non trendys. the ones that started all this hard rock off. all u xpunks may think ur hard core. but if uve never been a puer happy hard core raver u will never no hot its like

strychnine ^^ so ... do we go in as one army, or do we go in as separate battalions according to music? Seems like the HHC crew'll be the first to die in the war, considering our tendency towards bright, visible clothing - maybe it'll be a better idea to send the junglists in first with all their camo gear, just to take 'em by surprise and soften them up before we rush in weilding our ultimate glowstix of death :P

One question though, you think maybe we should all listen to gabber before we attack? It won't do at all to face an angry mob of moshers when we're all happy and luvved up, will it? Oh, and when do we involve the ninjas?

Forty-two purple crayons

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
DJWOOWOO69 it would be all sepret attacks planed 4 1 date. take them all out with 1 swipe. not letting them get organised. it dont matter wot we wear, we wont lose. u can never stop a hard core nutter when he's got going.

Haeobogoblin wtf are you on??!?!?!

somone putting smack in your cornflakes??

-=truly hardcore=-
toxic the ninjas are ready and waiting for further instructions

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
strychnine ^^ LOL ... so they're just waiting for SpeccedNinja to arrive and lead them into victory, eh?

Forty-two purple crayons

toxic could this be the start of World War III?

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

toxic they may take our lives, but they'll never take our glo stix

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
Originally posted by DJWOOWOO69:
You obviously didn't read the suggestion closely enough: "moshers need killed ... thay all shud die" - if we mobilise the International Raver Army and massacre the moshers before they know to fight back, then they can't come to raves and bother us, can they?

this is wot we shud do. a rever army 2 massacre all the moshers. i no moshers coz a lot of my friends now r them. my g/f 4 1 but there cuming back. coz hard core is coming back. we call theas ppl trendys. i wanner kill all hard rock non trendys. the ones that started all this hard rock off. all u xpunks may think ur hard core. but if uve never been a puer happy hard core raver u will never no hot its like


**** off and get a life mate. people are entitled 2 listen 2 woteva they want. bet when people slag u off 4 listening 2 hardcore bet u have a go back dont u? have ago at them for not understanding ur scene? well thats exactly wot ur doing 2 them. having ago at someone because they dont listen 2 the same thing as u and u dont understand their scene. gotta accept that people are different and not everyone is a raver!

"I feel you, i want you, i know your touch is all i need, im waiting you're shining"
**** off and get a life mate.

That's like the 3rd or 4th time i've seen that sentence in less than a week. What is going on? I guess all the angsty people are already in the HHC scene, no need for an army I guess cause we are the a-holes.... very sad. Or maybe that was just a joke and I need to chill? :D

PS: I wanna be a ninja! Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? PLEAAAAASSSEEEEE!!!!!

"Check your bad attitudes at the door; we don't need that kinda crap in the 'core!"
strychnine *sigh* This was a fun thread for a while ... honestly can't you lot have any fun at all? Geez ...

Oh and Soren, I'll let you in the ninja corps but yer gonna have to take your wings off.

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic ^^^ u may be speccedninja, but ur part of my army!!!! ... im in charge of this one

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
strychnine F*** you, General Pain-In-The-Ass, you tell me *what* to kill, not *how*. I run the Ninja Corps, not you. Haven't you ever heard of the chain of command ... uhh, sir?

Forty-two purple crayons
DJ_Solstice hmmmmm
DJWOOWOO69 u can fight over the leadership of the nigers but i have controle of the hole army. & fazza i no egsacly wot there like i understand them totaly thts y thay need killed. im fine with ppl having difrent veiws & difrent taste but thay r just f**king wack thay have no understaning 4 ne 1 els. there all ****ing tw*ts

im fine with ppl having difrent veiws & difrent taste but thay r just f**king wack thay have no understaning 4 ne 1 els.

I have a brilliant plan..... you could kill "them" all with irony!! hehehe

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
DJWOOWOO69 how do u mean?

strychnine ^^ look it up.

Forty-two purple crayons
happyhardcorenme4eva Hey what you on about moshers should die - if they like rock leave em to it, just coz we would rather listen to hhc doesnt mean everyone else has to. Moshers are ****in sorted (well alot of them are anyway) so sort your self out.

