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 New to the genre. Need criticism.

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TugBoat Hi guys!

So I recently stumbled upon happy hardcore while playing rhythm games. I instantly fell in love with it. I have been making electronic music for quite some time now, so I thought I would try to make a track. I'd love to know what you guys think about it! Thanks in advance.
brodster One important thing in this genre is the kick drum, I can't really hear a kick drum in your track. Make the kick drum louder and sidechain all your elements to it.
TugBoat Ty ill up the levels. Sidechainings a good idea also didint think of that.

Ps I love Baccano!
Elliott Idk man. It's like there's too many elements struggling for my attention. I can't focus on any particular part of the track. You need to play around with the levels to emphasise some parts more than others.
Originally posted by TugBoat:
Ty ill up the levels. Sidechainings a good idea also didint think of that.

Ps I love Baccano!

But to side chain everything is a terrible idea. In fact it's a terrible idea in general if it's used in a corrective capacity. The kick should be fine as it is.
ViolonC You need to get a good kick sample! Nakura has some free Samples that are a good starting point.
You can tweak them a little(!) with EQ but unless you exactly know what you are doing do not use effects on the kick.

Then you need a good bass synth. Kick, snare, hi-hat and bass make the grove and should work well together. The bass in HC is strictly an the off-beat. Make the Bass wide in the stereo field and use a simple sine wave as sub-bass that should be mono/in the center.

Sidechain everything that takes a lot of space in the spectrum to the kick and duck it a little with compression with short attack and release times. If done right it should not really be noticeable.
TugBoat Thanks so much. Those kick samples are great. Gonna try another track tonight with this advice.
Originally posted by TugBoat:
Thanks so much. Those kick samples are great. Gonna try another track tonight with this advice.

Be sure to post it here :)
TugBoat Heres my second track..

I spent a lot more time on this one. My mixes are gonna continue to be iffy until I can get some proper monitors..
skankineddie666 HAHAH i think they are awesome!!!!! Your tracks make me feel like I'm stranded in Candy Land that's inhibited with 8 Bit Japanese anime girls!!!

You mention that you are new to the genre but could you clarify like what artist you enjoy?? Because this will give us an idea of what kinda of sound you are trying to capture. Obviously i could be wrong I'm not a producer 8)
TugBoat Glad you like it. :D

I really like P* Light and Ryu. Those are the only two im familiar with right now...
Originally posted by TugBoat:
Glad you like it. :D

I really like P* Light and Ryu. Those are the only two im familiar with right now...

I'm glad I asked. Technically speaking (as far as I am aware) those two producers you mention are from Japan and produce J-CORE (Japanese Hardcore)

If you really wanna produce music that has similarities with those artist then I suggest developing a good ear so you can try and mimic their sound.

Check out DJ Shimamura, DJ Noriken and REDaLICE they are fantastic Jcore producers. Also worth mentioning HARDCORE TANO*C is a jcore label which has tons of music worth checking out.

TugBoat Yes they are from Japan. I will check out those others. Thanks for suggesting some! I do like the "J-CORE" style but I don't want to completely copy someone ya know... But yes there are elements I will most likely incorporate.
Originally posted by TugBoat:
Heres my second track..

I spent a lot more time on this one. My mixes are gonna continue to be iffy until I can get some proper monitors..

Monitors are overrated, there aren't speakers out there that could make me mix well!

Anyway, there's something quite charming about this track. Now I know what you're going for, I can say that this is actually pretty good.
ViolonC Your second track sounds like something that could be played in a japanese TV commercial. Your overall production sound much better. But if you wanna produce something for a club where people are supposed to dance to you need to work on your kick and bass - and especially how they interact. Adding a sub bass would be a good start. If you don't want to do that you need the bass strictly on the off beat.

Noriken and Shimamura have already been suggested, but i will second that. Shimamura does a lot of this cheesy j-core stuff but his production is a lot influenced by the UK Hardcore (and jungle/drum&bass) sound and spot on. Even if you want it a little softer (or don't like staccato pianos ) it's worth listening just for learning.
Makina (another hardcore sub genre) could also be something for you.

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