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 will underground music EVER go mainstream???

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
xamulink I just your guys' opinions on whether or not underound music can go mainstream...I'm talkin bout dare I say Britney Spears mainstream...with that in mind, I think that trance will be tha next step in tha US in regards to radio commercial airplay...I give much propz to Alice Deejay because my radio station actually played it which was pretty uncommon for some Euro to be played in a midwest state...I know, I know...there are plenty of radio stations that play underground music...but remember, I'm talkin bout whether underground music can reach tha heights of Spears...give me your input everyone...peace

DJ e-Klyps I've been thinking about this one lately and i can only see one way it could happen at the moment. The music industry in the UK wont touch HHC with a shitty stick. Therefore the only way is if a big artist (DJ Jean, Alice Deejay, Sash) was to stick a HHC track as a 3rd or 4th track on a single. Not likely, or maybe a hardhouse DJ spinning a few HHC tracks into a hardhouse comilation CD. Again not likely. AArrrrrrghhhh what to do"!!!!!!

ladd it depends on what area ur talking about. . . for the usa, techno/dance is finally becoming more mainstream and accepted already, and most people will agree that it will continue on that trend. but i dont see specialized genres like hhc and garage (for example) ever becoming brittney spears popular.

personally it doesnt matter to me whether something is mainstream or underground, as long as i like how it sounds =o)

odayakana mizu no nagare wa ****i.
Soren In the US it sort of is happening. ATB (and others) had music videos on MTV. I guess it depends on what you call underground music. I have friends from England that say all you hear on the radio is Techno and that it's totally not underground, but not stuff like HHC though. Here in the US I don't think HHC will ever be main stream cause it's barely even accepted at raves ^_^

GT I don't think it stands much chance in the UK. If it did go mainstream, three things could happen.
1. It takes off in a MASSIVE way, and everybody loves it. The music stays as it is, and the scene grows in such a way that hardcore comes back to stay.
2. Again, it is a success, but the music is diluted, becomes cheese again, and turns into shite commercial bollocks. The real scene is then killed off, and the music lost forever.
3. Nobody likes it, it flops, the DJ's who are in it for the money ****-off to HardHouse or summat, while those who are in it for the love of the music stay on, eatch new tune is a killer, and the scene survives and everyone is happy

Then again, I could just be tripping...

'You picked me up, and swept me away....'
Originally posted by Soren:

Here in the US I don't think HHC will ever be main stream cause it's barely even accepted at raves ^_^

good point soren, hhc kids are few and far between. tucson probably has one hhc-themed area per every 30 raves or more. =o( *sniff*

odayakana mizu no nagare wa ****i.
xamulink yea, u rite soren, ATB had a videos on least thats a start...I also agree with ladd, as long as it sounds good, I like, however, wouldn't it be nice to have Billboard announce...say Blank & Jones' new album over nsync's...that would really help tha industry of underground music like trance/techno/house/etc. u know...peace

DJ Tempest god i hope not

"I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died."
-Steven Wright

ladd as far as mainstream VS underground, i think a whole seperate website could be devoted just to forums of people arguing their points for and against each. =o) its one of those ongoing debates that won't ever be resolved.

odayakana mizu no nagare wa ****i.
silver It all depends if you want HHC to go commerical, I certainly really dont want it too, it will kill it. Remember when the Prodigy started to get popular? I respect the prodigy and their music but for some it's just cool to like the prodigy.... I agree that this point will be argued over and over, it will be cool if done correctly and the scene stays around for a long as Rock and Roll has been around. But image if it took the path of Disco, here today, hated tomorrow.
xamulink to tell u tha truth...I don't wanna say never...but I doubt that hhc will ever be popular mainstreamwise...I was focusing more on trance/techno/progressive cause I thought I could post stuff about "other genres" in this forum...anyways, I didn't want this to be an argumentive type of question...just what u guys thought of where "dance" music in general is headed with regards to tha US scene...peace

silver Well dance music is fine, but I just don't want some unknown freak to get up and talk shit about HHC music on TV like they have been into it for the last 10 years when they have only been into it for 1 month.
Rotis True silver.. That would really piss me off.