Hello everybody and how do ya do, we gonna rock shake yo body we are da Scarborough crew
Rock, rock to da bet ya'll, roch, rock to da beat ya'll.
happyhardcorenme4eva Not everyones a ****in raver ya know i used to be totaly into rock music now im into hardcore. If someone rips you for being a raver you get pissed wiv em thats what your doing to moshers you cant expect everyone to be like you ya know!

Hello everybody and how do ya do, we gonna rock shake yo body we are da Scarborough crew
Rock, rock to da bet ya'll, roch, rock to da beat ya'll.
DJWOOWOO69 if u have red the fuul topic u would no i no wot there like. moshers do dear rip me thow. coz thay no wot will happen. thay can have lisen 2 wot ever thay wont but when thay start envading our terotory thats when thay need beeten. thay say thay do it so thay can be difrent but realy there all the same. i was fine wid them untill thay tryed 2 over well us.


Haeobogoblin Well maby if you didnt go around saying "kill all moshers" they wouldn't hate you.

-=truly hardcore=-
dj_stey_iz_ere ^ ^ true but seen how they dress wired

is any1 else on the same level
Haeobogoblin LOL, true but look how we dress when we are raving!!!!

-=truly hardcore=-
dj_stey_iz_ere lol were not botherd cuz were all off our heads any way

is any1 else on the same level

Haeobogoblin this is lame / futile / poor / .....eer....lame

-=truly hardcore=-
RaverBaby69 I have noticed that the girl greebos in my area dress like candy ravers and I think thats annoying because they think they r being original and there not.

"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"
dj_stey_iz_ere ^ ^ ther like that round mine 2 [splat]

is any1 else on the same level
Originally posted by toxic:
great idea ... what do u suppose we do ... LMAO

wot do u suppose we do. well i've been thinking about this & killing them my not b the smartest thing 2 do. but we can mack there lives verry verry unplesant.

P8 ball guns r becoming more & more avalabul4 not a verry big cost.
trashing there spots with them cud do alot coz the ppl that own the joints wont whont them coved in it will thay. so if the mosheres r the problem thay'll chuck them out. & if u plan it proply we wont get cort.

aventaly there wont b ne were 4 them 2 go but the streets. thats when we hit them hard & fast thay'll have no where 2 go

toxic better start organising more troops then ...

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
junglist_angel What happened to an open spirit??? Let them be. Everyone should be entitled to have their own style. It's not becase one musical genre or another is shit that you necessarely need to persecute it. Let it be. They are good right where they are. Let them keep their charts. I would hate to see hardcore pass on mtv. No... hardcore should stay where it is.
Think about it... one of the things that makes hardcore special is the fact that it has never peirced the comercial side. It's always stayed more or less on the underground side. Underground is much better!

better start organising more troops then ...

lol ow many we got now

is any1 else on the same level
toxic ^^^ plenty

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
strychnine we got stormtroopers ... cooool

Forty-two purple crayons
toxic yeh, even R2D2 joined the dark side ... C3PO must been a mosher ... he wouldnt joined ... that bastard!!!

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
DJ Mouse i can just picture this hehe

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
strychnine ^^ hey that's just toxic after a heavy meal


Forty-two purple crayons
Originally posted by junglist_angel:
What happened to an open spirit??? Let them be. Everyone should be entitled to have their own style. It's not becase one musical genre or another is shit that you necessarely need to persecute it. Let it be. They are good right where they are. Let them keep their charts. I would hate to see hardcore pass on mtv. No... hardcore should stay where it is.
Think about it... one of the things that makes hardcore special is the fact that it has never peirced the comercial side. It's always stayed more or less on the underground side. Underground is much better!

y shud we b under ground. we've got nothing 2 hide. let us brake out. & run wiled. there the 1's that shud b hiding coz DJWOOWOO's HARD CORE ARMYS COMING & NOTHING IS GONNER STOP IT.

