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 whats the best decks to get??????

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
lookin tae by vinos im gonna get another set a decks what is the best for money?????cheers

DJ Mouse there's no question here,technics 1210's
about £700 for a pair of mk3's that'll last you a good 20 years and they're in all the clubs. can't go wrong

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
Erbl i knew there would be the techies post, cant get away from it, but its a decision you have to make, there is no longer a clear position on this. i perfer the vestax, but at the end of the day its now up to you to decide what is best.
you are still going to get the techies: its simple and lasts years, what else do you want
and the vestax:looks great, basic funtions are better (matter of opinion to me) got more things to got a more intresting mix.

the table left out is the numark ttx1, no one is sure as the reliability is not tested, but the features and handeling is ment to be great.

oh and a little thing to all the techies never break down there more reliable then vestax, ive only heard of techies breaking down, both mk2 and mk3, ive never heard of a vestax deck breaking, not to say there not relialbe though, as they are, just showing vestax has proven themselves over a fiew years.

DJ Mouse well here's your first hearing of vestax breaking down. sometimes they don't start up,the platter moves backwards and forwards till you turn it off and start again.

also,pitch sliders wear out with any deck,even technics. and when they do,you get fluctuation. it's hard to cope with on any deck,with vestax you got a 50% slider to worry about. when that starts to go then they've had it.

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
Dj Tripnosis boo everything else, I Totally suggest you go for tech 1200's Mk2 's . All the way. They'll become your bestfriends

4-Beat 4-Ever

-Hi, My name is Auto and i looove to get Blotto !! -
strychnine ... or your worst nightmare as mix after mix goes wrong and you start weighing up the money you spent on them against the sheer satisfaction you'll get by ramming your fist right through the platter :P

really though i've played on tech12's and they're excellent. the sheer feel of solidness and quality you get are unmatched IMO (although i haven't had the pleasure of test-driving those new funky-looking top-end models from the other brands).

- The artist formerly known as speccedninja
"I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving."
Erbl i knew the techies thing would continue, i am not saying they are bad decks, i am saying people need to test all the options now, as some people perfer other decks such as the vestax pdx 2000, i prefer these decks other the techies, and ive had quite alot of use on both decks

Xenochrome The major advantage of the Techies IMO is that the majority of the places that you will play are going to have them (it's been true for me anyway). By already owning them you will be used to the unique "pull" and "grab" of these decks. I've played on several different decks, and all of them have a different "feel".

Dj Tripnosis
Originally posted by Erbl:
i knew the techies thing would continue, i am not saying they are bad decks, i am saying people need to test all the options now, as some people perfer other decks such as the vestax pdx 2000, i prefer these decks other the techies, and ive had quite alot of use on both decks

Hmmm, Ive tried the Vestax ones. I don't know , it's just not the same. It feels like running on wet ice IMO. i think they feel too much like a cheap toy too. Meh, whateves, I guess i'm just true to the tech's

4-Beat 4-Ever

-Hi, My name is Auto and i looove to get Blotto !! -
Peter_Go_Zania Go with the techs. They have proven themselves time and time again. They also sound better than the vestax, because they have a S tonearm instead of a straight one.

DJ Pathfinder
Originally posted by Dj Tripnosis:
boo everything else, I Totally suggest you go for tech 1200's Mk2 's . All the way. They'll become your bestfriends

ha ha
it are mine best friends too

You can't see me,because i am the future.
DJ Mouse but you'll dump the mk 2's if you happen to mix on mk3's. now that's what ya call a best friend ;)

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
strychnine ^^ from what i can see the only *practical* difference between mk3's and mk2's is that mk3's don't have the zero-lock on the pitch control. is it really that great a difference?

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Erbl i change my mind, the best decks are the TTX1'S, get to a record store and have a go on these amazing tables. everything about them screams at you class, everything from the fader, to the torque, the platter and the thought gone into it (no more numb fingers after a long session) a strobe (target light doubles up) start up time, the look, materials used, the display with the minute pitch change shown and the way the blue things around the edge spin at the same speed the platter is going at, just amazing, the pitch has some weight, is very responcive ans wont cause any problems, the sound quality is top and if you tap the thing, no feedback!!!!!
the platter does not want to stop, but gives you as much freedom as anyone will need to mix, start up time is as quich as can be, but is ajustable, i just cant stop thinking how great these decks are

DJ Mouse the differences are: dipless pitch like you said,and an added pitch reset button. there's nothing more annoying than doing a mix and the pitch is set just off the dip,you can never get the mix spot on. with mk3's you don't have that problem. also the on/off switch is recessed so you never switch the deck off by mistake.
ppl have said that there's more torque to the mk3's but i get lots of experience on both mk2 and 3 and there's no difference there whatsoever.

erbl: yes those decks look great and everything but numark are notorious for only lasting a few years

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
strychnine i just got around it by pitching up a bit so i'm nowhere near the dip *shrugs*
then again, i'm not much of a dj, so my approach may not be the best :P

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Chull By far the best decks are made by Vestax, I and a couple of friends all got the older PDT 5000, and they p***** on the 70's rehashed techies (clunck! , as you go past 0% ha ha, and the "new" ones are 70's rehashed with non-clunking pitch, quick order me a set!).
Then they brought out the PS series, 3 types to choose from basic, "battle-mode" and digital (And don't forget the flagship 8000's). Over a year ago one of my said friends upgraded to the PDX 2000's, talk about pulling your finger off! how much torque?! We used them, knocked them about, they've been to sets we've played, and no problems at all, remembering to only touch the vinyl as the platter will wear down your finger, yeah baby! I'm waiting though for the next update of the flagship decks, can't wait!
The extra gadgets only help by letting you do all the moves you can on a techie, and a shed load of new ones you cant or wouldn't have thought of without the Vestax. I've got a tape with me mixing in Josh Winks (I know I know, hateful house, but I was having my arm twisted by my friend to do a muti-type-of-music mix) backwards into Insomnia, and believe it or not, it sounded good.
Make up your own mind though, as when you get used to whatever desks you start with, you'll tend to stick with them, and the technie update theirs every ice-age.

"Hardcore will never die!"
Chull [quote]Originally posted by DJ Mouse:
there's no question here,technics 1210's
about £700 for a pair of mk3's that'll last you a good 20 years and they're in all the clubs.
Yeah the ones in the clubs are from 20 years ago :) and they'll be the same in another 20 years

"...can't go wrong..."

I've seen plenty of 1210's and 1200's go west, usually first by spinnig way over speed then die-ing a lingering death, don't trust them.

"Hardcore will never die!"

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