Hardcore will never die!
Soren I personally don't want any techno to go "mainstream" I think it kills the music. I went to or something like that (I don't remember the site excatly) and their special 15min video of the month was some lame live act at a rave concert with tons of ppl. The music was extremely borning and I recognized several of their sounds as presets off their gear. And all the ppl in the audience looked like the ppl that picked on me in high school. I hate when jocks and cheerleaders and other "main stream" ppl show up at raves and rip their shirts off and get all farged up on E. They are paracites on the scene and scare me. Sorry... ^_^ Ummm.. calming down... OK, I am better now ^_^

Although it is cool when you see jocks doing liquid and trying to "battle" ppl while dancing cause they are pretty easy to embarass in front of their GF's and that is nice revenge for 12 years of scool torture ^_^

sunrize All I have to say is this...

Rotis It's the one from Innercity right?

Yeah I agree.. Fake audience! ;P But woo... Tons of people at least... Kinda boring music too... Just some mainstream-trance.

Actually there was 85000 people INSIDE... which is kinda amazing.. I wish that was a Happycore party.. It would be roxxor. =)

Hardcore will never die!

Edited by - Rotis on 07 Apr 2001 17:56:16
silver Rotis: what's Innercity ?
Sander Innercity is a dutch dance event by ID&T. The last event (30-12-2000) was with I believe 40.000 people. The styles are trance, club , techno with dj's like paul van dyk, sven vath, tiesto, seb fontaine marco v etv.

Hardcore, when people want more
silver ID&T does techno? Hmmm interesting...

damn 40 000 people is a big party!
Sander here you can see the styles/dj's . Speedy J was also spinning techno, some people saying Speedy j - Pullover was the first gabber record.

Hardcore, when people want more
Rotis Uhm.. If you check out that video ( you can hear some dude (actually I think it's Tiësto) saying something like "Just being here with all these 85000 people inside like this is amazing enough!" But maybe he says something with 40k. It sure sounds like 85000... But that's a bit too much maybe. =)

And yeah.. ID&T moved over to Trance/Techno just for the money. I heard that they dumped the hardcore-scene totally but Sander says they're into it still... At least I know that Buzz Fuzz's label (BRZRK or what ít's called) took over Thunderdome. Dunno what happend to the Happy Hardcore records.. The latest one was Happy Hardcore 9... Those records are so cool... Not regular Happy Hardcore. I love them sooo much!

Hardcore will never die!

Edited by - Rotis on 08 Apr 2001 12:46:53
xamulink whoa, ... I guess you guys kinda got off tha subject...but anyways...I should ask is that 40,000 party tha biggest one or are you guys sure tha 80,000 is tha biggest...??? any idea when and where was tha biggest party ever?

Sander I just listen to it and he said 35.000 (not tiesto btw) Maybe sensation is the biggest (also by ID&T) In the amsterdam ArenA (stadium) I believe 40.000 people. But I don't really like those parties, to commercial for me

Hardcore, when people want more
Rotis Aaaah ok.. Sorry Sander.. =/.. My fault.. didn't really listen that well.. hmm so it wasn't Tiesto? But he talks later on, right?

Hardcore will never die!
Sander Don't know :) But I hate tiesto.. Ok, I have some records of him.. but in the past he was also making some hardcore (very bad I believe) but then he wasn't into hardcore anymore and he said bad things about it.. Don't know the real story anymore..

Ok, tiesto was spinning in the past also hardcore (5-6-7 years ago? don't know) but it gave him proberly not a succes so then he is going into trance. Ok, no problem but then he said that gabber for children is.

Watch at own risk
Hardcore, when people want more


Edited by - Sander on 09 Apr 2001 11:23:02
Rotis Bah screw Tiësto... His music sux too..

What about that pic btw..?