Underloop Right, this all just seems a little one sided, so I think I might just even up the odds a lil bit a champion a "Mosher" army to do battle with the glow stick wielding posse

and theres alot more where that came from hehehe

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
strychnine LOL ... that don't scare us, we'll just pump toxic full of extra-spicy Mexican food and send him hurtling ass-first into your army and *KABOOM* you're gone

Forty-two purple crayons
DJWOOWOO69 the moshere have no need 4 an army we'll kill em all ne way. ne way y do u wanner help them out.

Originally posted by strychnine:
LOL ... that don't scare us, we'll just pump toxic full of extra-spicy Mexican food and send him hurtling ass-first into your army and *KABOOM* you're gone

I think Mouse saw this coming

And hey, if theres gonna be a fight, might as well make it a good 'un..... ambushes are rubbish.... gotta have a far fight, equal numbers on each side... and anyway, I grew up on a diet of Nirvana, Metallica, Greenday, Sex Pistols etc, and yes I am part "mosher" so I could really take either side.... thought I might as well liven the party up a bit by backing the underdogs..... so come on!!! COME AN' 'AVE A GO IF YOU THINK YER 'ARD ENUFF!!!! hehehe

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
Originally posted by DJWOOWOO69:

y shud we b under ground. we've got nothing 2 hide. let us brake out. & run wiled. there the 1's that shud b hiding coz DJWOOWOO's HARD CORE ARMYS COMING & NOTHING IS GONNER STOP IT.


I'm not saying we need to hide. If you must kill someone... why not the entier rap and RnB scene. They are by far the most awfull & pathetic. Wouldn't you agree

DJWOOWOO69 RnB is just chilled out HC & rap is ****ed up MC'ing. yer thay shitty but u carnt whipe out all choices. i just wanner get rid of the moshers coz there ****ed up peaces of scum that dont belong on this HC planet.



WOW, I'm really feeling the love today!! Good to see that PLUR is still going strong..... OK, so your not into hip-hop, but judging by the aggression, your not into Garage by any chance are you?

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
DJWOOWOO69 no im not im a pure happy hrad core nutter born & bread

Underloop The emphasis being on the HAPPY hardcore? so anyway.... wheres this army you've been promising? My boys melted your droids with their breath and are hungry for more!!!

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"

Originally posted by DJWOOWOO69:

Damn, I knew there was something!!!! I thought that people were crossing to the other side of the road because I overslept and didn't have time for a shower this morning. Oh well

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
DJWOOWOO69 question 4 u y u on ther side

Underloop I like to see a fair fight, alot of my mates are so-called "moshers" and I listen to rock/metal myself occaisionally.... especially punk. I also hate narrow minded bigotry, and believe in PLUR. Anyway..... why you takin' this so seriously? Lighten up man, lifes for enjoying, not getting all worked up over somebody else's taste in music.

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
satan Don't listen to Underloop, I know for a fact that he frequently starts fights with random big issue sellers.

DJWOOWOO69 well have a look on hear c wot u think.
plur u may think u belive in it. but u carnt b if ur not a pure breed

strychnine " - Home of The Prince of Darkness"

Forty-two purple crayons
satan Underloop can certainly testify to that. I like to get a "warm" welcome wherever I go.

"The world is going to Hell, and I am doing my part."
strychnine ^^ so you like a warm hand at your entrance, eh?

Forty-two purple crayons
Originally posted by satan:
Don't listen to Underloop, I know for a fact that he frequently starts fights with random big issue sellers.

HAHAHHAHA Cheers Bud!!! Those charges were never proven!!! and anyway, he wouldn't give me my change!!!! What do they think it is? Charity???? Anyways, I could tell you stuff about Satan that would make your toes curl!!!

Yeah, that thread is a bunch of b*ll*x. They are taking exactly the same attitude as you are WooWoo..... remind me again of what PLUR stands for, then go back and read your posts. Sounds to me like its you who can't believe in PLUR....and as for pure breeds.... sounds familiar...... whatever happened to that Hitler chap?.... maybe Satan can answer that one [:P]

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
satan I believe Hitler is quite comfortable nowadays roasting on a spit in a well furnished part of home.

