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 What headphones are people using

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Alex Threat Hi all, just interested to see what headphones people are using nowadays? My old faithfuls decided to pack up on me on Saturday halfway through my mix! I have a spare pair (pioneer hdj1500 off the top of my head) but found them too awkward and too bassy and low. Just interested to see if anyone has any recommendations?
MusicILove I use Pioneer HDJ-X10 and Audio Technica ATH M50X. I use the Pioneer?s for mixing and the Audio Technica?s for everything else. I find The Pioneer?s to be uncomfortable for long periods of time. The most comfortable pair of headphones I had were Pioneer HDJ-2000.
Alex Threat
Originally posted by MusicILove:
I use Pioneer HDJ-X10 and Audio Technica ATH M50X. I use the Pioneer?s for mixing and the Audio Technica?s for everything else. I find The Pioneer?s to be uncomfortable for long periods of time. The most comfortable pair of headphones I had were Pioneer HDJ-2000.

Yeah, that is what i found with my pioneers they are quite uncomfortable. how did the HDJ-2000 sound? I think my pioneers are pretty old, so could have improved a bit from the pair i own
Triquatra For Djing I've tried a few pioneers but have always found them to be waaay too bassy and had to return them. I've found that sennheisers tend to be better balanced and the bass doesn't overpower the mids and highs.

For production I use Audio Technica ATH M50 - but again, I actually find those a little bass heavy, so you have to be careful using them if producing - soon as you switch from them to a good set of speakers it's all "where the hell has my bass gone?" haha.
trippnface I use these. How bad do they suck?
DJ Blazar I use Skullcandy Hesh 2, my only pair of headphones to last more than 6 months, 3 years strong currently!
DJ_FunDaBounce ATH-M50 owner here as well. Got these as a second reference when producing. Think I've had them since 2010.
anywhoo, I had a pair of pioneer hdj-1000 which were really nice sound-wise. Liked the way they felt, too. nice and comfy. Eventually both joints of the cups snapped beyond glue/tape/silicon repair and that was that.
Been using my m50's for mixing. They ARE a bit heavy on the bass but I discovered that if I put them on at a certain angle, I just get the crispness I need to beatmatch.

Currently looking at these:
LeVzi I have 2 pairs, my AKG's if I need to do any production work on the quiet.

Old pair of Steel Series gaming headphones when I use my controller, they are being held together by prayers and duct tape, but so comfortable, I don't wanna say goodbye yet.
Alex Threat
Originally posted by Triquatra:
For Djing I've tried a few pioneers but have always found them to be waaay too bassy and had to return them. I've found that sennheisers tend to be better balanced and the bass doesn't overpower the mids and highs.

For production I use Audio Technica ATH M50 - but again, I actually find those a little bass heavy, so you have to be careful using them if producing - soon as you switch from them to a good set of speakers it's all "where the hell has my bass gone?" haha.

Yeah, that is what i have found with my pioneers too. will have a look at the sennheisers, always seem to get good feedback from other people i've spoken to regarding them
Alex Threat thanks everyone for the feedback too. going to have a browse of the internet and look at some prices etc
MusicILove Apologies for the late response been doing a lot of sleeping. If you dislike the bass amount of the HDJ-1500 then anything above that won't be for you. HDJ-2000 HDJ-2000Mk2 HDJ-X7 HDJ-X10. Probably give the whole Pioneer range a miss altogether. I personally like the sound of them.
Alex Threat
Originally posted by MusicILove:
Apologies for the late response been doing a lot of sleeping. If you dislike the bass amount of the HDJ-1500 then anything above that won't be for you. HDJ-2000 HDJ-2000Mk2 HDJ-X7 HDJ-X10. Probably give the whole Pioneer range a miss altogether. I personally like the sound of them.

No problems at all. think I am going to get a set of Sennheiser HD25 Plus. Some of the lads I know have them and say they are a really good set of headphones. It will be into the new year like, thanks to Xmas, NYE, and raves haha
thedjjudah For production, I use AKG K240 MkIIs.