Hardcore will never die!
Sander The pi(c)(g) is tiesto :)

Hardcore, when people want more
Soren LOL, he ain't to cute is he? ^_^

ladd id hafta say no soren. . .lol

odayakana mizu no nagare wa ****i.
bad_boy no way its never going any where

Stevie c Commercialisation and popular should be considered two different things. I would like the scene to be more popular and more visable yet I don't want it to be commercialised. HHC could become mainstream over niight if say Britney, J-lo, Christina or say Justin took to it. It would be very popular but for the wrong reasons. On from that it would be exploited used and dumped when no longer usual. As an underground Prodigy fan from the 'Android', 'One Family' days this is my major gripe with them. They were quoted as saying 'we no longer want kids with white gloves and glowsticks to follow them.' It was those 'Kids' that got them popular and to then say they were 'Techno Punks' seems to me shallow and commercialised. However once 'Fame' strikes who would want to lose it, or the money that comes with it.
HHC is a way of not just style but life. To those who are into it are predominatly not concerned with fashion but statement; Statement is a difficult thing for the 'mainstream' to accept. Companies own music, and the last thing the Industry wants is old style youth rebellion music. It causes trouble. Stars and fans alike are unpredictable and that is not something business is comfortable with.
Today's Idols are a sorry state of affairs but I would guess sort of pleasing to parents from a genoration that had serious artists and guru's (Hendrix, Pink Floyd,Zepplin, Stones,Beatles? T Rex) At their age it was alright that they did it but now grown up they would prefer younger ppl not to do the same. Sorry but ex-hippies are the worst. Look at 'Starbucks' , 'Ben and Jerry's' or Bill Gates and ask yourself, seriously, is that what I want to happen to my favorite music?
Like alternative comedy in the uk that was so strong in the 80's, only now is a new alternative growing BECAUSE it was assimilated in to main stream TV.
I admit my heart thumps for joy when I hear hardcore on radio or see it on TV. I love to be surprised when someone else uses it when I didn't exspect it. However for hardcore to go mainstream means it will be used by Pepsi and Coke to advertise a World Cup or some such big events forever. Do you really want it to be flogged to death?
The difference I hope between today and the 60s is they reverted back to the making money dreams of parents. Today I hope you all realise you need money to live but we don't need exploit something and tred on other values to get want we want, namely money. My quality of life is more important than my wealth thus Hardcore is part of that rather than a tool to be used to make me rich. If it ever becomes that tool I have died, I am like an ex-hippie, I will be an ex-raver.
Until then may the scene turn over, stay away from F&F, and continue to be strong, happy and unique. It will cease to be unique if it is mainstream, it will become the norm and I turned to Hardcore to get away from that Sh!t.
As Bill Hicks (a prophet, comedian and hero) pointed out to Vanilla Ice
Paula Abdul
and MC Hammer?
'Back again so soon?'

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
Originally posted by silver:
It all depends if you want HHC to go commerical, I certainly really dont want it too, it will kill it. Remember when the Prodigy started to get popular? I respect the prodigy and their music but for some it's just cool to like the prodigy.... I agree that this point will be argued over and over, it will be cool if done correctly and the scene stays around for a long as Rock and Roll has been around. But image if it took the path of Disco, here today, hated tomorrow.

yeah, I completly agree with that. Also the problem with Prodigy is that the fact that they went mainstream also changed their music. They sold out! Look at em now... they are not even doing electronic music much really. I love their older stuff. 1st & 2nd albu; were best. The third one was decent. and after that, they just went to shit. Boo!!!!!!!!!!!

Raver_Davie will underground music EVER go mainstream???

It may have it's moments like Garage has and some of the rock bands. I don't think it will go to the extent where kids who have never heard the music will be wearing hooded-tops with artist's names on, like in rock music.

Can you imagine hardcore mainstream? Example: Your 12 year old sister buys a magazine like 'Smash Hits' because it has a free poster of Hixxy and Brisk, even though she was taking the piss out of the music prior to that. It doesn't bare tinking.