"The world is going to Hell, and I am doing my part."
strychnine It seems that this discussion has taken an unexpected turn ... what a very bizarre thread

Forty-two purple crayons
Underloop You can blame Satan for that..... he gets the blame for most things!

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
satan Ah no I'm usually quite careful, ever notice how many disasters are "Acts of God"? What a brilliant scapegoat.

"The world is going to Hell, and I am doing my part."
Underloop Hmmmmm you've got a point there mate.... the rest of the disasters were blamed on chubby little special fx kids who wear bicycle chains around their wrist..... you really are a clever chappy

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
satan Just trying to keep ahead of the game

"The world is going to Hell, and I am doing my part."
Ultamate SCOOTER! You ****ing shit ****. Lets all get out our wild CD's while were at it. How the **** can you say their flying the flag for us. Do you have no sense of taste. You ****ing teeny boppa.

Eat a man!

Were's the F***ing Hardcore
Schuby HIGHLY irregular

It's funny because it happened!
djmonoxide Judging by the name of "WOOWOO" I'm guesing he is about 9. Also his spelling sux. Also I am a mosher and a raver. In a good mood I'm a raver. In a bad mood I'm a mosher. So are you gonna "kill" me woowoo??

I used to be a raver, used to take lots of E. Now I just smoke weed, and you know I will Succeed. :)
Lixx I just can't believe a hate thread made it to page 6. I guess the mods don't check this forum?

Underloop I think its being kept for sheer comedy value!

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
Schuby It's funny how a self proclaimed raver does not use or know what P.L.U.R. is. It's not just a between raver thing, but it's for everyone.

It's funny because it happened!
strychnine "PLUR" is the sound I make when I throw up

Forty-two purple crayons
DJWOOWOO69 if u have 2 ask me wot it means ur a sad littel motherf**ker.

& me bing 9. i was going 2 raves well b4 i was 9. u dont have 2 b young 2 have shit spelling u dosey ****. u can just b off ur head.

& may b i do sound like hitler but theres been more than just hitler wonting 2 get rid of 1 race.

its not always a bad idear if ur on the right side.

DJWOOWOO69 & if u only no plur u dont no a lot there is a lot more.

Until the sun rises to burn our eyes by revealing the distopian reality of a world you've created for us, we dance fiercely with our brothers and sisters in celebration of our life, of our culture, and of the values we believe in: Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony, Expression, Responsibility and Respect.

reading throw that agen i for got some thing (tolerance) my b i shud try & show this. but im not gonner take ne shit.

if u have 2 ask me wot it means ur a sad littel motherf**ker.

When did anybody ask you?? Everybody is telling you you've got no PLUR!!!

& me bing 9. i was going 2 raves well b4 i was 9. u dont have 2 b young 2 have shit spelling u dosey ****. u can just b off ur head.

I'm thinking you were off your head in school

Originally posted by DJWOOWOO69:
& if u only no plur u dont no a lot there is a lot more.

Until the sun rises to burn our eyes by revealing the distopian reality of a world you've created for us, we dance fiercely with our brothers and sisters in celebration of our life, of our culture, and of the values we believe in: Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony, Expression, Responsibility and Respect.

reading throw that agen i for got some thing (tolerance) my b i shud try & show this. but im not gonner take ne shit.

You only forgot the tolerance??? What about Peace, Harmony and Respect?..... maybe you should look them up in a dictionary!

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
satan I think DJWOOWOO69 is doing very well, I hope to see him personally in my domain one day.

"The world is going to Hell, and I am doing my part."
mc trev this is all sooooooooooo wrong its the "think were hard clubbers" (the average young clubber gan lad ) that should be killed not moshers.

i hate rock but its never been between ravers & moshers
its always and always will be clubbers Vs moshers.

eg. say theres an alternaltive night at a club (rock,dance,r&b ex..) there will always be a gang of lads outside waiting for moshers to come out .

so foget this crap because if moshers hear about this then im dead
and so are u lot ,

Question 1:how manny moshers are there in your city/town ?
Question 2:how many ravers?
Question3:now if there was a fight who would win?

