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 cat night

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bristolboy05 i herd cat night is pregnant nd dats why we aint herd of her for a while.
any1 no if its true ???
Lilley all i gotta say is thats an awesome avatar
bristolboy05 wots a avatar ???
pray2win Your picture on the left...
jimbob squarepants whats a picture?
Lilley pic·ture /ˈpɪktʃər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pik-cher] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -tured, -tur·ing.
1. a visual representation of a person, object, or scene, as a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.: I carry a picture of my grandchild in my wallet.
2. any visible image, however produced: pictures reflected in a pool of water.
3. a mental image: a clear picture of how he had looked that day.
4. a particular image or reality as portrayed in an account or description; depiction; version.
5. a tableau, as in theatrical representation.
6. motion picture.
7. pictures, Informal: Older Use. movies.
8. a person, thing, group, or scene regarded as resembling a work of pictorial art in beauty, fineness of appearance, etc.: She was a picture in her new blue dress.
9. the image or perfect likeness of someone else: He is the picture of his father.
10. a visible or concrete embodiment of some quality or condition: the picture of health.
11. a situation or set of circumstances: the economic picture.
12. the image on a computer monitor, the viewing screen of a television set, or a motion-picture screen.
–verb (used with object) 13. to represent in a picture or pictorially, as by painting or drawing.
14. to form a mental picture of; imagine: He couldn't picture himself doing such a thing.
15. to depict in words; describe graphically: He pictured Rome so vividly that you half-believed you were there.
16. to present or create as a setting; portray: His book pictured the world of the future.


[Origin: 1375–1425; late ME < L pictūra the act of painting, a painting, equiv. to pict(us) (ptp. of pingere to paint) + -ūra -ure]

—Related forms
pic·tur·a·ble, adjective
pic·tur·a·ble·ness, noun
pic·tur·a·bly, adverb
pic·tur·er, noun

—Synonyms 13, 15. delineate, paint, draw, represent.
Originally posted by Lilley:

haha awesome formatting
jimbob squarepants ha ha!!!

your crazy lilley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lilley i do my best
Originally posted by bristolboy05:
wots a avatar ???

Sorry.... but....
jack5724 lol
bristolboy05 haha its all good but no1 answerd my question lol
n/a Ive not heard she's pregnant, doesnt mention anything about her being up the duff anywhere i've looked. I know she's been touring with a band recently, maybe thats it. I wouldnt be surprised if she's in the studio. Hardcore isnt her only style of music she persues, in fact she's a modern dance teacher too.

Check her site
Da Cunney Bugz anybody got a pic of cat knight, never seen what she looks like but her name makes who sound like pure filth
DarrenJ I had a dream about having a pillow fight with cat night

ok... not really

Her official site.
Da Cunney Bugz she not what i imagined :(
n/a Well the voice doesnt fit the body, she must have a massive pair of lungs on her.

I think she's well fit :D
Future_Shock Without being racist

I pictured her as of African descent. Am i the only ones?
Vitalism not racist at all.

i was actually going to say the same. i can usually call if if a vocalist is black or white based on their voice, but i guess i got it wrong here too.

surprised me.
Da Cunney Bugz
Originally posted by Influx:
Without being racist

I pictured her as of African descent. Am i the only ones?

you should be burned, you'll be going round with a cone on your head in the near future.....

Originally posted by Da Cunney Bugz:
Originally posted by Influx:
Without being racist

I pictured her as of African descent. Am i the only ones?

you should be burned, you'll be going round with a cone on your head in the near future.....

like that
redwingz hahahaha
raindance-rob lol if she was then how come she was at the last two raindance's @ she aint showing hmm
Originally posted by Influx:
Without being racist

I pictured her as of African descent. Am i the only ones?

I did as well, you can usually tell a coon just from the voice...

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