For DJing, well, I haven't DJ'd for a long time, so I don't know what would work for that. Could someone tell me if AKG's would work well in the club?
Pluz hdj-2000 :D
martinj1985 i am using OneOdio very good for the price in my opinion!!

there is better but for the price they are good
Originally posted by martinj1985:
i am using OneOdio very good for the price in my opinion!!

there is better but for the price they are good

Looking at the reviews and stuff, it's got my interest. How long have you had them for, Martin? And compared to previous headphones you've had, how would you rate them?

I?m just about to hit that "buy" button. lol!
Originally posted by thedjjudah:
For production, I use AKG K240 MkIIs.

For DJing, well, I haven't DJ'd for a long time, so I don't know what would work for that. Could someone tell me if AKG's would work well in the club?

I used to own a pair of AKGs. Not sure if they were the 240's but very similar in style. From what I can recall the build was very different from what you'd expect from a dj-aimed headphone.

Mickey Init I?ve always liked Sennheiser HD 25 headphones.
squarepeg For Dj'ing - Sennheiser HD25s were the club standard when I was playing, but never owned a pair. I was using Beats headphones for a while, still do from time to time. They are very bassy and I like that for mixing. These days I actually just use my day to day earbud headphones which I think are just bog standard Sony's (19.99 efforts).

For production it's Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro's - very quiet but amazingly responsive and good for mixdowns.
Mickey Init Are the AKG K240 MkIIs OK for day-to-day general iPod listening on-the-go?

The sennheisers are great for home use but perhaps not for walking around.
Dem Retak I use Pioneer XDJ-X10 for mixing and Audio Technica ATH-R70x for production.

The X10s are a really good pair, seem pretty much unbreakable, the sound isolation is great even when there's loads of low end in the venue. I love the swivel action which makes it very easy to listen with one ear while pressing the headphones to the shoulder. The audio quality is pretty great too. The downside to this pair is that they are pretty bulky and pretty heavy. If you have the headphones around your neck then jumping with them hurts you. If you wanna bust some moves, it's better to take the headphones off. Another con is that they are uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time, which doesn't really happen when mixing but definitely does on a 2 hour bus trip. Otherwise I'm really happy with them and don't really see anything I'm missing out by owning these. Comes with a nice case too.

The R70x is one of the best investments I have made. It's hardly possible to create a pair of headphones that are so lightweight and comfortable without sacrificing anything. The headphones have a mechanism which automatically adjusts to your head every time you put them on, you never need to adjust anything. The are so comfortable I put them on when I turn on my pc and forget that I'm wearing them. Literally makes no difference if you are wearing them for 8 minutes or 8 hours straight, they still fell just as good.

Sound-wise they are absolutely amazing. Very precise. Thanks to the very wide sound field, it makes it easy to notice smaller details. In detuning, for example, subtle differences become more obvious. They are a great pair for mixing your track as well. Really hard to give anything negative about them. I guess the only downside is that since it's an open back design, you really need a quiet place to work with. You can hear your surroundings as if you didn't have them on. Actually a good thing when you wanna have a little chat in the studio. You can also Shazam a track just by placing the phone next to your headphones while wearing them :D

DJ_FunDaBounce Got me a pair of these. For dj'ing (at home, for now) they've been pretty solid. Tests in the production enviornment have been interesting, too. They are a bit "boomy" (hyped bass) but have noticed that the better reference tracks sound great all around. A shock cuz I'd gotten so used to my audio technicas that when I heard these and started to actually recognize the coloration I felt the audio technicas were perhaps not so "real". Anywhoo, I think they were like 35 bux on ebay. Great for the price as well as knowing I'm not gonna drag something like ath-m50s to get thrashed at an event.

Sony MDR V55:
Audio Warfare I have a pair of Audio Technica m50x for DJing and a pair of Sure 1840 for production stuff. Both great headphones in their respective price ranges.
Guest the power of razer dj cans and tenq vst in soundforge

Icewind Used to have some pioneers but the pleather started to peel I got some audio technicas and can't complain
barroco87 Hi! The best headphones are ATH M50X from Audio Technica!

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