i hate rock but i no loads of people who love it (harrogate is R&B,Gardge &rock music mad)

hardcore uproar!!!
DJWOOWOO69 may b i was off my head. & u saying ive got no plur well then nobody has ne espeshly u.

i'll b in ur domain. but u'll kick me out 4 bing 2 crazy like

theres 100's of mosheres
1000's of townys that wanner kick ass
& there is no way i would let them win

DJWOOWOO69 so no 1 thinks that we culd win the war.
every 1 is 2 chicken.
no 1 has ne guts.

i thort this was a hard core sight.
u all seem like pussy's 2 me no hard core @ all.

mcjutt to be trueful m8 who cares, a raver is someone thats chilled out with people and the only thing he beats is the air when he/she raves , and also 50 percent of people on here are over 18 and dont see the need to fight anymore piss em however in a bad way.........
and some people under 18 are chilled out as well, but then sad twats like u turn up thinking ur all that , then you could be fair play, it doesnt matter any, u could be but i doubt it strongly unless you got 20 of your mates with u , so basiclly watch that mouth yours

p.s your from birkenhead innit?

get with my lyrics il make u sweat
im a bad boy mc youll never forget
the quickest mc u evr met
all my competion get set for a rough ride u cant even touch my vibe where all the raving crew tonight
its the "think were hard clubbers" (the average young clubber gan lad ) that should be killed not moshers.

i agree! i myslef am i mosher, well will be soon (i love punk/ska atm n im goin to see reel big fish soon!! not that ne1 craes :( ) but i think it is stupid to kill ne1..............u no this really is a stupid topic *dont hit me*

Hee Hee Haa Haa

strychnine *hits sammypoohuk across the back of the head*

I pity anyone who isn't me.
Xenochrome **slaps sammypoohuk across the side of the head**

Originally posted by DJWOOWOO69:
so no 1 thinks that we culd win the war.
every 1 is 2 chicken.
no 1 has ne guts.

i thort this was a hard core sight.
u all seem like pussy's 2 me no hard core @ all.

DJ WOOWOO69-If you had any intelligence, you could possibly be dangerous.
Two words that you will be hearing quite often during your short time on this planet...SEEK HELP

toxic *** cracks sammypoohuk over the head once more, just for good measure***

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
DJ CURLY lock this mut.her****er it's s.hit.
most my mates are moshers and as everyone else as said on here they are safe as fuc.k, although one likes westlife????.u can kill him if ya like.

"u have just experienced the wisdom of dj curly..................yeh rite.

previosly known as
Baby_Angel hu in their rite mind wud like westlife?!?!!?

Roses are red, voilets are blue, im a schitzophrenic and so am i.....
strychnine I wanna know who ever told you I was letting go
The only joy that I had ever known
Girl they're lying ...

I pity anyone who isn't me.
toxic ^^^ that song just brought back a memory from a holiday we had at nelsons bay

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
strychnine ^^ ahh yes that was a freaky thing indeed. We think so alike sometimes that it's scary.

I pity anyone who isn't me.
toxic ^^^ i know, ur telling me

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
Originally posted by DJWOOWOO69:
so no 1 thinks that we culd win the war.
every 1 is 2 chicken.
no 1 has ne guts.

i thort this was a hard core sight.
u all seem like pussy's 2 me no hard core @ all.



Roses are red, voilets are blue, im a schitzophrenic and so am i.....
whispering "i thort this was a hard core sight.
u all seem like pussy's 2 me no hard core @ all."

So you think your hardcore coz you listen to hardcore?

"the moshere have no need 4 an army we'll kill em all ne way."

can somebody explane me wtf is going on with the
youth these days? i mean, i hope woowoo is "one of a kind"...

DJWOOWOO69 im not hard core coz i lisen 2 serten music im hard core 4 wot i do & the way i am. i may b only 1 of a kind but u only need 1 2 cahnge every thing around.

ppl need a leader & thats wot i am. just u carnt handle the fact that mi ringt. u dont think thats moshers r out 2take over. ur 2 scerd that u carnt take them on. u say i need help, i am bing helped, im helping my self my by doing wot we need 2 servive. u think well b hear so harc ocre will live on. then y r harf the megs hear from moshers. there even coming in our sight. if we dont stand soon thay will b 2 menny & there will b no turning back hard core as we no it will b lost.

dont think of me as crazy think a me as a savro.