You'll see alot more arseholes and trouble at events and current mainstream artists like Pink, who's one single is one genre of music and the next is another, jumping on the hardcore band wagon saying "Hardcore's great, bought my first tape pack in 1995!"

Weird Fish Mainstream, I don't think it would. You have to have a Raver's Heart to stand and understand this music. A lot of ppl are mindless sheep, just like sheep. Today they say they like hhc and tomorrow they'll say they like God-knows-what. They will always be something to sell, just like punk it comes and goes, cause of too comercialisation.
I have a cousin who has his band, his genre is like punk-ska-reggea-rock-beach style, I'm not into that scene, but his music is good, he always invites me to his gigs, I would go cause I like his music too(actually I go for the scooby-doo song), but one hit song on the radio and now everybody likes him, yata yata yata and they all go to the gig for that one song...
I just hate when sheep cross over the road in front of me, you just want to hit some of them......arrghhhh.....(calmin down). so you'll get a bunch of sheep at raves...aint a cool sight.
Not much to worry, they come together and leave together at the same time.

I'm 41,47727272727273 % insane!!!
weba_d Im kinda keen how the dance scene is right now, theres abit of mainstream, not much but enough for 90% to of the population to understand that happyhardcore is a style of dance music and not "WTF is that shit?"

Same street, Different house.
zanzera No, underground will never become mainstream because thats why they call it underground bcause its not mainstream

~*Joellee Gentlerain*~
Stevie c I'm sorry but was that last post a leason in stating the bleedin obvious?
Lots of Underground stuff has 'Gone' mainstream which I believe is what
the thread is about. It would be a pretty poor conversation if we didn't all
recognise that onces something 'goes' mainstream that a new underground
style won't be found. If that was the case music would have died a long time ago

I am a Disciple of the
Piano Rush
Follower of the Light
The Elfish angel of Happiness
and your into my sound of Rebellion
Kyle_Buffrey No, underground will never become mainstream because thats why they call it underground bcause its not mainstream

~*Joellee Gentlerain*~

That is the correct answer.

I think I can partially understand what you are trying to say though. Hardcore probably wouldn't because the scene is too close knit in comparison with other styles of music. Good thing too, I don't want trendy wankers controlling the scene, and ****ing it up. Unfortuneatley there are cheeze covers around from the AATW label, but they couldn't do original new hardcore for toffee, (or another few pints from their beerboy clubs for that matter)

The Sperminator 2 I think the real question is here, does anyone actually want hhc to go mainstream?...if the music took the cheap way out it def has the ability to make it big, but then the music suffers with it (think technohead - i wanna be a hippy) all-time hated tune of mine is shooting star, reason being is that every 13-15 year old school girl in UK knows that song off by heart after those ridiculous DDR machines in the arcades. the general public don't take hardcore seriously as it is, can you imagine how discredited the scene would be if tracks like shooting star made it on to top of the pops? not only would it spawn loads of crappy pop hardcore sh*t, it would damage hardcores already bad image beyond repair and totally kill the scene off..lets leave the music where it should be, underground, where true ravers like us can appreciate it. ;-)
Also the problem with Prodigy is that the fact that they went mainstream also changed their music.

well, I don't really think it changed their experience era music. the music had the sound they personally wanted for the album but the radio edits did have to radio friendly.

and I so agree that their new stuff isn't as good, well for me anyway, I loved experience and jilted. their new album "always outnumbered never outgunned" coming out this year I don't think I will buy, it will probably be like fat of the land

I think UK garage is crap IMO
breathe YAS MAN it is inevitable.... bite your tongue kiddo cuz look around you ...everything that started off with little bites has eventually ended up with corperations like sony and ****ing ford taking huge rips out of it and eating it for a light snack whilst destroying the purity of anything capable of containing any soul or culture

ravinlil I realy realy fcukin hope it doesnt go mainstream. If it did poeple that dont understand the music would tear it to shitty little pieces and I dont want that to happen an I dont think any of you do either. Lets just keep it to ourselves and hope it always stays underground.

hardcore can be the route to evil, if spun incorrectly!

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