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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bristolboy05 isit true dat lakota in bristol is shuttin down, ive herd a shit load of roumers but i dont no if its true or not.
aparently oxygen said dey aint takin nomore bookin after december, wich is shit cuz wheres delerium , oxygen and out da box gonna be now.

der is still castro's ta go 2 but it aint as good as lakota.
DJ-Pure Sadly it seems it is, it's due to the fact that so many of the 'Retarded ravers' coming smashed out of their faces on Whizz, Charley, Bass ect that you end up ruining the toilets and on some occasions the Equipment. Also not to mention the fact that the club has had so many raids on it and fines due to Undercovers finding the A listed mess some people leave.
Being a regular DJ/Raver at this club i can say it's only them ravers that have there selfs to blame.

The cost of having the damage's repaired has brought the club to a % Fall in cash.

No doubt Delirium, Oxygen ect will be moving to maby Harry's or even to bristol, i've no information on that as they are only roumers. (any more info would be great to hear)

Cheers, Pure.
bristolboy05 yh but the last time i went was about 3 weeks ago n they got security walkin bout da place takin the drugz off ppl, i was in the toilet n he took a g off me just as i done a key lol.

der aint no fights down der or anyfin and yh fair enough the toilets are shit but u only go in there for a piss.

they just got new lightin and system put in inall so i dont fink its the matter of cash, fink hw much money dey make on 15 quid a peice and ur garentied about 1000 ravers in there on almost every event.
any1 got more info ?
Originally posted by DJ-Pure:
Sadly it seems it is, it's due to the fact that so many of the 'Retarded ravers' coming smashed out of their faces on Whizz, Charley, Bass ect that you end up ruining the toilets and on some occasions the Equipment. Also not to mention the fact that the club has had so many raids on it and fines due to Undercovers finding the A listed mess some people leave.
Being a regular DJ/Raver at this club i can say it's only them ravers that have there selfs to blame.

The cost of having the damage's repaired has brought the club to a % Fall in cash.

No doubt Delirium, Oxygen ect will be moving to maby Harry's or even to bristol, i've no information on that as they are only roumers. (any more info would be great to hear)

Cheers, Pure.

I have no idea what your on about!

Ive been resident at the club for 7 years and I dont know who you are or why you are posting about this? it's possible closure has nothing to do with anything pre-mentioned by you!

As far as I know it has never been "raided" but the police have had to enter twice (that I remember) due to violence & they were very much isolated issues that were dealt with very quickly.

Drugs do not come into it and the system was a seperate issue (which might I add has been totally changed and is now a monster!) how do the ravers mess up a sound system? That comment makes no sence.

You say you are a regular DJ here, well ive never heard of you so im pretty sure you dont know all (if any) of the facts so please stop adding fuel to the fire.

And what do you mean by this comment "'Retarded ravers - i can say it's only them ravers that have there selfs to blame"? The clubs possible closure has NOTHING to do with ravers, & how can you call the people that you say you regually play out to retards? thats a horrid thing to say about anyone let alone the people that pay your wages and have put you where you are (if in fact you are a DJ) ? Stop speculating on things that you obviously have no idea about, it does nothing but confuse things and start silly rumours.

The area where lakota is (stokes croft) is undergoing massive re-generation due to the new shopping quater of the city, this is why certain buildings are closing, it has NOTHING to do with anything you have mentioned.

There has been no official words on the matter from lakota so for now, just get to the rave's held there and enjoy what time you do have left at this wicked venue!


Paul C.

Ps - Dont forget The ashton court after party @ Lakota this saturday! seeya there !

DJ-Pure Indeed, seems im wrong i apologies.

I'm a usually at wonky eye (lack of events since late 06'ish), Tho half of the event goers at Wonkey eye come from my local town it's no surprise that knowing most of the people in my age group from school i know what they do ect, that what i said above is a Chinese whisper sorry i didn't make that clear.

As for the retarded raver comment, i stand by it tho its aimed at the drug takers.

It seems to me that if you need a drug to make the night that much better and the music that much better, find a new style of music that does it naturally, I haven't used a drug nor do i plan to use a drug to make the night better, those who decided to take them can feel free to i don't care they like it they do it, i think it's stupid as many of the members on this site know.
Compulsion No worries man, Just thought id clear it up and nip the rumour mill in the bud ;)

Say hello to the WonkeyEye peep's, not seen them in a while!

DJ-Pure No, i think we're going down now to be honest mate, Spuddy (if you know him) has left and Adger has run it to forms of 'Trouble' lol with the police, so have to see what happens.
Originally posted by DJ-Pure:
No doubt Delirium, Oxygen ect will be moving to maby Harry's or even to bristol, i've no information on that as they are only roumers. (any more info would be great to hear)

Err, isnt lakota in bristol?
jimbob squarepants havent been there for a while.

remember seeing scott brown & brisk b2b "the hardest set of their lives"

the mc ****ing ruined it.wouldnt shut up for 2 minutes
bristolboy05 orbit1 m8 u made dat floor bounce in lakota, ur set was stompin !!!
i fink dat was at (uproar - hard to da core 2)
all the events are being held at trinity road in easton, lol in a ****in church.
dts crazy shit takin drugz in gods house lyke.
Orbit1 haha thanks man! I loved Bristol! I can't wait till I go back :)

That trinity road venue looks pretty cool, I heard it used to be an Arts centre?
Compulsion Yeah it still is an art's center - big recording studio up there aswell from what im told!

It's not a church (altho it's disguised as one) it's a community center, awsome venue! Cant wait to see it decked out and full of ravers :D
kathryn Big up to St Pauls in Bristol
bristolboy05 saint pauls haha, big up da hartcliffe crew. reppin' bristol !!! lol
Originally posted by bristolboy05:
saint pauls haha, big up da hartcliffe crew. reppin' bristol !!! lol

My mum used to live there a few years ago.
DJ-Pure Great contribution to the conversation there, Above quote answer = Typo*
funkymonkey silly q, but being a boat, couldnt the venue be moved further round in the harbour? then the ravers keep the venue, the venue keeps the ravers, and the harbour keeps its peace...??!!

although sayin that, it could cost a small fortune!

be a fekkin shame if Lakota goes. it's been a mainstay of the bristol scene for years!
funkymonkey ignore my last post, was thinking of thekla!

late night drunked stupidity!
bristolboy05 any1 remember cafe gern, its goin on about 4 years now when it shut down i fink.
dat was 1 of bristols finists.
Originally posted by bristolboy05:
any1 remember cafe gern, its goin on about 4 years now when it shut down i fink.
dat was 1 of bristols finists.

I remember going to the Ritz club in Bristol back in 96

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