1 that u'll wished u had followed wen hard core is lost

Kyle_Buffrey To be honest with you all , moshers can be complete and utter nobs but so can everybody else in society.

When it appeared that i couldn't find hardcore anywhere (you can only buy the big compilations at the record store near where i live), i started listening to other styles of dance music but i got bored of the chart dance music (most of it ain't brilliant in my personal opinion) so i started listening to rock music for a while but i got annoyed by the bad attitudes of people who slag off anybody who isn't like them.

I still sometimes listen to rock music whilst chilling out, i prefer the 70's punk bands, like the clash and the ramones, to the new rock music but i normally wake up and go to sleep listening to hardcore anyway so, i don't play the rock cds too often now.

I still have friends who are moshers who are a sound bunch. it's the teeny rebels i guess that are the problem. So of the stuff that moshers say is completely valid though. (why should they be mocked for being different)
But they also contradict themselves a bit
(By avoiding big clothing makes in order to not be trendy, (following the trend) they spend even more money on shit makes who have jacked the price up , just to capitalize on the mosh trend)

I think that's why I started listening to hardcore again , when I realised good new stuff was available again, and now i have some decks (less compilations now!), and last weekend i went on the train to sheffield and blew £100 on vinyl.

Moshers and ravers actually have a few things in common it appears that we all consider ourselves to be individual people (but sorry, moshers sometimes fail miserably) we all enjoy our specialist music (sometimes we should call it chart music), and we are all just human beings
(well , most of us are)

I think people should do what they want, and just enjoy themselves :)

Kyle Buffrey
Stevie c I suggest an alliance between us and the leftfield hippies, Agree to unite with the moshers and advertise a Sasha, Pete Tong, danny rampling and So Solid crew nite with whoever is at no 1 that week then masacre all trendy rubgy playing larger louts once completed turn on all Housers unless they blow whistles and wear gloves,
In general I like rock and metal, its the Angst I can do without, so any terminal Smashing Pumpkins, Trents or Marylin's should be forced to hardcore nights as part of their release agreements; I do believe anyone should listen to whatever they like but also believe Happy Harcore should be played thrown filter speakers in every town across the world

Your into the sound of Rebellion
Originally posted by DJWOOWOO69:
im not hard core coz i lisen 2 serten music im hard core 4 wot i do & the way i am. i may b only 1 of a kind but u only need 1 2 cahnge every thing around.

ppl need a leader & thats wot i am. just u carnt handle the fact that mi ringt. u dont think thats moshers r out 2take over. ur 2 scerd that u carnt take them on. u say i need help, i am bing helped, im helping my self my by doing wot we need 2 servive.

dont think of me as crazy think a me as a savro.

I just have a hard time taking advice from a 16 year old who can't spell one syllable words correctly.
And what exactly is a "savro"?
DJWOOWOO69-Maybe you should spend less time on line and more time at school, or at least be able to discuss your opinions intelligently.

rezzna this thread shocked me a bit. gotta say a few things. i was a "greebo mosher" till slammin 2nd nov., an i still am, i bought my firstnirvana cd wen i was 9 so its gonna take a helluva lot to mkae me forget about it. u have the wrong idea if u think we're trying to take over the charts. any "mosher" worth knowing hates the likes of nickelback and sum 41, because there has always been a feeling among us that music gets ruined once is commerciallised, and that has happened. its becoming as difficult to find decent rock music as it is to find decent hardcore (forgetting Original Hardcore and Bonkers). And moshers arent aload of nobs, generally the vibe at a gig is much the same as at a rave, except theres less pillheads. i went to see incubus and it was amazing, i love them as a band and i was with good mates and stoned off my tits, and i had easily as much fun as i had at slammin. i think its a bad idea to say that ppl are only supposed to e into one sort of music. all the ravers i know were "moshers" first, and are still "moshers", but HHC is completely different in many ways, but the essential reason for both is the same:


id far rather start a war with the tracksuits an caps at funny angles lot, who embody everything i hate about modern society. obviously you get a few nobs hu r "moshers" and many of the younger lot are growin a bit of an attitude, but theyre only listening to what they listen to cuz they want sumthin harder, and better than whats commercially on offer...

sound familiar?

rezzna oooh

Originally posted by rezzna:
this thread shocked me a bit. gotta say a few things. i was a "greebo mosher" till slammin 2nd nov., an i still am, i bought my firstnirvana cd wen i was 9 so its gonna take a helluva lot to mkae me forget about it. u have the wrong idea if u think we're trying to take over the charts. any "mosher" worth knowing hates the likes of nickelback and sum 41, because there has always been a feeling among us that music gets ruined once is commerciallised, and that has happened. its becoming as difficult to find decent rock music as it is to find decent hardcore (forgetting Original Hardcore and Bonkers). And moshers arent aload of nobs, generally the vibe at a gig is much the same as at a rave, except theres less pillheads. i went to see incubus and it was amazing, i love them as a band and i was with good mates and stoned off my tits, and i had easily as much fun as i had at slammin. i think its a bad idea to say that ppl are only supposed to e into one sort of music. all the ravers i know were "moshers" first, and are still "moshers", but HHC is completely different in many ways, but the essential reason for both is the same:


id far rather start a war with the tracksuits an caps at funny angles lot, who embody everything i hate about modern society. obviously you get a few nobs hu r "moshers" and many of the younger lot are growin a bit of an attitude, but theyre only listening to what they listen to cuz they want sumthin harder, and better than whats commercially on offer...

sound familiar?

I know what your sayin.Im a NIRVANA NUT,I got all their albums,most singles, and about 100 live bootleg shows.I love loadsa different music.I love rap artists like Tupac,Snoop Dogg,Kottonball Kings.Hard house such as Dj morgan,dj denise,BK,Lisa Lashes etc.Grunge bands such as Mudhoney and Soundgarden.A few new rock groups are ok as well such as the vines.
I can listen to anything really apart from the shit they play on the radio or top
of the pops or whatever.Because(most) pop groups dont do it because they
love the music,they do it for the money,the fame,the recognition.Half of them are completely talentless and sound shit live and thats because of all the tweaking and polishing they do on pop records.
Just because people have different opinions doesnt mean you should rule
them out completely.Things would be a lot worse if everyone was the same.
Its so stupid saying "kill the moshers" they could just say "Oh well at least we
dont go round munchin pills and dancing like idiots."
Just because they're moshers doesnt mean they're horrible people or anything.Its bands like sum 41,nickleback and most of the stuff you see on

Dont judge people before you even know them.Sayin they should die n stuff
is just childish.

Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.
Stevie c Like I said I like mosher and rock, shame that scene wasn't so violent sometimes and like I said before i could do without the angst!! Still my best mate is into New Model Army who I do thinkl are amazing but i do really hate the psychos that follow them, its stopped me seeing them live, something I really wish i could do

Your into the sound of Rebellion
mcjutt let be said dj woowod

ur a sad twat and u should get a life

get with my lyrics il make u sweat
im a bad boy mc youll never forget
the quickest mc u evr met
all my competion get set for a rough ride u cant even touch my vibe where all the raving crew tonight
Originally posted by mcjutt:
let be said dj woowod

ur a sad twat and u should get a life

get with my lyrics il make u sweat
im a bad boy mc youll never forget
the quickest mc u evr met
all my competion get set for a rough ride u cant even touch my vibe where all the raving crew tonight


Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.
Stevie c yeah........I'll go with dat............still...........hate trendies though!!

Your into the sound of Rebellion
Little_Leigh Hey, I know its been ages since the last post here, but i just gotta say this.
Read carefully and take it all in.

Moshers are not suicidal. We do not listen to crap music - for all you know, God might be a mosher. People listen to whatever they want usually because they like it. Metal music might sound naff to some people, but hardcore trance etc might sound weird to moshers. Now im a dj, AND a mosher.

Yall need to get over hating other kinds of music and people who listen to it. I have, and im making plenty of money because of it.

....Grow up yall

It takes 1 tree to make 100 matches,
but only 1 match to burn 100 trees
Kottonball Kings

Hehehe. Kottonball.

I'd have plenty to say here but I can't be bothered. Just felt the need to comment on that.

Hardcore feeling/Hardcore power
Every minute/Every hour
EX0 Well sorry guys but here in the U.S. its all Punk Rock and Preppy Music. The hardcore is dying or maybe is already dead . Id try to start it but hey i need a EX0's turntable and mixer fund . Oh and who wanna donate some good records. I DJ'ed a few parties but i dont have a job im tryin to get one but i think its because im too young. I had to borrow my friends turntables that he used for RAP yep that sucked .

EX0 And can we quit dissin on our fellow hardcore members comon guys this topic turned into a big argument. lol but the thing about the go in as groups acording to the music was funny as hell. we should all listen to some gabber first so arent all happy and hyped up lol.

hooverlover why are we all having a go at moshers? if we were normal people we would just let them listen to what they want and they would let us listen to what we want, there's no hard rules, it's personal music tastes, I don't like rock my self and I haven't watched TOTP or listened to Radio (daytime) for 3 years because I don't need to know about pop music and don't care about it. I thought you wouldn't care about the state of the charts anyway, I haven't a clue what's going on in the charts right now, why should I let the pop charts affect my life!!
If i were you, i would care more about the underground scenes as that's were hardcore is trying to redevelope right now.

all the talk of moshers/goths/scaters what ever you call them, In my opinion, the uk moshers are being brainwashed by all the USA media, there's nothing original about it now. the UK now is full of what my friends call 'townies' who listen to hardhouse in their car really loud, they are a bit like gabbers, shaved heads, usually a baseball cap with it lifted up high at the front because they think it makes them hard, and rebok classics. ??? don't ask me!

Stevie c Who dug this one up?
This topic is old, tiresome and more ridculous than who
hates Flip and Fill

The whited gloved neon sticked whistle blowin hood wearin
Peter Pan
Originally posted by Stevie c:
Who dug this one up?
This topic is old, tiresome and more ridculous than who
hates Flip and Fill

AMEN to that!!!!

Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"Turn that shit up!!!!!"
SmilEy -To the person who started this topic... u rave? u drop? u LOVE ur tunes?
then explain y the f**k u "wanna kill" other people for their tunes!?!?
Don't get me wrong, I LIVE BY HARDCORE!!

Every person to their own ay...

*follow the leader-move with the leader-follow the leader-here we go!!!*[hl

Gabby The 2 loves of my life are hardcore gabba and amen breaks

When you listen to hardcore,especially when thats really underground(as it is in Greece),you are open minded! I think that in every genre of music you can find something good.

As for killing people who like rock can start by killing me!
I really like metal, bands like tool, berzerker and system of a down.

Xenochrome It's the Topic That Wouldn't Die!!! Ahhhh **runs away**

pishposh some gabba tunes use metal sounds dont they?

people like what they like...(except kill gareth gates and all that pop shite)

Originally posted by pishposh:
some gabba tunes use metal sounds dont they?[img]" border=0>

people like what they like...(except kill gareth gates and all that pop shite)
[img]" border=0>

There are a lot of metal samples in terror tracks, aswell as in a lot of the nowadays frenchcore (lots of guitars and shit).

I just think it sux that all that skate and hiphop shit didn't stay underground, that's the way it should be. That way you don't bother other ppl and you don't atract the ppl who listen to the music cuz their friends do and everybody else does. F*cking fakers

toxicmusic I listen to all kinds of music, and i've been dissed for every one of them by mostly Trendie types ... just cos i dont like Justin Timberlake or Busted!!

I listen to Happy Hardcore, i'm workin on becomin an MC...
I also listen to rock music...go out on Rock nights an dress like a mosher...

I don't care what anyone else listens to, I have Mosher mates, Trendie mates, and even a mate who listens to Country & Western...but as long as they're good people it don't matter to me...

~This is the beginning of something Happy and Hardcore~
~# [email protected] #~

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